Re: [HACKERS] Core Extensions relocation

2012-02-10 Thread Josh Berkus

Andrew ran crake on these modules, and they do not add any links not
added by core postgres already.

As such, can we proceed with this patch?  Greg, do you have an updated
version to run against HEAD?

Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

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Re: [HACKERS] Core Extensions relocation

2012-02-08 Thread Josh Berkus

> This is currently awaiting a check by gsmith that the 7 named extensions
> do not add any new dependancies.

Are you going to investigate this?  If not, I'll give it a try this weekend.

Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

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Re: [HACKERS] Core Extensions relocation

2011-12-09 Thread Josh Berkus

This is currently awaiting a check by gsmith that the 7 named extensions
do not add any new dependancies.

Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

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Re: [HACKERS] Core Extensions relocation

2011-11-29 Thread Josh Berkus

> I think that if we move a few things into src/extension and set things
> up such that they get installed even if you just do "make install"
> rather than requiring "make install-world", packagers who don't have
> any terribly strong personal agenda will decide that means they ought
> to be shipped with the server.  However, if you're personally
> committed to making sure that all of that stuff remains in
> postgresql-contrib in Red Hat/Fedora, regardless of where we move it
> to on our end, then that's where it's going to be, at least on all Red
> Hat-derived systems, which is a big enough chunk of the world to
> matter quite a lot.  Note that I'm not necessarily saying anything
> about whether your reasons for such a decision might be good or bad;
> I'm just pointing out that a good deal of our ability to make a change
> in this area is within your personal control.

Any response to this before I take it to the other packagers?

Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

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Re: [HACKERS] Core Extensions relocation

2011-11-21 Thread Robert Haas
On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 9:35 AM, Tom Lane  wrote:
> Why do you figure that, exactly?  The path of least resistance will
> be precisely to leave everything packaged as it is, in a single
> postgresql-contrib module.  I'm pretty likely to do that myself for
> Fedora and RHEL.  Subdividing/rearranging contrib makes the packager's
> life more complicated, *and* makes his users' lives more complicated,
> if only because things aren't where they were before.  It seems unlikely
> to happen, at least in the near term.

When we discussed this topic at the developer's meeting, I thought we
had general consensus that it would be a good idea to package a
limited number of important and stable debugging tools with the core
server, and I had the impression that you (Tom) thought this was a
reasonable thing to do.  If you don't, or if you did then but don't
now, then it seems to me that this conversation is dead in the water
for so long as you're the one packaging for Red Hat, and we should
just move on; you pretty much have unassailable personal veto power on
this issue.  But let's not pretend that the conversation is about what
packagers in general will do, because I don't think it is.  I think
it's about what you personally will do.

I think that if we move a few things into src/extension and set things
up such that they get installed even if you just do "make install"
rather than requiring "make install-world", packagers who don't have
any terribly strong personal agenda will decide that means they ought
to be shipped with the server.  However, if you're personally
committed to making sure that all of that stuff remains in
postgresql-contrib in Red Hat/Fedora, regardless of where we move it
to on our end, then that's where it's going to be, at least on all Red
Hat-derived systems, which is a big enough chunk of the world to
matter quite a lot.  Note that I'm not necessarily saying anything
about whether your reasons for such a decision might be good or bad;
I'm just pointing out that a good deal of our ability to make a change
in this area is within your personal control.

Robert Haas
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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Re: [HACKERS] Core Extensions relocation

2011-11-21 Thread Bruce Momjian
Greg Smith wrote:
> On 11/21/2011 11:40 AM, Bruce Momjian wrote:
> > I think a question is how often people are waiting for features that
> > actually can be addressed in a contrib/plugin way.  My gut feeling is
> > that most missing features have to be added to the server core (e.g.
> > index-only scans) and are not possible to add in a contrib/plugin way.
> >
> Good question; let's talk about 9.0.  We were building/distributing 
> three things for that version that poked into the server:
> -Replication monitoring tools that slipped from the 9.0 schedule, 
> similar to what became pg_stat_replication in 9.1
> -An early version of what became hot_standby_feedback in 9.1.
> -pg_streamrecv
> While these weren't all packaged as extensions per se, all of them used 
> the PGXS interface.  And they all provided deployment blocking features 
> to early adopters before those features were available in core, in some 
> cases after the issues they address had been encountered in production 
> deployments.  As I was ranting on my blog recently, I'm seeing more 
> complaints recently about monitoring and management features--exactly 
> the sort of thing that you can improve as an extension, and that the 
> extensions I've proposed provide--than I am over missing big features.
> Index-only scans are a good example, as one of the most requested 
> performance feature you can only get in core (I'd put them at #2 behind 
> materialized views for the customers I talk to).  I wouldn't bet that 
> they are considered more important by a typical deployment than good 
> built-in query profiling though.  I get complaints about query 
> monitoring from every single PostgreSQL install, while complaints about 
> not having index-only scans only come from the bigger installations.  
> Note how demand is high enough that we have two pg_stat_statements 
> replacements submitted right now.

Agreed much of the edge stuff, e.g. monitoring, can be done as plugins.

  Bruce Momjian

  + It's impossible for everything to be true. +

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Re: [HACKERS] Core Extensions relocation

2011-11-21 Thread Greg Smith

On 11/21/2011 11:40 AM, Bruce Momjian wrote:

I think a question is how often people are waiting for features that
actually can be addressed in a contrib/plugin way.  My gut feeling is
that most missing features have to be added to the server core (e.g.
index-only scans) and are not possible to add in a contrib/plugin way.

Good question; let's talk about 9.0.  We were building/distributing 
three things for that version that poked into the server:

-Replication monitoring tools that slipped from the 9.0 schedule, 
similar to what became pg_stat_replication in 9.1

-An early version of what became hot_standby_feedback in 9.1.

While these weren't all packaged as extensions per se, all of them used 
the PGXS interface.  And they all provided deployment blocking features 
to early adopters before those features were available in core, in some 
cases after the issues they address had been encountered in production 
deployments.  As I was ranting on my blog recently, I'm seeing more 
complaints recently about monitoring and management features--exactly 
the sort of thing that you can improve as an extension, and that the 
extensions I've proposed provide--than I am over missing big features.

Index-only scans are a good example, as one of the most requested 
performance feature you can only get in core (I'd put them at #2 behind 
materialized views for the customers I talk to).  I wouldn't bet that 
they are considered more important by a typical deployment than good 
built-in query profiling though.  I get complaints about query 
monitoring from every single PostgreSQL install, while complaints about 
not having index-only scans only come from the bigger installations.  
Note how demand is high enough that we have two pg_stat_statements 
replacements submitted right now.

