Re: [PHP] difficult select problem

2009-04-09 Thread PJ
Andrew Ballard wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 1:39 PM, PJ  wrote:
> [snip]
>> Now the silly questions = often I am curious what effect the differences
>> in code will have on performance.
>> For instance, why are you using author.last_name LIKE '{$Auth}%' rather
>> than LEFT('$Auth') ? As I have mentioned, it is not important what
>> follows the A
> The query optimizer can use an index on author.last_name to evaluate
> "WHERE author.last_name LIKE '{$Auth}%' ". It simply seeks/scans the
> index since the last_name values are ordered, and starts returning
> values when it reaches the first row that begins with $Auth and stops
> returning rows when it finds a value is greater than the pattern.
> To evaluate "WHERE LEFT('$Auth', LENGTH('$Auth')) = '$Auth' ", the
> server has to calculate a substring of last_name for every row in the
> table and then compare those substrings to the value $Auth.
> Andrew
Thanks Andrew. Just what I wanted to know. ;-)

unheralded genius: "A clean desk is the sign of a dull mind. "
Phil Jourdan ---

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Re: [PHP] difficult select problem

2009-04-09 Thread Andrew Ballard
On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 1:39 PM, PJ  wrote:
> Now the silly questions = often I am curious what effect the differences
> in code will have on performance.
> For instance, why are you using author.last_name LIKE '{$Auth}%' rather
> than LEFT('$Auth') ? As I have mentioned, it is not important what
> follows the A

The query optimizer can use an index on author.last_name to evaluate
"WHERE author.last_name LIKE '{$Auth}%' ". It simply seeks/scans the
index since the last_name values are ordered, and starts returning
values when it reaches the first row that begins with $Auth and stops
returning rows when it finds a value is greater than the pattern.

To evaluate "WHERE LEFT('$Auth', LENGTH('$Auth')) = '$Auth' ", the
server has to calculate a substring of last_name for every row in the
table and then compare those substrings to the value $Auth.


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Re: [PHP] difficult select problem

2009-04-09 Thread PJ
OK, so I owe you a big one  :-*

Your code works... now, I'm faced with a horrendous problem and that is
to make sense of it all :-)   

What I seem to get from this exercise is that I don't need the ordinals
at all.
Uuuuh... that's interesting. I get it. So now, I can update my
bookInsert script to eliminate the ordinals and just use the bookID and
authID  which means I can list as may authors as I like and not
worry about limiting the number.
Looks like I will have to rewrite a bit of code. And I think this may
simplify my other code for publisher and categories.
Thank you, (kow-tow)- thank you, (kow-tow)- thank you, (kow-tow).

Now the silly questions = often I am curious what effect the differences
in code will have on performance.
For instance, why are you using author.last_name LIKE '{$Auth}%' rather
than LEFT('$Auth') ? As I have mentioned, it is not important what
follows the A

I think I understand the AS book_id and AS auth_id - is it to avoid
confusion with the and

Anyway, I am beginning to see more light - could it be called
enLIGHTenment? :-D

Jim Lucas wrote:
> PJ wrote:
>> Gentlemen,
>> First, let me thank you all for responding and offering suggestions. I
>> appreciate it and I am learning things.
> How about telling us/me what it did or did not do for you?
>> However, it looks like my message is not getting across:
>> The problem is not to retrieve only the authors whose last names begin
>> with A:
>> 1) which books have a second author?
>> 2) who is the second author ?
>> This is determined by table book_author column ordinal (which can be 1
>> or 2) - if there is only 1 author for a book then there is no ordinal 2
>> linked to book_author bookID and authID.
> This is the first that I have heard about this 'ordinal'.  From your
> description above, I don't get what it does for you.  The book_author
> table should, basically, connect the books table to the authors table
> by a simple two column combination of ids.  So, I don't understand the
> significance of that field.  Could you explain it further please?
>> The structure of the db:
>> book
>> author
>>   book_author
> Thanks for the structure.  From this I can show you exactly what I
> would do to create the code. Minus the publishers information of
> course since you didn't supply the layout for those tables.
> $SQL = "
> SELECTbook.*
> FROMbook
> INNER JOINbook_authorON ( = book_author.bookID)
> INNER JOINauthorON (book_author.authID =
> WHEREauthor.last_name LIKE '{$Auth}%'
> ";
> $books = array();
> $bookIDs = array();
> if ( ( $results = mysql_query($SQL, $db) ) !== false ) {
> while ( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($results) ) {
> $books[$row['id']] = $row;
> $bookIDs[] = $row['id'];
> }
> }
> if ( count($bookIDs) > 0 ) {
> print_r($bookIDs);
> # above should result in a structure that shows an indexed array
> of book ids for their values.
> $SQL = "
> SELECT AS book_id, AS author_id,
> author.first_name, author.last_name
> FROMbook
> INNER JOINbook_authorON ( = book_author.bookID)
> INNER JOINauthorON (book_author.authID =
> IN ( " . join(',', $bookIDs) . " )
> ";
> $authors = array();
> if ( ( $results = mysql_query($SQL, $db) ) !== false ) {
> while ( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($results) ) {
> $authors[$row['book_id']][$row['author_id']] = $row;
> }
> }
> print_r($authors);
> # above should result in a multidimensional array of
> books/authors/(author data)
> # Now, you should be able to have two nexted foreach loops.
> # I will briefly give you an example.
> foreach ( $books AS $bookID => $bookData ) {
> # Display book information
> echo '', $bookID, '';
> print_r($bookData);
> # Test to see if the book has any authors
> if ( isset($authors[$bookID]) ) {
> # Tell us how many authors we found
> echo 'Found: ', count($author[$bookID]), ' authors';
($authors[$bookID]) in line above :-)
> # Loop through the authors
> foreach ( $authors[$bookID] AS $authorID => $authorData ) {
> # Display the
> echo "{$authorData['last_name']},
> {$authorData['first_name']}\n";
> }
> echo '';
> } else {
> echo 'No authors found';
> }
> echo '';
> }
> } else {
> echo 'No books match your search pattern...';
> }
> ?>
> Ok, this is the second time I have written a script for you...  You

Re: [PHP] difficult select problem

2009-04-09 Thread PJ
Jim Lucas wrote:
> PJ wrote:
>> Hi Jim,
>> Sorry I could not gat back to you on your suggestion. I've been under
>> the weather for a couple of days but am almost over it.
>> Your suggestion does not work... yet.
>> I'll insert comments & questions below...
>> Jim Lucas wrote:
>>> PJ wrote:
 I've searched the web, the tutorials, etc. with no luck and have asked
 on MySql list with no luck and have even posted here with no replies.
 So, let's try again:

 I am trying to limit the search for books to only those that start
 "A" (does not have to be case sensitive); but within that selection
 there may be a second author whose name may start with any letter
 of the

 So, the real problem is to find if there is a second author in the
 selection of books and to display that name.
 My query shows all the books that begin with A:

 $SQL = "SELECT b.*, c.publisher, a.first_name, a.last_name
 FROM book AS b
 LEFT JOIN book_publisher as bp ON = bp.bookID
 LEFT JOIN publishers AS c ON bp.publishers_id =
 LEFT JOIN book_author AS ba ON = ba.bookID
 LEFT JOIN author AS a ON ba.authID = WHERE
 LEFT(last_name, 1 ) = '$Auth' ";

 Within the results there are some books that have 2 authors and now I
 have to find if
 there is a second author in the results and then be able to echo the
 second author.
 So far, I have not been able to figure out how to go about that.
 Do I need to do another query to find the second author or can it
 somehow be incorporated into the original query? Or can it be done
 with a UNION ?
 Please help.


