[PHP] Users, groups, and permissions

2010-01-23 Thread clancy_1
I am using a Quadra Hosting Multi Domain (http://www.quadrahosting.com.au/) to 
host five
different domains. As site owner I have FTP access to the root directory, and to
everything underneath it. There is no domain directly attached to the root. 
Each domain
has its own directory tree under the root directory, and I have a separate 
Engine containing the PHP code for all the sites. Each domain directory has a 
series of
data files defining the various pages, optionally some configuration files, and 
a very
short program index.php, which sets up a few user variables, and then passes 
control to
the main program in Engine (by including it). The Engine processes a set of 
and from these generates the actual page which is passed to the user. The data 
files are
almost entirely simple text files, and I do not use a database.

The permissions are currently as they were set up by the provider. All 
directories in the
system have permissions drwxr-xr-x, and all other files rw-r--r-- (when I read 
them as
site owner -- I don't know if they are somehow changed when I access the site by
downloading a page from one of the domains). I can load and run any of the 
files in Engine
by including them into Index.php, and I can include images anywhere in the 
domain in the
current page. I can also download them directly by quoting their full path. I 
can also
show pages defined by data files in Engine, but I can neither show nor download 
images in
Engine. I haven't tried accessing pages in other domains.

As the permissions for group and others are the same for all directories, and 
all files, I
don't understand how I can download images in the current domain, but not in 
Engine. Is it
possible to reset the permissions so that different values are seen from 
domains, and how can I tell which group I am actually in when I access a 
domain? Also is it possible to temporarily include a user in group, if they are 
already there?


(The PHP manual has been down all day, and Google is not particularly helpful 
for this
type of thing unless you already know the terminology, so I have largely been 
in the dark. And when you look up 'user permissions' most books immediately 

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Re: [PHP] Cookies & sessions

2010-01-23 Thread clancy_1
On Sat, 23 Jan 2010 15:10:11 +, nrix...@gmail.com (Nathan Rixham) wrote:

>To answer your specific questions though - what can be done to make this
>process more secure - no matter what approach you take, when working via
>http and needing logged in / secure functionality; you need the client
>to identify themselves with a key of some sort - no matter how you make
>the key it's always going to be passed via http (GET/POST/COOKIE) - if
>some "hacker" passes the same key then your system is going to think
>it's the original user and give them access.
>To make it trickier you can store information such as the users IP
>address, user agent string etc in session and compare it on each
>request; if it changes log the user out and destroy the session data -
>however your never going to protect against the most common form of
>"hacking", a nosy co-worker / person in the same house having a nosey
>while the user is at the toilet / making a brew. This is why many sites
>re-request password confirmation for potentially sensitive actions like
>transferring money, changing personal details and so forth (and send
>email confirmations to tell the user what changed - just in case).
>It must be pointed out though that non of this is worth even considering
>if you have sensitive ports (like ftp/ssh/mysql) open to the outside
>world as it's these back doors people will use to hack the whole server,
>not just one users personal account on a single site. Also protect
>against SQL injection attacks by sanitizing your data and so forth.

Thank you for your thoughtful suggestions. I totally agree. If someone goes 
sniffing, or
the like, they might be able to get somewhat limited access to the domain. On 
the other
hand if they can crack the FTP, and get into the master server, they can 
download the
whole site. 

>Finally, view it as your responsibility to never store anything personal
>or identifying (or in fact anything) on the client side in a cookie -
>one simple key (session_id) in the cookie and everything on the safe
>secure server is the way to go.

I have thought of storing customising information for a particular user in a 
cookie, but
it would simply consist of a set of parameter values. As they would be 
processed in
exactly the same way as if they had been entered as parameters they would 
represent no more, or less, threat than the parameters which are essential to 
operation of the site (and which can readily be read, or bookmarked -- or, on 
experimented with). 

