[PHP] php code

2003-10-21 Thread Uma Shankari T.


  Actually i have created the field type as varchar..i am need to insert
some decimal values in that varchar field and use that values for
calculation...so it is possible to store the float value eventhough i
specified as varchar ?..and also i can use that values for calculation ??


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[PHP] data type conversion in mysql using php

2003-10-20 Thread Uma Shankari T.

   Is it possible to update the float value of mysql to varchar field by
using php ??


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[PHP] Back option using php

2003-10-17 Thread Uma Shankari T.


  Is there any way to restrict the user not to go back once he 
submitted the html form ??


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[PHP] About PHP introduction

2003-10-08 Thread Uma Shankari T.

   I need to give a presentation about php & mysql. Can any one please 
tell me the url there i can find useful stuffs about php & mysql ??


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[PHP] remove spaces using php function

2003-10-07 Thread Uma Shankari T.


  Is there any function which will remove extra spaces between each 
for example if the user typed

asked his friend..

is there any function to remove the extra space between his and asked 
except one space ??


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[PHP] About php String function

2003-09-24 Thread Uma Shankari T.


I am using strpos function for finding the string position in a
particular string .If the string value is equal to zero or greater 
than zero some steps to be executed. If the position is empty it is taking 
as zero value and executing the steps under equal to zero loop..Is there 
any method avoid doing that ??


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[PHP] Function in php

2003-09-23 Thread Uma Shankari T.


  I am using strpos function for finding the string position in a 
particular string . if the searching string is empty it is showing this 
warning error 

Warning: Empty delimiter in filename text.php on line 33

is there any other way to avoid displaying this warning error..??


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[PHP] Database updation

2003-09-05 Thread Uma Shankari T.


  I am running mysql from my hard disk..i am trying to write some contents 
while during running in to the database the values are not getting 
updated..it is not giving any error message also..i am running apache and 
php from the CD itself..is it necessary that the php and apache should 
also run from the hard disk then only mysql database will get updated ?? 
can any one please suggest me..


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[PHP] Screen Resoultion

2003-08-14 Thread Uma Shankari T.


  Can anyone pls tell me is it possible to get the screen resoultion using 
php script ??


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[PHP] Mail functions in php

2003-07-23 Thread Uma Shankari T.


I need to send audio/video files through PHP mail() function.
What is the MIME type i need to use?
 or else
Is there any other way to send attachment as a mail?
Please help me.
Thanx in advance,

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[PHP] Value for entire file

2003-07-17 Thread Uma Shankari T.


  I am facing one problem..i am getting one variable value from another 
file by using href..I need to use that value in the entire file..how can i 
do that..??

for example i am using the href like this..

i am passing the Apr1998 to the index file..i need to use the Apr1998 
value fully in any places in index.php..how can i use that ??

please advice me..


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[PHP] Sendmail Problem

2003-06-09 Thread Uma Shankari T.


  I am having some problem in sendmail using this code.

 $MP = "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -f  [EMAIL PROTECTED]";

i am running this program in one of the server not in the main server..

actually mail will go from this server to  mainserver which will 
deliver the mails outside..but using this server only internal mails will 
go..if i send mail using this code mails will go from this server id not 
by main server id name..because of this outside mails are bouncing back..

Can any one pls tell me where is the problem ??

Is there any configuration need to do for this ??


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RE: [PHP] Session Handling

2002-11-06 Thread Uma Shankari T.

On Wed, 6 Nov 2002, John W. Holmes wrote:

JWH>You must call session_start before any output to the browser. A blank
JWH>line or space outside of PHP blocks is considered output. The error
JWH>message tells you exactly where the output started. Read the manual for
JWH>more information, it's all covered.


  Actually i have started some javascript where its pointing as 
error..other than that i didn;t leave any line space..Can any one please 
tell me how to do this..


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[PHP] Session Handling

2002-11-06 Thread Uma Shankari T.


