[PHP-DEV] Bug #15429 Updated: Problem with hash index

2002-02-07 Thread hholzgra

 ID:   15429
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: Scripting Engine problem
 Operating System: Windows 2000
 PHP Version:  4.1.1
 New Comment:

check your error_reporting settings in php.ini

read access to undefined variables or array
elements generates an E_NOTICE message

Previous Comments:

[2002-02-07 09:32:26] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I am running php 4.1.1 (windows installer)
When in call a index of a hash there is a warning returned that the
index is undifined.

Everything works on a previous version of php

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=15429&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15427 Updated: Online and offline documentation completely different!

2002-02-07 Thread hholzgra

 ID:   15427
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Feedback
 Bug Type: Documentation problem
 Operating System: WindowsXP
 PHP Version:  4.1.1
 New Comment:

online and offline versions are generated from
the same xml source and at the same time, 
so you should not see any difference in the 
content (although the design may be different)

where do you download from?
mybe there's an old file hidden somewhere
we are not aware of?

Previous Comments:

[2002-02-07 08:30:26] [EMAIL PROTECTED]


1. Searching for the 'include'-function in the english offline
in the index file:///c%7C/.../php_manual_en/index.functions.html: it's
not present.

2. Searching in the online documentation (costing telephone ticks):
it's present under 
'control structures': http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.include.php
valuable information on how to use the include function.

3. Searching in the offline documentation under 'control structures': I
get a
completely worthless page with differences for the include function
between PHP3
and 4, not about how to use the include function.

We need good offline documentation! When will the online and offline 
documentation be the same so we can download it??? 

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=15427&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15403 Updated: Strange behavior of floor() with negative values

2002-02-06 Thread hholzgra

 ID:   15403
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: *Math Functions
 Operating System: Windows NT
 PHP Version:  4.1.1
 New Comment:

from http://php.net/floor:
"Returns the next lowest integer ..."

-2 < -1.6 < -1

so -2 is the next lowest integeter, not -1

Previous Comments:

[2002-02-06 08:31:06] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

echo floor(1.6); // will output "1"
This is allright...

echo floor(-1.6); // will output "-2"
But shouldn't this one output "-1" instead?


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=15403&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15392 Updated: configration

2002-02-05 Thread hholzgra

 ID:   15392
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: *Configuration Issues
 Operating System: window98
 PHP Version:  4.1.1
 New Comment:

The bug system is not the appropriate forum for asking support
questions. For a list of a range of more appropriate places to ask
for help using PHP, please visit http://www.php.net/support.php

Previous Comments:

[2002-02-05 15:59:06] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The bug system is not the appropriate forum for asking support
questions. For a list of a range of more appropriate places to ask
for help using PHP, please visit http://www.php.net/support.php

[2002-02-05 15:58:55] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please go to http://www.php.net/support.php for support;
look for the mailing list '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' and
sign up. The bug database is not a support forum.


[2002-02-05 15:57:53] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The bug system is not the appropriate forum for asking support
questions. For a list of a range of more appropriate places to ask
for help using PHP, please visit http://www.php.net/support.php

[2002-02-05 15:53:26] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

dear sir,
i am ASP programmer and now starting PHP.I have installed window98 and
server is PWS.
how can i config my system for PHP and PWS  on window98.
please send me the slotion and program  files if necessary.
address 672 shad bagh lahore 54900 pakistan

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15254 Updated: modules are unloaded in the wrong order

2002-01-28 Thread hholzgra

ID: 15254
Updated by: hholzgra
Status: Open
Bug Type: Reproducible crash
Operating System: Linux, Solaris and win32
PHP Version: 4.1.1
New Comment:

i remember doing something about that somewhere
around 4.0.5, too, but i can't remember the outcome :(

Previous Comments:

[2002-01-28 08:14:22] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

zend_hash_destroy destroys things in order.  Thus, if one has
two loadable modules, one of which depends on the other by
calling a function in the initialization or finalization functions,
then bad things will happen whichever order they appear in php.ini,
since whichever way around they're listed,  
a function will be called after the providing library has been

Our fix is simply to change zend_hash_destroy to traverse its list
backwards (from ht->pListTail rather than ht->pListHead).

(I believe we (probably as MessagingDirect) reported this bug in PHP3
and it was fixed then, but it seems to have reappeared.)

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=15254&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15202 Updated: not a bug, but new feature request

2002-01-24 Thread hholzgra

ID: 15202
Updated by: hholzgra
Status: Open
Bug Type: Feature/Change Request
Operating System: Linux
PHP Version: 4.1.1
New Comment:

global variables are evil ;)

no, serious, it would be hard to track down 
if statements outside of a function 
(maybe in a totaly different file)
could affect the scope of variables inside
a function

either stay with global declarations or
make use of the special $GLOABLS array

or even better: try to design your code
so that it doesn't rely on globals at all
(the global declaration for functions 
was invented for a reason)

some keywords: side effects, reentrancy,
thread safety (not a php issue yet),
obfuscation ...

Previous Comments:

[2002-01-24 06:20:42] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Using "global" is very unfriendly (you have many of them and have to
declare them everytime and everywhere).
You change something and a mess is rising.

I have this idea:

Today "global" located in the root do nothing. By my idea it should be
"an absolute global" like $GLOBALS.
 Then you will be able to use this variable everywhere without defining
it by global everytime.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=15202&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15185 Updated: Exploring the server recources witch php

2002-01-23 Thread hholzgra

ID: 15185
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Status: Open
Status: Bogus
Bug Type: *Directory/Filesystem functions
Operating System: Slackware
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:

not a php issue

php runs with the same permissions as the user
the webserver runs under, so if this user has
permission to see the whole server filesystem
php will have that, too

run your wesserver as a low-privileged user
and give it read permission to the absolute
minimum of the filesystem 

or have a look at 

Previous Comments:

[2002-01-23 14:26:36] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I've found a possible bug in php 4.06. using simple function readdir();
I coul explore about 90 % of server including /var/spool/mail
/ect/passwd e.t.c.

I've wrote simple script that let me to move through all directories:

Index of: $dirName");
$d = dir($dirName);
while($entry = $d->read()) {
if ($entry != "." && $entry != "..")
if (is_dir($dirName."/".$entry))
array_push($dirs, "$dirName/$entry");
array_push($files, "$entry");
array_push($dirfiles, "$dirName");
while ($tmp<$dirn)
while ($tmp<$filen)
if ($dirName!=".")

Default directory is '.' (Your home directory), but if you load this
page with parameter dir=/ ( ex. http://your.host/dir.php?dir=/ ) You
will probably access main folder on your unix server.
I wrote second script that let me read the files not in my home

flock($Plik, 3);
readtxt ($file);

By typing, for example
http://your.host/readtxt.php?file=/var/spool/mail/disco_dzik i could
read disco_dzik's mail.

Simple, but serious...

Both of scripts wold not move You outside your home directory if the
server would be two machines (first one for system, and the second one
just fore home directories) - it's obvious, but I've checked it ;)

Scripts were wroten for my use only, so some of the variables are named
in polish - sorry for that ;)
This is a serious bug that needs to be fixed !

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=15185&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15171 Updated: popen not fully supported

2002-01-22 Thread hholzgra

ID: 15171
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Status: Open
Status: Assigned
Old Bug Type: Filesystem function related
Bug Type: Feature/Change Request
Operating System: Tru64 UNIX 5.0a
PHP Version: 4.0.6
Old Assigned To: 
Assigned To: hholzgra
New Comment:

bidirectional popen() is not portable, 
but i'm working on a general pipe() 
function ...

Previous Comments:

[2002-01-22 14:06:31] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

With PHP running under Tru64 UNIX, popen only supports "r" or "w"...it
will not support "r+", "w+", or "rw".

Yet according to the Tru64 popen man page, Tru64 supports bidirectional
pipes and can take rw (unless I am reading it wrong).  Yet when I try
it with PHP, it tells me it is an invalid argument.

>From the man page:

  The popen() function creates a pipe between the calling program and a
  command to be executed.  It returns a pointer to a FILE structure for

  If the type parameter is the value r, the calling program can read
from the
  standard output of the command by reading from the returned file
stream. If
  the type parameter is the value w, the calling program can write to
  standard input of the command by writing to the returned file

  Because open files are shared, a type r command can be used as an
  filter and a type w command as an output filter.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=15171&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15164 Updated: can php do a substraction? ;)

2002-01-22 Thread hholzgra

ID: 15164
Updated by: hholzgra
Status: Bogus
Bug Type: Math related
Operating System: linux 2.2.19
PHP Version: 4.1.1
New Comment:

lets call it what it is: an inevitable rounding error
that occurs when converting floating point values from
internal binary to human readable decimal format

use integers and count cents instead of dolars
or use http://php.net/number_format for output
as already suggested

by the way: the result is 56.99..., not 
57.99..., so you are off by 0.000.1
not 0.9. which is not so bad after 

Previous Comments:

[2002-01-22 11:02:04] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

what type should i do for currencies, so?

ok. let's don't call it a bug...
let's call it for example a little magic of floats.

but don't u think u could correct it?

[2002-01-22 10:29:10] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

floats are not supposed to be exact (per definition). do not use them
on currencies. calculate cents ant use (agein) number_format() to
display them prooperly. No bug in PHP, bogus.

[2002-01-22 09:17:32] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

my previous bug report was 15162. i wrote about (int) cast there.
another bug may be a reason of that.

i do: (267.57 - 267) * 100 
and i get: 57.
(i expected 57)
[may be i work too much...]

consider this:


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=15164&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15157 Updated: exec()/system() doesn't work with parameters in quotation-marks in system-call

2002-01-22 Thread hholzgra

ID: 15157
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Summary: exec()/system() doesn't work with parameters in
quotation-marks in system-call
Status: Bogus
Bug Type: Program Execution
Operating System: Linux (Debian) / Solaris 8
PHP Version: 4.1.0
New Comment:

please compile this little C program 'argdump'

---8<- argdump.c 


int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int i;


and try the following PHP script (with argdump in $PATH)

---8<- test.php  


my results are:

argdump -h whois.denic.de Penelope\ Cruz
[0] => 0: argdump
[1] => 1: -h
[2] => 2: whois.denic.de
[3] => 3: Penelope Cruz

argdump -h whois.denic.de "Penelope\ Cruz"
[0] => 0: argdump
[1] => 1: -h
[2] => 2: whois.denic.de
[3] => 3: Penelope\ Cruz

argdump -h whois.denic.de "Penelope Cruz"
[0] => 0: argdump
[1] => 1: -h
[2] => 2: whois.denic.de
[3] => 3: Penelope Cruz

argdump -h whois.denic.de 'Penelope\ Cruz'
[0] => 0: argdump
[1] => 1: -h
[2] => 2: whois.denic.de
[3] => 3: Penelope\ Cruz

argdump -h whois.denic.de "Penelope Cruz"
[0] => 0: argdump
[1] => 1: -h
[2] => 2: whois.denic.de
[3] => 3: Penelope Cruz

on *both* linux (SuSE 7.3) and Solaris (SunOS 5.5.1 and 5.7)

Previous Comments:

[2002-01-22 05:45:28] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm running safe-mode (of cause!) and have an symbolic link to
/usr/bin/whois in my safe-mode-exec-dir.


[2002-01-22 05:42:03] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Run phpinfo(). Is safe_mode 'On' or 'Off'? You would get this
result if, for instance, safe_mode was 'On' and whois was 
in your safe_mode_exec_dir.


[2002-01-22 05:36:43] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Did I mention, that I tried system(), too? It's just the desperate
attempt to get that thing to work.

In my opinion PHP doesn't allow to pass two or more words as one
parameter to a function.


[2002-01-22 05:32:01] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Yes, I know the difference. That's why I tried several ways
(with/without quotation marks, with stripslashes($command),
with/without escaped spaces ('\ ') ), but it didn't work.

I asked several colleagues for advice (PHP and Linux-Freaks),  but we
found no solution. But tell me: Does the script work on your system?
Maybe I have an error in my configuration


[2002-01-22 05:07:13] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

you know the difference between exec() and system()?

exec() executes the given program passing the arguments
verbatim while system() creates a new shell process
and passes the command to the shell for execution

with exec you have no argument processing like
wildcard matching and things at all so your
quote characters will stay in the input

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=15157&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15157 Updated: exec()/system() doesn't work with parameters in quotation-marks in system-call

2002-01-22 Thread hholzgra

ID: 15157
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Summary: exec()/system() doesn't work with parameters in
quotation-marks in system-call
Status: Bogus
Bug Type: Program Execution
Operating System: Linux (Debian) / Solaris 8
PHP Version: 4.1.0
New Comment:

you know the difference between exec() and system()?

exec() executes the given program passing the arguments
verbatim while system() creates a new shell process
and passes the command to the shell for execution

with exec you have no argument processing like
wildcard matching and things at all so your
quote characters will stay in the input

Previous Comments:

[2002-01-22 04:47:37] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I did cut an paste your Script. On the Debian-System (which is not
authorized @denic to search for a person) it returns on line 14:

% No entries found for the selected source: ""Dirk Janssen""

It seems as if the quotation marks are passed thru. When I call the
command on the shell, it returns (line 14 again):

% No entries found for the selected source: "Dirk Janssen"

Watch the quotation marks! And that's the problem (maybe a bug) I
think. The result in the shell is ok, since the host is not authorized
to search for people.
On the authorized solaris-box, the whois-call on the shell returns the
DENIC-Handle, etc.
The exec()-call (your cut'n'pasted script with "Dirk Janssen" as
searchstring) returns nothing. If I try it with "test.de", which
returns the info for the domain on the shell-call, the PHP-Script
returns the well-known output on line 14:

% No entries found for the selected source: ""test.de""

Once again, PHP seems to have a problem with the quotation-marks.

Ok, there is a difference: The quotation marks should not be passed
through to the whois-command. What whois needs is a parameter which has
the string 'Dirk Janssen' as value. PHP seems to send the string with
the quotation-marks - or when I try it without them - as two separated
parameters to the whois-function. Even if I try to connect the two
words with an '\ ' (escaped space). By the way, the escaped space works
on the shell:

shell> whois -h whois.denic.de Dirk\ Janssen

I don't know. I now do the whois-query through the socket, which is a
much better way then the exec()-alternative. But there must be a way to
do it with the exec()-command.


[2002-01-22 04:11:39] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm running Debian here. Can you actually cut and paste
the script I posted before, and try it? The lines you posted
before wouldn't actually produce any output, which is why
I'm wondering...


[2002-01-22 04:01:37] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I tried it, but with PHP I got an empty output from the system-call,
which is the same with wrong parameters for the whois-function. I tried
exactly the same script you posted. There is no difference from my

May there be a difference with Solaris/Debian/PHP4.1 and your  setup?
Please try "Dirk Janssen" in the whois-query, which returns a valid
denic-result, BUT ONLY if you have a registered host for this query.
I think it's a PHP-Bug, caus the call in the shell returns the right


[2002-01-22 03:20:22] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

you have to use double \\ to pass a \ 
to the executing shell as \ is the php
escape character, too

[2002-01-22 03:20:21] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I don't get anything weird on PHP 4.2.0-dev with this

The above outputs the same thing as running the command at
the prompt. What do you get from the above script?


The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
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Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=15157&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15157 Updated: exec()/system() doesn't work with parameters in quotation-marks in system-call

2002-01-22 Thread hholzgra

ID: 15157
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Summary: exec()/system() doesn't work with parameters in
quotation-marks in system-call
Old Status: Feedback
Status: Bogus
Bug Type: Program Execution
Operating System: Linux (Debian) / Solaris 8
PHP Version: 4.1.0
New Comment:

you have to use double \\ to pass a \ 
to the executing shell as \ is the php
escape character, too

Previous Comments:

[2002-01-22 03:20:21] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I don't get anything weird on PHP 4.2.0-dev with this

The above outputs the same thing as running the command at
the prompt. What do you get from the above script?


[2002-01-22 03:12:55] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The exec/system-Functions don't work with calls like this:

whois -h whois.denic.de "Penelope Cruz"

The problem is the string "Penelope Cruz", which has to be one
parameter for the whois-function. Without quotation marks, the string
is used as two parameters - even when they're connected with "\ " ->
("Penelope\ Cruz").
And with quotation marks, PHP executes the command with "Penelope Cruz"
as one string, BUT WITH the quotation marks included.

I tried several other ways (with system(), too), but none of them
exec("whois -h whois.denic.de Penelope\ Cruz");
exec("whois -h whois.denic.de \"Penelope\ Cruz\"");
exec("whois -h whois.denic.de \"Penelope Cruz\"");
exec("whois -h whois.denic.de 'Penelope\ Cruz'");
exec("whois -h whois.denic.de ".'"'."Penelope Cruz".'"'.");

My config:
'./configure' '--with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs'
'--with-zlib=/usr' '--with-curl=/usr/local'
'--with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql' '--with-ldap=/usr/local'
'--with-openssl' '--enable-ftp'

The problem was the same with Linux (Debian Potato) and Solaris8


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=15157&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15137 Updated: get_meta_tags()

2002-01-21 Thread hholzgra

ID: 15137
Updated by: hholzgra
Status: Open
Bug Type: Unknown/Other Function
Operating System: WIndows 98 SE
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:

IMHO we should re-implement get_meta_tags() using expat?

