Re: [PHP] libxml_set_streams_context

2005-05-18 Thread Bill Hoffman

On May 17, 2005, at 10:24 PM, Richard Lynch wrote:
I don't know much about that fancy new stream stuff, or the XML  
crap, but
you've got zero (0) lines of code in there to do anything useful  
when the
functions fail.
no functions fail.
what I'm expecting is that with libxml_set_streams_context(), I've  
correctly sent an HTTP If-Modified-Since Request Header along with  
the HTTP GET in the DOMDocument::load() call. what I'm seeing is that  
somehow I haven't, since the the DOMDocument::load() call returns the  
file (with an HTTP 200 status in the response header) even though I  
know the file has not been modified since the If-Modified-Since  
date (confirmed by looking at the Last-Modified date in the  
response header).

the fact that there is no failure, and no error message  that I can  
examine or test is exactly why I'm scratching my head and asking if  
anyone who does know something about stream contexts can offer some  

I don't think I need any help with the XML crap, as you put it.
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Re: [PHP] libxml_set_streams_context

2005-05-18 Thread Bill Hoffman
On May 18, 2005, at 1:20 PM, Richard Lynch wrote:
*YOU* have check their return value to see if it's 'false' or -1 or  
0 and,
if so, *YOU* have to call another function to get the error message  
error code.

This is what I am suggesting is missing big-time in your code.
Yes, you made your point in your first reply -- I'm clueless and  
don't know the first thing about basic defensive coding. Thanks for  
going out of your way -- twice -- to be so helpful.

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Re: [PHP] libxml_set_streams_context

2005-05-18 Thread Bill Hoffman
On May 18, 2005, at 4:10 PM, Jared Williams wrote:
Sure the server is checking if modified since headers?
I'm capturing the response headers from the remote server, so I can  
see that.

Just tried a bit of code here and it seems to be working as  
expected (5.0.4 Win32)
1) I made an initial mistake by running my PHP script(s) from the  
command line and not from a server.
2) but now when running my PHP script(s) from a server I see that:

file_get_contents() with a conditional get in a stream context works  
as expected; that is, the remote server returns a 304 not modified  
HTTP response header only. (if doing this with file_get_contents(),  
then the libxml_set_streams_context() function call is of course  

DOMDocument::load() with a conditional get in a stream context set  
via libxml_set_streams_context() shows odd results; that is, the  
remote server returns a 304 not modified in the HTTP response header,  
but also returns the file contents as well (!!??).

That's a bit baffling -- a server shouldn't do that, since the 304  
response header ends with connection: close, so I don't know how or  
why the file contents are being captured too. I would think a 304  
response header means that the request header was properly  
interpreted and nothing but a header would be returned. Hard to know  
if the problem is on my end or on the remote server side. I note also  
that stream contexts send only as HTTP/1.0, and the remote server is  
returning HTTP/1.1, and I just don't know if that's a possible factor  
in this or not.

Anyhow, I have a workable solution which is sort of ok -- use  
file_get_contents() with a conditional get in a stream context to  
fetch a remote file on an if-modified-since basis, then stuff the  
string result into a new DOMDocument() object and have at it that way.

But of course I'm puzzled as to why libxml_set_streams_context() is  
doing what it's doing, and it would be nice to know how to get it to  
work if it can and should work elsewhere for others.

Thanks for a helpful reply.
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Re: [PHP] libxml_set_streams_context

2005-05-18 Thread Bill Hoffman
On May 18, 2005, at 7:07 PM, Jared Williams wrote:
Heh, yes indeed most baffling... Libxml must be performing some  
sort of cacheing, I guess. Doesn't appear to be requesting twice
(once with the if-modified-since header, and again without atleast)
well, thanks for the confirm on that. I thought of a possible double  
request also (with header, then without) as well; I guess I'll have  
to break out the packet sniffer and see if that tells me anything.

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[PHP] libxml_set_streams_context

2005-05-17 Thread Bill Hoffman
I'm trying to use libxml_set_streams_context() to load a remote xml  
file via HTTP conditional GET with DOMDocument::load() by stuffing an  
'If-Modified-Since: ---  HTTP header into the stream, but no matter  
how I try it I always get an HTTP 200 response when I know the last- 
modified date is well before my if-modified date string.

