[PEN-L:8337] Re: market socialism, planned socialism, utopian

1997-01-26 Thread Robin Hahnel
The system we call participatory planning bears no resemblance to one long student council meeting. Like any economic model that purports to be "worker managed" we provide full opportunities for workers to participate in decisions about what they will make and how they will make it. We also provid

[PEN-L:8330] Re: market socialism, planned socialism, utopian

1997-01-24 Thread Robin Hahnel
WhileB. Rosser is correct that many advocates of socialist planning do NOT address the issue of what classes might or might not develop, and do NOT explain HOW workers (and consumers) would exactly participate in the planning process; that is NOT true of either Pat Devine whose book and articles o

[PEN-L:7836] Re: endogenous tastes

1996-12-12 Thread Robin Hahnel
Regarding the implications of endogenous preferences for normative economics, what parts of traditional welfare economics does, and does not "go out the window" is the subject of a long, painstaking treatise titled: Quiet Revolution in Welfare Economics, by Hahnel and Albert, Princeton Univ Press,

[PEN-L:7304] Re: pol econ PhD programs

1996-11-06 Thread Robin Hahnel
I'm sorry your request for information about PhD programs in political economy stirred up such a hornets nest. I think you should take a look at our program at AU. I would not say this if I didn't believe that it is an excellent program for students right now. There were times over the past 20 yea

[PEN-L:7034] Coase symposium?

1996-10-30 Thread Robin Hahnel
Someone on pen-l recently made a reference to a symposium on Coase being published by a journal? Could anyone provide that reference again? Thanks

[PEN-L:6842] Re: Economics Course

1996-10-21 Thread Robin Hahnel
Eric, you should have gotten a sample copy of "Social Justice in Political Economy" from McGraw Hill recently. It is a 23 page piece on economic justice, exploitation, alienation, the logic of labor and credit markets, and rising income and wealth inequality in the US and the World. I use it in t

[PEN-L:6378] Re: Giffen

1996-09-26 Thread Robin Hahnel
I, like others, have long taught that one of the ceteris paribus assumptions is that expectations remain constant. This allows for the usual interpretation of the kind of situations Doug listed -- that the market demand curve is sloping downward -- sigh of relief since this means the "law of deman


1996-07-29 Thread Robin Hahnel
I think Laurie Dougherty has stated the case perfectly. Ole.

[PEN-L:5148] Re: what is to be read?

1996-07-12 Thread Robin Hahnel
South End Press will be publishing "The ABCs of Political Economy" by me during the spring of 1997. It is an attempt to fill the gap you're discussing.

[PEN-L:5146] Re: on efficiency

1996-07-12 Thread Robin Hahnel
Only very weak neoclassicals "define efficiency as what the market does and then miraculously deduce that the market is efficient." I have many students entering my classes these days who have been bombarded with the western -- and now eastern -- medibarage that markets always do the efficient th

[PEN-L:5145] Re: Three Mile Island and efficiency

1996-07-12 Thread Robin Hahnel
Nuclear power is NOT efficient when all social costs and benefits are taken into account -- including the probability of accidents and the disposal impossibility problem. One of the inefficiencies of real world capitalism was that it allowed -- worse still sponsored this terribly inefficient energ

[PEN-L:5144] Re: Hedonism

1996-07-12 Thread Robin Hahnel
Disequilibrium inefficiency -- landing us inside the proverbial production possibilities frontier -- is certainly inefficiency. I call it "Keynesian inefficiency" because it was the only kind of inefficiency that Keynes and his followers focus on regarding capitlism.

