Re: Re: Re: Re: the mita

2001-05-28 Thread Louis Proyect
xcuse do people like Bill Warren, Colin Leys, Robert Brenner and Ernesto Laclau have? Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Re: Re: Pearl Harbor

2001-05-29 Thread Louis Proyect
today. Whatever he may say, the message >is in practice clearly one of "no compromises!". You mean "no NATO". >So long as Louis Proyect concentrates on trying to analyse history from a >position he regards as completely correct, the longer will he be unable to >enga

Re: Re: the mita

2001-05-29 Thread Louis Proyect
augh at you, they might not give you tenure. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Re: Re: Re: the mita

2001-05-29 Thread Louis Proyect
I will dine with George Soros at "Le Cirque". I am moving him ever so slowly in the direction of embracing Marxism. As we know, a real measure of the success of our movement is how many people on Wall Street cite Karl Marx approvingly. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Re: Re: the mita

2001-05-29 Thread Louis Proyect
y European capitalist class. While this venture might have been futile, at least it paid better and it wouldn't get you killed or tortured. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Re: Re: the mita

2001-05-29 Thread Louis Proyect
x27;'. ''It's not so much that the economy may collapse and be unable to support such a system, as it is that any transition after Castro passes from the scene would permit more freedom for people to pursue their desires for a higher standard of living.'' The trade-off, according to Ritzen, may work against the welfare system which exists now. ''It is a system which on the one hand is extremely productive in social areas and which, on the other, does not give people opportunities for more prosperity.''(END/IPS/DV/IF/jl/da/01 Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Re: Re: Re: Re: the mita

2001-05-29 Thread Louis Proyect
ation)? I am not interested in identifying the forms of labor. I am interested in identifying the specific nature of the way in which capital was created. Krupp used slave labor throughout WWII. It remained capitalist. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Re: Re: Re: the mita

2001-05-29 Thread Louis Proyect
>And such revolutions aren't likely to happen in the rich imperial >nations if their left intellectuals are interested only in affairs >thousands of miles from where they sit. > >Doug You forgot to mention that I live on the Upper East Side. Slipping in your old age? L

Re: Re: the mita

2001-05-29 Thread Louis Proyect
w on it for my final post. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Re: Re: Re: Re: the mita

2001-05-29 Thread Louis Proyect
abor in 18th century Mexico. I will obviously draw my own conclusions about this, but allow others to supply countervailing information. Needless to say, I won't hold my breath... Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: the mita

2001-05-29 Thread Louis Proyect
yourself? It would be of more use to PEN-L than the smirking provocations you waste our time with. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: the mita

2001-05-29 Thread Louis Proyect
is name, I don't know if he is relevant to our discussions. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Re: Re: the mita

2001-05-29 Thread Louis Proyect
>It is a question of tone. > >Michael Perelman I had an impression it was a matter of epistemology. Like whether or not somebody in Chico can truly understand what is happening in another country and in another century. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Re: Re:the mita

2001-05-29 Thread Louis Proyect
sed on unfree labor. The AFL-CIO boycotted South African coal in the 1970s because it was produced by what they characterized as indentured servants. If this country was anything but capitalist, including most of all the mines, then we just have different ideas about what Marxism means and how to apply it. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Re: Re: Relevance, was Re:mita

2001-05-29 Thread Louis Proyect
and Incan mita. 3. Capitalist development in 'feudal' Mexico. 4. The movement to foster agricultural improvement in 'feudal' Spain. 5. The class character of contemporary South Africa. 6. Colin Leys' search for a progressive Kenyan bourgeoisie. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Swimming against the tide of history

2001-05-29 Thread Louis Proyect
and we search for a strategic victory beyond the lifetime of the generation that is currently carrying out the struggle. So it's not about winning, it's about taking a moral stand. We have to prove to ourselves and posterity that we were truly willing, in the words of Marti, to cast our fate with the poor of the earth. If we are not successful, perhaps the next generation will be. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Re: Re: Re: Socialism in one listserv

