Re: Exegesis 7: Fill Justification

2004-03-03 Thread Stefano Rodighiero
Il giorno 02/mar/04, alle 04:12, Larry Wall ha scritto:

: Problem solved!!! ;-)
I think you prove my point.  :-)
Very nice "certamen".

You would be probably thrilled by an italian Usenet poster I'm honoured
to know, who manually justifies every single post he writes. No extra
spaces, and no hyphenation. He is Leonardo Serni. Random examples:
Someone uses the verb "to sernify" ("sernificare") to indicate this 
Someone thinks Leonardo Serni is like Nicolad Bourbaki.
On his part, Leonardo says this technique does not take him too much 


Re: Exegesis 7: Fill Justification

2004-03-02 Thread Piers Cawley
Tom Christiansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>>On Tue, Mar 02, 2004 at 10:01:11AM +1100, Damian Conway wrote:
>>: That's a *very* interesting idea. What do people think?
>>I think anyone who does full justification without proportional
>>spacing and hyphenation is severely lacking in empathy for the reader.
>>Ragged right is much easier on the eyes--speaking as someone who had
>>their seventh eye operation today.
> At least aesthetically, yes, it sure does look better ragged.  I do
> wonder why that is, though.  Could it be that the unevenness of the
> inserted fixed-width spacing looks rough?  Or is maybe because with
> long lines, one's eye might get lost, being slower to tell one line
> from the next?  That's certainly a reason for have shorter columns.
> In a message of mine to p5p of 4-Nov-2003 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> I showed (but did not mention) how this sort of can be done without
> inserting any spurious spaces whatsoever, even in a long paragraph:
>> Well, no.  Mark answered so quickly after I did, and covered so much of it
>> so succinctly, that I backed off again.  It seems to me that he and I have
>> both for a long time yearned for a perliotut; I don't believe either of us
>> has ever fleshed out more than an outline, though.  IO is a subject that's
>> not always easy to figure out how to get the best handle on (ENOPUN).  For
>> one thing, it's steeped in Unix lore and tradition, and it requires either
>> knowing or else teaching quite a bit of C programming that would otherwise
>> be completely irrelevant to Perl.  For example, when you see someone lseek
>> zero bytes from the current position in Perl, you know they're remembering
>> the ANSI C requirement of a seek falling between switching from reading to
>> writing or vice versa.  As always, you're subject to all the silly bugs in
>> your libc runtime system and in your kernel; for example, we tried to have
>> all buffers flushed before a fork() to avoid duplicate output in the child
>> by calling fflush(0) from C, the intent being to flush data still there in
>> stdio buffers.  Unfortunately, on some platforms, you'll accidentally toss
>> not just pending output, but also pending input.  Thus the case where read
>> on STDIN was called with 2 against "asdf\n", you'd still have the df\n yet
>> to read get completely trounced.  This is incorrect behaviour, at least as
>> far as the goal of flushing pending output buffers before forking.  Sadly,
>> there really are a zillion little things like this, and these are just the
>> exceptions, not the core functionality that you'd like to teach people for
>> learning IO.  Blocking and buffering are tricky; did you remember that the
>> output commands can also block?  Think about sending something down a pipe
>> where the reader on the other end is slow or busy.  That's why with select
>> you also have a slot for output handles you want to know whether are ready
>> for IO.  It just goes on and on.  It would be easier to hand out copies of
>> Stevens than to write perliotut, but that's too embarrassing and annoying.
> However, I fear this isn't really readily automated; sorry to interrupt. :-)

It's more fun if you do an acrostic on the left hand column. And rather
harder if you perpetrate a simultaneous acrostic on the right. But I've
given up on such pursuits. Not that I ever managed an ambidexterous one
myself anyway. For particular values of fun, of course.

