Re: [PERFORM] Join on incompatible types

2003-11-19 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
Laurent Martelli wrote:

"Shridhar" == Shridhar Daithankar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


  Shridhar> 2. Try following query EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * from lists
  Shridhar> join classes on where

With of type integer and lists.value of type varchar, I get
"ERROR:  Cannot cast type character varying to integer", which is not
such a surprise. 
Try to_numbr function to get a number out of string. Then cast it to integer.

I hope that works. Don't have postgresql installation handy here..


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [PERFORM] Join on incompatible types

2003-11-19 Thread Laurent Martelli
> "Shridhar" == Shridhar Daithankar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


  Shridhar> 2. Try following query EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * from lists
  Shridhar> join classes on where


With of type integer and lists.value of type varchar, I get
"ERROR:  Cannot cast type character varying to integer", which is not
such a surprise. 

Thanks for your help anyway.

Laurent Martelli
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Java Aspect Components

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [PERFORM] Join on incompatible types

2003-11-19 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
Laurent Martelli wrote:

"Shridhar" == Shridhar Daithankar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
  Shridhar> I am stripping the analyze outputs and directly jumping to
  Shridhar> the end.
  Shridhar> Can you try following?

  Shridhar> 1. Make all fields integer in all the table.  

I can't do this because lists.values contains non integer data which
do not refer to a value. It may sound weird. This is
because it's a generic schema for a transparent persistence framework.
Fine .I understand. So instead of using a field value, can you use integer 
version of that field? (Was that one of your queries used that? I deleted the OP)

The solution for me would rather be to have varchar everywhere.
You need to cast every occurance of that varchar field appropriately, to start 
with. The performance might suffer as well for numbers.

  Shridhar> 2. Try following query EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * from lists
  Shridhar> join classes on where

Try that.

The aim is absolute type compatibility. If types aren't exactly same, the plan 
is effectively dead.

I would say postgresql enforces good habits in it's application developers, from 
a cultural POV.

Had C refused to compile without such strict type compatibility, we wouldn't 
have to worry about 16bit/32bit and 64 bit software. Just upgrade the compiler 
and everything is damn good..:-)

I doubt if C would have so popular with such strict type checking but that is 
another issue. I think pascal enforces such strict syntax.. Not sure though..


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [PERFORM] Join on incompatible types

2003-11-19 Thread Laurent Martelli
> "Shridhar" == Shridhar Daithankar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  Shridhar> Laurent Martelli wrote:
  >>> "Shridhar" == Shridhar Daithankar
  >>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
  Shridhar> Laurent Martelli wrote:
  >> [...]  >> Should I understand that a join on incompatible types
  >> (such as >> integer and varchar) may lead to bad performances ?
  Shridhar> Conversely, you should enforce strict type compatibility
  Shridhar> in comparisons for getting any good plans..:-)
  >> Ha ha, now I understand why a query of mine was so sluggish.  Is
  >> there a chance I could achieve the good perfs without having he
  >> same types ? I've tried a CAST in the query, but it's even a
  >> little worse than without it. However, using a view to cast
  >> integers into varchar gives acceptable results (see at the end).
  >> I'm using Postgresql 7.3.4.

  Shridhar> I am stripping the analyze outputs and directly jumping to
  Shridhar> the end.

  Shridhar> Can you try following?

  Shridhar> 1. Make all fields integer in all the table.  

I can't do this because lists.values contains non integer data which
do not refer to a value. It may sound weird. This is
because it's a generic schema for a transparent persistence framework.

The solution for me would rather be to have varchar everywhere.

  Shridhar> 2. Try following query EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * from lists
  Shridhar> join classes on where

  Shridhar> How does it affect the runtime?

  Shridhar>   Shridhar

Laurent Martelli
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Java Aspect Components

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
  joining column's datatypes do not match

Re: [PERFORM] Join on incompatible types

2003-11-19 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
Laurent Martelli wrote:

"Shridhar" == Shridhar Daithankar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  Shridhar> Laurent Martelli wrote:


  >> Should I understand that a join on incompatible types (such as
  >> integer and varchar) may lead to bad performances ?
  Shridhar> Conversely, you should enforce strict type compatibility
  Shridhar> in comparisons for getting any good plans..:-)
Ha ha, now I understand why a query of mine was so sluggish.

Is there a chance I could achieve the good perfs without having he
same types ? I've tried a CAST in the query, but it's even a little
worse than without it. However, using a view to cast integers into
varchar gives acceptable results (see at the end).
I'm using Postgresql 7.3.4.
I am stripping the analyze outputs and directly jumping to the end.

Can you try following?

1. Make all fields integer in all the table.
2. Try following query
EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * from lists join classes on where'16'::integer;

How does it affect the runtime?