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Re: [PHP] Cookies & sessions

2010-01-23 Thread clancy_1
On Sat, 23 Jan 2010 09:32:37 -0500, tedd.sperl...@gmail.com (tedd) wrote:

>At 1:13 PM +1100 1/23/10, clanc...@cybec.com.au wrote:
>>  but I would be grateful for any suggestions how I
>>could make this procedure more secure.
>We have given you advice that you should NOT use Cookies in any 
>fashion to secure your site, but you remain steadfast that you know 
>better -- so, what else can we say other than good luck.

BUT you have told me to use sessions, and sessions use a Cookie!

If the Cookie I use contains random data, the only difference in security is in 
the time
that it remains valid.  Neither contains any useful information, but while they 
are valid
both will enable you to bypass security.

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Re: [PHP] Cookies & sessions

2010-01-23 Thread Michael A. Peters

tedd wrote:

At 1:13 PM +1100 1/23/10, clanc...@cybec.com.au wrote:

 but I would be grateful for any suggestions how I
could make this procedure more secure.

We have given you advice that you should NOT use Cookies in any fashion 
to secure your site, but you remain steadfast that you know better -- 
so, what else can we say other than good luck.


These are my basic guidelines - what I like to do.
It may not be the best thing for every type od web site.

1) I have a user database that has username and a password hash. The 
password itself is never stored.

The password hash is sha1sum(strtolower($username) . $salt . $password)

The salt is something like 5dgudsdgh5673g and should be stored as a 
private variable in your user authentication class.

The reason I have the username there to is because some passwords are 
very popular, using the username when generating the hash ensures that 
two users with identical password will have different hashes. This is 
important if an sql injection attack ever manages to get a dump of your 
user database.

You should protect against sql injection by using prepared statements 
for any database query that involves user submitted data (such as 
username and password) but you still want to make sure that hashes are 
unique, and you do that by adding the username to the salt.

When a user successfully logs in, the unique id of the user is then 
stored as a session variable.

For administrative tasks, in addition to requiring that the user be 
logged in to an account with admin privileges, all administrative tasks 
are in a directory that is protected by apache authentication.

So to get to those kind of pages, the user has to have a 
username/password that is stored in a .htpasswd file for Apache to let 
them in AND they have to be logged in as a user that has been 
authenticated as an administrative user.

I personally do all login via https so that username/password combos are 
never sent plain text. That's more expensive because you need to 
purchase a SSL certificate. You can use self-signed but it is better to 
use an SSL certificate from a certificate authority.

For session security, I have the following directives set in my php.ini 

session.use_only_cookies = 1
- That prevents the session id from being sent via get.
session.cookie_lifetime = 0
- That instructs the browser to delete the cookie when the browsing 
session ends.

session.cookie_httponly = 1
- That theoretically denies access to the cookie from scripting 
languages. I say theoretically because when testing my site for XSS 
security, I was initially able to get some XSS attacks to display my 
session id (tested in firefox 2 w/o noscript - noscript blocked it even 
with the domain allowed), so they were getting it somehow.

Since I have secure login which is a different domain from main domain, 
in my web app itself I set

if (file_exists('/srv/path/DEVEL')) {
   } else {

That way, secure.mydomain.org (which is used for login) uses the same 
session variable as www.mydomain.org (used for rest of site) so that 
when the user logs in, the session variable that specifies the user on 
the non secure domain gets updated when the user logs in on the secure 

There are several good php books that discuss session security and php 
web applications. I don't remember which books I used when learning my 
technique, but it would be a good idea to buy or borrow some recent 
books on php web application design.

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Re: [PHP] memory efficient hash table extension? like lchash ...

2010-01-23 Thread shiplu
On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 3:11 AM, D. Dante Lorenso  wrote:
> All,
> I'm loading millions of records into a backend PHP cli script that I
> need to build a hash index from to optimize key lookups for data that
> I'm importing into a MySQL database.  The problem is that storing this
> data in a PHP array is not very memory efficient and my millions of
> records are consuming about 4-6 GB of ram.

What are you storing? An array of row objects??
In that case storing only the row id is will reduce the memory.

If you are loading full row objects, it will take a lot of memory.
But if you just load the row id values, it will significantly decrease
the memory amount.

Besides, You can load row ids in a chunk by chunk basis. if you have
10 millions of rows to process. load 1 rows as a chunk. process
them then load the next chunk.  This will significantly reduce memory

A good algorithm can solve your problem anytime. ;-)

Shiplu Mokaddim
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[PHP] memory efficient hash table extension? like lchash ...

2010-01-23 Thread D. Dante Lorenso


I'm loading millions of records into a backend PHP cli script that I
need to build a hash index from to optimize key lookups for data that
I'm importing into a MySQL database.  The problem is that storing this
data in a PHP array is not very memory efficient and my millions of
records are consuming about 4-6 GB of ram.

I have tried using some external key/value storage solutions like
MemcacheDB, MongoDB, and straight MySQL, but none of these are fast
enough for what I'm trying to do.

Then I found the "lchash" extension for PHP and it looks like exactly
what I want.  It's a c-lib hash which is accessed from PHP.  Using it
would be slightly slower than using straight PHP arrays, but would be
much more memory efficient since not all data needs to be stored as PHP
zvals, etc.

Problem is that the lchash extension can't ben installed in my PHP 5.3 
build because "pecl install lchash" fails with a message about invalid 
checksum on the README file.  Apparently this extension has been 
neglected and abandoned and hasn't been updated since 2005.

Is there something like lchash that *is* being maintained?  What would 
you all suggest?

-- Dante

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Re: [PHP] Re: http vs https

2010-01-23 Thread Adam Richardson
Just as a warning, I have worked on linux servers where this did not work,
perhaps because of what silverquick points out:

I think the HTTPS element will only be present under Apache 2.x. It's not in
> the list of "special" variables here:
> http://httpd.apache.org/docs/1.3/mod/mod_rewrite.html#RewriteCond

But it is here:


Again, not sure that was the issue, but I know there have been some linux
servers that didn't provide this information, so make sure you test it out


On Sat, Jan 23, 2010 at 12:44 PM, Nathan Rixham  wrote:

> Ben Miller wrote:
> > Is there a PHP function that will return whether the request was http or
> > https?  I have functions that need to cURL other servers - sometimes over
> > SSL, sometimes not, depending whether the function is called from
> > http://www.mydomain.com/script_that_calls_function.php or
> > https://www.mydomain.com/script_that_calls_function.php
> >
> > Hope the question is clear.  Thanks,
> >
> Set to a non-empty value if the script was queried through the HTTPS
> protocol.
> --
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[PHP] Re: http vs https

2010-01-23 Thread Nathan Rixham
Ben Miller wrote:
> Is there a PHP function that will return whether the request was http or
> https?  I have functions that need to cURL other servers - sometimes over
> SSL, sometimes not, depending whether the function is called from
> http://www.mydomain.com/script_that_calls_function.php or
> https://www.mydomain.com/script_that_calls_function.php
> Hope the question is clear.  Thanks,

Set to a non-empty value if the script was queried through the HTTPS

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Re: [PHP] http vs https

2010-01-23 Thread Jonathan Tapicer

isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) should do it.



On Sat, Jan 23, 2010 at 2:11 PM, Ben Miller  wrote:
> Is there a PHP function that will return whether the request was http or
> https?  I have functions that need to cURL other servers - sometimes over
> SSL, sometimes not, depending whether the function is called from
> http://www.mydomain.com/script_that_calls_function.php or
> https://www.mydomain.com/script_that_calls_function.php
> Hope the question is clear.  Thanks,
> Ben

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[PHP] http vs https

2010-01-23 Thread Ben Miller
Is there a PHP function that will return whether the request was http or
https?  I have functions that need to cURL other servers - sometimes over
SSL, sometimes not, depending whether the function is called from
http://www.mydomain.com/script_that_calls_function.php or


Hope the question is clear.  Thanks,





RE: Re: [PHP] 大客户营 销策略与区域市 场开发 (#8234-160784021-2959)

2010-01-23 Thread Customer Service
Dear Mr. Marc Hall,

Thank you for contacting Nordstrom.com. My apologies, however I was unable to 
view or translate your message.  We do not have anyone here that speaks 

At this time, we are only able to accept chats and e-mails in Spanish or 
English. Please give us a call at 206.303.4700, and we can get an interpreter 
on the line to assist you.
Please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns at 
206.303.4700. Thank you for shopping with Nordstrom.


