[PD] puredata evolution

2007-06-02 Thread Mathieu Bouchard

Niklas wrote:

Mathieu wrote:
Because it's cheaper to implement. If well done, it's also an 
intermediate step towards automatic threading. It's important to cut 
hard goals into easier goals, because it reduces required investment 
and gives quicker returns.

yes, I totally agree but I was curious about the technical aspects and
not necessarily about the development process that naturally has to
obey these rules.

I don't really see the technical aspects and the development process as 
being that much separated. It's at the same time the fact that development 
processes are full of techniques, so i don't know why it should't be 
considered technical; and also that technical aspects that are designed 
without taking development processes into account, can easily become 

Also, I wouldn't trust automatic threading to make use of the CPUs in
the best possible way all of the time, *especially* for real-time.

well, afair an algorithm for the optimal solution would be in NP anyway.
if a suboptimal solution is enough, i think you can use it in a realtime
system very well; ableton live for example scales with multiple 

I have no idea how Ableton does it. I have never used Ableton and barely 
know anything about it.

I am not certain about how to control multiple CPU usage in a way that 
prevents all the kinds of dropouts that could arise from it. It has to do 
with whether you can predict the timing of an object according to an 
history of its previous timing. If objects can switch CPUs efficiently 
anytime, maybe this issue is moot, but I don't assume that this is 
necessarily feasible with my current level of knowledge.

 _ _ __ ___ _  _ _ ...
| Mathieu Bouchard - tél:+1.514.383.3801, Montréal QC Canada___
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Re: [PD] puredata evolution

2007-06-02 Thread Mathieu Bouchard

On Thu, 31 May 2007, Miller Puckette wrote:

The great majority of DSP objects are side-effect-free and thread-safe.

On average it doesn't matter, because video is the high-bandwidth, 
high-crunching task, while audio is becoming (or already is) 
low-bandwidth, low-crunching, in comparison to the machine's capacity, 
even without using SIMD. There still isn't any pd DSP subsystem that 
carries video (there was one in jMax...).

what's more, I don't think there's any reliable way to determine that an 
object is threadsafe.

A reliable way to determine is to look up a table that lists all the 
object classes that are known to be threadsafe. That's at least as 
reliable as the humans that certify the threadsafeness.

So a parallelized version of Pd would, in practice, occasionally crash 

Only if there are object classes in that list, that shouldn't be there.

Furthermore, as new DSP objects get written new sources of crashes would 
appear, leaving us in all liklihood in a situation where no version of 
Pd ever emerged that was entirely free of thread-related crashes.  Not a 
real pretty sight.

If there are any crashes that you can't debug, you can still reduce the 
amount of threadliness.

Almost all race-conditions in pd would result in wrong output instead of 
crashes. If you want to address threading issues, consider all 
race-conditions, not just crashes.

Another possibility would be to make Pd open up several address spaces and
run portions of the patch in then.  This was how Max/FTS worked on the ISPW.

With or without shared memory?

Just to offer my two cents...

USA's currency is falling down nowadays.

 _ _ __ ___ _  _ _ ...
| Mathieu Bouchard - tél:+1.514.383.3801, Montréal QC Canada___
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Re: [PD] [OT] Voice Synth

2007-06-02 Thread Bryan Jurish
moin Georg, moin list,

On 2007-06-02 12:34:18, Georg Holzmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> appears to have
> Hallo!
> Bryan Jurish is the speech expert in pd world ;) ... you can find all 
> his stuff here: http://www.ling.uni-potsdam.de/~moocow/projects/pd/

Thanks for plugging my site Georg... saves me some typing ;-)

> There are the ratts and flite externals. I think he also made an 
> external for the mbrola speech synthesizer, but did not release it ...

Sorry, never made an mbrola external -- mbrola is closed-source
free-as-in-beer-ware.  Somebody (I forget who) wrote a MAX external for
mbrola a few years back, and unto him did I praise and extol the wonders
and glories of flext, but lo, the release was binary, and it was only
unto the Mac, and there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth.

I did make an ugly-hack patch at one point using ext13 (pipein~?) to
talk to mbrola over named fifos, but it never worked particularly well.

I have another (far, far uglier but at least functional) system that
looks like (pd <--(OSC)--> perl <--(TCP)--> festival --(system
calls?)--> mbrola --> temp files --> pd), but the guts are all freely
available (SayWhat is the perl part, festival works "out-of-the-box",
and my patches basically require my entire patch library, which I'm too
lazy to package at the moment).  If anyone is terribly interested, I can
tar up my whole pd patch library and point you at the relevant patches.

> Yes, for the pd radio I used the flite external, which is quite okay but 
> only english ...

It's allegedly possible to compile a flite library for any festival
language-model built with the festvox tools (note: this does not include
German: AFAIK the only festival support for German is from IMS
Stuttgart, they've stopped supporting it, and I personally have never
gotten it to compile, even after much wailing, gnashing of teeth, etc.)

I'm not sure how well the pd flite interface actually supports multiple
languages -- I've only ever tested it with the default english models.
It should be pretty straightforward to compile & link it against an
alternate flite library though.  If anyone succeeds, I'm happy to
discuss how to go about generalizing the build procedure.


Bryan Jurish   "There is *always* one more bug."
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  -Lubarsky's Law of Cybernetic Entomology

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Re: [PD] [OT] Voice Synth

2007-06-02 Thread Bryan Jurish
moin Pall, moin list,

Many apologies that the ratts help files seem to be less than entirely
intuitive to first-time users; in my defense, I can only say: "sheesh,
man, if you folks think the ratts pd API is poorly documented, y'all
should see the rsynth code"...

ok, now that I've gotten that out of my system (no flame intended,
honestly): do you have an immediate suggestion as to how I could improve
things?  I realize that a ratts chain has more user-settable parameters
than you can shake a proverbial stick at, but the defaults should be
sensible (if you want something that sounds vaguely like human speech),
and playing with those strange animals is half the fun ;-)  I included
the 'ratts~' abstraction so that users could get an idea how all those
separate objects work together and/or just "make pd talk"; and I rather
hoped that the 'ratts-help.pd' help patch would suffice for an overview
of the objects in it... oh well...


On 2007-06-02 15:49:43, Pall Thayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> appears to
have written:
> Hi list,
> I've toyed around with Ratts quite a bit and when you do have the help
> files it makes everything seem more complicated than it really is. So,
> here's a little patch that contains the bare essentials that you need to
> do start experimenting with Ratts:
> ratsass.pd:

Bryan Jurish   "There is *always* one more bug."
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  -Lubarsky's Law of Cybernetic Entomology

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Re: [PD] Question about possible SQL/MySQL Externals

2007-06-02 Thread David Powers
This would be awesome, could do some really cool net art projects with this.


On 5/30/07, Mike McGonagle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I was wondering if anyone had thought of creating an interface set of
> externals for storing and retrieving data from a Database? Basically,
> I was interested in seeing if anyone has created some externals that
> do basic SQL transactions.
> Or is this something that is not very practical?
> Mike McGonagle
> If you think you can, or you think you can't, you are probably right.
> —Mark Twain
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Re: [PD] [OT] Voice Synth

2007-06-02 Thread Bryan Jurish
moin Roman, moin all,

On 2007-06-02 11:53:21, Roman Haefeli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> appears to
have written:
> but i couldn't find a help file. also when i create it, i get the
> message:
> ratts: Realtime Analog Text-To-Speech externals v0.04 by Bryan Jurish
> ratts: Based on text-to-speech code by Nick Ing-Simmons and Jon Iles
> ratts: and PD external code by Orm Finnendahl and Travis Newhouse
> but the object doesn't get any inlets nor outlets. maybe you can tell us
> a bit more about this external?

Since Georg has already plugged my site (thanks, Georg!) , I will
refrain from doing so at this juncture.

[ratts] is just a dummy object which causes the whole library to be
loaded.  I used to be (actually, I still am) of the opinion that
every external *library* should be dynamically loadable (which they
are), and that it should be possible for any given abstraction to
specify the libraries it requires by placing library-named objects (e.g.
[zexy], [ratts], etc.) onto its canvas.  Unfortunately, in my case, this
practice has lead to much wailing and gnashing of teeth in particular
with respect to pd-0.40.x and flext-based externals.  Don't ask me

If you grab the "official" ratts distribution, you should have a
help-file ratts-help.pd for [ratts] which gives you an overview of the
various objects and abstractions in the library.  If you just want pd to
talk, check out the "ratts~" abstraction: text in, speech signal out.


Bryan Jurish   "There is *always* one more bug."
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  -Lubarsky's Law of Cybernetic Entomology

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[PD] loading wav.samples with readsf

2007-06-02 Thread sebastian1981
hi list,

i`ve been trying to play wav.samples using the "readsf"-object but don`t have 
no luck
"error: readsf: start requested with no prior 'open'
... you might be able to track this down from the Find menu."

maybe its due to my message-box "open"!?

+ i couldn`t put the wav.files into the sound-folder of pd - using a mac with 
`PD-0.39-0` i can see the pd-folders only via "help > browser" - but can not 
paste something here...

thank you very much


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Re: [PD] loading samples in arrays

2007-06-02 Thread Frank Barknecht
Johannes Krause hat gesagt: // Johannes Krause wrote:

> Georg Holzmann schrieb:
> > Hallo Johannes!
> >
> >   
> >> i am using the tabplay~ object to play out of 48 arrays.
> >> it takes alot of time to load the samples in the arrays.
> >> 
> >
> > However, you can also try to stream it directly from the harddisk with 
> > [readsf~] - then you don't have to load them at all !
> >
> > LG
> > Georg
> >
> >   
> gruss georg,
> i want to loop 4*4 samples at the same time. will readsf~ be good for that?

It depends: You can just reopen the files of course. remeber to first
send the "open ..." command before sending another 1 to resume
playing. If this will be smooth depends on your material, but maybe
you can mask the transition a bit, for example by using two readsf~ to
play the same file and start them slightly shifted (maybe prepare your
soundfiles accordingly).

Another possibility is for example illustrated in the class material
Tom Erbe just posted: It shows how you can load only part of a sample
into a table.  See:

(Probably works best with a threaded soundfiler.)

And finally you can combine the partial soundfiler loading ("-skip
...") with readsf~ playing by loading e.g. the beginning of a sample
into a table and then switch over to playing the rest of the sample
from disk with readsf~. You can do this to smooth out possible
loop-point clicks as well by fading out readsf~ and switching over to
table-playing again. 

Lots of possibilities, some slightly hackish, but that's part of the

 Frank Barknecht _ __footils.org_ __goto10.org__

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Re: [PD] loading samples in arrays

2007-06-02 Thread Johannes Krause
Georg Holzmann schrieb:
> Hallo Johannes!
>> i am using the tabplay~ object to play out of 48 arrays.
>> it takes alot of time to load the samples in the arrays.
> However, you can also try to stream it directly from the harddisk with 
> [readsf~] - then you don't have to load them at all !
> LG
> Georg
gruss georg,

i want to loop 4*4 samples at the same time. will readsf~ be good for that?

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Re: [PD] loading samples in arrays

2007-06-02 Thread Georg Holzmann
Georg Holzmann schrieb:
> Hallo Johannes!
>> i am using the tabplay~ object to play out of 48 arrays.
>> it takes alot of time to load the samples in the arrays.
>> what is the best way to load the samples into the arrays in less time?
>> is it more efficient to use 4 channel audio files with soundfiler?
> I don't know but I don't think that this will make much difference - it 
> takes some time till you copy the data in memory ...

hm ... I meant it WON'T make much difference !

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Re: [PD] loading samples in arrays

2007-06-02 Thread Georg Holzmann
Hallo Johannes!

> i am using the tabplay~ object to play out of 48 arrays.
> it takes alot of time to load the samples in the arrays.
> what is the best way to load the samples into the arrays in less time?
> is it more efficient to use 4 channel audio files with soundfiler?

I don't know but I don't think that this will make much difference - it 
takes some time till you copy the data in memory ...
However, you can also try to stream it directly from the harddisk with 
[readsf~] - then you don't have to load them at all !


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[PD] libgl1-mesa-glx VS. libgl1-mesa-swx11 on Gem/PD Ubuntu 7.04

2007-06-02 Thread mark edward grimm
Hi all,

I just did a Ubuntu-server 7.04 install on an old
G3/ppc.  Everything went well and after installing
xorg/pd/gem, pd would crash on gemwin 'create'.  After
a few hours of tinkering I replaced libgl1-mesa-glx
with libgl1-mesa-swx11:

$ apt-get remove libgl1-mesa-glx libgl1-mesa-swx11+

...and everything worked!

I then reinstalled the entire system to make sure my
replacement hunch was correct (because i did a lot of
other hacking that might have confilicted, etc)

It all worked after a new install + xorg and glx
replacement with swx11.

I was just wondering if anyone knows of this -
specifically libgl1-mesa-swx11 and why glx fails to
work in creating a gemwin.  I did some searching and
found little info on swx11

One thing that i noticed is that apt-get wants to
remove 'xorg' and all dependencies.  It removes xorg
but keeps everthing else (xserver-xorg etc).  Things
seem to work fine but i still get a 'run apt-get
autoremove' warning to remove all 100 or so xorg
dependencies everytime i use apt-get

...any info would be super!

I'm documenting my progress for use in a tutorial for
noobs on 'bringing low-end systems back to life for
artists' which might eventually become a more
formalized workshop/class. Any help is apprieciated! 


  mark edward grimm | m.f.a | ed.m
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[PD] loading samples in arrays

2007-06-02 Thread Johannes Krause
hi list,

i want to play 48 samples (12 quadrophonic) in pd, each about 4 min at
44.1 kHz.

i am using the tabplay~ object to play out of 48 arrays.
it takes alot of time to load the samples in the arrays.

what is the best way to load the samples into the arrays in less time?
is it more efficient to use 4 channel audio files with soundfiler?


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Re: [PD] [OT] Voice Synth

2007-06-02 Thread Pall Thayer

Hi list,

I've toyed around with Ratts quite a bit and when you do have the  
help files it makes everything seem more complicated than it really  
is. So, here's a little patch that contains the bare essentials that  
you need to do start experimenting with Ratts:


#N canvas 87 74 462 312 10;
#X obj 259 232 dac~;
#X obj 221 96 guessphones;
#X obj 221 179 klatt~;
#X obj 335 105 tgl 15 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -262144 -1 -1 1
#X obj 220 117 phones2holmes f;
#X obj 271 203 freeverb~;
#X obj 335 125 metro 15;
#X msg 155 120 basec \$1;
#X floatatom 155 102 5 0 0 0 - - -;
#X msg 14 7 I wanna be your witch doktah oh yeah;
#X msg 142 148 f0decl 20;
#X obj 216 140 holmes f0decl 0 topc -30;
#X msg 14 49 this is SO crazy;
#X msg 14 28 yo homes;
#X msg 14 71 browthoom koma blessooth yoelin;
#X obj 334 85 loadbang;
#X connect 1 0 4 0;
#X connect 2 0 0 0;
#X connect 2 0 0 1;
#X connect 2 0 5 0;
#X connect 3 0 6 0;
#X connect 4 0 11 0;
#X connect 5 0 0 0;
#X connect 5 1 0 1;
#X connect 6 0 11 0;
#X connect 7 0 11 0;
#X connect 8 0 7 0;
#X connect 9 0 1 0;
#X connect 10 0 11 0;
#X connect 11 0 2 0;
#X connect 12 0 1 0;
#X connect 13 0 1 0;
#X connect 14 0 1 0;
#X connect 15 0 3 0;

