[PHP] REDIRECT_QUERY_STRING weirdness ... redirecting from one file to another

2002-02-23 Thread Erica Douglass


I would like any file under the root of a certain domain name to redirect to
a PHP template file.

For instance, I would like a request for /services/ to redirect to
http://myhost/index.php?path=/services/ . This is similar to what PHP.Net
does with their function lookup shortcut (where you can go to
http://php.net/function-name instead of the longer equivalent.)

I have it set up with mod_rewrite as follows:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule  ^(.+)  /path/to/index.php?path=$1  [L]

The only problem is that Apache is considering this a redirect, and is thus
overwriting my $1 with the name of the current file (index.php.) The only
place I can find the original file is
HTTP_SERVER_VARS[REDIRECT_QUERY_STRING]. Is there a way to pull out the
name of the original file without going through extracting $HTTP_SERVER_VARS
and the like?

BTW, I know there was a post on how PHP.Net did the function shortcut a
while back. If someone can post a link to that again, I'd be grateful. I
can't seem to find it.


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[PHP] Re: Sendmail

2002-02-23 Thread Erica Douglass

Do you have a specific reason for calling Sendmail directly? If not, try


Uma Shankari T. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message


  Can anyone help me in solving this problem..

  For sending mail using sendmail i have written the code like this but it
 is giving some error messages in the From address instead of address


 $fd = popen(/usr/sbin/sendmail -t,w);
 fputs($fd, To: $user\n);
 fputs($fd, From: $TO\n);
 fputs($fd, Subect: Feedback\n);
 $ver = phpversion();
 fputs($fd, X-Mailer: PHP/FI $ver\n\n);
 fputs($fd, Hii $user,\n $body \n);

   Can anyone tell the solution for this.


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[PHP] Encrypted pages/email with PHP?

2001-12-10 Thread Erica Douglass

(posting again because it looks like the first one didn't go through)


I've sniffed around on Google and PHPBuilder, but I can't seem to find any
information on creatnig encrypted pages with PHP.

Here is what I am looking for. I have a client who owns a retail store.
Thus, he has a manual credit card swiper. He would like to have orders from
his website listed on a special page with the customer's name, credit card
number, etc. where he can go once a day and process the orders manually. I
explained that he could also have the customer data sent in an encrypted
email, and he is fine with that.

Anyway, I'm looking for some solution that creates an encrypted page,
passworded, where I can make sure that the information is not being passed
down the wire in plain-text. I can't seem to find a good tutorial explaining
exactly what I would need to create this. Will I need to buy a
Thawte/Verisign ID just for this? (That seems unreasonable, as he would be
the only one accessing the page.) How would I go about setting this up?

I run my own server, so I can install programs to do this. Currently I'm
running on a Cobalt RaQ (http://www.cobalt.com). Any links regarding setting
this sort of site up would be helpful.


P.S. After my experience, I'd be happy to create a tutorial regarding this
if there isn't one already. Assuming I complete this successfully, I will
post the results back to this list.

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[PHP] Paypal instant payment notification

2001-08-09 Thread Erica Douglass


I have a customer who wants to implement Paypal instant payment notification
on his website. Basically, he wants a script that emails a custom message
once a customer purchases an item. Instant Payment Notification has the
ability to do this.

However, I have a couple of questions:

-- Is this really the best method? We're going to implement a shopping cart
on the site, too, so Paypal might not be the best solution.
-- Does anyone have sample code for Instant Payment Notification?

If you'd like more information about Instant Payment Notification, you can
go here: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=p/acc/ipn-info Note that
this requires you to login with a Paypal account.

Here's a brief synopsis taken from the above page:

How It Works
When a customer makes a payment to you, PayPal will post a notification to
your server at a URL you specify. Included in this notification will be all
of your customer's payment information (e.g. customer name, amount) as well
as a piece of encrypted code. When your server receives a notification, it
will then post the information, including the encrypted code, back to a
secure PayPal URL. PayPal will authenticate the transaction and send
confirmation of its validity back to your server.