Previous Comments:

[2002-01-21 04:43:46] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Function get_meta_tags() returned bad value while in  tags
"content" is a 1st value and "name" is second
example: "
with this example get_meta_tags() return content as a name and name as
a content.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=15137&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15108 Updated: Server variables to exist globally w/ register_globals = off

2002-01-18 Thread hholzgra

ID: 15108
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Status: Open
Status: Bogus
Bug Type: Feature/Change Request
Operating System: n/a
PHP Version: 4.1.1
New Comment:

> But most importantly, this will be useful.

no it won't, same security consideration as with
the other global registrations

Previous Comments:

[2002-01-18 16:14:25] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In short, when register_globals = off, server variables would/should
continue to register globally.  Variables such as:


As currently they do not.  And on a sidenote, the current docs imply
that server variables always exist, regardless of setting.  Some
possible options:

a) Create a new config setting, such as register_server_globals or
b) Make register_globals allow for individual EGPCS settings (default
to S)
c) Make server variables always exist, like track_vars do now.
d) ...

This will help ease the register_globals = off transition as well as
cause a lot less "4.2.0 BROKE PHP!!!" emails.  But most importantly,
this will be useful.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=15108&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15105 Updated: Declaring a function twice

2002-01-18 Thread hholzgra

ID: 15105
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Status: Duplicate
Status: Bogus
Bug Type: Scripting Engine problem
Operating System: Linux
PHP Version: 4.1.1
New Comment:

"should only be declared once" is true,
and on the second try it gives an error
as it *can* only be declared once instead
of just silently ignoring it
(there's no practical way for the parser
 to find out that it is *exactly* the same

hint: http://php.net/function_exists

Previous Comments:

[2002-01-18 14:26:19] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It's a dupe... can't find the bug anymore, but it is a dupe.

[2002-01-18 14:14:02] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Don't know if this is a bug or a feature...



This is a VERY simplified version of a script i'm working on. foo()
should only be declared once but PHP says:
Fatal error:  Cannot redeclare foo() in
/home/roland/tmp/foo.php on line 7

ok, i know how a can work around this problem... in this case just put
the rest of the file into the else-statement. But nevertheless it is an
interesting phenomen...

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=15105&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15103 Updated: object without any data members equals to false

2002-01-18 Thread hholzgra

ID: 15103
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Status: Open
Status: Closed
Bug Type: Class/Object related
Operating System: any
PHP Version: 4.1.1
New Comment:

the same is true for empty arrays,
"$something == false" is equivalent to

Previous Comments:

[2002-01-18 11:25:17] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The code

"object(a)(0) { } hahaha"

So, for some strange reason PHP thinks that object without data members
is "false". Of course, if we replace "==" with "===", it all works
fine, but that is still a bug.

This problem exists in all existing PHP versions on all platforms.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=15103&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15073 Updated: Call to unsupported or undefined function mysql_pconnect

2002-01-16 Thread hholzgra

ID: 15073
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Status: Open
Status: Feedback
Bug Type: MySQL related
Operating System: Solaris 2.6.1
PHP Version: 4.0CVS-2002-01-16
New Comment:

have you checked configure output and phpinfo()
to make sure mysql support realy got compiled in?

Previous Comments:

[2002-01-16 13:26:40] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This concerns PHP 3.0.14, please continue to read nevertheless...


since we currently cannot use PHP 4 (see Bug 15072), we have to work
with next newest version available to us: PHP 3.0.14.

PHP scripts are not executed:
# /pub/php/3.0.14/bin help.php 
X-Powered-By: PHP/3.0.14
Content-type: text/html

Fatal error:  Call to unsupported or undefined function
mysql_pconnect() in mysql.inc on line 204

According to online manual
(http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.mysql-pconnect.php) this command
should be supported for PHP <= 3.0.18.

PHP IS compiled with MySQL support and "Allow persistent links" is
"yes" accoring to phpinfo.php

PHP configuration:
./configure --with-apxs=/pub/apache/1.3.11-nosuexec/bin/apxs

There is no php.ini.

Server info (uname -a):

  SunOS  5.6 Generic_105181-17 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-4

Any help is great;y appreciated

Frank Thommen
Frank Thommen, IT Support Group, D-INFK, ETH Zuerich
E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: +41-1-63 27208 (Mon-Thu)
Web: http://www.isg.inf.ethz.ch

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=15073&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15068 Updated: function index has repeated entries

2002-01-16 Thread hholzgra

ID: 15068
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Status: Open
Status: Closed
Bug Type: Documentation problem
PHP Version: 4.1.1
New Comment:

fixed in CVS, thanks for the report, i overlooked the
methods issue

Previous Comments:

[2002-01-16 12:16:43] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The duplicate listings are a result of those functions having methods,
as such, each method of those functions creates another entry in the
function listing.  I'll see if this can be fixed.

[2002-01-16 12:07:27] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The function index (http://www.php.net/manual/en/index.functions.php)
has repeated entries for (just examples, not a complete list):


It appears to only be the swf-related functions.  At a quick glance, I
did not notice any other areas of the index with repeated functions.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=15068&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15069 Updated: Problems using cookies

2002-01-16 Thread hholzgra

ID: 15069
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Summary: include behaviour
Old Status: Open
Status: Bogus
Bug Type: Unknown/Other Function
Operating System: im guessing, all
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:


and restored the form fields silently overwritten
by unwanted mozilla feature

Previous Comments:

[2002-01-16 12:33:36] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

you know that the security model of IE6 has changed 
regarding cookies?

by the way: setcookie will only give error output
if cookie headers can't be added anymore as content
output has already started 

there is no way for setcookie() to find out whether
the client will accept and use the cookie as the
client will resend the cookie beginning with the *next*
request if it accepted it

HTTP is a request based protocol

client sends a request, server sends result back
no further communication is done between them 
during the request, the server just pushes out
its data letting the client deal with it, the
server does *not* recieve any feedback (unless
the connection terminated, it will be signaled

so no way to find out if a cookie will be accepted
at send time

[2002-01-16 12:07:42] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Using a windows xp professional with ie 6.0 installed as a client and
windows 2000 server as with IIS 6 web server i can't use the cookies
functions. The problem is simple:
-The setcookie function seems to work properly,he doesn't give any kind
of error output
-When i try to read the cookie i've created i can found only cookies
with no sense strange names and values that remains always same but not
my cookie.If i repeat the script many times the cookies number rest the
same with the same strange names and values..

I think it's a bug but i'm not a real programmer like you.. please
tell me if it is and can be solved or if i made mistakes setting my
server cause i'm the only one with this problem.


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=15069&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15069 Updated: include behaviour

2002-01-16 Thread hholzgra

ID: 15069
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Summary: Problems using cookies
Old Reported By: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Status: Open
Bug Type: Unknown/Other Function
Old Operating System: Windows 2000
Operating System: im guessing, all
Old PHP Version: 4.1.1
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:

you know that the security model of IE6 has changed 
regarding cookies?

by the way: setcookie will only give error output
if cookie headers can't be added anymore as content
output has already started 

there is no way for setcookie() to find out whether
the client will accept and use the cookie as the
client will resend the cookie beginning with the *next*
request if it accepted it

HTTP is a request based protocol

client sends a request, server sends result back
no further communication is done between them 
during the request, the server just pushes out
its data letting the client deal with it, the
server does *not* recieve any feedback (unless
the connection terminated, it will be signaled

so no way to find out if a cookie will be accepted
at send time

Previous Comments:

[2002-01-16 12:07:42] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Using a windows xp professional with ie 6.0 installed as a client and
windows 2000 server as with IIS 6 web server i can't use the cookies
functions. The problem is simple:
-The setcookie function seems to work properly,he doesn't give any kind
of error output
-When i try to read the cookie i've created i can found only cookies
with no sense strange names and values that remains always same but not
my cookie.If i repeat the script many times the cookies number rest the
same with the same strange names and values..

I think it's a bug but i'm not a real programmer like you.. please
tell me if it is and can be solved or if i made mistakes setting my
server cause i'm the only one with this problem.


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=15069&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15060 Updated: include behaviour

2002-01-16 Thread hholzgra

ID: 15060
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Reported By: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Old Status: Closed
Status: Bogus
Bug Type: Date/time related
Operating System: im guessing, all
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:

"%W - week number of the current year as a decimal number, starting
with the first Monday as the first day of the first week" 

January 1st 2001 was a Monday

January 1st 2002 was a Tuesday,
first Monday in 2002 was January 7th

so the days before January 7th are in week 0 as defined

and *please* write english!

Previous Comments:

[2002-01-16 10:24:28] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please make a new bug report, if you can´t figure out the difference
between the different formatting strings. IMHO it is not a bug, so read
the "how to report a bug that someone will want to help fix" at

Please make your new bug report in English. 

[2002-01-16 10:07:31] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Es ist nicht wirklich ein Problem, denn man kann den Bug mit einem
"kleinen" PHP-Script umgehen. Der Fehler tritt bei der Windows wie auch
bei der Linux Version (4.0.6 getestet) auf und macht sich wie folgt

$Woche = strftime ("%W", mktime(0,0,0, date("m"), date("d"),
echo ($Woche);

Dieses Script sollte eigentlich die aktuelle Woche im Jahr zurückgeben.
Aber seit diesem Jahr beginnt das Ding mit 0 und nicht mit 1 (eben eine
Woche hinterher).

Gruss Joachim

[2002-01-16 07:18:00] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

seems we have found another bad implementation 
of strftime() :(

setting to feedback as i'm waiting for further info ...

[2002-01-15 18:31:55] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Keine Ahnung was du uns sagen willst.

1) English
2) Search the bug database for duplicates/solutions first
3) Be more descriptive
4) Provide/Paste a reproduceable self-contained script

[2002-01-15 18:18:27] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Das Problem ist bei der Ausgabe der Wochenformatierung des Timestamps,
dass ab diesem Jahr die Formatierung eine Woche hinterherhinkt--->
beginn ist bei 0 und nicht bei 1.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=15060&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15065 Updated: include behaviour

2002-01-16 Thread hholzgra

ID: 15065
Updated by: hholzgra
Status: Closed
Bug Type: Feature/Change Request
Operating System: im guessing, all
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:

a php.ini setting would only lead to additional confusion IMHO

what about declaring your globals as "global $var;"
once in your include files? shouldn't harm if executed
in global scope and should make stuff global if 
included in function scope? (untested)

Previous Comments:

[2002-01-16 07:30:32] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

even with $GLOBALS or $_GLOBALS in 4.1, it still only reduces the
problem by a larage part, but still enough of it remains visible.

i dont want to use $_GLOBALS['varname'] for variable definitions
outside functions (in global scope), to make it global on any depth of
include(), when it seems very simple to add a switch to change
include()'s behaviour, so that all variables set outside the functions
would/could automatically be considered global.

i know with 4.1 its easier to bypass this with php code, but you could
just remove $_GLOBAL[] outside the functions alltogether if you wanted
to set(use?) global variables.

[2002-01-16 07:08:05] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

please use the special array $GLOBALS[]

[2002-01-16 06:57:07] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

it probably applies to all versions of php, atleast 4.x :)

[2002-01-16 06:54:21] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If the include() occurs inside a function within the calling file, then
all of the code contained in the called file will behave as though it
had been defined inside that function.

<< this is the current behaviour, straight out of the manual for

now, this gets tricky, if you have function includes over 3-4-5 or more
levels of includes, for example

index.php calls subfiles() which includes blah.php which calls
modules.php which includes file.php and so on..

usage of global variables in theese files forces people to use global
definitions like in functions on a global-current-file-scope, or in one
of the lower levels in functions,..

maybe if would be a good idea to make a php.ini switch like
force_global_includes to change this behaviour, so the variables in the
includes always get defined in the global scope?

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=15065&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15060 Updated: include behaviour

2002-01-16 Thread hholzgra

ID: 15060
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Summary: Keine Ahnung was Ihr hier wollen tut!
Old Reported By: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Old Status: Bogus
Status: Feedback
Bug Type: Date/time related
Old Operating System: win 2000
Operating System: im guessing, all
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:

seems we have found another bad implementation 
of strftime() :(

setting to feedback as i'm waiting for further info ...

Previous Comments:

[2002-01-15 18:31:55] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Keine Ahnung was du uns sagen willst.

1) English
2) Search the bug database for duplicates/solutions first
3) Be more descriptive
4) Provide/Paste a reproduceable self-contained script

[2002-01-15 18:18:27] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Das Problem ist bei der Ausgabe der Wochenformatierung des Timestamps,
dass ab diesem Jahr die Formatierung eine Woche hinterherhinkt--->
beginn ist bei 0 und nicht bei 1.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=15060&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15065 Updated: include behaviour

2002-01-16 Thread hholzgra

ID: 15065
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Status: Open
Status: Closed
Bug Type: Feature/Change Request
Operating System: im guessing, all
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:

please use the special array $GLOBALS[]

Previous Comments:

[2002-01-16 06:57:07] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

it probably applies to all versions of php, atleast 4.x :)

[2002-01-16 06:54:21] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If the include() occurs inside a function within the calling file, then
all of the code contained in the called file will behave as though it
had been defined inside that function.

<< this is the current behaviour, straight out of the manual for

now, this gets tricky, if you have function includes over 3-4-5 or more
levels of includes, for example

index.php calls subfiles() which includes blah.php which calls
modules.php which includes file.php and so on..

usage of global variables in theese files forces people to use global
definitions like in functions on a global-current-file-scope, or in one
of the lower levels in functions,..

maybe if would be a good idea to make a php.ini switch like
force_global_includes to change this behaviour, so the variables in the
includes always get defined in the global scope?

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=15065&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15048 Updated: xml displayed in program listing in manual/en/migration.truefalse.php

2002-01-15 Thread hholzgra

ID: 15048
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Status: Open
Status: Closed
Bug Type: Documentation problem
Operating System: -
PHP Version: 4.1.1
New Comment:

fixed in CVS, thanks for the report

Previous Comments:

[2002-01-15 08:41:22] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

not sure if this is a website problem really, but this page:



$fp = fopen($file, "r");
if ($fp == -1);
echo("Could not open $file for reading\n");

Migration from 2.0: return values, new code

[PHP-DEV] Bug #15037 Updated: something wrong with the operator '--'

2002-01-15 Thread hholzgra

ID: 15037
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Summary: something wrong with the operator '--'
Status: Open
Bug Type: Scripting Engine problem
PHP Version: 4.2.0-dev
New Comment:

not only related to for,
'--' behaves different for (string)2.1
than it does for (float)2.1

Previous Comments:

[2002-01-15 01:28:00] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Version update.

[2002-01-15 01:20:41] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It seems type jaggling problem to me.
AFAIK, PHP should convert type depends on the context.
for() is the exception? Then it should be explicitly documented.

Openned again to make this clear :)

[2002-01-15 00:44:08] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Interesting approach, but why do you quote 2.1 ? It says that $num is
the _string_ "2.1" and not the number 2.1. Just nuke the quoes for $num
= 2.1; and you're done.

[2002-01-14 23:44:34] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I run below on win2000:
echo "i== $i";
if ($j++ == 10)

but I get the output:
i== 2.1
i== 2.1
i== 2.1
i== 2.1
i== 2.1
i== 2.1
i== 2.1
i== 2.1
i== 2.1
i== 2.1
i== 2.1

I think something may be wrong with the operator '--'.Maybe I am
Good lunk.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=15037&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15030 Updated: echo concatenates strings and string function call in bad order

2002-01-14 Thread hholzgra

ID: 15030
Updated by: hholzgra
Status: Bogus
Bug Type: Output Control
Operating System: Debian Linux
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:

just a short explaination: echo contatenates nothing, 
it *immediately* generates the requested output
plus arguments are evaluated before they are passed 
to a function (lets assume "echo" is a function for

so before "echo" is called the argument string is 
evaluated, for this Translate() is called, which
itself contains an echo call which is executed first now

what you wand is "return $R;" instead of "echo $R;"
in Translate()

Previous Comments:

[2002-01-14 10:12:27] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

User error, go read www.php.net/echo

[2002-01-14 10:09:48] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

".Translate("This should be in italics, but -- weird! --
it's normal.")." "; ?>   

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=15030&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15021 Updated: Format error!

2002-01-14 Thread hholzgra

ID: 15021
Updated by: hholzgra
Status: Bogus
Bug Type: Unknown/Other Function
Operating System: Linux / Windows
PHP Version: 4.1.1
New Comment:

although using '&' as delimiter instead of '&'
this still qualifies as a browser error IMHO,
as the entity to replace is "¤", not
"¤" without a semi colon 

Previous Comments:

[2002-01-13 18:20:05] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

but we have´t known that ¤ is a HTML entitie!


[2002-01-13 18:00:07] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Just to add to this, check the list of HTML entities. 
¤ is the 'currency' sign entity.


[2002-01-13 17:59:02] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Not a bug, you should always use & in http://www.irdendwas.pol/lk.php?id=1¤cy=EUR";;
But the output looks like:
We think this is a bug in PHP. When we change id with currency all wend
echo "http://www.irdendwas.pol/lk.php?currency=EUR&id=1";;
It looks like ¤ will be interpreted as what ever!

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=15021&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14997 Updated: Multiple system calls cause inifinite process forking

2002-01-11 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14997
Updated by: hholzgra
Status: Open
Bug Type: Program Execution
Operating System: Linux
PHP Version: 4.1.1
New Comment:

are you talking about 'defunct' (aka zombie)

Previous Comments:

[2002-01-11 10:42:50] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If PHP is running via a web server, and mutiple system 
calls are made within the script to another script, 
hundreds of processes are created. Here is an example:

Script 1:

Script 2:

The effect is the same (and more difficult to stop) when 
the system calls are made in the background. e.g.

system("php script2.php >>/dev/null 2>>/dev/null &");

I have even tried calling a shell script, which in turn 
calls the second PHP script (both in the background), but 
it still causes lots of processes.

The "exec" command is also affected.

At first, I thought this was a problem with either Zeus web 
server of Fast CGI, but I have since tried it with Apache 
and normal CGI with the same effect.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14997&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14996 Updated: the full zip package is corrupt and won't unzip

2002-01-11 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14996
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Summary: the full zip package is corrupt and won't unzip
Status: Bogus
Bug Type: *General Issues
Operating System: winme
PHP Version: 4.1.1
New Comment:

did you fetch the package using ftp with ascii
instead of binary mode?

Previous Comments:

[2002-01-11 09:01:17] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The package is ok.

[2002-01-11 08:48:31] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have dl'd the 4.1.1 zip package for windows (full package) on 2
different internet connections and the package appears to be corrupt as
it won't unzip. Winzip reports that it isn't a valid archive.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14996&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14981 Updated: mail() function won't send mail to a domain containing '-' hyphens

2002-01-11 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14981
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Summary: mail() function won't send mail to a domain containing '-'
Status: Bogus
Bug Type: Mail related
Operating System: Unix
PHP Version: 4.1.0
New Comment:

it doesn't have to touch the '-' and it wont
none of the characters allowed in the domain part
of an email address needs quoting

for the windows implementation of mail() 
further investigation could be necessary
but the unix mail() implementation is so
straight forward that i'm really sure it
is not PHPs fault here 

if every domain with a '-' in it fails 
  -> blame your ISPs mail setup

if only certain domains fail
  -> maybe the mail server on that domain
 doesn't play well with the one your
 ISP uses

investigating the DNS MX entries for
the-total-solution.com you can see
that this domain has only *one* mail 
server, no fallback system, and the
mail server identifies itself as
"220 MAIL.the-total-solution.com NTMail"

not to unlikely that you have delivery
problems with that domain :(

Previous Comments:

[2002-01-11 08:20:03] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It's wrong to write this off as Bogus prematurely. It could still be the
case that PHP has a problem with passing the correct information to
sendmail. It may be that PHP needs to internally perform some kind of
replacement on email addresses containing '-' characters (etc?) with
escape characters. Perhaps when the sendmail gets the information from
PHP, the email address is in an unacceptable format. Who knows? I've
asked for diagnostics to be done on the mail server in question.

[2002-01-11 08:00:54] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

then it's the mail server on that system that
doesn't get it, mail() on unix just puts together
a message from the paramters you gave it without
further processing and passes it transparently
to the sendmail command

please contact your ISP for further investigation

[2002-01-11 07:08:04] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm not running it, my ISP is. Anyway, excuse the error, it's on unix.

[2002-01-11 05:51:44] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

there finaly is an Apache OS now? great ;)

no, serious, what kind of operating system
are you runnig this on, windows or *nix?

[2002-01-10 17:59:18] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The following example script:

 $s = "Message submitted at website";
 $m = "From: " . $name . ", email: " . $email . "\n\n" . $message;
 $h = "From: " . $email . "\r\n";
 mail ($r, $s, $m, $h);
 echo "window.alert (\"Thankyou, your
message have been sent!\")";

ought to send mail to the specified address, but does not. Or, at least,
mail does not arrive. It works with all email addresses we have tried
except those on this domain (ie. 'the-total-solution.com', which seems
to suggest a problem with PHP, possibly relating to the fact that the
domain contains hyphens? Emails from other sources are correctly
reaching this address and others in the domain. Escaping by using the
address "info@the\-total\-solution.com" doesn't solve the problem
either. Having raised this problem with other developers, who also
tested it, we can only conclude that the problem is in PHP.

I am not running PHP myself, my webserver is, so I can't give any
information about PHP modules / backtrace.

Andrew Staffell

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14981&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14981 Updated: mail() function won't send mail to a domain containing '-' hyphens

2002-01-11 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14981
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Summary: mail() function won't send mail to a domain containing '-'
Old Status: Open
Status: Bogus
Bug Type: Mail related
Operating System: Unix
PHP Version: 4.1.0
New Comment:

then it's the mail server on that system that
doesn't get it, mail() on unix just puts together
a message from the paramters you gave it without
further processing and passes it transparently
to the sendmail command

please contact your ISP for further investigation

Previous Comments:

[2002-01-11 07:08:04] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm not running it, my ISP is. Anyway, excuse the error, it's on unix.

[2002-01-11 05:51:44] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

there finaly is an Apache OS now? great ;)

no, serious, what kind of operating system
are you runnig this on, windows or *nix?

[2002-01-10 17:59:18] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The following example script:

 $s = "Message submitted at website";
 $m = "From: " . $name . ", email: " . $email . "\n\n" . $message;
 $h = "From: " . $email . "\r\n";
 mail ($r, $s, $m, $h);
 echo "window.alert (\"Thankyou, your
message have been sent!\")";

ought to send mail to the specified address, but does not. Or, at least,
mail does not arrive. It works with all email addresses we have tried
except those on this domain (ie. 'the-total-solution.com', which seems
to suggest a problem with PHP, possibly relating to the fact that the
domain contains hyphens? Emails from other sources are correctly
reaching this address and others in the domain. Escaping by using the
address "info@the\-total\-solution.com" doesn't solve the problem
either. Having raised this problem with other developers, who also
tested it, we can only conclude that the problem is in PHP.

I am not running PHP myself, my webserver is, so I can't give any
information about PHP modules / backtrace.

Andrew Staffell

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14981&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #12036 Updated: Error compiling if there is blank line before

2002-01-11 Thread hholzgra

ID: 12036
Updated by: hholzgra
Status: Bogus
Bug Type: *Compile Issues
Operating System: Red Hat Linux 7
PHP Version: 4.0.4
New Comment:

some simple rules when writing error reports:

> php can't process that code ?
always include the error message!

> I'm not sure my php version, maybe php4.0.1
you know about http://php.net/phpinfo ?

Previous Comments:

[2002-01-10 21:09:25] [EMAIL PROTECTED]


[2001-07-11 03:55:29] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The output of *any* content to the browser causes the headers to be
sent. After the headers have been sent, functions that send headers
(like session_start() or header()) will fail.

[2001-07-11 03:36:12] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Do you know that if we have a blank line in top of code (before 
and of course it will running well

2. Lets add one blank line in the first line

And this one will running well too

3. Lets add session feature

Ops.. we got an error here... !!!

I'm not sure my php version, maybe php4.0.1... i don't know... so i'm
sorry if this problem has been fixed in recent version

Best Regards
Jimmi A. Kembaren

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=12036&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14984 Updated: php parser problem, with // comment, can reveal script

2002-01-11 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14984
Updated by: hholzgra
Status: Open
Old Bug Type: Scripting Engine problem
Bug Type: Documentation problem
Operating System: windows and other
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:

'?>' in a comment switching out of php mode
is intended behaviour, consider


embedded in a document

changing this would break backwards compatibility
and would lead to problems of its own kind

changed to "documentation problem"

Previous Comments:

[2002-01-10 19:03:01] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi all,

I found this bug randomly as all other, it cause me
a php html parser to crash.

try a script like this : 

// eval('>'.$tmp);

$password = 'le parser php déconne';
$password = 'php parser bug';


// // coucou ?>
// ?>
// ?
// >

see the result, abnormal I think:

'.$tmp); // eval('>'.$tmp); $coucou=''; $password = 'le parser php
déconne'; $password = 'php parser bug'; /* */ // // coucou ?> // ?> // ?
// > ?>

I think it can be a very very serious, easy to fiw fot you,
but in the case a php user encounter it.
It so surpising !!!


An echo please.

Yours faithlly php is always great!.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14984&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14981 Updated: mail() function won't send mail to a domain containing '-' hyphens

2002-01-11 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14981
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Summary: mail() function won't send mail to a domain containing '-'
Old Status: Open
Status: Feedback
Bug Type: Mail related
Operating System: Apache
PHP Version: 4.1.0
New Comment:

there finaly is an Apache OS now? great ;)

no, serious, what kind of operating system
are you runnig this on, windows or *nix?

Previous Comments:

[2002-01-10 17:59:18] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The following example script:

 $s = "Message submitted at website";
 $m = "From: " . $name . ", email: " . $email . "\n\n" . $message;
 $h = "From: " . $email . "\r\n";
 mail ($r, $s, $m, $h);
 echo "window.alert (\"Thankyou, your
message have been sent!\")";

ought to send mail to the specified address, but does not. Or, at least,
mail does not arrive. It works with all email addresses we have tried
except those on this domain (ie. 'the-total-solution.com', which seems
to suggest a problem with PHP, possibly relating to the fact that the
domain contains hyphens? Emails from other sources are correctly
reaching this address and others in the domain. Escaping by using the
address "info@the\-total\-solution.com" doesn't solve the problem
either. Having raised this problem with other developers, who also
tested it, we can only conclude that the problem is in PHP.

I am not running PHP myself, my webserver is, so I can't give any
information about PHP modules / backtrace.

Andrew Staffell

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14981&edit=1

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To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PHP-DEV] Bug #14965 Updated: Sablotron XLST encoding error

2002-01-10 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14965
Updated by: hholzgra
Status: Open
Old Bug Type: Sablotron XSL
Bug Type: Documentation problem
Operating System: Windows 2000
PHP Version: 4.1.1
New Comment:

moved to "Documentation problem"

Previous Comments:

[2002-01-10 14:21:06] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

your problem is

  $file_path = "http://localhost/test/";;

change it to

  $file_path = "$DOCUMENT_ROOT/test/";

sablot will read from local filesystem only,
while within the XML it's safe to have URLs
as pathes

[2002-01-10 14:14:19] [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I tried the following code.


//xml file
$xml_file = $file_path . "people.xml";

//xsl file
$xsl_file = $file_path . "people.xslt";

//open xml file
$xmlfile = fopen ($xml_file, "r");
while (!feof ($xmlfile)) {
$xml_file_contents = fgets($xmlfile, 4096);
//echo $xml_file_contents;
fclose ($xmlfile);

//open xslt contents 
$xslfile = fopen ($xsl_file, "r");
while (!feof ($xslfile)) {
$xsl_file_contents = fgets($xslfile, 4096);
//echo $xsl_file_contents;
fclose ($xslfile);

$arguments = array(
 '/_xml' => $xml_file_contents,
 '/_xsl' => $xsl_file_contents

// Allocate a new XSLT processor
$xh = xslt_create();

// Process the document
$result = xslt_process($xh, 'arg:/_xml', 'arg:/_xsl', NULL, $arguments);



The paths are correct as both files are displayed. Still the same error
message. Changed the XML file to use a local file path for the DTD with
no effect.


[2002-01-10 12:02:19] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You set the path as an http:// url.
By default, Sablotron doesn't provide an http handler, nor does the
current xslt extension.

This also applies to external entities and dtd's. Use the arg:/_xml
syntax and fetch the url's first (fopen or even better with the curl

=> Should be documentation problem as the file open method is not
specified and could be interpreted as the php fopen.

[2002-01-10 11:21:43] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

are you sure the filenames you passed are correct?

i got the same message yesterday and the reason
was an empty stylesheet due to a missing global
(i was using variables instead of files but it
 looks like the same problem -> nonexistant 
 xslt input)

[2002-01-10 08:35:57] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Sirs,

I have come across an issue with the Sablotron XSLT extension. The issue
is similar to the issue reported to http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=14499
however my encoding has been set.

Using Windows 2000 Server SP 2, PHP 4.1.1 and IIS 5.0 I tested the
following code.







//xml file
$xml_file = $file_path . "people.xml";

//xsl file
$xsl_file = $file_path . "people.xslt";

// Allocate a new XSLT processor
$xh = xslt_create();

// Process the document
$result = xslt_process($xh, $xml_file, $xsl_file);



>From this script the following error is returned:

Warning: Sablotron error on line 1: unknown encoding '' in
c:\stuff\xlst_transform.php on line 18

line 18 is the following

$result = xslt_process($xh, $xml_file, $xsl_file);

The following adapation of the XSL file also gives the same result.


I also tested the code using Apache 1.3.22 under Windows 2000 server
with the same result.

Andrew Stopford

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14965&edit=1

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To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PHP-DEV] Bug #14965 Updated: Sablotron XLST encoding error

2002-01-10 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14965
Updated by: hholzgra
Status: Open
Bug Type: Sablotron XSL
Operating System: Windows 2000
PHP Version: 4.1.1
New Comment:

your problem is

  $file_path = "http://localhost/test/";;

change it to

  $file_path = "$DOCUMENT_ROOT/test/";

sablot will read from local filesystem only,
while within the XML it's safe to have URLs
as pathes

Previous Comments:

[2002-01-10 14:14:19] [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I tried the following code.


//xml file
$xml_file = $file_path . "people.xml";

//xsl file
$xsl_file = $file_path . "people.xslt";

//open xml file
$xmlfile = fopen ($xml_file, "r");
while (!feof ($xmlfile)) {
$xml_file_contents = fgets($xmlfile, 4096);
//echo $xml_file_contents;
fclose ($xmlfile);

//open xslt contents 
$xslfile = fopen ($xsl_file, "r");
while (!feof ($xslfile)) {
$xsl_file_contents = fgets($xslfile, 4096);
//echo $xsl_file_contents;
fclose ($xslfile);

$arguments = array(
 '/_xml' => $xml_file_contents,
 '/_xsl' => $xsl_file_contents

// Allocate a new XSLT processor
$xh = xslt_create();

// Process the document
$result = xslt_process($xh, 'arg:/_xml', 'arg:/_xsl', NULL, $arguments);



The paths are correct as both files are displayed. Still the same error
message. Changed the XML file to use a local file path for the DTD with
no effect.


[2002-01-10 12:02:19] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You set the path as an http:// url.
By default, Sablotron doesn't provide an http handler, nor does the
current xslt extension.

This also applies to external entities and dtd's. Use the arg:/_xml
syntax and fetch the url's first (fopen or even better with the curl

=> Should be documentation problem as the file open method is not
specified and could be interpreted as the php fopen.

[2002-01-10 11:21:43] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

are you sure the filenames you passed are correct?

i got the same message yesterday and the reason
was an empty stylesheet due to a missing global
(i was using variables instead of files but it
 looks like the same problem -> nonexistant 
 xslt input)

[2002-01-10 08:35:57] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Sirs,

I have come across an issue with the Sablotron XSLT extension. The issue
is similar to the issue reported to http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=14499
however my encoding has been set.

Using Windows 2000 Server SP 2, PHP 4.1.1 and IIS 5.0 I tested the
following code.







//xml file
$xml_file = $file_path . "people.xml";

//xsl file
$xsl_file = $file_path . "people.xslt";

// Allocate a new XSLT processor
$xh = xslt_create();

// Process the document
$result = xslt_process($xh, $xml_file, $xsl_file);



>From this script the following error is returned:

Warning: Sablotron error on line 1: unknown encoding '' in
c:\stuff\xlst_transform.php on line 18

line 18 is the following

$result = xslt_process($xh, $xml_file, $xsl_file);

The following adapation of the XSL file also gives the same result.


I also tested the code using Apache 1.3.22 under Windows 2000 server
with the same result.

Andrew Stopford

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14965&edit=1

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To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PHP-DEV] Bug #14969 Updated: IMAP_POPEN() not implemented !?!

2002-01-10 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14969
Updated by: hholzgra
Status: Bogus
Bug Type: IMAP related
Operating System: linux-2.2.18
PHP Version: 4.1.0
New Comment:

with database connections you usualy take advantage 
of the fact that a whole application uses the same
username and password internaly

with imap you have different username and password
for every session instead of one application-wide

so it's not very likely you'll be able to re-use
an already existing persistant connection 

Previous Comments:

[2002-01-10 12:08:10] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sorry, the machine from where i copied the error message was without
IMAP support, but after adding i got the message you pasted.

And about persistent connections, if it's something like *SQL persistent
connects then i think i have an idea. It should work simething like
"keep the connection open for some time and when same user/password
combination comes use the old connection", right? 

Connecting to 5000+ mail mailbox takes some time (and server load) with
authentication, if i could skip the authentication step on next connects
then i'd be on a win ;)

thanks for the answer anyway ;)

[2002-01-10 11:27:07] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

popen is implemented but disabled in the code
as it isn't working well

but you should get "Persistent IMAP connections are not yet supported."
if you had the imap extension compiled in or loaded, "Call to undefined
function" indicates that you have no imap support at all in your build

PS: persistant connections in php might not be
what you tink they are ...

[2002-01-10 10:40:52] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

--- test.php ---

--- /// ---

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imap_popen() in
/home/kalle/public_html/imap.php on line 2

Still, there is entry in manual:
(3.0.12 - 3.0.18 only, PHP 4 >= 4.0.0)
imap_popen --  Open a persistant IMAP stream to a mailbox 

so, who is fooling who ;) AND, there has NEVER been (well, in my
extensive use of PHP staring from PHP/FI ending with latest CVS
versions) function like that...

Pitty, i REALLY could use persistent connections to IMAP servers ;)

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14969&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14969 Updated: IMAP_POPEN() not implemented !?!

2002-01-10 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14969
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Status: Open
Status: Feedback
Bug Type: IMAP related
Operating System: linux-2.2.18
PHP Version: 4.1.0

Previous Comments:

[2002-01-10 10:40:52] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

--- test.php ---

--- /// ---

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imap_popen() in
/home/kalle/public_html/imap.php on line 2

Still, there is entry in manual:
(3.0.12 - 3.0.18 only, PHP 4 >= 4.0.0)
imap_popen --  Open a persistant IMAP stream to a mailbox 

so, who is fooling who ;) AND, there has NEVER been (well, in my
extensive use of PHP staring from PHP/FI ending with latest CVS
versions) function like that...

Pitty, i REALLY could use persistent connections to IMAP servers ;)

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14969&edit=1

PHP Development Mailing List <http://www.php.net/>
To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PHP-DEV] Bug #14969 Updated: IMAP_POPEN() not implemented !?!

2002-01-10 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14969
Updated by: hholzgra
Status: Open
Bug Type: IMAP related
Operating System: linux-2.2.18
PHP Version: 4.1.0
New Comment:

popen is implemented but disabled in the code
as it isn't working well

but you should get "Persistent IMAP connections are not yet supported."
if you had the imap extension compiled in or loaded, "Call to undefined
function" indicates that you have no imap support at all in your build

PS: persistant connections in php might not be
what you tink they are ...

Previous Comments:

[2002-01-10 10:40:52] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

--- test.php ---

--- /// ---

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imap_popen() in
/home/kalle/public_html/imap.php on line 2

Still, there is entry in manual:
(3.0.12 - 3.0.18 only, PHP 4 >= 4.0.0)
imap_popen --  Open a persistant IMAP stream to a mailbox 

so, who is fooling who ;) AND, there has NEVER been (well, in my
extensive use of PHP staring from PHP/FI ending with latest CVS
versions) function like that...

Pitty, i REALLY could use persistent connections to IMAP servers ;)

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14969&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14965 Updated: Sablotron XLST encoding error

2002-01-10 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14965
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Status: Open
Status: Feedback
Bug Type: Sablotron XSL
Operating System: Windows 2000
PHP Version: 4.1.1
New Comment:

are you sure the filenames you passed are correct?

i got the same message yesterday and the reason
was an empty stylesheet due to a missing global
(i was using variables instead of files but it
 looks like the same problem -> nonexistant 
 xslt input)

Previous Comments:

[2002-01-10 08:35:57] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Sirs,

I have come across an issue with the Sablotron XSLT extension. The issue
is similar to the issue reported to http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=14499
however my encoding has been set.

Using Windows 2000 Server SP 2, PHP 4.1.1 and IIS 5.0 I tested the
following code.







//xml file
$xml_file = $file_path . "people.xml";

//xsl file
$xsl_file = $file_path . "people.xslt";

// Allocate a new XSLT processor
$xh = xslt_create();

// Process the document
$result = xslt_process($xh, $xml_file, $xsl_file);



>From this script the following error is returned:

Warning: Sablotron error on line 1: unknown encoding '' in
c:\stuff\xlst_transform.php on line 18

line 18 is the following

$result = xslt_process($xh, $xml_file, $xsl_file);

The following adapation of the XSL file also gives the same result.


I also tested the code using Apache 1.3.22 under Windows 2000 server
with the same result.

Andrew Stopford

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14965&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14962 Updated: unable to load extension php_sablot.dll

2002-01-10 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14962
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Status: Open
Status: Feedback
Bug Type: Sablotron XSL
Operating System: Windows 2000
PHP Version: 4.1.1
New Comment:

guess you are using a dll from an older php version,
as the sablot extension has been replaced by the 
more general xslt extension since 4.1.0 ...?

Previous Comments:

[2002-01-10 07:22:33] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sorry, I haven't used the Dependency Walker much before. I guess the
missing functions are
- zend_list_addref,
- zend_list_delete and
- wrong_param_count.
At least, these are marked red.
The full error message of the Dependency Walker is:
Error: At least one module has an unresolved import due to a missing
export function in an implicitly dependent module.

[2002-01-10 07:00:42] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

And which?

[2002-01-10 06:33:31] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Extension php_sablot.dll can not be loaded (ISAPI-Version under IIS5).

Microsofts Dependency Walker (depends.exe) reports a missing exported
function in php4ts.dll.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14962&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14926 Updated: php.ini-recommended problem

2002-01-08 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14926
Updated by: hholzgra
Status: Bogus
Bug Type: *Configuration Issues
Operating System: Windows XP Pro
PHP Version: 4.1.1
New Comment:

from php.ini-dist (4.1.1):

; - register_globals = Off [Security, Performance]
; Global variables are no longer registered for input data (POST,
GET, cookies,
; environment and other server variables).  Instead of using $foo,
you must use
; you can use $_REQUEST["foo"] (includes any variable that arrives
through the
; request, namely, POST, GET and cookie variables), or use one of
the specific
; $_GET["foo"], $_POST["foo"], $_COOKIE["foo"] or $_FILES["foo"],
; on where the input originates.  Also, you can look at the
; import_request_variables() function.
; Note that register_globals is going to be depracated (i.e., turned
off by
; default) in the next version of PHP, because it often leads to
security bugs.
; Read http://php.net/manual/en/security.registerglobals.php for
; information. 

Previous Comments:

[2002-01-08 03:42:21] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Unless you don't provide more information (self-contained sample, etc)
this is bogus.

[2002-01-08 03:30:05] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

By using php.ini-recommended, I could not get form variables' values,
while php.ini-dist could work properly.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14926&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14913 Updated: the document linked as a czech translation on PHP manual

2002-01-07 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14913
Updated by: hholzgra
Status: Open
Bug Type: Documentation problem
Operating System: N/A
PHP Version: 4.1.1
New Comment:

all manual translations are work in progress, see


Previous Comments:

[2002-01-07 12:48:16] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

sorry but in the document called php manual under the link is just a few
first pages translated...

I downloaded it twice but the problem is still the same, please inform
furthert downloaders, that the book is just beeing translated... or ask
someone for help...

Sorry but this doesn´t look very good...

Best regards

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14913&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14877 Updated: HTTP_FDF_DATA not available

2002-01-05 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14877
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Status: Open
Status: Feedback
Bug Type: FDF related
Operating System: XP Pro
PHP Version: 4.1.0
New Comment:

just curious: you have configured php to use the fdf extension?

Previous Comments:

[2002-01-05 17:24:32] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The data from a PDF form doesn't arrive at the php script when submitted
in FDF format, however it works, when the same data is submitted by the
form with POST.

I searched the data with phpinfo() to debug, but there were no entries
(register_globals on and off). I tried with Apache 1.3.22 and IIS 5.1,
submitting from Mozilla 0.97 and IE 6.

The same script works with a php 4.08dev from July, 3.

Test scripts and PDF form available on request.


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14877&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14872 Updated: Garbage being returned when displaying contents of a url

2002-01-05 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14872
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Status: Open
Status: Bogus
Bug Type: Sockets related
Operating System: RedHat Linux
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:

Steve Meyers wrote:

  The performance loss is also due to using HTTP/1.1, 
  which defaults to having keepalive on. 
  Until you tell it to close the connection or it times 
  out (about 2 seconds), it will keep it open.
  Switching to HTTP/1.0 fixes both issues.

status changed to bogus as both issues
where related to misunderstanding of HTTP
concepts and not at all a PHP problem

Previous Comments:

[2002-01-05 09:55:16] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

i don't know about the performance loss
but the hex numbers you get are just what
you requested

by sending a HTTP/1.1 request you have
declared that you are willing to 'speak'
HTTP/1.1, and the HTTP/1.1 RFC 2616, 
Section 3.6 defines:

All HTTP/1.1 applications MUST be able to receive 
and decode the "chunked" transfer-coding,


[2002-01-05 09:14:06] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What should happen:
The script is meant to create a printer-friendly version of a ski resort
review page that is produced dynamically. It does this by opening a
socket connection to the url, including the query, and read the contents
of that url line by line looking for  and  tags. It echoes whatever is between those tags.

What does happen:

The script works except for two issues.
1) In between some of the paragraphs of text some garbage hex numbers
appear. They are always in the same place and the first two bytes are
always the same.
2) The script runs extremely slowly which is attributed completely to
the fsockopen() function.

It should be noted that by simply replacing the fsockopen with fopen()
the problems disappeared without any other changes to the code.

Extraction from the Script that fails:


$request = "GET $document"."?"."$query"." HTTP/1.1\r\n";
$request .= "Host: $myServer\r\n\r\n";

if(!$fp) {
  echo "$errstr ($errno)\n";
} else {

Extraction from working script:

Useful Links:

Full text of script with problem:
Full test of script which works:

See working solution (click "printer-friendly version"):
See problem (click "printer-friendly version"):


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14872&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14872 Updated: Garbage being returned when displaying contents of a url

2002-01-05 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14872
Updated by: hholzgra
Status: Open
Bug Type: Sockets related
Operating System: RedHat Linux
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:

i don't know about the performance loss
but the hex numbers you get are just what
you requested

by sending a HTTP/1.1 request you have
declared that you are willing to 'speak'
HTTP/1.1, and the HTTP/1.1 RFC 2616, 
Section 3.6 defines:

All HTTP/1.1 applications MUST be able to receive 
and decode the "chunked" transfer-coding,


Previous Comments:

[2002-01-05 09:14:06] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What should happen:
The script is meant to create a printer-friendly version of a ski resort
review page that is produced dynamically. It does this by opening a
socket connection to the url, including the query, and read the contents
of that url line by line looking for  and  tags. It echoes whatever is between those tags.

What does happen:

The script works except for two issues.
1) In between some of the paragraphs of text some garbage hex numbers
appear. They are always in the same place and the first two bytes are
always the same.
2) The script runs extremely slowly which is attributed completely to
the fsockopen() function.

It should be noted that by simply replacing the fsockopen with fopen()
the problems disappeared without any other changes to the code.

Extraction from the Script that fails:


$request = "GET $document"."?"."$query"." HTTP/1.1\r\n";
$request .= "Host: $myServer\r\n\r\n";

if(!$fp) {
  echo "$errstr ($errno)\n";
} else {

Extraction from working script:

Useful Links:

Full text of script with problem:
Full test of script which works:

See working solution (click "printer-friendly version"):
See problem (click "printer-friendly version"):


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14872&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14832 Updated: basename with 2nd parm corrupts source string

2002-01-03 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14832
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Status: Open
Status: Closed
Bug Type: Directory function related
Operating System: Linux  2.4.8-26mdk i686
PHP Version: 4.1.0
New Comment:

forgot to close

Previous Comments:

[2002-01-03 15:20:50] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

fixed in CVS

[2002-01-03 15:01:12] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

X-Powered-By: PHP/4.1.0
Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-15

fn after=/dir1/dir2/filenametxt

$fn ha been corrupted by basename() call.

'./configure' '--disable-static' '--disable-debug' '--disable-rpath' '--enable-pic' 
'--enable-inline-optimization' '--prefix=/usr' '--with-zlib' 
'--with-config-file-path=/etc' '--enable-magic-quotes' '--enable-debugger' 
'--enable-track-vars' '--enable-safe-mode' '--with-exec-dir=/usr/bin' 
'--with-regex=system' '--with-versioning' '--enable-sysvsem' '--enable-sysvshm' 
'--with-mod_charset' '--enable-force-cgi-redirect' '--with-mm' '--enable-trans-sid' 
'--with-dbase' '--with-filepro' '--enable-yp' '--enable-ftp' '--with-xml' 
'--with-gettext' [Some modules are external: look for packages 

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14832&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14832 Updated: basename with 2nd parm corrupts source string

2002-01-03 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14832
Updated by: hholzgra
Status: Open
Bug Type: Directory function related
Operating System: Linux  2.4.8-26mdk i686
PHP Version: 4.1.0
New Comment:

fixed in CVS

Previous Comments:

[2002-01-03 15:01:12] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

X-Powered-By: PHP/4.1.0
Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-15

fn after=/dir1/dir2/filenametxt

$fn ha been corrupted by basename() call.

'./configure' '--disable-static' '--disable-debug' '--disable-rpath' '--enable-pic' 
'--enable-inline-optimization' '--prefix=/usr' '--with-zlib' 
'--with-config-file-path=/etc' '--enable-magic-quotes' '--enable-debugger' 
'--enable-track-vars' '--enable-safe-mode' '--with-exec-dir=/usr/bin' 
'--with-regex=system' '--with-versioning' '--enable-sysvsem' '--enable-sysvshm' 
'--with-mod_charset' '--enable-force-cgi-redirect' '--with-mm' '--enable-trans-sid' 
'--with-dbase' '--with-filepro' '--enable-yp' '--enable-ftp' '--with-xml' 
'--with-gettext' [Some modules are external: look for packages 

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14832&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14615 Updated: PHP log does not contain proper CRLF's

2001-12-20 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14615
Updated by: hholzgra
Status: Open
Bug Type: Feature/Change Request
Operating System: Windows
PHP Version: 4.1.0
New Comment:

now this is strange ...

the following snippet from php4/main/main.c
(around line 300) does the actual logging
and as it does *not* open the logfile in
binary mode it should automaticly convert
'\n' to whatever the local platform prefers???

  log_file = VCWD_FOPEN(PG(error_log), "a");
  if (log_file != NULL) {
strftime(error_time_str, 128
, "%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S"
, php_localtime_r(&error_time, &tmbuf)); 
fprintf(log_file, "[%s] ", error_time_str);
fprintf(log_file, "%s", log_message);
fprintf(log_file, "\n");

Previous Comments:

[2001-12-20 04:36:06] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Reopen, leave Type: to Feature Request.

[2001-12-20 04:28:40] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"but i'm not really sure what log we are talking about here"

I am talking about the PHP log file which can be defined with the directive "error_log 
= ..." in the PHP.INI file.

[2001-12-20 04:23:54] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There's nothing wrong with the editor. I have used Notepad to view the PHP log.

I have also viewed the PHP log with Visual C++ which *converts* (note the word 
convert) the LF to CRLF. Appearently, CRLF is the preferred format in Windows for new 
lines above LF.

Besides, CRLF is the new line format which practically every editor in Windows 

And besides everything: CRLF *is* the Windows newline, LF is not. So it would not make 
sense to use LF as a new line in Windows environments.

[2001-12-20 04:23:14] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

well, different systems *have* different default
line ending styles, so we might want to write
whatever is considered 'native' on a certain

but i'm not really sure what log we are talking
about here, as the default log mechanism (as i
know it on Linux/Apache) is to pass log messages
to the webserver for logging? 

[2001-12-20 04:10:07] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Your sentence doesn't compute: "[...] but Windows only recognizes ASCII 13 + ASCII 10 
(CRLF) as a new line.". You mean, your editor is broken and does not support it.

No bug, bogusifying.

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14615&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14615 Updated: PHP log does not contain proper CRLF's

2001-12-20 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14615
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Status: Bogus
Status: Feedback
Bug Type: Feature/Change Request
Operating System: Windows
PHP Version: 4.1.0
New Comment:

well, different systems *have* different default
line ending styles, so we might want to write
whatever is considered 'native' on a certain

but i'm not really sure what log we are talking
about here, as the default log mechanism (as i
know it on Linux/Apache) is to pass log messages
to the webserver for logging? 

Previous Comments:

[2001-12-20 04:10:07] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Your sentence doesn't compute: "[...] but Windows only recognizes ASCII 13 + ASCII 10 
(CRLF) as a new line.". You mean, your editor is broken and does not support it.

No bug, bogusifying.

[2001-12-20 04:02:15] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In the PHP log, new lines are defined only with ASCII 10 (LF), but Windows only 
recognizes ASCII 13 + ASCII 10 (CRLF) as a new line.
This makes the PHP log look like a mess on Windows systems.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14615&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14591 Updated: uasort mixes array with equal elements

2001-12-19 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14591
Updated by: hholzgra
Status: Bogus
Bug Type: Arrays related
Operating System: Linux/Windows
PHP Version: 4.1.0
New Comment:

well, you can't say that no sorting is needed
in advance as uasort() does not know that
your comparison function is going to return
only zeros

i'm not that deep into qsort implementations
and, yes, i would expect qsort not to swap
elements that are considered equal, but only
for performance reasons ...
(sterling might be able to tell you how and
 why zend_qsort does it internaly)

besides that it is totaly ok that you get 
a different element order back as is still
a valid order for your sort criteria

good old "garbage in, garbage out" principle ;)

Previous Comments:

[2001-12-19 04:31:47] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hm, I'd rather expect that an array keeps untouched if there is no need to sort it.

[2001-12-18 19:24:23] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

and the problem is ...?

by returning all zeros you made perfectly clear
that you don't care about the order of elements
in your array ;)

[2001-12-18 17:03:19] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If you call uasort with a function that always returns 0 (elements equal) you get a 
totally screwed array returned.


array(6) {
  string(1) "h"
  string(1) "s"
  string(1) "i"
  string(1) "c"
  string(1) "q"
  string(1) "m"
array(6) {
  string(1) "s"
  string(1) "i"
  string(1) "c"
  string(1) "q"
  string(1) "m"
  string(1) "h"

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14591&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14591 Updated: uasort mixes array with equal elements

2001-12-18 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14591
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Status: Open
Status: Bogus
Bug Type: Arrays related
Operating System: Linux/Windows
PHP Version: 4.1.0
New Comment:

and the problem is ...?

by returning all zeros you made perfectly clear
that you don't care about the order of elements
in your array ;)

Previous Comments:

[2001-12-18 17:03:19] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If you call uasort with a function that always returns 0 (elements equal) you get a 
totally screwed array returned.


array(6) {
  string(1) "h"
  string(1) "s"
  string(1) "i"
  string(1) "c"
  string(1) "q"
  string(1) "m"
array(6) {
  string(1) "s"
  string(1) "i"
  string(1) "c"
  string(1) "q"
  string(1) "m"
  string(1) "h"

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14591&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14575 Updated: inappropriate pass by reference?

2001-12-18 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14575
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Status: Open
Status: Closed
Bug Type: IMAP related
Operating System: Linux 2.4.10 (Debian)
PHP Version: 4.1.0
New Comment:

this has already been fixed in CVS

Previous Comments:

[2001-12-18 07:02:01] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"array imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist (string address, string default_host)"

The address argument appears to be erroneously passed by reference, and is 
subsequently mutilated by the function. Hence the following code produces unexpected 
results. Any subsequent call to imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist() will fail. (This causes 
major problems with IMP 2.2.6)

imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist($a, "troz");

output is:

Note the null character replacing the space between the personal name and mailbox 

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14575&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #745 Updated: and array variables

2001-12-12 Thread hholzgra

ID: 745
Updated by: hholzgra
Status: Analyzed
Bug Type: Scripting Engine problem
Operating System: any?
PHP Version: 4.0.6RC3
New Comment:

i'd like to have $whatever[...][...][x] and $whatever[...][...][y] in all cases, maybe 

with ini switches for old, new or both ...

Previous Comments:

[2001-12-12 14:33:25] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Maybe we should just make $foo_x[123] and $foo_y[123] 
available in addition to $foo[123]? That should keep BC 
and still do things right, though we might want to change 
the value of $foo[123] to something like 'x,y' instead of 
just y???

[2001-12-12 14:26:34] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Well, I don't believe this would be such a BC breaker. I mean, the behavior is clearly 
broken and by the timespan of this report and by the lack of discussion about this 
through the years, I don't think that many people experienced this.

I would vote for a fix. :)

-- Joao

[2001-12-12 14:22:25] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Confirmed in PHP 4.1.0
Do we want to change this behavior? IMO, this is wrong, 
but it has been like this for a long time. Do we want to 
break BC to fix it?

[2001-10-19 10:49:35] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I don't think this is a feature/change request.
Reclassified as a scripting engine problem. I can't find a better match... :(

[2001-06-14 15:16:35] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

still no workie with 4.0.6

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=745&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14422 Updated: Wrong week-numbers for year 2002

2001-12-12 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14422
Updated by: hholzgra
Status: Bogus
Bug Type: Date/time related
Operating System: Win32
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:

there are (at least) 3 different 'standards'
for week-counting, that's why strftime
has the %U %V and %W modifiers

you have to check which standard your 
calendar uses and which of the three modifiers
corresponds to it

here in Germany this would usualy be %V and not %W,
and i tink it's the same in your country

(but usualy it is not consistent throughout 
a country, so strftime can't use the locale
settings to find out what to do, you have 
to specify what you want)

Previous Comments:

[2001-12-12 06:31:16] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

and by the way:

week 1 of the year 2003 will start at
Monday, 30. Dec. 2002 (and not Mon. 06. Jan. 2003)

[2001-12-12 06:12:51] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

yes, I see that (week 1 = first monday of the year). But look at your (printed) 
calendar of 2002:

week 1 beginns at Monday, 31. Dec. 2001, 
and NOT at Monday, 07. Jan. 2002!!!

so the PHP-Function strftime() gives wrong week numbers for the whole year 2002!

A year has 52 or 53 weeks, starting with week 1, ending with week 52 or 53. A "week 0" 
don't exists!

Week 1 (MON 31 DEC 2001-SUN 6 JAN 2002)

[2001-12-12 05:12:55] [EMAIL PROTECTED]


[2001-12-12 05:12:40] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

nope, see http://php.net/strftime:

"%W - week number of the current year as a decimal number, starting with the first 
Monday as the first day of the first week"

the uncomplete week before the first monday is week 0

[2001-12-11 05:28:24] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

// Example: Week of Jan 01, 2002:

$sec = mktime(0,0,0,1,1,2002);
$week = strftime("%W", $sec);

Result: $week = 00 !!!
Should be: 01 !

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14422&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14448 Updated: exec()-like calls are done with webserver uid

2001-12-12 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14448
Updated by: hholzgra
Status: Bogus
Bug Type: Unknown/Other Function
Operating System: Unix
PHP Version: 4.1.0
New Comment:

it is (AFAIK) not even possible to change the
UID for anyone but 'root'?

Previous Comments:

[2001-12-12 06:43:54] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Not a bug. Expected behaviour. RTM.
Safemode != suEXEC or something like that.

[2001-12-12 06:17:09] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

When safe_mode is enabled, exec()-like calls are still done with the webserver uid, 
letting users execute any server scripts owned by 'www' (for example).

In the case that php_safe_dir = /usr/local/phpexec:

# chmod 700 /usr/local/phpexec
# chown www.www /usr/local/phpexec

inside i put the following sh script:

echo `id`

Now i log in as user 'veins', make a php script with the following:

when i go to  ~veins/id.php  i get the following:

uid=67(www) gid=67(www) groups=67(www)

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14448&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14422 Updated: Wrong week-numbers for year 2002

2001-12-12 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14422
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Status: Open
Status: Bogus
Bug Type: Date/time related
Operating System: Win32
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:


Previous Comments:

[2001-12-12 05:12:40] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

nope, see http://php.net/strftime:

"%W - week number of the current year as a decimal number, starting with the first 
Monday as the first day of the first week"

the uncomplete week before the first monday is week 0

[2001-12-11 05:28:24] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

// Example: Week of Jan 01, 2002:

$sec = mktime(0,0,0,1,1,2002);
$week = strftime("%W", $sec);

Result: $week = 00 !!!
Should be: 01 !

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14422&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14422 Updated: Wrong week-numbers for year 2002

2001-12-12 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14422
Updated by: hholzgra
Status: Open
Bug Type: Date/time related
Operating System: Win32
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:

nope, see http://php.net/strftime:

"%W - week number of the current year as a decimal number, starting with the first 
Monday as the first day of the first week"

the uncomplete week before the first monday is week 0

Previous Comments:

[2001-12-11 05:28:24] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

// Example: Week of Jan 01, 2002:

$sec = mktime(0,0,0,1,1,2002);
$week = strftime("%W", $sec);

Result: $week = 00 !!!
Should be: 01 !

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14422&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14341 Updated: include() html vs file system - variable scope

2001-12-04 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14341
Updated by: hholzgra
Status: Bogus
Bug Type: Scripting Engine problem
Operating System: FreeBSD
PHP Version: 4.1.0
New Comment:

but i still believe your files are parsed by the server
*before* delivery ... or can you prove the opposite?

Previous Comments:

[2001-12-04 16:19:16] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

nope the missing quote is not it - that is simply a typo on my behalf.

also the summary should read:
include() http vs file system - variable scope

[2001-12-04 16:15:41] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

due to the missing 2nd quote i guess that you do not


but some php file with extension .php?

and shell9.vhosting.com is most likely configured
to parse and execute .php files?

so it deliveres 
only the *results* of executing the files in a
subrequest and not the verabtim content of the
requested files

try to rename your include files to something
like .txt or .inc or whatever your server will
deliver 'as is' and everything will work fine

[2001-12-04 14:45:30] [EMAIL PROTECTED]


i have discovered a bug relating to the scope of variables surrounding and within 

when i was using a http path for an include command, the include file could only see
variables instantiated within the include file. all variables instantiated within the
include could not be seen by the page calling the include.

however this was not the case when i used a relative path or absolute path using the 
system. for example:

$rootFile = "/accounts/www73038/www/www.art-co-op.net/html";
$rootDir = "http://shell9.vhosting.com/www73038";;

include(../../includes/inc_file); //-- works
include($rootFile. "/includes/inc_file); //-- works
include($rootHttp. "/includes/inc_file); //-- fails

i'm not sure whether this is by design (i'm new to php & in the process of reforming
my evil microsoft ways). and i could not find mention of it in the documentation. 

if you would like to find more information regarding my server and environment:

thank you,

tim neill.

[2001-12-04 14:32:41] [EMAIL PROTECTED]


i have discovered a bug relating to the scope of variables surrounding and within 
include files. 

when i was using a http path for an include command, the include file could only see 
variables instantiated within the include file. all variables instantiated within the 
include could not be seen by the page calling the include.

however this was not the case when i used a relative path or absolute path using the 
file system. for example:

$rootFile = "/accounts/www73038/www/www.art-co-op.net/html";
$rootDir = "http://shell9.vhosting.com/www73038";;

include(../../includes/inc_file); //-- works
include($rootFile. "/includes/inc_file); //-- works
include($rootHttp. "/includes/inc_file); //-- fails

i'm not sure whether this is by design (i'm new to php & in the process of reforming 
my evil microsoft ways). and i could not find mention of it in the documentation. 

if you would like to find more information regarding my server and environment:

thank you,

tim neill.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14341&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14341 Updated: include() html vs file system - variable scope

2001-12-04 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14341
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Status: Open
Status: Bogus
Bug Type: Scripting Engine problem
Operating System: FreeBSD
PHP Version: 4.1.0
New Comment:

due to the missing 2nd quote i guess that you do not


but some php file with extension .php?

and shell9.vhosting.com is most likely configured
to parse and execute .php files?

so it deliveres 
only the *results* of executing the files in a
subrequest and not the verabtim content of the
requested files

try to rename your include files to something
like .txt or .inc or whatever your server will
deliver 'as is' and everything will work fine

Previous Comments:

[2001-12-04 14:45:30] [EMAIL PROTECTED]


i have discovered a bug relating to the scope of variables surrounding and within 

when i was using a http path for an include command, the include file could only see
variables instantiated within the include file. all variables instantiated within the
include could not be seen by the page calling the include.

however this was not the case when i used a relative path or absolute path using the 
system. for example:

$rootFile = "/accounts/www73038/www/www.art-co-op.net/html";
$rootDir = "http://shell9.vhosting.com/www73038";;

include(../../includes/inc_file); //-- works
include($rootFile. "/includes/inc_file); //-- works
include($rootHttp. "/includes/inc_file); //-- fails

i'm not sure whether this is by design (i'm new to php & in the process of reforming
my evil microsoft ways). and i could not find mention of it in the documentation. 

if you would like to find more information regarding my server and environment:

thank you,

tim neill.

[2001-12-04 14:32:41] [EMAIL PROTECTED]


i have discovered a bug relating to the scope of variables surrounding and within 
include files. 

when i was using a http path for an include command, the include file could only see 
variables instantiated within the include file. all variables instantiated within the 
include could not be seen by the page calling the include.

however this was not the case when i used a relative path or absolute path using the 
file system. for example:

$rootFile = "/accounts/www73038/www/www.art-co-op.net/html";
$rootDir = "http://shell9.vhosting.com/www73038";;

include(../../includes/inc_file); //-- works
include($rootFile. "/includes/inc_file); //-- works
include($rootHttp. "/includes/inc_file); //-- fails

i'm not sure whether this is by design (i'm new to php & in the process of reforming 
my evil microsoft ways). and i could not find mention of it in the documentation. 

if you would like to find more information regarding my server and environment:

thank you,

tim neill.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14341&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14339 Updated: no parse_str function on-site ???

2001-12-04 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14339
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Status: Assigned
Status: Closed
Bug Type: Documentation problem
Operating System: irrelevant
PHP Version: 4.1.0
Assigned To: hholzgra
New Comment:

ok, blame me ... (have a look at the ord() example
and you'll see what's wrong)

fixed in CVS

Previous Comments:

[2001-12-04 13:54:00] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Even weirder... the other functions Hartmut mentioned are not in my builds.

[2001-12-04 13:52:31] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I know both NIS functions doesn´t exist. So I have removed it in the documentation. If 
someone else have written the two missing functions, you can remove the comments in 
the documentation. IIRC it was Stephanie Wehner who wrote the code.

[2001-12-04 13:52:22] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

parse_url() is documented in url.xml, not string.xml

i have just scanned the openjade sources and the docbook
dsl stylesheets for 'parse_str' and 'parse-str' 
without results

as a sidenote: mb_parse_str shows up in the manual

but anyway, its to late, lack of concentration,
will be leaving now ...

[2001-12-04 13:48:42] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

mmm, weird. It is generated in my daily builds. And the CHM manuals have it too...


[2001-12-04 13:43:53] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Erm, Hartmut you are actually not right...

iis and pcntl.xml is not added to manual.xml[.in], so they are not showing up, and 
those two yp functions are  ommented out in nis.xml with a comment that they are not 

So the conclusion is that _only_ that parse_str is affected.

Maybe Jade has an undocumented feature called parse-str and it cant handle that id...

Sidenote: The IIS and PCNTL authors need to be asked whether they would like to put in 
their functions to manual.xml, or just playing some more before it is ready to be 
added... I don't know...

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14339&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14339 Updated: functions available in the xml source do not show up in the online manual

2001-12-04 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14339
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Summary: no parse_str function on-site ???
Status: Assigned
Bug Type: Documentation problem
Operating System: irrelevant
PHP Version: 4.1.0
Assigned To: hholzgra
New Comment:

parse_url() is documented in url.xml, not string.xml

i have just scanned the openjade sources and the docbook
dsl stylesheets for 'parse_str' and 'parse-str' 
without results

as a sidenote: mb_parse_str shows up in the manual

but anyway, its to late, lack of concentration,
will be leaving now ...

Previous Comments:

[2001-12-04 13:48:42] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

mmm, weird. It is generated in my daily builds. And the CHM manuals have it too...


[2001-12-04 13:43:53] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Erm, Hartmut you are actually not right...

iis and pcntl.xml is not added to manual.xml[.in], so they are not showing up, and 
those two yp functions are  ommented out in nis.xml with a comment that they are not 

So the conclusion is that _only_ that parse_str is affected.

Maybe Jade has an undocumented feature called parse-str and it cant handle that id...

Sidenote: The IIS and PCNTL authors need to be asked whether they would like to put in 
their functions to manual.xml, or just playing some more before it is ready to be 
added... I don't know...

[2001-12-04 13:41:49] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

... :( 

forget about the iis_* functions (not documented)
and the pcntl_* stuff (documented but not included
in manual.xml)

but at least yp_errno and yp_err_string are definetly

[2001-12-04 13:36:42] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sorry making traffic, it was only my stupid Windows ME.

There many people working for php.net. But the source of the PHP manual should be the 

I have now looked over the history of en/functions/strings.xml and found only 
parse_str() but no parse_url(). Hartmut, could it possible, that you have branched out 
the parse_url() function :) If parse_str() isn´t visible in the online manual, we are 
using wrong tools. 

I know this is not a place to start discussions about books. Which book are you using? 
Please mail per PM to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[2001-12-04 13:35:25] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Egon: repeating off-topic facts doesn't help at all

both jade and openjade on my local system do not
generate the parse_str() page, to

and there are even more functions affected:

- iis_add_server
- iis_get_dir_security
- iis_get_script_map
- iis_get_server_by_comment
- iis_get_server_by_path
- iis_get_server_rights
- iis_remove_server
- iis_set_app_settings
- iis_set_dir_security
- iis_set_script_map
- iis_set_server_rights
- iis_start_server
- iis_start_service
- iis_stop_server
- iis_stop_service
- parse_str
- pcntl_fork
- pcntl_signal
- pcntl_waitpid
- pcntl_wexitstatus
- pcntl_wifexited
- pcntl_wifsignaled
- pcntl_wifstopped
- pcntl_wstopsig
- pcntl_wtermsig
- yp_err_string
- yp_errno

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14339&edit=1

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To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PHP-DEV] Bug #14339 Updated: functions available in the xml source do not show up in the online manual

2001-12-04 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14339
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Summary: no parse_str function on-site ???
Status: Assigned
Bug Type: Documentation problem
Operating System: irrelevant
PHP Version: 4.1.0
Assigned To: hholzgra
New Comment:

... :( 

forget about the iis_* functions (not documented)
and the pcntl_* stuff (documented but not included
in manual.xml)

but at least yp_errno and yp_err_string are definetly

Previous Comments:

[2001-12-04 13:36:42] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sorry making traffic, it was only my stupid Windows ME.

There many people working for php.net. But the source of the PHP manual should be the 

I have now looked over the history of en/functions/strings.xml and found only 
parse_str() but no parse_url(). Hartmut, could it possible, that you have branched out 
the parse_url() function :) If parse_str() isn´t visible in the online manual, we are 
using wrong tools. 

I know this is not a place to start discussions about books. Which book are you using? 
Please mail per PM to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[2001-12-04 13:35:25] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Egon: repeating off-topic facts doesn't help at all

both jade and openjade on my local system do not
generate the parse_str() page, to

and there are even more functions affected:

- iis_add_server
- iis_get_dir_security
- iis_get_script_map
- iis_get_server_by_comment
- iis_get_server_by_path
- iis_get_server_rights
- iis_remove_server
- iis_set_app_settings
- iis_set_dir_security
- iis_set_script_map
- iis_set_server_rights
- iis_start_server
- iis_start_service
- iis_stop_server
- iis_stop_service
- parse_str
- pcntl_fork
- pcntl_signal
- pcntl_waitpid
- pcntl_wexitstatus
- pcntl_wifexited
- pcntl_wifsignaled
- pcntl_wifstopped
- pcntl_wstopsig
- pcntl_wtermsig
- yp_err_string
- yp_errno

[2001-12-04 13:24:18] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I am one [EMAIL PROTECTED] I can say, that the problem is not at php.net, Jade our 
XML->HTML generator program cannot generate that function.parse-str.php named HTML 
file used in the online manual to show the documentation. This may be an undocumented 
thing in the Jade program. This is why this function is listed at zend.com and in the 
XML file, but not in the online manual at php.net.

Strange thing though that there is a 


but no


I don't know how often the zend.com manual is updated,
but I think not that often as the php.net one (daily)...

[2001-12-04 13:13:47] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Look at the two functions at http://zend.com/phpfunc/p.php. Both functions have valid 
links to the online manual.

[2001-12-04 13:10:59] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It never even occurred to me to try www.zend.com.

I've been spoiled by the semming user-friendliness at www.php.net (not to mention the 
easy to remember URL...) but I finally found the function in my print (paper) PHP 

Who works on the www.php.net?  Anybody here who can just fix it?  Isn't it an obvious 
and easy thing to fix, if all the text is already on the Zend website?

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14339&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14339 Updated: functions available in the xml source do not show up in the online manual

2001-12-04 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14339
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Summary: no parse_str function on-site ???
Status: Assigned
Bug Type: Documentation problem
Operating System: irrelevant
PHP Version: 4.1.0
Assigned To: hholzgra
New Comment:

Egon: repeating off-topic facts doesn't help at all

both jade and openjade on my local system do not
generate the parse_str() page, to

and there are even more functions affected:

- iis_add_server
- iis_get_dir_security
- iis_get_script_map
- iis_get_server_by_comment
- iis_get_server_by_path
- iis_get_server_rights
- iis_remove_server
- iis_set_app_settings
- iis_set_dir_security
- iis_set_script_map
- iis_set_server_rights
- iis_start_server
- iis_start_service
- iis_stop_server
- iis_stop_service
- parse_str
- pcntl_fork
- pcntl_signal
- pcntl_waitpid
- pcntl_wexitstatus
- pcntl_wifexited
- pcntl_wifsignaled
- pcntl_wifstopped
- pcntl_wstopsig
- pcntl_wtermsig
- yp_err_string
- yp_errno

Previous Comments:

[2001-12-04 13:24:18] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I am one [EMAIL PROTECTED] I can say, that the problem is not at php.net, Jade our 
XML->HTML generator program cannot generate that function.parse-str.php named HTML 
file used in the online manual to show the documentation. This may be an undocumented 
thing in the Jade program. This is why this function is listed at zend.com and in the 
XML file, but not in the online manual at php.net.

Strange thing though that there is a 


but no


I don't know how often the zend.com manual is updated,
but I think not that often as the php.net one (daily)...

[2001-12-04 13:13:47] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Look at the two functions at http://zend.com/phpfunc/p.php. Both functions have valid 
links to the online manual.

[2001-12-04 13:10:59] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It never even occurred to me to try www.zend.com.

I've been spoiled by the semming user-friendliness at www.php.net (not to mention the 
easy to remember URL...) but I finally found the function in my print (paper) PHP 

Who works on the www.php.net?  Anybody here who can just fix it?  Isn't it an obvious 
and easy thing to fix, if all the text is already on the Zend website?

[2001-12-04 13:04:47] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

for some strange reason openjade totaly ignores
this function ... 
needs further investigation, but not today ... :(

[2001-12-04 12:39:10] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Egon, these are links to the ZEND online manual!

Please stay on topic ...

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14339&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14339 Updated: no parse_str function on-site ???

2001-12-04 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14339
Updated by: hholzgra
Status: Assigned
Bug Type: Documentation problem
Operating System: irrelevant
PHP Version: 4.1.0
Assigned To: hholzgra
New Comment:

for some strange reason openjade totaly ignores
this function ... 
needs further investigation, but not today ... :(

Previous Comments:

[2001-12-04 12:39:10] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Egon, these are links to the ZEND online manual!

Please stay on topic ...

[2001-12-04 12:26:15] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Look at the two functions at http://zend.com/phpfunc/p.php. Both functions have valid 
links to the online manual.

[2001-12-04 12:25:16] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It is in CVS (http://cvs.php.net/co.php/phpdoc/en/functions/strings.xml?r=1.128).
But not in the filelist in the build log (http://www.php.net/manual/en/build.log):

[2001-12-04 12:11:16] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Egon, please ...
we are not talking about the Zend site, 
we are talking about the php.net site

feel free to close this report if you 
can show me http://php.net/parse_str or
but i bet you won't be able to find any page
for parse_str in the annotated english online 
manual ...

[2001-12-04 11:56:59] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Look at the two functions at http://zend.com/phpfunc/p.php. Both functions have valid 
links to the online manual.

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14339&edit=1

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To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PHP-DEV] Bug #14339 Updated: no parse_str function on-site ???

2001-12-04 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14339
Updated by: hholzgra
Status: Assigned
Bug Type: Documentation problem
Operating System: irrelevant
PHP Version: 4.1.0
Assigned To: hholzgra
New Comment:

Egon, please ...
we are not talking about the Zend site, 
we are talking about the php.net site

feel free to close this report if you 
can show me http://php.net/parse_str or
but i bet you won't be able to find any page
for parse_str in the annotated english online 
manual ...

Previous Comments:

[2001-12-04 11:56:59] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Look at the two functions at http://zend.com/phpfunc/p.php. Both functions have valid 
links to the online manual.

[2001-12-04 11:38:09] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ok, i'm not able to read (or write the url for) my own pages :(

but the function *is* there and is something similar, but not  identical, to parse_url





there is documentation for it in the manual source (and has been for ages), its in 
en/functions/string.xml, right between functions ord() and print(), but for some 
strange reason it does not show up in the online manual

right now i'm rebuilding a html manual from scratch on my local machine to further 
investigate this ...

[2001-12-04 11:31:53] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Both functions are documented, parse_str() and parse_url().

[2001-12-04 11:18:51] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It's not in the manual. It's called parse_url. SO not a bug in the first place :)

[2001-12-04 11:14:41] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This function is documented in the PHP Manual. You can verify this if you use your 
function tables at zend.com. It seems that the links at 
http://www.zugeschaut-und-mitgebaut.de/php/ are broken.

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14339&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14339 Updated: no parse_str function on-site ???

2001-12-04 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14339
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Status: Closed
Status: Assigned
Bug Type: Documentation problem
Operating System: irrelevant
PHP Version: 4.1.0
Old Assigned To: 
Assigned To: hholzgra
New Comment:

ok, i'm not able to read (or write the url for) my own pages :(

but the function *is* there and is something similar, but not  identical, to parse_url





there is documentation for it in the manual source (and has been for ages), its in 
en/functions/string.xml, right between functions ord() and print(), but for some 
strange reason it does not show up in the online manual

right now i'm rebuilding a html manual from scratch on my local machine to further 
investigate this ...

Previous Comments:

[2001-12-04 11:31:53] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Both functions are documented, parse_str() and parse_url().

[2001-12-04 11:18:51] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It's not in the manual. It's called parse_url. SO not a bug in the first place :)

[2001-12-04 11:14:41] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This function is documented in the PHP Manual. You can verify this if you use your 
function tables at zend.com. It seems that the links at 
http://www.zugeschaut-und-mitgebaut.de/php/ are broken.

[2001-12-04 10:12:15] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

you are right, it is undocumented yet ...


[2001-12-04 09:56:33] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This is simple.

I know that the function "parse_str()" exists in PHP3 and PHP4.  It is supposed to 
parse a query string (of the style that is placed after a '?' on a url) and assign 
variables based on that string.

Anyway, it doesn't seem to exist on your website, and I've used that function many 

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14339&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14339 Updated: no parse_str function on-site ???

2001-12-04 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14339
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Status: Open
Status: Assigned
Bug Type: Documentation problem
Operating System: irrelevant
PHP Version: 4.1.0
Old Assigned To: 
Assigned To: hholzgra
New Comment:

you are right, it is undocumented yet ...


Previous Comments:

[2001-12-04 09:56:33] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This is simple.

I know that the function "parse_str()" exists in PHP3 and PHP4.  It is supposed to 
parse a query string (of the style that is placed after a '?' on a url) and assign 
variables based on that string.

Anyway, it doesn't seem to exist on your website, and I've used that function many 

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14339&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14329 Updated: Mail() does not work

2001-12-03 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14329
Updated by: hholzgra
Status: Bogus
Bug Type: *Mail Related
Operating System: WindowsCE
PHP Version: 4.1.0
New Comment:

1) this is a bug tracking tool, not a support forum
   please ask support questions on the php-general
   mailing list (http://www.php.net/support.php)

2) you have read the configuration instructions
   on http://download.php.net/manual/en/ref.mail.php ?

3) your script would most likely fail even if
   the mail server talked to you

 $to  = "$name1 <$mail1>"; 

   is wrong, you have to quote the real name:

 $to  = "\"$name1\" <$mail1>";

Previous Comments:

[2001-12-03 15:57:43] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Not a bug, seek for more support on the [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailinglist.


[2001-12-03 15:18:03] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ok when i run the mail script i get :
Warning: Failed to Connect in C:\Inetpub\docs\flatlinks\action.php on line 48

it says the error is in the Mail() line which is :
mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);

i would realy apriechate any help,

here the script:
$to  = "$name1 <$mail1>";

$subject = "Hey, its $from";

$message = '




/* set the Content-type header to send html mail */
$headers  = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";
$headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n";

mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14329&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14296 Updated: Undeclared variables and isset()

2001-11-30 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14296
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Status: Open
Status: Feedback
Bug Type: Variables related
Operating System: Win2k
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:

looks like you have set error_reporting to E_ALL
while you had E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE before?

maybe by using php.ini-recommended as template
for php.ini with 4.0.6 while using php.ini-dist
for the former versions?

Previous Comments:

[2001-11-30 04:15:44] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I use PHP 4.0.6 on Win2k pro with Apache 1.3.22 win
Loaded modules don't seem to make a difference for the described behaviour.

Let's say we have a PHP script, the retrieves some variables via HTTP post or get. And 
the variables, passed to the script, have different names each time.
Usually we would use "isset($variable)" to check if it exists. In most cases we need 
to check the content of the variable too. So it would be nice to do that in one step.

The script of the following examples retrieved $var1 or $var or both of them via HTTP.

// This would be the usual way i guess

// This has been possible with PHP 3.xx - 4.0.5
// without previously checking for existence 
// of $var1/$var2
if($var1 == "something"){
if($var2 == "anything"){

// With PHP 4.0.6 we would have to do this:
if(!isset($var1)){ // is NOT declared?
  $var1 = "";
if(!isset($var2)){ // is NOT declared?
  $var2 = "";
// first we had to declare them, now we can use them
if($var1 == "something"){
if($var2 == "anything"){

I wonder if this new behaviour is a bug or a feature?
Or why can't I find info about it in the changes list if it's a feature?

Please send your answer to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you!

Volker Puttrich

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14296&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14285 Updated: Forcing variable declaration

2001-11-29 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14285
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Status: Closed
Status: Open
Old Bug Type: *General Issues
Bug Type: Feature/Change Request
Operating System: Redhat Linux 7.2
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:

this would only catch read usage of undefined variables,
but not assigning values to them


nothing in PHP will warn you that you have a typo
in the second assignment, so creating a new variable

... moved to feature requests ...

Previous Comments:

[2001-11-29 11:20:18] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

set error_reporting to E_ALL, and you'll see all undefined vars. However, it doesn't 
force the use of it.


[2001-11-29 11:17:16] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Is there a way to make PHP force you to declare variables like "option explicit" in 
VBScript or "use strict" in Perl?  If not, will this feature become available?  While 
this is not really a bug, it might be a nice feature to have available.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14285&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14280 Updated: session url rewriting not working?

2001-11-29 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14280
Updated by: hholzgra
Status: Bogus
Bug Type: Session related
Operating System: Sun Solaris
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:

sorry, but i don't see the point in 
rewriting the Location header

if you do a redirect by header() you 
should know pretty well what you are 
doing, *including* whether you need a
session id in it or not

it's just adding the SID constant in
*one* place instead of all over a
html document that might even be
maintained by someone else

if you *realy* think header() shoud be
that magical, then submit a feature request

PS: that some browsers accept relative
Location headers and that some people
out there make use if this does *not at all*
imply that this is correct usage
(you should have seen the note about that
 if you'd had a look at the header() 
 manual page lately as suggest in my
 first reply)

Previous Comments:

[2001-11-29 10:57:33] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The HTTP standard does not allow relative paths / files in the Location: header.
You should always use this form:

Location: http://servername.domain.nl/file.php


[2001-11-29 10:43:51] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

it does put in a hidden field, I was to quick there, sorry 
about that.

about the header function:
it works saying header("Location: test.php");
you don't have to specify an absolute path, so that means 
a lot of people out there don't. Maybe thats a bug (or a 
feature) in itself.

So whats the story about the header-function, bug? Or if 
not, should'nt it be possible to rewrite the header it its 

[2001-11-29 09:20:30] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

please check for an added hidden field in .
reopen the bug report if you do not find one

for the "Location:" header:

- trans-sid does only rewrite the HTML content,
  not the headers

- relative URLs are not allowed in Location: headers
   (see php.net/header for further info)

[2001-11-29 09:12:36] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

when compiling php version 4.06 with '--enable-trans-sid' and thereafter setting 
'session.use_cookies off' in php.ini or in Apache's virtual host container.

Does anyone know why the url rewriting works like this:
- when it encounters a 'href' it do rewrite
- when it encounters a header("Location: test.php"); it does not rewrite
- when it encounters a  it does not rewrite

im not sure its a bug, but if it is not - then there is'nt much fun in using url 
rewriting at all for sessions. 

'./configure' '--with-apache=../apache_1.3.20' '--with-config-file-path=/etc' 
'--without-system-regex' '--enable-versioning' '--enable-track-vars' 
'--enable-trans-sid' '--with-oci8=/home/oracle/product/8.1.7/' 

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14280&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14280 Updated: session url rewriting not working?

2001-11-29 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14280
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Status: Open
Status: Bogus
Bug Type: Session related
Operating System: Sun Solaris
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:

please check for an added hidden field in .
reopen the bug report if you do not find one

for the "Location:" header:

- trans-sid does only rewrite the HTML content,
  not the headers

- relative URLs are not allowed in Location: headers
   (see php.net/header for further info)

Previous Comments:

[2001-11-29 09:12:36] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

when compiling php version 4.06 with '--enable-trans-sid' and thereafter setting 
'session.use_cookies off' in php.ini or in Apache's virtual host container.

Does anyone know why the url rewriting works like this:
- when it encounters a 'href' it do rewrite
- when it encounters a header("Location: test.php"); it does not rewrite
- when it encounters a  it does not rewrite

im not sure its a bug, but if it is not - then there is'nt much fun in using url 
rewriting at all for sessions. 

'./configure' '--with-apache=../apache_1.3.20' '--with-config-file-path=/etc' 
'--without-system-regex' '--enable-versioning' '--enable-track-vars' 
'--enable-trans-sid' '--with-oci8=/home/oracle/product/8.1.7/' 

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14280&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #3248 Updated: mail function putting wrong timezone info in message header?

2001-11-28 Thread hholzgra

ID: 3248
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Status: Analyzed
Status: Duplicate
Bug Type: Mail related
Operating System: Windows NT
PHP Version: 4.0 Beta 3
Assigned To: hholzgra
New Comment:

dup of #8909

Previous Comments:

[2001-11-22 18:07:20] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Not sure if it helps, but I have a nearly untested patch
that computes the offset using the diff between
php_localtime_r() and php_gmtime_r(). I never understood
where _timezone came from anyway.

[2000-07-25 21:26:20] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

implementation for mail on microsoft platforms
is in win32/sendmail.c

and in there is generation code for generating
 a Date: header if none was supplied by mail()
function ( see function PostHeader() )

[2000-07-25 20:27:20] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

As far as I can tell from the source code, PHP is not responsible for generating the 
email message headers.

Do other messages generated by the same server have the correct timezone information?

[2000-01-18 19:29:30] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Not sure if this is really a PHP problem or just Microsoft at work, but
sending email using the "mail" function seems to give incorrect
timezone info in the "Date:" header. eg:

Received:  from becks by macs.wn.bcl.co.nz; Wed, 19 Jan 2000 13:11:34 +1300 (NZDT)

(in this case becks=NT, macs=Unix - +1300 NZDT is correct)

Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2000 13:11:35 -1200

-1200 is wrong.

The NT timezone is set to +12:00 Auckland/Wellington, with Daylight saving enabled.


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=3248&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14264 Updated: Session variable not keeping track of increment

2001-11-28 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14264
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Status: Closed
Status: Bogus
Bug Type: Session related
Operating System: RedHat LINUX 7.2
PHP Version: 4.1.0
New Comment:


Previous Comments:

[2001-11-28 05:49:09] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> session_start();
> $abc = '';

so what do you expect to happen when you overwrite
the value of a session variable immediately after
restoring it using session_start()?

> error_reporting(63);

*never* use numeric constants for error reporting settings, *always* use the symbolic 
constants like E_ALL and E_WARNING, unless you want to get bitten by future additions 
of error classes 

[2001-11-28 05:42:42] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

With this piece of code the session variable is not keeping track of the increment:

print_r( $_SESSION);

While minor alteration of above code as below the session variable works:

print_r( $_SESSION);

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14264&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14264 Updated: Session variable not keeping track of increment

2001-11-28 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14264
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Status: Open
Status: Closed
Bug Type: Session related
Operating System: RedHat LINUX 7.2
PHP Version: 4.1.0
New Comment:

> session_start();
> $abc = '';

so what do you expect to happen when you overwrite
the value of a session variable immediately after
restoring it using session_start()?

> error_reporting(63);

*never* use numeric constants for error reporting settings, *always* use the symbolic 
constants like E_ALL and E_WARNING, unless you want to get bitten by future additions 
of error classes 

Previous Comments:

[2001-11-28 05:42:42] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

With this piece of code the session variable is not keeping track of the increment:

print_r( $_SESSION);

While minor alteration of above code as below the session variable works:

print_r( $_SESSION);

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14264&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14258 Updated: Date Timezone is not correct

2001-11-28 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14258
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Status: Suspended
Status: Duplicate
Bug Type: Mail related
Operating System: Window 2000
PHP Version: 4.0.6
Old Assigned To: 
Assigned To: hholzgra
New Comment:

dup. of #8909

Previous Comments:

[2001-11-27 16:40:09] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Already known (but I don't know which is the first bug #). This will be fixed when 
(and if) the windows SMTP code gets rewritten.


[2001-11-27 15:38:12] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm not able to test on windows myself, but I've got
some alternate code for computing the timezone in the
mail() function if anyone is interested. Rather than
using the _timezone variabel, I use the diff between
php_gmtime_r() and php_localtime_r(). This is pretty
straightforward. Don't know it it helps.

[2001-11-27 14:38:23] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

PHP is reversing the timezone.  Please help!  

This is correct

Internet Mail Service Version 5.5.2653.13)
id W8DSHGQW; Tue, 27 Nov 2001 11:31:20 -0800

This is wrong

Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 11:36:25 +0800

Entire email headers

Received: from chmls21.mediaone.net ([]) by
  lsmls04.we.mediaone.net (Netscape Messaging Server 4.15) with
  ESMTP id GNH4XI00.HJF for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tue, 27 Nov
  2001 11:32:06 -0800 
Received: from laxntm02.studiosusa.com (messaging.studiosusa.com [])
by chmls21.mediaone.net (8.11.6/8.11.6) with ESMTP id fARJWn007330
for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tue, 27 Nov 2001 14:32:50 -0500 (EST)
Received: by LAXNTM02 with Internet Mail Service (5.5.2653.19)
id ; Tue, 27 Nov 2001 11:31:23 -0800
Received: from LAXNTA03 ([]) by laxntm02.studiosusa.com with SMTP 
(Microsoft Exchange Internet Mail Service Version 5.5.2653.13)
id W8DSHGQW; Tue, 27 Nov 2001 11:31:20 -0800
Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 11:36:25 +0800
Subject: test

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14258&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14255 Updated: setcookie bug (Cookie is destroyed/Inaccessible)

2001-11-28 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14255
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Status: Open
Status: Analyzed
Old Bug Type: HTTP related
Bug Type: Documentation problem
Operating System: Debian 2.2.19
PHP Version: 4.0.6
Old Assigned To: 
Assigned To: hholzgra
New Comment:

ok, stupid me regarding the claim that a zero value
(or a string as parameter, evaluating to zero)
actualy deletes a cookie

it indeed defines the cookie to be a session cookie
which is valid until the browser is closed instead
of until a certain date/time is reached

for the time parameter itself:
the time() function returns the server time
while the browser deciedes when to delete
a cookie by the client time

if client and server are not in sync or live in
different time zones you will get exactly the 
problems you experienced

you either have to use expiration times in the range of days isntead of hours (as 
timezone differences can sum up to slightly more than 24 hours in the worst case) or 
you have to use javascript Date.getTime() to fetch the client time and transfer it to 
the server as a base for expiration dates instead of using the time() function on the 

(will add a note to the setcookie documentation and work through the notes later, bug 
type switched to documentation problem for now)

Previous Comments:

[2001-11-27 14:28:16] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

IIRC, no time (time=0) means that the cookie will not expire until the session (read: 
your browser) has been closed.

Your scripts work fine for me at both Windows 2000 and Debian Linux (Potato).

[2001-11-27 13:59:12] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

array(4) { ["xfxdD"]=> string(4) "Blah" ["wingrep"]=> array(4) { ["customer_cookie"]=> 
string(10) "1150232722" ["customer_id"]=> string(1) "1" ["customer_name"]=> string(13) 
"Mr. Wilkinson" ["customer_province"]=> string(2) "BC" } ["titancart"]=> array(1) { 
[0]=> string(72) "33a63c7718-component-1715-108.95-1-Adaptec Fireconnect 4300 3 
Port-2.00*" } ["wingrepship"]=> array(7) { ["ship_to"]=> string(18) "Mr. Kris 
Wilkinson" ["unit_type"]=> string(5) "SUITE" ["unit_num"]=> string(3) "101" 
["street"]=> string(18) "10464 176th Street" ["city"]=> string(8) "Edmonton" 
["province"]=> string(2) "BC" ["postal"]=> string(7) "T5R 3L6" } } 

is what it returns. nothing containing the CustomerCookie
defined previously.

these other values are from original cookies which had the 
"" around the time aspect.

so i'm assuming this means that the value was not stored in a cookie at all?

[2001-11-27 13:59:04] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

array(4) { ["xfxdD"]=> string(4) "Blah" ["wingrep"]=> array(4) { ["customer_cookie"]=> 
string(10) "1150232722" ["customer_id"]=> string(1) "1" ["customer_name"]=> string(13) 
"Mr. Wilkinson" ["customer_province"]=> string(2) "BC" } ["titancart"]=> array(1) { 
[0]=> string(72) "33a63c7718-component-1715-108.95-1-Adaptec Fireconnect 4300 3 
Port-2.00*" } ["wingrepship"]=> array(7) { ["ship_to"]=> string(18) "Mr. Kris 
Wilkinson" ["unit_type"]=> string(5) "SUITE" ["unit_num"]=> string(3) "101" 
["street"]=> string(18) "10464 176th Street" ["city"]=> string(8) "Edmonton" 
["province"]=> string(2) "BC" ["postal"]=> string(7) "T5R 3L6" } } 

is what it returns. nothing containing the CustomerCookie
defined previously.

these other values are from original cookies which had the 
"" around the time aspect.

so i'm assuming this means that the value was not stored in a cookie at all?

[2001-11-27 13:48:49] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Not to sound offensive, have you actually tried it?

I've pasted exactly what you just sent back to me, and it wont go.

There have been many comments in the newsgroups and the function page itself about 
this issue ...

people are having to put quotations around the time aspect in order to get it to work 
at all, and according to you, that would set the value to zero right?

-> cookie.php 


-> cookie2.php

that's exactly the test script i'm using. 

Is there anything wrong 

[PHP-DEV] Bug #14255 Updated: setcookie bug (Cookie is destroyed/Inaccessible)

2001-11-27 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14255
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Status: Open
Status: Feedback
Bug Type: HTTP related
Operating System: Debian 2.2.19
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:

(switched to feedback status)

Previous Comments:

[2001-11-27 12:56:00] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

setcookie ("myCookie","Blah","time()+7201"); 
 ^   ^

do you realy have quotes here?

  -> "time()+7201" as a string would evaluate 
 as zero, so deleting the ccokie instead
 of setting it

[2001-11-27 12:43:15] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The problem is simple, in the older versions of php, you could set a cookie and have 
it available for your specified amount of time from any browser window open.

The line was as follows : 

setcookie ("myCookie","Blah","time()+7201"); 

The cookie should be set for just over 2 hours.

In 4.0.6, If you set the cookie, the time you set is never actually used, and the 
cookie is destroyed immediately after you close the browser window. 

Another downside, you cannot access this cookie from another window even if the 
original window is open. this sounds like an exclusive window session is linked to 
that cookie, and once the uplink is dropped, so is the cookie.

To access the cookie, i've been using :

$mycookie = $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[myCookie];

it will show up in the original window, but not in others.

at all!

what's up?! :)

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14255&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14255 Updated: setcookie bug (Cookie is destroyed/Inaccessible)

2001-11-27 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14255
Updated by: hholzgra
Status: Open
Bug Type: HTTP related
Operating System: Debian 2.2.19
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:

setcookie ("myCookie","Blah","time()+7201"); 
 ^   ^

do you realy have quotes here?

  -> "time()+7201" as a string would evaluate 
 as zero, so deleting the ccokie instead
 of setting it

Previous Comments:

[2001-11-27 12:43:15] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The problem is simple, in the older versions of php, you could set a cookie and have 
it available for your specified amount of time from any browser window open.

The line was as follows : 

setcookie ("myCookie","Blah","time()+7201"); 

The cookie should be set for just over 2 hours.

In 4.0.6, If you set the cookie, the time you set is never actually used, and the 
cookie is destroyed immediately after you close the browser window. 

Another downside, you cannot access this cookie from another window even if the 
original window is open. this sounds like an exclusive window session is linked to 
that cookie, and once the uplink is dropped, so is the cookie.

To access the cookie, i've been using :

$mycookie = $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[myCookie];

it will show up in the original window, but not in others.

at all!

what's up?! :)

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14255&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14234 Updated: the make des not compile

2001-11-26 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14234
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Summary: E mail sent date is incorrect
Old Status: Feedback
Status: Duplicate
Bug Type: Date/time related
Old Operating System: Window 2000
Operating System: SuSE 7.2
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:

most likely a duplicate of #8909


Previous Comments:

[2001-11-26 10:37:48] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dump question: Is your system time set correctly?

[2001-11-26 10:36:15] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I am trying to develop an application to send email.   We have it on a machine with 
Window 2000 OS and Apache ver. 1.3.19.   

The email sends fine except the physical email's sent date and time are incorrect.  

Any help would be greatly appreciated.  


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14234&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14202 Updated: If you use the result set of a insert query, you get a warning message.

2001-11-24 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14202
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Summary: Problem with mail()
Old Status: Feedback
Status: Duplicate
Bug Type: Mail related
Old Operating System: Windows NT 4.0
Operating System: Linux 2.4
Old PHP Version: 4.0.6
PHP Version: 4.0.4pl1
Old Assigned To: 
Assigned To: hholzgra
New Comment:

duplicate of #11165

Previous Comments:

[2001-11-23 23:09:21] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Can you try latest RC and see if the problem still exists



[2001-11-23 18:24:45] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It is impossible to send e-mail with size more than 2KB by using mail() function on 
Windows version of PHP. Same scripts on Unix version works fain.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14202&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14188 Updated: The make crashes

2001-11-22 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14188
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Status: Open
Status: Bogus
Bug Type: *Compile Issues
Operating System: SuSE 7.2
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:

duplicate submission  of bogus #14187

Previous Comments:

[2001-11-22 18:11:23] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Y uso this configure:

 ./configure --with-apxs=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs 
--enable-force-cgi-redirect --enable-discard-patch 
--enable-calendar --enable-FTP --with-java

and the make command gives me this error:

Making all in sapi
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/php-4.0.6/sapi'
Making all in apache
make[2]: Entering directory 
make[3]: Entering directory 
/bin/sh /usr/local/php-4.0.6/libtool --silent 
--mode=compile gcc  -I. -I/usr/local/php-4.0.6/sapi/apache 
-I/usr/local/php-4.0.6/main -I/usr/local/php-4.0.6 
-I/usr/local/apache2/include -I/usr/local/php-4.0.6/Zend 
-I/usr/local/php-4.0.6/TSRM  -DSUPPORT_UTF8 
-DXML_BYTE_ORDER=12 -g -O2  -c sapi_apache.c

If i do not use apxs2 all run and make, but i have not the 
.so archive

Y use  Apache 2.0.16 Beta

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14188&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14187 Updated: The make crashes

2001-11-22 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14187
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Status: Open
Status: Bogus
Bug Type: *Compile Issues
Operating System: SuSE 7.2
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:

you have to use --with-apxs2 for apache2 support

Build shared Apache 2.0 module. FILE is the optional
pathname to the Apache apxs tool; defaults to apxs.

Previous Comments:

[2001-11-22 18:09:19] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Y uso this configure:

 ./configure --with-apxs=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs 
--enable-force-cgi-redirect --enable-discard-patch 
--enable-calendar --enable-FTP --with-java

and the make command gives me this error:

Making all in sapi
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/php-4.0.6/sapi'
Making all in apache
make[2]: Entering directory 
make[3]: Entering directory 
/bin/sh /usr/local/php-4.0.6/libtool --silent 
--mode=compile gcc  -I. -I/usr/local/php-4.0.6/sapi/apache 
-I/usr/local/php-4.0.6/main -I/usr/local/php-4.0.6 
-I/usr/local/apache2/include -I/usr/local/php-4.0.6/Zend 
-I/usr/local/php-4.0.6/TSRM  -DSUPPORT_UTF8 
-DXML_BYTE_ORDER=12 -g -O2  -c sapi_apache.c

If i do not use apxs2 all run and make, but i have not the 
.so archive

Y use  Apache 2.0.16 Beta

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14187&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14183 Updated: Can read POSTed veriable

2001-11-22 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14183
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Status: Open
Status: Bogus
Bug Type: Apache related
Operating System: RedHat6.1
PHP Version: 4.0.4pl1
New Comment:

a value of zero evaluates as false

you want to check 

  if ( isset($pop) )

Previous Comments:

[2001-11-22 15:22:37] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On RedHat7.1 Box with apache generate a HTML form. 
put a dropdown menu as form element.
ie :



If $pop=0 then engine cant read this value, and print "Ops!"

I did try this on 3 servers that uses RedHat7.1 with PHP Version 4.0.3pl1. 

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14183&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14180 Updated: xml in zlib.xml does not use CDATA for code

2001-11-22 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14180
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Summary: Icelandic locale grammar error
Old Status: Open
Status: Bogus
Bug Type: Date/time related
Old Operating System: RedHat 7.1
Operating System: linux
Old PHP Version: 4.0.6
PHP Version: 4.0CVS-2001-11-19
New Comment:

thats an error in the locale file on your system
and not a php problem

good old "garbage in -> garbage out" ;)

Previous Comments:

[2001-11-22 11:38:19] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I am doing this:

setlocale('LC_TIME', 'is_IS');
$tmp_sDate = explode('-', $datestamp);
$sDate = strftime('%d. %B %Y', mktime(10, 0, 0, $tmp_sDate[1], $tmp_sDate[2], 

Then I echo $sDate as the Icelandic date format I want.  But here's the problem.  
There's a grammar error in this, the output from $sDate is like this:
22. Nóvember 2001

But it should be like this:
22. nóvember 2001   (small letter in the beginning of the name of the month).  

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14180&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14130 Updated: xml in zlib.xml does not use CDATA for code

2001-11-20 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14130
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Status: Closed
Status: Assigned
Bug Type: Documentation problem
Operating System: linux
PHP Version: 4.0CVS-2001-11-19
Old Assigned To: 
Assigned To: hholzgra
New Comment:

all examples in en/functions/ up to mbstring.xml
have already been converted, the rest will follow

Previous Comments:

[2001-11-19 22:01:24] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Not all examples have a CDATA section.

[2001-11-19 20:53:01] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

patch below


Index: zlib.xml
RCS file: /repository/phpdoc/en/functions/zlib.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.19
diff -u -r1.19 zlib.xml
--- zlib.xml10 Nov 2001 21:49:42 -  1.19
+++ zlib.xml20 Nov 2001 01:51:21 -
@@ -40,11 +40,11 @@
  Small Zlib Example


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14130&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14119 Updated: Spelling error on manual page "mysql_result"

2001-11-19 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14119
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Status: Open
Status: Closed
Bug Type: Documentation problem
Operating System: RHL 6.1
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:

fixed in CVS

Previous Comments:

[2001-11-19 12:04:24] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On the manual page for the MySQL function "mysql_result", in the first paragraph after 
the function definition, you'll find the phrase

"..., or the field's table dot field's name (tabledname.fieldname)."

The first error is the stray lowercase "d" in the middle of "tablename".

The second error is grammatical - "field's table dot field's name" has one possession 
too many.  You could rephrase it to "field's table dot field name".


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14119&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14115 Updated: localtime() gives wrong year and month

2001-11-19 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14115
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Status: Open
Status: Closed
Bug Type: Documentation problem
Operating System: SuSE Linux 7.1
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:

added a note to phpdoc cvs

Previous Comments:

[2001-11-19 08:50:55] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

the manual does tell about the 1900 offset
for tm_year but not about tm_month starting
at 0

[2001-11-19 08:43:46] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

tm_year is defined to be the number of years since 1900, so 101 is correct, and tm_mon 
starts with January = 0.  This is to match the libc function of the same name.  Do a 
"man localtime" on your system for proof.

[2001-11-19 08:37:25] [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Output from my attached PHP script:

-output starts here-
Server script path: /httpd/kunden/admbping/de/bigping/www/localtime_y2k.php

original 'localtime()' function:

tm_sec => 41
tm_min => 14
tm_hour => 14
tm_mday => 19
tm_mon => 10
tm_year => 101
tm_wday => 1
tm_yday => 322
tm_isdst => 0

my 'localtime_y2k()' function:

tm_sec => 41
tm_min => 14
tm_hour => 14
tm_mday => 19
tm_mon => 11
tm_year => 2001
tm_wday => 1
tm_yday => 322
tm_isdst => 0
-output ends here-

'date' command in bash:

localhost:/httpd/kunden/admbping/de/bigping/www # date
Mon Nov 19 14:14:57 CET 2001




original 'localtime()' function:";
while (list ($key, $val) = each ($timearray_old)) {
echo "$key => $val";
echo "my 'localtime()' function:";
while (list ($key, $val) = each ($timearray)) {
echo "$key => $val";

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14115&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14115 Updated: localtime() gives wrong year and month

2001-11-19 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14115
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Status: Bogus
Status: Open
Old Bug Type: Date/time related
Bug Type: Documentation problem
Operating System: SuSE Linux 7.1
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:

the manual does tell about the 1900 offset
for tm_year but not about tm_month starting
at 0

Previous Comments:

[2001-11-19 08:43:46] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

tm_year is defined to be the number of years since 1900, so 101 is correct, and tm_mon 
starts with January = 0.  This is to match the libc function of the same name.  Do a 
"man localtime" on your system for proof.