Greg Smith   2ndQuadrant   Baltimore, MD
PostgreSQL Training, Services, and 24x7 Support

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Re: [HACKERS] Core Extensions relocation

2011-11-21 Thread Bruce Momjian
Greg Smith wrote:
> I've submitted two changes to this CommitFest that are enhancing 
> features in this "core extensions" set.  Right now I have multiple 
> customers who are desperate for both of those features.  With 
> extensions, I can give them changes that solve their immediate crisis 
> right now, almost a full year before they could possibly appear in a 
> proper release of PostgreSQL.  And then I can push those back toward 
> community PostgreSQL, with any luck landing in the next major version.  
> Immediate gratification for the person funding development, and peer 
> reviewed code that goes through a long beta and release cycle.  That's 
> the vision I have for a PostgreSQL that is simultaneously stable and 
> agile.  The easiest way to get there it is to lead by example--by having 
> extensions that provide necessary, visible components to core, while 
> still being obviously separate components.  That's the best approach for 
> proving this development model works and is suitable for everyone.

I think a question is how often people are waiting for features that
actually can be addressed in a contrib/plugin way.  My gut feeling is
that most missing features have to be added to the server core (e.g.
index-only scans) and are not possible to add in a contrib/plugin way.  

I am not saying this would not help, but I am saying that this is going
to address only a small part of the goal of getting features to users

  Bruce Momjian

  + It's impossible for everything to be true. +

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Re: [HACKERS] Core Extensions relocation

2011-11-19 Thread Greg Smith

On 11/18/2011 09:35 AM, Tom Lane wrote:

Subdividing/rearranging contrib makes the packager's
life more complicated, *and* makes his users' lives more complicated,
if only because things aren't where they were before.  It seems unlikely
to happen, at least in the near term.

Users are visibly suffering by the current packaging.  Production DBAs 
are afraid to install contrib because it's described as untrustworthy.  
They are hit by emergencies that the inspection tools would help with, 
but cannot get contrib installed easily without root permissions.  They 
have performance issues that the contrib modules I'm trying to relocate 
into the server package would help with, but company policies related to 
post-deployment installation mean they cannot use them.  They have to 
always be installed to make this class of problem go away.

If you feel there are more users that would be negatively impacted by 
some directories moving than what I'm describing above, we are a very 
fundamental disagreement here.  The status quote for all of these 
extensions is widely understood to be unusable in common corporate 
environments.  Packagers should be trying to improve the PostgreSQL 
experience, and I'm trying to help with that.

In the face of pushback from packagers, I can roll my own packages that 
are designed without this problem; I'm being pushed into doing that 
instead of working on community PostgreSQL already.  But I'd really 
prefer to see this very common problem identified as so important it 
should get fixed everywhere instead.

Greg Smith   2ndQuadrant   Baltimore, MD
PostgreSQL Training, Services, and 24x7 Support

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Re: [HACKERS] Core Extensions relocation

2011-11-19 Thread Greg Smith

On 11/18/2011 03:36 PM, Josh Berkus wrote:

Of course, packagers may then reasonably ask why that code is not just
part of the core?

Let me step back from the implementation ideas for a minute and talk 
about this, and how it ties into release philosophy.  The extensions 
infrastructure for PostgreSQL is one of its strongest features.  We can 
use it as a competitive advantage over other databases, one that can 
make this database stable and continuously innovating at the same time.  
But that's not happening enough yet; I feel this change is a major step 
in that direction.  There's no demonstration that extensions are edible 
dog food like the core database visibly eating a can.

To see why this matters so much, let's compare two stereotypes of 
PostgreSQL users at different extremes of upgrade tolerance.  First we 
have the classic enterprise DBA.  Relative to this person's 
expectations, PostgreSQL releases are way too fast.  They can't upgrade 
their database every year; that's madness.  This is the person who we 
yell at about how they should upgrade to the latest minor point release, 
because once they have a working system they touch *nothing*.  For this 
user, the long beta period of new PostgreSQL releases, and its general 
conservative development model, are key components to PostgreSQL being 
suitable for them.

At the other extreme, we have the software developer with a frantic 
development/release schedule, the one who's running the latest stable 
version of every tool they use.  This person expects some bugs in them, 
and the first reaction to running into one is to ask "is this fixed in 
the next version?"  You'll find at least one component in their stack 
that's labeled "compiled from the latest checkout" because that was the 
only way to get a working version.  And to them, the yearly release 
cycle of PostgreSQL is glacial.  When they run into a limitation that is 
impacting a user base that's doubling every few months, they can't wait 
a year for a fix; they could easily go out of business by then.

The key to satisfying both these extremes at once is a strong extensions 
infrastructure, led by the example of serious tools that are provided 
that way in the PostgreSQL core.  For this to catch on, we need the 
classic DBAs to trust core extensions enough to load them into 
production.  They don't do that now because the current contrib 
description sounds too scary, and they may not even have loaded that 
package onto the server.  And we need people who want more frequent 
database core changes to see that extensions are a viable way to build 
some pretty extensive server hacks.

I've submitted two changes to this CommitFest that are enhancing 
features in this "core extensions" set.  Right now I have multiple 
customers who are desperate for both of those features.  With 
extensions, I can give them changes that solve their immediate crisis 
right now, almost a full year before they could possibly appear in a 
proper release of PostgreSQL.  And then I can push those back toward 
community PostgreSQL, with any luck landing in the next major version.  
Immediate gratification for the person funding development, and peer 
reviewed code that goes through a long beta and release cycle.  That's 
the vision I have for a PostgreSQL that is simultaneously stable and 
agile.  The easiest way to get there it is to lead by example--by having 
extensions that provide necessary, visible components to core, while 
still being obviously separate components.  That's the best approach for 
proving this development model works and is suitable for everyone.

Greg Smith   2ndQuadrant   Baltimore, MD
PostgreSQL Training, Services, and 24x7 Support

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Re: [HACKERS] Core Extensions relocation

2011-11-18 Thread Josh Berkus
On 11/18/11 12:27 PM, Dimitri Fontaine wrote:
> Tom Lane  writes:
>> Why do you figure that, exactly?  The path of least resistance will
>> be precisely to leave everything packaged as it is, in a single
>> postgresql-contrib module.  I'm pretty likely to do that myself for
>> Fedora and RHEL.  Subdividing/rearranging contrib makes the packager's
>> life more complicated, *and* makes his users' lives more complicated,
>> if only because things aren't where they were before.  It seems unlikely
>> to happen, at least in the near term.
> Then if we want packagers to move, what about removing all the
> extensions not listed by Greg from the contrib/ directory and inventing
> another place where to manage them, which is not automatically built,
> but still part of buildfarm tests, if at all possible.

