[Pharo-users] English subtitles for Adele Goldberg

2023-04-07 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng
https://youtu.be/8uGV9hcIN_Y I've added an English subtitle track (NOT auto-generated) to correct for the two minutes of audio difficulty in Adele Goldberg's keynote talk. The auto-generated subtitle track is incomplete during these two minutes (5:26).

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Camp Smalltalk Supreme Finalized!

2021-06-17 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng
As of today, Wednesday, June 17, 2021, I have successfully nailed down the most exciting roster of keynote speakers for *Camp Smalltalk Supreme* next year. Here they are: 1. *Adele Goldberg* — co-creator of Smalltalk 2. *Dan Ingalls* — co-creator of Smalltalk 3. *Kent Beck* — Smalltalk

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Camp Smalltalk Supreme

2021-05-08 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng
I have the green light to proceed with *Camp Smalltalk Supreme*, the 2022 50th anniversary edition of Camp Smalltalk. It's scheduled for June 10-12, 2022 at Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada. I've confirmed Adele Goldberg and FAST President Leandro Caniglia as keynote speakers for this very

[Pharo-users] [ANN] JRMPC 2021 in Jeopardy

2020-08-26 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng
JRMPC 2021 is about to commence registration in less than two weeks. Unfortunately, disaster has struck. Ryerson University's developer for the competition software has pulled out of the project at the last minute, so they are stuck. I am looking for a

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Smalltalk's Successor

2020-08-10 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng
https://smalltalk.tech.blog/2020/08/10/smalltalks-successor/ A bold claim. It'll be interesting to see if anybody challenges me on this.

[Pharo-users] Editing in Pharo Debugger

2020-07-29 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng
I notice that if I modify code in the Debugger, the editing pane does not provide any cue that the code has changed and needs to be saved. I believe in previous Pharo versions, an orange indicator appeared in the top right corner of the pane. Is this an oversight? Thanks.

[Pharo-users] [ANN] New GoFundMe Campaign

2020-07-10 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng
https://www.gofundme.com/f/jrmpc-2?utm_source=customer_medium=copy_link_campaign=p_cf+share-flow-1 Please give generously! Thanks.

[Pharo-users] [ANN] What are reasons NOT to use Smalltalk?

2020-06-19 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng
https://smalltalk.tech.blog/2020/06/19/what-are-reasons-not-to-use-smalltalk/ Thanks for participating in the poll.

[Pharo-users] [ANN] JRMPC 2020 Awards Ceremony

2020-05-31 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng
Here it is, finally! https://smalltalk.tech.blog/2020/05/30/jrmpc-2020-awards-ceremony/ It's a nice coincidink that the launch of the awards ceremony occurred on the same day as the historic SpaceX Crew Dragon launch. https://www.space.com/elon-musk-emotional-spacex-astronaut-launch.html I

[Pharo-users] [ANN] What are good reasons to use Smalltalk?

2020-05-13 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng
https://smalltalk.tech.blog/2020/05/13/what-are-good-reasons-to-use-smalltalk/ Please participate in the poll.

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Do you like the idea of Camp Smalltalk Supreme and do you support it?

2020-04-02 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng

[Pharo-users] [ANN] 50th Anniversary of Smalltalk

2020-04-01 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng
https://smalltalk.tech.blog/2020/04/01/50th-anniversary-of-smalltalk/ The final wish of a dying man.

[Pharo-users] [ANN] JRMPC Poll

2020-03-23 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng
https://jrmpc.ca/2020/03/20/what-makes-learning-smalltalk-challenging/ FWIW, 95% of respondents pointed to the lack of reference documentation for the class library as the major obstacle to learning Smalltalk/Pharo. Richard

[Pharo-users] [ANN] How to Evangelize a Programming Language

2020-03-14 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng
https://hackernoon.com/how-to-evangelize-a-programming-language-0p7p3y02 Still, there are ways to play up the competition. ;-) Yeah, I'm a sneaky bastard. Richard

[Pharo-users] [ANN] COVID-19 and JRMPC

2020-03-14 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng
https://smalltalk.tech.blog/2020/03/13/covid-19-and-jrmpc/ This is very unfortunate. I was counting on the awards ceremony for a great deal of PR value. A virtual ceremony likely wouldn't have the same impact. Richard

[Pharo-users] [ANN] We have our winners!

