Re: [PHP] File permissions do not seem to be my friend

2006-02-02 Thread David Grant

This is a php.ini setting, so a FS permissions problem.  The sysadmin
needs to disable safe mode on your behalf.


Brian Dunning wrote:
> I have a script that scans an images folder and creates a thumbnail for
> each and writes it to a new subfolder. Runs fine on my development box.
> But I'm using a new host that I'm unfamiliar with (, and
> when I run the script I get the following error. I set the permissions
> on the enclosing folder to 777, and all the attempted writes are within
> this folder:
> SAFE MODE restriction in effect. The script is not allowed to access
> /blah/blah/blah...
> Any suggestions? Anything I can do on my end to allow this?
> --PHP General Mailing List (
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David Grant   0.2.0

WANTED: Junior PHP Developer in Bristol, UK

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Re: [PHP] Print extended/parent classes

2006-02-01 Thread David Grant

Good point.  I thought he meant object given his example. :P


Jochem Maas wrote:
> David Grant wrote:
>> Mathijs,
>> Mathijs wrote:
>>> I have the following situation :
>>> >>
>>> class A {
>>> public $var1;
>>> }
>>> class B extends A {
>>> public $var2;
>>> }
>>> ?>
>>> Now I want to print this object
> ***object***
>>> >>
>>> $obj = new B;
>>> print_r($obj);
>>> ?>
>>> Does anybody know how I can print class A also ?
> ***class***
> (class and object are not interchangable concepts - yet
> they are closely related :-)
> you printed $obj which is an instance of B, which happens to
> be a subclass of A. if you are interested to find out which classes
> an objects is defined by try something like:
> class A {}
> class B extends A {}
> class C extends B {}
> $c = "C"; $classes = array($c);
> while($c = get_parent_class($c))
> $classes[] = $c;
> print_r($classes);
>> The above prints out:
>> B Object
>> (
>> [var2] =>
>> [var1] =>
>> )
>> Is this not what you expected?  You can't print out *just* the
>> properties of A.  If this isn't what you want, you shouldn't be
>> extending A.
>> David

David Grant   0.1.0

WANTED: Junior PHP Developer in Bristol, UK

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Re: [PHP] Hide email addresses from spam bots

2006-02-01 Thread David Grant

If a human being can read it, so can a spambot.  New techniques might be
developed all the time, but you shouldn't bet against spammers bringing
themselves up to date with those techniques too.

If the user wishes to display their e-mail address on a web page, they
should ensure they have good spam-filtering.

You might consider using some sort of CAPTCHA image, but that isn't
guaranteed to work flawlessly, and reading an e-mail address in a
CAPTCHA image would be hard work.

David Grant

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Re: [PHP] How to destroy HTTP authentication (from PHP)?

2006-02-01 Thread David Grant

How about generating a hash-enhanced (TM) realm name, such as:

Basic Realm Session 

Then store that timestamp-based hash in the session.  When you want to
user to  bugger off, change the realm name.  This is just a theory, and
I've not tested it at all.


Olaf Greve wrote:
> Hi all,
> Alright: here's a bit of a "challenge" (so as to avoid the word "issue")
> ;) my colleagues have run into previously: how to kill HTTP
> authentication...
> I remember that they never did figure that one out, and I too will now
> have to get my hands dirty with trying to find a proper way to do so.
> Simply unsetting the PHP_AUTH_USER and PHP_AUTH_PWD variables doesn't
> seem to do any magic, and using a forced 401 ('Unauthorized') HTTP
> header is also highly ideal (not to say blatantly dirty)...
> S, has anyone found a proper way of achieving this (ideally from PHP)?
> Also, in case this cannot be done from PHP, does anyone know of any
> Apache modules (or tricks/tweaks/settings) that will allow HTTP
> authentication to be neatly destroyed?
> Thanks in advance, and cheers,
> Olafo

David Grant   0.1.0

WANTED: Junior PHP Developer in Bristol, UK

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Re: [PHP] Print extended/parent classes

2006-02-01 Thread David Grant

Mathijs wrote:
> I have the following situation :
> class A {
> public $var1;
> }
> class B extends A {
> public $var2;
> }
> ?>
> Now I want to print this object
> $obj = new B;
> print_r($obj);
> ?>
> Does anybody know how I can print class A also ?

The above prints out:

B Object
[var2] =>
[var1] =>

Is this not what you expected?  You can't print out *just* the
properties of A.  If this isn't what you want, you shouldn't be extending A.

David Grant   0.1.0

WANTED: Junior PHP Developer in Bristol, UK

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] html forms and php

2006-01-31 Thread David Grant

I recommend using an ID, instead of the NAME attribute to refer to the
various elements.  This ought to solve your problem.


Philippe Reynolds wrote:
> Greetings all,
> Currently I have a form that has two lists that contain .
> I use javacript to dynamically move options from one select list to
> another.
> All this works fine...
> this is the :
>  LT680
>  LT685
>  LT690
>  LT695
>  LT700
>  LT705
> Now I wish to "post" all the options from one list to another page.  So
> I select all the options in that list and hit the "submit" button.
> Obviously, a select list, will return each value with the same name to
> the second web page.  Therefore we can only capture the last option posted.
> To resolve this we have to create an array out of our select name:
> I added the square brakets to the when I select all the
> options on the list I can read all values individually.
> Here is javascripts have stopped working, I can't move
> options from one list to the next.  Here is the javascript I use
> currently...I would like help in modifing it so that it may work while
> using the brakets on the name of the select:
> Thanks a bunch for the help!!  Always appreciated
> First the two list that transmit the options back and forth: (javascript
> below)
>  LT680
>  LT685
>  LT690
>  LT695
>  LT700
>  LT705
>onClick="Move(fleetForm.trucklist, fleetForm.reportinglist)">
>onClick="Move(fleetForm.reportinglist, fleetForm.trucklist)">
> here is the javascript:
> function Move(fromList, toList){
>var tempArray = new Array();
>var x = 0;
>//looping through source element to find selected options
>for (var i = 0; i < fromList.length; i++) {
>if (fromList.options[i].selected) {
>//need to move this option to the 'to' list
>var selectionLen = toList.length++;
>toList.options[selectionLen].text =
> fromList.options[i].text;
>toList.options[selectionLen].value =
> fromList.options[i].value;
> else {
>   //storing options that stay to recreate selected trucks
>   var tempValues = new Object();
>   tempValues.text = fromList.options[i].text;
>   tempValues.value = fromList.options[i].value;
>   tempArray[y] = tempValues;
>   y++;
>//resetting length of 'from' list
>fromList.length = tempArray.length;
>//looping through temp array to recreate intial selection
>for (var i = 0; i < tempArray.length; i++) {
>fromList.options[i].text = tempArray[i].text;
>fromList.options[i].value = tempArray[i].value;
>fromList.options[i].selected = false;
> }
> function MoveAll(from, to){
> selectAll(from);
> Move(from, to);
> }
> function selectAll(trucklist) {
> if (!hasTruck(trucklist)) { return; }
> for (var i=0; i trucklist.options[i].selected = true;
> }

David Grant   0.1.0

WANTED: Junior PHP Developer in Bristol, UK

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Class constructor

2006-01-31 Thread David Grant

Drop __construct, PHP5 will call Test() anyway.


"For backwards compatibility, if PHP 5 cannot find a __construct()
function for a given class, it will search for the old-style constructor
function, by the name of the class."

David Grant   0.1.0

WANTED: Junior PHP Developer in Bristol, UK

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Question about C++ like macros on PHP

2006-01-31 Thread David Grant


Andrei wrote:
> Hi list,
> For debugging purposes I want to send to a function the line and
> file where it is called. The problem is that I want these parameters to
> be added to function as default parameters (changing all function calls
> would not be an option for me)
> function my_func( $param, $line = __LINE__, $file = __FILE__ )
> {
> }
> won't work as it always gets the file and line where function is defined.
> Also I don't want to change all function calls to put __LINE__ and
> __FILE__ parameters.
> I looked into assert too, but I have to change again all function calls
> to be assert( "my_func(...)" ); which again will be a pain in the a...
> as this function is often called in every scripts...
> Any1 has any ideea about it?
> Thnx,
> Andrei

David Grant

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Re: [PHP] Other than default grey button

2006-01-30 Thread David Grant

You need to investigate CSS.


