[PHP] Re: PHP from HTML

2002-04-08 Thread Chris Adams

On Mon, 8 Apr 2002 10:18:50 +0200, Matjaz Prtenjak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Except on PHP side I have to produce javascript code without script tag,
 xTest.php - SERVER1 with PHP
 document.write(?php echo(\This WORKS!!!\); ?);

That makes sense - it's been awhile since I've had to do something like


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Re: [PHP] Re: how to sort by value in associative array

2002-04-07 Thread Chris Adams

On Sat, 6 Apr 2002 18:21:10 -0600, Peter J. Schoenster
 I tried the above.
 uksort ($ArrayOfNewsLinks, SortByValue);
 function SortByValue ($a, $b) {
 if ($a[language] == $b[language]) return 0;
 return ($a[language]  $b[language]) ? 1 : -1; 
 or this
 function SortByValue ($a, $b) {
   return strcmp ( $a[language], $b[language]);
 Doesn't work.

I should have caught this earlier. Try uasort() - uksort() sorts on the
array *key*, not the value.

$ArrayOfNewsLinks = array(
http://dailynews.yahoo.com/fc/World/Brazil/; = array(
'title' = 'Yahoo Brazil News',
'category'  = 'news',
'language'  = 'English',

http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/americas/default.stm; = array(
'title' = 'BBC News',
'category'  = 'news',
'language'  = 'English',

http://news.yahoo.com/; = array(
'title' = 'Yahoo News',
'category'  = 'news',
'language'  = 'English',

http://chinese.news.yahoo.com/; = array(
'title' = 'Yahoo News',
'category'  = 'news',
'language'  = 'Chinese',


function news_sort($a, $b) {
// Two key sort: first by language, then by title
$i = strcmp($a['language'], $b['language']);
if ($i != 0) {
return $i;
} else {
return strcmp($a['title'], $b['title']);

header(Content-Type: text/plain);

uasort($ArrayOfNewsLinks, news_sort);

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[PHP] Re: PHP from HTML

2002-04-07 Thread Chris Adams

On Sun, 7 Apr 2002 20:03:42 +0200, Matja¾ Prtenjak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 SERVER1 with PHP some file with name xTest.php
? echo(Hi from SERVER1); ?
 SERVER2 without PHP some file with name file1.html
 Server1 is saying : ?
 How can I make HTML file (on SERVER2) say 'Server1 is saying : Hi from

One possibility is an IFRAME. Unfortunately, IFRAME may not be
compatible with all of the browsers you need to support and may cause
undesirable scrolling effects, so I'd test carefully.

One more compatible workaround would be to have your PHP return

script lang=javascript1.1
document.write(Hello from Server1);

In the HTML page on server2:

script src=http://server1/xTest.php;/script


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[PHP] Re: regular expressions: HUGE speed differences

2002-04-06 Thread Chris Adams

On Sat, 06 Apr 2002 15:01:24 +0300, Ando [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

You might want to try using preg_match instead. The PCRE engine should
be significantly faster. You might also find the ability to pass an
array of expressions would simplify your code significantly.


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[PHP] Re: how to sort by value in associative array

2002-04-06 Thread Chris Adams

On Sat, 6 Apr 2002 10:36:18 -0600, Peter J. Schoenster
 $ArrayOfNewsLinks = array(
   http://dailynews.yahoo.com/fc/World/Brazil/; = array(
 title = 'Yahoo Brazil News',
 category  = 'news',
 language = 'English',
 function cmp ($a, $b) {
 if ($a[2] == $b[2]) return 0;
 //return strcmp ( $a[2], $b[2]); // thought this would work
 return ($a[1]$b[1])?1:-1; 
 uksort ($ArrayOfNewsLinks, cmp);

Try changing those subscripts to keys:
if ($a[language] == $b[language])

etc. You should have a ton of PHP warnings generated from the code
above, as numeric elements won't exist.

As a side note, an interesting addition would be using the title as a
second sort key:

if ($a[language] == $b[language]) {
return strnatcasecmp($a[title], $b[title]);

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2002-04-05 Thread Chris Adams

In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Phil Schwarzmann wrote:
 $query = UPDATE table SET (var1, var2, var3) VALUES ($var1, $var2,
 $var3) WHERE username='$username';
 Im wondering cause I have an INSERT query
 $query = INSERT INTO table (var1, var2, var3) VALUES ($var1, $var2,
 ...but only there are like 150 different variables and it will take me
 forever to write a query like

Unfortuantely, UPDATE syntax is in fact completely different. This is
usually a good thing - imagine counting commas with those 150 columns to
see if you put #93 in the 93rd or 94th spot!

It sounds like you need to normalize your data more. I can't imagine
anything which would require that many columns in one table and it's
usually better to break things into multiple tables where possible. If
you can, see if you can't restructure the database considerably - you'll
save yourself a great deal of work later.

Assuming you can't avoid setting that many variables at once, you can
use a PHP script like this to generate some statements programatically:

header(Content-Type: text/plain);

if (empty($_REQUEST['Table'])) {
die(Please provide a URL parameter Table);
} else {
$Table = mysql_escape_string($_REQUEST['Table']);

print -- Generated by  . basename(__FILE__) .  from $Table table on  . 
date(Y-m-d H:i) . \n;

mysql_connect(localhost, USER, PASSWORD);

$fields = mysql_list_fields(DATABASE, $Table) or die(mysql_error());
$columns = mysql_num_fields($fields) or die(mysql_error());

print UPDATE $Table SET\n;

for ($i = 0; $i  $columns; $i++) {
$name = mysql_field_name($fields, $i);
$type = mysql_field_type($fields, $i);
$flags = mysql_field_flags($fields, $i);

print \t$name = ;
switch ($type) {
case int:
print \$$name;

case string:
case blob:
print '\$$name';

case datetime:
print '\$$name';

print unknown type $type;


print  /* type: $type flags: $flags */;

if ($columns - $i  1) print ,;
print \n;

print WHERE ...\n;

(As a side note, MySQL supports the UPDATE style syntax for INSERT and
has a REPLACE command which will UPDATE if the record exists and INSERT
if it doesn't - this can help you maintain only one query)

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[PHP] Re: help condensing regular expressions

2002-04-05 Thread Chris Adams

In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Tom
Rogers wrote:
 I am trying to calculate how far into a directory structure I am so that I 
 can include images and include files without having to hard code them.
 I need to turn $PHP_SELF which could be /admin/emails/index.php into ../../ 
 which I can then use to get to any directory from root.

Here's a more compact regexp:

preg_replace(|/[^/]+|, ../, dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']));

dirname() returns only the directory part of a filename (e.g. /~chris
from /~chris/myfile.php).

Using | instead of the usual / to delimit the regular expression just
saves a bit of typing.

(Note that for includes, you'd be better off setting include_path in
php.ini or .htaccess - that avoids the need to worry about where the
files are physically located)

If you need the local file path and you're using Apache, the
PATH_TRANSLATED variable can tell you where your files are:
$current_dir = dirname($PATH_TRANSLATED) . /;

This could be used to construct absolute paths internally - I use it in
my photo gallery code when creating thumbnails  such with convert.
Using it with DOCUMENT_ROOT can help if you need to construct things
like directory listings.

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Re: [PHP] Re: help condensing regular expressions

2002-04-05 Thread Chris Adams

In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Tom
Rogers wrote:
 Thats what I was after :)

Glad I could help.

 At the top of each page I now do
 $reltoroot = preg_replace(|/[^/]+|, ../, dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']));
 ini_set (include_path,ini_get(include_path).:.$reltoroot.../include);
 which takes care of the include path

Out of curiosity, couldn't you put something like
php_value include_path .:/document/root/include:/usr/lib/php

in a .htaccess file? Or has your ISP disabled .htaccess files?


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Re: [PHP] Browscap.ini

2001-05-19 Thread Chris Adams

On 19 May 2001 22:13:05 -0700, Weston Houghton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I cannot for the life of me get browscap.ini to work.
 Also the browserhawk version of the browscap.ini is sadly out of date.
 Anyone have any leads for me on getting this to work? I consistently get an
 empty array returned.

First, get_browser() seems to break in every other release, particularly on
Windows. You might want to search bugs.php.net to see if it will work at all on
your system  version.

If you are using a build with a functional get_browser(), check out
asptracker.com for a more recent browscap.ini.


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Re: [PHP] Redirection in PHP ? (newbie)

2001-05-14 Thread Chris Adams

On 14 May 2001 16:54:49 -0700, Nicolas Mermet [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To avoid spamming my db I would like to implement a simple redirection
 function, that would redirect the user to the main admin page once the
 feeding script has successfully executed and would reduce chances of
 double entries. Is there a simple way to achieve that ?

header(Location: index.php) should do the trick.

However, I'd recommend something more robust if avoiding duplicates is a big
deal. For example, if you're using sessions, you might have your addition
script set a confirmation variable using uniqid() and changing it after
updating the DB; if confirmation variable passed in the form submission doesn't
match the session variable, you can redirect them to the Were you really
sure? page. Alternately, depending on your data structure it might be easier
to simply insert a dummy record first and then use UPDATEs from that point

(The unique confirmation variable approach is also a good idea for security
purposes - otherwise if someone can guess the structure of your application,
they could do something funny like send an HTML email with a link to
/products/delete.php?ID=someIDConfirmed=yes to an admin, which would go
directly through without confirmation if they were logged in at the time.)

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Re: [PHP] need some ideas here...

2001-05-14 Thread Chris Adams

On 14 May 2001 16:59:48 -0700, Christian Dechery [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 My free-web-hosting (www.f2s.com) does not allow PHP to send emails... I've 
 tried everything... the mail() function, my alternate function which calls 
 popen(/usr/lib/sendmail -t) and even a script.cgi with '#!/usr/bin/php' 
 and all that stuff...

Did you try a popen with something /usr/bin/mail? (I assume you've checked the
file paths to make sure they're correct)

 the mail simply won't go an mail() always returns false...
 I'm guessing there's no mail sending in this server...
 so what do I do?
 is it possible for me to call a script on another host from with a script 
 and return something to it?

PHP does allow arbitrary URLs to be loaded, so you could setup a script and
simply do something like this:

$email_script = fopen(http://someotherhost/mail/script.php?To=blah...;, r);
$Status = fgetss($email_script);

If you need to send large emails, you'll need to fake a POST request. I've had
to do this the hard way in the past but I think there are a couple PHP classes
floating around now which will let you do it. (And, of course, you could use

Alternately, if you have a friendly mail server available, you could simply use
one of the SMTP scripts available to send directly to the mail server. Check
out phpclasses.upperdesign.com for a couple scripts.

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Re: [PHP] need some ideas here...

2001-05-14 Thread Chris Adams

On 14 May 2001 19:04:43 -0700, Ben Gollmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If you have an account on a remote host, you can always do something 
 like this:
   mymail($to, $mailbody);
 where mailfunction.inc has the mymail function defined to just take your 
 parameters and stuff them into the standard mail().

Wouldn't this still run the code on the local server with the dysfunctional
mail() command?

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Re: [PHP] OT question..

2001-05-08 Thread Chris Adams

On 8 May 2001 16:43:03 -0700, Stephan Ahonen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I ment the signature signed by Adolf Hitler. As a German I doesnt like
 such nonsense. BTW I'm also a webmaster @ php.net.
 I side with Christian here - The only way we can prevent mistakes like the
 whole Hitler thing is to learn about them, and know what it looks like when
 someone's trying to get crawl into absolute power so we can recognize it and
 prevent it when it happens.

I'll second this - the quote is hardly pro-Nazi. 


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Re: [PHP] Flash/PHP/MySQL

2001-05-06 Thread Chris Adams

On 6 May 2001 10:25:19 -0700, FredrikAT [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Can Flash import some text from a database (e.g MySQL) and print it on the

Yes. It's actually pretty easy - you can tell flash to load a bunch of
variables from a URL. Your URL can return the encoded data (basically a
URL-style Variable=fooOtherVariable=Bar format - check the Flash docs) and
Flash will create/update those variables to have the values returned. This can
be as easy as creating a text entry box and having a URL return a variable with
the same name - flash will update the contents of the text box automatically.

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Re: [PHP] php4apachi.dll

2001-05-06 Thread Chris Adams

On 6 May 2001 05:53:54 -0700, Darren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi. I just installed a fresh copy a windows 95. I installed winsock 2,
 apache 1.3.19 and php4. I followed the instructions with the php
 installation and I booted apache, I got a missing dll error message from
 apache. I got the impression that it wasn't php4apache.dll that was missing
 as it was there and http.conf was pointing to it. I can only assume that
 there is another dll somewhere that is missing. Any ideas?

Try running the CGI version of PHP - you should get a nice error saying what
couldn't be loaded. The most common cause of this is due to extensions - either
it can't find the extension itself or, more commonly, the extension needs to
load another DLL and it can't find that. It may help to simply clear out your
php.ini's extension section and see if the problem goes away.


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Re: [PHP] Netscape and post

2001-05-04 Thread Chris Adams

On 4 May 2001 21:48:46 -0700, Richard Kurth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am having problems with Netscape and post in a form
 In I.E. post works fine but in netscape it just gives me a
 Method Not Allowed
 The requested method POST is not allowed for the URL /scripts/index.html.
form method=post action=
 Why is this doing this. Sometimes I just hate Netscape

Presumably because the action attribute needs to have a value. Since your HTML
is broken, Netscape is creatively misinterpreting it, as it is wont to do.


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Re: [PHP] Need to know this

2001-05-03 Thread Chris Adams

On 3 May 2001 20:19:51 -0700, YoBro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 ASP or PHP and who has the biggest market share.

Which is better is a subject of some debate. Suffice it to say that most of the
people on this list will say PHP. I personally consider ASP a good idea only if
you have a heavy Microsoft environment.

As far as market share goes, that depends on how you measure it. I see more
high traffic sites using ASP (although PHP is starting to show up all over the
place) but according to the most recent E-Soft survey, IIS ran 778,377 sites
and PHP was installed on 646,045 (39.78%) Apache installations. Since not all
of the sites with PHP installed may use it (think hosting companies with
default installs) and since IIS is often used to run other scripting tools
(e.g. JSP, Cold Fusion, even PHP), I'm not going to try to adjust those numbers
- it'll probably balance out.

If you assume that percentage of PHP usage carries over to Netcraft's results,
around 7 million domains use PHP, handily out-numbering the 5.9 million IIS

(Disclaimer: all stats are for entertainment purposes only. Microsoft fans are
invited to pick a method which favors their choices.)

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Re: [PHP] why isn't get_browser() not working?

2001-05-01 Thread Chris Adams

On 30 Apr 2001 00:51:13 -0700, elias [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 i'm trying to detect what browser version is there...i'm using get_browser()
 as it was documented:

Check to see if your browscap file is being picked up - try something like this:

echo count(file(ini_get(browscap));

If that works, you're probably the latest victim of the way get_browser() has
been fixed and rebroken in various versions and ports.

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Re: [PHP] Browser Caching

2001-04-29 Thread Chris Adams

On 29 Apr 2001 07:19:15 -0700, Steve Haemelinck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I thought this was because the page might be cached, but when I set the
 header(cache-control: no-cache)  the meta tag http-equiv=Expires
 content=-1 it still produces the same effect.  How can I solve this

Have you tried with the other HTTP headers for expiration? This is floating
around various places - the PHP manual, etc. 

header(Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT); // Date in the past
header(Last-Modified:  . gmdate(D, d M Y H:i:s) .  GMT); //always modified
header(Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate); // HTTP/1.1
header(Pragma: no-cache); // HTTP/1.0

If that doesn't work (IE/NS can be really buggy with caching - I once had a
problem where a page started returning a 500 error code and IE5 continued to
display the old version of that page, even though I had set the cache to check
every time), some alternatives come to mind:

- Embed some random variable in the URL. I think this is the cleanest way of
  dealing with browsers which ignore the HTTP headers - simply start encoding
  the session ID in your links or even something like DontCacheThisPage= .
  time(). If the URLs are different, the browser won't cache them, which should
  sidestep the issue.

If for some reason you can't do that and don't mind kludgy looking code:

- Use POST. It's ugly and nasty but the browsers are better about always
  reloading pages which are the response to a POST request.

- Equally ugly, use JavaScript. When you change a document's location,
  there's a parameter which if true will cause the browser to reload the page
  even if it's cached. The least ugly way of doing this would be to write a
  function and put it in a handler ('OnClick=return forceLoad('myurl');') so
  that poeople w/o JS will still be able to use your pages.

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Re: [PHP] count() problem :D

2001-04-27 Thread Chris Adams

On 27 Apr 2001 19:50:04 -0700, Chris Schneck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
anywho, im having problems getting data out of the count() function i've
implemented, could anyone lend a hand?

$query = select count(fld_gender) from tbl_survey;

how exactly is it that you output data retrieved from a count()

The same way you retrieve data from any other query - SQL functions like
count() or sum() return data in the same fashion as normal, non-computed data.

As an example:
$foo = mysql_query(select count(*) from table);
echo Number of records in table:  . mysql_result($foo, 0);

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Re: [PHP] help!! newbie

2001-04-22 Thread Chris Adams

On 21 Apr 2001 19:26:03 -0700, McShen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
then, should i do this?
$query = "SELECT * FROM refer ORDER BY hits desc LIMIT $i,$end";

Is $end set at this point? Also, if you always want to display 15 records, this
could just be LIMIT $i, 15.

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Re: [PHP] Which is better coding style...

2001-04-19 Thread Chris Adams

On 19 Apr 2001 14:08:13 -0700, ..s.c.o.t.t.. [gts] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

it drives me nuts when i see beginning brackets
on seperate lines ;)

i like to start brackets on the same line as the
statement and finish them on a line of their own.

Very strong agreement here. I think a lot of it depends on your environment.
Some have syntax highlighting and, better yet, syntax highlighting which will
prominently mark unbalanced braces, brackets, etc. Also very nice are things
like a brace-matching hotkey or options to highlight the matching open
character when you close it. If you have all of these tools to help show
syntax, I don't think you need as help from the source formatting.  (The only
times I've liked having them on separate lines is when I've been working with
an editor which lacks this)

It also helps to properly indent things. I think code like this makes it pretty
easy to see which code is in which block:

if () {
if () {
if () {
// Do something
} else {
// Do something else
} else {

This is one thing I've always liked about Python. Forcing people to indent
consistently is a little harsh but it does have the advantage of making strange
code easier to decipher.

(it drives me nuts to see  "} else {" also)

Here, I have to differ - using anything else makes me itch. 

"Any sufficiently accurate worldview is indistinguishable from cynicism"

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Re: [PHP] converting DATETIME to a readable date.

2001-04-14 Thread Chris Adams

On 14 Apr 2001 17:31:02 -0700, DRN [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
$date = $row["date"];

$new_date = date("l, j M Y, G:i:s", strtotime($date));

but I cannot get this to work :(, I get an "unexpected error in

At a guess strtotime() is choking on the format MySQL used to return the date,
which would lead date() to fail as well.

The best way of handling this is to eliminate the need for your program to
worry about the day formats. Modify your mysql query so that instead of "SELECT
date" you have something like "SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) AS date". Then you
can simply use date($row["date"]) directly. Alternately, you could use MySQL's
date formatting function to return the desired format directly. In either case,
you'll save a great deal of trouble by avoiding the need for PHP and MySQL to
be parsing each other's human-readable date formats.

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Re: [PHP] removing slashes from template file

2001-04-12 Thread Chris Adams

On 12 Apr 2001 19:20:44 -0700, Franklin Hays [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Any ideas? I have tried using stripslashes() in the 'script' above but get
errors. Is there something unique to the php cgi I am missing? Something

Check your magic quotes settings on both systems using phpinfo(). I bet
magic_quotes_runtime is set on in your provider's settings but not your
development system's php.ini.

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Re: [PHP] Commercial sites that use PHP

2001-04-10 Thread Chris Adams

On 10 Apr 2001 06:52:07 -0700, Phil Labonte [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Can anyone send me a list of large commercial web sites that use PHP?

Cribbed mercilessly from a number of sources: 


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Re: [PHP] PHP and MD5 passwords?

2001-04-04 Thread Chris Adams

On 4 Apr 2001 08:06:06 -0700, Chris Hutton [RaptorNet] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
How would I go about using PHP to take an entered password, and check it
against an encyrpted MD5 password in a database or flat-file? 

retrieve the record you'd like to check and compare it to

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Re: [PHP] PHP with Win2k or Linux

2001-04-04 Thread Chris Adams

On 4 Apr 2001 19:12:52 -0700, Frank K [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Does anyone know is there are advantages to running linux while =
developing php? I just would like to know if there is anything special =
to installing and developing on linux  before I move from Win2k??

Three advantages:
- it's free
- it will more closely follow your production server's environment,
  which can be handy for more involved things and, of course, any
  custom extensions you have developed. This is also nice to prevent
  little problems like different-case links to files which work fine on
  case-insensitive filesystems.
- it's a native environment - the Win32 port isn't as mature, so you
  may run into problems (e.g. 4.0.5RC1 on my Win32 Apache setup dies
  nastily if you use MySQL). Also, since IIS is extremely feature-poor
  compared with Apache, you may need to run Apache. If you have to
  install all of this Unix software, you might just want to do it under
  Unix in the first place.

Two disadvantages:
- Fewer clients - if you need to support, say, IE, you need a Windows
  box to test with. This becomes worse when you're dealing with things
  like Flash.
- You need to know a lot more Unix. I personally find Unix much easier
  to use than NT but someone without my Unix background would disagree.

My preferred environment is a Unix (Linux, OpenBSD) server running Samba and a
WinNT/2K client. This allows you to use Unix as a server and still test with
all of the Win32 software a modern developer needs to worry about.

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Re: [PHP] redirecting without headers or meta tags or javascript

2001-04-03 Thread Chris Adams

On 3 Apr 2001 06:26:47 -0700, Justin French [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 (3) Use output buffering

huh?  appreciate mroe on this...

put ob_start() at the top of your page and ob_end_flush() at the bottom. PHP
will store all of the output instead of sending it to the browser. If you put a
header("Location: foo"); exit; somewhere, that output will never be set.

(Take a look at the ob_* functions in the manual when you have a spare moment -
there's some pretty cool things you can do with them, particularly if you use
the gz handler to compress pages on the fly.)

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Re: [PHP] measuring cpu time

2001-04-03 Thread Chris Adams

On 3 Apr 2001 19:29:14 -0700, Brian Hardwick [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Im trying to optimize some php/mysql code.  Does anyone know a way to
measure the amount cpu time a php script consumes?

Check out the POSIX functions - in particular the posix_times() function, which
not only shows CPU time but also breaks it down into user (PHP's code)
time and system (time spent by the kernel) time.

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Re: [PHP] Not important - Simple question about microsec()

2001-04-03 Thread Chris Adams

On 3 Apr 2001 20:31:28 -0700, SED [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I think the latter part of the value is Unix-time in sec (right?), but what
does the former part say like: 0.25576700 ?!?

For some reason, microtime() returns results backwards - the first part is the
decimal portion of the second part.

As for the time being returned in properly, are you by any chance running this
on Windows? I seem to recall reading something in bugs.php.net about that when
I ran into some benchmark problems with code which worked properly on Unix and
returned results like you showed on Windows ("Wow! This sure is a fast computer
- it finished before it started!").

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Re: [PHP] Sneaky solution

2001-04-03 Thread Chris Adams

On 3 Apr 2001 21:02:34 -0700, Les Neste [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it possible to fake the referrer?  

Quite easily, even when doing it by hand using telnet or netcat.

This may not matter for your application -- are you writing a financial app
or a personal portfolio? -- but if you really need to authenticate the
source of data that comes from some other IP address (as is the case with a
web browser) then you're into PGP keys and signed certificates.

s/PGP/SSL/. Although it's not anywhere near as common, SSL supports client
certificates. Normally, we only see the server certificate which lets you know
who the server is - client certificates allow the server to do the same thing.
I've been meaning to setup a demo of this for awhile, but you should be able to
read the verified certificate info from the webserver environment, which makes
controlling access rather simple for your scripts.  

The downside is the need to get client certificates on every client system,
which is expensive and inconvenient. While setting up your own CA eliminates
the former concern, there's little which can be done about the latter.

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Re: [PHP] Ming and flash detection

2001-04-02 Thread Chris Adams

On 2 Apr 2001 07:58:42 -0700, Jason Stechschulte [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
// This movie simply redirects to the appropriate page.
$m-add(new SWFAction("getURL('$thisURL', ''); stop();"));

I added code to write $thisURL to a file so I could see if it is getting
passed correctly, and it is.  So there must be a problem with the movie
somewhere.  In the getURL() function, I have tried many different things
for the second argument.  _self, _parent, _top.  None of these makes any
difference.  Anyone have any ideas I could try??

Try _level0 - that's what you'd need to replace the current movie.

Alternately, you can avoid needing to load Flash at all - use JavaScript to
iterate over the plugins array on Netscape and use VBScript with an On Error
handler to instantiate the Flash ActiveX control - if it fails, your VBScript
can assume Flash isn't installed (which is the sane default).

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Re: [PHP] form

2001-03-31 Thread Chris Adams

On 31 Mar 2001 20:33:56 -0800, LDL Enterprise [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Could someone please give me a clue. I have a input type=text form
   that pulls the quantity from a mysql database. I want the user to be
   able to update the quatity by just entering the new quantity and when
   they unfocus on the text box it will automatically update without
   pressing a submit button.

You could use JavaScript to have the form submit OnBlur, but that's going to be
pretty slow and annoying - consider what would happen if the user is entering
several fields and clicks on another field, intending to come back and change

What effect are you trying to achieve? Just reducing the number of clicks
needed to submit a form? If so, some browers will submit the form when you hit
the enter key while in a text field, which might have the effect you're looking
for without requiring any coding.

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Re: [PHP] ereg

2001-03-31 Thread Chris Adams

On 31 Mar 2001 21:07:59 -0800, Michael Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm using the following expression to check input strings:

if (!ereg("^[[:alnum:]_-]+$", $string)) { get outta here! }

This works fine except for when a string has spaces, as in text. What do I
need to add to the expression to handle spaces (internal, not at the
beginning or end).

if (!ereg("^[[:alnum:]_- ]+$", $string)) { get outta here! }

Check out the regular expression documentation or "Mastering Regular
Expressions" over at ora.com.

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Re: [PHP] form

2001-03-31 Thread Chris Adams

On 31 Mar 2001 22:03:54 -0800, Sean Weissensee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I have a shopping cart system I wrote which display several detail lines
of items purchased, at the moment if the user changes a quantity they have
to manualy
click a link to recalulate the total, I would like this to happen as soon as
user tabs of the qty field.

Use an OnBlur() handler and some JavaScript. However, you'll still need to do
the calculations on the server to prevent cheating because if you want to
support older browsers, you'll need to put the total in an INPUT TYPE="TEXT"
field. Your PHP code could generate a JavaScript function ("recalc()") that
would check each item and a cost * quantity to update the subtotal; when they
hit submit, you'd need to do the same check in PHP to be sure of getting an
accurate result.

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Re: [PHP] Benchmarks

2001-03-16 Thread Chris Adams

On 16 Mar 2001 04:39:06 -0800, Phil Driscoll [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

A performance comparison of various web scripting languages. PHP does rather

It's also important to note that their comment that PHP doesn't cache compiled
scripts and thus may not scale as well isn't completely true. The default
install doesn't, but you can use one of several products (Zend Cache,
Afterburner and a third whose name escapes me) to ensure that your scripts are

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Re: [PHP] SVG Scripting

2001-03-14 Thread Chris Adams

In php.general, you wrote:
I know (at least the claim) that PHP can do marvelous thing to Flash 
files (with libswf), presumably including "streaming" realtime 
feedback of a script's action.

It can't. PHP can generate Flash files directly (and using Ming - it beats
libswf handily - http://www.opaque.net/ming/) but cannot edit existing movies.
Since Flash allows you to load other Flash movies on the fly, you can mix
static and dynamically generated Flash movies into the same presentation. As an
example, you might have a master interface which is carefully hand-tuned in
Flash/LiveMotion and has specific areas where generated movies are loaded.

Flash does offer the ability to load content from URLs, but not in a live
fashion - you need Director / multi-user server for that. Since Director allows
Flash objects, you could theoretically have your Flash interact with the server
by sending communications through Director / MUS, but I haven't personally done
this. Since Flash / Director performance will already be pathetic, introducing
any sort of network overhead would probably reduce it to comical levels.

Is there an existing library for SVG manipulation? Are there 
enthusiasts for this option?

SVG files are XML, which means you can use either of PHP's native XML parsers
to do low-level manipulation (the entire SVG + scripting option should be very
similar to conventional HTML + CSS + JavaScript work).

If you're doing much at all, I'd strongly recommend you develop the appropriate
function libraries / objects using the underlying primitives. I'm doing this
with some extensive Flash generation and it greatly civilizes things - you
cannot plan ahead too much with this. 

If SWF is indicated, is there any known difference so far as libswf 
is concerned between Flash and LiveMotion generated SWF?

libswf / ming can't edit existing files; if you're using LoadMovie, either one
should be identical. On thing which may be an issue is Action Script - if
LiveMotion doesn't support it or causes problems "navigating" the action script
variable hierarchy, getting multiple movies to cooperate would be difficult and

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Re: [PHP] Statistics function

2001-03-14 Thread Chris Adams

On 14 Mar 2001 22:11:10 -0800, Rick St Jean [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
All through this process there is a live thread between your browser and 
the server.
unless you send a cancel.

One minor addition - the connection will close when you hit cancel but the PHP
code can continue running if you choose. This can be quite handy if you want to
make sure your code can finish running or clean up nicely before quitting.

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Re: [PHP] Statistics function

2001-03-14 Thread Chris Adams

On 14 Mar 2001 21:39:05 -0800, Lauri Vain [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
How does the behind the scenes work by PHP exactly go? Does the PHP thread
remain active so long as the information is sent to the visitor? Or will PHP
parse the code and send it to Apache which will send the data to the user

1 Apache receives the request and determines that it's a PHP script.
2 PHP parses your code
3 PHP executes your code
4 PHP passes output back to Apache
5 Apache sends output to the browser (optionally through things like SSL)
6 Apache finishes request (e.g. logs it, closes a non-persistent connection)

The catch is that steps 4/5 may repeat - this depends on your output buffering
setup. PHP can wait and send everything when the script finishes, send output
in blocks or send every output from each echo/print immediately. (PHP can also
do things like compress that output on the fly, but that's a separate

The reason that I'm asking this is I'm writing a statistics add-on for one of
my sites and was wondering whether the code below would give the time in
which PHP parses the code or in which the data gets streamed to the user.

You'd get the time needed to read the file and either send it or add it to the
output buffer (depending on your output buffer config as mentioned above). By
the time your code is executed, PHP will have already parsed your script (with
the exception of things like conditional / variable include()s and require()s),
so you'd only get the time required to execute the code, not parse it.

If you want to get round-trip times including transmission to the user, you'd
need to have some way of getting the user's browser to record a second request,
which introduces a lot of potential variables. 

