Re: [oXygen-user] New Git plugin for Oxygen

2017-10-19 Thread oXygen XML Editor Support - Alex Jitianu

Hi Mark,

I'm sorry to hear that... Let's take it one by one.

1. The Git plugin shouldn't block the UI thread (at least that's how we 
design it). If you have some time to help us understand what's going on, 
here is what you could do:

- Install the latest plugin version (1.2.3) using the add-ons support:

- Before restarting Oxygen, copy the attached file inside 

*    Note: *Please remember to remove this file after you finish this 
procedure because it introduces performance penalties

- Restart Oxygen. After a minute or so, zip 
*${user.home}/Desktop/oxygenLog**/* and send it to me so I can see why 
is it taking so long.

2. There are two ways to start using the plugin. Either clone a 
repository, or open an already existing working copy. Perhaps the reason 
you didn't manage has something to do with the delayed start and the 
error message. Hopefully the log will help us understand.

Best regards,
Alex Jitianu
  XML Editor, Schema Editor and XSLT Editor/Debugger

On 10/18/2017 8:53 PM, Mark Giffin wrote:


I installed this plugin a while back in version 18.1 and I could not 
tell if it was working or not. I could not figure out the user 
interface. I did not have more time to spend on it but I left it 
installed. Since that time, it takes a very long time to open Oxygen, 
like 6 minutes. After that long period I get an error message 
"Trailing char < > at index 126: ". After that Oxygen 
works normally until I start it again.

I just now uninstalled the git plugin and restarted Oxygen, and it 
opened in about 30 seconds.



On 22/08/2017 09:36, Alex Jitianu wrote:

Those of you that are using Git might be interested to know that
there is a new Git plugin for Oxygen [1].

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log4j.rootCategory= info, R2

log4j.appender.R2.layout.ConversionPattern=%r %p [ %t ] %c - %m%n
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Re: [oXygen-user] How to manage citations?

2017-10-18 Thread oXygen XML Editor Support - Alex Jitianu


1. Yes, as Ben mentioned, you can indeed set a shortcut from the "Menu 
Shortcut Keys" page. You can use the filter to identify the action. if 
you do it like this, though, the shortcut wont be saved in the framework 
configuration so if you intend to distribute the framework it is better 
to edit the framework and set the shortcut on the action there [1].

2. Just edit the script behind the action (found inside 
docbook5-ext/actions/insertBiblioref.xsl) and change the inserted fragment:;


'Input target:', '')"/>



Best regards,
Alex Jitianu
  XML Editor, Schema Editor and XSLT Editor/Debugger

On 10/17/2017 10:59 PM, Ben McGinnes wrote:

On Tue, Oct 17, 2017 at 03:40:02PM +, Bernhard Kleine wrote:

Alex, thanks a lot.

Two further questions:

  1. Is it possible to assign a keyboard shortcut to "Citation"?

You should be able to.  You can add a shortcut for anything in the
"Menu Shortcut Keys" in Preferences (I'm assuming that's called
Options in Windows and Linux).  I'm pretty sure that panel lists
anything in the menus and which is added to the toolbars because I
added external functions to load an open file in an external text
editor and I was able to add hotkeys for that.

  2. I destinguish citation running with the text (role="text") and
 others? how could that be included?

Not sure, I don't actually do that much with Docbook except when it's
generated by something else, so it either works out of the box or it
doesn't.  Presumably Alex will be able to answer.


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Re: [oXygen-user] Zoom by mouse scrolling in v18

2016-05-13 Thread oXygen XML Editor Support - Alex Jitianu

Hi everyone,

A new build (2016051118) for oXygen 18.0 is available for download and 
the zoom-by-mouse is back. The support is enabled by default on all 
platforms except Macs. For those of you running on Mac that want the 
feature back, we've added an "/Enable mouse-wheel zooming/" option 
inside the /"Editor"/ preferences page.

You can download the new installation kits from our web site:

Best regards,
Alex Jitianu
  XML Editor, Schema Editor and XSLT Editor/Debugger

On 5/12/2016 4:37 PM, Tobias Fischer | pagina GmbH wrote:

Hi Alex,

thanks for planning to bring back the option!

Please note that in the XPath/XQuery builder the zoom by mouse 
scrolling was the only option to increase the font size because CTRL + 
"+" wouldn't work there... Please keep this in mind when 
re-implementing the feature or add CTRL + "+/0/-" support also to the 
XPath/XQuery builder.

Best regards,
Am 11.05.2016 um 09:45 schrieb oXygen XML Editor Support - Alex Jitianu:


We removed the zoom by mouse scrolling because it had some issues 
when used on Windows laptops or on Macs. On these systems the JVM 
incorrectly reported a "zoom"-triggering event when you pressed 
"CTRL"/"META" *after* you've finished a scroll. The result was a very 
annoying and unexpected zoom. We though that because there is also 
the CTRL + "+"  shortcut, people wont miss it too much. I guess we 
were wrong, weren't we ? :)

In the next 18 build we'll publish an option so that you'll be able 
to enable or disable this support as you please.

Best regards,
Alex Jitianu
  XML Editor, Schema Editor and XSLT Editor/Debugger  
On 5/10/2016 7:25 PM, Christophe Marchand wrote:

+1 That's the most interesting feature when showing Oxygen in public

Le 10/05/2016 17:33, Pierre Attar a écrit :

+1 It should be very interesting to keep this feature.


Le 10/05/2016 16:15, Nico Kutscherauer a écrit :

Hi group,

I installed oXygen version 18 last weekend and noticed that the 
zooming behavior is different now:

In version 17 I can zoom by mouse scrolling, when I press CTRL in 
the same time. In version 18 this doesn't work any more.

The other ways to zoom (CTRL + "+" or by menu: Document -> Font 
Size -> Increase Editor Font) still works.

I compared the entries of the "Increase Editor Font" in the 
Shortcut list of both versions. They seems to be equal.

I have a colleague, who also installed the version 18 and is also 
not be able to zoom anymore by using the mouse. She is using 
Windows 10, I have Win 7.

What can I do to restore this nice little functionality?

Thanks, for any help!
Best Regards


Nico Kutscherauer
XML Developer

data2type GmbH
Wieblinger Weg 92a
69123 Heidelberg
Tel.: +49-(0)6221-73 912 65
Fax: +49-(0)6221-73 912 66 <>

Company's head office: Heidelberg
Commercial Register court: AG Mannheim HRB 715195
CEO: Manuel Montero Pineda

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Re: [oXygen-user] License of generate-xspec-tests-oxygen.xsl

2016-01-13 Thread oXygen XML Editor Support - Alex Jitianu


Yes, generate-xspec-tests-oxygen.xsl is also MIT so please use it if you 
need to. As I remember, what we fixed in it was to allow version 3.0 
XSLTs to be tested.

Best regards,
Alex Jitianu
  XML Editor, Schema Editor and XSLT Editor/Debugger

On 1/13/2016 3:43 PM, wrote:

Hello Oxygen guys !

I would like to re-use generate-xspec-tests-oxygen.xsl in a separate 
project (xspec-maven-plugin enhancements, under MIT license). Oxygen 
team has made improvements to XSpec implementations 
(, and have added this file.

XSpec implementation is licensed under MIT license ; as there is no 
license header on this file, does generate-xspec-tests-oxygen.xsl is 
licensed under MIT license too, or is there another license for this 
particular file ?

Thanks in advance,


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