Jevos, Peter wrote:
> Hi all
> I'd like to ask you one ( probably ) simple question. I'm using webmail
> and I want to use other than default php grey button.
> I found on the pages how to use image instead of the default button. So
> I changed
> INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="move_button" VALUE="Move"
> to
> INPUT TYPE="image'" NAME="move_button" VALUE="Move"
> SRC="../images/button.jpg" width="19" height="50"
> It works but I found the other important problem. This is image. What
> happend when I change the language ? Nothing cause this is permanent
> image and text "Move" is replaced by image
> So what should I do to change design of the button without using image ?
> Thanks a lot for an answers

David Grant   0.1.0

WANTED: Junior PHP Developer in Bristol, UK

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Re: [PHP] doubt regarding while loop

2006-01-27 Thread David Grant

suresh kumar wrote:
> hi,
>for eg 
> while(list(t1,t2,...)=mysql_fetch_row($result)):
> endwhile;

You could start with list($t1, $t2, ...) instead.  Personally, I'd done
it without assuming mysql_fetch_row is returning an array.


$t1 = "";
$t2 = "";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
list($t1, $t2) = $row;

echo $t1;

David Grant   0.1.0

WANTED: Junior PHP Developer in Bristol, UK

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Re: [PHP] copy problem with HTTP wrapper

2006-01-27 Thread David Grant

Laurent Vanstaen wrote:
>> If so, what makes you think it's writable in the first place?
> 'Cause I work for this ISP 

So you don't have specs then I guess, since you're asking in a public
forum!  Have you considered using a HTTP PUT request (using cURL)?

$curl = curl_init();
$file = "replacementfile.txt";

curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, '');
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_PUT, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_INFILESIZE, filesize($file));
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_INFILE, fopen($file, 'r'));


Note: you might need to set the CURLOPT_USERPWD option too.

This is my best guess at a solution, but obviously I've not tested it.

David Grant   0.1.0

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Re: [PHP] copy problem with HTTP wrapper

2006-01-27 Thread David Grant

Laurent Vanstaen wrote:
>> Hello,
>> on 01/27/2006 05:59 AM Laurent Vanstaen said the following:
>> > I see your point. Here in my case the server I want to copy a file on
>> > has for IP address and thus cannot be found from outside a
>> > LAN, so the security problem is not that much important. But I agree
>> > with you and see what you mean.
>> You may want to try sending files via form upload. Then on the
>> destination end the you could have a PHP script that would take care of
>> authentication and receiving and storing the uploaded files.
> The destination server doesn't have PHP 

When you say "Livebox", are you in fact referring to the router given
out by your ISP?  If so, what makes you think it's writable in the first

David Grant   0.1.0

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Re: [PHP] Re: Does file_exists() 'honour' open_basedir?

2006-01-27 Thread David Grant
Perhaps you saw it here:

Search the page for "ceo at l-i-e dot com" or "open_basedir".


DRYALLS wrote:
> Let me try and answer my own question. I've *heard* that since PHP v4.3.2 
> file_exists() returne an open_basedir warning, but earlier PHP versions did 
> not. Is this true?
> ""DRYALLS"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
>> I have 2 different PHP installs, each are slightly different versions, and 
>> each have different open_basedir restictions.
>> I have a PHP script that fails on ONE of the installs but NOT the other.
>> The line that fails is $foo = file_exists("/proc/loadavg");
>> What I don't understand is why one script fails, yet the other does not 
>> because NEITHER have /proc in the open_basedir path.
>> What could be different about the PHP configs that makes one report a PHP 
>> warning, yet the other does not? 

David Grant   0.1.0

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Re: Does file_exists() 'honour' open_basedir?

2006-01-27 Thread David Grant

Perhaps you refer to this (fixed in 4.3.3):


DRYALLS wrote:
> Let me try and answer my own question. I've *heard* that since PHP v4.3.2 
> file_exists() returne an open_basedir warning, but earlier PHP versions did 
> not. Is this true?
> ""DRYALLS"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
>> I have 2 different PHP installs, each are slightly different versions, and 
>> each have different open_basedir restictions.
>> I have a PHP script that fails on ONE of the installs but NOT the other.
>> The line that fails is $foo = file_exists("/proc/loadavg");
>> What I don't understand is why one script fails, yet the other does not 
>> because NEITHER have /proc in the open_basedir path.
>> What could be different about the PHP configs that makes one report a PHP 
>> warning, yet the other does not? 

David Grant   0.1.0

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Re: [PHP] HTML Question?

2006-01-26 Thread David Grant

William Stokes wrote:
> How to print tables to a page so that they are placed side by side 
> horizontally as long as there is screen width left and then continue to 
> second row below? Like in many image galleries where thumpnails are dumped 
> to screen and the lines of thumpnails scale dynamically according to screen 
> widht.
> I need to dump my thumpnails to screen and add some image info below every 
> thumpnail and I want to take advantage of the whole screen widht.

David Grant

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Re: [PHP] Recursive array_push?

2006-01-26 Thread David Grant

After some contemplation (and slightly less crack):


[layer1] => Array
[layer2] => Array
[layer3] => Array
[layer4] => FOO





David Grant wrote:
> Kim,
> May the hack-o-rama commence:
>  $str   = "[layer1][layer2][layer3][layer4]";
> $parts = explode("][", substr($str, 1, -1));
> $text  = "";
> foreach ($parts as $part) {
> $text .= 'a:1:{s:' . strlen($part) . ':"' . $part . '";';
> }
> $text .= 'b:1;' . str_repeat('}',  count($parts));
> print_r(unserialize($text));
> ?>
> It works, but I'm not proud. :P
> David

David Grant

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Recursive array_push?

2006-01-26 Thread David Grant

May the hack-o-rama commence:

It works, but I'm not proud. :P

David Grant

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] forwarding from virtual email account to real email account

2006-01-25 Thread David Grant

I guess you could set up PHP to listen on port 25 and rewrite the
headers of mail messages containing aliases, but that seems like a lot
of work for what could easily be handled by a (much quicker) MTA.

David Grant

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Re: [PHP] function preg_match()

2006-01-25 Thread David Grant

You need to call the person responsible for maintaining your box.

Denyl Meneses Guillén wrote:
> sorry , what is PCRE ?

Regular Expression Functions (Perl-Compatible)

> I looking my configuration with phpinfo() and not exist PCRE or similar .

That's because someone disabled it in the ./configure step
(--disable-all).  Try using the following in the ./configure step:

--with-pcre-regex=DIR (where DIR is where PCRE's include and library
files are located)

David Grant

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] How to check if an object exists

2006-01-25 Thread David Grant

Derrick Shoemake wrote:
> It appears that the error I was getting wasn't really related to my
> problem. I'm getting a error in httpd-error.log
> httpd in free(): error: junk pointer, too high to make sense
> [Tue Jan 24 17:11:32 2006] [notice] child pid 22665 exit signal Abort
> trap (6)
> Is there any way to track down where the code is failing? It's not
> creating any dump file that I can see. I don't mind digging into this to
> either report a bug to, or even just fix the code
> myself and submit a patch to someone, but I'm a little new to the php
> and apache working together.

This might be related to PHP, but I would start out by asking around the
Apache community.

David Grant

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Re: [PHP] How to check if an object exists

2006-01-24 Thread David Grant

Derrick Shoemake wrote:
> Does anyone know if this is the proper way to check for an Objects
> existence and where I can find more information on doing so?

David Grant

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Re: [PHP] query problem.

2006-01-24 Thread David Grant

Angelo Zanetti wrote:
> Why does the < > cause that not to be displayed? or is it retrieving it
> correctly but not showing it because of the < > (which might be
> conflicting with HTML tags?

Look at the source!

David Grant

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Re: [PHP] Re: Custom Usort Function

2006-01-24 Thread David Grant

Personally, I'd do a logic case for each combination, e.g.

if (ctype_alpha($x[0])) {
if (ctype_alpha($y[0])) {
} elseif (ctype_digit([$y[0])) {
} else {
// 1;
} elseif (ctype_digit([$x[0])) {
if (ctype_alpha($y[0])) {
// 1;
} elseif (ctype_digit([$y[0])) {
// >
} else {
// 1;
} else {
if (ctype_alpha($y[0])) {
// -1;
} elseif (ctype_digit([$y[0])) {
// -1
} else {
// strcmp

It's not the prettiest, but it will work.


Matt Palermo wrote:
> Any ideas on how to accomplish this?
> ""Matt Palermo"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
>> I'm try to sort a list of items using a usort function.  Basically, I want 
>> it to sort in this order:
>> Numbers (0-9)
>> Letters (Aa-Zz)
>> Other (anything else)
>> To explain a little further, I want anything that starts with a number to 
>> show up first in the sorted list, then anything that starts with a letter, 
>> and finally anything that starts with some other character.  My usort 
>> function I'm using now gives me results close to this, but it sorts it as 
>> follows (which is wrong for what I need):
>> Numbers (0-9)
>> Other (anything else)
>> Letters (Aa-Zz)
>> They are all sorted properly alphabetically, but not in the group order 
>> that I need them in.  Here is the usort function I'm using right now:
>> function myUsort($x, $y)
>> {
>>  if(strtolower($x) == strtolower($y)) return 0;
>>  if(strtolower($x) < strtolower($y)) return -1;
>>  return 1;
>> }

function myUsort($x, $y) {
if (ctype_digit($x[0])) {
} elseif (ctype_alpha($x[0]}

>> As I stated above, this provides me with the proper alphabetical results, 
>> but I need it tweaked.  Basically this function will give a sorted list 
>> like this:
>> 007
>> 90210
>> __underscore
>> abra-cadabra
>> Zebra
>> But I need the function to provide a sorted list like this:
>> 007
>> 90210
>> abra-cadabra
>> Zebra
>> __underscore
>> Anyone know what I need to do to get these results?  Please let me know.
>> Thanks,
>> Matt Palermo

David Grant

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Re: [PHP] Book Sample Code Help

2006-01-24 Thread David Grant

Poppy Alexandra wrote:
> Parse error: parse error in book-1.php on line 90

Please provide lines 89-91 of book-1.php only please.