>>> ... and we begin ...
>>> $SQL = "SELECT b.*, AS publisher_id, c.publisher, AS
>>> author_id, a.first_name, a.last_name
>>> FROM book AS b
>>> INNER JOIN book_publisher as bp ON = bp.bookID
>>> INNER JOIN publishers AS c ON bp.publishers_id =
>>> INNER JOIN book_author AS ba ON = ba.bookID
>>> INNER JOIN author AS a ON ba.authID =
>>> WHERE IN (
>>> FROMbook AS b
>>> INNER JOIN book_author AS ba ON = ba.bookID
>>> INNER JOIN author AS a ON ba.authID =
>>> WHERE   a.last_name LIKE '{$Auth}%'
>>> )";
>> A written, the code does not produce a result.
>> Questions:
>> 1. why AS publisher_id and AS author_id? I do not see a
>> reference to these in the code
>> 2. why "a.last_name LIKE '{$Auth}%'? What does that change from
>> LEFT(last_name, 1) = '$Auth'? the LEFT clause will give me all authors
>> whose names begin with A; I don't care what the rest of the string may
>> be - the authors' last names always starts with a capital letter.
>> 3. What were you expecting to get as a result from the code? It looks to
>> me like the results will only give all authors whose names begin with A.
>> And that I am already getting with the code as I have written. Sorry for
>> my ignorance, but that is why I am asking for help.
>> 4. So far, no one has used the book_author.ordinal to select the author
>> ;  perhaps I have not been clear on that as that is what I use to
>> determine if there are more than 1 author. Ordinal 1 is for all authors
>> who are unique for a book; ordinal 2 is for authors who are the second
>> author for a book.
> Thanks for explaining the ordinal significance.  Does it really make a
> difference if the ordinal is 1 or 2?  Does 1 indicate the primary
> author and the 2 indicate supporting authors???
I decided on the outset that there would only be a max or 2 authors in
the author fields as there are few books authored by more than 2
writers. So I assign ordinal 1 for the primary author and 2 for the
second(ary). I thought that would be necessary for differentiating
between the two.
If there are 3 authors, then that is entered under sub_title. And often
these "authors" are not authors but editors for the books then are
really anthologies.
I had not thought of searching for these under Authors. I suppose that
could be done by another type of search.
> If a book has three authors and all three had an ordinal of 2, would
> it make any difference then if one was 1 and the remaining two were
> marked 2?
> If it makes no difference, the the column is pointless.
> If it does make a difference (identifying one as 1 and the remaining
> as 2), then keep it and we will deal with that later.
> But, all this can be done without that column.
> Read my other email that I about to send, responding to a different
> part of this thread.
Will do.
>> Now, if my code is not too messy or cumbersome (I refer to your e-mail
>> of March 15) then what I really need is a way to save the from
>> my query to a $tring and then use that to select the book in another

Re: [PHP] difficult select problem

2009-04-08 Thread Jim Lucas

PJ wrote:


First, let me thank you all for responding and offering suggestions. I
appreciate it and I am learning things.

How about telling us/me what it did or did not do for you?

However, it looks like my message is not getting across:
The problem is not to retrieve only the authors whose last names begin
with A:

1) which books have a second author?
2) who is the second author ?
This is determined by table book_author column ordinal (which can be 1
or 2) - if there is only 1 author for a book then there is no ordinal 2
linked to book_author bookID and authID.

This is the first that I have heard about this 'ordinal'.  From your description above, I don't get 
what it does for you.  The book_author table should, basically, connect the books table to the 
authors table by a simple two column combination of ids.  So, I don't understand the significance of 
that field.  Could you explain it further please?

The structure of the db:




Thanks for the structure.  From this I can show you exactly what I would do to create the code. 
Minus the publishers information of course since you didn't supply the layout for those tables.

$SQL = "
SELECT  book.*
INNER JOIN  book_author ON ( = book_author.bookID)
INNER JOIN  author  ON (book_author.authID =
WHERE   author.last_name LIKE '{$Auth}%'

$books = array();
$bookIDs = array();
if ( ( $results = mysql_query($SQL, $db) ) !== false ) {
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($results) ) {
$books[$row['id']] = $row;
$bookIDs[] = $row['id'];

if ( count($bookIDs) > 0 ) {

# above should result in a structure that shows an indexed array of book 
ids for their values.

$SQL = "
SELECT AS book_id, AS author_id, author.first_name, 
INNER JOIN  book_author ON ( = book_author.bookID)
INNER JOIN  author  ON (book_author.authID =
WHERE IN ( " . join(',', $bookIDs) . " )

$authors = array();
if ( ( $results = mysql_query($SQL, $db) ) !== false ) {
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($results) ) {
$authors[$row['book_id']][$row['author_id']] = $row;

# above should result in a multidimensional array of books/authors/(author 
# Now, you should be able to have two nexted foreach loops.
# I will briefly give you an example.
foreach ( $books AS $bookID => $bookData ) {

# Display book information
echo '', $bookID, '';

# Test to see if the book has any authors
if ( isset($authors[$bookID]) ) {

# Tell us how many authors we found
echo 'Found: ', count($author[$bookID]), ' authors';

# Loop through the authors
foreach ( $authors[$bookID] AS $authorID => $authorData ) {
# Display the
echo "{$authorData['last_name']}, 
echo '';
} else {
echo 'No authors found';
echo '';
} else {
echo 'No books match your search pattern...';


Ok, this is the second time I have written a script for you...  You owe me :)

This should return to you a header that includes the book ID and then print all the data for the 
book.  That will be followed by any and all authors for the book.

If it doesn't work...  well I don't know what to do then.