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-Original Message-
From: Shawn McKenzie (nos...@mckenzies.net)
Sent: Jan 23, 2010 10:35:32 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP] 大客户营销策略与区域市场开发

Marc Hall wrote:
> Anyone speak Chinese?

Google does, sort of:

"Great customer marketing strategies, regional market development and
sales team management and control gold Tactical Training Workshop"

Date: January 2010 22-24 (Shanghai)
Date: January 2010 29-31 (Shenzhen)

   By the end of final, favorable to thank old and new customers; 3800
yuan / person (buy one get one, no discounts)
-- -
Object】 【Course chairman, general manager, marketing vice president,
major account manager, region manager / regional manager,
Channel manager, marketing director, brand managers and other middle and
senior management.

【Background】 Course:
  China Marketing short period of 20 years walked the West path of a
hundred years, local enterprise has been through the market
Competition, trials and hardships, in learning the practice of growing
up in the error correction, a considerable number of enterprises to
master a marketing
The essence of management theory and practice in the operating skills,
can be sustained, rapid and healthy development; however,
Some have been popular in China's north and south river, all-powerful in
the market well-known enterprises, but due to marketing
Management, there are numerous errors, and ultimately failed to get out
from the brilliant to the failure of low-level reincarnation! Overall
Case, failure or difficult to break through business problems is
reflected in: In the market development, the lack of effective
A viable market development strategy and the regional market and
standardize management, the lack of a breakthrough in the market for
large customers
Effective mining and system management; internal management, the lack of
a strong front-line sales force, which lead
To difficult for local enterprises to grow by leaps and bounds. Viable
regional market development and management, scientific and rational
The big customer marketing techniques and strategies, sales force combat
effectiveness, these three capabilities is a matter of corporate marketing
The core elements of victory. This course will help you build a
comprehensive and effective system of market penetration.

【Course】 benefits:
* By keeping customer development strategy to enhance the large customer
sales skills and abilities; effective integration company
Resources, and big clients manage strategic alliances in order to
establish a good relationship
* Learn about the regional market analysis and management methods, and
study the development of regional plans and implementation steps, to
know more about
Kinds of regional daily operation of the management skills.
* Know how to brand and marketing end-to understand the brand strategy
of enterprises and terminal Gonglue regional markets
To promote the development of the role.
* To strengthen the functions of the various marketing team spirit
between departments to achieve overall synergy. To establish a fair high -
Effective assessment incentives to build high-performance sales team.

【Course Outline】:

Day 1: "Regional Market Development and Management"
First, the regional market growth and performance
1, the regional market in the geographical concept
2, the regional market in the product concept
3 Aspects of the regional market transformation of the operational
4, using what the determinants of the regional business model
5, the regional marketing strategy

Second, the regional market development strategy
1, the market potential assessment
* Consumer Analysis
* Competition Analysis
* Industry Analysis
* Company's own resources analysis
2, the marketing objective programming
* Dominant Index
* Potential indicators
* Regional Location
* Offensive and defensive positioning
3, marketing strategy formulation
* Product mix strategy
* Pricing
* Channel Strategy
* Marketing Communication Strategy
* Case: "dogs rules of survival" - Ya-off benefit the survival of dental
4, the regional market as a whole deployment strategy (plane management)
* The use of regional conditions
* Design of regional distribution strategy
* Width of the distribution of the 

Re: [PHP] 大客户营销策略与区域市场开发

2010-01-23 Thread Shawn McKenzie
Marc Hall wrote:
> Anyone speak Chinese?

Google does, sort of:

"Great customer marketing strategies, regional market development and
sales team management and control gold Tactical Training Workshop"

Date: January 2010 22-24 (Shanghai)
Date: January 2010 29-31 (Shenzhen)

   By the end of final, favorable to thank old and new customers; 3800
yuan / person (buy one get one, no discounts)
-- -
Object】 【Course chairman, general manager, marketing vice president,
major account manager, region manager / regional manager,
Channel manager, marketing director, brand managers and other middle and
senior management.

【Background】 Course:
  China Marketing short period of 20 years walked the West path of a
hundred years, local enterprise has been through the market
Competition, trials and hardships, in learning the practice of growing
up in the error correction, a considerable number of enterprises to
master a marketing
The essence of management theory and practice in the operating skills,
can be sustained, rapid and healthy development; however,
Some have been popular in China's north and south river, all-powerful in
the market well-known enterprises, but due to marketing
Management, there are numerous errors, and ultimately failed to get out
from the brilliant to the failure of low-level reincarnation! Overall
Case, failure or difficult to break through business problems is
reflected in: In the market development, the lack of effective
A viable market development strategy and the regional market and
standardize management, the lack of a breakthrough in the market for
large customers
Effective mining and system management; internal management, the lack of
a strong front-line sales force, which lead
To difficult for local enterprises to grow by leaps and bounds. Viable
regional market development and management, scientific and rational
The big customer marketing techniques and strategies, sales force combat
effectiveness, these three capabilities is a matter of corporate marketing
The core elements of victory. This course will help you build a
comprehensive and effective system of market penetration.

【Course】 benefits:
* By keeping customer development strategy to enhance the large customer
sales skills and abilities; effective integration company
Resources, and big clients manage strategic alliances in order to
establish a good relationship
* Learn about the regional market analysis and management methods, and
study the development of regional plans and implementation steps, to
know more about
Kinds of regional daily operation of the management skills.
* Know how to brand and marketing end-to understand the brand strategy
of enterprises and terminal Gonglue regional markets
To promote the development of the role.
* To strengthen the functions of the various marketing team spirit
between departments to achieve overall synergy. To establish a fair high -
Effective assessment incentives to build high-performance sales team.

【Course Outline】:

Day 1: "Regional Market Development and Management"
First, the regional market growth and performance
1, the regional market in the geographical concept
2, the regional market in the product concept
3 Aspects of the regional market transformation of the operational
4, using what the determinants of the regional business model
5, the regional marketing strategy

Second, the regional market development strategy
1, the market potential assessment
* Consumer Analysis
* Competition Analysis
* Industry Analysis
* Company's own resources analysis
2, the marketing objective programming
* Dominant Index
* Potential indicators
* Regional Location
* Offensive and defensive positioning
3, marketing strategy formulation
* Product mix strategy
* Pricing
* Channel Strategy
* Marketing Communication Strategy
* Case: "dogs rules of survival" - Ya-off benefit the survival of dental
4, the regional market as a whole deployment strategy (plane management)
* The use of regional conditions
* Design of regional distribution strategy
* Width of the distribution of the regional management of specific
operational features
* Depth distribution of the regional management of specific operational
5, rapid access to regional markets
* "Rally" to enter
* "Offensive" to enter
* "Homeopathic" to enter
* "Contrarian" to enter
* The core of the regional market Gonglue
6, the regional market operations Panorama
1, analysis of the status quo
2, set goals
3, production sales map
4, the market segmentation
5, adopt a "forward strategy" or "pull strategy"
6, to deal with competitors
7, Case: Coca-Cola recipe for success

Third, the regional market expansion and to maintain
1, the regional market expansion strategy
* The price-led strategy of crowding
* Advertising-led strategy of crowding
* The channel-led strategy of crowding
* The service-oriented strategy of crowding
2, line management - rou

Re: [PHP] Cookies & sessions

2010-01-23 Thread Nathan Rixham
clanc...@cybec.com.au wrote:
> On Thu, 21 Jan 2010 22:00:30 +, a...@ashleysheridan.co.uk (Ashley 
> Sheridan) wrote:
>> On Fri, 2010-01-22 at 08:58 +1100, clanc...@cybec.com.au wrote:
>>> On Thu, 21 Jan 2010 08:54:44 -0500, tedd.sperl...@gmail.com (tedd) wrote:
 At 12:15 PM +1100 1/21/10, clanc...@cybec.com.au wrote:
> On Wed, 20 Jan 2010 20:05:42 -0200, bsfaja...@gmail.com (Bruno Fajardo) 
> wrote:
>  >Well, I hope this information is helpful.
> Yes, thanks to everyone who contributed.  I now have a better 
> understanding of what
> cookies are, and have turned on output buffering, enabling me to put 
> the handler where I
> want, and still be able to debug it.
> Clancy
 One last thing.