  I have tried session handling..after starting the session i am trying to 
get the value by this command

 echo $varname;

but it is displaying this error..

Warning: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output 

Can anyone tell me how to go about with this ??


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RE: [PHP] Session handling

2002-11-05 Thread Uma Shankari T.

JWH>SESSIONs have nothing to do with it, this is a javascript issue, unless
JWH>you plan on submitting the form when the user picks the year.

Okay if it is like form submittion Can you please tell me how to do 


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[PHP] Session handling

2002-11-05 Thread Uma Shankari T.


   I am having two list box of which one contains the year no and the 
another one contains the items related to that year..If once i have 
selected that year then whatever i have selected in the list it have to 
show the items related to that year until i select the next year..Can 
anyone please tell me how to do this with sessions..??


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[PHP] Option value

2002-10-15 Thread Uma Shankari T.


  Is it possible to extract the value option which item name selected..for
example i am having list of soap brand in the options..is it possible that
to tell that the user seleced this brand of soap while in the submittion
of the form..can any one please tell me how to do this..


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Re: [PHP] Incrementing the value

2002-10-03 Thread Uma Shankari T.


PN> border="0">

 i have written code such that initially it will display the value 
correspond to the value 1..after every click it will increment the value 
2,3...so on..but now it is displaying the value 1 and for after each click 
again it is displaying 1 and 2...so on

I have intiallised the value for the variable as 


like that..Can anyone please tell me how to avoid displaying the value 1 


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[PHP] Incrementing the value

2002-10-02 Thread Uma Shankari T.

 Hello ,


 While clicking this link the $hid value get incremented and fetch the value
 from the database according to that..the same thing is working in linux
 platform and it is not working for the windows platform..the value is not
 getting increment..Can anyone please tell me how to go about with this..??


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Re: [PHP] Incrementing the value

2002-10-01 Thread Uma Shankari T.


PN>Whats the php version on the window machine? register_globals on?
I am using php4 and also the register_globals are On only..

PN> border="0">

Already i have tried this code also..Can anyone please tell me how to go 
about with this ??


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[PHP] Incrementing the value

2002-10-01 Thread Uma Shankari T.

Hello ,

While clicking this link the $hid value get incremented and fetch the value 
from the database according to that..the same thing is working in linux 
platform and it is not working for the windows platform..the value is not 
getting increment..Can anyone please tell me how to go about with this..??


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[PHP] Install php under some other drive

2002-10-01 Thread Uma Shankari T.


  I am trying to install php under some other drive like d: or e: ..it was 
installed properly without telling any error...but i couldn't run even the 
testing program (  )

I have mentioned in the php.ini and apache conf file with d: where ever i 
have mentioned c: ..but it not coming..Can anyone please tell me other 
than this any settings to be made ??


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RE: [PHP] Configure php for windows

2002-09-30 Thread Uma Shankari T.


On Tue, 1 Oct 2002, Peter Houchin wrote:

PH>  ScriptAlias /php/ "c:/path-to-php-dir/"
PH>one would assume that you change the "C:/path-to-php-dir/" to the path of
PH>the cd drive to get it to work

I have changed like the following you have mentioned above..abut anyway it 
couldn;t recognise the php extension file..Can anyone tell me is there any 
settings to be made ??


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[PHP] Configure php for windows

2002-09-30 Thread Uma Shankari T.


  I am trying to run php from the cd itself..apache and mysql are 

To what i have to change the following settings so that it will run from 
the cd..

   ScriptAlias /php/ "c:/path-to-php-dir/"

   AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

   AddType application/x-httpd-php .phtml

   Action application/x-httpd-php "/php/php.exe"

Can anyone please tell me how to do this ??


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[PHP] PHP running from CD through windows

2002-09-30 Thread Uma Shankari T.


  I have installed php,apache and mysql under one folder and copied the 
same folder to the cd .apache and mysql is up and running while executing 
from the cd ..but php is not working..when i opened the php file it is 
asking for through which you want to view..I have copied the same working 
php from the local machine to cd (windows)..Can anyone tell me how to go 
about with this ??


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Re: [PHP] Posting a value to one form to another

2002-09-28 Thread Uma Shankari T.


On Sun, 29 Sep 2002, Chris Shiflett wrote:

CS>I'm sorry, but I'm still confused. Maybe someone else better understands 
CS>your question.
CS>Given the following example script, delay.php:
CS>echo $_GET["hid"];
CS>A URL such as http://example.org/delay.php?hid=4 will output the following:

Actually it is displaying this in the url output and in the screen it is 
displaying the answer correspond to the value 1..Now you got...


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Re: [PHP] Posting a value to one form to another

2002-09-28 Thread Uma Shankari T.


CS>So, you are saying your URL looks something like this:

Yes..my url is look like this only..

CS>And, when you output the value of $_GET["hid"], it outputs 3?

But in the url the value are getting incremented and it is displaying 
the result correspond to the value 1 only ..Can anyone please tell me how 
to go about with this..??


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Re: [PHP] Posting a value to one form to another

2002-09-28 Thread Uma Shankari T.


On Sun, 29 Sep 2002, Sascha Cunz wrote:

SC>Oops, of course you must add one to it, too. like:

Still it is incrementing but not fetching the value correspond from the 
database..In linux paltform it is working without any error..Can anyone 
please tell me how to go about with this..?? or any setting have to be 
made in php.ini file to enable this..


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Re: [PHP] Posting a value to one form to another

2002-09-28 Thread Uma Shankari T.


On Sun, 29 Sep 2002, Sascha Cunz wrote:

SC>I think your linux plattform has a version of PHP older than 4.2.0 and your 
SC>Windows machine has a newer Version. In this "old" Versions, Register_Globals 
SC>was turned on.
SC>Try to access $hid by using: 

I have tried like the code you have mentioned above..it is not 
fetching..Actually it is displaying in the url bar correctly with the 
incremented $hid value..but displaying the result correspond to the $hid 
initial value..Can anyone please tell me how to go about with this..??


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[PHP] Posting a value to one form to another

2002-09-28 Thread Uma Shankari T.

Hello ,

While clicking this link the $hid value get incremented and fetch the value 
from the database according to that..the same thing is working in linux 
platform and it is not working for the windows platform..the value is not 
getting increment..Can anyone please tell me how to go about with this..??


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[PHP] Posting a value to one form to another

2002-09-28 Thread Uma Shankari T.

Hello ,

While clicking this link the $hid value get incremented and fetch the value 
from the database according to that..the same thing is working in linux 
platform and it is not working for the windows platform..the value is not 
getting increment..Can anyone please tell me how to go about with this..??


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[PHP] PHP & mysql configuration for windows

2002-09-26 Thread Uma Shankari T.


  I have installed and mysql and configured php also..But in mysql it is 
not fetching the data's.In the mysql error file it is displaying an error 
message like InnoDB file path is not setup ...Can anyone please tell me in 
which place have to set the path..?? mysql is up ..


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Re: [PHP] Configure php for windows

2002-09-25 Thread Uma Shankari T.

On Thu, 26 Sep 2002, Justin French wrote:

JF>What test are you running?

I am running this code only..


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[PHP] Configure php for windows

2002-09-25 Thread Uma Shankari T.


   I have installed php in windows machine and configure php according to 
the manual given in the net..While running test program it is not displaying
 the result properly and not showing any error also..Apache is 
running..Can any one pls tell me how to go about with this..??


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[PHP] Installing php in windows 95

2002-09-24 Thread Uma Shankari T.


  I need to install php for windows under particular folder namely under 
C:\web..In the installation manual it is mentioned that dll should be 
copied to c:\windows..but the dll is not available under c:\web...can any 
please telll me how to do this..


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[PHP] Using Javascript

2002-07-21 Thread Uma Shankari T.


 I need to display a value on the text box during onClick event where the
data is fetched from the database..I have given the code like this but it
is giving unterminated string constant..


Can anyone please tell me how to solve this ... 

Thanks & Regards,

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[PHP] Increment

2002-06-30 Thread Uma Shankari T.


 Can anyone please clear my doubt...
Actually i am retrieving the entire record details from the database..I
want to display 1 row at a time..after clicking a button i want to display
the next record..after clicking the next button i want to display the 3 
record and so on..How do i go about with this...

Thanks & Regards,

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[PHP] Library Function

2002-06-25 Thread Uma Shankari T.


 Is there any built in function in php to read character by character of
the value stored in the variable...??

Thanks & Regards,

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[PHP] Time Delay using phpscript

2002-06-23 Thread Uma Shankari T.

 Can anyone please clear my doubt

I need to display some strings one by one after some specific time..In
javascript we can use setTimeout() function.Is there any function like
this in phpscript ???..

Thanks & Regards

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[PHP] checking some presence lines continuously using php

2002-06-12 Thread Uma Shankari T.


  Can anyone please tell me how to do the following...

I am having one text file..by checking some presence lines continuously i
have to extract that line and manipulate them..how i will do this..Can
anyone please suggest me how do i go about with this...

For example

First: <..>
Second: <..>
Third: <..>

Some matters

First: <..>
Second: <..>
Third: <..>

Some matters

like this.

I have to check the First,Second,Third exist continuously and then  i have
retrieve that lines from the file and also the some matters

How do i go about with this.

Thanks & Regards,

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[PHP] Files

2002-06-06 Thread Uma Shankari T.


  Can anyone please clear my doubt...
I am having the input data in one file.
i need check whether some lines are there continuosly in that file and i
have to extract that line using file operation commands in php..how do i
go about with that ?? can anyone please tell me

Waiting for your reply

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[PHP] Mailing Archieve

2002-05-27 Thread Uma Shankari T.


  Can anyone please tell me how to create a mailing archieve list

Thanks in advance

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[PHP] Display mail

2002-05-10 Thread Uma Shankari T.


  Can anyone please tell me is there any to display the mails like mailing
archieve, in one of the folder in Pine..


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[PHP] API Calls

2002-04-01 Thread Uma Shankari T.


   Can anyone please tell me how to write API call code for creating a
table in mysql..

How we will know that the user gives how many number of fields 

Thanks & Regards

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[PHP] Create table

2002-03-27 Thread Uma Shankari T.


  Can anyone please tell me how to create a table in mysql using php


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[PHP] Sorting

2002-03-20 Thread Uma Shankari T.


Actually i want to sort the files form mysql database using php
sorting.I can get the correct result using php sorting if the data's are
stored in the array like this format.


please tell me how i will store the field details in a array fetched from
mysql database 


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Re: [PHP] Store data in array

2002-03-18 Thread Uma Shankari T.

On Mon, 18 Mar 2002, Andrey Hristov wrote:

AH>If it is possible do the sorting in the SQL statement by using ORDER BY. SQL 
sorting is much faster than in PHP.

I have gone through that manual alreadybut i need to sort by php

AH>while ($row= mysql_fetch_assoc($res)){ $rows[] = $row; }

I have tried this but while sorting using php sort it is displaying array
only.If the elements are stored in the array properly i can perform 

please tell me how to extract a specific field from mysql database and
store it in array...

AH>Then you have many ways to sort. Look at : sort(), asort(), arsort(), usort(), 
uasort() etc.
AH>Best regards,
AH>Andrey Hristov
AH>- Original Message - 
AH>From: "Uma Shankari T." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
AH>Sent: Monday, March 18, 2002 12:25 PM
AH>Subject: [PHP] Store data in array
AH>> Hello,
AH>> Anyone can please tell me how to store the row details fetched from
AH>> database to array so that to sort the same array after storing
AH>> -Uma
AH>> -- 
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AH>> To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

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[PHP] Store data in array

2002-03-18 Thread Uma Shankari T.