2020-03-07 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng
https://smalltalk.tech.blog/2020/03/07/jrmpc-2020-award-winners/ Time to play this up for all the PR value I can muster. Richard

[Pharo-users] How to recover from a VM crash

2020-03-06 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng
I have an emergency. One of my JRMPC teams says they can't open the image. They get a long error message that begins with: *Exception code: C005* *Exception addr: 0041FB6B* *Access violation (read access) at 0007* *RAX:3270 RBX:

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Battlesnake vs JRMPC

2020-03-04 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng
Here's an interesting story comparing Battlesnake to JRMPC: https://smalltalk.tech.blog/2020/03/03/battlesnake-the-competition/ This could elevate awareness for JRMPC and Smalltalk. It has already garnered a good deal of praise. Richard

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Round 4 Results Are In

2020-02-29 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng
https://jrmpc.ca/2020/02/29/round-4-1-leading-team/ Next week's final round will be more of the same: https://jrmpc.ca/2020/02/29/round-5-challenge/. But the competition map will be considerably more challenging. Yes, they will have to *earn* First Prize! Richard

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Round 3 Results Are In

2020-02-22 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNyu-3Y2arg This time, the teams must deal with Jump cells, Warp cells, and Death cells. If you land on a Death cell, you die and the simulation terminates. Next week is the most exciting round yet. Multiple teams will be competing on the same board! This will

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Round 2 Results Are In

2020-02-15 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng
https://youtu.be/B2pNMKuuyKw Watch the robot 'A' as it manoeuvres around the board following the team's prescribed strategy. The robot consumes the energy value of each cell it enters. The cells in blue have *negative *energy values! The object is to maximize the score. The winning team comes

[Pharo-users] The results are in!

2020-02-08 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng
Round 1 — #1 Leading Team: https://youtu.be/QWHeN5WXfBQ I'm actually quite amazed by their effort. They surpassed my expectations. At the risk of sounding immodest, I think this is a terrific way to promote Smalltalk (Pharo). I think the video is an absolute blast. Richard

[Pharo-users] Fuzzy Thinking in Smalltalk

2020-02-04 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng
>From Lorenzo Schiavina: https://smalltalk.tech.blog/2020/02/04/fuzzy-thinking-in-smalltalk/ There's a minor issue with WordPress: embedded slideshows steal the keyboard focus so that you can't use PageUp and PageDown keys to navigate the webpage. I've reported it to WordPress and they're

[Pharo-users] Round 1 test

2020-02-02 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng
This is a demonstration video of Round 1. The actual Round 1 video will be created next weekend after Round 1 is due. https://youtu.be/YG_jcFvDsjk Enjoy.

[Pharo-users] Just curious...

2020-01-30 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng
In the Playground, if I type in 0.1s and then "Print it", I get the following output: *0.1s1* What does the *s1* stand for? Why doesn't it simply print *s*?

[Pharo-users] Extending the Smalltalk Syntax

2020-01-29 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng
The fourth and final article in the series: https://smalltalk.tech.blog/2020/01/29/extending-the-smalltalk-syntax-4/. Leandro Caniglia did a great job! These kinds of articles showcase Smalltalk/Pharo in a wonderful way. Lorenzo Schiavina will be submitting an article in the very near future.