[2001-11-19 08:37:25] [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Output from my attached PHP script:

-output starts here-
Server script path: /httpd/kunden/admbping/de/bigping/www/localtime_y2k.php

original 'localtime()' function:

tm_sec => 41
tm_min => 14
tm_hour => 14
tm_mday => 19
tm_mon => 10
tm_year => 101
tm_wday => 1
tm_yday => 322
tm_isdst => 0

my 'localtime_y2k()' function:

tm_sec => 41
tm_min => 14
tm_hour => 14
tm_mday => 19
tm_mon => 11
tm_year => 2001
tm_wday => 1
tm_yday => 322
tm_isdst => 0
-output ends here-

'date' command in bash:

localhost:/httpd/kunden/admbping/de/bigping/www # date
Mon Nov 19 14:14:57 CET 2001




original 'localtime()' function:";
while (list ($key, $val) = each ($timearray_old)) {
echo "$key => $val";
echo "my 'localtime()' function:";
while (list ($key, $val) = each ($timearray)) {
echo "$key => $val";

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14115&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14092 Updated: Associative array,value in array can not be zero

2001-11-17 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14092
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Status: Closed
Status: Bogus
Bug Type: Arrays related
Operating System: linux RH7.0
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:

or even better: use each() or foreach()
to traverse arrays


Previous Comments:

[2001-11-17 06:32:02] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

THis is expected behavior,

if current($pole) evaluates to 0, it's considered false as a while conditition:

while (current($pole)) {  <<<--->>> while (0) {

You want to use:

while (current($pole) !== FALSE) {

[2001-11-17 06:28:33] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Associative arrays seems to be broken in some way.
it is impossible to use something like 


example scripts:




Following script show proper results:

showindex: user_star value: 10
index: user_pohlavi value: U
index: user_count value: 1
index: user_vip value: N
index: user_lang value: CZ
index: user_tld value: CZ
index: user_fags value: A


Script B:



(only thig I change is : $userdata["user_count"]=0; )

give INCORRECT result 

showindex: user_star value: 10
index: user_pohlavi value: U

..and rest of the array gone.

PHP manual say that "A 'key' is either a nonnegative integer or a string...   ..A 
'value' can be anything. ", so I thing I found bug...

My system: RedHat7.0cz , kernel 2.4.10+LIDS 1.0.16,output of PhpInfo() function :

PHP Version 4.0.6 
System Linux porky.devel.redhat.com 2.4.5-7smp #1 SMP Tue Jun 26 14:19:49 EDT 2001 
i686 unknown 
Build Date Aug 27 2001 
Configure Command  './configure' 'i386-redhat-linux' '--prefix=/usr' 
'--exec-prefix=/usr' '--bindir=/usr/bin' '--sbindir=/usr/sbin' '--sysconfdir=/etc' 
'--datadir=/usr/share' '--includedir=/usr/include' '--libdir=/usr/lib' 
'--libexecdir=/usr/libexec' '--localstatedir=/var' '--sharedstatedir=/usr/com' 
'--mandir=/usr/share/man' '--infodir=/usr/share/info' '--prefix=/usr' 
'--with-config-file-path=/etc' '--disable-debug' '--enable-pic' '--disable-rpath' 
'--enable-inline-optimization' '--with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs' '--with-bz2' '--with-curl' 
'--with-db3' '--with-dom' '--with-exec-dir=/usr/bin' '--with-gd' '--with-gdbm' 
'--with-gettext' '--with-jpeg-dir=/usr' '--with-mm' '--with-openssl' '--with-png' 
'--with-regex=system' '--with-ttf' '--with-zlib' '--with-layout=GNU' 
'--enable-debugger' '--enable-ftp' '--enable-magic-quotes' '--enable-safe-mode' 
'--enable-sockets' '--enable-sysvsem' '--enable-sysvshm' '--enable-track-vars' 
'--enable-yp' '--enable-wddx' '--without-mysql' '--without-unixODBC' 
'--without-oracle' '--without-oci8' '--with-pspell' '--with-xml' 
Server API Apache 
Virtual Directory Support disabled 
Configuration File (php.ini) Path /etc/php.ini 
ZEND_DEBUG disabled 
Thread Safety disabled 

 This program makes use of the Zend scripting language engine:
Zend Engine v1.0.6, Copyright (c) 1998-2001 Zend Technologies


PHP 4.0 Credits

PHP Core 
Directive Local Value Master Value 
 On On 
 1 1 
 & & 
 & & 
 Off Off 
 no value no value 
 no value no value 
 no value no value 
 no value no value 
 text/html text/html 
 Off Off 
 no value no value 
 On On 
 On On 
 no value no value 
 On On 
 no value no value 
 2039 2039 
 On On 
 /usr/lib/php4 /usr/lib/php4 
 1 1 
 #FF #FF 
 #FF8000 #FF8000

[PHP-DEV] Bug #14086 Updated: If you use the result set of a insert query, you get a warning message.

2001-11-16 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14086
Updated by: hholzgra
Status: Bogus
Bug Type: MySQL related
Operating System: Linux 2.4
PHP Version: 4.0.4pl1
New Comment:

please *read* the manual page or at least the snippet from the previous message

mysql_query() will only return a result set on SELECT statements 

in any other case it will just return true or false which do not need to be freed

if you realy want to be sure you can do something like

$res = mysql_query(...);
if($res) {
  if(is_resourece($res)) {
... process result set ...
  } else {
... just be happy that your statement succeded ..
} else {
  ... error handling ...

Previous Comments:

[2001-11-16 13:34:16] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

But, can I free a result set that returned mysql_query in mysql_result_free?

Does this code works? :
// here I'm successfully conected using mysql_pconnect();
$result = mysql_query("insert into table1(col1) values(1)");
if($result) {
  // here I get a warning only if I used a insert statment

[2001-11-16 13:11:03] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>From the manual: (http://uk.php.net/manual/en/function.mysql-query.php):

 mysql_query() returns TRUE (non-zero) or FALSE  to indicate whether or not the query 
succeeded. A return value of TRUE means that the query was legal and could be executed 
by the server. It does not indicate anything about the number of rows affected or 
returned. It is perfectly possible for a query to succeed but affect no rows or return 
no rows.

 For SELECT statements, mysql_query() returns a new result identifier that you can 
pass to mysql_result(). When you are done with the result set, you can free the 
resources associated with it by calling mysql_free_result().

Not a bug, but intended behavior >> bogus

[2001-11-16 11:30:05] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Tested in RedHat 7.1 with official updates.

[2001-11-16 11:29:01] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Summary changed

[2001-11-16 11:25:43] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If you use the result set of a insert query, you get a warning message.

// connect
// do an insert
$result = mysql_query("insert into table1(col1) values(1)");
// free a result
// a warning is generated

Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in your_source.php on 
line line_number

RedHat 7.1

'./configure' '--prefix=/usr' '--with-config-file-path=/etc' '--disable-debug' 
'--enable-pic' '--enable-shared' '--enable-inline-optimization' 
'--with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs' '--with-exec-dir=/usr/bin' '--with-regex=system' 
'--with-gettext' '--with-gd' '--with-jpeg-dir=/usr' '--with-png' '--with-zlib' 
'--with-db2' '--with-db3' '--with-gdbm' '--enable-debugger' '--enable-magic-quotes' 
'--enable-safe-mode' '--enable-sockets' '--enable-sysvsem' '--enable-sysvshm' 
'--enable-track-vars' '--enable-yp' '--enable-ftp' '--enable-wddx' '--without-mysql' 
'--without-oracle' '--without-oci8' '--with-xml'

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14086&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14084 Updated: Recursive call of index.php/test=2

2001-11-16 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14084
Updated by: hholzgra
Status: Bogus
Bug Type: Apache related
Operating System: Redhat 7.1
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:

still not a php problem, *and* intended behaviour

if only part of a URL path exists on the server
and points to a file (not directory) 
the web server will call that file and pass
the rest of the URL as $PATH_INFO

so /index.php/test=2 calls /index.php with $PATH_INFO="test=2"

for  the browser will 
strip of what it thinks to be the filename
(as it does not know anything about the server
file system), that is anything after the last 
'/', ending up with "/index.php/", and adds
the relative path from the src attribute
so requesting "/index.php/image1.gif"
which is again treated by the webserver as
a request to /index.php with $PATH_INFO
="image.gif" this time

Previous Comments:

[2001-11-16 10:38:14] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

erm, ofcourse this doesn't work. / is not a valid URL separator.
Ask for support questions on the [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailinglist.
Not a PHP bug > Bogus.

[2001-11-16 10:34:13] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

When we open this url : http://localhost/index.php/test=2

Yep index.php/test=2 not index.php?test=2

Apache open the page index.php one time for every broke link he find in the index.php 
page.  Example :

Simple PHP test page

  Simple PHP test page

Images are broke because the path http://localhost/index.php/image1.gif does not 
exist.  In this case, Apache open 4 times the page index.php.

Here the listing of the log table :

1005924055 /index.php/test=2
1005924055 /index.php/image1.gif
1005924055 /index.php/image2.gif
1005924055 /index.php/image3.gif

We have the same problem on 3 differents servers.

Compilation script :

'./configure' '--with-mysql=/virtual/mysql' '--enable-bcmath' '--with-gd' 
'--with-dbase' '--with-curl' '--with-xml' '--with-pgsql=/virtual/postgres/' 
'--with-imap' '--with-apxs=/virtual/apachedev/bin/apxs'

Apache version :


Php version :

4.0.6 and 4.2.0-dev

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14084&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14053 Updated: Memory leak when using BIG array (>160MBytes)

2001-11-15 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14053
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Status: Open
Status: Feedback
Bug Type: Reproducible crash
Operating System: Linux (2.2.x/2.4.x)
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:

memory once requested by php or apache
is not given back to the operating system
when being freed, its just available for
reuse *within* the process
(won't discuss any further here ...)

and the CPU use you see is a result of
the Zend engine cleaning up the complete
array element by element, including 
reference count handling and variable
destructor calls

i don't know if this could be optimized, 
but this is not a bug, PHP is just not the
right tool for the kind of job you want
it to do here

so the only bug in your report is the freeze
if the apache process realy doesn't respond
anymore. are you sure that it is dead and
that it is not just getting no requests 
served as the sceduler preferes other processes
from the apache process farm as they haven't
used as much resources (esp. CPU-time) yet?

Previous Comments:

[2001-11-15 07:02:16] [EMAIL PROTECTED]


We accumulate approx. 60,000 datasets with 12 columns in the array and manipulate 
nearly half of the fields before we put them back into the db.


[2001-11-15 06:51:09] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It would help also to know which database is this and 
if you have some sort of short example script to add here

[2001-11-15 05:17:50] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

How many elements are there in the array? And isn't there another way to do this?


[2001-11-14 10:47:48] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We do query a database and put the fetched result into some array, whichs keys are the 
first field of the fetched result-row. No problem to get the array build, it eats up 
about 180MBytes from the 2GBytes RAM the server has.

The script works fine, does some manipulation in the array (strings, ints) and 
re-inserts it into the database.

After the script terminates - all output to the browser is done - the Apache-process 
responsible for that request won't free the acquired memory. It instead eats one CPU 
completely for about 3-5minutes and then freezes - with aprox. 180MBytes of reserved 
RAM. (Fire the request 10 times and be sure to have the swap working!)

We currently use:
- HP LC2000r (2*PIII 933MHz, 2GByte RAM, 18GB HDD)
- Linux (Slackware 8.0), glibc2.2.3, Kernel 2.4.13 SMP
- Apache 1.3.22
- PHP 4.0.6
- ZendOptimizer 1.1.0.
Tested and reproduced with:
- Apache 1.3.20, 1.3.17
- w/o ZendOptimizer.
- PHP4.2.0-dev

It'll be nice to hear from you!

Thanks in advance,
 Ingo Bez

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14053&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14068 Updated: 2 while list each dont work

2001-11-15 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14068
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Status: Open
Status: Bogus
Bug Type: Scripting Engine problem
Operating System: Linux
PHP Version: 4.0.5
New Comment:

you have to reset() the arrays before
the loops start to reset the internal
array pointer (see http://php.net/each)

or better use the foreach loop instead
of while/each

Previous Comments:

[2001-11-15 06:56:24] [EMAIL PROTECTED]


'./configure' '--with-mysql' '--with-apache=../apache_1.3.20' '--with-gd=../gd-1.8.3' 

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14068&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #14008 Updated: $_POST/$_FILES when uploaded file is too large

2001-11-10 Thread hholzgra

ID: 14008
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Status: Open
Status: Feedback
Bug Type: Unknown/Other Function
Operating System: RHL 7.1
PHP Version: 4.0CVS-2001-11-10
Old Assigned To: 
Assigned To: hholzgra
New Comment:

so what do you expect?

the file is to big, so it is rejected

and the submit button is most likely
placed after the file input in the form
so its data comes after the file data in
the post so its behind the limit, too ...

Previous Comments:

[2001-11-10 09:12:47] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Version is 4.2.0-dev.

When using the following script:

If an uploaded file is smaller than the limit, then it prints the stuff as expected, 
however if the uploaded file is too large, then the _POST is missing information and 
$_FILES is completely empty.

For example. If the file is ok, this is what I got printed:

[hidden] => blah
[submit] => Submit Query
[fileupload] => Array
[name] => expat-1.95.2.tar.gz
[type] => application/x-gzip-compressed
[tmp_name] => /tmp/phpQg7diG
[size] => 190316


And if the file is larger than 2Mb, this is what's printed:

[hidden] => blah

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=14008&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #13888 Updated: Date + October

2001-10-31 Thread hholzgra

ID: 13888
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Status: Open
Status: Feedback
Bug Type: Date/time related
Operating System: Red Hat 6.2
PHP Version: 4.0.4pl1
New Comment:

might be daylight saving time related?

it's always better to use mktime(12,0,0,...
instead of mktime(0,0,0,... 
when you care about date only but not time ...

Previous Comments:

[2001-10-31 11:57:25] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have a problem with date() function;

In my PC, Today is 31-October-2001.
I would like to obtain precedent month and next month with this clause:

$month_before = date('m',  mktime(0,0,0,date("m")-1,date("d"),date("Y")));

$month_next = date('m',  mktime(0,0,0,date("m")+1,date("d"),date("Y")));

Surprisingly, I get this result:
$month_before is equal to 10
$month_next is equal to 12

This error just ocurrs this day "31-10-2001". Another day is ok.

I don't understand it !!!

Can anyone help me ??

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=13888&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #13869 Updated: Object are not correctly serialized

2001-10-30 Thread hholzgra

ID: 13869
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Status: Open
Status: Feedback
Bug Type: Session related
Operating System: Linux Red-Hat 7.1
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:

changed to feedback status

Previous Comments:

[2001-10-30 08:04:01] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

if this is really the complete code then i'd
guess you have session.auto_start enabled in
your php.ini?

if not then i'd recomend you create a special
include file for session startup that includes
all your class definitions and calls session_start()
on its last line

include this file at the very top of every
file that uses session data so that you can 
ensure that you have all class definitions 
read in *before* the session file is read

there is no feature for automagicaly including
class definitions for objects in a session (yet)
as we do not have a 1:1 mapping between file
and class names as java has so that the engine 
has no way to figure out which file to include 
for an object

[2001-10-30 07:17:08] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This bug made me searching 4 days...

First take a class definition in a file called "testclass.php":

class test{
  var $attribut;

Then make a "main.php" who contains :


//HTML header
echo "";

//Define frames
echo '';

echo '';

echo '';

echo '';

//THE main frame :
echo '';

//End of the frames
echo "";
echo "";

//End of HTML
echo "";

Now we define the "mainframe.php" :


Let's define "test.php" :

if (!isset($dummy)){
$dummy = new testclass();
$dummy->attribut = "foo bar";
echo $dummy->attribut;

When I refresh the mainframe it says :
"fatal error : The script tried to execute a method or access a property of an 
incomplete object. Please ensure that class definition (...).

The bug report #13298 give a walk arround :
include the class definition before the session_start but I can't do it beceause I've 
to start my session in the frame-definition-page.

I've to make an important presentation of our project in a few days and this problem 
is causing to me a lot of trouble...
I need some help!

Thx a lot!

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=13869&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #13869 Updated: Object are not correctly serialized

2001-10-30 Thread hholzgra

ID: 13869
Updated by: hholzgra
Status: Open
Bug Type: Session related
Operating System: Linux Red-Hat 7.1
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:

if this is really the complete code then i'd
guess you have session.auto_start enabled in
your php.ini?

if not then i'd recomend you create a special
include file for session startup that includes
all your class definitions and calls session_start()
on its last line

include this file at the very top of every
file that uses session data so that you can 
ensure that you have all class definitions 
read in *before* the session file is read

there is no feature for automagicaly including
class definitions for objects in a session (yet)
as we do not have a 1:1 mapping between file
and class names as java has so that the engine 
has no way to figure out which file to include 
for an object

Previous Comments:

[2001-10-30 07:17:08] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This bug made me searching 4 days...

First take a class definition in a file called "testclass.php":

class test{
  var $attribut;

Then make a "main.php" who contains :


//HTML header
echo "";

//Define frames
echo '';

echo '';

echo '';

echo '';

//THE main frame :
echo '';

//End of the frames
echo "";
echo "";

//End of HTML
echo "";

Now we define the "mainframe.php" :


Let's define "test.php" :

if (!isset($dummy)){
$dummy = new testclass();
$dummy->attribut = "foo bar";
echo $dummy->attribut;

When I refresh the mainframe it says :
"fatal error : The script tried to execute a method or access a property of an 
incomplete object. Please ensure that class definition (...).

The bug report #13298 give a walk arround :
include the class definition before the session_start but I can't do it beceause I've 
to start my session in the frame-definition-page.

I've to make an important presentation of our project in a few days and this problem 
is causing to me a lot of trouble...
I need some help!

Thx a lot!

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=13869&edit=1

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