Re: [osg-users] blending with shader

2016-11-11 Thread David Heitbrink
yeah basically you want to use un-warped coordinates for your blending image, 
and warped coordinates for your scene image. If not you would have to warp your 
blending image, which may be easier for you depending on process. 

As per passing your texture width, you can use the function textureSize, that 
will get the dimensions of the image:

Do keep in mind, you need to set the version number in your shader to use this. 

In our case case we basically hard coded texture width as we generated the 
shader code with our blending image, as well as a few parameters for color 
correction and a few other other things. 

You can also query the size of your texture and do a text replace on your 
shader code before loading it.

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Re: [osg-users] blending with shader

2016-11-11 Thread Gianni Ambrosio
Hi David,
thanks it works!

Here are my vertex and fragment shaders:


varying vec2 texCoord;

void main(void)
   gl_Position = ftransform();
   texCoord = gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy;


uniform float width;
uniform float height;
uniform float gamma;
uniform sampler2D sceneTexture;
uniform sampler2D blendTexture;
uniform sampler2D blackTexture;

varying vec2 texCoord;

void main(void) {
   vec4 sceneColor = texture2D(sceneTexture, texCoord);
   vec2 fragCoord = vec2(gl_FragCoord.x/width, gl_FragCoord.y/height);
   vec4 blendColor = texture2D(blendTexture, fragCoord);
   vec4 blackColor = texture2D(blackTexture, fragCoord);
   vec4 gammaVector = vec4(gamma, gamma, gamma, 1.0);
   gl_FragColor = pow(pow(sceneColor*blendColor, gammaVector) * (1.0 - 
pow(blackColor, gammaVector)) + pow(blackColor, gammaVector), 1.0/gammaVector);

I had to use fragCoord for blending images because those images must not be 
Is that code correct? I mean, it works but maybe there is a cleaner way to 
implement that. In particulare, is there a way to avoid passing "width' and 
"height" variables to the shader?


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Re: [osg-users] blending with shader

2016-11-10 Thread David Heitbrink
OK, I see it now. Taking a quick look at the code, it seems what you want to do 
is to add a vertex shader, and pass the texture coordinates from you Mesh, into 
your fragment shader. Then in your fragment shader use the texture coordinates 
in this line:

"vec4 sceneColor = texture2D(sceneTexture, texCoord); \n"
If you use the texCoord, texture coordinate for the sceneColor, its just going 
to pull the pixel from your first rendering pass from its space on the screen. 
The point of the warping mesh is it maps the pixel to a new place. 

You will still want to use texCoord to get the blending value.

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Re: [osg-users] blending with shader

2016-11-10 Thread Gianni Ambrosio
Hi David,
you should find the complete code (including the shader) in the 
"osgdistortion.cpp" file I attached in a previous message. I modified the 
original OSG example to include the blending shader I used. If you download it 
and the "blending.png" image (attached to the same message) and modify the path 
properly inside the cpp file, you can have a full example.

Thanks for your support,

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Re: [osg-users] blending with shader

2016-11-10 Thread David Heitbrink
Can you post your shader code? For testing you might try just rendering your 
texture coordinates for the scene texture, and the texture coordinates for your 
blending texture, they should be different.

If you are still using this:

" vec4 sceneColor = texture2D(sceneTexture, texCoord);\n"
" vec4 blendingColor = texture2D(blendTexture, texCoord);\n" 

Using the screen space coordinate for your sceneColor, is basically going to 
have the affect of undoing the warping. You need a texture coordinate from your 
warping geometry.

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Re: [osg-users] blending with shader

2016-11-10 Thread Gianni Ambrosio
Hi All,
I can apply blending to a texture rendered with a RTT camera from a shader but 
now I have a different problem.

Before blending I have to apply a distortion to the scene because of a 
projection on a curved screen. Blending image is already distorted so I have to 
apply blending on an already distorted texture of the scene.
I'm trying to implement distortion/warping moving texcoords of a Geometry node 
(i.e. geometry->setTexCoordArray(0, tcoords);). That geometry is a grid where 
the texture, that comes from RTT camera, is applied.