But, try it!!!  Report back to the list what it did for you or what it missed 

Your responses have been very vague as to what an example did or didn't do for 

Tell us everything that worked or didn't and we might be able to help you to tweak the code so it 
DOES do what your are looking to do.

Hope it works!


categories and publishers are not realy relevant here...

The code I have:

$SQL = "SELECT b.*, c.publisher, a.first_name, a.last_name
FROM book AS b
LEFT JOIN book_publisher as bp ON = bp.bookID
LEFT JOIN publishers AS c ON bp.publishers_id =
LEFT JOIN book_author AS ba ON = ba.bookID
LEFT JOIN author AS a ON ba.authID =
WHERE LEFT(last_name, 1 ) = '$Auth' ";

It gives me these results:

6 =>
'id' => string '6' /(length=1)/
'title' => string 'Nubia.' /(length=6)/
'sub_title' => string 'Corridor to Africa' /(length=18)/
'descr' => string '' /(length=0)/
'comment' => string '' /(length=0)/
'bk_cover' => string '' /(length=

Re: [PHP] difficult select problem

2009-04-08 Thread Jim Lucas

PJ wrote:

Hi Jim,
Sorry I could not gat back to you on your suggestion. I've been under
the weather for a couple of days but am almost over it.
Your suggestion does not work... yet.
I'll insert comments & questions below...

Jim Lucas wrote:

PJ wrote:

I've searched the web, the tutorials, etc. with no luck and have asked
on MySql list with no luck and have even posted here with no replies.
So, let's try again:

I am trying to limit the search for books to only those that start with
"A" (does not have to be case sensitive); but within that selection
there may be a second author whose name may start with any letter of the

So, the real problem is to find if there is a second author in the
selection of books and to display that name.
My query shows all the books that begin with A:

$SQL = "SELECT b.*, c.publisher, a.first_name, a.last_name
FROM book AS b
LEFT JOIN book_publisher as bp ON = bp.bookID
LEFT JOIN publishers AS c ON bp.publishers_id =
LEFT JOIN book_author AS ba ON = ba.bookID
LEFT JOIN author AS a ON ba.authID = WHERE
LEFT(last_name, 1 ) = '$Auth' ";

Within the results there are some books that have 2 authors and now I
have to find if
there is a second author in the results and then be able to echo the
second author.
So far, I have not been able to figure out how to go about that.
Do I need to do another query to find the second author or can it
somehow be incorporated into the original query? Or can it be done
with a UNION ?
Please help.


... and we begin ...

$SQL = "SELECT b.*, AS publisher_id, c.publisher, AS
author_id, a.first_name, a.last_name
FROM book AS b
INNER JOIN book_publisher as bp ON = bp.bookID
INNER JOIN publishers AS c ON bp.publishers_id =
INNER JOIN book_author AS ba ON = ba.bookID
INNER JOIN author AS a ON ba.authID =
FROMbook AS b
INNER JOIN book_author AS ba ON = ba.bookID
INNER JOIN author AS a ON ba.authID =
WHERE   a.last_name LIKE '{$Auth}%'

A written, the code does not produce a result.
1. why AS publisher_id and AS author_id? I do not see a
reference to these in the code
2. why "a.last_name LIKE '{$Auth}%'? What does that change from
LEFT(last_name, 1) = '$Auth'? the LEFT clause will give me all authors
whose names begin with A; I don't care what the rest of the string may
be - the authors' last names always starts with a capital letter.
3. What were you expecting to get as a result from the code? It looks to
me like the results will only give all authors whose names begin with A.
And that I am already getting with the code as I have written. Sorry for
my ignorance, but that is why I am asking for help.
4. So far, no one has used the book_author.ordinal to select the author
;  perhaps I have not been clear on that as that is what I use to
determine if there are more than 1 author. Ordinal 1 is for all authors
who are unique for a book; ordinal 2 is for authors who are the second
author for a book.

Thanks for explaining the ordinal significance.  Does it really make a difference if the ordinal is 
1 or 2?  Does 1 indicate the primary author and the 2 indicate supporting authors???

If a book has three authors and all three had an ordinal of 2, would it make any difference then if 
one was 1 and the remaining two were marked 2?

If it makes no difference, the the column is pointless.

If it does make a difference (identifying one as 1 and the remaining as 2), then keep it and we will 
deal with that later.

But, all this can be done without that column.

Read my other email that I about to send, responding to a different part of 
this thread.

Now, if my code is not too messy or cumbersome (I refer to your e-mail
of March 15) then what I really need is a way to save the from
my query to a $tring and then use that to select the book in another
query that will give me the second author. I am wondering how that is
done; I have already used this in retrieving arrays but the id is
changed in a simple $bk_id = $result - damn, I forget where I found that
in the manuals. I used it in another situation like this:
$catvar = array_values($category[$categoryID]);
$cat = $catvar[1];

$catvar was ids like 9, 6, 17, etc. and assigning it to $cat ranged them
as 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. (which is what I want to avoid)

Then I should be able to do a
"SELECT CONCAT_WS(" ", first_name, last_name) as Author2
FROM author a, book b, book_author ba
WHERE $bk_id = ba.bookID && ba.authID ="


"SELECT CONCAT(first_name, " ", last_name, book_author.ordinal) as Author2
FROM author a, book b, book_author ba
WHERE $bk_id = ba.bookID && ba.authID ="

I probably have something wrong in the code; I haven't tried it as I am
not sure how to retrieve the $bk_id.
And the CONCAT w

Re: [PHP] difficult select problem

2009-04-08 Thread Jan G.B.
2009/4/7 Bastien Koert :
> On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 1:10 PM, Michael A. Peters  wrote:
>> PJ wrote:
>>> Bob McConnell wrote:
 From: PJ

> First, let me thank you all for responding and offering suggestions. I
> appreciate it and I am learning things.
> However, it looks like my message is not getting across:
> The problem is not to retrieve only the authors whose last names begin
> with A:
 Actually, it appears you simply don't like the accurate answers you have
 been given.

>>> First, let me say that I am pretty fresh to all this.
>>> Second, I believe I can get the authors with several more queries as I
>>> have done for listings of all the books and by categories, but I am
>>> trying to limit the queries thinking that that will speed up the data
>>> retrieval.
>> A friend of mine who manages many large scale websites with massive
>> databases says that isn't always the case, especially if you don't have a
>> dedicated SQL server with very fast disks and lots of memory.
>> He's found that in many situations it is faster to do several sql queries
>> and let php sort it out then to use a bunch of joins, subselects, etc. in
>> order to reduce the number of sql queries.
>> Has to do with how sql works on the filesystem, and the IO that can result
>> from sql needing to do a more complex query, and what is fastest varies upon
>> your setup. I think he said sub-selects are the worst because sql has to
>> create a virtual table for the subselect and that can really slow the query
>> down, but I might be mistaken about that.
>> Thus unless he has a problem application that is way too slow on hardware
>> he can't upgrade, he opts for what is easier code to read and maintain.
>> Sometimes that's faster than hard to read queries anyway.
> Simple queries will almost alwasy be faster than a large join. Join query
> response times can be affected by the order of the join if  the primary
> table is not the largest one amoung other factors.

Well .. this really depends and - if speaking of large scale sites
with a lot of traffic - you must recognize that you just move the
payload to another server. in that case this would be the webserver.
I give the example of Apache: one process takes up as much RAM as the
"biggest" page it serves. so if a few pageviews require the
application to parse a lot of data, all apache processes will use a
large amount of ram (I've seen systems with 120mb per process!).
High traffic requires a lot of processes and when as your webserver
starts to swap because the RAM is filled up, you're in deep shit. And
you'd  wish to have a normalized DB layout and effective queries.
Setting up a DB-Slave might be better than buying a lot of webservers. ;)

Also, the DB server is build for what you're trying to accomplish, the
webserver running php and serving pages.. well, maybe the server would
spend his CPU time in another way if he'd had the chance... whatever.


> Another thing to consider here is that the data is relatively static.
> Perhaps you could build a xml representation on the first display of the
> book and pay the piper once in building the data. From there build an xml
> snippet ( and store it in the database perhaps in the main books table. Then
> on future calls to that book to display the same data, request the xml and
> use that to display all the data. That way you get the search functionality
> you are looking for and a one time hit to build that data into one common
> format. That would make the future reads of that data much quicker.
> --
> Bastien
> Cat, the other other white meat

PHP General Mailing List (
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP] difficult select problem

2009-04-08 Thread PJ
Hi Jim,
Sorry I could not gat back to you on your suggestion. I've been under
the weather for a couple of days but am almost over it.
Your suggestion does not work... yet.
I'll insert comments & questions below...

Jim Lucas wrote:
> PJ wrote:
>> I've searched the web, the tutorials, etc. with no luck and have asked
>> on MySql list with no luck and have even posted here with no replies.
>> So, let's try again:
>> I am trying to limit the search for books to only those that start with
>> "A" (does not have to be case sensitive); but within that selection
>> there may be a second author whose name may start with any letter of the
>> alphabet.
>> So, the real problem is to find if there is a second author in the
>> selection of books and to display that name.
>> My query shows all the books that begin with A:
>> $SQL = "SELECT b.*, c.publisher, a.first_name, a.last_name
>> FROM book AS b
>> LEFT JOIN book_publisher as bp ON = bp.bookID
>> LEFT JOIN publishers AS c ON bp.publishers_id =
>> LEFT JOIN book_author AS ba ON = ba.bookID
>> LEFT JOIN author AS a ON ba.authID = WHERE
>> LEFT(last_name, 1 ) = '$Auth' ";
>> Within the results there are some books that have 2 authors and now I
>> have to find if
>> there is a second author in the results and then be able to echo the
>> second author.
>> So far, I have not been able to figure out how to go about that.
>> Do I need to do another query to find the second author or can it
>> somehow be incorporated into the original query? Or can it be done
>> with a UNION ?
>> Please help.
> ... and we begin ...
> $SQL = "SELECT b.*, AS publisher_id, c.publisher, AS
> author_id, a.first_name, a.last_name
> FROM book AS b
> INNER JOIN book_publisher as bp ON = bp.bookID
> INNER JOIN publishers AS c ON bp.publishers_id =
> INNER JOIN book_author AS ba ON = ba.bookID
> INNER JOIN author AS a ON ba.authID =
> FROMbook AS b
> INNER JOIN book_author AS ba ON = ba.bookID
> INNER JOIN author AS a ON ba.authID =
> WHERE   a.last_name LIKE '{$Auth}%'
> )";
A written, the code does not produce a result.
1. why AS publisher_id and AS author_id? I do not see a
reference to these in the code
2. why "a.last_name LIKE '{$Auth}%'? What does that change from
LEFT(last_name, 1) = '$Auth'? the LEFT clause will give me all authors
whose names begin with A; I don't care what the rest of the string may
be - the authors' last names always starts with a capital letter.
3. What were you expecting to get as a result from the code? It looks to
me like the results will only give all authors whose names begin with A.
And that I am already getting with the code as I have written. Sorry for
my ignorance, but that is why I am asking for help.
4. So far, no one has used the book_author.ordinal to select the author
;  perhaps I have not been clear on that as that is what I use to
determine if there are more than 1 author. Ordinal 1 is for all authors
who are unique for a book; ordinal 2 is for authors who are the second
author for a book.

Now, if my code is not too messy or cumbersome (I refer to your e-mail
of March 15) then what I really need is a way to save the from
my query to a $tring and then use that to select the book in another
query that will give me the second author. I am wondering how that is
done; I have already used this in retrieving arrays but the id is
changed in a simple $bk_id = $result - damn, I forget where I found that
in the manuals. I used it in another situation like this:
$catvar = array_values($category[$categoryID]);
$cat = $catvar[1];

$catvar was ids like 9, 6, 17, etc. and assigning it to $cat ranged them
as 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. (which is what I want to avoid)

Then I should be able to do a
"SELECT CONCAT_WS(" ", first_name, last_name) as Author2
FROM author a, book b, book_author ba
WHERE $bk_id = ba.bookID && ba.authID ="


"SELECT CONCAT(first_name, " ", last_name, book_author.ordinal) as Author2
FROM author a, book b, book_author ba
WHERE $bk_id = ba.bookID && ba.authID ="

I probably have something wrong in the code; I haven't tried it as I am
not sure how to retrieve the $bk_id.
And the CONCAT with the ordinal, I can filter the 1 or the 2 when echoing.

I must be really long-winded but this is a long and complicated exercise
for my little brain. :'(  
> Ok, with those changes made, you will now see that your result set is
> going to have duplicate entries for each book. Well, almost duplicate...
> Basically what you need to realize is that you are talking about row
> counts compounding upon themselves...
> I will try and explain...
> if you had ten books with a total of 16 unique authors and 8 unique
> publishers, you would end

Re: [PHP] difficult select problem

2009-04-07 Thread Chris

PJ wrote:


First, let me thank you all for responding and offering suggestions. I
appreciate it and I am learning things.
However, it looks like my message is not getting across:
The problem is not to retrieve only the authors whose last names begin
with A:

1) which books have a second author?
2) who is the second author ?
This is determined by table book_author column ordinal (which can be 1
or 2) - if there is only 1 author for a book then there is no ordinal 2
linked to book_author bookID and authID.