Actually, the whole idea is that the "Core Management Extensions" should
move from the -contrib module to the -server module.  That is, those
extensions should always get installed with any server.

Of course, packagers may then reasonably ask why that code is not just
part of the core?

Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

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Re: [HACKERS] Core Extensions relocation

2011-11-18 Thread Dimitri Fontaine
Tom Lane  writes:
> Why do you figure that, exactly?  The path of least resistance will
> be precisely to leave everything packaged as it is, in a single
> postgresql-contrib module.  I'm pretty likely to do that myself for
> Fedora and RHEL.  Subdividing/rearranging contrib makes the packager's
> life more complicated, *and* makes his users' lives more complicated,
> if only because things aren't where they were before.  It seems unlikely
> to happen, at least in the near term.

Then if we want packagers to move, what about removing all the
extensions not listed by Greg from the contrib/ directory and inventing
another place where to manage them, which is not automatically built,
but still part of buildfarm tests, if at all possible.

Then the only change we suggest to packagers is to have the main
PostgreSQL package install the contrib one by means of dependencies.

I don't much like this solution, but that's how I read your email.  The
status quo is not a good place to live in.

> The upstream project can't force these decisions on packagers, and it
> doesn't help to go about under the illusion that we can.

Really? You are packaging for RHEL, Dave is responsible for the windows
packaging, Devrim is covering the other RPM systems (apart from SuSE
maybe and I'm not even sure) and Martin is caring for debian and ubuntu
and following along. We're missing BSD ports packagers, and we're
covering like 90% or more of the servers and developers installs.

We can't force everybody hands to doing it our way, but I'm pretty sure
we can talk to them and see what they think about the usefulness of this
proposal and how they intend to react.  We're not *that* disconnected.

Dimitri Fontaine PostgreSQL : Expertise, Formation et Support

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Re: [HACKERS] Core Extensions relocation

2011-11-18 Thread Tom Lane
Greg Smith  writes:
> On 11/17/2011 03:18 PM, Peter Eisentraut wrote:
>> Who's to say that after this, the core extensions won't end up in a new
>> separate package postgresql-extensions (or similar) or might even stay
>> in postgresql-contrib, for compatibility?

> I don't know why packagers would make an active decision that will make 
> their lives more difficult, with no benefit to them and a regression 
> against project recommendations for their users.

Why do you figure that, exactly?  The path of least resistance will
be precisely to leave everything packaged as it is, in a single
postgresql-contrib module.  I'm pretty likely to do that myself for
Fedora and RHEL.  Subdividing/rearranging contrib makes the packager's
life more complicated, *and* makes his users' lives more complicated,
if only because things aren't where they were before.  It seems unlikely
to happen, at least in the near term.

> And if some wanted to wander this way, they'll end up having to maintain 
> a doc patch to address the fact that they've broken with project 
> recommendations.  This text in what I submitted will no longer be true:

You're assuming anybody will notice or care about that text, if indeed
it gets committed/released with that wording at all.

The upstream project can't force these decisions on packagers, and it
doesn't help to go about under the illusion that we can.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [HACKERS] Core Extensions relocation

2011-11-18 Thread Greg Smith

On 11/17/2011 03:18 PM, Peter Eisentraut wrote:

Who's to say that after this, the core extensions won't end up in a new
separate package postgresql-extensions (or similar) or might even stay
in postgresql-contrib, for compatibility?

I don't know why packagers would make an active decision that will make 
their lives more difficult, with no benefit to them and a regression 
against project recommendations for their users.  The last thing anyone 
packaging PostgreSQL wants is more packages to deal with; there are 
already too many.  Each of the current sub-packages has a legitimate 
technical or distribution standard reason to exist--guidelines like 
"break out client and server components" or "minimize the package 
dependencies for the main server".  I can't think of any good reason 
that would inspire the sort of drift you're concerned about.

There's little compatibility argument beyond consistency with the 
previous packages.  The reason why this is suddenly feasible now is that 
the under the hood change are almost all hidden by CREATE EXTENSION.

And if some wanted to wander this way, they'll end up having to maintain 
a doc patch to address the fact that they've broken with project 
recommendations.  This text in what I submitted will no longer be true:

"This appendix contains information regarding core extensions that are 
built and included with a standard installation of PostgreSQL."

One of the reasons I picked the name I did was to contrast with the 
existing description of contrib:

"porting tools, analysis utilities, and plug-in features that are not 
part of the core PostgreSQL system, mainly because they address a 
limited audience or are too experimental to be part of the main source 

That says it's perfectly fine to make these optional in another 
package--they're not "part of the core".  That scary wording is 
practically telling packagers to separate them, so it's easy to keep the 
experimental stuff away from the production quality components.

Greg Smith   2ndQuadrant   Baltimore, MD
PostgreSQL Training, Services, and 24x7 Support

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Re: [HACKERS] Core Extensions relocation

2011-11-17 Thread Peter Eisentraut
On mån, 2011-11-14 at 20:44 -0500, Greg Smith wrote:
> The very specific problem I was most concerned about eliminating was
> people discovering they needed an extension to troubleshoot
> performance or corruption issues, only to discover it wasn't
> available--because they hadn't installed the postgresql-contrib
> package. 

Who's to say that after this, the core extensions won't end up in a new
separate package postgresql-extensions (or similar) or might even stay
in postgresql-contrib, for compatibility?

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Re: [HACKERS] Core Extensions relocation

2011-11-16 Thread Robert Haas
On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 9:20 AM, Dimitri Fontaine
> Robert Haas  writes:
>>> The term “core” here intends to show off that those extensions are
>>> maintained by the core PostgreSQL developer team. If needs be, those
>>> extensions will get updated in minor releases (crash, bugs, security,
>>> etc).
>> Everything in contrib meets that definition, more or less.
> Yeah? It would only mean that Josh Berkus complaint about the naming is
> to be followed.

I am not sure I'm quite following you, but I'm unaware that there are
some contrib modules that we maintain more than others.  Bugs and
security vulnerabilities in any of them are typically fixed when
reported.  Now, sometimes we might not be able to fix a bug because of
some architectural deficiency, but that also happens in the server -
consider, for example, the recent discussion of creating a table in a
schema that is concurrently being dropped, which is likely to require
far more invasive fixing than we are probably willing to do anywhere
other than master.

Robert Haas
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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Re: [HACKERS] Core Extensions relocation

2011-11-16 Thread Dimitri Fontaine
Robert Haas  writes:
>> The term “core” here intends to show off that those extensions are
>> maintained by the core PostgreSQL developer team. If needs be, those
>> extensions will get updated in minor releases (crash, bugs, security,
>> etc).
> Everything in contrib meets that definition, more or less.

Yeah? It would only mean that Josh Berkus complaint about the naming is
to be followed.

Dimitri Fontaine PostgreSQL : Expertise, Formation et Support

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Re: [HACKERS] Core Extensions relocation

2011-11-16 Thread Robert Haas
On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 5:50 AM, Dimitri Fontaine
> Thom Brown  writes:
>> None of those others perform such a role.  Instead they add additional
>> functionality intended to be utilised as part of general data usage,
>> adding new types, operators, query functions etc.  Maybe the term
>> "core" is inappropriate.  Instead we might wish to refer to them as
>> "utility extensions" or something like that, although that may be just
>> as vague.
> The term “core” here intends to show off that those extensions are
> maintained by the core PostgreSQL developer team. If needs be, those
> extensions will get updated in minor releases (crash, bugs, security,
> etc).

Everything in contrib meets that definition, more or less.

Robert Haas
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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Re: [HACKERS] Core Extensions relocation

2011-11-16 Thread Dimitri Fontaine
Thom Brown  writes:
> None of those others perform such a role.  Instead they add additional
> functionality intended to be utilised as part of general data usage,
> adding new types, operators, query functions etc.  Maybe the term
> "core" is inappropriate.  Instead we might wish to refer to them as
> "utility extensions" or something like that, although that may be just
> as vague.

The term “core” here intends to show off that those extensions are
maintained by the core PostgreSQL developer team. If needs be, those
extensions will get updated in minor releases (crash, bugs, security,

Dimitri Fontaine PostgreSQL : Expertise, Formation et Support

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Re: [HACKERS] Core Extensions relocation

2011-11-15 Thread Greg Smith
Well, this discussion veering off into ISN has certainly validated my 
gut feel that I should touch only the minimum number of things that 
kills my pain points, rather than trying any more ambitious 
restructuring.  I hope that packaged extensions become so popular that 
some serious cutting can happen to contrib, especially the data type 
additions.  If something as big as PostGIS can live happily as an 
external project, surely most of these can too.

Greg Smith   2ndQuadrant   Baltimore, MD
PostgreSQL Training, Services, and 24x7 Support

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Re: [HACKERS] Core Extensions relocation

2011-11-15 Thread Alvaro Herrera

Excerpts from Robert Haas's message of mar nov 15 15:03:03 -0300 2011:
> On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 12:54 PM, Joshua Berkus  wrote:
> >> I consider contrib/isn to be quite broken. It hard codes ISBN
> >> prefixes
> >> for the purposes of sanitising ISBNs, even though their assignment is
> >> actually controlled by a decentralised body of regional authorities.
> >> I'd vote for kicking it out of contrib.
> >
> > Submit a patch to fix it then.
> It's not fixable.  The ISBN datatype is the equivalent of having an
> SSN datatype that only allows SSNs that have actually been assigned to
> a US citizen.

Interesting.  Isn't it possible to separate it into two parts, one
containing generic input, formatting and check digits verification, and
another one that would do the prefix matching?  Presumably, the first
part would still be useful without prefix validation, wouldn't it?
Surely the other validation rules aren't different for the various

Perhaps the prefix matching code should not be in C, or at least use a
lookup table that's not in C code, so that it can be updated in userland
without having to recompile.  (BTW, this is very similar to the problem
confronted by the E.164 module, which attempts to do telephone number
validation and formatting; there's a generic body of code that handles
the basic country code validation, but there's supposed to be some
per-CC formatting rules which we're not really clear on where to store.
We punted on it by just having that in a GUC, so that the user can
update it easily; but that's clearly not the best solution).

Álvaro Herrera 
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support

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Re: [HACKERS] Core Extensions relocation

2011-11-15 Thread Peter Geoghegan
On 15 November 2011 18:03, Robert Haas  wrote:
> It's not fixable.  The ISBN datatype is the equivalent of having an
> SSN datatype that only allows SSNs that have actually been assigned to
> a US citizen.

That isn't even the worst part. isn is basically only useful in the US
at the moment, because in every other country there are a number of
bar code symbologies that co-exist within supply chain management for
various reasons. Only in the US can you reasonably assume that all
articles that you come across will be UPC, and even that might be a
shaky assumption these days.

In the E.U. and much of the rest of the world, products that you buy
in the store will bear one of the following symbologies: EAN-8 (for
small articles like chewing gum), UPC (the American one, 12 digits),
EAN-13 and GTIN-14. Some, but not all of these are available from
contrib/isn. There is no datatype that represents "some known barcode
format", even though writing an SQL function that can be used in a
domain check constraint to do just that is next to trivial. I guess
that means that you'd either have to have multiple columns for each
datatype, each existing in case the article in question was of that
particular datatype, or you'd need to make a hard assumption about the
symbology used for all articles that will ever be entered.

The way that these formats maintain backwards compatibility is through
making previous formats valid as the new format by padding zeros to
the left of the older format. So a UPC is actually a valid EAN-13,
just by adding a zero to the start - the US EAN country code is zero,
IIRC, so the rest of the world can pretend that Americans use
EAN-13s/GTIN-14s, even though they think that they use UPCs. The check
digit algorithms for each successive symbology are built such that
this works. This is why a DIY bar code bigint domain can be written so
easily, and also why doing so makes way more sense than using this
contrib module.

To my mind, contrib/isn is a solution looking for a problem, and
that's before we even talk about ISBN prefixes. By including it, we
give users a false sense of security about doing the right thing, when
they're very probably not.

Peter Geoghegan
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training and Services

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Re: [HACKERS] Core Extensions relocation

2011-11-15 Thread Kevin Grittner
Robert Haas  wrote:
> Joshua Berkus  wrote:
>>> I consider contrib/isn to be quite broken. It hard codes ISBN
>>> prefixes for the purposes of sanitising ISBNs, even though their
>>> assignment is actually controlled by a decentralised body of
>>> regional authorities.
By an international standard which says what numbers are valid in
the "prefix element" and "registration group element" of the ISBN
for each of those regional authorities, and how the check digit is
to be calculated.
>>> I'd vote for kicking it out of contrib.
>> Submit a patch to fix it then.
> It's not fixable.  The ISBN datatype is the equivalent of having
> an SSN datatype that only allows SSNs that have actually been
> assigned to a US citizen.
Certainly it would make sense to go so far as to support the overall
standard format as described here:
Beyond the broad strokes there, perhaps it would make sense for the
type to be able to digest a RangeMessage.xml file supplied by the
standards organization, so that the current ranges could be plugged
in as needed independently of the PostgreSQL release.
Hard-coding ranges as of some moment in time seems pretty dubious.

