Question regarding Ranges

2008-12-22 Thread cory . spencer
I've got a question regarding Ranges and in particular, infinite Ranges. How should a range such as: (0..Inf) or (-Inf..0) be represented when it is converted to a string? I believe that Pugs currently attempts to create a range of infinite length and provides no stringified value. I'm

Any kv() question

2009-03-12 Thread Cory Spencer
In the spectest suite (specifically in: t/spec/S32-array/kv.t), the last several tests seem to be testing for named arguments to kv: # check the non-invocant form with named arguments my @array = ; my @kv = kv(:array(@array)); #?rakudo skip 'named args' is(+...@kv, 8, 'kv(