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
 subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
 message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [PERFORM] Join on incompatible types

2003-11-18 Thread Laurent Martelli
> "Shridhar" == Shridhar Daithankar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  Shridhar> Laurent Martelli wrote:


  >> Should I understand that a join on incompatible types (such as
  >> integer and varchar) may lead to bad performances ?

  Shridhar> Conversely, you should enforce strict type compatibility
  Shridhar> in comparisons for getting any good plans..:-)

Ha ha, now I understand why a query of mine was so sluggish.

Is there a chance I could achieve the good perfs without having he
same types ? I've tried a CAST in the query, but it's even a little
worse than without it. However, using a view to cast integers into
varchar gives acceptable results (see at the end).

I'm using Postgresql 7.3.4.

iprofil-jac=# EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * from classes where exists (select value from 
lists where'16' and;

 Seq Scan on classes  (cost=0.00..5480289.75 rows=9610 width=25) (actual 
time=31.68..7321.56 rows=146 loops=1)
   Filter: (subplan)
 ->  Index Scan using lists_id on lists  (cost=0.00..285.12 rows=1 width=8) 
(actual time=0.38..0.38 rows=0 loops=19220)
   Index Cond: (id = 16)
   Filter: ((value)::text = ($0)::text)
 Total runtime: 7321.72 msec

iprofil-jac=# EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * from classes2 where exists (select value from 
lists where'16' and;
 Seq Scan on classes2  (cost=0.00..5923.87 rows=500 width=64) (actual 
time=0.76..148.20 rows=146 loops=1)
   Filter: (subplan)
 ->  Index Scan using lists_value on lists  (cost=0.00..5.90 rows=1 width=8) 
(actual time=0.01..0.01 rows=0 loops=19220)
   Index Cond: ((id = 16) AND (value = $0))
 Total runtime: 148.34 msec

-- Tables classes and classes2 are populated with the same data, they
-- only differ on the type of the "id" column.

iprofil-jac=# \d classes
   Table "public.classes"
 Colonne |   Type| Modifications 
 id  | integer   | not null
 classid | character varying | 
Index: classes_pkey primary key btree (id)

iprofil-jac=# \d classes2
   Table "public.classes2"
 Colonne |   Type| Modifications 
 id  | character varying | not null
 classid | character varying | 
Index: classes2_pkey primary key btree (id)

iprofil-jac=# \d lists 
Table "public.lists"
 Colonne |   Type| Modifications 
 id  | integer   | not null
 index   | integer   | not null
 value   | character varying | 
Index: lists_index unique btree (id, "index"),
   lists_id btree (id),
   lists_value btree (id, value)


iprofil-jac=# EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * from lists join classes on where'16';

 Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..90905.88 rows=298 width=41) (actual time=53.93..9327.87 
rows=146 loops=1)
   Join Filter: (("inner".id)::text = ("outer".value)::text)
   ->  Seq Scan on lists  (cost=0.00..263.43 rows=146 width=16) (actual 
time=8.38..9.70 rows=146 loops=1)
 Filter: (id = 16)
   ->  Seq Scan on classes  (cost=0.00..333.20 rows=19220 width=25) (actual 
time=0.00..28.45 rows=19220 loops=146)
 Total runtime: 9328.35 msec

iprofil-jac=# EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * from lists join classes2 on where'16';
 Merge Join  (cost=268.67..324.09 rows=16 width=80) (actual time=9.59..65.55 rows=146 
   Merge Cond: ("outer".id = "inner".value)
   ->  Index Scan using classes2_pkey on classes2  (cost=0.00..52.00 rows=1000 
width=64) (actual time=0.03..40.83 rows=18778 loops=1)
   ->  Sort  (cost=268.67..269.03 rows=146 width=16) (actual time=9.50..9.56 rows=146 
 Sort Key: lists.value
 ->  Seq Scan on lists  (cost=0.00..263.43 rows=146 width=16) (actual 
time=8.83..9.17 rows=146 loops=1)

Re: [PERFORM] Join on incompatible types

2003-11-18 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
Laurent Martelli wrote:

"scott" == scott marlowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


  scott> Note here:

  scott> Merge Join (cost=1788.68..4735.71 rows=1 width=85) (actual
  scott> time=597.540..1340.526 rows=20153 loops=1) Merge Cond:
  scott> ("outer".id = "inner".id)
  scott> This estimate is WAY off.  Are both of those fields indexed
  scott> and analyzed?  Have you tried upping the statistics target on
  scott> those two fields?  I assume they are compatible types.
Should I understand that a join on incompatible types (such as integer
and varchar) may lead to bad performances ?
Conversely, you should enforce strict type compatibility in comparisons for 
getting any good plans..:-)


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend