URPE Summer Conference

1998-02-21 Thread Trevor Evans
Does anyone on pen-l know if the place and time of the URPE summer conference for this year has been set. Trevor Evans Berlin

Re: Amerikkkan Democracy at work...II

1998-02-21 Thread valis
Tom Kruse asks: ... [Back in early January of '91 e]veryone opposed a military "solution". Then the shooting war started, and it was yellow ribbons and support the troops. What's to suggest it might be any different this time? Despite worlds of difference between the two

Re: Amerikkkan Democracy at work...

1998-02-21 Thread Sid Shniad
Here's your correction, Maggie: Clinton was opposed to being _drafted_ into the Vietnam War. Sid THE ONLY OPINION THAT REALLY COUNTS IS THE PRESIDENT'S. And he's not going to be affected by a bunch of goofy hecklers." Correct me if my memory is faulty, but wasn't

Ecology and value free Marxism

1998-02-21 Thread Louis Proyect
The Fall 1996 Science and Society, edited by PEN-L'er David Laibman, contains an article by Douglas Boucher called "Not With a Bang, but a Whimper." It includes a paragraph that I find highly disturbing: As ecosystems are transformed, species are eliminated -- but opportunities are created for

Re: State of the World

1998-02-21 Thread michael
The last two posts from Louis brought up some very important points. He began with a discussion of Lester Brown. I first became acquainted with Brown when he was with the Department of Agriculture promoting the so-called green revolution. Somehow he made a serious transformation in his outlook

MAI Booklet (fwd)

1998-02-21 Thread Sid Shniad
Date: Thu, 19 Feb 1998 15:34:46 -0800 (PST) From: MichaelP [EMAIL PROTECTED] MAI INFORMATIONAL BOOKLETS: Ruth Caplan of the Alliance for Democracy has coordinated the production of informational booklets about the MAI. With input from Public Citizen, Friends of the Earth, AFL-CIO and

Re: Amerikkkan Democracy at work...

1998-02-21 Thread Thomas Kruse
At 20:53 20/02/98 -0800, you wrote: On Fri, 20 Feb 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: A second questions -- what IS it about ohio? Kent State, heckling the president's propaganda team. Proof positive, as if we needed it, that socialist dissidence is as American as apple pie and cornfields. I have

Kate Bronfenbrenner

1998-02-21 Thread Ellen Dannin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
We urge our colleagues to join with us in protesting Beverly Enterprises' attack on Dr. Kate Bronfenbrenner's academic freedom and first amendment rights. Michal Belknap, Professor of Law, California Western School of Law Clete Daniel, Professor of American Labor