[osg-users] Distribution, Viewer osgCluster

2012-10-15 Thread Kleber Jacome
Hi, I'm new in OSG, I'm using root/OpenSceneGraph/trunk/examples/osgcluster/osgcluster.cpp code #1 and this works perfect with one compute node tiled display. My problem is when I mix with the following code # 2. Open 2 windows, obviously. Because I need to use the mouse pick and keyboard to

Re: [osg-users] How to select or pick an object in OSG, in file .osg using osgviewer pick.osg?

2012-10-01 Thread Kleber Jacome
Hi, I am using this example OpenSceneGraph/examples/osgpick/osgpick.cpp, I changed and I added new keys and mouse actions, to test the program osgpick.cpp in Osgviewer and the program improved. Then I wrote a file .osg to use it on Osgviewer, but I can't run my new actions because Osgviewer

Re: [osg-users] How to select or pick an object in OSG, in file .osg using osgviewer pick.osg?

2012-09-25 Thread Kleber Jacome
Hi, Yes , I'm using the example 'osgpick' in OSG. But It does'nt found in osgviewer, using the command in console: osgviewer osgpick.osg , 'pick' or 'pickHandle' only works on the application. Osgviewer locks the keyboard and mouse, to use their own movements: osgviewer --help-keys. Is there a

Re: [osg-users] [forum] How to use OSG on Hyperworks Rocks Cluster?

2012-09-17 Thread Kleber Jacome
Hi, How to use OSG on Hyperworks Rocks Cluster with tool pirconfig, oficial page http://www.hiperworks.com/pirdoc/qstart-doc/ or to use OSG+CGLX on CentOs ? I can to do this on Centos HyperWorks moderately, I see the OSG application only on the primary node (head node) and found perfect; but

[osg-users] How to select or pick an object in OSG, in file .osg using osgviewer pick.osg?

2012-09-17 Thread Kleber Jacome
Hi, I'm working on a project, could you help me? How to select or pick an object in OSG, in file '.osg' using osgviewer pick.osg? ... Thank you! Cheers, Mao -- Read this topic online here: http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=49692#49692