Here is the code to attach the blending shader to the Geometry/Geode:


void addShader(osg::Geode* node, double width, double height)
   osg::StateSet * stateset = node->getOrCreateStateSet();

   osg::Program * program = new osg::Program;
   addFragmentShader(program, blendingShaderFilePath);

   stateset->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("width", (float)width));
   stateset->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("height", (float)height));
   stateset->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("gamma", gamma));
   stateset->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("eye", osg::Vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)));

   osg::ref_ptr< osg::Image> blendingImage = 
   osg::Texture2D* blendingTexture = new osg::Texture2D(blendingImage.get());

   stateset->setTextureAttribute(1, blendingTexture);
   stateset->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("blendTexture", 1));

The problem is that I can just see the blended image, while distortion is lost.

How could I make distortion/warping live together with blending?


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Re: [osg-users] blending with shader

2016-10-12 Thread Gianni Ambrosio
Thanks for the explanations.

d_a_heitbrink wrote:
> As per the inout, this states the parameter into the function is both an 
> input and an output. I set the version for my shader to something like 4.5 in 
> compatibility mode. The function was called last in my shader.

I was just asking how do you get the value of color parameter passed to the 
function not the meaning of "inout" (I already read that from documentation ;))


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Re: [osg-users] blending with shader

2016-10-11 Thread David Heitbrink
The function I posted was similar to a function I called from my shader I ran 
in my final pass. What you have is functionally the similar. 

As per the inout, this states the parameter into the function is both an input 
and an output. I set the version for my shader to something like 4.5 in 
compatibility mode. The function was called last in my shader. 

As per your program I think you were are getting into trouble is here:

vec2 texCoord = vec2(gl_FragCoord.x/width, gl_FragCoord.y/height); 
vec4 sceneColor = texture2D(sceneTexture, texCoord); 
vec4 blendingColor = texture2D(blendTexture, texCoord);

Your texCoord, is basically the location on your display device. This is what 
you want to use to lookup your blending value. 

But you will want to use a separate coordinate for your scene color. You 
basically need the texture coordinate from your warping geometry. 

As per not setting a uniform for the sampler if I remember which I might be 
totally wrong about, the value of the uniform is going to default to 0, which 
in this case will default to texture unit 0, if the uniform is never set.

Also with texture attribute 0, I assume that's being used for your scene 
texture. So your scene texture and your blending texture must use different 
texture units.

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Re: [osg-users] blending with shader

2016-10-10 Thread Gianni Ambrosio
Hi David,
I'm not able to use the BlendFunct you posted but it seems I can get something 
nice with the following (fragment) shader:

char myBlendingProgram[] =
"uniform float width;\n"
"uniform float height;\n"
"uniform sampler2D sceneTexture;\n"
"uniform sampler2D blendTexture;\n"
"void main(void) {\n"
"   vec2 texCoord = vec2(gl_FragCoord.x/width, gl_FragCoord.y/height);\n"
"   vec4 sceneColor = texture2D(sceneTexture, texCoord);\n"
"   vec4 blendingColor = texture2D(blendTexture, texCoord);\n"
"   gl_FragColor = sceneColor * blendingColor;\n"

Anyway I have some questions.

In your BlendFunct I don't know how you get the "inout vec4 color" parameter. I 
guess it's something like "sceneColor" in my shader. But I would like to know 
the proper way you suggest to get it.

just like the osgdistortion example, I have the following OSG node structure:

root (osg::Group)
+--- renderToTextureCamera (osg::Camera)
|  +--- (Scene)
+--- hudCamera(osg::Camera)
   +--- geode (osg::Geode)
  +--- geometry (osg::Geometry)

To the renderToTextureCamera I call:
camera->attach(osg::Camera::COLOR_BUFFER, texture);

While I attach the texture to the geometry with the code:
osg::StateSet* stateset = geometry->getOrCreateStateSet();
stateset->setTextureAttributeAndModes(0, texture, osg::StateAttribute:: ON);
stateset->setMode(GL_LIGHTING, osg::StateAttribute::OFF);

And I attach the shader to the Geode node.

Is it correct to attach the shader to the geode?

