2004-12-16 Thread Adi Alurkar
Why does the append resulting from a inheritance take longer than one  
resulting from  UNION ALL?

Append resulting from inheritance:
-  Append  (cost=0.00..17.43 rows=2 width=72) (actual  
time=3.876..245.320 rows=28 loops=1)
Append resulting from UNION ALL:
-  Append  (cost=0.00..17.45 rows=2 width=72) (actual  
time=3.730..81.465 rows=28 loops=1)

in the case below both f_f_all_base and for_f_all_new are  clustered on  
the index based (group_id, group_forum_id) they were vacuum analyzed  
before the test below.

perftestdb=# \d f_f_all_base
  Table public.f_f_all_base
 Column |   Type   | Modifiers
 msg_id | integer  | not null
 group_id   | integer  | default 0
 group_forum_id | integer  | not null default 0
 subject| text | not null default ''::text
 date   | integer  | not null default 0
 user_name  | text | not null default ''::text
 all_tidx   | tsvector | not null
forftiallb_pk_1102715767 primary key, btree (msg_id)
fftiallbgfid_1102715649 btree (group_forum_id)
fftiallbgrgfid_1102715649 btree (group_id, group_forum_id)
perftestdb=# \d for_f_all_new
 Table public.for_f_all_new
 Column |   Type   | Modifiers
 msg_id | integer  | not null
 group_id   | integer  | default 0
 group_forum_id | integer  | not null default 0
 subject| text | not null default ''::text
 date   | integer  | not null default 0
 user_name  | text | not null default ''::text
 all_tidx   | tsvector | not null
forfallnew_pk_ts primary key, btree (msg_id)
forfallnewgrgfid btree (group_id, group_forum_id)
forfallnewgrid btree (group_forum_id)
Inherits: f_f_all_base
perftestdb=# explain analyze (SELECT f_f_all_base.msg_id,  
f_f_all_base.subject, f_f_all_base.date, f_f_all_base.user_name, '' as  
fromemail FROM f_f_all_base WHERE (all_tidx @@ to_tsquery('MMcache') )  
AND f_f_all_base.group_id = 78745) ORDER BY msg_id DESC LIMIT 26 OFFSET  
 Limit  (cost=17.44..17.44 rows=2 width=72) (actual  
time=245.726..245.827 rows=26 loops=1)
   -  Sort  (cost=17.44..17.44 rows=2 width=72) (actual  
time=245.719..245.755 rows=26 loops=1)
 Sort Key: public.f_f_all_base.msg_id
 -  Result  (cost=0.00..17.43 rows=2 width=72) (actual  
time=3.885..245.564 rows=28 loops=1)
   -  Append  (cost=0.00..17.43 rows=2 width=72) (actual  
time=3.876..245.320 rows=28 loops=1)
 -  Index Scan using fftiallbgrgfid_1102715649 on  
f_f_all_base  (cost=0.00..3.52 rows=1 width=51) (actual  
time=3.871..244.356 rows=28 loops=1)
   Index Cond: (group_id = 78745)
   Filter: (all_tidx @@ '\'mmcach\''::tsquery)
 -  Index Scan using forfallnewgrgfid on  
for_f_all_new f_f_all_base  (cost=0.00..13.91 rows=1 width=72) (actual  
time=0.816..0.816 rows=0 loops=1)
   Index Cond: (group_id = 78745)
   Filter: (all_tidx @@ '\'mmcach\''::tsquery)
 Total runtime: 246.022 ms
(12 rows)

perftestdb=# explain analyze (SELECT f_f_all_base.msg_id,  
f_f_all_base.subject, f_f_all_base.date, f_f_all_base.user_name, '' as  
fromemail FROM ONLY f_f_all_base WHERE (all_tidx @@  
to_tsquery('MMcache') ) AND f_f_all_base.group_id = 78745) UNION ALL  
(SELECT f_f_all_new.msg_id, f_f_all_new.subject, f_f_all_new.date,  
f_f_all_new.user_name, '' as fromemail FROM for_f_all_new f_f_all_new  
WHERE (all_tidx @@ to_tsquery('MMcache') ) AND f_f_all_new.group_id  =  
78745) ORDER BY msg_id DESC LIMIT 26 OFFSET 0;
 Limit  (cost=17.46..17.46 rows=2 width=72) (actual time=81.703..81.833  
rows=26 loops=1)
   -  Sort  (cost=17.46..17.46 rows=2 width=72) (actual  
time=81.695..81.737 rows=26 loops=1)
 Sort Key: msg_id
 -  Append  (cost=0.00..17.45 rows=2 width=72) (actual  
time=3.730..81.465 rows=28 loops=1)
   -  Subquery Scan *SELECT* 1  (cost=0.00..3.53 rows=1  
width=51) (actual time=3.726..80.213 rows=28 loops=1)
 -  Index Scan using fftiallbgrgfid_1102715649 on  
f_f_all_base  (cost=0.00..3.52 rows=1 width=51) (actual  
time=3.714..79.996 rows=28 loops=1)
   Index Cond: (group_id = 78745)
   Filter: (all_tidx 


2004-12-16 Thread Tom Lane
Adi Alurkar [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Why does the append resulting from a inheritance take longer than one  
 resulting from  UNION ALL?

The index scan is where the time difference is:

   -  Index Scan using fftiallbgrgfid_1102715649 on  
 f_f_all_base  (cost=0.00..3.52 rows=1 width=51) (actual  
 time=3.871..244.356 rows=28 loops=1)
 Index Cond: (group_id = 78745)
 Filter: (all_tidx @@ '\'mmcach\''::tsquery)

   -  Index Scan using fftiallbgrgfid_1102715649 on  
 f_f_all_base  (cost=0.00..3.52 rows=1 width=51) (actual  
 time=3.714..79.996 rows=28 loops=1)
 Index Cond: (group_id = 78745)
 Filter: (all_tidx @@ '\'mmcach\''::tsquery)

One would have to suppose this is a caching effect, ie, the data is
already in RAM on the second try and doesn't have to be read from disk

regards, tom lane

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend