[osint] Company Wants To Offer Taser Guns To Public

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
Company Wants To Offer Taser Guns To Public Police Believe Stun Guns Will Cause More Harm Than Good POSTED: 10:03 a.m. EDT July 25, 2005 UPDATED: 10:03 a.m. EDT July 25, 2005 Story by nbc6.net http://www.nbc6.net DAVIE, Fla. -- Taser stun guns are already a source of controversy in

[osint] FW: 300 Islamists under tight watch in Germany

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
Question is: Why are they IN Germany? Or why are they STILL in Germany? Everyone is not a terrorist, but of course everyone of them is a POTENTIAL terrorist. Bruce 300 Islamists under tight watch in Germany Jul. 25, 2005 at 6:30AM Three hundred potentially radical Islamists are

[osint] Homegrown Risk Worries U.S. Muslims

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
This is typical propaganda...Goebbels Big Lies...if Muslim Student Associations, the Council on American Islamic Relations, the Muslim Public Affairs Council, and the Islamic Society of North America are mainstream Muslim organizations then bin Laden is a mainstream Muslim. Bruce Homegrown

[osint] FW: Threat of Islamic extremism that stretches across Europe

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
Threat of Islamic extremism that stretches across Europe By Anthony Browne The successful integration of Muslims across the continent is vital if we are to stop the militants http://images.thetimes.co.uk/images/trans.gif

[osint] Terrorism concerns may boost long-stalled Great Lakes shipping project

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
Terrorism concerns may boost long-stalled Great Lakes shipping project http://www.freep.com/news/statewire/sw118897_20050725.htm July 25, 2005, 3:32 PM SAULT STE. MARIE, Mich. (AP) -- A few weeks after the 2001 terrorist attacks, security guards became suspicious when two men videotaped the

[osint] Caribou won't sell pork, beer or lottery tickets

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
Caribou won't sell pork, beer or lottery tickets July 25, 2005 TRACK0725 http://oas.startribune.com/RealMedia/ads/adstream_lx.ads/www.startribune.co m/business/1324659445/Button20/StarTribune/PowerOne_1012-101105_ROS_bigad/30

[osint] More info on Curtis House

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://news.independent.co.uk/uk/crime/article301666.ece http://news.independent.co.uk/uk/crime/article301666.ece Sam Jones, 33, a resident of the 12-storey housing block said she had seen Ibrahim carrying a large quantity of an unidentified chemical into the building with another man three or

[osint] FW: Two-thirds of Muslims consider leaving UK

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
The UK government should have encouraged them (even provided incentives). Bruce Two-thirds of Muslims consider leaving UK Vikram Dodd Tuesday July 26, 2005 http://www.guardian.co.uk/ The Guardian http://www.guardian.co.uk/attackonlondon/story/0,16132,1536222,00.html Hundreds of

[osint] London Bombers on Welfare

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
Smart move...let the enemy pay your expenses. Stupid on our part though. Bruce Bombers on benefits http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,200460-2005340267,00.html http://images.thesun.co.uk/images/trans.gif Hunt ... Omar

[osint] Tennessee!! US Anti-Immigration Movement Spreads

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
Typical journalistic bombast...and misleading headline...it is an Anti-ILLEGAL Immigrant Movement. Bruce http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20050718/ap_on_re_us/anti_immigration_minutemen U.S. Anti-Immigration Movement Spreads By DUNCAN MANSFIELD, Associated Press WriterSun Jul 17, 9:41 PM ET A


2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.sky.com/x/x.gif Police at Curtis House http://static.sky.com/images/pictures/1317865.jpg http://www.sky.com/x/x.gif http://www.sky.com/x/x.gif Police at Curtis House http://www.sky.com/x/x.gif http://www.sky.com/x/x.gif TERROR

[osint] Third Group Claims Responsibility for Egypt Bombs

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
Misdirection and deception ops...they are all al-Qaeda. Bruce Third Group Claims Responsibility for Egypt Bombs By REUTERS http://www.nytimes.com/reuters/international/international-egypt-explosions- claim.html?pagewanted=print Filed at 0:40 a.m. ET DUBAI (Reuters) - A third previously

[osint] Kerala tracks Iranian passport forger

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
Islamic terrorism? There is always an Iranian connection. Bruce http://www.asianage.com/main.asp?layout=2cat1=1cat2=22newsid=171502 http://www.asianage.com/main.asp?layout=2cat1=1cat2=22newsid=171502 Kerala tracks Iranian passport forger - By K. Venugopal Thiruvananthapuram, July

