Aw: [pestlist] anoxic treatment update and more questions

2018-01-02 Thread Pascal Querner
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Hi Nicole,


what temperature do you have for your treatment and what pest (in wood or others?). if you have about 25 C and the anoxia systhem is working, you should have 0,0 % Oxygen and 3 weeks should be enough. For wood boring pests it should be fine also, but they one of are the hardest to kill with anoxia.


All the best from Europe,




Gesendet: Dienstag, 02. Januar 2018 um 18:10 Uhr
Von: "Nicole Grabow" 
An:, "AIC Objects Specialty Group Discussion" 
Betreff: [pestlist] anoxic treatment update and more questions

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Hello lists (crossposting with OSG and Pests),
Thank you all for your help and advice in designing an anoxic system. I was able to order the RP-K oxygen scavengers direct from Mitsubishi and since there were none in stock in all of North America they shipped them all the way from Tokyo. My RH is holding at 45%, which is good. Also, a very generous colleague has lent us an oxygen detecting system.


I am writing now to ask if anyone - particularly perhaps the bug experts on the Pest list - can tell me about the life cycle of the Anobiidae family, and if there is any wiggle room on the 21-day recommendation for anoxic treatment. The shipment from Japan set us back a few days and we will hit the 21-day mark exactly one day after the show opens. What kind of risk are we looking at if we choose to take them out after 20 days?





Nicole Grabow

Senior Objects Conservator and Preservation Conservator

Midwest Art Conservation Center

2400 Third Avenue South

Minneapolis, MN 55404



The Midwest Art Conservation Center is a non-profit regional center for the preservation and conservation of art and artifacts providing treatment, education, and training for museums, historical societies, libraries, other cultural institutions as well as public and private clients.



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Re: [pestlist] Pheromone Pest Control Traps (UNCLASSIFIED)

2017-11-28 Thread Pascal Querner
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Dear Scott,


I must say that the advice from the two conservators giving the course was not very precise!! I give a lot of IPM courses in Europe and other places, and usually we get this question at every workshop, here is my standard answer:

1. Yes it is possible that we attract animals from outside, but place pheromone traps in the center of the room at least 5-10m from windows and doors to prevent this. -> easy to prevent

2. Usually sex pheromones for moths and carpet beetles will only attract the males and you need a female laying eggs to start an infestation. -> so no big problem!

3. If I have the feeling that there is a source of moths outside of the building, this is a very important information and I place one trap inside and one outside to have a reliable answer to this question. If they really come from outside (a bird nest or dead animal can be a source of the infestation) your collection inside is at risk to get infested -> get rid of the problem

4. If you use food bait for mice (or some beetles) yes you can attract animals from outside so you have to think if the information is useful and important for you. 

Pheromone traps are a very important tool for the monitoring of many pests and I use hundreds for webbing clothes moths in many buildings, they collect a lot of important information’s for the IPM!!


All the best from Vienna,







Good morning. I work for the US Army at one of their museums and we use pheromone pest control traps, especially for carpet beetles. One of my staff was at a US Army museums course two weeks ago and was told by two conservators that all pheromone traps must be removed from all Army museums as they lure bugs in from outside with the pheromone - like through doors and windows. They stated that it attracts more insects in to the buildings and makes it more difficult to control pests (we have these pheromone traps as well as ground traps near doors and windows to catch anything coming in - no carpet beetles in the floor traps but we do get a couple in the pheromone traps). I have never heard of this happening before and wanted to check to see anyone has heard of this or knew approximately how far one of the pheromone traps "odor" went out from the trap. I just can't see that one of these small traps can lure insects through doors and walls like the two conservators stated. Any information you could provide would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

Scott A. Neel, PhD

Director / Curator

Fort Sill National Historic Landmark and Museum

US Army Fires Center of Excellence

372 Gannahl Road

Fort Sill, OK 73503

Office: 580-442-6570

Fax: 580-442-0552


Facebook: Museum/368889589827678



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Laura Russman, MA
Curator of Collections
Museum Studies Instructor
Schingoethe Center
Aurora University
(630) 844-7845

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[pestlist] EH video of moth capaign

2017-04-06 Thread Pascal Querner
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All the best in your fight against the moths!!




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Aw: [pestlist] Small white bug, dark underbelly

2017-03-12 Thread Pascal Querner
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I think it could be a grey silverfish (Ctenolepisma longicaudata), we find it a lot in Austria now, very often in new buildings.


I find them often in the blunder traps and if they are upside down on the trap it looks like that. Do you have paper objects in the area?


have a look also at the informations on the Museumpests:


All the best frm Vienna,





Gesendet: Freitag, 10. März 2017 um 19:31 Uhr
Von: "Kayla Wirtz" 
An: "" 
Betreff: [pestlist] Small white bug, dark underbelly

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I am the Museum Collections Manager (and archivist) at the Center for Puppetry Arts. Today someone in my library notified me of this little guy. It’s no bigger than my finger tip. It is white on top with a dark under belly. It is also quite firm, and has what looks like one thin antennae. Can any of you verify what it is?


Thank you and best wishes!


Kayla Wirtz

Center for Puppetry Arts

Collections Manager




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[pestlist] IPM conference in Paris in September

2016-07-22 Thread Pascal Querner
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Dear colleagues,



I would like to remind you that the next international IPM conference will be this September in Paris, the program looks great with contributions from UK, Scotland, Germany, Austria, US, Japan, Belgium, Poland and of course lots of presentations on insect pests and also fungi from France. The conference will be translated in English and French! There are some great talks on new results from a big anoxia experiment in Germany, on the new pest - the grey silverfish (Ctenolepisma lengicaudata) that is eating our paper objects in Austria, new light traps from France and many other great news! And if you still have some time and energy you can visit Mona Lisa


Location: LOUVRE Museum


Date: 13th until 15th of September 2016


On the 12th , before the conference, there are still some places left for the one day intensive IPM workshop, please register soon as it will be booked out in the near future!


So hope to see you all there and all the best from Vienna, Austria






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Aw: [pestlist] Re: You do not have permission to post to the list

2016-03-09 Thread Pascal Querner

Hi Sharlane Gubkin,


what happend to you happend to many of us, we were removed from the pest list, you have to register again, then it is working again. Sorry but it just takes a few minutes, I also had to do it again.


All the best,




Gesendet: Mittwoch, 09. März 2016 um 14:48 Uhr
Von: "Sharlane Gubkin" 
Betreff: [pestlist] Re: You do not have permission to post to the list


I am trying to get permission to post to and receive messages from this list, which I used to have and never requested to be removed.
Please advise
Sharlane Gubkin

On Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 12:50 PM,  wrote:

Sorry, you do not have permission to post to the mailing list.

Sharlane Gubkin
Preservation Officer
Kelvin Smith Library
Case Western Reserve University
11055 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44106-7151
(216) 368-3465

[pestlist] CALL FOR ABSTRACTS für IPM conference in Paris 2016

2016-03-04 Thread Pascal Querner



CALL FOR ABSTRACTS for the3rd international IPM Conference in Museums, Archives, Libraries and Historic Buildings that will take place on 13-15 September 2016 at the Auditorium of the Louvre Museum, Paris.

This conference is aimed at heritage institution professionals involved in preventive conservation or pest management (insects, microorganisms, rodents, birds ...).

The IPM strategy is part of a preventive conservation approach and risk management. It will prevent, reduce and control pest problems with minimal impact on people, property and  the environment. The conference will present current practices and prospects on IPM strategies: detection, prevention and the fight against pests as applied to cultural heritage.

The conference languages will be French and English, with simultaneous translation.


Deadline for abstract submission: 15 April 2016.

Abstracts can be either in French or English. Please submit your abstract accordingly.