It might be interesting to see how something relying entirely on client-side
calculation like the code below would compare with other approaches (e.g.
Header("Location: measure.php?start=" . time()) where measure.php just does
$elapsed = time() - $start). It should remove almost all of the server-side
latency and, in theory, would give some reasonable indication of how long it
takes to transfer a file over the intermediate network connection, which would
give you a reasonable idea of available bandwidth.

(Disclaimer: completely untested code written just now which has never been
seen by anything other than vi. Caveat programmer.)

script lang="javascript"
Start = new Date();

function record_elapsed() {
Now = new Date();
Elapsed = Now.getTime() - Start.getTime();
recordTimeImg = new Image();
recordTimeImg = "recorder.php?Elapsed=" + Elapsed;
? flush(); /* send this as quickly as possible */ ?
body OnLoad="record_elapsed();"
a fair amount of text / HTML

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Re: [PHP] Two Way Encryption

2001-03-13 Thread Chris Adams

On 13 Mar 2001 03:40:30 -0800, Joe Njeru [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I'm looking for a two way encryption function that I can use to encrypt a
cookie value. I have had experience with MD5 but its one way. Is there one I
can use with a key in php?

Check out the mcrypt extension for conventional cryptography. If you need
public key encryption, someone produced an extension which uses OpenSSL not all
that long ago.

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Re: [PHP] MAIL And PHP Question

2001-03-12 Thread Chris Adams

On 12 Mar 2001 21:47:44 -0800, James Lamb [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Can PHP talk directly to the SMTP server, i know that there is a mail()
function but this cannnot specify the reply-to and from addresses easily.

Yes, but it's less work to specify reply-to and from using mail(). If you do
want to do this, PHP's socket library allows you to directly connect to an SMTP
server and send the appropriate commands. There are several PHP classes
available which do this - search your favorite PHP code repository - if you
don't want to become a lot more familar with RFC 822.

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Re: [PHP] date

2001-03-11 Thread Chris Adams

On 11 Mar 2001 10:25:25 -0800, FredrikAT [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I have 2 dates...
$start = "20010101";
$end = "20010312";

Use mktime() (http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.mktime.php) on those
strings to convert them into Unix timestamps:

$start_time = mktime(0,0,0, 
substr($start, 6, 2), 
substr($start, 4, 2),
substr($start, 0, 4)
); // mktime( hour, minute, second, day, month, year)

Since a Unix timestamp is just the number of seconds since a starting point,
you can get the elapsed number of seconds by substraing $start_time from
$stop_time; divide that by 86400 and you'll have the number of days.

You could also use the Calendar extension if you have that installed, since it
allows you to covert from several calendar systems into Julian Day counts,
which could be subtracted similarly. (See

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Re: [PHP] Sending pretty email

2001-03-11 Thread Chris Adams

On 11 Mar 2001 10:57:32 -0800, Michael Geier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
So don't refrain from doing it because some people say it shouldn't be done
for one reason or another.  Simply fix those reasons so they don't know any

I'll second this - while I personally consider HTML email a waste of time[1], a
lot of people like it and it does open up some nice possibilities. The key is
remembering that if you're going to do it, you need to do it right - sending
the proper multi-part mime headers, providing alternatives for people who can't
use HTML[2] and generally just being polite. When presenting this to managers
and/or clients, point out that this maximizes the number of people who can read
their messages - they should grasp the whole "block potential customers = fewer
sales" concept quickly.

[1] For reasons having more to do with security and the crimes against good
design committed by a few; an email client which gave the user the kind of
control a browser like Opera does would be a lot more tolerable.
[2] It's not those of us using text-based email clients, either. Think of
wireless device users or people working at large corps which installed software
to disable anything remotely dynamic in incoming emails.

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Re: [PHP] How to tell if client has cookies turned off?

2001-03-06 Thread Chris Adams

On 6 Mar 2001 07:53:46 -0800, kevin1 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
How can I tell reliably if someone has cookies turned off?

Set a cookie on your site (perhaps the homepage?) and use code like this:

if (!empty($UserHasCookies)) {
echo 'Whew - you do have cookies';

The idea is to set your code to assume that cookie support is disabled unless
it finds a cookie saying otherwise. That way it'll fail safely if someone
either doesn't have a cookie or their browser discards the cookie halfway
through. This may seem silly, but some people get *really* paranoid about
cookies. Combined with the increasingly good cookie management in modern
browsers and just about anything is possible - this is in fact the major
shortcoming to code like the above - it's possible for someone to accept one
cookie and deny another, so just being able to set a cookie once does not mean
that you will be able to set another.


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Re: [PHP] Auto Prepend/Append

2001-03-06 Thread Chris Adams

On 6 Mar 2001 08:13:00 -0800, Boget, Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Is it possible to use the auto prepend/append directives to
prepend/append particular files only to files with a particular

I don't believe you can do this directly with PHP but you probably can with
Files *.html
php_value prepend_file "foo.php"

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Re: [PHP] stumped on mailing a complete page

2001-03-05 Thread Chris Adams

On 3 Mar 2001 17:17:15 -0800, Brett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I want to send a confirmation email upon receiving an order, and would like
to send the page that I display on the browser to the user.


// do something

mail('confirm@somewhere', 'confirmation', ob_get_contents());

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2001-03-05 Thread Chris Adams

On 4 Mar 2001 04:17:18 -0800, Thomas Edison Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Explorer converts the spaces in a query
string into it's hexadecimal value of "%20"
automatically, but netscape is not doing so. It's not
reading the space and thus not displaying the page at
all and giving the HTTP error 400. 

Use urlencode() or rawurlencode() when generating those URLs. The standards
don't allow raw spaces in a URL string, so you'll need to encode your data when
generating a link to work with browsers other than IE.

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Re: [PHP] Converting String to Variable

2001-03-03 Thread Chris Adams

On 3 Mar 2001 08:02:16 -0800, Randy Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Is there anyway to convert a string to a variable



I would like to then do this:


extract() does something like that for arrays. There's no way to write the code
the way you have it, but you could use this syntax, which is equivalent:
$$str = "blah";
$GLOBALS[$str] = "blah";

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[PHP] Developer certifications

2001-02-28 Thread Chris Adams

Does anyone know of a company which is offering or planning to offer PHP
developer certifications? Arguments against certification programs aside[1],
there are a lot of companies which prefer certified developers, even to the
point of assuming a project done in ASP will be better than the same thing done
in PHP simply because the ASP developers are Microsoft certified.