[osint] Palestinian Incitement on local radio stations

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.intelligence.org.il/eng/sib/7_05/al_quds_b.htm Special Information Bulletin Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center at the Center for Special Studies (C.S.S) July 17, 2005 Incitement on local radio stations: Sawt al-Aqsa, a radio station run by Hamas and

[osint] Man arrested after NYC Penn Station scare

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
Man arrested after NYC Penn Station scare USATODAY July 26, 2005 NEW YORK (AP) - A man was arraigned Monday on charges stemming from a bomb scare that emptied busy Pennsylvania Station and disrupted service on Amtrak, commuter trains and city subways for about an hour. Another bomb

[osint] Illegal entry by non Mexicans rises

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
Illegal entry by non Mexicans rises By Kris Axtman, The Christian Science http://www.csmonitor.com/ Monitor USATODAY July 25, 2005 HOUSTON - After decades of attempting to dam the flow of Mexican immigrants crossing into the United States illegally, federal agents say a new crisis

[osint] Pakistanis not involved in attack

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
Pakistanis not involved in attack By SARAH EL DEEB Associated Press Writer Arizona Republic July 26, 2005 SHARM EL-SHEIK, Egypt (AP) -- An Egyptian diplomat said Tuesday Pakistanis were not involved in the weekend bombing spree in this Red Sea resort, despite police circulating

[osint] Philippines: 10 would-be suicide bombers sought

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.sunstar.com.ph/static/net/2005/07/26/nat.l.security.adviser.says. 10.would.be.suicide.bombers.being.sought.(7.30.p.m.).html Tuesday, July 26, 2005 Nat'l security adviser says 10 would-be suicide bombers being sought (7:30 p.m.) MANILA -- Philippine security forces are hunting 10

[osint] British politicians debate terror tactics

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
Is the Police Commissioner the British Yogi Berra? He has a propensity for contradicting himself: The police commissioner has indicated he believed al-Qaida-linked terrorists were involved in both the July 7 and July 21 attacks. Asked if the attacks were connected, he said: We have no proof

[osint] Using the system to destroy the system

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
_ http://www.defenddemocracy.org/img/banner.gif Foundation for Defense of Democracies In the Media Wanted, But Kept Out of Reach Wanted, But Kept Out of Reach Patricia Hurtado Newsday April 24, 2005 They are alleged to be some of the most dangerous men in the world.

[osint] The Madrassa Industry -Ishtiaq Ahmed

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
The Madrassa industry —Ishtiaq Ahmed http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=story_26-7-2005_pg3_2 The international jihad recruited idealist young Muslim men from all over the world for the Afghan war. Some of them went to the madrassas. This industry has now gone bust. Those who

[osint] Pope won't call Islam religion of peace

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
Well, it is not a religion of peace. It is an ideology of conquest, war and death. Bruce http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=45449 Pope won't call Islam religion of peace 'I would not like to use big words to apply generic labels' Posted: July 26, 2005 1:00 a.m. Eastern

[osint] Nervous bravado in European cities under Qaeda threat

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.gulf-times.com/site/topics/article.asp?cu_no=2 http://www.gulf-times.com/site/topics/article.asp?cu_no=2item_no=45997ver sion=1template_id=39parent_id=21 item_no=45997version=1template_id=39parent_id=21 Nervous bravado in European cities under Qaeda threat

[osint] Al-Qaeda in Iraq to execute kidnapped Algerian diplomats

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://za.today.reuters.com/news/newsArticle.aspx?type=topNews http://za.today.reuters.com/news/newsArticle.aspx?type=topNewsstoryID=2005 -07-26T113046Z_01_BAN641413_RTRIDST_0_OZATP-IRAQ-ALGERIA-QAEDA-20050726.XML storyID=2005-07-26T113046Z_01_BAN641413_RTRIDST_0_OZATP-IRAQ-ALGERIA-QAEDA- 20050726

[osint] New EU bank rules to cut off terror funds

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://euobserver.com/?sid=9 http://euobserver.com/?sid=9aid=19642 aid=19642 New EU bank rules to cut off terror funds 26.07.2005 - 09:52 CET | By Lucia Kubosova The European Commission is set to table a proposal that will require banks to register the name, address and account number of

[osint] Martin livin' la vida Islam

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
Useful dupe. Bruce http://www.nashuatelegraph.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050726/ENTERTAIN MENT/107260047/-1/FOOD Martin livin' la vida Islam Published: Tuesday, Jul. 26, 2005 On his first visit to the Middle East, Ricky Martin declared he will try to change negative perceptions

[osint] Bombings police find explosives

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
Bombings police find explosives BBC July 26, 2005 Muktar Said Ibrahim (L) and Yasin Hassan Omar Police are hunting for Muktar Said Ibrahim (L) and Yasin Hassan Omar Police hunting the men suspected of attacking three Tubes and a bus last Thursday have found a large amount of possible

[osint] UK victim of Egypt attack named

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
UK victim of Egypt attack named BBC July 26, 2005 Keri Davies, Kristina Miller Mr Davies and Ms Miller were hoping to start a new life in Australia A Briton who died in the bombing at the Egyptian resort of Sharm al-Sheikh has been named by his family as Keri Davies, 29, from Fareham,

[osint] Raid Targets Islamic Charity in Falls Church

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
Not a charity but a terrorist front organization. Bruce Raid Targets Islamic Charity in Falls Church By Mary Beth Sheridan Washington Post Staff Writer Tuesday, July 26, 2005; B05 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/07/25/AR200507250 1632.html

[osint] Insurgents joining Iraqi police

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
Insurgents joining Iraqi police BBC July 26, 2005 Iraqi police commandos There are serious questions about the effectiveness of the forces Iraq's police force is recruiting insurgents and former criminals to its ranks, according to a report released by the US defence department. It

[osint] Brazilian priest murdered in Rio

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
Brazilian priest murdered in Rio BBC July 26, 2005 Map of Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil A Brazilian priest who campaigned for the families of 29 people allegedly killed by rogue police officers has been shot dead. Paulo Henrique Machado, 35, was shot at least five times while in his car

[osint] Four cases of smallpox in Brazil

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://internacional.radiobras.gov.br/ingles/materia_i_2004.php?materia=2333 46q=1editoria Health Inspection rules out risk of smallpox epidemic in the country 14:14 Rosamélia de Abreu Reporter - Agência Brasil Brasília - Brazil is not running the risk of a smallpox epidemic, according to

[osint] Algerian terrorist Ressam offers no more help, faces stiffer sentence

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
Algerian terrorist Ressam offers no more help, faces stiffer sentence By Hal Bernton Seattle Times Monday, July 25, 2005 - 12:00 AM http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2002401797_webressam25.html http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2002401797_webressam25.html

[osint] Suicide Bomber Identified in Egypt Attack: Youssef Badran

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
Suicide Bomber Identified in Egypt Attack By SARAH EL DEEB Associated Press Writer 6:27 AM PDT, July 26, 2005 SHARM EL-SHEIK, Egypt - Investigators have identified a suicide bomber in the weekend attacks that killed scores in this Red Sea resort, saying he was an Egyptian with Islamic militant


2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.adnki.com/index_2Level.php?cat=Terrorism http://www.adnki.com/index_2Level.php?cat=Terrorismloid=8.0.190699387par= 0 loid=8.0.190699387par=0 SAUDI ARABIA: BIN LADEN FAMILY REQUESTS SURNAME CHANGE javascript:aumenta(); javascript:diminuisci(); Riyadh, 26

[osint] Jihad Travel Guide

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://bellaciao.org/en/article.php3?id_article=7181 Tuesday 26th July 2005 (06h58) : Let's Go Terror. Jihad Travel Guide http://bellaciao.org/en/images/rien.gif http://service.spiegel.de/cache/int... http://service.spiegel.de/cache/international/0,1518,366723,00.html Let's Go Terror

[osint] RE: Four cases of smallpox in Brazil (not eradicated?)

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/aso/databank/entries/dm79sp.html World Health Organization declares smallpox eradicated 1980 Photo: Poster published by World Health Organization at Geneva, Switzerland, after declaration of eradiction of smallpox on earth, May 8, 1980. AP/Wide World Photos One of the

[osint] US Military country clearance required for travel to Mexico

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
Ladies and Gentlemen, Since USNORTHCOM issued its travel advisory for Mexico our office has been overwhelmed with requests for information. I will try to answer everyone's questions with this one email. If you still have questions I have not covered feel free to call or email. 1.