2001-05-30 Thread Louis Proyect
country called Valenciagua. He probably got Guatemala and Venezuela confused. Despite this pecadillo, he quoted Marx impeccably. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Re: Dollarization

2001-05-30 Thread Louis Proyect
only in the original Russian. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Final words on Brenner/Wood

2001-05-30 Thread Louis Proyect
lism about "freedom". It is about producing surplus value. If a work force is not available to work for a wage, then the capitalist state will pass laws ensuring that various forms of unfree labor keep the system going. It is our job as Marxists to develop a class analysis that can maximize the power of the laboring classes politically. Quibbling over whether the worker is really a worker or not based on the peculiarities of a given country's history not only constitutes a form of pedantic quibbling, it is a detour from our task as revolutionaries. Notes: (1) pp. 68-72 (2) p. 15 (3) p. 70-73 (4) pp. 80-113 (5) Michael Perelman, "The Invention of Capitalism", Duke University, 2000; p. 17 (6) p. 232 (7) Richard Herr, "The Eighteenth-Century Revolution in Spain", Princeton University, 1958; p. 377 (8) Robert Miles, "Capitalism and Unfree Labour: Anomaly or necessity?", Tavistock Publications, 1987; pp. 118-142 Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Re: Re: Final words on Brenner/Wood

2001-05-31 Thread Louis Proyect
l" here, so soon after >fabricating a letter by Marx. How did you guess that my business about Marx asking Fleigelheimer for money to pay for his daughter Jenny's knickers was a hoax? Where were you when Alan Sokal submitted his article to Social Text? You could have saved them a lot

Re: Re: Re: Re: Pearl Harbor

2001-05-31 Thread Louis Proyect
>In due course the internet may control him as it gets to know his strengths >and weaknesses more and more. > >Chris Burford > >London You can come over to NYC any time you'd like. I sort of enjoy being tied up. Especially if Sarah Vaughn is being played on the stereo.

Re: Re: Final words on Brenner/Wood

2001-05-31 Thread Louis Proyect
illed with bald assertions devoid of substantiating citations. I guess she had taken the day off as editor. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Negri: capitalism is good for workers

2001-05-31 Thread Louis Proyect
Marx always used to say go and look at the Paris commune, look at other forms of organisation, go and learn." Mark Leonard is director of the Foreign Policy Centre Full article: 80024&newDisplayURN=200105280024 Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Nation Magazine's Marc Cooper rails at boycotters

2001-05-31 Thread Louis Proyect Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Re: Re: Re: Re: Final words on Brenner/Wood

2001-05-31 Thread Louis Proyect
>No, it's not a joke. And MR is also thin on footnotes, as you know. And I >have now read the article, and like it rather better than yours. --jks That's okay. I just heard from Wallerstein who wants to publish it. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Re: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: Final words on Brenner/Wood

2001-05-31 Thread Louis Proyect
wlsian sense, then I apologize. I mean it in the same exact sense as Brenner and Wood do, or as in Eric Foner's "Free Soil, Free Labor", etc. Freedom is a term that has absolutely no meaning to me as a Marxist, other than in the context of socialism or communism. I was using it strictl

Re: Re: MY Final words on Brenner/Wood

2001-05-31 Thread Louis Proyect
No. It is time to move on. At 02:58 PM 5/31/01 -0700, you wrote: >Is anything new coming out of this discussion? > >-- > >Michael Perelman >Economics Department >California State University >Chico, CA 95929 > >Tel. 530-898-5321 >E-Mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] >

Re: Re: Re: MY Final words on Brenner/Wood

2001-05-31 Thread Louis Proyect
sheep in the rise of capitalism in England? > >Chris Burford > >London In good faith, I will not make a joke here even though every fiber in my body is calling out to make one. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Re: Re: Pearl Harbor