Anyone can please tell me how to store the row details fetched from
database to array so that to sort the same array after storing


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[PHP] Sorting in php

2002-03-14 Thread Uma Shankari T.


  Can anyone please tell me is there any function in php for sorting in
which the contents are stored in array


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[PHP] Re: Crontab

2002-03-07 Thread Uma Shankari T.

I have given like that you have mentioned below.again it is giving the
same error.pls tell me how i will solve that..

"" Your terminal lacks the ability to clear the screen or position the


On Wed, 6 Mar 2002, Philip Hallstrom wrote:

PH>lynx -dump 
PH>On Thu, 7 Mar 2002, Uma Shankari T. wrote:
PH>>  Hello,
PH>> I am facing some problem in the crontab...Can anyone tell me how to
PH>> solve this
PH>>  Actually i have written the php script to send mail to the users after a
PH>> week.In the crontab i have made a entry so that it will trigger after
PH>> 12.05.
PH>>  5 0 * * *   lynx http://info/php/MailForm.php
PH>> I have received a mail like this.And also it didn't send the mail to
PH>> the userswhy it is so
PH>> "" Your terminal lacks the ability to clear the screen or position the
PH>> cursor.""
PH>> -Uma
PH>> --
PH>> PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
PH>> To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP] Crontab

2002-03-06 Thread Uma Shankari T.


I am facing some problem in the crontab...Can anyone tell me how to
solve this

 Actually i have written the php script to send mail to the users after a
week.In the crontab i have made a entry so that it will trigger after

 5 0 * * *   lynx http://info/php/MailForm.php

I have received a mail like this.And also it didn't send the mail to 
the userswhy it is so

"" Your terminal lacks the ability to clear the screen or position the 


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[PHP] Crontab

2002-02-26 Thread Uma Shankari T.


   I need to run one php script using crontab.I am having this doubt.If
the phpscript run in the command prompt then only we can run the script
using crontab...please tell me how do i go about with this..


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[PHP] Subdirectory

2002-02-24 Thread Uma Shankari T.


   Is there any function to display the subdirectory structure of the root
directory using php...

 Is anyone know this plz tell me


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[PHP] Sendmail

2002-02-23 Thread Uma Shankari T.


 Can anyone help me in solving this problem..

 For sending mail using sendmail i have written the code like this but it
is giving some error messages in the From address instead of address


$fd = popen("/usr/sbin/sendmail -t","w");
fputs($fd, "To: $user\n");
fputs($fd, "From: $TO\n");
fputs($fd, "Subect: Feedback\n");
$ver = phpversion();
fputs($fd, "X-Mailer: PHP/FI $ver\n\n");
fputs($fd, "Hii $user,\n $body \n");

  Can anyone tell the solution for this.


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[PHP] Telnet

2002-02-21 Thread Uma Shankari T.


  By using telnet option how i will send a mail from my machine using 
 php..If any one came to know this plz tell me how to do it...


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Re: [PHP] Difference between two dates

2002-02-20 Thread Uma Shankari T.


  I got the solution for the date difference problem..,,

Thankyou very much.


"Uma Shankari T." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If i gave the str date as "31-01-2001"; and  $str1="04-02-2001"; then it
> is displaying the wrong result
> Plz tell me how can i rectify this problem...


I wrote a function last year that calculates the time between 2 dates in
whatever unit is preferred (everything from seconds to years).  My function
expects the date in a slightly different format, but it would be trivial to
switch the order of the date parts in one line and hard-code something for
the hours, minutes and seconds it expects in the date format.  It wouldn't
matter what you hardcode them as since it would use the same time of day for
both dates.


