RE: [PHP-DB] Re: Looking for more optimal way to do multiple similar inserts at

2004-11-11 Thread -{ Rene Brehmer }-
yeah, I noticed that ... haven't had a chance to check for certain, but I 
believe the server I have to work with is 3.23 ... and since my space is 
rented, I don't have alot of say in upgrading ... although it might be 
possible to get them to do it ... their PHPMyAdmin is really old too ... :-s

At 16:17 11-11-2004, Norland, Martin wrote:
Please note that his solution uses a subselect - and your version of
mysql may not support subselects.  Subselects were introduced (I
believe) in Mysql 4.1
- Martin Norland, Database / Web Developer, International Outreach x3257
The opinion(s) contained within this email do not necessarily represent
those of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.
-Original Message-
From: Sebastian Mendel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2004 6:42 AM
Subject: [PHP-DB] Re: Looking for more optimal way to do multiple
similar inserts at
// send Messages
$sql = '
INSERT INTO `hf_privmessages`
SELECT `userID` AS `ownerID`,
' . (int) $userID . 'AS `fromID`,
`userID` AS `toID`,
"' . $username . '"  AS `from_name`,
`nickname`   AS `to_name`,
"' . $_POST['priority'] . '" AS `priority`,
NOW()AS `date`,
"' . $subject . '"   AS `subject`,
"' . $message . '"   AS `message`,
"inbox"  AS `folder`
WHERE `userID` IN (' . implode( ', ', $_POST['rcvID'] ) . ')
PHP Database Mailing List (
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RE: [PHP-DB] Re: Looking for more optimal way to do multiple similar inserts at

2004-11-11 Thread Norland, Martin
Please note that his solution uses a subselect - and your version of
mysql may not support subselects.  Subselects were introduced (I
believe) in Mysql 4.1 

- Martin Norland, Database / Web Developer, International Outreach x3257
The opinion(s) contained within this email do not necessarily represent
those of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.

-Original Message-
From: Sebastian Mendel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2004 6:42 AM
Subject: [PHP-DB] Re: Looking for more optimal way to do multiple
similar inserts at

// send Messages
$sql = '
INSERT INTO `hf_privmessages` 
SELECT `userID` AS `ownerID`,
' . (int) $userID . 'AS `fromID`,
`userID` AS `toID`,
"' . $username . '"  AS `from_name`,
`nickname`   AS `to_name`,
"' . $_POST['priority'] . '" AS `priority`,
NOW()AS `date`,
"' . $subject . '"   AS `subject`,
"' . $message . '"   AS `message`,
"inbox"  AS `folder`
WHERE `userID` IN (' . implode( ', ', $_POST['rcvID'] ) . ')

PHP Database Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP-DB] Re: Looking for more optimal way to do multiple similar inserts at

2004-11-11 Thread -{ Rene Brehmer }-
At 13:42 11-11-2004, Sebastian Mendel wrote:
// send Messages
$sql = '
INSERT INTO `hf_privmessages` 
SELECT `userID` AS `ownerID`,
   ' . (int) $userID . 'AS `fromID`,
   `userID` AS `toID`,
   "' . $username . '"  AS `from_name`,
   `nickname`   AS `to_name`,
   "' . $_POST['priority'] . '" AS `priority`,
   NOW()AS `date`,
   "' . $subject . '"   AS `subject`,
   "' . $message . '"   AS `message`,
   "inbox"  AS `folder`
WHERE `userID` IN (' . implode( ', ', $_POST['rcvID'] ) . ')
mysql_query ... ;

// place copy
$toID = implode(',',$_POST['rcvID']);
if ( count($_POST['rcvID']) > 1 )
$to_name = 'multiple';
// get recipient name
$to_name = 'multiple';
$msgquery = "INSERT INTO hf_privmessages 

$result = mysql_query($msgquery) or die('Unable to insert 

your databes lags normalization!!!
My lack of normalization is open for debate, the tables are designed this 
way to suit the flexibility I need ... the reason I have the ownerID in the 
table is simply to make the code easier for me to read. I do know it's not 
strictly needed because I can find the right owners by using the read and 
sent flags, but it made the code harder for me to read when I did it like 
that. Because this project is nowhere near finished, I need to keep the 
code a little easier to read, at the cost of a little performance. I'm 
aware that having the to/from names with the messages don't look 
immediately like a good idea, because it adds apparently superflous data to 
the table, but it serves a specific purpose. If I didn't have the names 
with the messages, then I'd have to use joins to get those in when pulling 
the messages from the database. That in itself isn't the problem. The 
problem comes with deleting users. If a user is deleted, there's no 
information to attach to the corresponding ID in the message, and thus the 
join would omit any messages sent to/from users no longer in the system, 
and in the case of userID recycling, there's the risk of it appending the 
wrong username to the message.

The sheer number and size of the fields in the userprofiles in this system 
makes it unpractical to simply mark them as deleted when deleting them. It 
would mean a serious waste of diskspace that goes beyond what the little 
lack of normalization in this one table causes. I have the username 
"fallback" fields in 3 of 14 tables, with the planned design that will 
eventually become around 20-22 total tables, because of alot of needed 
cross-linking between tables. It goes back to the practicality of not 
keeping user profiles in the system for any other purpose than making joins 

I'm by far not an expert on neither PHP nor SQL or database design, and 
never claimed to be. I learned to program when I was 8, in Basic, and 
learned about databases by fooling around with MS Access. It's been 20 
years, and till last fall I've mostly never touched creating or designing 
databases at all cuz I've mostly worked with the HTML side of things, and 
otherwise only done coding for databases made by others, where I've had no 
say in how the database was organized.

Everything I do these days is about learning how to push the limits of what 
the code and the database allows. And to learn how to get the functionality 
I want in the most efficient and practical way. Slandering my work will not 
do me any good. If you wanna come with constructive criticism that's fine, 
but have you ever considered that there are reasons for everything ? If you 
don't know the reason for the design choice, or the whole picture, any 
criticism you make will always and only be objective, and not constructive.

But most the entire database have fields cut back to make the normalization 
as great as possible. I'm still largely working on getting all the 
functionality working primarily, and thus I'm still doing some 
experimentation with the database design, as in what fields I need and 
don't need to do what I need to do. The 3 tables that aren't fully 
normalized contain posts and messages in various forms. For the simple 
reason of being able to display those posts/messages, and do so with the 
correct original username, I slack a little on the normalization to make 
that work. 

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