David Grant   0.1.0

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Cookie reposted

2006-01-23 Thread David Grant

The cookie is being set on the domain.  The cookie is
being read on domain.  This is perceived to be a security
risk, so the cookie isn't sent.


tedd wrote:
> Hi:
> After I successfully writing a cookie, I'm having a problems reading the
> cookie repeatedly.
> The first time into my "read the cookie" page, the cookie is read.
> However, the second time, it's not.
> If I quit my browser and then reenter the "read the cookie" page, the
> cookie is there and read again. But leaving the page and returning
> produces no cookie. The cookie remains, but the page doesn't read it.
> I have set up an example at:
> Do 1, Set Cookie -- it will create a cookie and report it. Then go to
> "main"
> Do 2, Get Cookie -- it will report no cookie found.
> [A] Quit your browser.
> Return to:
> It WILL report your cookie.
> Leave the page and return back from anywhere, and your cookie will not
> be reported as there. However, if you go to [A] and repeat, you'll find
> your cookie remains.
> Surely someone must know what's happening here.
> Does anyone have any ideas?
> It would be nice to have a persistent cookie. Do I also have to use a
> session to make this happen?
> tedd

David Grant

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Re: [PHP] Adventures in Cookies

2006-01-23 Thread David Grant
Please ignore the previous e-mail: I slipped on the keyboard. :)

David Grant   0.1.0

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Adventures in Cookies

2006-01-23 Thread David Grant
Barry wrote:
> Austin Denyer wrote:
>> On Mon, 23 Jan 2006 16:37:12 +
>> David Grant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> tedd wrote:
>>>> Hi all:
>>>> While I'm sure this is obvious for most, but I just discovered this.
>>>> Using one browser (browser A) I can access one of my pages and
>>>> create a cookie with a user input value.
>>>> Then using a different browser (browser B), I can access the same
>>>> page and create another cookie with another user value.
>>>> Now, it would seem to me that I shouldn't have two cookies with the
>>>> same name both having different contents, but that's exactly what
>>>> I've found -- for browser A will produce one value and browser B
>>>> will produce another value.
>>> Can you provide some examples for what you mean?
>> I think he's referring to the fact that you can have one cookie in,
>> say, Mozilla and another one in, say, Konqueror (or Internet Exploiter
>> if you do Windoze).
>> Regards,
>> Ozz.


> No i think he is more referring to that some "different" values are stored.
> But unless we dont get an example, it's useless to discuss that further :P
> Barry

David Grant

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Adventures in Cookies

2006-01-23 Thread David Grant

Austin Denyer wrote:
> On Mon, 23 Jan 2006 16:37:12 +
> David Grant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> tedd wrote:
>>> ...
>> Can you provide some examples for what you mean?
> I think he's referring to the fact that you can have one cookie in,
> say, Mozilla and another one in, say, Konqueror (or Internet Exploiter
> if you do Windoze).


David Grant   0.1.0

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Adventures in Cookies

2006-01-23 Thread David Grant

tedd wrote:
> Hi all:
> While I'm sure this is obvious for most, but I just discovered this.
> Using one browser (browser A) I can access one of my pages and create a
> cookie with a user input value.
> Then using a different browser (browser B), I can access the same page
> and create another cookie with another user value.
> Now, it would seem to me that I shouldn't have two cookies with the same
> name both having different contents, but that's exactly what I've found
> -- for browser A will produce one value and browser B will produce
> another value.

Can you provide some examples for what you mean?

David Grant

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Re: [PHP] Re: PHP SSH2

2006-01-23 Thread David Grant

I recommend contacting the author of the package, or posting to pecl-dev.


Vedanta Barooah wrote:
> On 1/23/06, Vedanta Barooah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> hello all,
>> this is in regard to PECL ssh2 ( ) : how
>> to i print the output of the command executed using ssh2_exec?
>> thanks,
>> vedanta
> --
> *~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*
> Vedanta Barooah
> YM! - vedanta2006
> Skype - vedanta2006

David Grant

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Re: [PHP] Php4 with mysql flag

2006-01-23 Thread David Grant

Markus Braun wrote:
> libapache2-mod-php4 is already the newest version.
> mysql-server is already the newest version.
> mysql-client is already the newest version.

That should be all you need then.  Have you restarted apache yet?

David Grant   0.1.0

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Php4 with mysql flag

2006-01-23 Thread David Grant

Markus Braun wrote:
> I have installed it with apt-get install php4 php4-mysql

I think you'll need libapache-mod-php4 too (p.d.o is down at the moment,
so can't be sure), as well as the mysql-server and mysql-client packages.

David Grant   0.1.0

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Re: [PHP] problem encountered with stristr-based function

2006-01-20 Thread David Grant

George Pitcher wrote:
> For info, I am trying to highlight search terms in results.

If you're searching and replacing within HTML, you ought to be aware of
issues if someone's search term happens to be an HTML tag or attribute.
 For example, Alice might search for "href" and get the following:


back, which is clearly fubar, which highlights the necessity for some
handy regex skills.  Following a quick google, I found this page:

David Grant   0.1.0

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] New identification after an error...

2006-01-20 Thread David Grant

David BERCOT wrote:
> I've tried :
> without succes...

e.g. unset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']);

It might, however, be better practice to used an authorisation state
variable, or something similar, i.e.

if (! $auth) {
    // HTTP Headers

David Grant

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] date("H", $datevalue) always adds an hour?

2006-01-20 Thread David Grant

I can't think what else it might be.  Sorry!

David Grant   0.1.0

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] date("H", $datevalue) always adds an hour?

2006-01-20 Thread David Grant

As far as I know, Queensland is in EST (Eastern Standard Time), so that
is the correct value.  Are you using the same machine or is it remote?

David Grant

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] date("H", $datevalue) always adds an hour?

2006-01-20 Thread David Grant

What do you get if you print date("T")?

David Grant

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Re: [PHP] php script running as a cgi

2006-01-16 Thread David Grant

zedleon wrote:
> I am running a php script as a cgi so to be able to run under my user name.
> The script seems to be working except for one major problem.
> the cgi script is not finding the variables passed by the html form...

How are you attempting to access them?

David Grant

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Re: [PHP] how 2 stroe images in Mysql Database using PHP

2006-01-16 Thread David Grant

suresh kumar wrote:
> i dont know how 2 store images in gif/jpeg format
> in Mysql Database.i also want 2 know PHP Code 2
> store images in Mysql Database .reply me soon its very
> urgent .

Storing the image in the database will result in a fairly large
performance hit, but if you want to do that, it's your lookout.  A quick
search turned this up:

David Grant

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Lions and tigers and slashes, oh my!

2006-01-13 Thread David Grant

Jay Blanchard wrote:
> [snip]
> hope the kick didn't break anything. :-)
> [/snip]
> Nah, just having a senior moment. Since it is a query string issue I
> converted the database (even though it is strictly a web database in this
> case) to 'Oil & Gas'. The query string sees the ampersand and doesn't show
> anything past that in the condirion.

URL encoding the category ought to convert the text to Oil%20%26%20Gas,
which ought to work without any problems.  Have you tried this?

David Grant

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Lions and tigers and slashes, oh my!

2006-01-13 Thread David Grant

Jay Blanchard wrote:
> I am having a problem with a an ampersand sign. I have a list of things on a
> page, in which one category is 'Oil & Gas'. I store it in the database as
> 'Oil & Gas'. When the category is clicked the query string shows just an
> ampersand, i.e.
> "Filter=Process&FilterKey=Oil%20&%20Gas&Order=Application&Direction=ASC&comm
> ents=" and therefore just shows as an '&' and the query only sees 'Oil'.
> I guess that I am too tired to deal with this or the answer would come to
> mind immediately. Can someone drop kick me in the right direction? Thanks!

Probably not the answer you're looking for, and somewhat site-stepping
the issue, but can't you use the category key instead of its title?

David Grant

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] PHP 4.4.2 released!

2006-01-13 Thread David Grant

Derick Rethans wrote:
> The PHP Development Team would like to announce the immediate release of 
> PHP 4.4.2. This is a maintenance release that addresses a number of 
> minor security problems and fixes a few regressions that shown up in PHP 
> 4.4.1. All users of PHP 4 are recommended to upgrade to PHP 4.4.2.

Any indication as to when the Windows binaries will become available?

David Grant

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Re: [PHP] PHP for Mac

2006-01-13 Thread David Grant

Caveat:  I'm not a OS X user, so this information may not help you.

Richard Correia wrote:
> I want to install PHP5 on Mac powerbook G4. Can someone please let me know
> where I can find it and it's related module?

The installation instructions for OS X on[1] points to this[2]
resource for installing a portfile.  It appears to come with GD compiled
in already, but you'll have to look a bit further for Ming.

> I am mainly looking for GD and mingswf module on Mac.


David Grant

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Re: [PHP] transferring db info

2006-01-12 Thread David Grant

Ross wrote:
> Can you just export the mysql? Will the pdfs be exported as binary data? 
> Will I have to re-upload them? (there are hundereds).

Try using "mysqldump" to pull the data into a flat file full of SQL
statements.  You can then use the "mysql" command to reinsert the data.

David Grant

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Image size?

2006-01-11 Thread David Grant

William Stokes wrote:
> Can I get pixel sizes from a uploaded web applicable image with PHP? I mean 
> width and height as pixels. If  so How?

David Grant

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Is there a way to display data from database for Select Options in a form?

2006-01-10 Thread David Grant

Jochem Maas wrote:
> David Grant wrote:
> 1. your looping a result set which involves a db connection - lots
> of pontential things that could go wrong...

Absolutely, and lots of lessons to learn too.

> 2. its not a centralized 'solution' - code reuse is a good thing.

However, what use is code reuse when you're using it only once.  If you
need to perform the same function again, then refactor the existing code.

> 3. we should encourage people to aim a little higher?

I imagine my first PHP script with a database connection probably looked
much like Adrian's solution, and writing lots and lots of PHP has taught
be some best practices that I now stick to.  However, being told that I
need to write reusable functions for iterating a resultset would've had
me running off to another scripting language in a heartbeat.

Tell people to aim higher, sure, but let them make their own mind up,
make their own mistakes and learn from them. :)

>> Even the longest journeys start with small steps, and asking someone new
>> to PHP to separate various tiers might put them off.
> which I could spin as a positive thing - raising the lowest commom
> denominator
> so to speak. besides Sue was the one that came with the many-in-one
> question
> (i.e. how to a dynamically generate a select box AND how do I grab data
> from
> a DB).

I'm sure you're not being elitist, but where do you place the bar?
Should PHP be made a language that only the experienced can get into?
That sounds like a policy that would only harm the PHP community.

David Grant

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Re: [PHP] replacing .shtml #exec cgi with php calls

2006-01-10 Thread David Grant

The Doctor wrote:
>  and wish to replace it with a php call.

> Similarly we want to hide a js script.

You want to disable direct requests to the javascript file?  I can't
think of a way that couldn't be trivially circumvented.  You're probably
better off obfuscating the code.

David Grant

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Is there a way to display data from database for Select Options in a form?

2006-01-10 Thread David Grant

Jochem Maas wrote:
> teaching noobs to output html while (oun intended) looping thru a
> result set is counter-productive. discuss.

I disagree, however, I do believe attention should be drawn to reasons
why doing so might be considered bad practice.

Even the longest journeys start with small steps, and asking someone new
to PHP to separate various tiers might put them off.

David Grant

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Is there a way to display data from database for Select Options in a form?

2006-01-10 Thread David Grant

Sue wrote:
> We have a form that contains a Select option for a listing of available 
> dates for the user to choose from.  Right now we have to manually change the 
> dates within the form's Selection list as new dates become available to 
> choose from.  We currently store these available dates in our database, and 
> am wondering if we can somehow extract these dates from the table to display 
> in our form?  This would eliminate alot of maintenance needed to this form. 
> If anyone has any ideas as to reference material etc. that I may look which 
> would give me an idea how to do this using PHP, I'd appreciate it!

I'd recommend reading the PHP manual at:

There you will find chapters on using various database functions, such as:



Microsoft SQL Server


David Grant

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] php + mysql - timstamp - calculate hours remaining

2006-01-10 Thread David Grant

David Grant wrote:
> Gregory Machin wrote:
>> I have a table with a timestamp column and would like to use his to
>> calculate the age of the record . how would i go about this...
>> I would also like to exicute a mysql stament that pasess the tables and
>> removes fields older than say 72 hours. how would i go about this . ?
> A timestamp is the time in seconds (since Jan 1 1970), so you can
> ascertain the age in seconds by subtracting the stored timestamp from
> the current timestamp.
> You can find the current timestamp in MySQL using the
> Once you have the age of the record, finding 72 hours is fairly trivial
> - 72 hours is 259200 seconds (72hrs * 60mins * 60secs).
> Therefore your query will be:

Following Albert's reply, the query ought to read:


David Grant

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] php + mysql - timstamp - calculate hours remaining

2006-01-10 Thread David Grant

Gregory Machin wrote:
> I have a table with a timestamp column and would like to use his to
> calculate the age of the record . how would i go about this...
> I would also like to exicute a mysql stament that pasess the tables and
> removes fields older than say 72 hours. how would i go about this . ?

A timestamp is the time in seconds (since Jan 1 1970), so you can
ascertain the age in seconds by subtracting the stored timestamp from
the current timestamp.

You can find the current timestamp in MySQL using the

Once you have the age of the record, finding 72 hours is fairly trivial
- 72 hours is 259200 seconds (72hrs * 60mins * 60secs).

Therefore your query will be:


David Grant

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Executing a string

2006-01-09 Thread David Grant
Philip Hallstrom wrote:

Pay close attention to the oft-used quote from Rasmus Lerdorf:

"If eval() is the answer, you're almost certainly asking the
wrong question"

David Grant

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] The meaning of and "@"

2006-01-09 Thread David Grant

The @ operator suppresses error messages.


Todd Cary wrote:
> I have not been able to find in the Online Manual the use of the "@"
> symbol as in
> Is that a "pointer"...address of...?
> Todd

David Grant

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Re: [PHP] include() problem

2006-01-09 Thread David Grant

Have you considered $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']?


Nuno Trancoso wrote:
> This may sound dumb, but i have been up all night going through
> php/apache docs, and still have not found an answer..
> Throughout a site i need to include files that are scattered in subdirs,
> sometimes up in the dir tree, sometimes down. Bad design i know but i
> have to live w/ it...
> Problem is in the way Apache/PHP see stuff. If i include /somefile.htm
> in html, it means somefile.htm wich is at site root dir. In PHP it looks
> like it means somefile.htm at SERVER root dir.
> I can use getcwd() and go around truncating/adding to the string until i
> get a path to use with set_include_path() to add the site root dir to
> the include path, but it just seems wrong to waste cycles doing it...
> So, question is, is there a more direct/elegant way to add the site root
> (or any other dir for that matter) to the include path?
> Nuno Trancoso

David Grant

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Php5 SOAP WSDL parsing

2006-01-09 Thread David Grant

It would appear you've not included the full message.  Please look at
the source of the message in your web browser.  The space between
unexpected and "in complexType" probably contains an XML tag.


Simon Detheridge wrote:
> I'm trying to get PHP5 to talk to a web service that I am developing.
> I have created a wsdl for the service
> ( and am trying to get PHP
> to parse it. (The wsdl validates in a number of tools I've pointed at
> it, including mindreef soapscope and the wsdl analyser on
> When I try and get PHP5 to read the file, I get an error that it not
> very helpful. My code says:
> try
> {
>  $client = new SoapClient (
> ""; ) ;
> } catch ( SoapFault $fault ) {
>  echo $fault ;
>  exit ;
> }
> The output says:
> SoapFault exception: [WSDL] SOAP-ERROR: Parsing Schema: unexpected  in
> complexType in /var/www/localhost/htdocs/soap1.php:5 Stack trace: #0
> /var/www/localhost/htdocs/soap1.php(5):
> SoapClient->__construct('http://www.symg...') #1 {main}
> This is obviously truncated. I've tried looking at the apache2 error_log
> but I can't see any further detail.
> I'd really like to know what PHP's problem is with my wsdl. How can I
> see the full output of this error?
> Thanks,
> Simon

David Grant

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Re: [PHP] Problem with fsockopen and SSL

2006-01-09 Thread David Grant
Hi Barry,

I'm not terrible au fait with the workings of SSL, but it strikes me as
potentially problematic that you are communicating in plain text over an
encrypted protocol.  Might that be the problem?


Barry wrote:
> Hi everyone!
> I want to connect to an SSL server but i can't get the content :(
> Here is the code i use:
> $xml = 'Hello!';
> function PostToHost($host, $path, $referer, $data_to_send) {
>   $fp = fsockopen($host, 443);
>   printf("Open!\n");
>   fputs($fp, "POST $path HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n");
>   fputs($fp, "Host:$host\r\n");
>   fputs($fp, "Referer: $referer\r\n");
>   fputs($fp, "Content-type: text/xml\r\n");
>   fputs($fp, "Content-length: ". strlen($data_to_send) ."\r\n");
>   fputs($fp, "Connection: close\r\n");
>   //fputs($fp, $data_to_send);
>   printf("Sent!\n");
>   while(!feof($fp)) {
>   $res .= fgets($fp, 128);
>   }
>   printf("Done!\n");
>   fclose($fp);
>   return $res;
> }
> $data = $xml;
> printf("Go!\n");
> $x = PostToHost(
>   "ssl://",
>   "/hosting/servlet/Dispatcher",
>   $data
> );
> echo $x;
> And this is what i get:
> Go! Open! Sent! Done! HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request Date: Mon, 09 Jan 2006
> 10:28:48 GMT Server: Apache/2.0.53 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.0.53 OpenSSL/0.9.7e
> DAV/2 mod_jk/1.2.1 Content-Length: 363 Connection: close Content-Type:
> text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
> Bad Request
> Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.
> Apache/2.0.53 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.0.53 OpenSSL/0.9.7e DAV/2 mod_jk/1.2.1
> Server at Port 443
> What did the Webserver not understood?
> Btw. i can't use cURL because the server has an old version of PHP (><)"
> Would be glad if you can help or even have a code how to connect to a
> SSL webserver via fsockopen that works.
> Btw the PHP version on server is: PHP Version 4.2.2
> Thanks for any help!
> Greets Barry

David Grant

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Re: [PHP] Graphically displayed number to confirm user is a human

2006-01-04 Thread David Grant
Dave M G wrote:
>   First, is there a term for these kinds of images, or that kind of
> verification system? What would be the best search terms to look for
> source scripts?


>   Second, can anyone recommend a resource for that kind of PHP script. If
> I really worked at it, I could probably write the script to generate a
> small PNG image with a random number in it. But I haven't the faintest
> clue how to distort it so it's only legible to humans, nor how to
> correlate the image with a number that a user inputs into a form field.


David Grant

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Re: [PHP] PHP is OK in IE but not in Netscape

2005-12-22 Thread David Grant

Nanu Kalmanovitz wrote:
> Ok, I will forget Netscape, what other popular browsers beside M$-IE
> works with M$-Windows?

I wouldn't "forget" Netscape, because people still use it.  Just make
sure your code validates to W3C standards and so long as it isn't too
cutting edge, must browsers should display it fine.

To answer your question, Opera is probably the third most popular
browser on Windows.


David Grant

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] PHP is OK in IE but not in Netscape

2005-12-22 Thread David Grant

Nanu Kalmanovitz wrote:
> The file appears OK in M$-IE but
> not in Netscape 7.0.

Looks fine to me.  What is the contents of hello.php?


David Grant

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] problem: pgsql (unicode) => php5 => HTML (iso-8859-1)

2005-12-20 Thread David Grant

Michelle Konzack wrote:
> Please can anyone tell me the right  (???) Tag to get Motilla
> right to UNICODE?



David Grant

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] can someone explain this query to me

2005-12-20 Thread David Grant

Ross wrote:
> $query = "delete from meetings where id IN (".implode(",", $ids).")";
> Just the end bit, ids is an array of values (1,2,3,4,5) what does the IN 
> do??

It's the equivalent of WHERE id = 1 OR id = 2 OR id = 3 OR id = 4 OR id = 5.


David Grant

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] ? Split string into smaller chunks

2005-12-19 Thread David Grant
Labunski wrote:
> I need to split a long string into smaler chunks (an array), as a separator 
> using every third \n (and not just every \n).
> I could use 'explode', but then it would produce too many chunks.


David Grant

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] PHP/MySQL noob rides again.. into trouble

2005-12-16 Thread David Grant

Paul Jinks wrote:
> David Grant wrote:
>> $SQLQuery = "SELECT * FROM project WHERE projTitle = '" .
>> $HTTP_GET_VARS['projTitle'] . "'";
> Yep, that fixed it. Thanks. I had a feeling there was a mix up with the
> "s and 's. What's with the .  s?

The . is a concatenation operator, i.e. it joins two strings together.

>> Not sure why you've got the or die() there.
> I had the idea that you could put an or die() after any command and it
> would tell you that it had screwed up at that point. Bad idea?

Bit hard to maintain I should think.  It's unlikely you're going to
screw up a string concatenation and it still be able to call the die().


David Grant

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] PHP/MySQL noob rides again.. into trouble

2005-12-16 Thread David Grant
Paul Jinks wrote:
> $SQLQuery = "SELECT * FROM project WHERE
> projTitle = ".$HTTP_GET_VARS['projTitle']
> or die("SQLQuery 1 failed");

$SQLQuery = "SELECT * FROM project WHERE projTitle = '" .
$HTTP_GET_VARS['projTitle'] . "'";

Not sure why you've got the or die() there.


David Grant

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] 4 Digit ID with Leading Zeros

2005-12-15 Thread David Grant

Rahul S. Johari wrote:
> The 4 Digit ID (beginning from 0001) will be used in two places:
> (a) It will be the ID for the record in the mySQL table, instead of the
> usual ID that we create in mySQL. It will be a Primary Key, Not Null,
> Auto_Increment

Adding ZEROFILL to that definition might be what you're after.


David Grant

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] foreach $_FILES

2005-12-14 Thread David Grant

That is the documented behaviour for form fields in PHP.

See "Dots in incoming variable names" on the following page:


David Grant

Shaun wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a form on my site with many file fields for users to upload files. I 
> am trying to verify that for each file uploaded it corresponds with the name 
> of the file field i.e.
> However if I loop through the $_FILES array like this:
> foreach( $_FILES as $key => $value ){
>echo '$key = '.$key.'';
>echo '$value = '.$value.'';
> }
> $key = File_1_CSV
> $value['name'] = File_1.CSV
> $key = File_2_CSV
> $value['name'] = File_2.CSV
> The . is replaced with an underscore in the $key value. I could get around 
> this with a substr() but it seems a little inelegant, can anyone tell me why 
> this is happening please?
> Thanks for your advice. 

David Grant

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Problem: Distortion while saving text file.

2005-12-14 Thread David Grant
Could it be the other way around, i.e. Windows is stripping slashes, and
Linux is not?  How does $contents come to exist in the script?

Check for any difference in your ini files for magic_quotes_runtime.


David Grant

Janne Miettunen wrote:
> What could be wrong when this is transformed:
> ""
> to this form:
> ""
> The line is saved to text file with this function:
> function savesite($site, $lang, $contents){
> if (check_session()){
> $file=fopen('content/' . $site . '_' . $lang . '.txt', "w");
> fwrite($file, $contents);
> fclose($file);
> }
> I run it through nl2br() before saving and this only happens on Linux
> server, on Windows server it works fine, no \ before ".
> Tested with:
> On Windows: Apache2, PHP5
> Linux: Debian distro, Apache2, PHP4, also tried with PHP5

David Grant

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] 1 ip address go here all others go here

2005-12-13 Thread David Grant

David Grant wrote:
> Quick and (very) nasty:
> $parts = split(".", $_SERVER['REMOTE_HOST']);
> if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_HOST'] == '' || ($parts[0] == '192' &&
> $parts[1] == '168')) {
>   // Local
> } else {
>   // Remote
> }
> Dave Carrera wrote:
>> i know about
>> but i think i should of said how do i compare any address starting with
>> 192.168.
>> sorry if my first question was to vague
>> David Grant wrote:
>>> Try $_SERVER['REMOTE_HOST'] instead of REFERER.
>>> Dave Carrera wrote:
>>>> Jay Blanchard wrote:
>>>>> [snip]
>>>>> Is there a way of sending users with a local ip address say
>>>>> and to goto one page and all other visitors to goto
>>>>> another?
>>>>> [/snip]
>>>>> Yes, there is.
>>>>> $_SERVER['REFERER'] will give you the referer mosy of the time. More
>>>>> info
>>>>> from TFM can be found here;
>>>>> Header can then be used to redirect
>>>>> header("Location:";); /* Redirect browser */.
>>>>> More
>>>>> info from TFM can be found here;
>>>> snip from TFM
>>>>   The address of the page (if any) which referred the user agent to
>>>>   the current page. This is set by the user agent. Not all user agents
>>>>   will set this, and some provide the ability to modify HTTP_REFERER
>>>>   as a feature. In short, it cannot really be trusted.
>>>> notice the last 7 words 

David Grant

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] 1 ip address go here all others go here

2005-12-13 Thread David Grant
Quick and (very) nasty:

$parts = split(".", $_SERVER['REMOTE_HOST']);
if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_HOST'] == '' || ($parts[0] == '192' &&
$parts[1] == '168')) {
// Local
} else {
// Remote

Dave Carrera wrote:
> i know about
> but i think i should of said how do i compare any address starting with
> 192.168.
> sorry if my first question was to vague
> David Grant wrote:
>> Try $_SERVER['REMOTE_HOST'] instead of REFERER.
>> Dave Carrera wrote:
>>> Jay Blanchard wrote:
>>>> [snip]
>>>> Is there a way of sending users with a local ip address say
>>>> and to goto one page and all other visitors to goto
>>>> another?
>>>> [/snip]
>>>> Yes, there is.
>>>> $_SERVER['REFERER'] will give you the referer mosy of the time. More
>>>> info
>>>> from TFM can be found here;
>>>> Header can then be used to redirect
>>>> header("Location:";); /* Redirect browser */.
>>>> More
>>>> info from TFM can be found here;
>>> snip from TFM
>>>   The address of the page (if any) which referred the user agent to
>>>   the current page. This is set by the user agent. Not all user agents
>>>   will set this, and some provide the ability to modify HTTP_REFERER
>>>   as a feature. In short, it cannot really be trusted.
>>> notice the last 7 words 

David Grant

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] 1 ip address go here all others go here

2005-12-13 Thread David Grant

Dave Carrera wrote:
> Jay Blanchard wrote:
>> [snip]
>> Is there a way of sending users with a local ip address say
>> and to goto one page and all other visitors to goto
>> another?
>> [/snip]
>> Yes, there is.
>> $_SERVER['REFERER'] will give you the referer mosy of the time. More info
>> from TFM can be found here;
>> Header can then be used to redirect
>> header("Location:";); /* Redirect browser */. More
>> info from TFM can be found here;
> snip from TFM
>The address of the page (if any) which referred the user agent to
>the current page. This is set by the user agent. Not all user agents
>will set this, and some provide the ability to modify HTTP_REFERER
>as a feature. In short, it cannot really be trusted.
> notice the last 7 words 

David Grant

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Non-trivial task of converting text to HTML

2005-12-08 Thread David Grant
Hi Roman,

Check out this:

Would this help you?



Roman Ivanov wrote:
> Task:
> Create a script that converts text into HTML with paragraphs.
> Problem:
> Input text could use the book notation, as well as the web notation,
> plus it can contain HTML.
> ==
> This is a title
>This is a Book paragraph.
>This is another book paragraph.
> This is yet another book paragraph, but it's not indented with spaces,
> because user wrote it in OpenOffice.
> ==
> ==
> This is a web paragraph.
> This is another web paragraph.
>This is yet another web paragraph, which is indented with spaces for
> some unknown reason.
> ==
> Output text should be correctly formatted without using lots of br's and
>  's. Doing so manually is not a problem, I would just use  for
> web paragraphs, and  for book paragraphs. However,
> formatting such text with a scrip is very difficult. Does anyone knows a
> good exaple of such script?

David Grant

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] PEAR Validate email question

2005-12-08 Thread David Grant
Validate::email appears to check for a MX or A record.  I'm a bit rusty
on my RFCs, but isn't is possible the mail host could be specified using



Eric Butera wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm using the PEAR Validate::email method to validate email addresses on our
> contact forms since the spam bots have gotten so bad.  I am using the
> "check_domain" flag which calls the php function "checkdnsrr."  This form
> processor is used on several sites now and all is going well except one
> problem.  It seems this "checkdnsrr" function randomly returns false on
> valid email addresses.  I built a little debug feature into the processor to
> let me know when the script fails and any error messages it has generated
> along the way to try and stay ahead of the spammers.
> I've been getting randomly occurring failure notices.  Most of the time it
> works, sometimes it doesn't.  Every failure is a valid DNS and email
> address.  If I try running the email address against Validate::email later
> it works.  I was hoping somebody can shine some light on why checkdnsrr
> would work sometimes and why it wouldn't work others.  Any help or advice
> would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks in advance!

David Grant

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Call to undefined function mysql_real_escape_string()]

2005-12-08 Thread David Grant
Hi John,

John Nichel wrote:
> Paul Hickey wrote:
>> I don't understand why I'm getting "undefined function" errors.
>> PHP.ini has no reference to mysqli. I don't know if changing this would
>> enable the functions specific to PHP > 4.x.
> In your configuration line (how php was configured then compiled), you
> have...
> --with-mysqli=/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_config
> That is why you are getting undefined function errors.  Your version of
> php is using mysqli, not mysql.  You have two options: a) Recompile php
> or b) Change all mysql_* functions to their counterparts in mysqli_*

Hmm, that's how I *should* have put it. :)


David Grant

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Call to undefined function mysql_real_escape_string()]

2005-12-08 Thread David Grant
Is there no way to specify the database functions in Joomla?

You're getting undefined function because you haven't compiled it with
mysql, but mysqli instead, which means the functions you need are
prefixed with mysqli instead of mysql.

Paul Hickey wrote:
> I have PHP compiled with mysqli.
> The standard answer from the Joomla forums is that I need to have
> "mysql" vice "mysqli". I was looking for a more global solution than
> having to modify the code for every component, module, mambot I want to
> use.
> I don't understand why I'm getting "undefined function" errors. 
> PHP.ini has no reference to mysqli. I don't know if changing this would
> enable the functions specific to PHP > 4.x.
> Paul Hickey
> Christian Patriot 
> Palm Bay Fl

David Grant

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Call to undefined function mysql_real_escape_string()]

2005-12-08 Thread David Grant
Try using mysqli, instead of mysql.

Have you tried Joomla! support channels?

Paul Hickey wrote:
> Can someone help me overcome this recurring problem? I am using the
> Joomla content management system and I keep coming across the following
> errors.  
> Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_real_escape_string()
> in /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/common.php on line 24
> Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_real_escape_string()
> in /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/class.inputfilter.php on line 344
> I notice in my Dynamic Extensions section of php.ini there are no
> extensions called for; if that helps. Joomla works fine, but when adding
> components or modules the problems start. One component author made a
> test for the mysql_real_escape_string and I think avoided using it then
> the component worked. I think that's probably not the best solution. 
> Fedora Core 3
> Apache 2.0.55
> PHP 5.0.5 (compiled with mysqli vice mysql)
> './configure' '--with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs' '--enable-ftp'
> '--enable-inline-optimization' '--enable-magic-quotes' '--enable-
> mbstring' '--enable-track-vars' '--enable-trans-sid' '--enable-
> wddx=shared' '--enable-xml' '--with-dom' '--with-gd' '--with-gettext'
> '--with-mysqli=/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_config' '--with-regex=system'
> '--with-xml' '--with-zlib-dir=/usr/lib'
> MySQL 4.1.15
> TIA,
> Paul Hickey
> Christian Patriot 
> Palm Bay Fl

David Grant

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Eval To String

2005-12-07 Thread David Grant

Shaun wrote:
> Is it possible to return the result of eval function to a string rather than 
> outputting directly to the browser?

eval('$eval = "evil";');
$output = ob_get_clean();


David Grant
David Grant

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Anyone getting bounces from

2005-12-07 Thread David Grant
Jay Blanchard wrote:
> I am getting failure notices out the wazoo for some very old messages to the
> general list.

Just got seven in a row, looks like the MTA is trying for three weeks
and then giving up.  The messages appear to be for:


Can this address be unsubscribed?


David Grant

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Forum

2005-12-06 Thread David Grant
Larry E. Ullman wrote:
>>>> Does anyone of you know of a good forum that is easy to customize and
>>>> supports sticky notes, user registration, bb code and stuff like that?

I've heard lots about it, but never used it.


David Grant
David Grant

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Re: [PHP] Unnecessary if statement? Programming technique

2005-12-06 Thread David Grant

I imagine this kind of thing is not especially taxing on the processor,
especially if the condition is a fairly simple comparison.  That said, I
have very little understanding aside from my own limited experience of
what runs slowly!

If you're worried about code maintenance, then move the code out to a
function and pass the parts that vary as parameters.