Steve Werby
President, Befriend Internet Services LLC

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] Difference between two dates

2002-02-19 Thread Uma Shankari T.


  If i gave the str date as "31-01-2001"; and  $str1="04-02-2001"; then it
is displaying the wrong result

Plz tell me how can i rectify this problem...



On Tue, 19 Feb 2002, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:

RL>This will give you the difference between the two dates in seconds:
RL>$diff = strtotime(str_replace('-','/',$str1)) - 
RL>On Wed, 20 Feb 2002, Uma Shankari T. wrote:
RL>>  Hello,
RL>>  How can i find out the difference between two dates.
RL>> I am having the date like this
RL>> $str="10-01-2001";
RL>> $str1="01-02-2002";
RL>> I need to find out the difference between the date,month and year.
RL>> If anyone know the solution for this problem plz tell me
RL>> -Uma
RL>> --
RL>> PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
RL>> To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php


Love and you shall be loved by others

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP] Difference between two dates

2002-02-19 Thread Uma Shankari T.


 How can i find out the difference between two dates.

I am having the date like this


I need to find out the difference between the date,month and year.

If anyone know the solution for this problem plz tell me


PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

Re: [PHP] Difference between two dates

2002-02-19 Thread Uma Shankari T.


  If i executed code then nothing will be displayed...


On Tue, 19 Feb 2002, Andrey Hristov wrote:

AH>Try this :
AH>Best regards,
AH>Andrey Hristov
AH>----- Original Message - 
AH>From: "Uma Shankari T." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
AH>Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2002 10:50 AM
AH>Subject: [PHP] Difference between two dates
AH>>  Hello,
AH>>  How can i find out the difference between two dates.
AH>> I am having the date like this
AH>> $str="10-01-2001";
AH>> $str1="01-02-2002";
AH>> I need to find out the difference between the date,month and year.
AH>> If anyone know the solution for this problem plz tell me
AH>> -Uma 
AH>> -- 
AH>> PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
AH>> To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php


Love and you shall be loved by others

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP] Difference between two dates

2002-02-19 Thread Uma Shankari T.


 How can i find out the difference between two dates.

I am having the date like this


I need to find out the difference between the date,month and year.

If anyone know the solution for this problem plz tell me


PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP] php

2002-02-13 Thread Uma Shankari T.

Is there any function to give write permission to one particular user for
entire directory using php..


PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP] file uploading

2002-02-13 Thread Uma Shankari T.


   I have written code to upload files from the browser itself.But only
specified user can upload files for specific directory.That one also i
have done.I have given permission to upload files to a directory.If there
 are any subdirectory how will write the code to upload files in the
entire directory

For example 
 There is one folder Test.I have given permission to upload files in
the test folder itself.If there is a subdirectory test.How i will do

Or is there any code in php to give permission to upload to any
subdirectory in the folder

It is very urgent tell me soon


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[PHP] php

2002-02-08 Thread Uma Shankari T.


  I have installed php3 in my machine.To make php connection with mysql
what are the lines to be comment out in apache conf file.Here i am
attaching the some parts of apache conf file