2001-05-31 Thread Louis Proyect
>as central as LP. If LP does not realise that is a constraint upon him, and >does not understand that freedom is recognition of necessity, he will >inevitably pay the consequences. > >Chris Burford Can you recommend maybe somebody who is wholesale? Louis Proyect Marxism mai

Michael Yates' Yellowstone journal

2001-06-01 Thread Louis Proyect
- one paid with a $1,000 traveler's check) with my elementary Spanish. All my education is finally paying off!! They were really impressed that I knew the Spanish word for "keys." Keep in touch. Thanks to those who have emailed or written. To be continued . . . Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Reckless charges against the FARC

2001-06-01 Thread Louis Proyect
author can not document her charges, the solidarity movement in the USA which will be necessary in case of war will have to pick and choose its allies very carefully. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Re: Re: Re: Re: the mita

2001-06-01 Thread Louis Proyect
was talking about pre-Columbian Peru, which did lack money. If he wrote this about colonial Peru, which was awash in money, then he obviously was talking out of ignorance. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Re: Re: Reckless charges against the FARC

2001-06-01 Thread Louis Proyect
Michael Pugliese wrote: > FARC has the support of 3% of the Columbian people. This is rich. "Knock-knock". "Quien?" "El Gallup". "Entre". "Favora el Farc o el gobierno"? "Me gusta el Farc". "Ha-ha-ha!!! Es una brom

Commentary from Bogota

2001-06-01 Thread Louis Proyect
in the USA certainly are high on the list - starting with the economy, but also including 'the war on drugs', how the Senate handles baby Bush's appointments, etc. Anthony Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Imperialism was inherent in capitalism's expansion

2001-06-01 Thread Louis Proyect
ts themselves, who thereby transformed America into a second Europe. The independence reconquered by the peoples of Asia and Africa took on a different meaning. Full article: Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

WBAI marathon programming

2001-06-01 Thread Louis Proyect
. A graduate of Columbia University and Yale Medical School, Brian L. Weiss M.D. is Chairman Emeritus of Psychiatry at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Re: 24 Villagers Killed in Colombia.

2001-06-01 Thread Louis Proyect
tive drug crops. Rebels and >rightist paramilitary forces have been battling for months in the Tierralta >region. >Villagers are often caught in the middle, targeted in massacres by one side >or the other aiming to punishing them for collaborating with the enemy. >News Stories Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Re: Re: Re: 24 Villagers Killed in Colombia.

2001-06-01 Thread Louis Proyect
........ Barry Stoller Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Eduard Bernstein vesus the romantics

2001-06-02 Thread Louis Proyect
rather than regressed; and the revolutions which have been accomplished in public life since then, especially the rise of modern democracy, have not been without influence on the doctrine of social obligation. "The Struggle of Social Democracy and the Social Revolution", Neue Zeit, Jan. 5, 1

John Manning responds to Mickey Z

2001-06-02 Thread Louis Proyect
detailed and up to date information on what is going on. John Manning U.S. staff member, World Federation of Trade Unions, 1977-1991, retired. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Michael Yates Yellowstone Journal #2

2001-06-02 Thread Louis Proyect
inkers here, and that one of the few benefits offered by the company is an employee assistance program). Keep in touch. To be continued . . . Michael Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:


2001-06-02 Thread Louis Proyect
Ratio of the amount of insecticides used in the U.S. in 1945 to the amount used last year: 1:10 Estimated percentage of U.S. pre-harvest crops lost to insects in 1945 and last year, respectively: 7,13 (Harper's Index, June 2001) Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Re: RE: Re: Sheep and the rise of capitalism in England

2001-06-02 Thread Louis Proyect
tood a terrible illness and can still grace these Internet lists with his erudition, his passion for justice and his elegant Welsh wit. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Re: Rampage by Colombian Rebels Marks New Level of Brutality.

