Re: Course note creation

2008-03-31 Thread Jochen Stenzel

Hello Jacinta,

> [...] we write our course notes with a text editor in sgml
> and then use sgmltools, jadetex, pdfeTeX, ps2pdf etc to get a pdf we 
can print
> and distribute.  We also have some of our more recent course notes 
written in

> pod and use pod2docbook (our customised copy) to add that into the chain.
> [...]  I love having plain text files to edit and being able
> to use all the regular tools such as diff and CVS to manage changes. 

> [...] I don't understand how docbook works, and I have no idea
> how to convert our system from using the scheme-like DTD DSSSL Style 
Sheet to

> using something I do understand.
> I'm seriously considering alternate ways to build our course notes, 
and I'd love

> to know what you do, and how that works for you.

I am writing my notes as plain text files in PerlPoint 
( and then process them into paged HTML for the slides 
to present (each headline starts a new slide), and into PDF for the 
printed handouts using sdf and ghtmldoc (generating PDF from HTML from 
SDF from PerlPoint).

As I am one of the authors of PerlPoint I will try to avoid too much 
advertising (please see for for a feature list, 
overview and tutorial). It's just the tool I am using myself in course 
preparation for years now. It is not perfect (and still improved), but 
handy to produce both slides and PDF from one source (or a set of nested 
sources, respectively). Complex tasks can be hidden in macros written in 
Perl, macros can be used team-wide.

Some basic formatting rules like the paragraph principle and the basic 
tag syntax are similar to POD so if one knows POD it should feel 
familiar. Existing POD files can be processed directly by using import 

It's all written in Perl. Output generation can be adapted by 
overwriting methods in derived classes (although this API needs more 

The PDF look is based on the features provided by ghtmldoc, which 
includes a well looking generated TOC with chapter links, linked local 
TOCs, links to chapters and self-defined anchors, external URLs, tables, 
images, (kind of) footnotes, and formatting both in descriptions and 
examples. ghtmldoc allows to configure various aspects of the page 
layout - there might be more, but the required basics are well supported.

As a disadvantage, bullet list points are more indented than examples in 
ghtmldoc PDFs (perhaps it is possible to arrange that better?). I would 
also like to have colored text in the PDF, but that's not supported at 
the moment (but b/w text is suitable for printed handouts). The subset 
of (intermediately used) HTML that is understood by ghtmldoc is limited, 
and it ignores CSS, so one gets a rather basic layout, but of a good 

For HTML output, and the public version of the German 
Perl Workshop CD ( 
are examples of larger documents that are available online (please use 
another browser than IE to look at them, we recently found an IE related 
layout requirement that is not applied to the public pages yet). 
Basically, the layout is determined by user provided HTML templates 
(called "styles") with placeholders for the generated parts. These 
styles can use CSS, Javascript etc. and are selected by an option, so 
one can switch between them.

Best regards


Re: Course note creation

2008-03-25 Thread Gabor Szabo
Hi Jacinta and others!

I am using docbook for creating my course material but I keep my example
files separate and added a new tag to docbook .
These files first go through some home made preprocessing where I replace those
include tags with the relevant files and then I use jw to process the
docbook files.

I am not very satisfied with the results but so far this is the best I
could come up with
that is relatively easy to write and then I can create both HTML
slides and PDF to print.

There are plenty of text based presentation generators out there and it seems
more or less everyone reinvents it at least once or twice.


Course note creation

2008-03-24 Thread Jacinta Richardson
G'day folk,

At Perl Training Australia we write our course notes with a text editor in sgml
and then use sgmltools, jadetex, pdfeTeX, ps2pdf etc to get a pdf we can print
and distribute.  We also have some of our more recent course notes written in
pod and use pod2docbook (our customised copy) to add that into the chain.

This works well enough.  I love having plain text files to edit and being able
to use all the regular tools such as diff and CVS to manage changes.  However
there are a whole bunch of little issues that really annoy me.

Mostly this is because I don't understand how docbook works, and I have no idea
how to convert our system from using the scheme-like DTD DSSSL Style Sheet to
using something I do understand.

I'm seriously considering alternate ways to build our course notes, and I'd love
to know what you do, and how that works for you.

All the best,


   ("`-''-/").___..--''"`-._  |  Jacinta Richardson |
`6_ 6  )   `-.  ( ).`-.__.`)  |  Perl Training Australia|
(_Y_.)'  ._   )  `._ `. ``-..-'   |  +61 3 9354 6001|
  _..`--'_..-_/  /--'_.' ,'   | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 (il),-''  (li),'  ((!.-' |   |