David Grant

Steve McGill wrote:
> Hi,
> David is right about the unwanted side-effect. Thanks for the idea though.
> Unfortunately the 'greater problem' is not so great, I've just been doing 
> this for a while now and find myself programming loops like these so often 
> and I've never got round to testing if a simple IF statement is a major 
> drain on the CPU. Somehow I doubt it.
> I got this reply from someone direct to my mail address, which seems to sum 
> it up:
> --
> In truth you are not evaluating the whole if block just the condition
> and since its such a simple condition I can't see how it would be at
> all taxing on the server. In your specific case I can't think of a
> better way to do it either.
> --
> I'll try and think of a better example:
>  $bool = true; // this is set dynamically and not known in advance
> while(true) {
>   if($bool) { // this condition tested in every single loop
> // do first code
>   } else {
> // do second code
>   }
> }
> ?>
> and I am wondering if the compiler is smart enough to turn this into:
>  $bool = true; // this is set dynamically and not known in advance
> if($bool) { // this condition only tested once
>   while(true) {
> // do first code
>   }
> } else {
>   while(true) {
> // do second code
>   }
> }
> ?>
> I realise this might be hard to follow without giving specific examples and 
> code.
> In this case, the coding style of the 2nd example seems far better, but 
> sometimes the 2 blocks of code are practically identical and it's a 
> programmer's nightmare to have the blocks of code in 2 places and to 
> remember to keep them both updated.
> I'm also assuming that using function calls is also much slower than 
> evaluating a very simple IF statement.
> Thanks for your interest.
> Best wishes,
> Steve
> "David Grant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schreef in bericht 
>> Jared Williams wrote:
>>> Why not
>>> for ($i = 0; $i < 100/100; ++$i)
>> This involves dividing 100 by 100 for each iteration of the loop.
>> It would be better to test against 1.
>> There is also the unwanted side-effect of executing the code on each
>> hundredth iteration, which is unwanted (as far as I understand the
>> problem). :)
>> It would be interesting if Steve could divulge the greater problem that
>> he is seeking a solution to.
>> Cheers,
>> David
>> -- 
>> David Grant

David Grant

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] What software do you use for writing PHP?

2005-12-06 Thread David Grant
According to, kate and kwrite (and Quanta)
all use katepart (a rewrite of kwrite).

Stephen Leaf wrote:
> As far as I can tell kate has a kwrite embedded :) I'm sure that's not the 
> case but it seems like it. everything kwrite can do so can kate. only it has 
> more options that I'd never used.
> And yes Code folding is nice don't use it much tho.
> On Tuesday 06 December 2005 09:48, David Grant wrote:
>> Stephen Leaf wrote:
>>> KWrite part of KDE. Notepad with Syntax Highlighting and AutoIndention.
>>> And because it's part of KDE all the kioslaves come with. Which means
>>> editing sites over ftp, ftps, ssh and many others is possible.
>>> Like the Vim guy said. DEs? who needs them :)
>> Mmmm, reminds me of Kate!  When I use KDE, I used Kate for all non-PHP
>> coding tasks, because it has great highlighting, and code folding too. :)
>> Cheers,
>> David Grant

David Grant

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] What software do you use for writing PHP?

2005-12-06 Thread David Grant
Stephen Leaf wrote:
> KWrite part of KDE. Notepad with Syntax Highlighting and AutoIndention.
> And because it's part of KDE all the kioslaves come with. Which means editing 
> sites over ftp, ftps, ssh and many others is possible.
> Like the Vim guy said. DEs? who needs them :)

Mmmm, reminds me of Kate!  When I use KDE, I used Kate for all non-PHP
coding tasks, because it has great highlighting, and code folding too. :)


David Grant
David Grant

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Unnecessary if statement? Programming technique

2005-12-06 Thread David Grant
Jared Williams wrote:
> Why not
> for ($i = 0; $i < 100/100; ++$i)

This involves dividing 100 by 100 for each iteration of the loop.
It would be better to test against 1.

There is also the unwanted side-effect of executing the code on each
hundredth iteration, which is unwanted (as far as I understand the
problem). :)

It would be interesting if Steve could divulge the greater problem that
he is seeking a solution to.


David Grant

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] What software do you use for writing PHP?

2005-12-06 Thread David Grant
Hi Jeff,

Jeff McKeon wrote:
> What is it you like about Zend Studio?

* Code completion
* Syntax highlighting for PHP, HTML and CSS
* Manual pages
* Debugging
* Code examination
* PHPDoc
* CVS & SVN support


David Grant

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] What software do you use for writing PHP?

2005-12-06 Thread David Grant

Jeff McKeon wrote:
> Forever now I've been using Frontpage for all my web work including php.
> I'm sure there's better software out there that is more suited to
> writing and editing PHP pages.  What do you all use?

I use Zend Studio 5, but there are plenty of other (cheaper) options.
Take a look at the following link for a list of editors with reviews.


David Grant
David Grant

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] help with preg_replace only part of the string

2005-12-06 Thread David Grant
Replace the middle (.*) with ([^<]*).  This tells the regex engine to
ignore new opening tags.



Georgi Ivanov wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to replace the content of html links :  name="bla">REPLACETHIS.
> $html=preg_replace("/()(.*)<\/a>/isU",$link,$html,1);
> This generally works but removes , tags too.
> How to make it work without removing anything else than (.*) in the middle of 
> .*
> Thanks in advance.

David Grant

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] weird error, cookies??

2005-12-01 Thread David Grant
Hi Angelo,

This simply means that the redirection keeps going, like so:



Check the logic in your application that decides if the user gets
redirected and make sure you're not making any incorrect assumptions.


David Grant

Angelo Zanetti wrote:
> Hi guys.
> Been working on my site and then been trying to navigate through it, the
> once page redirects to another.
> then all of a sudden I get this weird popup (in mozilla) "Redirection
> limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load requested page"
> Also IE seems to timeout.
> The page redirects from http to https.
> anyone come across this or know what the problem is?
> Thanks in advance.

David Grant

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] when to enter submitted in mysql?

2005-11-29 Thread David Grant
Personally, I'd keep it all in the session and write at the end, but
this approach has at least two drawbacks:

1. The user cannot complete the process at a later point.
2. You cannot conduct analysis of part-completed data.


David Grant

> Hi to all!
> I have form made on 4 pages (by groups of questions). Right now my code
> works this way: once somebody submit the first page of the form his/her
> submitted info is entered in database with status=temp. I store the ID
> (insert_id()) in session and then every time visitor submit the next
> page I do update of the current record using ID.
> But, I heard once that "the best" solution is store all entered info in
> session (array) and insert all info at once.
> Or, instead in sessions, move submitted info with serialized array.
> Opinions?
> Thanks for help.
> -afan

David Grant

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] exclude part of text

2005-11-29 Thread David Grant
Please try:

preg_match('/^[^\>]*\>(.*)\*.*$/', $line, $matches);

021 wrote:
> the log file is from a radio playlist:
> for example
> 17:12:26 > THE CURE - ALT.END *NEW
> the values before > and after * are changing, hope there's a simple
> solution for this
> thanx

David Grant

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] exclude part of text

2005-11-29 Thread David Grant

021 wrote:
>  $lines = file('sometext.txt');
> for ($i = 0, $j = count($lines); $i <=1; $i++) {
> print $lines[$j - $i];
> }
> ?>

For a start, try this instead:

$lines = file('sometext.ext');
$last  = end($lines);

Secondly, do you have an example of the real log file?


David Grant
David Grant

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] preg_slipt

2005-11-29 Thread David Grant
There is an error in this code.  It should in fact read:

$a = split("\r\n", chunk_split('1234567890', 2), 5);


$a = split("\n", chunk_split('1234567890', 2, "\n"), 5);

David Grant wrote:
> Hi Dan,
> Try:
> $a = split("\n", chunk_split('1234567890', 2), 5);
> Cheers,
> David Grant
> Sichta Daniel wrote:
>> Hi all !!!
>> I have string like this "1234567890"
>> I need to split this into array like this
>> a[0] = "12"
>> a[1] = "34" 
>> a[2] = "56" 
>> a[3] = "78" 
>> a[4] = "90"
>> I know that for this is preg_split, but I don't know the string patern
>> for split.
>> Thank you in advance !!
>> Dan

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Re: [PHP] preg_slipt

2005-11-29 Thread David Grant
Hi Dan,


$a = split("\n", chunk_split('1234567890', 2), 5);


David Grant

Sichta Daniel wrote:
> Hi all !!!
> I have string like this "1234567890"
> I need to split this into array like this
> a[0] = "12"
> a[1] = "34" 
> a[2] = "56" 
> a[3] = "78" 
> a[4] = "90"
> I know that for this is preg_split, but I don't know the string patern
> for split.
> Thank you in advance !!
> Dan

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] PhpMailer vs Pear:Mail

2005-11-28 Thread David Grant


Mark Steudel wrote:
> Would you mind elaborating on why?  
> -Original Message-
> From: Richard Heyes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Monday, November 28, 2005 12:53 AM
> To: Cabbar Duzayak
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [PHP] PhpMailer vs Pear:Mail
> Cabbar Duzayak wrote:
>> Could you please tell which one you recommend in terms of 
>> stability/speed and share your experience in terms of these 2?
> Ooo, that would have to be PEAR::Mail...
> --
> Richard Heyes
> --
> PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit:

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Re: [PHP] SQL Password() function

2005-11-28 Thread David Grant
Ahmed Saad wrote:
> On 11/26/05, Yaswanth Narvaneni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I 'dont' want to use something like select * from table where
>> table.passwd=password($passwd);
> (IIRC. they broke backward compatibility in
> version 5).. 