2001-06-03 Thread Louis Proyect
s essential that radical forums on the Internet get a heavy dose of the same crap we can get in my daily newspaper or from Dan Rather on the evening news. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Re: The Alto Naya Massacre Another Paramilitary Outrage

2001-06-03 Thread Louis Proyect
d Power in Latin America", edited by Roseberry, Gudmundson, and Kutschbach; Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, 1995 Catherine LeGrand, "Agrarian Antecedents of the Violence", in "Violence in Colombia: the contemporary crisis in historical perspective", edited by Bergquist, Peñaranda and Sánches; Scholarly Resources, Wilmington, 1992 Jenny Pearce, "Inside the Labyrinth"; Zed Press, London, 1990 Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Re: Re: Re: Rampage by Colombian Rebels Marks New Levelof Brutality.

2001-06-03 Thread Louis Proyect
Vietcong surrender, isn't it time that we said the buck stops here. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Re: The Truth Will Set You Free

2001-06-03 Thread Louis Proyect
up to February 1999 in a few paragraphs. (From H_Net review of Max M. Mintz. _Seeds of Empire: The American Revolutionary Conquest of the Iroquois_.) Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Re: Re: The Truth Will Set You Free

2001-06-03 Thread Louis Proyect
organized to destroy the potential centerpiece of that political alliance: the Colombian insurgency. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Re: Double Standards: was: Re: The Truth Will Set You Free

2001-06-03 Thread Louis Proyect
I just added you to the Marxism list. If you want to start a flame war, you can do it over there instead of provoking me on PEN-L. At 11:34 AM 6/3/01 -1000, you wrote: >On Sun, 3 Jun 2001, Louis Proyect wrote: > >> Michael wrote: >> >I hope that my double standard is clear

Re: RE: Re: The Truth Will Set You Free

2001-06-03 Thread Louis Proyect It does not demonize the FARC and ELN but neither does it seem to have the same kind of bonds that CISPES had with the FMLN/FDR. Neither group includes each other's URL in their links section. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Re: Re: The Truth Will Set You Free

2001-06-03 Thread Louis Proyect
t is imperative to make clear to the widest possible audience what the FARC has called for as a reasonable solution to the drug problem. They advocate a crop substitution program that respects the needs of the small grower to continue living. Whatever problems the FARC has, and they are considerable, its connection to the coca growers is not one of them. References: Jenny Pearce, "Inside the Labyrinth", Zed Books, 1990 Pacini and Franquemont, "Coca and Cocaine", Cultural Survival, 1985 (Contains Begley article and other useful pieces with a political economy orientation). Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Re: Cotton

2001-06-04 Thread Louis Proyect
home. This obviously is one of the sources of tension between China and the USA today over computer technology. To nip the upstart Chinese in the bud, gunboats were deployed. You won't find this in Dobb-Sweezy, etc. but it makes perfect sense. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

WBAI offices occupied by protestors

2001-06-04 Thread Louis Proyect
the Pacifica wars, there should be a chapter on how the new age movement was used as a wedge against progressive media. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Capitalism and slavery

2001-06-04 Thread Louis Proyect
obably partly because, for most whites, it is a new idea, based on a history they do not understand. "The uneasiness that some express about reparations is the same uneasiness that we had about integration, about women's right to choose," he said. "We've gained some importan

Re: Peru news

2001-06-04 Thread Louis Proyect
to get votes, but his program is identical to Vicente Fox's in Mexico. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Re: Re: The Truth Will Set You Free

2001-06-04 Thread Louis Proyect
ot;Forwarded from Anthony", who is in Bogota and very knowledgeable. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Lewontin on GM food

2001-06-04 Thread Louis Proyect
there is no escape from engineering, whether it be mechanical, chemical, electrical, or genetic. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

US productivity shows steepest fall since 1993

2001-06-05 Thread Louis Proyect
7;s ability to improve efficiency. But the sharp, ongoing plunge in business spending on equipment and software that is supposedly productivity-enhancing and renewed uncertainty among investors about the course of US economic policymaking amid political changes in Washington have cast doubt on that as well. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Re: Conference

2001-06-05 Thread Louis Proyect
x27;s prior study of paranoia and populism in US politics certainly gives him the proper perspective on how low-status persons seek to emulate high-status persons--something personally I try to avoid like the plague. In fact, I think the world would be a better place if high-status person

Just a coincidence?

