[PHP] Challenge: Sessions & Frames

2004-01-25 Thread Jonathan Hilgeman
I'm running into some weird trouble here. I'm a very experienced PHP
programmer, but I rarely ever deal with framed sites. A client wants a
framed PHP site that needs session data passed between the frames.

I have index.php which is simply the parent with frameset HTML code that
tells the URL for the top and bottom frames.

The top frame is a nav bar that changes from time to time by means of
Javascript updating it (I know this all should've been done without frames
and Javascript, but the client is REQUIRING frames and JS is the fastest way
to update the frames).

The bottom frame is the main content area.

All three objects here (parent, top frame, bottom frame) have a common
header that does things like connect to the database, session_start() and
register session variables.

When I try to log in, the information is passed to the parent, which
authenticates the user, and then changes the top frame to a header page that
is more customized for the user. The bottom frame changes to the user's
control panel.

Here's where the problem comes in. As I move around in the bottom frame,
going from page to page, the session seems to randomly die, and then it
starts doing things like appending $PHP_SESSID to the links and stuff.

If I try to login again, it seems to authenticate correctly in the parent,
but when the parent tries to change the top frame and bottom frame, those
frames don't always seem to recognize the login attempt. It's almost like
each frame suddenly split into its own session, identified by its own
$PHP_SESSID. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

I don't understand what's happening here. Any thoughts?

- Jonathan

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Re: [PHP] Challenge: Sessions & Frames

2004-01-25 Thread Jonathan Hilgeman
I understand your point, but I'm not sure that you understood mine. (see

"Chris Shiflett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> --- Jonathan Hilgeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Regardless of what you mean by that, it should be clear that nothing
> except client-side scripting is going to happen until your browser makes
> another request. PHP is sitting on the server, twiddling its thumbs. Now,
> if one of these browsers requests a new URL, PHP can use the session
> information in generating the response, but it can do nothing for the
> other browser windows. Does this make sense?
> Basically, all of the frames will share the same session, simply because
> it's the same browser sending each request.

Well, at the beginning, all frames share the same session. This is the
desired effect, sort of like 3 trains all hooked together, running on
parallel tracks. And it works great for a while. The problem I'm having is
that one or even two of the tracks will (at random times) curve away and now
instead of the 3 trains being grouped together, they're all running on
different tracks. And sometimes Train 1 and 2 stay in sync, while Train 3
goes off to la-la-land and decides to start its own session.

I -do- use Javascript, client-side scripting to refresh the top frame when
some data has changed and I want the top frame to re-read it. But SOMETIMES
refreshing it will just cause the shared session to split (which is the main
problem I'm having). This is what I don't understand. If each frame has code
to start a session and all requests (to the parent, top frame, and bottom
frame) are being sent by the same browser window, then I don't know how/why
they decide to randomly start their own sessions sometimes. It's almost like
one frame "forgets" that it was already in the middle of a session and
starts up a new session for itself. I thought that maybe the cache was
expiring, but it's just too soon for that to happen - this can happen within
the first few seconds of being logged in. I also set session_cache_expire to
720 minutes (overkill, but I was desperate), and that didn't help. It's
ALMOST like my browser isn't taking cookies, but I know for a fact that it
is (especially since every once in a while, everything can stay in sync and
work properly for a few minutes).

I'm considering just scrapping the reliance on cookies and forcing the
scripts to pass the PHPSESSID through every link, so that any time a train
might decide to go off and do its own thing, I'll be yanking it back so that
it stays consistent with the other trains. I figure that as long as I
dictate what session to use, I won't have this problem. But that would be a
real pain to have to go back and make sure all links are modified and
working correctly to pass this variable (I have to worry about the
255-character limit on the GET query string, because some of my query
strings get long when performing searches on the site).

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[PHP] Found the Answer!

2004-01-26 Thread Jonathan Hilgeman
I found the answer (I'm 90% sure, at least) !!!

Thanks to this very small user comment:

"Jonathan Hilgeman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I'm running into some weird trouble here. I'm a very experienced PHP
> programmer, but I rarely ever deal with framed sites. A client wants a
> framed PHP site that needs session data passed between the frames.
> I have index.php which is simply the parent with frameset HTML code that
> tells the URL for the top and bottom frames.
> The top frame is a nav bar that changes from time to time by means of
> Javascript updating it (I know this all should've been done without frames
> and Javascript, but the client is REQUIRING frames and JS is the fastest
> to update the frames).
> The bottom frame is the main content area.
> All three objects here (parent, top frame, bottom frame) have a common
> header that does things like connect to the database, session_start() and
> register session variables.
> When I try to log in, the information is passed to the parent, which
> authenticates the user, and then changes the top frame to a header page
> is more customized for the user. The bottom frame changes to the user's
> control panel.
> Here's where the problem comes in. As I move around in the bottom frame,
> going from page to page, the session seems to randomly die, and then it
> starts doing things like appending $PHP_SESSID to the links and stuff.
> If I try to login again, it seems to authenticate correctly in the parent,
> but when the parent tries to change the top frame and bottom frame, those
> frames don't always seem to recognize the login attempt. It's almost like
> each frame suddenly split into its own session, identified by its own
> $PHP_SESSID. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
> I don't understand what's happening here. Any thoughts?
> - Jonathan

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[PHP] Re: Found the Answer!

2004-01-26 Thread Jonathan Hilgeman
Oops. Hit the post shortcut accidentally. Here's the post that led me to the
orion at dr-alliance dot com
08-Aug-2003 03:52
Session ID's wont be carried over through meta refreshes, so make sure you
add the variables (in GET format) to the URL.
IE )


It turns out that the Javascript that was refreshing the top frame (and
occasionally changing it) did not preserve the invisible session ID. So when
the top frame was refreshed, it started a new session. Then, clicking on any
links from the top frame would try to change the session ID in the other
frames, and the bottom frame would again try to refresh the top frame, so it
was an endless cycle. My only thought of how it worked in the first place
was because the page got cached or something. Crazy. Thanks everyone.

- Jonathan

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[PHP] Code not working in 4.1

2002-01-02 Thread Jonathan Hilgeman

I used to run PHP 4.0.3 and at the beginning of some functions that used a
lot of global variables, I would add the following lines so I could access
all the global variables inside the functions.

 foreach($GLOBALS as $GlobalVarName => $GlobalVarValue)
  global $$GlobalVarName;

I upgraded to 4.1 and this code now causes PHP to die about 50-100 lines
after it is executed. Any ideas?

- Jonathan

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[PHP] Sending Generic TCP/IP Data

2002-01-03 Thread Jonathan Hilgeman

I have a host and a port and I BELIEVE that the protocol is HTTPS but I'm
not sure. In the event that it's not using HTTPS protocol - how would I go
about sending just TCP/IP packets through a socket to the host, since cURL
only supports certain protocols?

- Jonathan

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[PHP] Re: Sending Generic TCP/IP Data

2002-01-03 Thread Jonathan Hilgeman

Possibly - I've hit a small stop for a bit. My goal is to create a PHP API
for PsiGate/LinkPoint/CardService. I will let everyone know if anything
comes up. Thanks!

- Jonathan

"Laserjetter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> use fsockopen to open a socket on the host and call it $f then
> fwrite($f,$data)?? would that work?
> LJ
> "Jonathan Hilgeman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > I have a host and a port and I BELIEVE that the protocol is HTTPS but
> > not sure. In the event that it's not using HTTPS protocol - how would I
> > about sending just TCP/IP packets through a socket to the host, since
> > only supports certain protocols?
> >
> > - Jonathan
> >
> >

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[PHP] Symbolic Links, Includes, and Relative Paths

2002-03-08 Thread Jonathan Hilgeman

I'm on a red hat system, and I've soft-linked two directories:
/www/dir2/subdir --> /www/dir1/subdir

Now, inside subdir is a file that tries to include("../info.php"); which
prints out some information about the file paths and my database stuff. So
/www/dir2/subdir --> /www/dir1/subdir

Now, when I run /www/dir2/subdir/includer.php, it SHOULD include the file
"../info.php" which translates into /www/dir2/info.php. However, the
symbolic linking seems to have messed it up, and instead of running dir2's
info.php, it seems to think it is in dir1, and instead includes dir1's
info.php file. 

Has anyone run into this and/or know a fix for it?


- Jonathan

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[PHP] cURL Reporting to Apache Error Log

2001-10-18 Thread Jonathan Hilgeman

The title says it all. Any secure transactions I send through cURL get
logged in Apache's standard log file. How can I keep this from happening?

- Jonathan

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2001-08-15 Thread Jonathan Hilgeman

Edit your /etc/my.cnf file and search for the word socket.

- Jonathan

"Jay Paulson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
the variable MYSQL_SOCKET is set to /tmp/mysql.sock and i need it to be
/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock is there anyway i can set this variable in php?


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[PHP] Re: Zend Optimizer

2001-08-16 Thread Jonathan Hilgeman

Zend Optimizer will speed up the code, but I do not believe it crunches the
size of files. If you need smaller files for a graph, use PNG or JPEG - not
the GIF format. The GIF format is old and unoptimized in PHP/GD, so it gets
really big in size unless you have something like ImageMagick to optimize it
after it has been created.

PNGs are kind of like the new GIF format when working with PHP image
generation. JPEG format is best reserved for photos and such.