 I use sessions for the storage of variables I need between pages, but 
 I use cookies to leave data on the user's computer in case they come 
 back to my site and want to pick up where they left off.

 Both operations store variables, but are for different purposes.
>>> Yes; I'm doing that too.  I am setting up a private website, and using 
>>> cookies to control
>>> access to it.
>>> Clancy
>> Don't use cookies, use sessions for this. Information stored in cookies
>> is susceptible to being read by pretty much anyone, hence the scare of
>> using cookies that people get. Cookies in themselves are not the
>> problem, but using them for anything you want to keep safe, like login
>> details, etc, is a bad idea. Generally, a session ID is stored in the
>> cookie, which gives nothing away to anyone trying to read it.
> Thank you all for your comments.
> My reasoning in using a cookie for user recognition, rather than relying on 
> the session
> ID, was that with a cookie I could ensure that the connection effectively 
> lasted for some
> specified period, whereas the session ID lifetime seems to be somewhat short 
> and
> ill-defined.  In this way I can be sure that the user will not be logged out 
> unexpectedly.
> The actual value of the cookie I use is an MD5 hash of some user information 
> with an
> additional random component, so that it would be extremely difficult to 
> extract anything
> useful from it.  It could equally be a random number, as it is verified by 
> matching with a
> value stored on the server.  I am also considering changing it every so often 
> (every
> hour?) while the user is logged in, so that an old value would be useless to 
> a hacker.
> At present I am using a normal text window for the user to log in, and I 
> suspect that this
> is by far the weakest link in the system.  The website is relatively obscure, 
> and there is
> nothing particularly valuable on it, but I would be grateful for any 
> suggestions how I
> could make this procedure more secure.

session_id's are (normally) saved in the cookie; and serve as a key to
identify a user; so you store all your session based data for a user
(such as the fact they are logged in) server side; then assign that info
a key; then give that key to the users client so you can recognise them;
this *is* what sessions do, session_id is that key, done automatically,
via a cookie - to replicate this functionality with your own version is
frankly a waste of time.

It appears the problem here is that your sessions are timing out too
quickly, two simple approaches would be to boost the session lifetime to
last longer OR create a quick (ajax) request every X minutes to keep the
user logged in when inactive (which they may not want).

To answer your specific questions though - what can be done to make this
process more secure - no matter what approach you take, when working via
http and needing logged in / secure functionality; you need the client
to identify themselves with a key of some sort - no matter how you make
the key it's always going to be passed via http (GET/POST/COOKIE) - if
some "hacker" passes the same key then your system is going to think
it's the original user and give them access.

To make it trickier you can store information such as the users IP
address, user agent string etc in session and compare it on each
request; if it changes log the user out and destroy the session data -
however your never going to protect against the most common form of
"hacking", a nosy co-worker / person in the same house having a nosey
while the user is at the toilet / making a brew. This is why many sites
re-request password confirmation for potentially sensitive actions like
transferring money, changing personal details and so forth (and send
email confirmations to tell the user what changed - just in case).

It must be pointed out though that non of this is worth even considering
if you have sensitive ports (like ftp/ssh/mysql) open to the outside
world as it's these back doors people will use to hack the whole server,
not just one users personal account on a single site. Also protect
against SQL injection attacks by sanitizing your d

Re: [PHP] Cookies & sessions

2010-01-23 Thread tedd

At 1:13 PM +1100 1/23/10, clanc...@cybec.com.au wrote:

 but I would be grateful for any suggestions how I
could make this procedure more secure.