[Pharo-users] Another Smalltalk Poll

2020-01-29 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng
Any feedback? [image: image.png]

[Pharo-users] Smalltalk Poll

2020-01-29 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng
I'm crafting a Smalltalk poll for my blog. I just wanted to get some feedback. Have I overlooked anything? [image: image.png]

[Pharo-users] Resources Page

2020-01-28 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng
I've added a Resources page to my new blog: https://smalltalk.tech.blog/resources/. It is very much a *curated *list. I felt this was needed because when I visit other Smalltalk resources pages, I get overwhelmed by the number of links and options. It is possible to have *too many* choices.

[Pharo-users] Fwd: Morph menu entries

2020-01-26 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng
Could someone please explain what the "World contents" menu obtained by right-clicking on the background is all about? (I normally left-click to obtain the "World" menu.) Why are there all those morphs listed? And is this potentially a problem? Thanks. -- Forwarded message -

[Pharo-users] New Smalltalk Blog

2020-01-20 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng
I've created a new Smalltalk blog . I've left Medium because of their pressure to put everyone behind a paywall. I've opened up the blog for third-party submissions. Anyone can email me an article submission and if I deem it appropriate, I will edit and publish it.

[Pharo-users] Latest Pharo Update

2020-01-18 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng
The latest update to Pharo causes a "PrimitiveFailed: primitive #newProcess in ProcessWrapper class failed" message??? How did this happen?

[Pharo-users] As promised, the sequel!

2020-01-12 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng

[Pharo-users] Why Smalltalk is so easy to evangelize

2020-01-09 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng

[Pharo-users] Smalltalk: It’s Not Your Grandfather’s Programming Language

2020-01-06 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng

[Pharo-users] How can we celebrate the 50th anniversary of Smalltalk?

2020-01-01 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng

[Pharo-users] Green Light for JRMPC!

2019-11-07 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng
https://jrmpc.ca/2019/11/07/green-light-for-jrmpc/ I'm on track to make this one of the greatest events in Smalltalk history! ;-) Yeah, I know, who gives a rat's ass about Canada? But there are ways to spin this that make it interesting for the rest of the world.

[Pharo-users] We Are Smalltalk

2019-10-28 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng

[Pharo-users] Rocking Smalltalk

2019-10-23 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng
https://youtu.be/-uTzhRLcWC4 A rock video for the Smalltalk programming language.

[Pharo-users] VW vs Pharo Performance

2019-08-31 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng
https://benchmarksgame-team.pages.debian.net/benchmarksgame/fastest/vw-pharo.html Is VisualWorks really faster than Pharo? Why???

[Pharo-users] Connection Timed Out

2019-08-27 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng
I have a Teapot application running under Linux and nginx. From time to time, I get the following error: *ConnectionTimedOut: Data receive timed out.* Otherwise, the Teapot application works fine, even with this error message. Can anyone tell me what or where it's timing out, and how can I

[Pharo-users] A Canticle for Smalltalk

2019-08-05 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng
A big fan of my work created this rogue video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1opveHaukFK8WbQ8wg8b14wuKJsjoOZfO/view I appreciate the homage, but I can't take credit for it. It's really quite beautiful, though. I'm using it as part of my evangelism.

[Pharo-users] Smalltalk tutorial is broken

2019-05-10 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng
So say many visitors to https://amber-lang.net/learn.html. The problem is this: visitors are failing to read and comprehend the last instruction on the first page of the tutorial. The one that reads: *Select the text below and click on the 'DoIt' button*. They're not selecting the text. They do

[Pharo-users] What's wrong with latest Pharo?

2019-03-31 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng
I just installed Pharo under Linux and when I start it up, I get: *Error: External module not found* It doesn't matter how I install Pharo.

[Pharo-users] Pharo MOOC

2019-03-17 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng
Will there be another run in 2019? I have friends who are interested.