[PEN-L:5143] Re: Hedonism

1996-07-12 Thread Robin Hahnel
My long answer was in Quiet Revolution in Welfare Economics, Princeton University Press, 1990. It took 15 years and a long book to come up with an answer that satisfied me to the question: what should a radical mean by efficiency? My short answer is: While radicals are right to be more worried ab

[PEN-L:5142] Re: Dollars & Sense books

1996-07-12 Thread Robin Hahnel
I am in charge of working with all graduate students teaching sections of economics courses at American University this next year. So I help them select materials. In that capacity I'd like you to send me one instructors, or review copy of everything you listed in your apologetic email advertiseme

[PEN-L:357] Re: Request for course materials

1995-09-06 Thread Robin Hahnel
The Center For Popular Economics and Nancy Folbre's book provides excellent eye popping statistics on the astounding trends of what I have taken to calling "Robber Baron Capitalism II." I think it's New Press -- I don't have my copy in front of me.

[PEN-L:188] Re: Graduate Econ Programs

1995-08-24 Thread Robin Hahnel
You should definitely consider The American University. Our PhD program is very strong in both traditional and political economy theory and our econometrics sequence is quite rigorous. I will let other penlers from other programs toot their own horns, but I think our PhD political economy curricul

[PEN-L:5899] Re: bigtime radio fun

1995-07-19 Thread Robin Hahnel
Doug, I have a working piece on the myth that the Coase theorem somehow proves -- or even suggests -- that clarifying property rights will lead to an efficient resolution of pollution through voluntary negotiations between polluters and pollution victims. I doubt I can get it to you in time for yo

[PEN-L:4481] Re: republicans solve environmental problems

1995-03-24 Thread Robin Hahnel
Long time no see/no talk. Hi. Hope all is well.

[PEN-L:4286] Re: library of congress magazine

1995-02-26 Thread Robin Hahnel
Nice touch Gil. I wonder if the Library of Congress will name you, after the fact, so to speak, as that elusive economist who discovered the precise point where Marx went wrong. I think your finger tickles as well as anyone's could. In solidarity,

[PEN-L:4111] Re: social security scare

1995-02-11 Thread Robin Hahnel
Just to tell you I am using your environmental text in a course at American University with 35 eager students. I and they like it a lot. You did a great service to those of us who teach under- graduate environmental economics and were tired of retching over Tietenburg. As we come up with questions

[PEN-L:3829] Re: rationality

1995-01-18 Thread Robin Hahnel
I have no disagreements with Kevin Quinn's recent posting at all. The reason I want to see what kind of behavior different institutions promote is that I want to "choose" what kind of person I would rather become. But the way to know what kind of agent is going to "go with" a particular institutio

[PEN-L:3828] Re: rationality

1995-01-18 Thread Robin Hahnel
The essential issue, I believe, is whether or not particular social institutions promote socially productive or socially unproductive behavior. [I'm sure we could argue for a while about how to define what is socially productive and unproductive, but let's assume we could agree on that for the mom

[PEN-L:3805] Re: rationality

1995-01-17 Thread Robin Hahnel
I have been eaves dropping on the great Penl rationality debate. At this point I would like to second the posting from Gil Skillman that argues that most important progressive critiques of capitalism can be conducted within the confines of reasonable rationality assumptions. I have always thought

[PEN-L:3652] Re: Schweickart on Mondragon

1995-01-09 Thread Robin Hahnel
You might tell David that Gil Skillman presented a paper at the AEA meetings in Washington this week that goes a long way toward explaining why capitalist firms will always "out compete" labor managed firms in a market environment -- even if there were perfect credit markets and no institutional d

Re: principal/agent and social conscience

1994-11-28 Thread Robin Hahnel
I am glad to hear that Gil Skillman thinks that the static efficiency properties of markets are the "least important" features that recommend them. In other words, Gil is conceding that markets generate reasonably accurate estimates of social benefits and costs of different goods and services -- o

Re: Left wing Democrats ?