[osint] Senate, White House disagree over treatment of terrorism suspects

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.kplctv.com/Global/story.asp?S=3639522 Senate, White House disagree over treatment of terrorism suspects WASHINGTON A bill setting Defense Department policy for the next year could put the Senate on a collision course with the White House. Senate Republicans have offered

[osint] The vital clue? Food container used for abortive London bombs may hold key to attacks

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
The vital clue? Food container used for abortive London bombs may hold key to attacks By Jason Bennetto, Cahal Milmo and Kim Sengupta Published: 26 July 2005 The Independent Vital evidence in the hunt for the four failed suicide bombers was revealed yesterday after police named two


2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
He's wrong, of course. Wonder when he last asked a Muslim (who replied truthfully) what the objective of Islam is? All Muslims wish to subject the world to the dominion of Islam. Muslims will only succeed if the whole of the western world does not recognize this. Bruce

[osint] RE: Four cases of smallpox in Brazil CORRECTION!

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
_ From: Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2005 10:21 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: re: Four cases of smallpox in Brazil http://www.terroristwarning.com CORRECTION / Update: The 'smallpox' news item below appears to be the result of improper translation on the part of the news

[osint] Police Van Blown Up in Dagestan; bomb defused near Makhachkala

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
Police Van Blown Up in Dagestan By VOA News 26 July 2005 Russian authorities say a police van has been blown up in the southern republic of Dagestan, wounding six officers. The explosion occurred early Tuesday in a town (Khasavyurt) west of the regional capital, Makhachkala. Two of the

[osint] Singapore Citizens Concerned About Terrorism

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.angus-reid.com/polls/index.cfm/fuseaction/viewItem/itemID/8233 Singapore Citizens Concerned About Terrorism http://www.angus-reid.com/collateral/images/horz_sep_1.gif (Angus Reid Global Scan) - Many adults in Singapore are worried about the possibility of an attack,

[osint] Australia's Muslims Urged To Condemn Extremism

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
Interesting that they would need to be urged...of course they will, for propaganda and PR reasons. -Bruce Australia's Muslims Urged To Condemn Extremism By Phil Mercer VOA NEWS Sydney 26 July 2005 Australia's Islamic leaders are being urged to denounce terrorism. Senior Islamic figures,

[osint] Two Austrian Tourists murdered in The Bahamas

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.caribbeannetnews.com/2005/07/26/murdered.shtml Tourists murdered in The Bahamas Bahamas Commissioner of Police Paul Farquharson by Norman 'Gus' Thomas Caribbean Net News Senior Regional Correspondent E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Monday, July 25, 2005 ALICE TOWN, Bahamas: The Caribbean

[osint] Checkpoints Are Thought to Have Hastened 2 Egypt Blasts

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
Checkpoints Are Thought to Have Hastened 2 Egypt Blasts July 26, 2005 Checkpoints Are Thought to Have Hastened 2 Egypt Blasts By MARK LANDLER and GREG MYRE SHARM EL SHEIK, Egypt, July 25 - Egyptian officials, giving their first detailed account of a deadly terrorist strike at this Red Sea

[osint] Lessons from Leeds (Tablighi Jamaat)

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
DER SPIEGEL 29/2005 - July 18, 2005 URL: http://www.spiegel.de/international/spiegel/0,1518,365616,00.html http://www.spiegel.de/international/spiegel/0,1518,365616,00.html Terror Lessons from Leeds By Holger Stark and Dominik Cziesche After the Sept. 11 attacks in the United

[osint] Abu Mohammed al Maqdisi: al-Zarqawi Spiritual Godfather

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
Abu Mohammed al Maqdisi: al-Zarqawi Spiritual Godfather 26/07/2005 By Mshari Al-Zaydi http://aawsat.com/english/news.asp?id=968 javascript:popImage('/english/images/2005/07/26/O397968.jpg','') javascript:popImage('/english/images/2005/07/26/O397968.jpg','') Abu

[osint] London Attack Suspect Is Also Sought by US: Ujaama

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
London Attack Suspect Is Also Sought by US (7/25/2005): London Attack Suspect Is Also Sought by U.S. The British man, a Muslim who spoke by cellphone with suicide bombers, had plans to set up a terrorist camp in Oregon, officials say. By Richard A. Serrano Times Staff Writer July 25, 2005

[osint] EUROPE: The Second Front (Islamic terrorism is like HIV-AIDS)