Typing instructions: 3,000 characters maximum, including spaces, no figures or tables.

Practical information will be e-mailed to you upon acceptance of your abstract for oral communication or poster.

Abstract submission


Proposed themes (not restrictive) :

- Definition of IPM

- The new legislative framework concerning biocides and plant protection products

- Norms and standards

- Risk management and IPM strategy in heritage institutions and during renovation or building work


- New technologies and techniques of assessment, monitoring and prevention

- Non chemical and chemical treatment methods 

- Case studies on different environments, different biocontaminants (archives, monuments, museum), different biocontaminants (moulds, insects, vertebrates) 

- IPM emergency response plan and damage management

- Pests in evolving ecosystems (global warming…)


Scientific secretariat

ARACHNet Association
Association for Reseach and Assessment of Cultural Heritage - the Network
Maisons des Associations
23, rue Greneta
75002 Paris - France




Aw: [pestlist] new Zpest Tracker program

2015-12-28 Thread Pascal Querner

Hi Leon,


I am on holiday but I will have a look at it when I am back,


all the best,




Gesendet: Dienstag, 22. Dezember 2015 um 20:17 Uhr
Von: "leon zak" 
An: pestlist 
Betreff: [pestlist] new Zpest Tracker program

Hello  - 


I am announcing that I have written and published a new Zpest Tracker program. It is up and running at


About five years ago I published Collection Pests ( - alive and well)  but in listening to the feedback I have heard that it may be a bit more than many needed in a pest tracking system.


Zpest Tracker was written with this in mind - simple, but useful. It has the basic Zpest interface with an enhanced reporting system. If you know anyone that uses the old Zpest program please let them know that this is available.


Due to updates in operating systems Zpest can be very tricky (if not impossible) to get running on newer systems - and it was never easily available on Apple products. Zpest Tracker being an online system it can be used from most any browser.


Multi location is also possible if you are a consultant to more than one location and would like one place to track all of your locations.


I know that there are many of you that have or still use the original Zpest program. We have created the tools needed to import the data from the old to the new system.


Please contact me with any questions,

Thank You - 

leon ...



[pestlist] Save the date! Next IPM Conference will be in Paris 2016

2015-11-04 Thread Pascal Querner

Dear friends,


I have good news to share with you all:


The next International IPM Conference for Museums, Archives, Libraries and Historic Buildings will be in Paris, at the Louvre!

What a great place to meet again, I hope that many of you will come.


Date: 13th until 15th of September 2016


More information on the registration, homepage and workshops (held on the 12th) will be posted soon.


All the best from Vienna and hope to see many of you in Paris,





(from Vienna)


[pestlist] IPM conference in Vienna 2013

2012-10-18 Thread Pascal Querner
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Dear friends and colleagues working in IPM in museums,

the homepage for the conference is finished and we are open for registration, 
abstract submission and also registration for the two day IPM course here in 
Vienna (5-7 of June 2013)! I added a list of hotels on the homepage and further 
information’s how to get to Vienna. Some information’s like details on the IPM 
course, excursions and the social events will be published at a later stage on 
the site, please register and we can send you the new information’s personally. 

I hope to see you in Vienna next year and looking forward to an exiting event 
on IPM in museums, archives, palaces...


Ps: If you are thinking of staying a few days longer before the conference 
there is a free classical concert in the garden of the palace of Schönbrunn the 
week before, a very special event every year (if the weather is good): 

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Re: [pestlist] Conference on IPM in Museums 2013 in Vienna - Save the date!

2012-06-27 Thread Pascal Querner
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Hi everyone,

Sorry about the false month, both, conference and course will be in June 2013!!


