Re: [PHP] big database with php ?

2001-03-01 Thread Chris Lee
on a 45mb table with 31,470 rows mysql takes this long. mysql SELECT stockno from products; ... 31470 rows in set (2.34 sec) mysql not exactly great performance, if I put two 'LIKE' statments and an 'ORDER BY' clause then we're at 8 sec this is on a PII500 512mb ram linux.mysql

Re: [PHP] big database with php ?

2001-03-01 Thread Julian Wood
Definitely something wrong with your setup, if a query takes as long as 2 hours. I could see maybe 2 seconds to return all 31000 rows, but why would you ever need all 31000 rows? Put a limit on it to say 20 or 30 and you'll get fast performance. If your columns are indexed, the order by won't