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
French investigative judge Jean-Louis Bruguiere has long been warning that the war against radicals is one which needs to be won quickly. Bruguiere compares the jihadists to the HIV-virus. Whenever anyone thinks it has been conquered, it just returns in a newer, more dangerous form. SPIEGEL


2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
From Mary Jo Kopechne... I would have been 65 years of age this year. Read about me and my killer below. When Sen. Ted Kennedy was merely just another Democrat bloating on Capitol Hill on behalf of liberal causes, it was perhaps excusable to ignore his deplorable past. But now that he's

[osint] Iraqi minister blasts Syria on terrorists

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
Iraqi minister blasts Syria on terrorists BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- Iraq's defense minister criticized Syria on Tuesday for ignoring Iraqi demands to stop the infiltration of terrorists. The official, Saadoun al-Dulaimi, singled out Iraq's western neighbor as among states that are slack

[osint] Bus bomb suspect family's shock

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
Bus bomb suspect family's shock http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/4718797.stm Muktar Said Ibrahim http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/41345000/jpg/_41345063_said_ibrahim_p a203.jpg Ibrahim's family had not seen him for months before he was named by police The family of suspected would-be

[osint] Bombings police search seized car

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
Bombings police search seized car Police hunting the men behind the 21 July failed bomb attacks on London are searching a car for forensic evidence. Security sources say it is thought one of the bombers could have been in the white VW Golf, seized in East Finchley, north London, at some

[osint] China a novice in wheeler-dealer ways of capital

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
Novice, maybe...but too dangerous to be allowed to play. Bruce China a novice in wheeler-dealer ways of capital By William Neikirk Tribune senior correspondent Mon Jul 25, 9:40 AM ET http://news.yahoo.com/s/chitribts/chinaanoviceinwheelerdealerwaysofcapital;_

[osint] Timeline: London bombings developments

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
Timeline: London bombings developments http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/4694069.stm A day-by-day look at developments following the London bombings: TUESDAY 26 JULY Police find a large quantity of possible explosives in a flat in New Southgate, north London, where bomb suspect Yasin

[osint] Londoners Grappling With Pervasive New Foes: Fear and Suspicion

2005-07-26 Thread gwen831
http://www.nytimes.com/2005/07/26/international/europe/26mood.html Londoners Grappling With Pervasive New Foes: Fear and Suspicion By SARAH LYALL Published: July 26, 2005 LONDON, July 25 - It's a new geography for a new London. This city, which prides itself on its imperturbability, which

[osint] Police Name 2 of 4 Men Linked to Bomb Attempts

2005-07-26 Thread gwen831
http://www.nytimes.com/2005/07/26/international/europe/26london.html Police Name 2 of 4 Men Linked to Bomb Attempts By ALAN COWELL Published: July 26, 2005 LONDON, July 25 - The British police on Monday identified by name two of four men suspected of trying to set off bombs on the London

[osint] Searching for Footprints: Bombings Link Doubted

2005-07-26 Thread gwen831
http://www.nytimes.com/2005/07/25/international/europe/25qaeda.html NEWS ANALYSIS Searching for Footprints: Bombings Link Doubted By ELAINE SCIOLINO and DON VAN NATTA Jr. Published: July 25, 2005 LONDON, July 24 - As Britain and Egypt struggle to absorb the effects of terrorist attacks on

[osint] 5th Man in Britain Attacks May Be at Large

2005-07-26 Thread gwen831
http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/international/AP-Britain- Bombings.html 5th Man in Britain Attacks May Be at Large By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Published: July 26, 2005 Filed at 5:46 a.m. ET LONDON (AP) -- British police Monday identified two of four men believed responsible for last week's

[osint] Apology of 'pigs' rejected

2005-07-26 Thread gwen831
http://www.news.com.au/story/0,10117,16061585-38199,00.html Apology of 'pigs' rejected From correspondents in Rio de Janeiro July 26, 2005 From: Agence France-Presse THE family of a Brazilian electrician shot dead by London police who mistook him for a suicide bombing suspect has rejected

[osint] NYPD studies London bombings for lessons

2005-07-26 Thread gwen831
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/8709083/ NYPD studies London bombings for lessons Explosives expert dispatched to U.K.; police contacting chemical suppliers NEW YORK - Scrambling to prevent a U.S. version of the recent terror attacks in London, the New York Police Department dispatched its own