You've been given a few solutions for this and your only reply has been 
"doesn't do what I want".

Did you try Jim's suggestion? What didn't it do that you wanted it to?

Postgresql & php tutorials

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Re: [PHP] difficult select problem

2009-04-07 Thread Bastien Koert
On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 1:10 PM, Michael A. Peters  wrote:

> PJ wrote:
>> Bob McConnell wrote:
>>> From: PJ
 First, let me thank you all for responding and offering suggestions. I
 appreciate it and I am learning things.
 However, it looks like my message is not getting across:
 The problem is not to retrieve only the authors whose last names begin
 with A:

>>> Actually, it appears you simply don't like the accurate answers you have
>>> been given.
>> First, let me say that I am pretty fresh to all this.
>> Second, I believe I can get the authors with several more queries as I
>> have done for listings of all the books and by categories, but I am
>> trying to limit the queries thinking that that will speed up the data
>> retrieval.
> A friend of mine who manages many large scale websites with massive
> databases says that isn't always the case, especially if you don't have a
> dedicated SQL server with very fast disks and lots of memory.
> He's found that in many situations it is faster to do several sql queries
> and let php sort it out then to use a bunch of joins, subselects, etc. in
> order to reduce the number of sql queries.
> Has to do with how sql works on the filesystem, and the IO that can result
> from sql needing to do a more complex query, and what is fastest varies upon
> your setup. I think he said sub-selects are the worst because sql has to
> create a virtual table for the subselect and that can really slow the query
> down, but I might be mistaken about that.
> Thus unless he has a problem application that is way too slow on hardware
> he can't upgrade, he opts for what is easier code to read and maintain.
> Sometimes that's faster than hard to read queries anyway.

Simple queries will almost alwasy be faster than a large join. Join query
response times can be affected by the order of the join if  the primary
table is not the largest one amoung other factors.

Another thing to consider here is that the data is relatively static.
Perhaps you could build a xml representation on the first display of the
book and pay the piper once in building the data. From there build an xml
snippet ( and store it in the database perhaps in the main books table. Then
on future calls to that book to display the same data, request the xml and
use that to display all the data. That way you get the search functionality
you are looking for and a one time hit to build that data into one common
format. That would make the future reads of that data much quicker.



Cat, the other other white meat

Re: [PHP] difficult select problem

2009-04-07 Thread Michael A. Peters

PJ wrote:

Bob McConnell wrote:

From: PJ

First, let me thank you all for responding and offering suggestions. I
appreciate it and I am learning things.
However, it looks like my message is not getting across:
The problem is not to retrieve only the authors whose last names begin
with A:

Actually, it appears you simply don't like the accurate answers you have
been given.

First, let me say that I am pretty fresh to all this.
Second, I believe I can get the authors with several more queries as I
have done for listings of all the books and by categories, but I am
trying to limit the queries thinking that that will speed up the data

A friend of mine who manages many large scale websites with massive 
databases says that isn't always the case, especially if you don't have 
a dedicated SQL server with very fast disks and lots of memory.

He's found that in many situations it is faster to do several sql 
queries and let php sort it out then to use a bunch of joins, 
subselects, etc. in order to reduce the number of sql queries.

Has to do with how sql works on the filesystem, and the IO that can 
result from sql needing to do a more complex query, and what is fastest 
varies upon your setup. I think he said sub-selects are the worst 
because sql has to create a virtual table for the subselect and that can 
really slow the query down, but I might be mistaken about that.

Thus unless he has a problem application that is way too slow on 
hardware he can't upgrade, he opts for what is easier code to read and 
maintain. Sometimes that's faster than hard to read queries anyway.

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Re: [PHP] difficult select problem

2009-04-07 Thread PJ
Bob McConnell wrote:
> From: PJ
>> First, let me thank you all for responding and offering suggestions. I
>> appreciate it and I am learning things.
>> However, it looks like my message is not getting across:
>> The problem is not to retrieve only the authors whose last names begin
>> with A:
> Actually, it appears you simply don't like the accurate answers you have
> been given.
First, let me say that I am pretty fresh to all this.
Second, I believe I can get the authors with several more queries as I
have done for listings of all the books and by categories, but I am
trying to limit the queries thinking that that will speed up the data
Third, I have tried the answers proposed and have not been able to make
them work up to now. Will continue... (it's a bit difficult at the
moment as I do not have my entire head about me - nasty cold)
Fourth, I don't see any reference to the book_author.ordinal which seems
important to me to determine the placement of the authors.
>> 1) which books have a second author?
>> 2) who is the second author ?
>> This is determined by table book_author column ordinal (which can be 1
>> or 2) - if there is only 1 author for a book then there is no ordinal
> 2
>> linked to book_author bookID and authID.
> There is no way to do that in a single select. You need to have at least
> two and possibly three queries to answer your question. First you get a
> list of authors where their name begins with 'A'. Then you use that
> result to select a list of all books with more than one author. Then you
> can use that result to select all authors for them.
I am a bit confused as to how to use the result in further queries.

And I don't understand what the difference is in using:
LEFT JOIN book_author AS ba ON = ba.bookID
LEFT JOIN author AS a ON ba.authID =
WHERE LEFT(last_name, 1) = '$Auth' ";

instead of:
FROM book b, book_author ba, author a
WHERE = ba.bookID && = ba.authID && LEFT(a.last_name,
1) = '$Auth' ";

It seems simpler without the JOINs; but is there an advantage or is that
merely a personanl choice of several possibilities?

> Everyone has told you this requires processing beyond what SQL can
> provide. Why is that a problem?
It's not a problem. I'm just trying learn what can and cannot be done.
For instance, I could just put new columns in the db for author1 and
author2. But I suspect it might not be as efficient with a great many
books (like thousands).
> Bob McConnell

unheralded genius: "A clean desk is the sign of a dull mind. "
Phil Jourdan ---

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RE: [PHP] difficult select problem

2009-04-07 Thread Bob McConnell
From: PJ
> First, let me thank you all for responding and offering suggestions. I
> appreciate it and I am learning things.
> However, it looks like my message is not getting across:
> The problem is not to retrieve only the authors whose last names begin
> with A:

Actually, it appears you simply don't like the accurate answers you have
been given. 

> 1) which books have a second author?
> 2) who is the second author ?
> This is determined by table book_author column ordinal (which can be 1
> or 2) - if there is only 1 author for a book then there is no ordinal
> linked to book_author bookID and authID.

There is no way to do that in a single select. You need to have at least
two and possibly three queries to answer your question. First you get a
list of authors where their name begins with 'A'. Then you use that
result to select a list of all books with more than one author. Then you
can use that result to select all authors for them.

