[perl #128320] [JVM] NullPointerException when using sub form of map on array with deleted element

2017-09-10 Thread Christian Bartolomaeus via RT
This problem has been resolved:

$ ./perl6-j -e 'my @array = 0..1; @array[0]:delete; say map { $_ }, @array'
((Any) 1)

The test in S32-array/delete.t is passing on the JVM backend as well. I'm 
closing this ticket as 'resolved'.

[perl #128320] [JVM] NullPointerException when using sub form of map on array with deleted element

2016-09-20 Thread Christian Bartolomaeus via RT
Yesterday we had the following discussion on #perl6-dev about this ticket:

 start of discussion on IRC -- cmp. 
bartolin lizmat: I saw your commit 9b6f2eb543 in the backlog. does that 
shed a different light on RT #128320 and the related rakudo PR 780? (that PR 
has conflicts now)
synopsebot6  Link:  https://rt.perl.org/rt3//Public/Bug/Display.html?id=128320
lizmat   bartolin: looking
lizmat   bartolin: I don't think so, because #128320 is about Arrays not 
lizmat   ah, reading the pull request: perhaps the jvm has problems pushing 
nqp::null to an array ?
timotimo we don't have something like VMNull on JVM? that surprises me
arnsholt IIRC nqp::null on JVM is just plain null
lizmat   well, that's basically what 
https://github.com/rakudo/rakudo/pull/780/files does: make sure we don't push 
arnsholt There are two potential solutions here, IMO
arnsholt Either guard against the null from Rakudo (like in the PR), or 
find the spot in the Java runtime code that doesn't check for null and add a 
null check there instead
bartolin lizmat: IIRC the problem occured because we used map in the 
failing code -- and inside map the List iterator is used
arnsholt I'd be inclined to go for finding the problem in the Java code, I 
bartolin sounds fair. I'll add this discussion to the ticket (and close the 
bartolin arnsholt++ lizmat++ # thanks for looking
lizmat   bartolin: if this is still a problem, then I could make it JVM only
bartolin lizmat: no, it's not a big problem (not worth a special case IMHO)
lizmat   ok
bartolin (I fudged the failing test as todo some time ago)
lizmat   well, if it's todoed, is no longer NPEing ?
lizmat   *it's
bartolin it's a 'lives-ok' test :-)
lizmat   but still, an NPE would exit the test script, wouldn't be 
catchable ?
timotimo not sure if we turn an NPE into a perl6-level catchable exception
bartolin well, the test file (S32-array/delete.t) has no passed todos and 
it does not die, either
* lizmat is building an up-to-date JVM backend
lizmat   bartolin: seems the problem on JVM is now also gone:
lizmat   $ ./perl6-j -e 'my @a; @a[1] = 42; say @a.map: { 1 }'
lizmat   (1 1)
lizmat   oops, it isn't:
lizmat   $ ./perl6-j -e 'my @a; @a[1] = 42; say map { $_ }, @a'
lizmat   java.lang.NullPointerException
lizmat   in block  at -e line 1
bartolin yepp, it's only the sub form of map
lizmat   m: sub a(+v) { dd v }; a( my @ = ^10 )
camelia  rakudo-moar 77a7a4: OUTPUT«(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)␤»
lizmat   m: sub a(+@v) { dd @v }; a( my @ = ^10 )
camelia  rakudo-moar 77a7a4: OUTPUT«[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]␤»
lizmat   seems like adding a sigil makes it an Array, and thus circumvent 
the issue
bartolin lizmat: you mean in multi sub map?
lizmat   yeah...
lizmat   testing that now
bartolin hmm, Larry introduced the +value there exactly one year ago 
lizmat   ./perl6-j -e 'my @a; @a[1] = 42; say map { $_ }, @a'
lizmat   ((Mu) 42)
lizmat   bartolin: alas, no go
lizmat   m: my @a = ^10; map { $_ = 42 }, @a; dd @a   # this breaks
camelia  rakudo-moar 77a7a4: OUTPUT«Array @a = [42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 
42, 42, 42]␤»
lizmat   apparently the array is a copy
bartolin ah.
bartolin anyway, it's not the biggest problem with the jvm backend ... but 
thanks for looking!
lizmat   bartolin: yw
 end of discussion on IRC -- powered by 