[osint] Security Forces of Palestinians Are Found Unfit

2005-07-26 Thread gwen831
http://www.nytimes.com/2005/07/26/international/middleeast/26mideast. html?themc=th Security Forces of Palestinians Are Found Unfit By STEVEN ERLANGER Published: July 26, 2005 JERUSALEM, July 25 - The security forces of the Palestinian Authority are divided, weak, overstaffed, badly motivated

[osint] Terrorism and the Random Search

2005-07-26 Thread gwen831
http://www.nytimes.com/2005/07/26/opinion/26tue1.html?themc=th EDITORIAL Terrorism and the Random Search Published: July 26, 2005 London's bombings continue to echo throughout the urban world. In New York City, commuters have been facing random searches of backpacks, duffel bags and

[osint] Court Sentences Killer of Dutch Filmmaker

2005-07-26 Thread gwen831
http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/international/AP-Netherlands-Van- Gogh.html Court Sentences Killer of Dutch Filmmaker By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Published: July 26, 2005 Filed at 5:11 a.m. ET AMSTERDAM, Netherlands (AP) -- A Dutch court sentenced the confessed killer of a Dutch filmmaker to life

[osint] Checkpoints Are Thought to Have Hastened 2 Egypt Blasts

2005-07-26 Thread gwen831
http://www.nytimes.com/2005/07/26/international/africa/26egypt.html? themc=th Checkpoints Are Thought to Have Hastened 2 Egypt Blasts Egyptian Interior Ministry The police released photos of five Pakistani men wanted for questioning, but officials said no evidence linked them to the attack.

[osint] Did a fifth bomber lose nerve and dump bomb?

2005-07-26 Thread gwen831
http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,22989-1707430,00.html July 25, 2005 Did a fifth bomber lose nerve and dump bomb? BY DANIEL MCGRORY POLICE fear that there may have been a fifth bomber who failed to carry out his suicide mission last Thursday after the discovery of a suspect package

[osint] Truth Telling on Zimbabwe

2005-07-26 Thread gwen831
http://www.nytimes.com/2005/07/26/opinion/26tue2.html EDITORIAL Truth Telling on Zimbabwe • Published: July 26, 2005 Anna Tibaijuka, the highest-ranking African woman at the United Nations, is not one of the boys. Maybe that's why she did not mince her words about the horrors going on

[osint] Muslim Police arrest dating couples

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
Police arrest dating couples From correspondents in Jakarta July 25, 2005 From: Agence France-Presse SHARIA police in the Indonesian province of Aceh have rounded up about three dozen unmarried women and men caught dating in public places on the weekend, a report said today. All

[osint] The Muslim American Society: Not Moderate

2005-07-26 Thread gwen831
http://www.deanesmay.com/posts/1122381726.shtml The Muslim American Society: Not Moderate Mary Madigan According to CNN the Muslim American Society is launching an anti- terrorism campaign. WASHINGTON (CNN) — A coalition of U.S.-based Muslim groups launched an intensified anti-terrorism

[osint] The myth of the 'moderate' Muslim

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.canoe.ca/CNEWSImages2003/canoenet600.gif Wed, July 20, 2005 The myth of the 'moderate' Muslim By SALIM MANSUR http://www.canoe.ca/NewsStand/Columnists/London/Salim_Mansur/2005/07/20/pf-1 138956.html Since at least Sept. 11, 2001, the non-Muslim world at large has

[osint] Student claims he was targeted by AFP

2005-07-26 Thread gwen831
http://news.ninemsn.com.au/article.aspx?id=56346 Student claims he was targeted by AFP 17:59 AEST Tue Jul 26 2005 AAP A Melbourne university student specialising in martyrdom and terrorism says he was unfairly targeted by federal police because he has a Muslim name. The student, who is known

[osint] Sweeping changes to protect Sydney

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
Sweeping changes to protect Sydney By Andrew Clennell and Alexandra Smith July 26, 2005 Sydney Morning Herald Commuters could have their bags randomly searched, bomb-sniffing dogs could patrol stations and closed-circuit television could be expanded across the city under drastic measures

[osint] Outside View: The Muslim mind is on fire

2005-07-26 Thread gwen831
http://news.monstersandcritics.com/middleeast/article_1036709.php/Out side_View_The_Muslim_mind_is_on_fire Outside View: The Muslim mind is on fire By Youssef M. Ibrahim Jul 26, 2005, 5:11 GMT DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (UPI) -- The world of Islam is on fire. Indeed the Muslim mind is on

