[PCCSC] St. Mary's Team Race InterConference

2018-03-11 Thread ICSA Scores via PCCSC
Title: St. Mary's Team Race InterConference Summary
St. Mary's Team Race InterConferenceInterconferenceTeamSt. Mary's in 420, FJView full reportSunday, March 11A fantastic group of teams, umpires and regatta management peeps were not enough to overcome terrible conditions.  Despite a fabulous effort from Eric Reitinger as PRO, we could not complete 80% of the round and the regatta was a non-event.  Of course, as soon as the last team went home the southerly filled in perfectly.  At least the McDonald Family is able to have a beautiful walk in Historic St. Mary's City. . .Thanks so much to the tremendous group of umpires!Christine Accettella  Sam Blouin
 Jeff Borland  Marissa Golison  Pat Healy  Marly Isler
 Bryan McDonald  Rob Overton, Chump  Steve Sparkman  Richard SullivanTop 5
Visit http://scores.collegesailing.org/s18/st-mary-team-race-interconference/ for full results.#TeamWinLoss1Hobart & William Sm Statesmen512Harvard Crimson513Brown Bears424George Washington Colonials425Connecticut College Camels42This message sent by Techscore on behalf of Adam Werblow.

[PCCSC] St. Mary's Team Race Interconference

2017-03-12 Thread ICSA Scores via PCCSC
Title: St. Mary's Team Race Interconference Summary
St. Mary's Team Race InterconferenceInterconferenceTeamSt. Mary's in 420, FJView full reportSunday, March 12Sunday was just as cold, but the breeze was not as cooperative.   Several wild shifts and some moments of too little wind forced several abandonments.  The day began with two re-sails awarded by the jury (#13 HWS vs BC & #57 Navy vs SMC). HWS was also penalized .5 point in the race with BC.  Although we were able to get about halfway thru the 2nd round robin, we had to abandon the second round and advance to a final 4 with BC, Navy, GW and HWS.   Congratulations to the Eagles on a great win & thanks so much to all the amazing volunteers who came from near and far to make the SMC Team Race a wonderful event!Top 5
Visit http://scores.collegesailing.org/s17/st-mary-team-race-interconference/ for full results.#TeamWinLoss1Boston College Eagles1022Navy Midshipmen933Hobart & William Sm Statesmen844George Washington Colonials755Roger Williams Hawks54This message sent by Techscore on behalf of Adam Werblow.

[PCCSC] St. Mary's Team Race Interconference

2017-03-11 Thread ICSA Scores via PCCSC
Title: St. Mary's Team Race Interconference Summary
St. Mary's Team Race InterconferenceInterconferenceTeamSt. Mary's in 420, FJView full reportSaturday, March 11Top 5
Visit http://scores.collegesailing.org/s17/st-mary-team-race-interconference/ for full results.#TeamWinLoss1Boston College Eagles1012George Washington Colonials833Hobart & William Sm Statesmen834Navy Midshipmen755St. Mary's Seahawks66This message sent by Techscore on behalf of Adam Werblow.