- Jonathan

"Johan Alfredeen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Ok, I've searched the archives and even contacted the Zend staff on this
> one, and I'm still confused. I also posted this question at the Zend
> Optimizer Forum but have not received an answer. I'm hoping one of you has
> some idea of how the Zend Optimizer works and can explain it. My webhost
> offers PHP 4 on Linux/Apache with the Zend Optimizer (v0.99) Engine
> and I have checked phpinfo() to make sure it's installed and running. I
> would like to optimize a particular function that generates a graph image
> the fly. What do I need to do make use of the Zend Optimizer? Is it used
> automatically or do I first need to compile the code into a binary file?
> someone knows a great source of info on this (other than www.zend.com),
> would be helpful too.
> Thanks,
> Johan Alfredeen

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[PHP] iODBC Troubles

2001-08-28 Thread Jonathan Hilgeman

I first tried unixODBC in order to get ODBC functionality on my FreeBSD 4.2
box with PHP 4.0.3 on Apache 1.3.14. It didn't work too well, and I kept
getting an error about undefined symbols like pthread_mutex_init or
something when trying to run command-line sample applications. So someone
suggested I use iODBC instead and I responded:

Okay, I uninstalled unixODBC and tried iODBC ( I actually began to try it
before, but then thought of something that might work on unixODBC, so I went
back to it ).

Now iODBC's odbctest application works with myODBC installed. However, after
I recompile PHP with iodbc parameters, I try to run the odbc_connect
function. If I misspell the DSN or use a non-existent one, I will get the
following message:

Warning: SQL error: [iODBC][Driver Manager]Data source name not found and no
default driver specified. Driver could not be loaded, SQL state IM002 in

Now, if I spell the defined DSN correctly and reload the page, the
application just hangs. If I look at my error logs I see this:

/usr/libexec/ld-elf.so.1: /usr/local/lib/libmyodbc.so: Undefined symbol

Once for every time I reload the page. This is odd, because this was a
problem message I was receiving when testing unixODBC on the command line.
After I installed iODBC, the command-line application was able to connect
and query perfectly! So what gives? Why does one application work and
another does not?

I set the following environment vars - some may not make sense, but I've
been trying everything:

$EnvVars["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = "/usr/local/lib:/usr/include";
$EnvVars["LD_RUN_PATH"] = "/usr/local/lib:/usr/include";
$EnvVars["ODBCINI"] = "/usr/local/src/odbcsdk/doc/odbc.ini";
$EnvVars["PATH"] =

foreach($EnvVars as $Key => $Val)
 $HTTP_ENV_VARS["$Key"] = $Val;

I can see via phpinfo() that they are getting set. Any more ideas?

- Jonathan

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[PHP] Now Here's a Winner

2001-09-05 Thread Jonathan Hilgeman

Okay, this has gone over my head. I am running Apache 1.3.19, with PHP 4.0.5
and mySQL 3.23.37. The Apache/PHP server is on a Windows development box,
and the mySQL is on a remote box. The basic function of the script is to
first present a form where a user can select records that match a date, and
then they can choose whether to have the records be displayed on-screen, or
be sent as a file.

Now, on-screen works beautifully. But, if I try the following code and
specify to send as a file:

if($ExportTo == "display")
   print $FinalContent;
elseif($ExportTo == "file")
   $FileName = "export-$RecordDay-$RecordMonth-$RecordYear.csv";
   Header("Content-Type: application/x-octet-stream");
   Header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$FileName");
   print $FinalContent;

- I get the popup window asking if I want to save it or open it. But the
filename is not export-date.csv like it should be. Furthermore, if I choose
to save the file and then open it in a text editor, what I see is not
$FinalContents, which is the expected output, but instead I see the form
that I just submitted FROM. Yes, it saves the exact page I'm looking at -
the one with the submit button I just pushed.

Now, I know that it is getting to those Header() tags because they are the
only ones in the code. So it is going inside the elseif() block. It is
confusing the heck out of me.

- Jonathan

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[PHP] Line number of error

2001-09-06 Thread Jonathan Hilgeman

Is there any way to print the current line number? i.e.

43  print "blah";
44  print "this is line $LineNumber";
45  print "etc";

and have it result in :
blahthis is line 44etc


- Jonathan

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[PHP] Re: Line number of error

2001-09-06 Thread Jonathan Hilgeman

Nevermind - found the answer. The current line number is held in the
constant __LINE__ and the current file name is held in the constant __FILE__

So I can do the following:
print "this is line " . __LINE__ . " in the file " . __FILE__;

- Jonathan

"Jonathan Hilgeman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Is there any way to print the current line number? i.e.
> 43  print "blah";
> 44  print "this is line $LineNumber";
> 45  print "etc";
> and have it result in :
> blahthis is line 44etc
> ?
> - Jonathan

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[PHP] Sockets

2001-09-19 Thread Jonathan Hilgeman

I run a web application that opens a socket using cURL and sends data to a
payment gateway and then receives confirmations, etc... Sometimes, a visitor
clicks multiple times and I have the program check to see if a transaction
is already in process, and if so, it redirects them to a page where they can
check to see whether the transaction has gone through. So now I have 1
thread/request going, doing the processing, and returning the data, and a
second thread where the visitor can check to see if thread 1 has come back
from processing or not. Normally, this works okay.

SOMETIMES, thread 1 does not come back with data from the gateway, as if the
connection had timed out. Sometimes the gateway has processed the
transaction, and sometimes not. So I would like to know if there's a program
or something that will allow me to either log socket communication, or to
monitor the sockets, etc... Can anyone help me out with this?

- Jonathan

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