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Re: [HACKERS] Core Extensions relocation

2011-11-15 Thread Bruce Momjian
Robert Haas wrote:
> > I use ISBN in 2 projects, and it's working fine for me. ?I'll strongly 
> > resist any attempt to "kick it out".
> That's exactly why contrib is a random amalgamation of really useful
> stuff and utter crap: people feel justified in defending the continued
> existence of the crap on the sole basis that it's useful to them
> personally.

Agreed.  Berkus must have one million customers to have X customers
using every feature we want to remove or change.

  Bruce Momjian

  + It's impossible for everything to be true. +

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Re: [HACKERS] Core Extensions relocation

2011-11-15 Thread Greg Smith

On 11/15/2011 12:53 PM, Joshua Berkus wrote:

Given discussion, is there any point in reporting on the actual patch yet?

I don't expect the discussion will alter the code changes that are the 
main chunk of the patch here.  The only place the most disputed parts 
impact is the documentation.

I like "Management Extensions" as an alternate name for this category 
instead, even though it still has the issue that auto_explain isn't 
technically an extension.  The name does help suggest why they're thrown 
into a different directory and package.

Greg Smith   2ndQuadrant   Baltimore, MD
PostgreSQL Training, Services, and 24x7 Support

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Re: [HACKERS] Core Extensions relocation

2011-11-15 Thread Robert Haas
On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 12:54 PM, Joshua Berkus  wrote:
>> I consider contrib/isn to be quite broken. It hard codes ISBN
>> prefixes
>> for the purposes of sanitising ISBNs, even though their assignment is
>> actually controlled by a decentralised body of regional authorities.
>> I'd vote for kicking it out of contrib.
> Submit a patch to fix it then.

It's not fixable.  The ISBN datatype is the equivalent of having an
SSN datatype that only allows SSNs that have actually been assigned to
a US citizen.

> I use ISBN in 2 projects, and it's working fine for me.  I'll strongly resist 
> any attempt to "kick it out".

That's exactly why contrib is a random amalgamation of really useful
stuff and utter crap: people feel justified in defending the continued
existence of the crap on the sole basis that it's useful to them

Robert Haas
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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Re: [HACKERS] Core Extensions relocation

2011-11-15 Thread Joshua Berkus

> I consider contrib/isn to be quite broken. It hard codes ISBN
> prefixes
> for the purposes of sanitising ISBNs, even though their assignment is
> actually controlled by a decentralised body of regional authorities.
> I'd vote for kicking it out of contrib.

Submit a patch to fix it then.  

I use ISBN in 2 projects, and it's working fine for me.  I'll strongly resist 
any attempt to "kick it out".

--Josh Berkus

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Re: [HACKERS] Core Extensions relocation

2011-11-15 Thread Joshua Berkus

> I'm not attached to the name, which I just pulled out of the air for
> the
> documentation.  Could just as easily call them built-in modules or
> extensions.  If the objection is that "extensions" isn't technically
> correct for auto-explain, you might call them core add-ons instead.
>  My
> thinking was that the one exception didn't make it worth the trouble
> to
> introduce a new term altogether here.  There's already too many terms
> used for talking about this sort of thing, the confusion from using a
> word other than "extensions" seemed larger than the confusion sown by
> auto-explain not fitting perfectly.

Well, I do think it should be *something* Extensions.  But Core Extensions 
implies that the other stuff is just random code, and makes the user wonder why 
it's included at all.  If we're going to rename some of the extensions, then we 
really need to rename them all or we look like those are being depreciated.


Core Management Extensions
Core Development Extensions
Additional Database Tools
Code Examples
Legacy Modules

I think that covers everything we have in contrib.

Given discussion, is there any point in reporting on the actual patch yet?

--Josh Berkus

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Re: [HACKERS] Core Extensions relocation

2011-11-14 Thread Greg Smith

On 11/14/2011 10:09 PM, Robert Haas wrote:

I continue to think that we should be trying to sort these by subject
matter.  The term "core extensions" doesn't convey that these are
server management and debugging tools, hence Josh's confusion.

I'm not attached to the name, which I just pulled out of the air for the 
documentation.  Could just as easily call them built-in modules or 
extensions.  If the objection is that "extensions" isn't technically 
correct for auto-explain, you might call them core add-ons instead.  My 
thinking was that the one exception didn't make it worth the trouble to 
introduce a new term altogether here.  There's already too many terms 
used for talking about this sort of thing, the confusion from using a 
word other than "extensions" seemed larger than the confusion sown by 
auto-explain not fitting perfectly.

The distinction I care about here is primarily a packaging one.  These 
are server additions that people should be able to count on having 
available, whereas right now they may or may not be installed depending 
on if contrib was added.  Everything I'm touching requires our RPM and 
Debian packagers (at least) make a packaging change, too.  I can't 
justify why that's worth doing for any of the other extensions, which is 
one reason I don't try to tackle them.

The type of finer sorting you and Thom are suggesting seems like it's 
mainly a documentation change to me.  I'm indifferent to the idea; no 
plans to either work on it or object to it.  The docs could be made 
easier to follow here without any change to the directory tree, and 
trying to push out a larger packaging change has downsides.  Useful 
reminder reading here is  
To quote from there, "Users hate having loads and loads of packages. We 
do need to be careful not to oversplit it."  There's some useful notes 
about dependency issues there too.

Greg Smith   2ndQuadrant   Baltimore, MD
PostgreSQL Training, Services, and 24x7 Support

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Re: [HACKERS] Core Extensions relocation

2011-11-14 Thread Robert Haas
On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 8:44 PM, Greg Smith  wrote:
> On 11/14/2011 07:56 PM, Josh Berkus wrote:
>> So I'm a bit unclear on why most of the optional data types were
>> excluded from your list of Core Extensions.
> I was aiming for the extensions that seemed uncontroversial for a first pass
> here.  One of the tests I applied was "do people sometimes need this module
> after going into production with their application?"  The very specific
> problem I was most concerned about eliminating was people discovering they
> needed an extension to troubleshoot performance or corruption issues, only
> to discover it wasn't available--because they hadn't installed the
> postgresql-contrib package.  New package installation can be a giant pain to
> get onto a production system in some places, if it wasn't there during QA
> etc.
> All of the data type extensions fail that test.  If you need one of those,
> you would have discovered that on your development server, and made sure the
> contrib package was available on production too.  There very well may be
> some types that should be rolled into the core extensions list, but I didn't
> want arguments over that to block moving forward with the set I did suggest.
>  We can always move more of them later, if this general approach is
> accepted.  It only takes about 5 minutes per extension to move them from
> contrib to src/extension, once the new directory tree and doc section is
> there.  But I didn't want to do the work of moving another 15 of them if the
> whole idea was going to get shot down

I continue to think that we should be trying to sort these by subject
matter.  The term "core extensions" doesn't convey that these are
server management and debugging tools, hence Josh's confusion.

