Re: Derrida (fwd)

1994-05-03 Thread A_CALLARI
I just have some abstract reactions to the most recent postings that re-raised the issue of Derrida/Marx (forwarded by Doug Henwood) and postmodernism (a quote from Jim Devine, forwarded by Gil Skilman). There is, in fact, much liberatory potential in post-modernism (potential to use the

Re: pomo (again)

1994-05-31 Thread A_CALLARI
Alan Isaac wrote: Hi. Would any of the lurking pomos be willing to offer a brief explanation of why the decentered, constituted subject is supposed to be less of a metaphysical presumption than, e.g., the transcendental ego. My apologies to anyone who finds this a bit astray for pen-l; I would

RE: pomo (again)

1994-06-01 Thread A_CALLARI
Some brief responses to Alan's rejoinder (which, by the way, I find good and intrested/ing, very different from the dismissive tone that sometimes surfaces around this question of pomo). Alan says: My thanks to Antonio Callari for his interesting comments. I note that my original question

RE: pomo (again)

1994-06-06 Thread A_CALLARI
I myself like salad; a meal without a salad is boring and unattractive; and if can get more people to sit at my table because, in addition to having on it the dressing I like, I also include the dressing they like, that much the better; then at least we can talk, become friends, figure out how we

RE: pomo (again)

1994-06-07 Thread A_CALLARI
(This is a reposting of a message I sent last week; I did not see it come on the network, so I assume it got lost the first time around). Alan Isaac, two points in response to your concerns: If I thought a pomo perspective would make it impossible to argue against exploitation, I would

RE: pomo (again)

1994-06-09 Thread A_CALLARI
[warning, long reply--but in the spirit of conversation--to Jim Devine][Jim's original message is reprinted below]. Jim: a reason we need po-mo (actually, the question is not whether we NEED it, but whether it is OF USE, whether it facilitates certain operations), even though there are

RE: NLR #205

1994-07-18 Thread A_CALLARI
Alan, I simply read the reference to the "indestructibility of the 'it is necessary'" as an assertion by Derrida that his position "requires" the kind of commitment that has been traditionally associated with ACTIVISM (i.e., "I see injustice and I feel compelled--it is necessary for me--to


1994-09-13 Thread A_CALLARI
Here is a preview of a Job Announcement that will appear in the October issue of JOE: FRANKLIN AND MARSHALL COLLEGE, LANCASTER PA O1 Economic Development N00 European Economic History O53, O54, O55 Area Studies: Africa, Latin America, Asia J15 Race R1

[PEN-L:5616] Re: Rethinking Overdetemination

1996-08-10 Thread A_CALLARI
In reply to Shawgi Tell: I wouldn't use Stalin as much of an authority! Engels popularized much, and one must take into account the nature of political discourse, certainly not a philosophical authority. Marx and Engels have plenty to accommodate overdetermination. Overdetermination, by the way,

[PEN-L:5663] Re: Rethinking Overdetemination

1996-08-13 Thread A_CALLARI
Eric writes: More shocking is this: I believe most ASers are really closet humanists but don't want to say this. I think most of the ASers desire socialism because they think that socialist man/woman will be more like the ideal person ASers desire to help create. Oddly enough, the previous

[PEN-L:5664] Re: Rethinking Overdetemination

1996-08-13 Thread A_CALLARI
A warning: the discussion on "rights" CAN easily degenerate into an argument about efficiency. Locke used the caveat about the private appropriation of land having to leave enough for others only as a first step in an overall argument to justify the unlimited accumulation of wealth. He simply

[PEN-L:7103] re: A Pomo (re)quest

1996-11-01 Thread A_CALLARI
Well, actually the analysis of the world of money begins in Part I of Capital. No? Antonio Callari P.S.: maybe I'll just assign the description below to my students, then, instead of asking them actually to read the much more verbose rendition Marx himself produced. That would be an index of

[PEN-L:7118] Re: nattering nabob

1996-11-01 Thread A_CALLARI
Doug, in response to Medley's question about why you bother with pomo, you replied (below) with a list of the bad, in your view, effects of pomo on politics. You don't go as far as Cardinal Ratzinger went, under orders from the Pope, to chastise the theological innovations of liberation theology

[PEN-L:7120] Re: post-modern wars

1996-11-01 Thread A_CALLARI
Tom Walker is on to something good in his analysis of pomo: there always have been pomo moments within modernism; and pomo does not exist without the reference point of modernism. That, at least, seems to be the beginning of a sane discussion. Doug Henwood asked: What is distinctly modern about