4.1 :(


David Grant

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] What is

2005-11-25 Thread David Grant

Tells the parser that the XML it is parsing is version 1.

Jochem Maas wrote:
> Wolf wrote:
>> I have some scripts that I downloaded and am trying to make compliant
>> with my server.  They have > they are and how to fix them at this point.
>> Stupid question, I know, but...
> not stupid, although a 'google' might have helped, regardless you have
> already had the answer.
> I find it funny that you say 'fix them' - one of the things [some of]
> the core
> developers are looking to get rid of is this shorthand syntax
> (according to posts on ... something
> to do with XML compatibility ... for now its valid php syntax though :-).
>> Thanks,
>> Robert

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] What is

2005-11-25 Thread David Grant

 I have some scripts that I downloaded and am trying to make compliant
> with my server.  They have  they are and how to fix them at this point.
> Stupid question, I know, but...
> Thanks,
> Robert

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Regexp trouble

2005-11-24 Thread David Grant

Try preg_match instead of ereg.


David Grant

Andy Pieters wrote:
> Hi list
> I still fail to understand why regular expressions are causing me such a hard 
> time.
> I used and tested my regexp in kregexpeditor (comes with Quanta [kdewebdev]) 
> but when I put it in the php script it fails.
> ereg('^([\w]{3,3})[\s]([\d]{2,2})[\s]([\d]{2,2})[:]([\d]{2,2})[:]([\d]{2,2})'
> Does not match my query string.
> Which is
> Nov 22 06:51:36
> Any ideas why?  I mean Line start, followed by 3 word chars, followed by a 
> space, followed by 2 digits, followed by a space, followed by two digits, 
> folowed by a colon followed by 2 digits and followed by a colon, should match 
> that date?
> With kind regards
> Andy

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Re: [PHP] understanding session vars ?

2005-11-24 Thread David Grant

Gregory Machin wrote:
> My test code is for test.php which is intended to call it's self, and
> starts with sesstion_start().
> buy does not disply x after link2 is clicked on, but only y..
> what am I missing ?

"x" wouldn't display because it depends on $_GET['item'] being set,
which isn't.  Try var_dump($_SESSION) instead of the conditional echoing
of the variables.


David Grant

> Thanks
> On 11/24/05, *David Grant* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
> Gregory,
> Values in the $_SESSION superglobal will persist over pages so long as
> session_start() is called on each page.
> Cheers,
> David Grant
> Gregory Machin wrote:
> > I have a test script..
> > What i'm trying to achieve is once the user has clicked on link1 the
> > value of item must equal x and if the user clicks on link2 the
> value of
> > items must stay equal to x while setting action equal to y ..
> >
> >  > session_start();
> > echo 'Welcome to testpg';
> > $_SESSION['time']= time();
> >
> >
> > if (isset($_GET['item'])){
> >$_SESSION['item'] = $_GET['item'];
> > echo $_SESSION['item'];
> >    }
>     >
> > if (isset($_GET['action'])){
> >$_SESSION['action'] = $_GET['action'];
> >echo $_SESSION['action'];
> >   }
> >
> >
> > ?>
> > link1
> > link2
> >
> > thanks
> >
> > On 11/24/05, * David Grant* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>> wrote:
> >
> > Gregory,
>     >
> > Are you always setting $_SESSION['menu'] to the contents of
> > $_GET['menu']?  If so, the second link will set
> $_SESSION['menu'] to
> > null.  You need to check the contents of $_GET['menu'] first
> before
> > setting, i.e.
> >
> > if (isset($_GET['menu']))
> > $_SESSION['menu'] = $_GET['menu'];
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > David Grant
> >
> > Gregory Machin wrote:
> > > Hi
> > > I'm a bit stuck on session var, and thier implamentation, or my
> > perseption
> > > thier of.
> > > I have a page and need certian vars to be persistat each
> time the
> > page is
> > > called.
> > > This is done to detmin the content of the page through logic
> that
> > calls
> > > different includes.
> > >
> > > But I cant get the vars to be persistant.
> > > note the page call it's self.
> > >
> > > ./index.php
> > >  > > session_start();
> > > $_SESSION['menu']
> > >
> > > ?>
> > > option 1 // this
> works
> > > differnt action //
> > this brakes
> > > it . when the user links here the 'menu' var is cleared
> > >  > > echo $_SESSION['menu'];
> > >
> > > ?>
> > >
> > > I would like the menu var (and others) to be persistant until it
> > is reset or
> > > updated. how do I acheave this .
> > >
> > > Thanks
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > Gregory Machin
> mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>
> > > <>
> <>
> > > <>
> <>
> > > Web Hosting Solutions
> > > Scalable Linux Solutions
> > > www.iberry.i

Re: [PHP] understanding session vars ?

2005-11-24 Thread David Grant

Values in the $_SESSION superglobal will persist over pages so long as
session_start() is called on each page.


David Grant

Gregory Machin wrote:
> I have a test script..
> What i'm trying to achieve is once the user has clicked on link1 the 
> value of item must equal x and if the user clicks on link2 the value of
> items must stay equal to x while setting action equal to y ..
>  session_start();
> echo 'Welcome to testpg';
> $_SESSION['time']= time();
> if (isset($_GET['item'])){
>$_SESSION['item'] = $_GET['item'];
> echo $_SESSION['item'];
> if (isset($_GET['action'])){
>$_SESSION['action'] = $_GET['action'];
>echo $_SESSION['action'];
>   }
> ?>
> link1
> link2
> thanks
> On 11/24/05, * David Grant* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
> Gregory,
> Are you always setting $_SESSION['menu'] to the contents of
> $_GET['menu']?  If so, the second link will set $_SESSION['menu'] to
> null.  You need to check the contents of $_GET['menu'] first before
> setting, i.e.
> if (isset($_GET['menu']))
> $_SESSION['menu'] = $_GET['menu'];
> Cheers,
> David Grant
> Gregory Machin wrote:
> > Hi
> > I'm a bit stuck on session var, and thier implamentation, or my
> perseption
> > thier of.
> > I have a page and need certian vars to be persistat each time the
> page is
> > called.
> > This is done to detmin the content of the page through logic that
> calls
> > different includes.
> >
> > But I cant get the vars to be persistant.
> > note the page call it's self.
> >
> > ./index.php
> >  > session_start();
> > $_SESSION['menu']
> >
> > ?>
> > option 1 // this works
> > differnt action //
> this brakes
> > it . when the user links here the 'menu' var is cleared
> >  > echo $_SESSION['menu'];
> >
> > ?>
> >
> > I would like the menu var (and others) to be persistant until it
> is reset or
> > updated. how do I acheave this .
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Gregory Machin
> > <>
> > <>
> > Web Hosting Solutions
> > Scalable Linux Solutions
> > <> (support and admin)
> >
> > +27 72 524 8096
> -- 
> Gregory Machin
> <>
> <>
> Web Hosting Solutions
> Scalable Linux Solutions
> <> (support and admin)
> +27 72 524 8096

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Re: [PHP] readfile and get_file_contents don't work

2005-11-24 Thread David Grant
Hi Richard,

Please ensure that the "allow_url_fopen" directive is set to "On" in
your php.ini file.


David Grant

Richard K. Miller wrote:
> I compiled PHP from source on Fedora Core 4, but I must have left
> something out because readfile and get_file_contents aren't working.  If
> I try to connect to a "http://"; address I get the error "failed to open
> stream: HTTP request failed".  Any ideas why?
> Richard
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Re: [PHP] understanding session vars ?

2005-11-24 Thread David Grant

Are you always setting $_SESSION['menu'] to the contents of
$_GET['menu']?  If so, the second link will set $_SESSION['menu'] to
null.  You need to check the contents of $_GET['menu'] first before
setting, i.e.

if (isset($_GET['menu']))
$_SESSION['menu'] = $_GET['menu'];


David Grant

Gregory Machin wrote:
> Hi
> I'm a bit stuck on session var, and thier implamentation, or my perseption
> thier of.
> I have a page and need certian vars to be persistat each time the page is
> called.
> This is done to detmin the content of the page through logic that calls
> different includes.
> But I cant get the vars to be persistant.
> note the page call it's self.
> ./index.php
>  session_start();
> $_SESSION['menu']
> ?>
> option 1 // this works
> differnt action // this brakes
> it . when the user links here the 'menu' var is cleared
>  echo $_SESSION['menu'];
> ?>
> I would like the menu var (and others) to be persistant until it is reset or
> updated. how do I acheave this .
> Thanks
> --
> Gregory Machin
> Web Hosting Solutions
> Scalable Linux Solutions
> (support and admin)
> +27 72 524 8096

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