After you have activated Instant Payment Notification, your server will be
sent a notification every time you receive a payment, this notification will
be sent as a hidden FORM POST to the URL you specified, and will include
all of the payment information. The FORM variables for the notification are
listed below:

To me, this seems kind of like a hack -- i.e. there should be a better way
to do this, perhaps as part of a (free or low-cost) shopping cart and
payment prcoessing system. Also, there seems to be no way to test this
without sending the Paypal user money. (I am going to contact Paypal about
that one.)

Any experiences, good or bad, and advice would be appreciated.



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Re: [PHP] include whole directories?

2001-04-27 Thread Erica Douglass

Sure. Use an array, as suggested in the example on the include manual page,
but put all files in a specific directory in that array. To do that, use
code like the following:

# load files into array
# assign $directory to your variable, or replace $directory in the below
line with the directory you want.
while ($file = readdir($handle))  { # read all files in dir
 if  ($file != ..  $file != .) {
  $files_to_include[count($files_to_include)] = $file; # cram them files
into array ;)
#clean up and sort
if (is_array($files_to_include)) {
 while (list ($key, $val) = each ($files_to_include)) {
include $files[$i];

I modified some previous code to work for what you want, so my apologies if
there are missing curly braces or the like.

Hope this helps,

andrew [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 Is there any way to include whole directories?
 I have my function declarations in many small, easily maintainable
 files, but it's a pain to include/require them all individually...I
 would like to just split them into directories by common purpose, e.g


 and then include a directory at once - any ideas?


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[PHP] Find and Replace script: Content Stripper; recursive subdirectories; ereg_replace, preg_replace

2001-04-27 Thread Erica Douglass

I have created a content stripper file that I am releasing to this newsgroup
as freeware.

The file takes a .html file that looks like this:


and strips out the header and footer according to certain delimiters in the
.html file. Although it was made for a very specific purpose, it can be
modified to do a number of things. It recurses subdirectories, so it can be
used as a general find/replace file with an HTML interface. It is freeware
and can be freely modified. I'd appreciate it if you let me know where you
are using this file, however.

Please send any suggestions regarding this file to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thanks to all who helped me write the regular expressions -- I sincerely
appreciate your help.

-- erica douglass --

#erica douglass, 4/2001.
#suggestions are welcome... please mail them to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
if ($action == strip) {
else {

function print_html() {
titleContent Stripper/title
pfont face=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif
Make sure all directories you are about to strip have write access for your
web server user (usually user httpd.) To do this through the command line,
get root access and type the following:br
brchown -R httpd idirectory/i/b
brwhere idirectory/i is the directory where your HTML files are
located. The -R option means recursive,
which changes all subdirectories of the directory you specify. Don't use -R
unless you include the full path
of the files, e.g. ichown -R /home/sites/home/web/test ./i
brbrEnter the directory from which you would like to strip files
(example: /home/sites/home/web/test):br
pfont face=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif size=+1bSecurity
Alert!/b If you change your files
to be owned by your web server user, anyone with malicious intent can harm
them from the web. Therefore, it is
suggested that you immediately bchown -R root/b (or your username)
ibdirectory/b/i from a command prompt after you run this script.
the script itself cannot be hacked, we still strongly recommend making the
above change./font/p
form action=?php print $PHP_SELF; ? method=post
input type=text size=30 name=directory
input type=hidden name=action value=strip
input type=submit name=submit value=Strip 'em!