## httpd.conf -- Apache HTTP server configuration file

# Based upon the NCSA server configuration files originally by Rob McCool.
# This is the main Apache server configuration file.  It contains the
# configuration directives that give the server its instructions.
# See http://www.apache.org/docs/> for detailed information about
# the directives.
# Do NOT simply read the instructions in here without understanding
# what they do.  They're here only as hints or reminders.  If you are unsure
# consult the online docs. You have been warned.  
# After this file is processed, the server will look for and process
# /usr/conf/srm.conf and then /usr/conf/access.conf
# unless you have overridden these with ResourceConfig and/or
# AccessConfig directives here.
# The configuration directives are grouped into three basic sections:
#  1. Directives that control the operation of the Apache server process as a
# whole (the 'global environment').
#  2. Directives that define the parameters of the 'main' or 'default' server,
# which responds to requests that aren't handled by a virtual host.
# These directives also provide default values for the settings
# of all virtual hosts.
#  3. Settings for virtual hosts, which allow Web requests to be sent to
# different IP addresses or hostnames and have them handled by the
# same Apache server process.
# Configuration and logfile names: If the filenames you specify for many
# of the server's control files begin with "/" (or "drive:/" for Win32), the
# server will use that explicit path.  If the filenames do *not* begin
# with "/", the value of ServerRoot is prepended -- so "logs/foo.log"
# with ServerRoot set to "/usr/local/apache" will be interpreted by the
# server as "/usr/local/apache/logs/foo.log".

### Section 1: Global Environment
# The directives in this section affect the overall operation of Apache,
# such as the number of concurrent requests it can handle or where it
# can find its configuration files.

# ServerType is either inetd, or standalone.  Inetd mode is only supported on
# Unix platforms.
ServerType standalone

# ServerRoot: The top of the directory tree under which the server's
# configuration, error, and log files are kept.
# NOTE!  If you intend to place this on an NFS (or otherwise network)
# mounted filesystem then please read the LockFile documentation
# (available at http://www.apache.org/docs/mod/core.html#lockfile>);
# you will save yourself a lot of trouble.
# Do NOT add a slash at the end of the directory path.
ServerRoot "/etc/httpd"

# The LockFile directive sets the path to the lockfile used when Apache
# is compiled with either USE_FCNTL_SERIALIZED_ACCEPT or
# USE_FLOCK_SERIALIZED_ACCEPT. This directive should normally be left at
# its default value. The main reason for changing it is if the logs
# directory is NFS mounted, since the lockfile MUST BE STORED ON A LOCAL
# DISK. The PID of the main server process is automatically appended to
# the filename. 
LockFile /var/lock/httpd.lock

# PidFile: The file in which the server should record its process
# identification number when it starts.
PidFile /var/run/httpd.pid

# ScoreBoardFile: File used to store internal server process information.
# Not all architectures require this.  But if yours does (you'll know because
# this file will be  created when you run Apache) then you *must* ensure that
# no two invocations of Apache share the same scoreboard file.
ScoreBoardFile /var/run/httpd.scoreboard

# In the standard configuration, the server will process this file,
# srm.conf, and access.conf in that order.  The latter two files are
# now distributed empty, as it is recommended that all directives
# be kept in a single file for simplicity.  The commented-out values
# below are the built-in defaults.  You can have the server ignore
# these files altogether by using "/dev/null" (for Unix) or
# "nul" (for Win32) for the arguments to the directives.
#ResourceConfig conf/srm.conf
#AccessConfig conf/access.conf

# Timeout: The number of seconds before receives and sends time out.
Timeout 300

# KeepAlive: Whether or not to allow persistent connections (more than
# one request per connection). Set to "Off" to deactivate.
KeepAlive On

# MaxKeepAliveRequests: The maximum number of requests to allow
# during a persistent connection. Set to 0 to allow an unlimited amount.
# We recommend you leave this number high, for maximum performance.
MaxKeepAliveRequests 100

# KeepAliveTimeout: Number of seconds to wait for the next request from the
# same client on the same connection.
KeepAliveTimeout 1

[PHP] Re: [PHP-INST] Default mysql path

2002-02-02 Thread Uma Shankari T.

Actually i have stored mysql in my machine in /usr/lib/mysql

 when i am tried to connect it is giving this error.

nomysql support.From the prompt itself i can connect to mysql .using php
script i can't connect.

While in the installtion also i have mentioned the path for mysql

I couldn't guess where is the error

Can u guess where is the error?.