Robert Haas
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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Re: [HACKERS] Core Extensions relocation

2011-11-14 Thread Greg Smith

On 11/14/2011 07:56 PM, Josh Berkus wrote:

So I'm a bit unclear on why most of the optional data types were
excluded from your list of Core Extensions.

I was aiming for the extensions that seemed uncontroversial for a first 
pass here.  One of the tests I applied was "do people sometimes need 
this module after going into production with their application?"  The 
very specific problem I was most concerned about eliminating was people 
discovering they needed an extension to troubleshoot performance or 
corruption issues, only to discover it wasn't available--because they 
hadn't installed the postgresql-contrib package.  New package 
installation can be a giant pain to get onto a production system in some 
places, if it wasn't there during QA etc.

All of the data type extensions fail that test.  If you need one of 
those, you would have discovered that on your development server, and 
made sure the contrib package was available on production too.  There 
very well may be some types that should be rolled into the core 
extensions list, but I didn't want arguments over that to block moving 
forward with the set I did suggest.  We can always move more of them 
later, if this general approach is accepted.  It only takes about 5 
minutes per extension to move them from contrib to src/extension, once 
the new directory tree and doc section is there.  But I didn't want to 
do the work of moving another 15 of them if the whole idea was going to 
get shot down.

Greg Smith   2ndQuadrant   Baltimore, MD
PostgreSQL Training, Services, and 24x7 Support

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Re: [HACKERS] Core Extensions relocation

2011-11-14 Thread Peter Geoghegan
On 15 November 2011 00:56, Josh Berkus  wrote:
> So I'm a bit unclear on why most of the optional data types were
> excluded from your list of Core Extensions.  I would regard the
> following as stable and of general utility:

> isn

I consider contrib/isn to be quite broken. It hard codes ISBN prefixes
for the purposes of sanitising ISBNs, even though their assignment is
actually controlled by a decentralised body of regional authorities.
I'd vote for kicking it out of contrib.

Peter Geoghegan
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training and Services

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Re: [HACKERS] Core Extensions relocation

2011-11-14 Thread Thom Brown
On 15 November 2011 00:56, Josh Berkus  wrote:
> Greg,
> So I'm a bit unclear on why most of the optional data types were
> excluded from your list of Core Extensions.  I would regard the
> following as stable and of general utility:
> btree_gin
> btree_gist
> citext
> dblink
> file_fdw
> fuzzystrmatch
> hstore
> intarray
> isn
> ltree
> pgcrypto
> pg_trgm
> unaccent
> uuid-ossp

Greg clarified on the core extensions page text:

"These core extensions supply useful features in areas such as
database diagnostics and performance monitoring."

None of those others perform such a role.  Instead they add additional
functionality intended to be utilised as part of general data usage,
adding new types, operators, query functions etc.  Maybe the term
"core" is inappropriate.  Instead we might wish to refer to them as
"utility extensions" or something like that, although that may be just
as vague.

> ... also, why is there still a "tsearch2" contrib module around at all?

Backwards compatibility.  No-one will use it except if they're coming
from an older version.

Thom Brown
Twitter: @darkixion
IRC (freenode): dark_ixion
Registered Linux user: #516935

EnterpriseDB UK:
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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Re: [HACKERS] Core Extensions relocation

2011-11-14 Thread Josh Berkus

So I'm a bit unclear on why most of the optional data types were
excluded from your list of Core Extensions.  I would regard the
following as stable and of general utility:


These should, in my opinion, all be Core Extensions.  I'd go further to
say that if something is materially an extension (as opposed to a tool
or a code example), and we're shipping it with the core distribution, it
either ought to be a core extension, or it should be kicked out to PGXN.

Am I completely misunderstanding what you're trying to accomplish here?

... also, why is there still a "tsearch2" contrib module around at all?

Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

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Re: [HACKERS] Core Extensions relocation

2011-11-14 Thread Josh Berkus

> This is a related problem, we should have a terminology for contrib
> tools such as pg_standby or pg_archivecleanup, for modules like the one
> you talk about, that provide new features but nothing visible from SQL,
> and extensions, that are all about SQL --- and if I can work on my plans
> will get even more about SQL in a near future.

I see nothing wrong with "Tools" and "Extensions".  I'm not sure that
having one catch-all name for them serves the user.

Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

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Re: [HACKERS] Core Extensions relocation

2011-11-14 Thread Dimitri Fontaine
Thom Brown  writes:
> I'm all for removing all mention of "modules".  It's ambiguous and
> used inconsistently.

The module is the shared library object.  It should be possible to use
that consistently.  And I have some plans on my TODO list about them
anyway, so making them disappear from the manual would not serve my
later plans :)

> And auto_explain appears in your new "Core Extensions" section, but
> it's not an extension in the terminology PostgreSQL uses, so that's
> also potentially confusing.

This is a related problem, we should have a terminology for contrib
tools such as pg_standby or pg_archivecleanup, for modules like the one
you talk about, that provide new features but nothing visible from SQL,
and extensions, that are all about SQL --- and if I can work on my plans
will get even more about SQL in a near future.

It's too late for me today to contribute nice ideas here though.

Dimitri Fontaine PostgreSQL : Expertise, Formation et Support

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Re: [HACKERS] Core Extensions relocation

2011-11-14 Thread Thom Brown
On 14 November 2011 09:08, Greg Smith  wrote:
> I've revived the corpose of the patch submitted in May, now that it's a much
> less strange time of the development cycle to consider it.
> was the first attempt to move some extensions from contrib/ to a new
> src/extension/ directory.  I have fixed the main complaints from the last
> submit attempt, that I accidentally grabbed some old makesfiles and CVS
> junk.  The new attempt is attached, and is easiest to follow with the a diff
> view that understands "moved a file", like github's:
> You can also check out the docs changes done so far at
>  I reorganized the
> docs to break out what I decided to tentatively name "Core Extensions" into
> their own chapter.  They're no longer mixed in with the rest of the contrib
> modules, and I introduce them a bit differently.  I'm not completely happy
> on the wordering there yet.  The use of both "modules" and "extensions" is
> probably worth eliminating, and maybe that continues on to doing that
> against the language I swiped from the contrib intro too.  There's also a
> lot of shared text at the end there, common wording from that and the
> contrib page about how to install and migrate these extensions.  Not sure
> how to refactor it out into another section cleanly though.