Everyone has told you this requires processing beyond what SQL can
provide. Why is that a problem?

Bob McConnell

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] difficult select problem

2009-04-07 Thread Lex Braun

On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 11:37 AM, PJ  wrote:

> $SQL = "SELECT b.*, c.publisher, a.first_name, a.last_name
>FROM book AS b
>LEFT JOIN book_publisher as bp ON = bp.bookID
>LEFT JOIN publishers AS c ON bp.publishers_id =
>LEFT JOIN book_author AS ba ON = ba.bookID
>LEFT JOIN author AS a ON ba.authID =
>WHERE LEFT(last_name, 1 ) = '$Auth' ";

Let me try to clarify what I'm saying about your query.  The above query
will ONLY return authors who match the WHERE condition, thus have last name
starting with A.  This query will never find the second author for those
books, unless that author's last name also starts with an A.  That's why you
first need to get a list of the book IDs that match your WHERE condition,
and then grab the authors related to those book IDs (whether through two
queries or using a sub-query).  You've been shown several different ways of
doing this through the responses provided.  Do the provided queries not work
for your test data?

- Lex

Re: [PHP] difficult select problem

2009-04-07 Thread PJ

First, let me thank you all for responding and offering suggestions. I
appreciate it and I am learning things.
However, it looks like my message is not getting across:
The problem is not to retrieve only the authors whose last names begin
with A:

1) which books have a second author?
2) who is the second author ?
This is determined by table book_author column ordinal (which can be 1
or 2) - if there is only 1 author for a book then there is no ordinal 2
linked to book_author bookID and authID.

The structure of the db:



categories and publishers are not realy relevant here...

The code I have:

$SQL = "SELECT b.*, c.publisher, a.first_name, a.last_name
FROM book AS b
LEFT JOIN book_publisher as bp ON = bp.bookID
LEFT JOIN publishers AS c ON bp.publishers_id =
LEFT JOIN book_author AS ba ON = ba.bookID
LEFT JOIN author AS a ON ba.authID =
WHERE LEFT(last_name, 1 ) = '$Auth' ";

It gives me these results:

6 =>
'id' => string '6' /(length=1)/
'title' => string 'Nubia.' /(length=6)/
'sub_title' => string 'Corridor to Africa' /(length=18)/
'descr' => string '' /(length=0)/
'comment' => string '' /(length=0)/
'bk_cover' => string '' /(length=0)/
'copyright' => string '1977' /(length=4)/
'ISBN' => string '0691093709' /(length=10)/
'language' => string 'en' /(length=2)/
'sellers' => string '' /(length=0)/
'publisher' => string 'Princeton University Press' /(length=26)/
'first_name' => string 'William Yewdale' /(length=15)/
'last_name' => string 'Adams' /(length=5)/

This is the first of 17 books and it would be sufficient if I were not
so damned demanding.
I know that there are several books in the list that have 2 authors. At
least 1 whose last name begins with A is an ordinal=2 (which is not
important when it comes to displaying) and there are a couple where
there are 2nd authors whose names begin with other letters of the
alphabet. It is these that I am targeting.
My question is:

How do I filter my query to weed out these renegades?

Can it be done using a concat as Author1 and another concat as Author2
(in place of the first_name and last_name joins ?
Or do I do another query just for the outlaws?

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Re: [PHP] difficult select problem

2009-04-06 Thread Jim Lucas

PJ wrote:

I've searched the web, the tutorials, etc. with no luck and have asked
on MySql list with no luck and have even posted here with no replies.
So, let's try again:

I am trying to limit the search for books to only those that start with
"A" (does not have to be case sensitive); but within that selection
there may be a second author whose name may start with any letter of the

So, the real problem is to find if there is a second author in the
selection of books and to display that name.
My query shows all the books that begin with A:

$SQL = "SELECT b.*, c.publisher, a.first_name, a.last_name
FROM book AS b
LEFT JOIN book_publisher as bp ON = bp.bookID
LEFT JOIN publishers AS c ON bp.publishers_id =
LEFT JOIN book_author AS ba ON = ba.bookID
LEFT JOIN author AS a ON ba.authID = 
WHERE LEFT(last_name, 1 ) = '$Auth' ";

Within the results there are some books that have 2 authors and now I have to 
find if
there is a second author in the results and then be able to echo the second 
So far, I have not been able to figure out how to go about that.
Do I need to do another query to find the second author or can it somehow be 
incorporated into the original query? Or can it be done with a UNION ?
Please help.


... and we begin ...

$SQL = "SELECT b.*, AS publisher_id, c.publisher, AS author_id, 
a.first_name, a.last_name
FROM book AS b
INNER JOIN book_publisher as bp ON = bp.bookID
INNER JOIN publishers AS c ON bp.publishers_id =
INNER JOIN book_author AS ba ON = ba.bookID
INNER JOIN author AS a ON ba.authID =
FROMbook AS b
INNER JOIN book_author AS ba ON = ba.bookID
INNER JOIN author AS a ON ba.authID =
WHERE   a.last_name LIKE '{$Auth}%'

Ok, with those changes made, you will now see that your result set is going to have duplicate entries for each book. 
Well, almost duplicate...

Basically what you need to realize is that you are talking about row counts 
compounding upon themselves...

I will try and explain...

if you had ten books with a total of 16 unique authors and 8 unique publishers, you would end up with a result set 
(without any WHERE clause) that was 10 x 16 x 8 = 1280 rows.

now, say that you put a limit of "authors last name must start with and 'A'" on 
the select (like you have)

say that three of the authors match that and of those three, they had 4 books that they have written and those 4 books 
were published by 2 unique publishers.  You would end up with 3 x 4 x 2 = 24 rows in result set.

I would consider handling all the above as I have stated, but you will need to add some sorting of the data in PHP to 
make sense of it all.

something like the following should do. (completely untested!!!) typed right in 
the client here...