Anyway, here is the code I use to attach the shader and related uniforms to the 
geode stateset:

void OsgPlugin::addShader(osg::Geode* node)
osg::StateSet * stateset = node->getOrCreateStateSet();

osg::Program * program = new osg::Program;
program->addShader(new osg::Shader(osg::Shader::FRAGMENT, 

stateset->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("width", (float)1280.0));
stateset->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("height", (float)720.0));

osg::ref_ptr< osg::Image> blendingImage = 
osg::Texture2D* texture = new osg::Texture2D(blendingImage.get());
texture->setFilter(osg::Texture2D::MIN_FILTER, osg::Texture2D::LINEAR);
texture->setFilter(osg::Texture2D::MAG_FILTER, osg::Texture2D::LINEAR);

stateset->setTextureAttribute(1, texture);
stateset->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("blendTexture", 1));

One note: I have to use 1 as first parameter of setTextureAttribute to make my 
example working (with 0 it didn't work).
On the other hand I was surprised to have a valid sceneTexture in my shader 
without setting it on the stateset of the geode nor adding a uniform for it! 
Can you exaplain me why? I can suppose the TextureAttribute can be inherited 
from the stateset of the related geometry but I can't understand why the 
uniform is not needed.

Moreover, the "sceneTexture" variable I get in the shader is not distorted. In 
fact I used the same code of osgdistortion exampe for the moment where a sort 
of distortion is implemented on the geometry.
If I remove the shader I can correctly see the distortion. Can you explain me 
why please?

I have one more question (problem to solve) but I think that's enough for the 

Best regards,

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Re: [osg-users] blending with shader

2016-10-05 Thread David Heitbrink
Taking a quick look at the code, yes it seems like it is a good example. 

So basically taking a quick read of this, you render your scene to a texture, 
then render a dome basically setup to do your warping, with the results from 
the render to texture, as its texture. You basically want to attach your 
blending shader to this 2nd rendering pass where you render the dome.

You might also look at osg::viewer::PanoramicSphericalDisplay. 

Also a quick tip when you do the render to texture, you need to set the 
multisampleSamples, and multisampleColorSamples, this basically sets your 
anti-aliasing. At least the last time I checked, the over-ride program settings 
for most graphics drivers do not effect render to texture rendering.

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Re: [osg-users] blending with shader

2016-10-05 Thread Gianni Ambrosio
do ypu think the osgdistortion example is a good starting point to create the 
proper osg structure to render the scent into a texture?


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Re: [osg-users] blending with shader

2016-10-03 Thread David Heitbrink
You should be able to grab the state set in the pre-render callback and bind 
your image for blending + add any uniforms you need there. You will want to 
pick a texture level that you are not going to use rendering your scene. You 
will also need to bind your shader the the scene as well. 

One thing you might consider if you are using a NVidia Quardro card, is they do 
have API for warping and blending which will work at the driver level, so you 
will not make any coding changes with your application to use it:

I think ATI has something similar for there professional cards as well but I am 
not familiar with them. 

One thing you will likely run into problems with if you do not use a 
professional card is dealing with sync. From past experience we have had two 
identical displays attached to the same video card not run at the same, and 
have had different vertical syncs on each display. Having the vertical syncs 
different on each display can lead to tear lines in your blend regions.
Also there a few companies like Scalable Display 
(Http:// that have warping + blending software.

What I have done for warping and blending is to write my own Shader for doing 
blending, and then to use the API I mentioned above for the warping. We did our 
own blending to deal with the gamma curve for the projectors.

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Re: [osg-users] blending with shader

2016-09-30 Thread David Heitbrink
Its kind of tough to say without having a good idea about what exactly you can 
do with your plugin. I can say what you most likely need to do is to bind a 
texture with your blend map to your scene some how.

Ideally you would do this in a 2nd rendering pass. Basically you want to 
perform blending on a final image. 

In your fragment shader you can use gl_FragCoord, this will get you the screen 
coordinate of the current fragment (basically pixel). Then you can use 
texelFetch to lookup a scaler for your output pixel. For example if you had 
this function you called last in your fragment shader:

uniform sampler2D blendTexture;
void BlendFunct(inout vec4 color){
vec4 blendVal = texalFetch(blendTexture,gl_FragCoord.xy,0);
color.rgb = color.rgb * blendVal.rgbl;

In practical terms you often have to deal with the gamma settings for your 
projectors, and things are not always linear. When you have things in your 
scene with transparency were things get blended together, its ideal to do a 
multi-pass rendering.

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