On 2-Jun-07, at 5:53 AM, Roman Haefeli wrote:

On Sat, 2007-06-02 at 10:15 +0200, Frank Barknecht wrote:

Claude Heiland-Allen hat gesagt: // Claude Heiland-Allen wrote:

There is an external for Festival Lite - think it's called flite;  
tricky to compile the last time I used it; it renders sentences  
to audio
in tables iirc - was a while ago I tried it.  I think pd-radio  
used it

too, but I could be wrong...

There also is ratts, which is very cool.

i found the external in:


but i couldn't find a help file. also when i create it, i get the

ratts: Realtime Analog Text-To-Speech externals v0.04 by Bryan Jurish
ratts: Based on text-to-speech code by Nick Ing-Simmons and Jon Iles
ratts: and PD external code by Orm Finnendahl and Travis Newhouse

but the object doesn't get any inlets nor outlets. maybe you can  
tell us

a bit more about this external?

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Pall Thayer

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Re: [PD] [OT] Voice Synth

2007-06-02 Thread Frank Barknecht
Roman Haefeli hat gesagt: // Roman Haefeli wrote:

> i found the external in: 
> /abstractions/rradical/instruments/speakerboxx/ratts.pd_linux

Oops, that binary doesn't belong there. I'll need to remove it.

See Georg's mail for answers to the other questions.

 Frank Barknecht _ __footils.org_ __goto10.org__

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Re: [PD] [OT] Voice Synth

2007-06-02 Thread Georg Holzmann

Bryan Jurish is the speech expert in pd world ;) ... you can find all 
his stuff here: http://www.ling.uni-potsdam.de/~moocow/projects/pd/

There are the ratts and flite externals. I think he also made an 
external for the mbrola speech synthesizer, but did not release it ...

Yes, for the pd radio I used the flite external, which is quite okay but 
only english ...
If you want to make other languages you can use mbrola via a shell 
script (I can send you one if you are interested).


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Re: [PD] [OT] Voice Synth

2007-06-02 Thread Roman Haefeli
On Sat, 2007-06-02 at 10:15 +0200, Frank Barknecht wrote:
> Hallo,
> Claude Heiland-Allen hat gesagt: // Claude Heiland-Allen wrote:
> > There is an external for Festival Lite - think it's called flite; was 
> > tricky to compile the last time I used it; it renders sentences to audio 
> > in tables iirc - was a while ago I tried it.  I think pd-radio used it 
> > too, but I could be wrong...
> There also is ratts, which is very cool.

i found the external in: 


but i couldn't find a help file. also when i create it, i get the

ratts: Realtime Analog Text-To-Speech externals v0.04 by Bryan Jurish
ratts: Based on text-to-speech code by Nick Ing-Simmons and Jon Iles
ratts: and PD external code by Orm Finnendahl and Travis Newhouse

but the object doesn't get any inlets nor outlets. maybe you can tell us
a bit more about this external?

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Re: [PD] [OT] Voice Synth

2007-06-02 Thread Frank Barknecht
Claude Heiland-Allen hat gesagt: // Claude Heiland-Allen wrote:

> There is an external for Festival Lite - think it's called flite; was 
> tricky to compile the last time I used it; it renders sentences to audio 
> in tables iirc - was a while ago I tried it.  I think pd-radio used it 
> too, but I could be wrong...

There also is ratts, which is very cool.

 Frank Barknecht _ __footils.org_ __goto10.org__

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