Re: [PAYCO] Quo Vadis PAC

2015-02-02 Thread Linda Ndebele

Cde Nkrumah going forward that's the only pursuit I am prepared to engage on. 
The other gymnastics that leads to nowhere I am no longer prepared to entertain.

Forward to socialist revolution!

Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!

-Original Message-
From: "Nkrumah Raymond Kgagudi" 
Date: Mon, 2 Feb 2015 16:51:25 
Subject: RE: [PAYCO] Quo Vadis PAC

Greeting friends and comrades!


“Never in history has any class achieved power without having political 
leaders, men capable of organising a movement and leading it” – Lenin. A cadre 
is a professional revolutionary, a qualified graduate in the art of revolution, 
from the purifying school of practical and ideological battles in defence of 
the poor and oppressed masses. None of us can refute that “the PAC has been 
slowly evaporating itself into total oblivion from the political radar”. We 
must note that these writings remain an exchange among us with access to Payco 
google group and worse of all are ignored by those leading the party who holds 
divergent ideas and methods responsible of the disintegration of the PAC, to 
reason with them has proven to be a futile exercise and thus delivered either 
sour fruits or nothing except maliciousness.  The only logical action, is those 
who uphold the necessity of a revolutionary Pan Africanist organisation and 
accept such bitter truths and willing to explore ways and means to (re-) build 
a revolutionary Pan Africanist Party should converge and execute the necessary 
mass based programme.


Shango lashu




From: [] On Behalf Of matome
Sent: 01 February 2015 10:45 AM
Subject: Re: [PAYCO] Quo Vadis PAC


Comrade Sebenzile,

I hope you are well my dearest Friend and Comrade.

Would you allow me to take off by 'attacking' you and then to end differently? 
Since you are not here to engage in 'real time' I am now answering the 
foregoing question on your behalf. This I do in the knowledge that you are my 
Friend, and one of the finest of our generation.

The question is, have you not been a part of this slumber, self exaggeration 
and pity ? The immediate answer is that you have been. And in addition if you 
wish to contest this, what have you done to change this state? Was it enough 
and or sufficient? All these questions seem to leave you on weaker ground. 

Are you still willing to hear this my Friend ?

I thank you for allowing me to 'attack' you in this way without seeing my 
points as personal affront but an invitation to do more, and my sternest belief 
that you have what it takes to exert yourself more.

Revolution and change require more than just type-writer bravery and 

It is for this reason that mediocre lead the gifted and talented comrades like 

The pain and task of leading a revolution and party building are much more 
excruciating than that.

Having said all of the above, to you my dear Friend, I here add my voice of 
praise to the validity that belies your submission. 

That question must occupy all of us, that is whether this vehicle can still 
carry this agenda, and whether it is not a wreckage from which we must isolate, 
extricate and advance the potent agenda contained therein. Signs are all that 
you are right, and on this one, very brave too, to have the guts to point this 
out. I do not have to remind you how Sobukwe was at some point like you, like 
you in that when the charterists ditched the Africanist program, and thus 
rendering themselves a wreckage, he and others were brave enough to say, let us 
pick the agenda away from this and find a vehicle to advance it. And they left 
a movement that was almost five decades old. That was brave. So we have to 
listen to you and to confront this question, and do an urgent assessment of 
whether the current vehicle is still a vehicle or a wreckage that is about to 
burn. And whether its immobility is a temporal state which can be fixed. If the 
latter is correct, I am sure there is extreme urgency. This view, the latter 
one, is getting weak by the day, as pitched against the reality of a vehicle 
that may have become a wreck.

So well done my dear Friend !!

Another thing that has been killing me inside is this:

Have we imagined the potential pain of putting everything aside to fight for a 
people and movement who in your darkest days or even so, in your dying days are 
nowhere to acknowledge your sacrifices. I speak here of the many Apla boys who 
were hanged and those who continue to suffer in and outside of jail. What about 
their mothers, brothers and children? All that sacrifice gone to waste ? 

The above really really kills me. 

You see Gadaffi died a good one, Che, Saddam, Lumumba, Kwame and many others. 
Their flame continues. What about the flame of

RE: [PAYCO] Quo Vadis PAC

2015-02-02 Thread Nkrumah Raymond Kgagudi
Greeting friends and comrades!