function strip_files($directory) {
$handle=opendir($directory); # open dir
print font face=\Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\
size=\+1\Reading directory b$directory/b...br;
while (false!==($file = readdir($handle))) { # read all files in dir
 if (eregi(.*\.html$, $file)) { # as long as it ends with .html (case
  print Now stripping header and footer from
  $file = $directory . / . $file; #make sure file has the proper directory
appended to it
  # get contents of a file into a string
  $fd = fopen ($file, r);
  $contents = fread ($fd, filesize ($file));
  fclose ($fd);
  # replace header gif (any img tag with src=images/headers)
  $contents = preg_replace (/IMG.+SRC=\images\/headers.*/, ,
  $contents = preg_replace (/IMG.+SRC=\\/forte\/images\/headers.*/, ,
  # now, find occurrence of !-- MAIN CONTENT -- and delete everything
before it.
  $contents = ereg_replace (.*\!-- MAIN CONTENT --, , $contents);
  # replace all occurrences of !--  --
  $contents = ereg_replace (\!--  --, , $contents);
  # replace everything after !-- END OF MAIN CONTENT --
  $contents = ereg_replace (\!-- END OF MAIN CONTENT --.*, ,
  # rename old file to $file.old
  rename ($file, ${file}.old);
  # write new file ($contents) to $file
  $fp = fopen (strtolower($file), a+);
  fwrite ($fp, $contents);
  fclose ($fp);
  # print congratulations message
  print b$file/b has been stripped. Your original file is called

print /font;
closedir($handle); # close file
}; # end function strip_files

function find_subdirs($directory) {
# load subdirectories into array
while ($file = readdir($handle))  { # read all files in dir
 if  ($file != ..  $file != .) {
  $file = $directory . / . $file; # ensure that is_dir picks the
directories up properly
  if (is_dir($file)) {
  $subdirs[count($subdirs)] = $file;

#clean up and sort
if (is_array($subdirs)) {
 while (list ($key, $val) = each ($subdirs)) {
}; # end function find_subdirs

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Re: [PHP] Where is php.ini located by default?

2001-04-27 Thread Erica Douglass

If I'm not mistaken, the locate command uses a cache which is only updated
every 24 hours or so. You can either recreate locate's cache by reading
locate's man pages, or you can actually search the filesystem by using the
following commands:

cd / (go to the root directory)
find . -name php.ini

The last command actually searches the filesystem at the time the command is
executed, instead of relying on a cached database like the locate command.
Of course, if the file has been on your system for a while and has not
recently changed location, you should probably use locate because the search
will be faster.

Also, another tip: To make sure you know where the configuration file is
going to be, compile PHP with this option:

./configure --with-config-file-path=/etc/httpd (or wherever you would like
to place your file.)


PHPBeginner.com [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 is the default configuration... if I am not worng... 'cause I have some
 memory leaks recently :-)

 have you tried :
 # locate php.ini
 # locate php.ini-dist

 while on windows it should be located in WINNT directory (on NT/2K). It
 ask YOU to move them there during the installation.


  Maxim Maletsky
  Founder, Chief Developer

  PHPBeginner.com (Where PHP Begins)

 -Original Message-
 From: Martin Skjoldebrand [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2001 1:38 PM
 Subject: [PHP] Where is php.ini located by default?

 I've built php from a tarball. Now I need to specify a special include
 in the php.ini file. But I can't find it. There is a php.in-dist in the
 build catalog but I can't find a production php.ini anywhere.
 The docs says that it should be in the install catalogue (which is where?,
 /usr/local/lib/php doesn't have one) or the cwd. I've tried editing the
 sample file and putting it in either place but my app still gives me the
 following error:

 Failed opening required 'class.DBI' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php')

 Martin S.

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[PHP] ereg_replace: Replacing only first occurrence

2001-04-23 Thread Erica Douglass

I want to only replace the first occurrence of a string in a file using
ereg_replace. Should I use a loop to do this? Any suggestions? Please email
me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] with suggestions.


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[PHP] ereg_replace: Help!

2001-04-23 Thread Erica Douglass

I have one ereg_replace problem that I cannot seem to fix.

I need to delete an IMG tag. The only thing I know about this tag is that 
it will contain


in the string. Here is an example:

IMG ALT=Tools BORDER=0 HEIGHT=55 SRC=images/headers/tools.gif WIDTH=455 

I tried this, but it didn't work:

$contents = ereg_replace (IMG.*images/headers.*, , $contents);

Can someone please help?