I'm all for removing all mention of "modules".  It's ambiguous and
used inconsistently.

In my previous post in this area
( I
suggested that bundling tools, libraries and extensions together in
the same category is confusing.  So those are still a problem for me.
And auto_explain appears in your new "Core Extensions" section, but
it's not an extension in the terminology PostgreSQL uses, so that's
also potentially confusing.

Thom Brown
Twitter: @darkixion
IRC (freenode): dark_ixion
Registered Linux user: #516935

EnterpriseDB UK:
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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Re: [HACKERS] Core Extensions relocation

2011-11-02 Thread Josh Berkus
On 11/2/11 8:25 AM, Greg Smith wrote:
> On 10/14/2011 01:48 PM, Bruce Momjian wrote:
>> Is this going to be done for 9.2?
> Refreshing this patch is on my list of things to finish before the next
> CommitFest starts later this month.

Put me down as reviewer.

Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

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Re: [HACKERS] Core Extensions relocation

2011-11-02 Thread Greg Smith

On 10/14/2011 01:48 PM, Bruce Momjian wrote:

Is this going to be done for 9.2?

Refreshing this patch is on my list of things to finish before the next 
CommitFest starts later this month.

Greg Smith   2ndQuadrant   Baltimore, MD
PostgreSQL Training, Services, and 24x7 Support

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Re: [HACKERS] Core Extensions relocation

2011-10-14 Thread Thom Brown
On 14 October 2011 17:48, Bruce Momjian  wrote:
> Is this going to be done for 9.2?
> ---

I didn't spot this thread before.  I posted something related

Thom Brown
Twitter: @darkixion
IRC (freenode): dark_ixion
Registered Linux user: #516935

EnterpriseDB UK:
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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Re: [HACKERS] Core Extensions relocation

2011-10-14 Thread Bruce Momjian

Is this going to be done for 9.2?


Greg Smith wrote:
> Following up on the idea we've been exploring for making some extensions 
> more prominent, attached is the first rev that I think may be worth 
> considering seriously.  Main improvement from the last is that I 
> reorganized the docs to break out what I decided to tentatively name 
> "Core Extensions" into their own chapter.  No longer mixed in with the 
> rest of the contrib modules, and I introduce them a bit differently.   
> If you want to take a quick look at the new page, I copied it to 
> I'm not completely happy on the wordering there yet.  The use of both 
> "modules" and "extensions" is probably worth eliminating, and maybe that 
> continues on to doing that against the language I swiped from the 
> contrib intro too.  There's also a lot of shared text at the end there, 
> common wording from that and the contrib page about how to install and 
> migrate these extensions.  Not sure how to refactor it out into another 
> section cleanly though.
> Regression tests came up last time I posted this.  Doesn't look like 
> there are any for the modules I'm suggesting should be promoted.  Only 
> code issue I noticed during another self-review here is that I didn't 
> rename contrib/pgrowlocks/pgrowlocks--unpackaged--1.0.sql cleanly, may 
> need to do that one over again to get the commits as clean as possible.
> Updated code is at 
> too, and 
> since this is painful as a patch the compare view at 
> will be easier for browsing the code changes.
> -- 
> Greg Smith   2ndQuadrant   Baltimore, MD
> PostgreSQL Training, Services, and 24x7 Support

> -- 
> Sent via pgsql-hackers mailing list (
> To make changes to your subscription:

  Bruce Momjian

  + It's impossible for everything to be true. +

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Re: [HACKERS] Core Extensions relocation

2011-07-05 Thread Robert Haas
On Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 12:38 PM, Greg Smith  wrote:
> Peter Eisentraut wrote:
>> For the directory name, I'd prefer either src/extensions (since there is
>> more than one), or if you want to go for short somehow, src/ext.  (Hmm,
>> I guess the installation subdirectory is also called "extension".  But
>> it felt wrong on first reading anyway.)
> I jumped between those two a couple of times myself, settling on "extension"
> to match the installation location as you figured out.  Assuming that name
> shouldn't change at this point, this seemed the best way to name the new
> directory, even though I agree it seems weird at first.
>> What version did you branch this off? :)
> Long enough ago that apparently I've missed some major changes; Magnus
> already pointed out I needed to revisit how MODULEDIR was used.  Looks like
> I need to rebuild the first patch in this series yet again, which shouldn't
> be too bad.  The second time I did that, I made the commits atomic enough
> that the inevitable third one would be easy.

Are you going to do this work for this CommitFest?

Robert Haas
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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Re: [HACKERS] Core Extensions relocation

2011-06-11 Thread Greg Smith

Peter Eisentraut wrote:

For the directory name, I'd prefer either src/extensions (since there is
more than one), or if you want to go for short somehow, src/ext.  (Hmm,
I guess the installation subdirectory is also called "extension".  But
it felt wrong on first reading anyway.)

I jumped between those two a couple of times myself, settling on 
"extension" to match the installation location as you figured out.  
Assuming that name shouldn't change at this point, this seemed the best 
way to name the new directory, even though I agree it seems weird at first.

What version did you branch this off? :)

Long enough ago that apparently I've missed some major changes; Magnus 
already pointed out I needed to revisit how MODULEDIR was used.  Looks 
like I need to rebuild the first patch in this series yet again, which 
shouldn't be too bad.  The second time I did that, I made the commits 
atomic enough that the inevitable third one would be easy.

Greg Smith   2ndQuadrant   Baltimore, MD
PostgreSQL Training, Services, and 24x7 Support

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Re: [HACKERS] Core Extensions relocation

2011-06-10 Thread Peter Eisentraut
On tor, 2011-06-09 at 00:14 -0400, Greg Smith wrote:
> Following up on the idea we've been exploring for making some
> extensions 
> more prominent, attached is the first rev that I think may be worth 
> considering seriously.  Main improvement from the last is that I 
> reorganized the docs to break out what I decided to tentatively name 
> "Core Extensions" into their own chapter.  No longer mixed in with
> the 
> rest of the contrib modules, and I introduce them a bit
> differently.   

For the directory name, I'd prefer either src/extensions (since there is
more than one), or if you want to go for short somehow, src/ext.  (Hmm,
I guess the installation subdirectory is also called "extension".  But
it felt wrong on first reading anyway.)