I've confirmed via curl -H on the command line that I can do it  
properly and get an HTTP 304 as expected, but I don't know what I'm  
not doing right with libxml_set_streams_context(). Here's my code:

$opts = array('http'=array('method'=GET, 'header'=If-Modified- 
Since: Wed, 18 May 2005 23:55:29 GMT\r\n));
$context = stream_context_create($opts);
echo $doc-saveXML();

using the same $context resource, this also produces the same result,  
when I expect it should work.

file_get_contents('', false,  

I have php 5.0.4 compiled with libxml2 (2.6.16) on Mac OS X 10.4. I  
imagine I'm not doing something correctly, but can't figure out what  
it is.

Any help?
Bill Hoffman
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[PHP] What are you using for please wait?

2002-02-14 Thread Bill . Hoffman

   I would just like to see how people are handling long running PHP 
scripts.  I have been using a page in the middle that says please wait 
and then using a META tag that forwards the user on to the intended page. 
This has been working well up until now.  I now have a page that is 
posting an array on to the next page. The array can have as many 1500 
elements pulled from a database.  It works fine when I post directly to 
destination page. The problem is that the query can take up to 2 minutes 
and the I am not giving the user any indication as to what is going on.  I 
can't figure out how to pass the array on to the destination page with a 
forward page in the middle.  I have used hidden values for this in the 
past but 1500 hiddens seems schlocky.  I am now looking into a possilbe 
other method for letting the users know it will be a minute with the 
middle forward page. I have found a few javascript loading functions but 
have not been able to implement them successfully.

Please E-mail directly if you are using a more elegant solution.

Thanx in advance,

PHP is better then Elvis


[PHP] ftp_login problem

2001-02-19 Thread Bill . Hoffman

   I wanted to check with all of you before I report a bug.

Here is the problem:
I am attempting to access a OS2 server via ftp.  When I login on the
command line as anonymous to this server it does not require a password.
When I try to login via PHP (ftp_login) it requires that I use a password.
When I try to just put in just any password ftp_login comes back with a
login failed message.

here is the error:
Warning: ftp_login: User anonymous logged in. in /home/httpd/html/php/ftpget.php on 
line 15

You can see the message that the server is returning is saying that my login was ok 
but ftp_login does not return success.

If anyone has insight into this please let me know,


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[PHP] LDAP problems

2001-01-18 Thread Bill . Hoffman

Here is my environment again:

   System Linux [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2.2.5-15 #1 Mon Apr 19 22:21:09 EDT 1999
 i586 unknown
 Build Date Sep 7 2000
 Configure Command './configure' '--with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs'
 --with-config-file-path=/usr/local/apache/conf' '--enable-versioning' '
 --with-mysql' '--enable-ftp' '--with-gd=/usr/local/gd' '
 --enable-bcmath=yes' '--disable-debug' '--enable-memory-limit=yes' '
 --enable-track-vars' '
 --with-openlink=/usr/local/odbc' '
 Server API Apache
 Virtual Directory Support disabled
 Configuration File (php.ini) Path /usr/local/apache/conf
 ZEND_DEBUG disabled
 Thread Safety disabled

Here is my new problem:

  I tried a the new version of PHP  (4.0.4pl1) and openldap (2.0.7) now.
PHP configures fine and compiles fine.  When I go to restart apache it
gives me the following error:

Syntax error on line 237 of /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
Cannot load /usr/local/apache/libexec/ into server: 
/usr/local/apache/libexec/ undefined symbol: ldap_value_free

Does anyone know what this means or how to make it go away?

The problem with having to compile everything in is now apache and php are down 
because of my ldap problem.  It would be nice if it would start apache
 and php
and give me a message that ldap is not installed.  One bad apple/module should not 
spoil the whole bunch.

Thanx in advance for any help,


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[PHP] Re: Problems compiling LDAP into php 4.0.2

2001-01-17 Thread Bill . Hoffman

  I switched from Netscape to Openldap and it now compiles fine.
Unfortunately Apache bombs when I try to start it with the following error:

Syntax error on line 237 of /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
Cannot load /usr/local/apache/libexec/ into server: 
/usr/local/apache/libexec/ undefined symbol: ldap_value_free

Any ideas as to why this would happen would be much appreciated,


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