[PEN-L:7122] Re: post modern courtesy

1996-11-01 Thread A_CALLARI
Michael, a couple of points in response to your comments (which I find unobjectionable in tone because they are not dismissive, but rather ask for dialogue.) Now, to business. As I read Steve's and Antonio's comments, they seem to tell us that pomo sensitize us to the condition of others and

[PEN-L:7141] Re: post modern courtesy

1996-11-02 Thread A_CALLARI
Antonio, it would help me to understand your position if you could explain exactly how pomo helped you to work with the battered women. Michael, I thought I had; but obviously I must not have been clear. So, let me try it again. First, (and this is a point I had not made), my choice of this

[PEN-L:7143] Re: Pomo: Swimming or drawning

1996-11-02 Thread A_CALLARI
Old language: "The boss is screwing you. Organize and fight back." New language: "The metanarratives are all broken. Liberate yourself through freeplay in the deliciously slippery world of discourse!" Actually Doug, you are not that far off, except for the "liberate yourself" part. I suspect

[PEN-L:7153] Re: Henwood - Swimming or drawning?

1996-11-02 Thread A_CALLARI
Dear Michael Yates, i read a. callari's discussion of his work with battered women with interest, but i must say i don't see how any person, blessed with some common sense and sympathy plus a radical view of the world, might not have achieved the same results. My explanation of the link between

[PEN-L:7154] Re: pol econ PhD programs

1996-11-02 Thread A_CALLARI
I can only say that I have disagreed with Steve Resnick a number of times, and never received the treatment Baiman describes. Steve Resnick has a strong personality. He doesn't put up with shit, as they say. And he is a decent person and dedicated teacher. I can't imagine him having thrown you

[PEN-L:7167] Re: post modern courtesy

1996-11-03 Thread A_CALLARI
So does that basically mean you decided to actually _listen_ to the people you were working to organize? Radical perhaps, but hardly new. Pomo challenged, just trying to understand, Cute!? Are you aware of things like "paradigms"--nothing fancy, really--structures of thought that prevent

[PEN-L:7168] Re: Pomo and U. Mass. Economics department

1996-11-03 Thread A_CALLARI
Cheap shot; an act of cowardice, really! (It is the mark of cowards to enter a fray when they "imagine"--incorrectly in this case, I am sure--that the object of their venomous vitriolics has been weakened. I thought Blair's comment (about your own expectations) was very perceptive. I don't know

[PEN-L:7169] Re: Pomo and U. Mass. Economics department

1996-11-03 Thread A_CALLARI
Personal attacks such as the one below are totally out of place. Wolff and Resnick were brought into this discussion because of their work; it is a mark of really sick minds to take a theoretical discussion as an oportunity to vent their personal venom. I would ask all of the people with whom we

[PEN-L:7170] Re: Pomo and U. Mass. Economics department

1996-11-03 Thread A_CALLARI
Dear Gerald Levy, Perhaps what you say has validity as an issue in general. You, however, were careful not to levy personal charges out of context, as Baimoan and bohmer have with respect to Resnick and Wolff. If we want to discuss this general issue at some point, it might be a good thing. BUT

[PEN-L:7174] Re: Let's keep it clean

1996-11-03 Thread A_CALLARI
Michael, I am sorry I did not see your message before responding to Ron and to Peter. Had I seen it, it might have tempered my anger; but, boy was I angry. And neither Rick wolff nor Steve Resnick are on Pen-L, and it was only fair that somebody stand up for them. Thank you for your intervention.

[PEN-L:7185] Re: post modern courtesy

1996-11-03 Thread A_CALLARI
Good points, Doug! Talk about caricature without evidence. What about generations of "traditional" leftists who organized unions and fought for civil rights, with tremendous dedication and at great risk and sacrifice? This "traditional" left has existed almost nowhere except in the minds of

[PEN-L:7196] Re: Henwood - Swimming or drawning?

1996-11-03 Thread A_CALLARI
Bill, I am sure you are right; but i find the instructions more impenetrable than some of the most complex pomo works. I'll have to ask for help from the computer people in my capitalist school. Antonio Antonio Callari (or E. King-Callari- is this the decentred self?) Ah? It's the damned

[PEN-L:427] Position Announcement

1995-09-12 Thread A_CALLARI
Dear everyone: here is an advance look at a position that will be advertised in the October JOE. Please share with anyone else you think might be interested. Thank you. Franklin Marshall College, Lancaster PA F1 International Trade C00 Mathematical Economics,


1994-08-31 Thread A_CALLARI
Better yet (more in line with this way of thinking-e.g., message below), why not simply call it "economics" and forget about the adjective "political" as well as "radical"? there already are organizations and journals that fill these spaces? why shouldn't there continue to be one that is not