Beware the Perl 6 early morning joggers -- Allison Randal

Re: Exegesis 7: Fill Justification

2004-03-02 Thread Stefano Rodighiero
Il giorno 02/mar/04, alle 10:08, Stefano Rodighiero ha scritto:

Someone thinks Leonardo Serni is like Nicolad Bourbaki.

Oops. That was 'Nicolas'. Sorry.


Re: Exegesis 7: Fill Justification

2004-03-02 Thread Stefano Rodighiero
Il giorno 02/mar/04, alle 04:12, Larry Wall ha scritto:

: Problem solved!!! ;-)
I think you prove my point.  :-)
Very nice "certamen".

You would be probably thrilled by an italian Usenet poster I'm honoured
to know, who manually justifies every single post he writes. No extra
spaces, and no hyphenation. He is Leonardo Serni. Random examples:
Someone uses the verb "to sernify" ("sernificare") to indicate this 
Someone thinks Leonardo Serni is like Nicolad Bourbaki.
On his part, Leonardo says this technique does not take him too much 


Re: Exegesis 7: Fill Justification

2004-03-01 Thread Larry Wall
On Tue, Mar 02, 2004 at 12:42:28PM +1100, Damian Conway wrote:
: Well, it really depends on how neatly
: one is able to write. It really isn't
: that hard to create a fully justified
: text that doesn't inflict pain on the
: reader. English is especially good in
: that regard, offering such a plethora
: of synonyms for most common words, so
: that it's easy to squeeze or expand a
: piece of writing by enough letters to
: fit it cleanly into specific margins.

Well, as both a linguist and a writer, I have to say that I don't
really believe in exact synonyms, and while you can get away with
trading diction for prettiness to some extent, nearly all efforts
along those lines end up sounding a little bit wooden to my ears.

: Hmmm. Maybe what C really needs
: to do when requested to fully justify
: is to *re-write* the input so that it
: just naturally lines up on the actual
: margins, without any extra whitespace
: needed in any line. Whenever it finds
: a line that needs to be longer, maybe
: it could query WordNet for every word
: in the line, and find a collection of
: synonyms that would, on replacing the
: existing words, fill in the unsightly
: gaps in the line. And, if no such set
: of replacements could be found, maybe
: it could resort to modifying the line
: in other ways -- such as changing the
: punctuation in some inconspicuous way
: or as a last resort adding emoticons.
: Problem solved!!! ;-)

I think you prove my point.  :-)


Re: Exegesis 7: Fill Justification

2004-03-01 Thread Damian Conway
Larry observed:

I think anyone who does full justification without proportional
spacing and hyphenation is severely lacking in empathy for the reader.
Well, it really depends on how neatly
one is able to write. It really isn't
that hard to create a fully justified
text that doesn't inflict pain on the
reader. English is especially good in
that regard, offering such a plethora
of synonyms for most common words, so
that it's easy to squeeze or expand a
piece of writing by enough letters to
fit it cleanly into specific margins.
Hmmm. Maybe what C really needs
to do when requested to fully justify
is to *re-write* the input so that it
just naturally lines up on the actual
margins, without any extra whitespace
needed in any line. Whenever it finds
a line that needs to be longer, maybe
it could query WordNet for every word
in the line, and find a collection of
synonyms that would, on replacing the
existing words, fill in the unsightly
gaps in the line. And, if no such set
of replacements could be found, maybe
it could resort to modifying the line
in other ways -- such as changing the
punctuation in some inconspicuous way
or as a last resort adding emoticons.
Problem solved!!! ;-)

(Seriously though, full justification
is mainly there for completeness, and
in readiness for the day when C
is able to handle variable-width text
and/or HTML output. In the interim we
just aim to produce the most readable
results given the constraints imposed
by the lack of proportional spacing.)

Re: Exegesis 7: Fill Justification

2004-03-01 Thread Tom Christiansen
>On Tue, Mar 02, 2004 at 10:01:11AM +1100, Damian Conway wrote:
>: That's a *very* interesting idea. What do people think?