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[PHP] PHP 4.0.4 / phpMyAdmin

2001-01-10 Thread Erica Douglass

I posted this to the phpMyAdmin support forum and emailed Tobias
Ratschiller, but have heard no response. I am posting to this forum to try
and resolve this problem.

I had phpMyAdmin running successfully on my server. I then upgraded to PHP
4.0.4, and phpMyAdmin appears to have broken. The error messages I receive
are as follows:

Warning: Variable passed to reset() is not an array or object in
/path/to/phpMyAdmin/lib.inc.php on line 102

Warning: Variable passed to each() is not an array or object in
/path/to/phpMyAdmin/lib.inc.php on line 103

The variable is $cfgServers, which is set in config.inc.php. There is
probably something that was disabled in PHP 4.0.4, or else a new syntax,
that broke this script.
The syntax in config.inc.php looks like this:

$cfgServers[1]['host'] = 'localhost;   // MySQL hostname
$cfgServers[1]['port'] = '';// MySQL port - leave blank
for default port
$cfgServers[1]['adv_auth'] = 'true'; // Use advanced
$cfgServers[1]['stduser'] = 'root'; // MySQL standard user (only
needed with advanced auth)
$cfgServers[1]['stdpass'] = 'password'; // MySQL standard
password (only needed with advanced auth)
$cfgServers[1]['user'] = 'root';// MySQL user (only needed
with basic auth)
$cfgServers[1]['password'] = '';// MySQL password (only
needed with basic auth)
$cfgServers[1]['only_db'] = ''; // If set to a db-name, only
this db is accessible
$cfgServers[1]['verbose'] = '';

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Erica Douglass
Server Appliance Business Unit
Sun Microsystems (Cobalt Networks)

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Re: [PHP] PHP 4.0.4 / phpMyAdmin

2001-01-10 Thread Erica Douglass

Clarification: A quotation mark got left out after ['host'] = 'localhost in
my original email. It is in the config.inc.php file and makes no difference
in the error messages. The fix is below.


""Erica Douglass"" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
93indu$enk$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:93indu$enk$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
 I posted this to the phpMyAdmin support forum and emailed Tobias
 Ratschiller, but have heard no response. I am posting to this forum to try
 and resolve this problem.

 I had phpMyAdmin running successfully on my server. I then upgraded to PHP
 4.0.4, and phpMyAdmin appears to have broken. The error messages I receive
 are as follows:

 Warning: Variable passed to reset() is not an array or object in
 /path/to/phpMyAdmin/lib.inc.php on line 102

 Warning: Variable passed to each() is not an array or object in
 /path/to/phpMyAdmin/lib.inc.php on line 103

 The variable is $cfgServers, which is set in config.inc.php. There is
 probably something that was disabled in PHP 4.0.4, or else a new syntax,
 that broke this script.
 The syntax in config.inc.php looks like this:

 $cfgServers[1]['host'] = 'localhost';   // MySQL hostname
 $cfgServers[1]['port'] = '';// MySQL port - leave
 for default port
 $cfgServers[1]['adv_auth'] = 'true'; // Use advanced
 $cfgServers[1]['stduser'] = 'root'; // MySQL standard user
 needed with advanced auth)
 $cfgServers[1]['stdpass'] = 'password'; // MySQL standard
 password (only needed with advanced auth)
 $cfgServers[1]['user'] = 'root';// MySQL user (only needed
 with basic auth)
 $cfgServers[1]['password'] = '';// MySQL password (only
 needed with basic auth)
 $cfgServers[1]['only_db'] = ''; // If set to a db-name,
 this db is accessible
 $cfgServers[1]['verbose'] = '';

 Any help would be greatly appreciated.

 Erica Douglass
 Server Appliance Business Unit
 Sun Microsystems (Cobalt Networks)

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