$book_information = array();

if ( ( $results = mysql_query($SQL, $db) ) !== false ) {
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($results) ) {
$book_information[$row['id']]['title'] = $row['title'];

# NOTICE: this row is here so you can replace it with other 
information from the book table
$book_information[$row['id']]['...'] = $row['...'];

$book_information[$row['id']]['authors'][$row['author_id']] = 
array('first_name' => $row['first_name'],
 'last_name' => $row['last_name']);

$book_information[$row['id']]['publishers'][$row['publisher_id']] = 


Do a print_r($book_information) and you should get an understanding of what is 

Jim Lucas

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Re: [PHP] difficult select problem

2009-04-06 Thread Chris

PJ wrote:

I've searched the web, the tutorials, etc. with no luck and have asked
on MySql list with no luck and have even posted here with no replies.
So, let's try again:

I am trying to limit the search for books to only those that start with
"A" (does not have to be case sensitive); but within that selection
there may be a second author whose name may start with any letter of the

So, the real problem is to find if there is a second author in the
selection of books and to display that name.
My query shows all the books that begin with A:

$SQL = "SELECT b.*, c.publisher, a.first_name, a.last_name
FROM book AS b
LEFT JOIN book_publisher as bp ON = bp.bookID
LEFT JOIN publishers AS c ON bp.publishers_id =
LEFT JOIN book_author AS ba ON = ba.bookID
LEFT JOIN author AS a ON ba.authID = 
WHERE LEFT(last_name, 1 ) = '$Auth' ";

Within the results there are some books that have 2 authors and now I have to 
find if
there is a second author in the results and then be able to echo the second 
So far, I have not been able to figure out how to go about that.
Do I need to do another query to find the second author or can it somehow be 
incorporated into the original query? Or can it be done with a UNION ?

Union won't help because you don't know the results from the first query 
to put into the union.

You could do it in one query but whether it's worth it is up to you to 
decide & test. I've removed the "book_publisher" stuff to make it easier 
to understand.

Step 1:
get the books the author has written. You don't need to join all of the 
tables here because you only want the bookid's.

 book_author ba
 inner join
 authors a on (
 left (last_name, 1) = 'A'

Step 2:

Get all authors for those books:

  book_author ba
  inner join
  authors a on (
  ba.bookid in
book_author ba
inner join
authors a on (
   left (last_name, 1) = 'A'

They should be inner joins, not left joins.

If you need to join to other tables (book_publishers etc) don't do it in 
the inner query, do it in the outer (select ba.* stuff).

Postgresql & php tutorials

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Re: [PHP] difficult select problem

2009-04-06 Thread Lex Braun
On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 2:05 PM, PJ  wrote:

> My code already has selected the books whose authors last names start
> with A as well as the authors themselves.
> Within the results some books have 2 authors.

If you already have the book IDs where this happens, then for each bookID
(probably a foreach loop in your code) simply do a query at that point that
will obtain ALL authors for that bookID -- don't include the condition that
last name start with an A in this query.

 > $query = "SELECT , GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT(' ',
> > a.first_name, a.last_name) ORDER BY a.last_name)
> I believe this should be (CONCAT_WS(' ', a.first_name, a.last_name) or
> (CONCAT(a.first_name,' ', a.last_name)
Sorry, yes that should be
GROUP_CONCAT( CONCAT(' ', a.first_name, a.last_name) ORDER BY a.last_name)
so that it concatenates each author as "FirstName LastName" and then groups
all authors for a given book separated by commas, so bookID=1 would have
something like "Author1FirstName LastNameAuthor1", "FirstNameAuthor2

Problem here is that I need to use the ba.ordinal somewhere in the cod
> to distinguish between the authors - if ba.ordinal is 1, the author is
> listed as the first author and if there is no ba.ordinal = 2 for the
> ba.bookID, then there is only 1 author. I have not included this in my
> query because it only returns the ordinal number for the author which
> does not help me at all. I need to know who the second author is.
> In effect, it would be great if I could get 2 joins on the same table
> (author) for
> 1.  (CONCAT(first_name, ' ', last_name) AS Author WHERE ab.ordinal = 1
> && LEFT(last_name, 1) = $Auth
> 2.  (CONCAT(first_name, ' ', last_name) AS Author1 WHERE ab.ordinal = 2

The problem you'd run into with #1 above, is you'd only get authors whose
last name starts with "A" if they're the primary author. Is that the desired
functionality you're looking for?

- Lex

Re: [PHP] difficult select problem

2009-04-06 Thread PJ
Hi Lex,
Thanks for responding.
Indeed, it is a very difficult problem - for me, at least; I think it is
as difficult to formulate the problem in plain English as to figure out
how to solve it.

My code already has selected the books whose authors last names start
with A as well as the authors themselves.
Within the results some books have 2 authors.

The problem is:
1) to find if there is second author for any of the books in the results

2) find and echo the second author.

So far, I have not been able to figure out how to go about that without
a lot of queries.

Some observations inserted below:

Lex Braun wrote:
> PJ,
> On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 12:32 PM, PJ  > wrote:
> I am trying to limit the search for books to only those that start
> with
> "A" (does not have to be case sensitive); but within that selection
> there may be a second author whose name may start with any letter
> of the
> alphabet.
> First off, are you trying to search for book TITLES that start with
> "A" or book AUTHORS that start with "A"?
> If it's authors, it might make more sense to do a select that
> retrieves the book ids that have an author whose last name starts with
> an "A" and once you have those IDs, do a second query that will
> retrieve all authors for those books. So something like below (UNTESTED):
> //Find out which books are written by an author with a last name
> starting with $Auth
> $SQL = "SELECT  FROM book AS b
> LEFT JOIN book_author AS ba ON  = ba.bookID
> LEFT JOIN author AS a ON ba.authID = 
> WHERE LEFT(last_name, 1) = '$Auth' ";
> Then do the following select statement with a foreach loop that
> retrieves the book IDs above
> a.first_name, a.last_name) ORDER BY a.last_name)
I believe this should be (CONCAT_WS(' ', a.first_name, a.last_name) or
(CONCAT(a.first_name,' ', a.last_name)

Problem here is that I need to use the ba.ordinal somewhere in the cod
to distinguish between the authors - if ba.ordinal is 1, the author is
listed as the first author and if there is no ba.ordinal = 2 for the
ba.bookID, then there is only 1 author. I have not included this in my
query because it only returns the ordinal number for the author which
does not help me at all. I need to know who the second author is.

In effect, it would be great if I could get 2 joins on the same table
(author) for
1.  (CONCAT(first_name, ' ', last_name) AS Author WHERE ab.ordinal = 1
&& LEFT(last_name, 1) = $Auth
2.  (CONCAT(first_name, ' ', last_name) AS Author1 WHERE ab.ordinal = 2

Of course, my example does not work; it is meant to give an idea of what
I'm looking for.

There must be a simple solution to this... but how simple is it to find
it :-)


> FROM book AS b
> LEFT JOIN book_author AS ba ON  = ba.bookID
> LEFT JOIN author AS a ON ba.authID = 
> WHERE  = $value
> GROUP BY  "; // $value is the 
> for each iteration of the foreach loop
> More information about the GROUP_CONCAT() function can be found in the
> MySQL reference
> (
> - Lex

unheralded genius: "A clean desk is the sign of a dull mind. "
Phil Jourdan ---

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] difficult select problem

2009-04-06 Thread Lex Braun
On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 12:32 PM, PJ  wrote:

> I am trying to limit the search for books to only those that start with
> "A" (does not have to be case sensitive); but within that selection
> there may be a second author whose name may start with any letter of the
> alphabet.

