RE: [ozmidwifery] Fwd: term breech trial

2006-10-11 Thread Kristin Beckedahl
Here, here Mary.

From: "Mary Murphy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Reply-To: Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] Fwd: term breech trialDate: Wed, 11 Oct 2006 16:21:25 +0800

When else would we allow a supposedly “expert” practitioner to say “we don’t have the skills…and we are unwilling to develop them so that women can feel confident in our care.?  How about a midwife who says, “Oh no, I don’t have the necessary midwifery skills to look after you in a holistic way, and I’m not interested in learning either.”  It is outrageous!!.  MM


Also the Ob's when questioned have been using that as the excuse -lack of skill- for not supportive vaginal breech when asked about it by the women.

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Re: [ozmidwifery] Fwd: term breech trial

2006-10-11 Thread Judy Chapman
I have given them Maggies book and they have read it and still
choose CS. They are s scared by what the Dr's say. 

--- Janet Fraser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Re: [ozmidwifery] Fwd: term breech trial
> Consumers:  Put it out there that breech does not necessarily
> equal c/s and continue to mount the arguments of the furphy of
> risk (for much of obstetrics).  Support women we meet to
> demand choice.
> Yes yes! I haven't seen one woman decide to have a vb for
> breech in the system yet. If the staff don't scare them with
> how surgery is safer, they're too scared to even try because
> the staff tell them they have no skills to catch breech
> babies. No win situation. There are lots of scarred bellies
> for breech among women I know and in our anti-VBAC climate
> that is of particular concern for their future birthing
> careers.
> J

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RE: [ozmidwifery] Fwd: term breech trial

2006-10-11 Thread Mary Murphy
Title: Re: [ozmidwifery] Fwd: term breech trial

When else would we allow a supposedly “expert”
practitioner to say “we don’t have the skills…and we are
unwilling to develop them so that women can feel confident in our care.?  How
about a midwife who says, “Oh no, I don’t have the necessary midwifery
skills to look after you in a holistic way, and I’m not interested in
learning either.”  It is outrageous!!.  MM



Also the Ob's when questioned have
been using that as the excuse -lack of skill- for not supportive vaginal
breech when asked about it by the women.

Re: [ozmidwifery] Fwd: term breech trial

2006-10-10 Thread Justine Caines
Title: Re: [ozmidwifery] Fwd: term breech trial

thanks Justine 
are you aware of any consumer friendly information to give to women with a breech on board to help with decision making or do i have to create one myself 

Hi Chris

No I am not aware of any consumer friendly info.  Maternity Coalition has just embarked on providing 1-2 page info sheets for consumer educators and midwives (I think like the NCT in the UK).  See MC’s website

We should do one on breech.  Would be happy to work together on this and then you would have it and so would the rest of Australia.

Are you an MC member?

It would be great to get a group in Bathurst as I often get requests for more progressive care from women in the area.

It also reminds me of the whole quandary of risk and safety in maternity.  I believe so much is hype and part of the fear/control campaign. There is a goods seminar on in Sydney next Friday (Oct 20) run by UTS.  We should be getting anyone in a position to make policy etc to these days as fuel for our ongoing reform agenda.

Heres’ the link for those interested and info below

Kind regards


Upcoming Events:

20 October 2006 : Balancing Safety and Risk in Maternity Care

A seminar for midwives, doctors, policy makers, educators and consumers involved in maternity care provision

The seminar, Balancing safety and risk in maternity care, is designed for midwives, doctors, policy makers, educators and consumers involved in maternity care provision. The aim of the seminar is to provide information about quality and safety, challenge assumptions and offer practical strategies to ensure that maternity services remain safe and high quality.

The seminar will start with an overview of the quality and safety agendas and clinical governance. This paper will provide an overview of International and Australian perspectives and provide the attendees with the broad perspective in relation to ensuring safety in maternity care. Pat Brodie and Donna Hartz will then talk about the new incident monitoring systems in NSW and how these link to, and support, midwifery practice improvement. Hannah Dahlen will speak about the politics of safety and risk in maternity care before Justine Caines challenges the audience to think about who defines safe maternity care. The risk management process undertaken to establish the Ryde Midwifery Group Practice will be described by Michael Nicol. Managers will find Vanessa Owen’s session invaluable as she will discuss the challenges of ‘managing risk or risking to manage’. Amanda Adrian will then present about the legal issues in midwifery and maternity care as we respond to adverse events in maternity care. Finally, Suellen Allen and Caroline Homer will lead an interactive discussion to assist the audience to develop practical strategies to balancing safety and risk in practice.

