Re: Naming debate- what's the location for it?

2018-02-14 Thread Patrick R. Michaud
On Wed, Feb 14, 2018 at 05:55:54PM +, raiph mellor wrote:
> (Perl) Rakudo
> ===
> If jnthn and pmichaud and larry can warm to this idea, then:
> [...]
> The 'Perl' could be dropped from Rakudo specific propaganda,
> calling the language just Rakudo instead, to reinforce that it refers
> to 6e and beyond. But the Perl could be retained in any material
> covering both Raptor and Rakudo as a reunified tech / community.

FWIW, I am VERY MUCH AGAINST the idea of naming a language after its 
implementation.  I've seen the confusion it causes in other environments and we 
ought not repeat that mistake here, especially since we don't have to.

Whatever things end up being called, don't confuse the implementation(s) with 
the language definition.


Re: Naming debate- what's the location for it?

2018-02-14 Thread raiph mellor
Another 2 or 3 pennies^1 worth of strawman proposing / bikeshedding /
flight of marketing fancy about naming etc:

Perl's Rapture

Imagine we officially embarked on a year+ long communal process in
which we (TPF and Perl community) sort out branding and marketing of
Perlish languages. A key goal is to have everything as clear as we can
manage before Python 2.x official EOL. We not only make it clear how
P5 and P6 are different and how they are related but also how they sit
in contrast to Python, C/C++, Java, JS and other langs trying to evolve.

I think "Perl's Rapture" would be a fun and helpful name for this process.
I'm an atheist, or nearly so, but I can't think of something that beats the
several fun and interesting elements/parallels I see in the Wikipedia intro
in its Rapture page.^2

Perl Raptor

This is my proposal for Perl 5.30 and beyond.

It's an existing semi-official alternate name for P5, with a logo
hosted at TPF's website.^3

The 'Perl' could generally / increasingly be dropped from propaganda,
calling the language just Raptor instead, when that's helpful for reinforcing
that it's officially for refering to 5.30 and beyond.

I'm thinking there would be a switch from use of the Velociraptor to a
raptor bird logo, with a new logo competition, emphasizing smallness,
evolutionary fitness, speed etc, but perhaps I'm now weighing in with
3p instead of 2p and that might be a tad too rich.

(Perl) Rakudo

If jnthn and pmichaud and larry can warm to this idea, then:

This is my proposal for 6e+ (My sense is we'd be better off letting
P6 mature for another couple years, avoid unduly undercutting the
wave of books with Perl 6 in their title, and wait till after we get a
round of Perl Raptor branding impact / marketing, and instead hold
the noisy push till 6e around the time Python folk EOL Python 2.x.)

The 'Perl' could be dropped from Rakudo specific propaganda,
calling the language just Rakudo instead, to reinforce that it refers
to 6e and beyond. But the Perl could be retained in any material
covering both Raptor and Rakudo as a reunified tech / community.


^1 I've just arrived back in Britain after 25 years in the US.

^2 Excerpts from intro:

The Rapture is an eschatological term used by certain Christians ...

... meaning to snatch away or seize
[from what?]

... used by certain believers ... viewing it as preceding the Second
Coming and followed by a thousand year millennial kingdom
[cf 100 year language]

... there are differing viewpoints about the exact timing of the purported event
[at official Python 2.x EOL?]

... There are differing views ... whether it will occur in one event or two
[Raptor relaunch of P5... Rakudo relaunch of P6...]

... the term "rapture" is derived from the text of the Latin ... —"we
will be caught up"
[It's going to be fascinating to see what happens in 2020s re Python vs Perl in
particular and Hindley Milner static typing vs nominal static/dynamic typing]


love to all, raiph