While this seems like an interesting sideline for a company like Zend, I'm also
somewhat curious about whether an "Open Source" test could be developed. It'd
certainly have to be quite different from normal tests and that move away from
easily memorized answers would probably be a very good thing.

[1] We've all heard them before. I'm personally in favor only of certifications
like certain devilishly hard Cisco exams which measure more than
multiple-choice memory.

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Re: [PHP] Temporarily turning off magic quotes?

2001-02-25 Thread Chris Adams

On 25 Feb 2001 09:15:08 -0800, Philip Olson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  ini_set ('magic_quotes_gpc',  'off'); 

This will not work, ini_set cannot mess with magic_quotes setting,

More precisely, it can change the setting but your PHP code will be executed
after the magic quotes work has already completed.

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Re: [PHP] Unwanted Characters

2001-02-25 Thread Chris Adams

On 24 Feb 2001 21:31:33 -0800, Clayton Dukes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
How do I remove unwanted/unprintable characters from a variable?

$sometext =3D "Th=C0e c=D8ar r=F6=F8an over m=D6y dog"
needs to be filtered and reprinted as:
"The car ran over my dog"

Strip everything which isn't in the list of allowed characters:
eregi_replace("[^[:alpha:]]", "", $sometext)

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Re: [PHP] isset()

2001-02-25 Thread Chris Adams

On 25 Feb 2001 00:01:30 -0800, Mark Maggelet [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Sat, 24 Feb 2001 17:51:07 +0100, Christian Reiniger 
On Saturday 24 February 2001 17:18, PHPBeginner.com wrote:
 in my preceding email I've written:


 will fix your all your worries without an intervention of a 

Except that it will throw a warning in PHP4 if $var is not set.
= isset () should be used.

man, this is like the thread that will not die. isset() will return 
true for an empty string, which is not what he wants. the right thing 
to do is use


Isn't this a bit more legible:

if (!empty($var))

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Re: [PHP] Plugin Detection with PHP?

2001-02-25 Thread Chris Adams

On 25 Feb 2001 04:37:21 -0800, Andy Clarke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Is there a way to use PHP to tell whether a user's browser has a particular
I know that this can be done using Javascript, but as this can be turned
off by the user etc, it seemed as though it would be more reliable to do it
server side (if it is possible).

No, it's not possible. The safest approach is to assume the user doesn't have a
plugin and then use JavaScript to enable a plugin. In certain cases, there are
plugin specific tricks you could play in a detection script (e.g. QuickTime
allows a QTSRC attribute which overrides the SRC value - SRC="somefile"
QTSRC="plugin_check.php?HasQT=1filename=somefile"). For the rest, you'll need
to use JavaScript.

This is complicated by the way Microsoft broke Netscape's plugins object - on
netscape, you can iterate over that list very easily. IE has the object, but
it's always empty. (You can use VBScript to attempt to create an object of that
class and then trap the error if it fails, but that's not particularly elegant)

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Re: [PHP] Simple String Replace Question

2001-02-25 Thread Chris Adams

On 25 Feb 2001 10:34:27 -0800, Jeff Oien [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I would like to get rid of \n characters unless there
are two or more in a row. So for example if there

The Perl-compatible regular expressions support lookahead and look behind:

$str = 'abcdefabcaadd';
echo "$str\n";
$str = preg_replace("/(?!a)a(?!a)/", "-", $str);
echo "$str\n";

will display this:

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Re: [PHP] Simple String Replace Question

2001-02-25 Thread Chris Adams

On 25 Feb 2001 14:37:02 -0800, Jeff Oien [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 25 Feb 2001 10:34:27 -0800, Jeff Oien [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I would like to get rid of \n characters unless there
 are two or more in a row. So for example if there
 The Perl-compatible regular expressions support lookahead and look behind:
 $str = preg_replace("/(?!a)a(?!a)/", "-", $str);

Man, that went right over my head. Is there a description of
how this works anywhere? Thanks for help in any case.

The Regular Expression part of the online PHP manual has a lot of information
(http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.pcre.php) but it does tend to assume you
already know what you need to do.

Basically, the regular expression in there matches any "a" where the character
before isn't an "a" (?!a) and the character after isn't an a (?!a). Any
matched characters are replaced with hyphens. 

For your needs, '/(?!\n)\n(?!\n)/m' should work (the /m turns on multi-line
support, which is necessary since we're working with line breaking characters).
Note that you'll need to escape those backslashes in PHP if you use

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Re: [PHP] Pop-up warning dialog box

2001-02-18 Thread Chris Adams

On 18 Feb 2001 20:54:16 -0800, Edith Lai [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
If i want to validate a form and check for empty input which then will
produce a pop up warning dialog box, what should i do?

Read up on your JavaScript. And consider whether this is really a good idea -
many people find it annoying.

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Re: [PHP] Parse WML to PHP?

2001-02-08 Thread Chris Adams

On 8 Feb 2001 06:24:20 -0800, Kato Strandjord [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
How is it possible to parse a WML strin variable with a value="SO480", and
parse over to a PHP strin variabl , so you can use it to in a PFP function.
I get a error messages in M3gate WAP emulator, an UP SDK emulator telling me
this"unsupported content-type: text/html"

Yes. In fact, WML requests will behave just like normal HTML form requests. The
error you are receiving probably means that you need to set the mime-type for
the page you are returning:

header("Content-Type: text/vnd.wap.wml");

As a side note, consider testing your pages in Opera. Opera supports WML
reasonably well and has the side-benefit of being much easier to work with. If
you get an error, not all of the WAP emulators will show you the actual error
message. Many of them also have an annoying habit of caching pages even if you
ask them to clear the cache, which makes development rather more tedious than
it needs to be.

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Re: [PHP] MySQL --- OR in a select statement ???

2001-02-05 Thread Chris Adams

On 5 Feb 2001 21:27:13 -0800, Dallas Kropka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
SELECT first_name FROM admin_table, user_table WHERE userNum = 1000

   The info will only be in one or the other but what (if any) is the
correct syntax?

You mean something like

SELECT first_name FROM users 
LEFT JOIN admin_table on users.userNum = admin_table.userNum
LEFT JOIN user_table on users.userNum = user_table.userNum
WHERE admin_table.userNum=1000 OR user_table.userNum = 1000


(Disclaimers: There's probably a more efficient way of doing this. I've just
finished an epic battle with MS SQL Server's poxy excuse for full-text
searching and don't feel list spending any more time playing around with SQL
statements this evening.)