For more information on this seminar, please view the official flyer and registration form (pdf, 48kb) (version 21 September 2006)

Registration closes on 12 October 2006.

Re: [ozmidwifery] Fwd: term breech trial

2006-10-10 Thread Janet Fraser
Title: Re: [ozmidwifery] Fwd: term breech trial

Consumers:  Put it out there that breech does not necessarily 
equal c/s and continue to mount the arguments of the furphy of risk (for much of 
obstetrics).  Support women we meet to demand choice.
Yes yes! I haven't seen one 
woman decide to have a vb for breech in the system yet. If the staff don't scare 
them with how surgery is safer, they're too scared to even try because the staff 
tell them they have no skills to catch breech babies. No win situation. There 
are lots of scarred bellies for breech among women I know and in our anti-VBAC 
climate that is of particular concern for their future birthing 

Re: [ozmidwifery] Fwd: term breech trial

2006-10-10 Thread Honey Acharya
Title: Re: [ozmidwifery] Fwd: term breech trial

Is there a way  to get ob's and 
midwives the training they need to support breech births? I would be happy 
to put in energy to push for this to happen.
As much as I would love to see women birthing 
breech vaginally in the local hospital, I am under the impression they 
do not have the skills.  Ob's are likely to be very hands on aren't 
Breech in an upright position hands off as Maggie 
Banks decribes-definately. 
But a highly managed breech???
I have come across a few women with breech babies 
near term or undiagnosed in labour but have not had the confidence in the 
hospital to suggest to the women birthing there that they push for a 
vaginal birth. 
Also the Ob's when questioned have been using that 
as the excuse -lack of skill- for not supportive vaginal breech when asked 
about it by the women I have been with.
I know we can educate women about the best way to 
birth their baby but in most cases they want supportive (and 
skilled) caregivers on board too.
Student Midwife

  - Original Message - 
  Justine Caines 
  To: OzMid List 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2006 11:08 
  Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Fwd: term 
  breech trial
  Hi ChrisI am a rural consumer, with knowledge 
  of practices pretty much across the country.The term breech trial has 
  done us in.  I agree the paper turning it on its head (no pun intended!) 
  is basically being ignored.  The only vaginal breech I hear of or see in 
  the stats, (other than those at JHH with Andrew Bisits) in the system are the 
  undiagnosed ones and if a woman is very lucky the 2nd twin who is dragged out 
  by forceps after she has consented to an epidural (often the only way she will 
  be allowed to have twins vaginally).So what to do?Midwives: 
  Raise this in clinical forums and instead of presenting the evidence for 
  vaginal breech ask Drs what their evidence is for routine c/s. If you come 
  across women with a breech on board provide them with all the info 
  Consumers:  Put it out there that breech does not necessarily 
  equal c/s and continue to mount the arguments of the furphy of risk (for much 
  of obstetrics).  Support women we meet to demand 
  CainesNational Policy Co-ordinatorMaternity Coalition IncPO Box 
  625SCONE NSW  2329Ph: (02) 65453612Fax: (02)65482902Mob: 
  0408 210273E-Mail: 

Re: [ozmidwifery] Fwd: term breech trial

2006-10-10 Thread Justine Caines
Title: Re: [ozmidwifery] Fwd: term breech trial

Hi Chris

I am a rural consumer, with knowledge of practices pretty much across the country.

The term breech trial has done us in.  I agree the paper turning it on its head (no pun intended!) is basically being ignored.  The only vaginal breech I hear of or see in the stats, (other than those at JHH with Andrew Bisits) in the system are the undiagnosed ones and if a woman is very lucky the 2nd twin who is dragged out by forceps after she has consented to an epidural (often the only way she will be allowed to have twins vaginally).

So what to do?

Midwives: Raise this in clinical forums and instead of presenting the evidence for vaginal breech ask Drs what their evidence is for routine c/s. If you come across women with a breech on board provide them with all the info 

Consumers:  Put it out there that breech does not necessarily equal c/s and continue to mount the arguments of the furphy of risk (for much of obstetrics).  Support women we meet to demand choice.


Justine Caines
National Policy Co-ordinator
Maternity Coalition Inc
PO Box 625
Ph: (02) 65453612
Fax: (02)65482902
Mob: 0408 210273

[ozmidwifery] Fwd: term breech trial

2006-10-10 Thread david tonkin
Begin forwarded message:From: david tonkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: 11 October 2006 10:30:40 AMTo: term breech trial Hi allwhat is happening in your workplace re:  the flawed research to do C/S on all breech women. we  are ignoring it and doing as many C/S as everChrismidwiferural nsw