2001-06-05 Thread Louis Proyect
dinate closely with the alliance. Full: Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

WBAI: let it die

2001-06-05 Thread Louis Proyect
then it is just as well that WBAI die a merciful death. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Re: Re: Creationist doing your work....

2001-06-05 Thread Louis Proyect
ays. > > No more goodbyes. > > John Landon > [EMAIL PROTECTED] John, it is probably best that you don't use me as a character witness on PEN-L. That is like Robert Blake telling people that O.J. Simpson can vouch for him, if you gather my drift. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Who says the NY Times lacks a sense of humor?

2001-06-06 Thread Louis Proyect
forces, reversing a policy set when the president took office. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Israeli economic collapse

2001-06-06 Thread Louis Proyect
hern Gaza, social workers warn of rising malnutrition. But for Israel, the economic shock is still profound, especially because the fall has been so steep and swift. Full: Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Time on the cross

2001-06-06 Thread Louis Proyect
the fastest growing. About 85,000 of this country's 1.3 million inmates in federal and state prisons hold a job, including 3,500 in a federal program where they make products for private companies for interstate sale. That is up from 1,000 five years ago. Full:

Re: Re: More on Electric Power in Russia.

2001-06-06 Thread Louis Proyect
se will have on the struggling industrial city. "I don't know why they're bringing it up now and trying to destroy the community," the mayor said last year during the investigation. Arrested just two days after winning the Democratic nomination for a third term, Robertson vowed not to step down. On Thursday, he changed his mind, announcing he would no longer seek re-election. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Double standard

2001-06-06 Thread Louis Proyect
ith senators. "And it's in our nation's interest that if there are unfair trade practices in the steel industry we address them in a very aggressive way, which this administration will do." Full: Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Energy crisis hits home

2001-06-06 Thread Louis Proyect
ng like this during the last energy crisis, perhaps working class mobilization--ultimately what's needed--could have been facilitated rather than the atomized response we ended up with. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Dependency theory debate in Latin America

2001-06-06 Thread Louis Proyect
ific" and Narodnik attitude? Johnson points to the MIR in Chile, which was based "to a large extent on dependency theses of rejecting alliances with the local bourgeoisies." There you have it, comrades. This is what riles Carlos Johnson: the MIR rejected alliances with the local bourgeoisies. I myself will take my stand with the MIR's of this world. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Re: Re: Dependency theory debate in Latin America

2001-06-07 Thread Louis Proyect
taught at the American University in Washington, D.C. blames the dependency school deviation on Lenin, whose "Imperialism" is supposedly filled with non-Marxist categories such as "monopoly capitalism". I suppose if you are going to be consistent with this "return to class

Re: Dependency theory debate in Latin America

2001-06-07 Thread Louis Proyect
ilized by schemes such as a World Bank-sponsored International Investment Trust. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Social Darwinism at Ohio State

2001-06-07 Thread Louis Proyect
ampus, and the awards have already made a difference. William F. Massy, a professor emeritus of higher education at Stanford University, says Ohio State is on the cutting edge of what he calls performance-based budgeting. What's yet to be determined, says Mr. Massy, is whether Ohio State can pu

Re: Re: Re: Dependency theory debate in Latin America

2001-06-07 Thread Louis Proyect
TA--a trade agreement that Julio endorses along with much of the Mexican left. Except, of course, for the Zapatistas. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Re: IMF/Dependency theory debate in Latin America

2001-06-07 Thread Louis Proyect
of this "revolution" by a self-described American Marxist professor working in Chile. The best antidote for this nonsense is the book on Chile available from Food First titled: "Chile's Free-Market Miracle: A Second Look" by Joseph Collins. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Re: IMF/Dependency theory debate in Latin America