If u came to know this tell me as soon as possible


On Sat, 2 Feb 2002, David Jackson wrote:

> should be /usr/local/mysql.
> "Uma Shankari T." wrote:
> > 
> > Hello,
> > 
> >   I have installed php and mysql in my machine.By default in which path
> > php check for mysql
> > 
> > Anyone can know this tell to me as soon as possible
> > 
> > -Uma
> > 
> > --
> > PHP Install Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Love and you shall be loved by others

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[PHP] Default mysql path

2002-02-02 Thread Uma Shankari T.


  I have installed php and mysql in my machine.By default in which path
php check for mysql

Anyone can know this tell to me as soon as possible


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[PHP] Mysql & php

2002-02-01 Thread Uma Shankari T.


  I am trying to connect php and mysql with the following syntax


 But it is giving error NoMysql support.

Also i have stored the files in another webserver and trying to connect
the  mysql and php in the localhost it is working properly.but it is not
working if i have tried to connect in the localhost itself

Then where is the problem...


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RE: [PHP] Problem

2002-01-30 Thread Uma Shankari T.

 I have installed php3


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[PHP] Problem

2002-01-30 Thread Uma Shankari T.

I have installed mysql and php successfully.While connecting with mysql it
is giving error like this

 ss.php: No mySQL support on line 11

Manually i can connect mysql by giving like this

mysql -uusername -ppassword

It is connecting.If there any function to find out wheather php supporting

If there is any problem with mysql means manually  i can't connect know...

I have tried this one also


It is giving all the details about php line doc root,hostname.port address

Then where is the problem

Tell me as soon as possible

with Thanks & Regards,

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Re: [PHP] PHP & Mysql

2002-01-29 Thread Uma Shankari T.


  Already i am having so many details in my mysql database.If i do this it
won't affect the previous one..


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Re: [PHP] PHP & Mysql

2002-01-29 Thread Uma Shankari T.


  How do i recompile with mysql support


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[PHP] PHP & Mysql

2002-01-29 Thread Uma Shankari T.

Hello ,

  I am trying to connect mysql using php script like this

$link= mysql_connect('$servername','$username','$password');
 but it is giving Fatal error call to undefined function mysql_connect()

I have checked wheather php is installed properly by using this


Everything is okay but it is displaying this error...

If anyone came to know the reason for this tell me as soon as possible


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[PHP] Mysql Connection

2002-01-28 Thread Uma Shankari T.


How do i check php support mysql..

If any one came to know this tell me...


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[PHP] Mysql Connection

2002-01-28 Thread Uma Shankari T.


  I have installed php3 in my system.I want to connect with mysql.I have
given this code

$link=mysql_connect("localhost","username","password") or die("could not

but it is giving Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mysql_connect()

Why it is showing like.

Mysql is also running

 Any one came to know this tell me as soon as possible


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[PHP] Sendmail

2002-01-28 Thread Uma Shankari T.


   The system have to send mail automatically to the username stored in
mysql table.I am having the details of usermailid,date.By using php script
how do i go about with this


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[PHP] Problem in mysql connection

2002-01-25 Thread Uma Shankari T.


I have installed php4 rpm in my machine.while connecting php with
mysql it is giving fatal error.I have given like this


Why it is so ..

Is there any other files i have to install to access the database??


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[PHP] Problem in mysql connection

2002-01-25 Thread Uma Shankari T.


I have installed php4 rpm in my machine.while connecting php with
mysql it is giving fatal error.I have given like this


Why it is so ..

Is there any other files i have to install to access the database??


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Re: [PHP] File Uploading

2002-01-21 Thread Uma Shankari T.


When i upload the file it is updating only in the document root
directory.It is not updated in some other directory except the root
directory.why is it so?

Any one tell me the solution for this?


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[PHP] Printout paper

2002-01-21 Thread Uma Shankari T.


  How we find out how many printout pages taken by each user using
php script?


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[PHP] File Uploading

2002-01-21 Thread Uma Shankari T.


  How to upload files in a particular directory using php script in the
 browser itself


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