> This is a message from the Museumpests List.
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> ---
> I am just realising that the conference is supposed to be in June whereas
> the course in July, is this correct?
> Liebe Grüße,
> Stefanie Scheerer
> _
> Dr. Stefanie Scheerer
> Mikrobiologie & Restaurierung
> tel. 0711-91275899
> Von: Pascal Querner 
> An: 
> Gesendet: 8:32 Dienstag, 26.Juni 2012
> Betreff: [pestlist] Conference on IPM in Museums 2013 in Vienna - Save the
> date!
> This is a message from the Museumpests List.
> To post to this list send it as an email to
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> ---
> Dear friends and colleagues,
> I am happy to announce the date for the next meeting on Integrated Pest
> Management in museums, archives and historic buildings has been fixed for the
> 5-7. June 2013 in Vienna. I welcome you to come to Vienna for this
> international conference at the Kunsthistorische Museum in the center of the 
> city.
> In the tree-day meeting I want to cover three big topics on IPM in
> museums: (1) Treatments methods for infested objects, what methods are we 
> using
> today and what changes and new regulations can we expect in the future, 
> (2) Integrated Pest Management concept and case studies and 
> (3) biology of pests species, how can we use this information in IPM.
> There will be some exiting excursions as part of the program and some really
> special evening events...
> There will be also a short two-day course on IPM (3-4. of July), please
> let me know as soon as possible if you are interested.
> This is just the first announcement for you to save the date. As soon as
> the homepage for the conference is finished and I am ready for the abstract
> submission, I will contact you again.
> All the best for 2012 and hope to see you all in Vienna 2013,
> Pascal
> Dr. Pascal Querner
> University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences
> Institute of Zoology
> Gregor-Mendel-Straße 33
> A-1180 Vienna, Austria
> E-Mail: 
> Tel: 0043/6505727282
> -- 
> NEU: FreePhone 3-fach-Flat mit kostenlosem Smartphone!             
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[pestlist] Conference on IPM in Museums 2013 in Vienna - Save the date!

2012-06-26 Thread Pascal Querner
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Dear friends and colleagues,

I am happy to announce the date for the next meeting on Integrated Pest 
Management in museums, archives and historic buildings has been fixed for the 
5-7. June 2013 in Vienna. I welcome you to come to Vienna for this 
international conference at the Kunsthistorische Museum in the center of the 

In the tree-day meeting I want to cover three big topics on IPM in museums: (1) 
Treatments methods for infested objects, what methods are we using today and 
what changes and new regulations can we expect in the future, 
(2) Integrated Pest Management concept and case studies and 
(3) biology of pests species, how can we use this information in IPM. There 
will be some exiting excursions as part of the program and some really special 
evening events...

There will be also a short two-day course on IPM (3-4. of July), please let me 
know as soon as possible if you are interested.

This is just the first announcement for you to save the date. As soon as the 
homepage for the conference is finished and I am ready for the abstract 
submission, I will contact you again.

All the best for 2012 and hope to see you all in Vienna 2013,


Dr. Pascal Querner
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences
Institute of Zoology
Gregor-Mendel-Straße 33
A-1180 Vienna, Austria
Tel: 0043/6505727282 

NEU: FreePhone 3-fach-Flat mit kostenlosem Smartphone!  

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Re: RE: [pestlist] pest list test

2012-04-15 Thread Pascal Querner
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got it also

> Datum: Thu, 12 Apr 2012 16:39:44 -0500
> Von: Mary Baughman 
> An:
> Betreff: RE: [pestlist] pest list test

> This is a message from the Museumpests List.
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> ---
> Okey dokey got it.
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> >---
> >
> >Why are we replying? Do we all need to?
> >Steve
> >
> >From: [] On Behalf 
> >Of Nicole Nathan
> >Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2012 3:16 PM
> >To:
> >Subject: Re: [pestlist] pest list test
> >
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> >To post to this list send it as an email to 
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> >On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 12:38 PM, Christina Bisulca 
> ><> wrote:
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> >To post to this list send it as an email to 
> >
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> >---
> >yup
> >On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 9:25 AM, Angela Duckwall 
> ><> 
> >wrote:
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> >Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2012 11:08 AM
> >To:
> >Subject: [pestlist] pest list test
> >
> >Not sure if we have a problem or had a problem.
> >This may tell us.
> >
> >Leon Zak
> >ZAK Software Inc.
> >
> >
> >
> >--
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[pestlist] Literature on Anoxia at 0,8 O2 levels