1994-11-14 Thread Robin Hahnel
We progressives have two favorite sports, it seems. Freaking out at how incredibly neanderthal the right really is, especially when they do well in elections and remind us that they have a solid base among the masses. [Solid probably doesn't mean even 25%, but who are we to knock it, right?] Our o

Re: principal/agent and social conscience

1994-11-14 Thread Robin Hahnel
In an earlier message Gil Skillman said that while he could not endorse my call for a vision with an economy with zero markets in the limit, that he could certainly endorse a call for having n-1 markets if we have n right now. That amounts to saying that some sort of market socialism would be an

Re: The Hayek critique

1994-11-03 Thread Robin Hahnel
Glad to see that Doug found Roemer's book irritating. I sure did. But I also found many pen-lers responses to Roemer's book -- not to speak of the little club that Erik Olin Wright organized to comment on the book -- even more irritating. For your interest, Doug, I vented all my spleen on the sub

Re: Income & poverty reports

1994-10-09 Thread Robin Hahnel
Please email me a copy of the poverty reports -- 97k. thanks.

Re: shame of neo-classical economists

1994-10-06 Thread Robin Hahnel
I agree with my colleague from AU: In a dynamic model with endogenous preferences, such as spelled out in Quiet Revolution in Welfare Economics, which none of the nasty neoclassical famous fellows has ever read or cited, the tobacco companies would be seen as maximizing over time, which would be b

Re: urpe and haiti

1994-10-06 Thread Robin Hahnel
Got to love people who organize as well as blab! Way to go Susan Fleck. Hasta la Victoria Siempre

RE: principal/agent and social conscience

1994-09-28 Thread Robin Hahnel
In response to Doug Henwood's question: I don't believe there is any point to coupons if you can't trade them. If you couldn't trade them there would be no need to hand them out. The government chould simply send each citizen an equal size annual dividend check -- which was Lange and Lerner's orig

Re: p/a & social conscience

1994-09-28 Thread Robin Hahnel
Sorry Gil. My earlier posting to you, asking you questions never got posted, surely because of my technical blundering. So apologies for chastizing you for not responding when you had never received anything. But I am happy you did respond to my two queries. In response to your responses: I don't

RE: principal/agent and social conscience

1994-09-28 Thread Robin Hahnel
In Roemer's model the coupons all get evenly distributed by taking all their stocks away from today's capitalists and handing out new coupons to every citizen so they all have identical portfolios -- although if you think about that it makes for very strange porfolios. But then, if there is any po

Re: principal/agent & social conscience

1994-09-28 Thread Robin Hahnel
I fail to understand why presenting a specific argument as to why Roemer's model of a coupon economy -- his label, not mine -- is neither egalitarian, equitable, nor democratic is an "ad hominem" attack on Roemer himself. I also think that it is a matter of public record that Roemer does not place

Re: p/a & social conscience

1994-09-28 Thread Robin Hahnel
After considering apologizing for being a little "testy" in some of my postings on coupon socialism and people's comments about coupon socialism, I've decided not to. Instead I'll offer an opinion about why diminishing returns set into discussions: People do not respond to other peoples' direct qu

Re: principal/agent & social conscience

1994-09-22 Thread Robin Hahnel
Jim Devine points out that the greater atomistic individualism, the more serious principal/agent problems become and the greater the degree of social conscience the less seriuos p/a problems will be. Doug Henwood asks "how do you begin to encourage cooperation and a social conscience in a society

Re: principal/agent and social conscience

1994-09-22 Thread Robin Hahnel
There are only two substantial recommendations in Roemer's model of coupon socialism: 1) Expropriate present day capitalists and start every- one out as a capitalist with an identical portfolio with a ban on selling stocks for money or goods. Hopefully we all now understand that this would NOT equ

Re: principal/agent and social conscience

1994-09-22 Thread Robin Hahnel
While Bob Pollin "urged Jim Devine to look more carefully into the Roemer model before being so dismissive," I would urge Bob Pollin to read Roemer's book more thoroughly before endorsing the model. Pollin writes: "capital assets have been evenly distributed, so that all non-wage income is evenly

Re: principal/agent & social conscience

1994-09-22 Thread Robin Hahnel
I would like to second many of your observations about John Roemer's "vision" of a coupon economy -- I am reluctant to call it "coupon socialism" even though I no longer am anxious to use the label "socialism" for the kind of participatory economy I favor. In the case of Roemer's model I think the

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