[Pharo-users] Bloc Tutorial

2019-02-17 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng
I'm following the tutorial in the MemoryGame booklet. When I run the game and click on any square, I get: The method BlBaseAnimation>>#startOn: called from MgCardElement>>#onFlippedFace has been deprecated. Use BlElement>>#addAnimation: The tutorial is out of sync. How can I proceed? Is there

[Pharo-users] LOOP book title mismatch

2019-01-16 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng
At http://books.pharo.org/learning-oop/, the title is "Learning Object-Oriented Programming, Design *with* TDD *in* Pharo" but the actual PDF has the title "Learning Object-Oriented Programming, Design *and* TDD *with* Pharo". So which title is correct?

[Pharo-users] A volunteer is desperately needed

2019-01-15 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng
As you know, the James Robertson Memorial Programming Competition (or JRMPC) is proceeding. You may recall that the decision was made to use VisualWorks for the competition. However, I now realize that it was the wrong decision. VisualWorks presents a number of issues, such as: 1. licensing,

[Pharo-users] Pier CMS

2019-01-15 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng
I'm looking at Pier CMS and it appears to require (32-bit) Pharo 1.3. Since I'm running 64-bit Pharo on 64-bit Linux, this is a problem, am I right?

[Pharo-users] Submitting HTML Forms

2018-12-11 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng
I'm having a lot of difficulty getting file uploading to work using Teapot/Zinc. The documentation is not entirely clear about how it's supposed to work, and the example provided doesn't quite work. I'm referring to section "4.6 Submitting HTML Forms" in "Enterprise Pharo – a Web Perspective."

[Pharo-users] VPS difficulties

2018-11-21 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng
I'm creating the competition website using Pharo and Teapot. For encryption, I'm using Pierce Ng's PasswordCrypt, which requires a 32-bit C library. This means I must run 32-bit Pharo. And this means I must run 32-bit Pharo under 32-bit Linux. Therein lies the rub... I would like to host the

Re: [Pharo-users] My Keynote at the Salta Conference

2018-11-20 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng
Not even a single nibble? Doesn't anyone care about promoting Pharo? What a colossal lost opportunity! On Sun, 18 Nov 2018 at 09:29, Richard Kenneth Eng wrote: > Some of you may already be aware of my presentation at *Smalltalks 2018*, > the outcome of which was full funding for my Sma

[Pharo-users] My Keynote at the Salta Conference

2018-11-18 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng
Some of you may already be aware of my presentation at *Smalltalks 2018*, the outcome of which was full funding for my Smalltalk programming competition. See My Keynote at the Salta Conference . Three years ago, David Buck

[Pharo-users] Issue with starting 32-bit Pharo under Linux

2018-11-17 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng
I'm running 32-bit Debian. I installed 32-bit Pharo 6.1 using: *wget -O- https://get.pharo.org | bash* When I try to run Pharo with: *./pharo-ui Pharo.image &* I get this error: PrimitiveFailed: primitive #createDirectory: in UnixStore failed And when I try to close

[Pharo-users] External module not found

2018-11-17 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng
I have a most peculiar problem. I've been using Pierce Ng’s PasswordCrypt encryption package with Pharo 5. Now that I'm using Pharo 6, it doesn't seem to work anymore. The ffiCall:module: message always gives me "External module not found".

[Pharo-users] Pharo on Linux

2018-11-17 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng
I'm running Debian. At http://files.pharo.org, I download - platform/Pharo6.0-64-linux.zip - sources/PharoV60.sources.zip - wget -O- get.pharo.org/60 | bash Then I try: ./pharo Pharo.image & I'm always getting "This interpreter (vers. 68021) cannot read image file (vers. 6521)."

[Pharo-users] Quora: If you could create your own programming language, what would some of the features be?

2018-09-30 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng
Here's the answer I wrote: http://qr.ae/TUGKcH It would be just like Smalltalk <https://www.quora.com/Which-programming-language-is-very-interesting-but-people-dont-know-about-it-yet/answer/Richard-Kenneth-Eng?share=73e32f8b=iCOB> but with optional static typing. Separate namespace