“Never in history has any class achieved power without having political 
leaders, men capable of organising a movement and leading it” – Lenin. A cadre 
is a professional revolutionary, a qualified graduate in the art of revolution, 
from the purifying school of practical and ideological battles in defence of 
the poor and oppressed masses. None of us can refute that “the PAC has been 
slowly evaporating itself into total oblivion from the political radar”. We 
must note that these writings remain an exchange among us with access to Payco 
google group and worse of all are ignored by those leading the party who holds 
divergent ideas and methods responsible of the disintegration of the PAC, to 
reason with them has proven to be a futile exercise and thus delivered either 
sour fruits or nothing except maliciousness.  The only logical action, is those 
who uphold the necessity of a revolutionary Pan Africanist organisation and 
accept such bitter truths and willing to explore ways and means to (re-) build 
a revolutionary Pan Africanist Party should converge and execute the necessary 
mass based programme.


Shango lashu




From: [] On Behalf Of matome
Sent: 01 February 2015 10:45 AM
Subject: Re: [PAYCO] Quo Vadis PAC


Comrade Sebenzile,

I hope you are well my dearest Friend and Comrade.

Would you allow me to take off by 'attacking' you and then to end differently? 
Since you are not here to engage in 'real time' I am now answering the 
foregoing question on your behalf. This I do in the knowledge that you are my 
Friend, and one of the finest of our generation.

The question is, have you not been a part of this slumber, self exaggeration 
and pity ? The immediate answer is that you have been. And in addition if you 
wish to contest this, what have you done to change this state? Was it enough 
and or sufficient? All these questions seem to leave you on weaker ground. 

Are you still willing to hear this my Friend ?

I thank you for allowing me to 'attack' you in this way without seeing my 
points as personal affront but an invitation to do more, and my sternest belief 
that you have what it takes to exert yourself more.

Revolution and change require more than just type-writer bravery and 

It is for this reason that mediocre lead the gifted and talented comrades like 

The pain and task of leading a revolution and party building are much more 
excruciating than that.

Having said all of the above, to you my dear Friend, I here add my voice of 
praise to the validity that belies your submission. 

That question must occupy all of us, that is whether this vehicle can still 
carry this agenda, and whether it is not a wreckage from which we must isolate, 
extricate and advance the potent agenda contained therein. Signs are all that 
you are right, and on this one, very brave too, to have the guts to point this 
out. I do not have to remind you how Sobukwe was at some point like you, like 
you in that when the charterists ditched the Africanist program, and thus 
rendering themselves a wreckage, he and others were brave enough to say, let us 
pick the agenda away from this and find a vehicle to advance it. And they left 
a movement that was almost five decades old. That was brave. So we have to 
listen to you and to confront this question, and do an urgent assessment of 
whether the current vehicle is still a vehicle or a wreckage that is about to 
burn. And whether its immobility is a temporal state which can be fixed. If the 
latter is correct, I am sure there is extreme urgency. This view, the latter 
one, is getting weak by the day, as pitched against the reality of a vehicle 
that may have become a wreck.

So well done my dear Friend !!

Another thing that has been killing me inside is this:

Have we imagined the potential pain of putting everything aside to fight for a 
people and movement who in your darkest days or even so, in your dying days are 
nowhere to acknowledge your sacrifices. I speak here of the many Apla boys who 
were hanged and those who continue to suffer in and outside of jail. What about 
their mothers, brothers and children? All that sacrifice gone to waste ? 

The above really really kills me. 

You see Gadaffi died a good one, Che, Saddam, Lumumba, Kwame and many others. 
Their flame continues. What about the flame of these comrades and martyrs.

So in the light of the above, the neglect of those who suffered and the state 
of the party, this question that you raise is most poignant.

I have not even dealt with our participation in contemporary issues, and our 
ability to contend with the future. 

So I put up my hands again to clap in praise of your bravery.

This is my type writer support to your comments.

Izwe Lethu ! I-Afrika !

Matome Mashao

Sent from my BlackBerry®


From: P

RE: [PAYCO] Quo Vadis PAC

2015-02-01 Thread Nkrumah Raymond Kgagudi
Izwe lethu M’Afrila Malaza


Leon Trotsky, one of the leaders of the 1917 Russian revolution, summed up the 
reason in 1938 when he wrote: "The historical crisis of mankind is reduced to 
the crisis of the revolutionary leadership" (from The Transitional Programme, 
written for the founding congress of the Fourth International). These words are 
as true today as they were then. Trotsky, in his book The History of the 
Russian Revolution, wrote: "Without a guiding organisation, the energy of the 
masses would dissipate like steam not enclosed in a piston box. But 
nevertheless, what moves things is not the piston or the box but the steam".


Discussion on the need for a revolutionary party and its form of organisation 
is very important today, especially as many young people regard themselves as 
‘anti-capitalist’ and are interested in socialist ideas including Pan 
Africanism, but have a degree of mistrust towards political parties which are 
consumed by bourgeoisie politics and sophistry of the African comprador 
bourgeoisie . This is hardly surprising given the bureaucratic and undemocratic 
methods of the main capitalist political parties and the attacks they make on 
living standards when in power.  


To be successful, insurrection must rely not upon conspiracy and not upon a 
party, but upon the advanced class. That is the first point. Insurrection must 
rely upon a revolutionary upsurge of the people. That is the second point. 
Insurrection must rely upon that turning-point in the history of the growing 
revolution when the activity of the advanced ranks of the people is at its 
height, and when the vacillations in the ranks of the enemy and in the ranks of 
the weak, half-hearted and irresolute friends of the revolution are strongest. 


Everyone is free to write and say whatever he likes, without any restrictions. 
But every voluntary association (including the party) is also free to expel 
members who use the name of the party to advocate anti-party views. Freedom of 
speech and the press must be complete. But then freedom of association must be 
complete too. I am bound to accord you, in the name of free speech, the full 
right to shout, lie and write to your heart’s content. But you are bound to 
grant me, in the name of freedom of association, the right to enter into, or 
withdraw from, association with people advocating this or that view. The party 
is a voluntary association, which would inevitably break up, first 
ideologically and then physically, if it did not cleanse itself of people 
advocating anti-party views.


“Victory will belong only to those who have faith in the people, those who are 
immersed in the life-giving spring of popular creativity” Lenin


Shango lashu



From: [] On Behalf Of matome
Sent: 01 February 2015 10:45 AM
Subject: Re: [PAYCO] Quo Vadis PAC


Comrade Sebenzile,

I hope you are well my dearest Friend and Comrade.

Would you allow me to take off by 'attacking' you and then to end differently? 
Since you are not here to engage in 'real time' I am now answering the 
foregoing question on your behalf. This I do in the knowledge that you are my 
Friend, and one of the finest of our generation.

The question is, have you not been a part of this slumber, self exaggeration 
and pity ? The immediate answer is that you have been. And in addition if you 
wish to contest this, what have you done to change this state? Was it enough 
and or sufficient? All these questions seem to leave you on weaker ground. 

Are you still willing to hear this my Friend ?

I thank you for allowing me to 'attack' you in this way without seeing my 
points as personal affront but an invitation to do more, and my sternest belief 
that you have what it takes to exert yourself more.

Revolution and change require more than just type-writer bravery and 

It is for this reason that mediocre lead the gifted and talented comrades like 

The pain and task of leading a revolution and party building are much more 
excruciating than that.

Having said all of the above, to you my dear Friend, I here add my voice of 
praise to the validity that belies your submission. 

That question must occupy all of us, that is whether this vehicle can still 
carry this agenda, and whether it is not a wreckage from which we must isolate, 
extricate and advance the potent agenda contained therein. Signs are all that 
you are right, and on this one, very brave too, to have the guts to point this 
out. I do not have to remind you how Sobukwe was at some point like you, like 
you in that when the charterists ditched the Africanist program, and thus 
rendering themselves a wreckage, he and others were brave enough to say, let us 
pick the agenda away from this and find a vehicle to advance it. And they left 
a movement that was almost five decades old. T

RE: [PAYCO] Quo Vadis PAC

2015-02-01 Thread Nkrumah Raymond Kgagudi
Izwe lethu M’Afrika

We herewith inform and invite all PAC member residing in Johannesburg Region to 
participate and contribute in the party re-building programme. The Johannesburg 
Regional meetings are opened to all PAC members (with or without a branch and 
membership cards) Kindly note and diarise the following dates for political 
events and activities planned for February 2015 in Johannesburg Region as 
discussed and approve at various regional Interbranch meetings:-

2015 Theme:- Unite, Consolidate and Advance Pan Africanism for the Seizure of 
State Political Power On A Socialist Programme!


2.   PAC Johannesburg Region InterBranch Meeting

Purpose of the meeting to 1. Outline Regional Strategy, 2. Establish Regional 
Sub-Working Committee such Political Campaigns Sub-Committee, Political 
Education Sub-Committee, Finances and Resources Mobilisation Sub-Committee, 
Publicity and Information Sub-Committee; 3. Release APLA Freedom Fighters 
Campaign 4. Community Based Campaigns etc;

Venue   : PACE College Zola

Date : 7th February 2015 

Time : 11:00 – 16:00  


3.   Sobukwe Month Planned Activities

(i)   Orlando East Political Lecture for the mainly the community

Venue: Orlando Communal Hall

Date: 15th February 2015

Time: 15:00 -18:00


4.   (ii)  Poetry Session Dedication for RM Sobukwe

Venue: Sister Sister (Dlamini Section) or Drill Hall (Twist Street opposite to 
MTN Noord Taxi Rand between Plein Street and Develliers)

Date: 22nd February 2015

Time: 12:00 – 18:00


(ii) RM Sobukwe Public Lecture

Welcome remarks: Dr Motsoko Pheko

Key note Speaker: 1. Prof Herbert Vilakazi or Prof Sipho Tshabalala

Key note Speaker: 2. Prof John Trimble (AAPRP)

Venue: University of Johannesburg

Date : 26th February 2015

Time : 15:00 – 19:00

5.   Release APLA Freedom Fighters Campaign Planned Activities

(i)   Picket Protest Action 1

Place: Cape Town, Parliament 

Date: 12th February 2015

Time: 12:00 – 20:00

(ii) Picket Protest Action 2

Place : Boksburg Correctional Prison

Date : 12th February 2015

Time : 06:00- 13:00

(iii)   Picket Protest Action 3

Place : Sun City Johannesburg Prison

Date : 13th February 2015 

Time : 06:00 – 13:00

(iv)   Picket Protest and March 4

Place : Tshwane (Pretoria), Department of Correctional Services (Head Offices)

Date :  27th February 2015

10:00 – 15:00

6.   Johannesburg Regional (inclusive) Conference

Theme:- Unite, Consolidate and Advance Pan Africanism for the Seizure of State 
Political Power On A Socialist Programme!

Venue : Ipelegeng Community Centre 

Date : 27th – 29th March 2015


Your participation and contribution to re-build and re-organise the PAC to 
assume and advance the Africa Revolution, time dictate upon us to confront and 
resolve the internal impediments which had threw PAC into total oblivion.  
“Never in history has any class achieved power without having political 
leaders, men capable of organising a movement and leading it” – Lenin. A cadre 
is a professional revolutionary, a qualified graduate in the art of revolution, 
from the purifying school of practical and ideological battles in defence of 
the poor and oppressed masses.


Shango lashu

Nkrumah Raymond Kgagudi




From: [] On Behalf Of matome
Sent: 01 February 2015 10:45 AM
Subject: Re: [PAYCO] Quo Vadis PAC


Comrade Sebenzile,

I hope you are well my dearest Friend and Comrade.

Would you allow me to take off by 'attacking' you and then to end differently? 
Since you are not here to engage in 'real time' I am now answering the 
foregoing question on your behalf. This I do in the knowledge that you are my 
Friend, and one of the finest of our generation.

The question is, have you not been a part of this slumber, self exaggeration 
and pity ? The immediate answer is that you have been. And in addition if you 
wish to contest this, what have you done to change this state? Was it enough 
and or sufficient? All these questions seem to leave you on weaker ground. 

Are you still willing to hear this my Friend ?

I thank you for allowing me to 'attack' you in this way without seeing my 
points as personal affront but an invitation to do more, and my sternest belief 
that you have what it takes to exert yourself more.

Revolution and change require more than just type-writer bravery and 

It is for this reason that mediocre lead the gifted and talented comrades like 

The pain and task of leading a revolution and party building are much more 
excruciating than that.

Having said all of the above, to you my dear Friend, I here add my voice of 
praise to the validity that belies your submission. 

That question must occupy all of us, that is whether this vehicle can still 
carry this agenda, and whether it is not a wreckage from which we must isolate, 
extricate and advance the p

Re: [PAYCO] Quo Vadis PAC

2015-02-01 Thread matome
Comrade Sebenzile,

I hope you are well my dearest Friend and Comrade.

Would you allow me to take off by 'attacking' you and then to end differently? 
Since you are not here to engage in 'real time' I am now answering the 
foregoing question on your behalf. This I do in the knowledge that you are my 
Friend, and one of the finest of our generation.

The question is, have you not been a part of this slumber, self exaggeration 
and pity ? The immediate answer is that you have been. And in addition if you 
wish to contest this, what have you done to change this state? Was it enough 
and or sufficient? All these questions seem to leave you on weaker ground. 

Are you still willing to hear this my Friend ?

I thank you for allowing me to 'attack' you in this way without seeing my 
points as personal affront but an invitation to do more, and my sternest belief 
that you have what it takes to exert yourself more.

Revolution and change require more than just type-writer bravery and 

It is for this reason that mediocre lead the gifted and talented comrades like 

The pain and task of leading a revolution and party building are much more 
excruciating than that.

Having said all of the above, to you my dear Friend, I here add my voice of 
praise to the validity that belies your submission. 

That question must occupy all of us, that is whether this vehicle can still 
carry this agenda, and whether it is not a wreckage from which we must isolate, 
extricate and advance the potent agenda contained therein. Signs are all that 
you are right, and on this one, very brave too, to have the guts to point this 
out. I do not have to remind you how Sobukwe was at some point like you, like 
you in that when the charterists ditched the Africanist program, and thus 
rendering themselves a wreckage, he and others were brave enough to say, let us 
pick the agenda away from this and find a vehicle to advance it. And they left 
a movement that was almost five decades old. That was brave. So we have to 
listen to you and to confront this question, and do an urgent assessment of 
whether the current vehicle is still a vehicle or a wreckage that is about to 
burn. And whether its immobility is a temporal state which can be fixed. If the 
latter is correct, I am sure there is extreme urgency. This view, the latter 
one, is getting weak by the day, as pitched against the reality of a vehicle 
that may have become a wreck.

So well done my dear Friend !!

Another thing that has been killing me inside is this:

Have we imagined the potential pain of putting everything aside to fight for a 
people and movement who in your darkest days or even so, in your dying days are 
nowhere to acknowledge your sacrifices. I speak here of the many Apla boys who 
were hanged and those who continue to suffer in and outside of jail. What about 
their mothers, brothers and children? All that sacrifice gone to waste ? 

The above really really kills me. 

You see Gadaffi died a good one, Che, Saddam, Lumumba, Kwame and many others. 
Their flame continues. What about the flame of these comrades and martyrs.

So in the light of the above, the neglect of those who suffered and the state 
of the party, this question that you raise is most poignant.

I have not even dealt with our participation in contemporary issues, and our 
ability to contend with the future. 

So I put up my hands again to clap in praise of your bravery.

This is my type writer support to your comments.

Izwe Lethu ! I-Afrika !

Matome Mashao

Sent from my BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: Pule Maqekoane 
Date: Sat, 31 Jan 2015 09:55:33 
Subject: Re: [PAYCO] Quo Vadis PAC

We are proud of you Mlaza!

Wow, what a masterpiece!

At the time some of us joined the PAC, the general membership was of the
level of M'Afrika Sebenzile Mlaza.

How many Sebenziles and how many Mlazas are still associating themselves
with the PAC today?

This is the wonderful piece.

Will the defunct split ready PAC leadership ever read it?

Yes these cockroaches will dump it down their big bellies, of course
without understanding, and
you wonder when they won't comment?

Force it unto them and extract an answer.

Don't be shocked by the quality of the answer they will provide, don't stay


On Fri, Jan 30, 2015 at 4:41 PM, Sebenzile Mlaza 

>  Revolutionary greetings to all,
> We've been too obsessed with self-congratulatory stances for too long and
> yet the PAC has been slowly evaporating itself into total oblivion from the
> political radar. And we further kept on blaming the ANC and a ridiculously
> distant force like the CIA for our mishaps. I personally believe it is time
> to wake up and face the bitter truth. PAC  is in a comatose state for an
> indefinite period of time, surely this is  an in

Re: [PAYCO] Quo Vadis PAC

2015-01-30 Thread Pule Maqekoane
We are proud of you Mlaza!

Wow, what a masterpiece!

At the time some of us joined the PAC, the general membership was of the
level of M'Afrika Sebenzile Mlaza.

How many Sebenziles and how many Mlazas are still associating themselves
with the PAC today?

This is the wonderful piece.

Will the defunct split ready PAC leadership ever read it?

Yes these cockroaches will dump it down their big bellies, of course
without understanding, and
you wonder when they won't comment?