>I think anyone who does full justification without proportional
>spacing and hyphenation is severely lacking in empathy for the reader.
>Ragged right is much easier on the eyes--speaking as someone who had
>their seventh eye operation today.

At least aesthetically, yes, it sure does look better ragged.  I do
wonder why that is, though.  Could it be that the unevenness of the
inserted fixed-width spacing looks rough?  Or is maybe because with
long lines, one's eye might get lost, being slower to tell one line
from the next?  That's certainly a reason for have shorter columns.

In a message of mine to p5p of 4-Nov-2003 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
I showed (but did not mention) how this sort of can be done without
inserting any spurious spaces whatsoever, even in a long paragraph:

> Well, no.  Mark answered so quickly after I did, and covered so much of it
> so succinctly, that I backed off again.  It seems to me that he and I have
> both for a long time yearned for a perliotut; I don't believe either of us
> has ever fleshed out more than an outline, though.  IO is a subject that's
> not always easy to figure out how to get the best handle on (ENOPUN).  For
> one thing, it's steeped in Unix lore and tradition, and it requires either
> knowing or else teaching quite a bit of C programming that would otherwise
> be completely irrelevant to Perl.  For example, when you see someone lseek
> zero bytes from the current position in Perl, you know they're remembering
> the ANSI C requirement of a seek falling between switching from reading to
> writing or vice versa.  As always, you're subject to all the silly bugs in
> your libc runtime system and in your kernel; for example, we tried to have
> all buffers flushed before a fork() to avoid duplicate output in the child
> by calling fflush(0) from C, the intent being to flush data still there in
> stdio buffers.  Unfortunately, on some platforms, you'll accidentally toss
> not just pending output, but also pending input.  Thus the case where read
> on STDIN was called with 2 against "asdf\n", you'd still have the df\n yet
> to read get completely trounced.  This is incorrect behaviour, at least as
> far as the goal of flushing pending output buffers before forking.  Sadly,
> there really are a zillion little things like this, and these are just the
> exceptions, not the core functionality that you'd like to teach people for
> learning IO.  Blocking and buffering are tricky; did you remember that the
> output commands can also block?  Think about sending something down a pipe
> where the reader on the other end is slow or busy.  That's why with select
> you also have a slot for output handles you want to know whether are ready
> for IO.  It just goes on and on.  It would be easier to hand out copies of
> Stevens than to write perliotut, but that's too embarrassing and annoying.

However, I fear this isn't really readily automated; sorry to interrupt. :-)


PS: Ok, maybe one *could* do it, but that would still require a whole lot of
PhD-ish NLP work, and surely Damian's too engaged now for the diversion.

Re: Exegesis 7: Fill Justification

2004-03-01 Thread Larry Wall
On Tue, Mar 02, 2004 at 10:01:11AM +1100, Damian Conway wrote:
: That's a *very* interesting idea. What do people think?

I think anyone who does full justification without proportional
spacing and hyphenation is severely lacking in empathy for the reader.
Ragged right is much easier on the eyes--speaking as someone who had
their seventh eye operation today.  (More laser surgery to blast away
more of my lens capsule, because the hole they made last time wasn't
quite big enough, and I got smears at night...)


Re: Exegesis 7: Fill Justification

2004-03-01 Thread Rod Adams
Damian Conway wrote:

Richard Nuttall suggested:

An alternative is to have "fill rightmost gaps" and "fill leftmost 
gaps" on
alternate lines. This  produces more balanced looking columns, so 
they don't all look heavier on the left.

That's a *very* interesting idea. What do people think?
The Version 1 samples had various "whitespace worms" appear over on the 
right, which get broken up to some extent with v2. However, v2 has some 
minor even/odd patterns that get some mild notice.

But overall, I like #2 better.

Since I don't think whitespace management is something that needs to be 
deterministic, why not choose the gaps randomly? If we do need 
deterministic results, then a pseudo-random pattern where you expand the 
C<(($LineNumber * $GapToExpandCounter * $SomePrimeNumber) % 
$GapsOnLine)>th gap?