2001-06-07 Thread Louis Proyect
r I am referring to is a young American who misused Zeitlin's polemics against the MR theorists in support of the argument that Pinochet was carrying out some kind of "bourgeois revolution" against "precapitalist" relations that existed under Allende. Zeitlin can not be b

Re: Re: IMF/Dependency theory debate in Latin America

2001-06-07 Thread Louis Proyect
divisions within the Popular Unity coalition and the nature of the class struggle in Chile." >I wrote Van Gosse of Radical History Review, a few weeks ago. He finds this >quite vicious polemicizing. Did you? Why don't you tell my employer that I post during working hours. Tha

Re: Re: Re: IMF/Dependency theory debate in Latin America

2001-06-07 Thread Louis Proyect
decided to move toward capitalism. Nicaragua was not an island like Cuba, nor was the Cuban revolution organized when the USSR was an accomplice of US foreign policy. To not see these differences is foolish. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Re: Re: IMF/Dependency theory debate in Latin America

2001-06-07 Thread Louis Proyect
fic questions such as how Marxism should relate to indigenous peoples or how airline deregulation caused a weakening of the American trade union movement. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Reply to Marc Cooper

2001-06-07 Thread Louis Proyect
on the left since the days of Elia Kazan. You will go down in history as a scab and a traitor. It is too bad. You did write a nice piece on Chile in the Nation a few years ago. You should have stuck to honest journalism rather than hook up with the thugs on the Pacifica national board. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Re: Re: Reply to Marc Cooper

2001-06-08 Thread Louis Proyect
t dropping bug in the latest version of AOL. Dynatech has software that will fix this while making it possible to post plain-text email as well. It is available for $179.95 from Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Re: Fwd: Re: Fwd: Re: Re: Reply to Marc Cooper

2001-06-09 Thread Louis Proyect
eneficiary of programs about how eating meat is bad because all the "stuff" has too far to travel in my long intestines. Cooper hates KPFA because they are reporting on the malfeasance at the top, and his opportunist bloc with the Pacifica board. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Re: Fw: [marxist] NATO war and pipeline

2001-06-10 Thread Louis Proyect
turned into makeshift >crematoriums (e.g., the kind of stories repeated by Christopher Hitchens in >one of his recent columns in The Nation) are not very credible. right. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Michael Yates journal #3

2001-06-10 Thread Louis Proyect
lake amid a million stars or see trout swimming upstream to spawn or a moose eating by a mountain river, why would you be at all attracted to a corny stagecoach ride? Keep in touch. To be continued. . . Michael Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Report from Juan Gonzalez

2001-06-10 Thread Louis Proyect
y temporarily control the network's airwaves," Gonzalez said this week. "But no one can control the hearts and minds of Pacifica's listeners. Like all regimes who rule by fear, they're hurtling toward the garbage can of history and still don't know it." Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Re: Reply to Marc Cooper

2001-06-07 Thread Louis Proyect
e station. As little doubt that I have that is your vision of what Pacifica should become, it is simply not my cup of tea. That is why thousands of people are donating time and money to stop the Pacifica board. We are clear about what is happening even if you are not. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Patrick Bond in the news

2001-06-11 Thread Louis Proyect
nce wake up, as our society is going to the highest bidder". Over the long term, Bond believes these pressures could lead to the collapse of the tripartite alliance, "because the ANC is finding it difficult to deliver the goods". Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Re: RE:The happy planet

2001-06-11 Thread Louis Proyect
oblem in the >peripheries? > >Mark Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

GNP and HDI: potentially misleading

2001-06-11 Thread Louis Proyect
2.7 China 6.4 Sub-Saharan Africa -0.2 AVERAGE CHANGE IN WEALTH PER HEAD 1970-1993 Bangladesh -2.6% India -0.1 Nepal -3 Pakistan-1.9 China 0.8 Sub-Saharan Africa -3.4 Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Re: Re: economics as religion