We have given you advice that you should NOT use Cookies in any 
fashion to secure your site, but you remain steadfast that you know 
better -- so, what else can we say other than good luck.


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Re: [PHP] 大客户营销策略与区域市场开发

2010-01-23 Thread hack988 hack988
It's Spam.Have some administor for this mail-list can block this email address?

2010/1/22 Bipper Goes! :
> OP: Watch your mouth.
> 2010/1/21 Kaya Saman 
>> Marc Hall wrote:
>>> From: Ashley Sheridan [mailto:a...@ashleysheridan.co.uk] Sent: Thursday,
>>> January 21, 2010 11:18 AM
>>> To: Marc Hall
>>> Cc: 'sssumjeg'; php-general@lists.php.net
>>> Subject: RE: [PHP] 大客户营销策略与区域市场开发
>>> On Thu, 2010-01-21 at 11:15 -0500, Marc Hall wrote:
>>>  Anyone speak Chinese?
>>> [snip/]
>>> >From the looks of it, it appears to be one of those "amazing job offer"
>>> spam emails, but I can't read Chinese myself.
>> If it's an 'Amazing' job offer perhaps I should inquire as China is a lot
>> better then Turkey for IT jobs (where I am now)!
>> Perhaps they might take me in as a Cisco and UNIX engineer and once I get
>> over there after being picked up by a dark panel van or minibus perhaps wake
>> up somewhere in downtown Shanghai with scars in the locations of my vital
>> organs :-P
>> I'm betting it's 100% mostly a scam as normally only people who wish to ask
>> questions or collaborate use these lists 99.9% of the time. The rest are
>> either clueless, time wasters, or spam emails! Of course many of you guys
>> already know this and am just stating the obvious here :-)
>> ok time for me to get spamming the other mailling lists: (ha oops did I
>> just say that out loud?? hahahah ;-P )
>> Regards,
>> Kaya
>> --
>> PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
>> To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

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Re: [PHP] Subversion Ubuntu client

2010-01-23 Thread Nathan Rixham
shiplu wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 23, 2010 at 10:58 AM, Skip Evans  wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> Can anyone recommend a good Subversion client for Ubuntu?
> If you use an ide, there should be a subversion client for it. its
> better to manage from ide.

eclipse + pdt2 + subversive/svnkit = works (very well) for me

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Re: [PHP] 304 Not Modified header not working within a class

2010-01-23 Thread Camilo Sperberg
Problem solved!!!

Everything was working ok with PHP. My class was working ok. The engineering
and logic behind PHP was working. So... what was the problem? Apache...
well, it wasn't a problem, but a misconfiguration or better said, a
In my first message, I stated: (quote)

> there is no way I can send a 304 Not Modified header, when the data is
> *over* ~100 bytes.

After 8 hours of working with this problem (which included sniffering and a
lot of workarounds), and while I was smoking my final cigarrette before
going to bed, I remembered that some time ago (well, some time like 2 years
ago xD), I had enabled mod_disk_cache, with the following configuration:

  CacheRoot /tmp/apachecache/
  CacheEnable disk /
  CacheDirLength 1
  CacheDirLevels 5
  CacheMaxFileSize 128000
  *CacheMinFileSize 100*

I commented that part, restarted Apache and bingo Instantly I had an 304
What do I think the problem was? Whenever Apache received a request, it
handled it directly from _his_ cache and simply omitted what PHP was telling
him to do. The weird thing was that the class entered the 304 header part,
but Apache always ended up sending an 200 OK header and then the CSS. In
first place it shouldn't have sended the CSS because when I entered the 304
part, it should have died. It simply couldn't send any other output. (And
that was why I sniffered, if it shouldn't send the CSS; he must have been
send some kind of error, but my surprise was really big when I saw that the
raw data was just plain CSS, no other data was present).
Why was Apache then sending a 304 whenever the data was under the 100 byte
limit? Because he didn't have it in his cache and was obeying what PHP told
him to do. (This configuration created a cache whenever the file size is
between the 100 and 128000 bytes).