Force it unto them and extract an answer.

Don't be shocked by the quality of the answer they will provide, don't stay


On Fri, Jan 30, 2015 at 4:41 PM, Sebenzile Mlaza 

>  Revolutionary greetings to all,
> We've been too obsessed with self-congratulatory stances for too long and
> yet the PAC has been slowly evaporating itself into total oblivion from the
> political radar. And we further kept on blaming the ANC and a ridiculously
> distant force like the CIA for our mishaps. I personally believe it is time
> to wake up and face the bitter truth. PAC  is in a comatose state for an
> indefinite period of time, surely this is  an indictment on the methods
> we've applied to advance and articulate the core objectives Pan Africanism
> and in executing our revolutionary task as Africanists. PAC has simply been
> rendered incapable to execute its own mandate by some faceless political
> thugs. I don't see how will we ever manage to salvage the party from this
> unbearable situation. The stooges and unscrupulous characters at the helm
> of the party who have been largely accountable to their many faceless
> cliques have not helped the situation at all. The party has been in this
> state of affairs for far too long. Nothing that should have been done has
> not been done, instead the party has alienated most if not all of its best
> cadres and intellectuals alike.
> The ambience has changed in the country so a new strategy has to be
> adopted in order to remain relevant in this organic political milieu than
> for us to appear to be led by a jamboree of masochistic gamins who suffer
> from political narcolepsy. For Pete's sake, we all know that the PAC has
> been precocious from its conception to its inception, I am curious to know
> what really happened in exile, but that is a subject that will probably not
> take us anywhere. Yesterday's politics were primarily driven by activism
> and valour, now it's no longer that. The party is faced with a different
> animal, it's called parliamentary politics. Unlike before, this behemoth
> needs prowess, vision and acumen
> We've sacrificed a lot to be bamboozled by these self-serving lackeys at
> the helm of the party masquerading as lecturers on the theory and practice
> of Pan Africanism. It is high time that we should rethink our effectiveness
> under the tutelage of the now defunct PAC (it feels like we are trying to
> suffocate the dead), by focussing our energies on finding a new political
> home that will be capable of pursuing an Africanist agenda without fear of
> political, ideological and philosophical contradictions emanating from
> anyone at any quarters. I do not mean a splinter group like APC or PAM, but
> a new political home to pursue an Africanist agenda that will not be
> hindered by the exile conflict in executing the core objectives of
> Africanism. Indeed quo vadis PAC??
> Inexactitudes not intended ... apologies in advance!!!
> Izwe lethu iAfrika!!!
> --
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Pule Maqekoane

Makhaya Digital Divide

Cell: +27 84 97 487 44
Office: +27 11 909 4275


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Re: [PAYCO] Quo Vadis PAC

2015-01-30 Thread Bongani Keith
Revolutionary greetings "cry Izwe Lethu"

This is there most progressive important statement from comrade Sebenzile
you have cross the breach before many of us to see what will the future
hold when comrades think of the 20 years in vain of sacrifice building an
organisation without making any significant inroads. That shows wheel of
progress after so many years.

It will be regrettable if ideas will be suffocated for another 20 years
proposals of this nature which shows maturity to advance Pan Africanism
must be engaged not criticised without looking back what has happened and
what will be the future.

I await for such ideas to be realised to give meaning to the current epoch
of our struggle.

On Friday, January 30, 2015, Sebenzile Mlaza  wrote:

>  Revolutionary greetings to all,
> We've been too obsessed with self-congratulatory stances for too long and
> yet the PAC has been slowly evaporating itself into total oblivion from the
> political radar. And we further kept on blaming the ANC and a ridiculously
> distant force like the CIA for our mishaps. I personally believe it is time
> to wake up and face the bitter truth. PAC  is in a comatose state for an
> indefinite period of time, surely this is  an indictment on the methods
> we've applied to advance and articulate the core objectives Pan Africanism
> and in executing our revolutionary task as Africanists. PAC has simply been
> rendered incapable to execute its own mandate by some faceless political
> thugs. I don't see how will we ever manage to salvage the party from this
> unbearable situation. The stooges and unscrupulous characters at the helm
> of the party who have been largely accountable to their many faceless
> cliques have not helped the situation at all. The party has been in this
> state of affairs for far too long. Nothing that should have been done has
> not been done, instead the party has alienated most if not all of its best
> cadres and intellectuals alike.
> The ambience has changed in the country so a new strategy has to be
> adopted in order to remain relevant in this organic political milieu than
> for us to appear to be led by a jamboree of masochistic gamins who suffer
> from political narcolepsy. For Pete's sake, we all know that the PAC has
> been precocious from its conception to its inception, I am curious to know
> what really happened in exile, but that is a subject that will probably not
> take us anywhere. Yesterday's politics were primarily driven by activism
> and valour, now it's no longer that. The party is faced with a different
> animal, it's called parliamentary politics. Unlike before, this behemoth
> needs prowess, vision and acumen
> We've sacrificed a lot to be bamboozled by these self-serving lackeys at
> the helm of the party masquerading as lecturers on the theory and practice
> of Pan Africanism. It is high time that we should rethink our effectiveness
> under the tutelage of the now defunct PAC (it feels like we are trying to
> suffocate the dead), by focussing our energies on finding a new political
> home that will be capable of pursuing an Africanist agenda without fear of
> political, ideological and philosophical contradictions emanating from
> anyone at any quarters. I do not mean a splinter group like APC or PAM, but
> a new political home to pursue an Africanist agenda that will not be
> hindered by the exile conflict in executing the core objectives of
> Africanism. Indeed quo vadis PAC??
> Inexactitudes not intended … apologies in advance!!!
> Izwe lethu iAfrika!!!
> --
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Re: [PAYCO] Quo Vadis PAC

2015-01-30 Thread Bongani Keith
Revolutionary greetings "cry Izwe Lethu"

This is there most progressive important statement from comrade Sebenzile
you have cross the breach before many of us to see what will the future
hold when comrades think of the 20 years in vain of sacrifice building an
organisation without making any significant inroads. That shows wheel of
progress after so many years.

It will be regrettable if ideas will be suffocated for another 20 years
proposals of this nature which shows maturity to advance Pan Africanism
must be engaged not criticised without looking back what has happened and
what will be the future.

I await for such ideas to be realised to give meaning to the current epoch
of our struggle.

On Friday, January 30, 2015, Sebenzile Mlaza  wrote:

>  Revolutionary greetings to all,
> We've been too obsessed with self-congratulatory stances for too long and
> yet the PAC has been slowly evaporating itself into total oblivion from the
> political radar. And we further kept on blaming the ANC and a ridiculously
> distant force like the CIA for our mishaps. I personally believe it is time
> to wake up and face the bitter truth. PAC  is in a comatose state for an
> indefinite period of time, surely this is  an indictment on the methods
> we've applied to advance and articulate the core objectives Pan Africanism
> and in executing our revolutionary task as Africanists. PAC has simply been
> rendered incapable to execute its own mandate by some faceless political
> thugs. I don't see how will we ever manage to salvage the party from this
> unbearable situation. The stooges and unscrupulous characters at the helm
> of the party who have been largely accountable to their many faceless
> cliques have not helped the situation at all. The party has been in this
> state of affairs for far too long. Nothing that should have been done has
> not been done, instead the party has alienated most if not all of its best
> cadres and intellectuals alike.
> The ambience has changed in the country so a new strategy has to be
> adopted in order to remain relevant in this organic political milieu than
> for us to appear to be led by a jamboree of masochistic gamins who suffer
> from political narcolepsy. For Pete's sake, we all know that the PAC has
> been precocious from its conception to its inception, I am curious to know
> what really happened in exile, but that is a subject that will probably not
> take us anywhere. Yesterday's politics were primarily driven by activism
> and valour, now it's no longer that. The party is faced with a different
> animal, it's called parliamentary politics. Unlike before, this behemoth
> needs prowess, vision and acumen
> We've sacrificed a lot to be bamboozled by these self-serving lackeys at
> the helm of the party masquerading as lecturers on the theory and practice
> of Pan Africanism. It is high time that we should rethink our effectiveness
> under the tutelage of the now defunct PAC (it feels like we are trying to
> suffocate the dead), by focussing our energies on finding a new political
> home that will be capable of pursuing an Africanist agenda without fear of
> political, ideological and philosophical contradictions emanating from
> anyone at any quarters. I do not mean a splinter group like APC or PAM, but
> a new political home to pursue an Africanist agenda that will not be
> hindered by the exile conflict in executing the core objectives of
> Africanism. Indeed quo vadis PAC??
> Inexactitudes not intended … apologies in advance!!!
> Izwe lethu iAfrika!!!
> --
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