2012-02-23 Thread Pascal Querner
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I am revising the literature on Anoxia for museum pests and until now I only 
found one citation on experiments with O2 levels of 0,6% to 0,9% (Rust & 
Kennedy 1995). Is that the only study with such high O2 levels for museum 

We need good recommendations for an anoxia (N2) museum camber that has a 
temperature of 26C, but the oxygen level can go only down to 0,8 or 0,6%. Are 
there any other studies with such high levels and can you please send them or 
the link?? We will work with a 6 weeks cycle for the treatment for the start.

If we don’t find anything we will start a large-scale experiment with different 
pests for these “high” levels of O2 in Austria, for that we need as many pest 
species as possible. If anyone can help us out with live insects or is 
interested to participate please also contact me (  

All the best,


NEU: FreePhone 3-fach-Flat mit kostenlosem Smartphone!  

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Re: RE: [pestlist] Pest from a palm tree

2012-02-10 Thread Pascal Querner
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Thank you Toni with the help of the identification,

All the best from Vienna,


> Always hesitate to disagree with David ...
> But I feel that this is in a different tribe - Xyloperthini, rather than
> Sinoxylini. Quite what the genus is, though, I'm at a loss to say!
> Tony
> -Original Message-
> From: []On Behalf Of
> David Pinniger
> Sent: 07 February 2012 18:34
> To:
> Subject: RE: [pestlist] Pest from a palm tree
> This is a message from the Museumpests List.
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> ---
> Pascal
> It is  bostrychid borer, known as false powder post beetles. 
> There are a lot of species, some like this with large spikes on the rear
> of the elytra. 
> It is probably Sinoxylon sp, but I do not know the species.
> David
> -Original Message-----
> From: [] On Behalf Of
> Pascal Querner
> Sent: 07 February 2012 17:51
> To:
> Subject: [pestlist] Pest from a palm tree
> This is a message from the Museumpests List.
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> unsubscribe please look at the footer of this email.
> ---
> Hi from Vienna,
> We have just found an exotic beetle (3-4mm) coming from a palm tree of a
> modern art object, can anyone help with the identification??
> Thank you very much,
> Pascal Querner
> -- 
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Re: RE: [pestlist] Pest from a palm tree

2012-02-10 Thread Pascal Querner
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Hi David,

Thank you for your help... I will send a beetle to Uwe Nold, I hope he will 
manage to do a identification to species level...

All the best from Vienna,


Ps: Did Bob speak with you about a IPM course in Vienna 2013 as part of the 
conference here?? You two shoudl let me know how much that will cost and how 
long you will need for that...

> This is a message from the Museumpests List.
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> ---
> Pascal
> It is  bostrychid borer, known as false powder post beetles. 
> There are a lot of species, some like this with large spikes on the rear
> of the elytra. 
> It is probably Sinoxylon sp, but I do not know the species.
> David
> -Original Message-
> From: [] On Behalf Of
> Pascal Querner
> Sent: 07 February 2012 17:51
> To:
> Subject: [pestlist] Pest from a palm tree
> This is a message from the Museumpests List.
> To post to this list send it as an email to To
> unsubscribe please look at the footer of this email.
> ---
> Hi from Vienna,
> We have just found an exotic beetle (3-4mm) coming from a palm tree of a
> modern art object, can anyone help with the identification??
> Thank you very much,
> Pascal Querner
> -- 
> NEU: FreePhone 3-fach-Flat mit kostenlosem Smartphone!
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NEU: FreePhone 3-fach-Flat mit kostenlosem Smartphone!  

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