[osint] Federal Authorities Detain Muslim Charity Director

2005-07-26 Thread gwen831
http://www.wmal.com/listingsEntry.asp?ID=353016PT=NEWS 630 WMAL News Federal Authorities Detain Muslim Charity Director FALLS CHURCH, Va. (AP) - Federal officials have raided the northern Virginia office of a Saudi-based charity and detained its director. The Muslim World League office in

[osint] FW: ACLU investigates random train searches

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
ACLU investigates random train searches By JOHN CHRISTOFFERSEN Associated Press Writer STAMFORD, Conn. The American Civil Liberties Union of Connecticut has begun an investigation into a new practice of random searches on Metro-North trains, a spokesman said Monday. The searches began last week

[osint] UPI Issue brief: The FBI's internal security

2005-07-26 Thread Shaun Waterman
Please find below an example of UPI's continuing coverage of the FBI and federal law enforcement. I hope you find it interesting. You may link to it on the web here: http://www.upi.com/view.cfm?StoryID=20050725-115357-5141r If you have any comments or questions about this piece, need any more

[osint] Is Toronto Prepared for a Terrorist Attack?

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/ArticleNews/TPStory/LAC/20050716/TORA TTACK16/National/Idx Is Toronto Prepared for a Terrorist Attack? By JOE FRIESEN AND KATIE ROOK Saturday, July 16, 2005 Page A11 http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/Page/document/hubsv3/tgamHub?searchT

[osint] Authorities arrest Muslims with NYC Maps, Video

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
Deported! They will be back. -Bruce http://abcnews.go.com/US/story?id=978963CMP=OTC-RSSFeeds0312 Authorities Arrest Men With NYC Maps, VideoFive Men Detained in New Jersey, Set to Be Deported - Five Egyptian men with maps of the New York City subway system and video of New York landmarks

[osint] Police in Indian city crack down on 'Osama' mobile phone video clips

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
Police in Indian city crack down on 'Osama' mobile phone video clips By JOY BANERJEE Associated Press Writer LUCKNOW, India Police in a northern Indian city are cracking down on mobile phone video messages showing Osama bin Laden, the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and grisly killings by American

[osint] Italy's post-7/7 predicament

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.isn.ethz.ch/news/sw/details.cfm?ID=12290 Italy's post-7/7 predicament The London attacks have complicated the withdrawal from Iraq even further because the battle over the timing of the Italian troops' departure now incorporates a new variable: its perception in terms of an

[osint] Caught on Tape - the suicidal otherworldliness of ACLU-style civil libertarianism

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.nationalreview.com/script/printpage.p?ref=/lowry/lowry20050726075 5.asp July 26, 2005, 7:55 a.m. Caught on Tape The suicidal otherworldliness of ACLU-style civil libertarianism. The four would-be suicide bombers of the botched July 21 attacks in London have a big problem. They

[osint] The FBI's internal security

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.upi.com/view.cfm?StoryID=20050725-115357-5141r Shaun Waterman UPI Homeland and National Security Editor E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tel: 202 898 8081 Issue brief: The FBI's internal security By Shaun Waterman UPI Homeland and National Security Editor WASHINGTON, July 25 (UPI) -- When

[osint] Blair vows to give not one inch to terrorists

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
He already has by letting all of the terrorists live in the UK. Bruce http://today.reuters.co.uk/news/NewsArticle.aspx?type=topNewsstoryID=2005-0 7-26T134241Z_01_SCH145033_RTRUKOC_0_SECURITY-BRITAIN.xml Blair vows to give 'not one inch' to terrorists Tue Jul 26, 2005 2:42 PM BST By Paul

[osint] So-called expert sees low terrorist threat to Toronto Airport

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.thestar.com/NASApp/cs/ContentServer?pagename=thestar/Layout/Artic le_Type1 http://www.thestar.com/NASApp/cs/ContentServer?pagename=thestar/Layout/Arti cle_Type1c=Articlecid=1122331505994call_pageid=968332188492col=968793972

[osint] CANADA: Martin dithers on protecting Canadians from terrorist threat

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
Martin dithers on protecting Canadians from terrorist threat FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Toronto, WEDNESDAY 26 July 2005 - While British, American, Indian, Israeli, Spanish, Italian and other leaders around the world confront the murderous ideology of Islamic terrorists, the government of