There's also a gremlin in the back of my head telling me the typesetting 
industry probably solved this riddle years ago. But I have no time to 
research it this week.

-- Rod

Re: Exegesis 7: Fill Justification

2004-03-01 Thread Damian Conway
Richard Nuttall suggested:

An alternative is to have "fill rightmost gaps" and "fill leftmost gaps" on
alternate lines. This  produces more balanced looking columns, so they 
don't all look heavier on the left.
That's a *very* interesting idea. What do people think?

For example:

Now is the winter of our  discontent  /  Made
glorious summer by this sun of  York;  /  And
all the clouds that lour'd upon our  house  /
In the deep bosom of the ocean buried. /  Now
are our brows bound with victorious  wreaths;
/ Our bruised arms hung up for  monuments;  /
Our stern alarums changed to merry  meetings,
/  Our   dreadful   marches   to   delightful
measures. Grim-visaged war hath smooth'd  his
wrinkled  front;  /  And  now,   instead   of
mounting barded steeds / To fright the  souls
of fearful adversaries, / He capers nimbly in
a lady's chamber.

Now is the winter of our  discontent  /  Made
glorious  summer  by  this sun of York; / And
all the clouds that lour'd upon our  house  /
In  the deep bosom of the ocean buried. / Now
are our brows bound with victorious  wreaths;
/  Our  bruised arms hung up for monuments; /
Our stern alarums changed to merry  meetings,
/   Our   dreadful   marches   to  delightful
measures. Grim-visaged war hath smooth'd  his
wrinkled   front;   /  And  now,  instead  of
mounting barded steeds / To fright the  souls
of fearful adversaries, / He capers nimbly in
a lady's chamber.

I think one of the outstanding features of OO
Perl is that is allows  you  to  approach  OO
with the same mindset as you're  used  to  in
another language. By that I mean that you can
write OO Perl that's similar in structure and
operation to a C++ program, or OO Perl that's
very like Smalltalk, or OO Perl  that  mimics
Self,  or  CLOS,  or  Eiffel.  I  once   even
implemented a Perl module that added  Python-
esque scoping-by-indentation. In other words,
whatever brand of OO you're  used  to  using,
you can stick with it when you move to  Perl.
Eventually you  discover  that  your  notions
about what OO actually is have been stretched
and challenged so often that you've developed
an entirely  new  understanding  of  what  OO
truly is -- your own OO mindset. But  there's
another  important   aspect   to   all   that
flexibility. Because it can accommodate  such
a wide range of approaches, as you  become  a
more accomplished  OO  programmer  Perl  also
lets you select the most appropriate  mindset
-- or mindsets! -- for a particular  problem.
If you need OO closures in  one  application,
and  interfaces  in  another,  and  prototype
cloning in a third, you can implement each in
Perl. And if you need closures and interfaces
and cloning and inheritance polymorphism  and
objects  that  can  change  their  class  and
classes that  can  modify  their  inheritance
hierarchies, all in the same application,  in
Perl you can do that too.  So,  although  you
don't  need  to  approach  OO  Perl  with   a
different  mindset,  after  a  while   you're
almost certain to discover one. I don't  know
of any other programming  language  that  can
give you that.