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Re: [PHP] solution

2001-02-05 Thread Chris Adams

On 5 Feb 2001 23:31:17 -0800, andreas \(@work\) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
a 404 php-file which extracts the path  and generates a page for that out of

or is there a better solution out there ?

This approach can work and, properly done, work fairly well. However, a more
elegant approach might be using mod_rewrite on Apache. You could write a regex
that would convert addresses of the form /~username into
/users/homepage.php?User=username internally. This would also have the
advantage of leaving your existing 404 handling unchanged.


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Re: [PHP] Server VS Client script validation

2001-01-30 Thread Chris Adams

On 29 Jan 2001 13:38:20 -0800, kaab kaoutar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
What's best ? using client script while validating form inputs(javasript or 
vbscript) or using php for validating!

The only acceptable approaches must be server side - otherwise you've just
decided that security and reliability don't matter. If you want to present
friendlier errors, you may also choose to add additional client-side scripting
but beware that many people, myself included, consider multiple Javascript
popups worse than well-designed server-side validation.

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Re: [PHP] IMAP - attachment-information

2001-01-23 Thread Chris Adams

On 23 Jan 2001 06:36:02 -0800, Jochen Kchelin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
How can I extract the information
about email attachments using the IMAP-functions?

Use imap_fetchstructure(). It returns a pretty large array, so you'll probably
want to spend some quality time with the documentation and print_r() getting
all of the details.

One nice thing if you're making a webmail interface is that you won't need to
worry too much about mime-types - those can be passed through to the browser,
which can figure out anything from text/plain to video/quicktime.

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Re: [PHP] Maximum execution time

2001-01-23 Thread Chris Adams

On 23 Jan 2001 07:47:03 -0800, Liam Gibbs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Can anyone tell me how to up the max. execution time in PHP? I know it's =
been said before, but I can't remember how it's done.

You can change the value max_execution_time in php.ini, or your apache
configuration files. If you only want to increase or disable the limit in a
single script, try set_time_limit().

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Re: [PHP] Internals of Session files

2001-01-18 Thread Chris Adams

On 18 Jan 2001 08:28:50 -0800, Eivind Trondsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Can someone shed any light on the internals of the session file
format? Is it documented somewhere?

We are building a system to log user paths, and are thinking of
harvesting PHP session objects to accomplish this. Has someone done
the same?

First, you probably want to have your code log to a database instead. The
session files won't have the context information you want. Alternately, just
turn on mod_usertrack in your Apache config and any decent log analysis program
will be able to do that for you.

However, if you do want to decipher those files, note the similarity between
the contents of one and the output of serialize($HTTP_SESSION_VARS).

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Re: [PHP] CSS and PHP

2001-01-18 Thread Chris Adams

On 18 Jan 2001 08:58:45 -0800, Brandon Orther [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I am making a script that creates a dynamic htm page.  One of the many
things that this script does is change the css.  The problem I am having is
that it doesn't seem to display the css when it is loaded through the web
server.  When I look at the source and save it as an htm file.  It loads up
perfectly.  Has anyone ever had this problem before?

PHP doesn't care about the bytes being sent, so there shouldn't be any special
problems related to CSS. Have you verified whether or not any of what you
expect is showing up in the generated HTML? At a guess, there's something
slightly wrong in the generated code which is causing a display failure. If
you're saving it through IE, some of the save options will have IE save it's
internal parsed version (it's the same cause as the difference between View
Source's code and View Partial Source's output), which could explain why that

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Re: [PHP] XML Parser is a bit strict

2001-01-18 Thread Chris Adams

On 18 Jan 2001 14:28:16 -0800, Chris Lee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I dont know if you can use XHTML syntax in XML, I dont think it works like
this, I think XML is more strict.

XHTML *is* XML - it's just HTML reformulated so that a valid XHTML document can
be parsed by a normal XML parser without using all of the special case rules an
HTML parser needs.

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2001-01-16 Thread Chris Adams

On 16 Jan 2001 05:05:18 -0800, Rick Hodger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Here's a fun little thing I discovered, possibly a bug in PHP itself?

To output a WAP page you must output a content-type header else the phone's
browser won't recognise the page. Dead simple. Use:

header("Content-type: text/vnd.wap.wml");

And all is well and good as long as you use echo/printf etc to output your
page. The second you deviate out of PHP and back to HTML the content-type
gets overwritten with a text/html, and so the page doesn't work.  ASP used
to be able to cope with this, is it a bug or something I'm doing wrong?

Hmmm - you might need to start checking details of your configuration. I've had
no problems doing a lot of WML work in PHP and it's always correctly returned
the content-type I've set using header on 4.0.3pl1 (OpenBSD) and 4.0.3 / 4.0.4

Do you have anything like output buffering turned on? I doubt that's causing
the problem as I use output buffering semi-frequently[0] but it can't hurt to

[0] neat hack - use ob_content_length() to tell when you've output almost as
much data as the phone can handle (find this by doing a browser detect) so you
can stop looping over a recordset and emit the Next/Prev page headers instead).

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Re: [PHP] Refresh particular browser while updating another browser

2001-01-14 Thread Chris Adams

On 13 Jan 2001 23:45:58 -0800, Hendry Sumilo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I would like how to refresh particular browser with a new updated data when 
the user has updated it at another browser.
Purpose of doing this is particular user won't user overwrite new value if 
he uses another browser to update it.

I don't think there's a good way of doing this sort of something strange with a
Java applet. The easiest way of doing this would be to include a timestamp row 
in your database table; the edit form would be generated with the current value
of that field. When they submit the form, your code can check to see if the time
stamp that was current when the form was created is still valid and either 
process the request or give the user some sort of "Overwrite newer data (y/n)"

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Re: [PHP] BIG site names using PHP?

2001-01-11 Thread Chris Adams

"Monte Ohrt" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Can anyone give me a list of big named sites (or point me to a list)
 that use PHP?
 Basically, site names that marketers can recognize as "big names", or
 very well known.

I haven't had time to update it recently, but I put a list up at
http://gateway.digitaria.com/~chris/php/sites.html. It draws from the
PHP.net sites list, Zend.com's case studies and submissions from various PHP
users, with a focus on large sites - either big names or lots of traffic.


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