[osint] Italian investigator says terror suspect in Germany linked to cell in Italy

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
Italian investigator says terror suspect in Germany linked to cell in Italy By STEPHEN GRAHAM Associated Press Writer MUNICH, Germany An Italian investigator told a German court Tuesday that a Munich-based Iraqi accused of supplying money and Islamic radicals to fight in Iraq had close

[osint] Muslims Call Comments by WMAL Host 'Hate-Filled'

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
I listen to WMAL regularly and I heard this broadcast. I was only surprised that this politically correct city had such truth on the air. The problem is that Islam IS hate filled. bh Gee isn't it funny muslims can't recognize chopping off people's heads and blowing up innocent people as

[osint] Police raid London bomb-making factories

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
Police raid London bomb-making factories July 26, 2005 - 2:12PM TheAGE Police searched a north London flat thought to be a bomb-making factory amid claims that two suspects in the city's bus and Tube bomb attacks are asylum seekers who have received thousands of pounds in state welfare

[osint] Australia: Federal police quiz Muslim over library books

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
Federal police quiz Muslim over library books By Clay Lucas and Julia Medew July 26, 2005 - 4:46PM The AGE A Monash University lecturer has warned students that studying terrorism could make them subject to federal police investigation. Terrorism expert David Wright-Neville, who now works

[osint] NYC: Hurricane Risk: The Big One

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
July 21, 2005 -- THE NEW YORK PRESS ON The Big One by Aaron Naparstek: Experts say it's only a matter of time before a major hurricane strikes New York City 'Try to tell someone in Sheepshead Bay that they have to evacuate immediately because within the next 24 hours they'll have 30

[osint] Australia: Police search for ice cream truck bandits

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
See the last two paragraphs. J Police search for ice cream truck bandits July 26, 2005 - 3:43PM Sydney Morning Herald Three men have robbed an ice-cream van driver at gunpoint in Sydney's south-west. The van was being driven along Burraneer Crescent, Greenacre, about 6.20pm

[osint] Fewer Americans Link Islam to Violence

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
Obviously, fewer Americans are even thinking... Bruce In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE POLL: FEWER AMERICANS LINK ISLAM TO VIOLENCE CAIR says Muslim anti-terror message is being heard (WASHINGTON, D.C., 7/26/05) - The Council on American-Islamic

[osint] Muslims: Co-operating with non-Muslims (the enemy)

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
Co-operating with non-Muslims Question: A brother from the Philippines asks, One of the methods used in converting Muslims to Christianity in the Philippines nowadays is, that material and spiritual help is given by priests to the Imaam

[osint] Bin Laden Cocaine Plot Fell Through

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,163633,00.html Report: Bin Laden Cocaine Plot Fell Through Tuesday, July 26, 2005 By Dan Mangan WASHINGTON - Usama bin Laden tried to buy a massive amount of cocaine, spike it with poison and sell it in the United States, hoping to kill thousands of

[osint] What Really Happenend At Tinker Air Force Base?

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
UPDATE: What Really Happened At Tinker Air Force Base? Sean Osborne Military Affairs and Senior Analyst The Northeast Intelligence Newtwork 26 July 2005 It is now time to lay all the cards on the table. In this game it is now time to see, raise and call it like it is. Consider this a

[osint] Divers recover cannon from CSS Alabama in English Channel

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.dentonrc.com/sharedcontent/APStories/stories/D8B9URE00.html Divers recover cannon from CSS Alabama in English Channel 07/12/2005 Associated Press The 7,000-pound main battery pivot gun of the Confederate sea raider CSS Alabama has been recovered from the bottom of the English

[osint] Airport security could get a little more intimate

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
Airport security could get a little more intimate By Neil McMahon July 27, 2005 Sydney Morning Herald A traveller's checklist: luggage, passport, visa, ticket. And now this: do I look good naked? Sydney Airport says it is keeping a close eye on overseas trials of a machine that can

[osint] AUSTRALIA: Hardline cleric says he meets ASIO regularly

2005-07-26 Thread Bruce Tefft
Hardline cleric says he meets ASIO regularly By Marian Wilkinson, Andrew Clennell and Anne Davies July 27, 2005 Sydney Morning Herald Sheik Mohammed Omran, the radical Melbourne cleric under attack from the Prime Minister, John Howard, and the Premier, Bob Carr, says he is still having

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