2001-06-11 Thread Louis Proyect
parative International Development Fax: (253) 692-5718 >University of Washington Box Number: 358436 >1900 Commerce Street >Tacoma, WA 98402, USA >xxx > Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

The Klepbsiella planticola controversy

2001-06-11 Thread Louis Proyect
uot; page for reader input, and a page where readers can order directly the editor's The Corporate Reapers: The Book of Agribusiness. The CARP web site was designed and produced by ElectricArrow of Seattle, Washington. Simply by clicking on either of the addresses below all the aforementioned features and information are yours to enjoy, study, absorb and sow. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Bronx medical students in Cuba

2001-06-12 Thread Louis Proyect
hat. Full: Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

The pressure on Democracy Now

2001-06-12 Thread Louis Proyect
had to have a media outlet that is independent, run by journalists and artists. As George Gerbner, founder of the Cultural Environment Movement, put it, *corporations have nothing to tell and everything to sell.* Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Perrier Go Away

2001-06-12 Thread Louis Proyect
s had been safe-guarding the headwaters of the river, a trout stream of regional renown. When -- despite a climate of secrecy -- word leaked that the DNR was now offering Perrier a proprietary drink from this public trough, anglers and neighbors exploded. Perrier wisely backed off. full: http://www.

Water as a tool of empire

2001-06-12 Thread Louis Proyect
"more likely, from their relations to the material prosperity of the country, and from their permanent nature, to perpetuate the memory of English dominion in India than any others hitherto executed. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Re: Re: microsoft's plans

2001-06-12 Thread Louis Proyect
de as far as I can tell. I am trying to figure out whether to buy a really cheap Dell right now or wait until XP becomes widely available. The main attraction--such as it is--for XP is that it is based on the much more reliable Windows 2000, a business-oriented operating system and moves away f

Disability rights

2001-06-12 Thread Louis Proyect
(Class of 1984, B. Arch., from Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, New York, School of Architecture) Co-Chair Public Facilities Accessibility Committee Disabled In Action of Metropolitan New York POB 30954 Port Authority Station New York, NY 10011-0100 Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

The Wide Blue Road

2001-06-13 Thread Louis Proyect
serves the widest audience possible. We are grateful to Jonathan Demme and Dustin Hoffman who have financed its reappearance this year. Now showing at the Film Forum in New York City, it very well might make an appearance in video. Look for it. It is an exceptionally powerful film. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

A profile on Gillo Pontecorvo

2001-06-13 Thread Louis Proyect
"The Wide Blue Road" and found Milestone Films, a haven for orphaned movies that had recently reissued "The Sorrow and the Pity." Mr. Demme's involvement didn't stop there. He lent his name to the reissue, along with Dustin Hoffman, a friend of Mr. Pontecorvo's since the 60's, thus providing the prestige to help ensure a proper preservation and rejuvenation of the Ferraniacolor film by Studio Cine in Italy (financed by Milestone and partially underwritten by Turner Classic Movies). "I've always considered Gillo one of the great deities of film, and was so knocked out by 'The Wide Blue Road,' " Mr. Demme said. "It deserves to be seen, even if it's nearly 50 years overdue." Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Yves Montand

2001-06-13 Thread Louis Proyect
after the curtain went down. Mr. Hamon and Mr. Rotman have given us a Montand full of curiosity, generosity, passion, vanity and grace, "sly and naive, selfish and endearing, brave and fearful, enthusiastic and hot-tempered." Above all, they have portrayed a working life: enormous labor, great seriousness, a lot of pain, a lot of laughs and friendship. Montand was a professional. What finer epitaph, with professionalism so rare in all trades in our time? Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Hardt-Negri "Empire" statistics

2001-06-13 Thread Louis Proyect
Number of pages referenced in index: deterriorialization: 12 immanence: 21 production of subjectivity: 11 subsumption, formal and real, 8 (subtotal, 52) IMF, 0 World Bank, 0 NATO, 0 (subtotal, 0) Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

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