I think one of the outstanding features of OO
Perl  is  that  is  allows you to approach OO
with the same mindset as you're  used  to  in
another language. By that I mean that you can
write OO Perl that's similar in structure and
operation to a C++ program, or OO Perl that's
very like Smalltalk, or OO Perl  that  mimics
Self,   or  CLOS,  or  Eiffel.  I  once  even
implemented a Perl module that added  Python-
esque scoping-by-indentation. In other words,
whatever brand of OO you're  used  to  using,
you  can stick with it when you move to Perl.
Eventually you  discover  that  your  notions
about what OO actually is have been stretched
and challenged so often that you've developed
an  entirely  new  understanding  of  what OO
truly is -- your own OO mindset. But  there's
another   important   aspect   to   all  that
flexibility. Because it can accommodate  such
a  wide  range of approaches, as you become a
more accomplished  OO  programmer  Perl  also
lets  you select the most appropriate mindset
-- or mindsets! -- for a particular  problem.
If  you  need OO closures in one application,
and  interfaces  in  another,  and  prototype
cloning in a third, you can implement each in
Perl. And if you need closures and interfaces
and  cloning and inheritance polymorphism and
objects  that  can  change  their  class  and
classes  that  can  modify  their inheritance
hierarchies, all in the same application,  in
Perl  you  can  do that too. So, although you
don't  need  to  approach  OO  Per

Re: Exegesis 7: Fill Justification

2004-03-01 Thread Richard Nuttall
Damian Conway wrote:

Gregor N. Purdy wrote:

In the section "He doth fill fields..." we see an example of Fill
Justification where two spaces fit between every word. This doesn't
give us an idea of how spaces are distributed if the number of
spaces needed does not divide evenly into the number of interstices.

Currently extra spaces are fitted into the rightmost gaps (as this 
seems -- to me at leats- to produce the least weird results). I've 
tried all sorts of other schemes but none seem as satisfactory to me.
An alternative is to have "fill rightmost gaps" and "fill leftmost gaps" on
alternate lines. This  produces more balanced looking columns, so they don't
all look heavier on the left.
Richard Nuttall

Re: Exegesis 7: Fill Justification

2004-02-28 Thread Gregor N. Purdy
Damian --

Good. I don't remember where I first heard about doing it that way
vs. from the left, but the results going from the right to left
are typically better looking than from left to right, and I use that
way exclusively now.


-- Gregor

On Sat, 2004-02-28 at 15:54, Damian Conway wrote:
> Gregor N. Purdy wrote:
> > In the section "He doth fill fields..." we see an example of Fill
> > Justification where two spaces fit between every word. This doesn't
> > give us an idea of how spaces are distributed if the number of
> > spaces needed does not divide evenly into the number of interstices.
> Currently extra spaces are fitted into the rightmost gaps (as this seems -- to 
> me at leats- to produce the least weird results). I've tried all sorts of 
> other schemes but none seem as satisfactory to me.
> Damian
Focus Research, Inc.

Re: Exegesis 7: Fill Justification

2004-02-28 Thread Damian Conway
Gregor N. Purdy wrote:

In the section "He doth fill fields..." we see an example of Fill
Justification where two spaces fit between every word. This doesn't
give us an idea of how spaces are distributed if the number of
spaces needed does not divide evenly into the number of interstices.
Currently extra spaces are fitted into the rightmost gaps (as this seems -- to 
me at leats- to produce the least weird results). I've tried all sorts of 
other schemes but none seem as satisfactory to me.


Exegesis 7: Fill Justification

2004-02-28 Thread Gregor N. Purdy
In the section "He doth fill fields..." we see an example of Fill
Justification where two spaces fit between every word. This doesn't
give us an idea of how spaces are distributed if the number of
spaces needed does not divide evenly into the number of interstices.

In the section "More particulars must justify my knowledge...",
indicates the approach is to "...distribute any padding as evenly
as possible into the existing whitespace gaps...", but still doesn't
tell us what the rule really is. In the example, there are two
spaces to be distributed and three interstices. The last two each
get one space. That could be the "add one pad to each insterstice
from right to left, repeat until exhausted" rule, which isn't really
about even distribution.

One other note about this example: The text says C will
"...extract a maximal substring...", but in the example that string
would be "A fellow of infinite j". The example output shows that the
extracted string isn't quite maximal. It tries to keep words together
(this rule is detailed elsewhere, but this example doesn't refer to
that extraction rule).

Focus Research, Inc.