There is some funny business in your new src/extension/Makefile.  You
apparently based this on a very old version of contrib/Makefile (if
still contains a CVS keyword header), it uses for loops in make targets
after we just got rid of them, and it references some modules that
aren't there at all.  That file needs a complete redo based on current
sources, I think.

Equally, your new sets MODULEDIR, which is no longer
necessary, and has a CVS header.  What version did you branch this
off? :)

Perhaps a small addition to the installation instructions would also be
appropriate, to tell people that certain core extensions, as it were,
are installed by default.

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Re: [HACKERS] Core Extensions relocation

2011-06-10 Thread Dimitri Fontaine

Greg Smith  writes:
> Following up on the idea we've been exploring for making some extensions
> more prominent, attached is the first rev that I think may be worth
> considering seriously.  Main improvement from the last is that I reorganized
> the docs to break out what I decided to tentatively name "Core Extensions"
> into their own chapter.  No longer mixed in with the rest of the contrib
> modules, and I introduce them a bit differently.   If you want to take a
> quick look at the new page, I copied it to

Thanks a lot for working on this!

I have two remarks here.  First, I think that the “core extensions” (+1
for this naming) should not be found in a documentation appendix, but in
the main documentation, as a new Chapter in Part II where we list data
types and operators and system functions.  Between current chapters 9
and 10 would be my vote.

Then, I think the angle to use to present “core extensions” would be
that those are things maintained like the core server, but that you
might not need at all.  There's no SQL level feature that rely on them,
it's all “extra”, but it's there nonetheless, because you might need it.

Other than that, +1 for your patch.  I'd stress out that I support your
idea to split the extensions at the source level, I think that's really
helping to get the message out: that is trustworthy and maintained code.

Dimitri Fontaine PostgreSQL : Expertise, Formation et Support

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Re: [HACKERS] Core Extensions relocation

2011-06-09 Thread Tom Lane
Please do not piggyback on an unrelated thread to ask a question.
Start a new thread.

Vinicius Abrahao  writes:
> postgres=# CREATE EXTENSION pg_buffercache SCHEMA pg_catalog;
> ERROR:  syntax error at or near "NO"

This looks like a syntax error in the pg_buffercache--1.0.sql file ...
have you tampered with that at all?

I believe BTW that you cannot specify pg_catalog as the target schema
here.  When I try that, I get:

regression=# CREATE EXTENSION pg_buffercache SCHEMA pg_catalog;
ERROR:  permission denied to create "pg_catalog.pg_buffercache"
DETAIL:  System catalog modifications are currently disallowed.

but it goes through fine without the SCHEMA clause.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [HACKERS] Core Extensions relocation

2011-06-09 Thread Greg Smith

Vinicius Abrahao wrote:
This is my first post at Hackers, so sorry if I am been a noob here, 
but I am pretty confused about

how to create the extension pg_buffercache.

This list is for talking about development of new features, normally on 
the latest development version of the software (right now 9.1).  There 
is no such thing as CREATE EXTENSION in versions before that.  A 
question like "how do I install pg_buffercache for 9.0?" should normally 
get sent to one of the other mailing lists; any of pgsql-performance, 
pgsql-admin, or pgsql-general would be appropriate to ask that at.  This 
one really isn't.  It's also better to avoid taking someone else's 
discussion and replying to it with your questions.

But even so, I need to ask, because my production is on another versions:
What is the right way to install this contrib at 9.0.1, 9.0.2 and 9.0.4 ?

But since I happen to know this answer, here's an example from a RedHat 
derived Linux system running PostgreSQL 9.0.4, logged in as the postgres 

-bash-3.2$ locate pg_buffercache.sql
-bash-3.2$ psql -d pgbench -f 

-bash-3.2$ psql -d pgbench -c "select count(*) from pg_buffercache"

The location of the file will be different on other platforms, but 
that's the basic idea of how you install it.

Greg Smith   2ndQuadrant   Baltimore, MD
PostgreSQL Training, Services, and 24x7 Support

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Re: [HACKERS] Core Extensions relocation

2011-06-09 Thread Vinicius Abrahao
Hello Greg, hello All,

This is my first post at Hackers, so sorry if I am been a noob here, but I
am pretty confused about
how to create the extension pg_buffercache.

First of all, I was trying to create using the old method by calling the
pg_buffercache--1.0.sql directly.
Then I discover the change that occurs recently to use CREATE EXTENSION, but
even now I am getting the weird error:

# select * from pg_available_extensions;
  name  | default_version | installed_version | comment
 plpgsql| 1.0 | 1.0   | PL/pgSQL
procedural language
 pg_buffercache | 1.0 |   | examine the
shared buffer cache
(2 rows)

postgres=# CREATE EXTENSION pg_buffercache SCHEMA pg_catalog;
ERROR:  syntax error at or near "NO"

Right now, talking with some fellows at #postgresql they tell that the error
is NOT occurring for they.
This was about 9.1beta from git.

But even so, I need to ask, because my production is on another versions:

What is the right way to install this contrib at 9.0.1, 9.0.2 and 9.0.4 ?

Many thanks,

Best regards,

On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 1:14 AM, Greg Smith  wrote:

> Following up on the idea we've been exploring for making some extensions
> more prominent, attached is the first rev that I think may be worth
> considering seriously.  Main improvement from the last is that I reorganized
> the docs to break out what I decided to tentatively name "Core Extensions"
> into their own chapter.  No longer mixed in with the rest of the contrib
> modules, and I introduce them a bit differently.   If you want to take a
> quick look at the new page, I copied it to
> I'm not completely happy on the wordering there yet.  The use of both
> "modules" and "extensions" is probably worth eliminating, and maybe that
> continues on to doing that against the language I swiped from the contrib
> intro too.  There's also a lot of shared text at the end there, common
> wording from that and the contrib page about how to install and migrate
> these extensions.  Not sure how to refactor it out into another section
> cleanly though.
> Regression tests came up last time I posted this.  Doesn't look like there
> are any for the modules I'm suggesting should be promoted.  Only code issue
> I noticed during another self-review here is that I didn't rename
> contrib/pgrowlocks/pgrowlocks--unpackaged--1.0.sql cleanly, may need to do
> that one over again to get the commits as clean as possible.
> Updated code is at
> too, and
> since this is painful as a patch the compare view at
> be easier for browsing the code changes.
> --
> Greg Smith   2ndQuadrant   Baltimore, MD
> PostgreSQL Training, Services, and 24x7 Support
> --
> Sent via pgsql-hackers mailing list (
> To make changes to your subscription:


Vinícius Abrahão Bazana Schmidt
Dextra Sistemas
+55 19 3256-6722 Ramal 246

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