Anyway... now I will be publishing the class soon on phpclasses.org under
the BSD license. I'll work now on documentation and code cleanup but
whenever it is ready I will leave the link in this same list (if it is
allowed) xD

Greetings, a lot of thanks to Richard for his code and Rene for his
suggestion to take a look at Apache and good night :P (Despite being 7AM xD)

On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 21:16, Camilo Sperberg wrote:

> On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 04:34, richard gray  wrote:
>> Camilo Sperberg wrote:
>>> Hi list, my first message here :)
>>> To the point: I'm programming a class that takes several CSS files,
>>> parses,
>>> compresses and saves into a cache file. However, I would like to go a
>>> step
>>> further and also use the browser cache, handling the 304 and 200 header
>>> types myself.
>>> Now, what is the problem? If I do it within a function, there is
>>> absolutely
>>> no problem, everything works like a charm. However, when I implement that
>>> same concept into my class, there is no way I can send a 304 Not Modified
>>> header, when the data is *over* ~100 bytes.
>> Hi Camilo
>> For what it is worth I have implemented cacheing in a class and for me the
>> 304 not modified header gets sent fine ... some example headers output is
>> below together with the relevant code snippet..
>> // See if client sent a page modified header to see if we can
>> // just send a not modified header instead
>> if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']) &&
>> $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'] == self::$_gmmodtime) {
>>   header('HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified');
>>   return null;
>> }
>> if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH']) &&
>> stripslashes($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH']) == self::$_etag) {
>>   header('HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified');
>>   return null;
>> }
>> HTTP/1.x 304 Not Modified
>> Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2010 07:21:32 GMT
>> Server: Apache/2.2.11 (Ubuntu)
>> Connection: Keep-Alive
>> Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=1000
>> Etag: 444fbd9951f540ec1b6928db864c10dc
>> Expires: Sun, 24 Jan 2010 06:16:06 GMT
>> Cache-Control: public, must-revalidate
>> Vary: Accept-Encoding
>> I hope it helps..
>> Regards
>> Rich
> I'll try this (and some other things I recently thought about) when I get
> back home on friday :) I'll keep you updated.
> Thanks!
> --
> Mailed by:
> UnReAl4U - unreal4u
> ICQ #: 54472056
> www1: http://www.chw.net/
> www2: http://unreal4u.com/

Mailed by:
UnReAl4U - unreal4u
ICQ #: 54472056
www1: http://www.chw.net/
www2: http://unreal4u.com/

Re: [PHP] Weird Array Issue...

2010-01-23 Thread Jochem Maas
Op 1/23/10 3:28 AM, Don Wieland schreef:
> Hi,
> I have defined a stored procedure in my mySQL DB and when I call the
> procedure in my mySQL browser it returns the CORRECT results:
> CREATE definer=`do...@`` PROCEDURE `Get_OHC_Years`()
>   SELECT (YEAR(ohc_Date)) as ohc_year FROM Office_Hours_Cuttoff GROUP BY
> YEAR(ohc_Date) ORDER BY YEAR(ohc_Date) ASC;
> $$
> It returns:
> -- ohc_year--
> 2010
> 2009
> 2008
> 2007

I doubt it will return the values in the order you have shown.

> I was assuming this will return an array in my PHP when I call it:
> /**
> *Get All Office Hours Cut-off YEARS
> */
> $db->next_result();

this call to next_result() seems strange.

> $years = $db->query("CALL Get_OHC_Years()") or die("Records not
> found.");
> $yRow = $years->fetch_array();
> echo "";
>  print_r($yRow);
>  echo "";
> But the result it returns on my page is:
> Array (
> [0] => 2007
>  [ohc_year] => 2007
> What am I missing?  Thanks!

the bit where you actually RTM or source?

you seem to be assuming what the fetch_array() call does,
not being able to tell exactly what kind of object $db
is I'll hazard a guess that fetch_array() is a wrapper method
for mysql_fetch_array() - you'd want mysql_fetch_assoc()
instead, and you'll need to loop to fetch all the rows.

maybe try something like:

echo "";
while ($yRow = $years->fetch_assoc())
echo "";

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