First off, are you trying to search for book TITLES that start with "A" or
book AUTHORS that start with "A"?

If it's authors, it might make more sense to do a select that retrieves the
book ids that have an author whose last name starts with an "A" and once you
have those IDs, do a second query that will retrieve all authors for those
books. So something like below (UNTESTED):

//Find out which books are written by an author with a last name starting
with $Auth
LEFT JOIN book_author AS ba ON = ba.bookID
LEFT JOIN author AS a ON ba.authID =
WHERE LEFT(last_name, 1) = '$Auth' ";

Then do the following select statement with a foreach loop that retrieves
the book IDs above

$query = "SELECT, GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT(' ', a.first_name, a.last_name)
ORDER BY a.last_name)
FROM book AS b
LEFT JOIN book_author AS ba ON = ba.bookID
LEFT JOIN author AS a ON ba.authID =
WHERE = $value
GROUP BY "; // $value is the for each iteration of the foreach

More information about the GROUP_CONCAT() function can be found in the MySQL
reference (

- Lex

Re: [PHP] difficult select problem

2009-04-06 Thread PJ
Hi Bastien,

Thanks for the suggestion. But my code already does that.

I think it is as difficult to formulate the problem in plain English as
to figure out how to solve it:

The problem is:
Within the results some books have 2 authors:

1) is there a second author for any of the books in the results

2) find and echo the second author.

So far, I have not been able to figure out how to go about that without
a lot of queries.

Bastien Koert wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 12:32 PM, PJ  > wrote:
> I've searched the web, the tutorials, etc. with no luck and have asked
> on MySql list with no luck and have even posted here with no replies.
> So, let's try again:
> I am trying to limit the search for books to only those that start
> with
> "A" (does not have to be case sensitive); but within that selection
> there may be a second author whose name may start with any letter
> of the
> alphabet.
> So, the real problem is to find if there is a second author in the
> selection of books and to display that name.
> My query shows all the books that begin with A:
> $SQL = "SELECT b.*, c.publisher, a.first_name, a.last_name
>FROM book AS b
>LEFT JOIN book_publisher as bp ON  =
> bp.bookID
>LEFT JOIN publishers AS c ON bp.publishers_id =
>LEFT JOIN book_author AS ba ON  = ba.bookID
>LEFT JOIN author AS a ON ba.authID = 
>WHERE LEFT(last_name, 1 ) = '$Auth' ";
> Within the results there are some books that have 2 authors and
> now I have to find if
> there is a second author in the results and then be able to echo
> the second author.
> So far, I have not been able to figure out how to go about that.
> Do I need to do another query to find the second author or can it
> somehow be incorporated into the original query? Or can it be done
> with a UNION ?
> Please help.
> --
> unheralded genius: "A clean desk is the sign of a dull mind. "
> -
> Phil Jourdan --- 
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, visit:
> $SQL = "SELECT b.*, c.publisher, a.first_name, a.last_name
>FROM book AS b
>LEFT JOIN book_publisher as bp ON  = bp.bookID
>LEFT JOIN publishers AS c ON bp.publishers_id = 
>LEFT JOIN book_author AS ba ON  = ba.bookID
>LEFT JOIN author AS a ON ba.authID = 
>WHERE last_name like '$Auth%' ";
> The above assumes that $Auth has a value of A and should pull all the
> authors whose last name starts with the letter A
> -- 
> Bastien
> Cat, the other other white meat

unheralded genius: "A clean desk is the sign of a dull mind. "
Phil Jourdan ---

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] difficult select problem

2009-04-06 Thread Bastien Koert
On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 12:32 PM, PJ  wrote:

> I've searched the web, the tutorials, etc. with no luck and have asked
> on MySql list with no luck and have even posted here with no replies.
> So, let's try again:
> I am trying to limit the search for books to only those that start with
> "A" (does not have to be case sensitive); but within that selection
> there may be a second author whose name may start with any letter of the
> alphabet.
> So, the real problem is to find if there is a second author in the
> selection of books and to display that name.
> My query shows all the books that begin with A:
> $SQL = "SELECT b.*, c.publisher, a.first_name, a.last_name
>FROM book AS b
>LEFT JOIN book_publisher as bp ON = bp.bookID
>LEFT JOIN publishers AS c ON bp.publishers_id =
>LEFT JOIN book_author AS ba ON = ba.bookID
>LEFT JOIN author AS a ON ba.authID =
>WHERE LEFT(last_name, 1 ) = '$Auth' ";
> Within the results there are some books that have 2 authors and now I have
> to find if
> there is a second author in the results and then be able to echo the second
> author.
> So far, I have not been able to figure out how to go about that.
> Do I need to do another query to find the second author or can it somehow
> be incorporated into the original query? Or can it be done with a UNION ?
> Please help.
> --
> unheralded genius: "A clean desk is the sign of a dull mind. "
> -
> Phil Jourdan ---
> --
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$SQL = "SELECT b.*, c.publisher, a.first_name, a.last_name
   FROM book AS b
   LEFT JOIN book_publisher as bp ON = bp.bookID
   LEFT JOIN publishers AS c ON bp.publishers_id =
   LEFT JOIN book_author AS ba ON = ba.bookID
   LEFT JOIN author AS a ON ba.authID =
   WHERE last_name like '$Auth%' ";

The above assumes that $Auth has a value of A and should pull all the
authors whose last name starts with the letter A



Cat, the other other white meat

[PHP] difficult select problem

2009-04-06 Thread PJ
I've searched the web, the tutorials, etc. with no luck and have asked
on MySql list with no luck and have even posted here with no replies.
So, let's try again:

I am trying to limit the search for books to only those that start with
"A" (does not have to be case sensitive); but within that selection
there may be a second author whose name may start with any letter of the

So, the real problem is to find if there is a second author in the
selection of books and to display that name.
My query shows all the books that begin with A:

$SQL = "SELECT b.*, c.publisher, a.first_name, a.last_name
FROM book AS b
LEFT JOIN book_publisher as bp ON = bp.bookID
LEFT JOIN publishers AS c ON bp.publishers_id =
LEFT JOIN book_author AS ba ON = ba.bookID
LEFT JOIN author AS a ON ba.authID = 
WHERE LEFT(last_name, 1 ) = '$Auth' ";

Within the results there are some books that have 2 authors and now I have to 
find if
there is a second author in the results and then be able to echo the second 
So far, I have not been able to figure out how to go about that.
Do I need to do another query to find the second author or can it somehow be 
incorporated into the original query? Or can it be done with a UNION ?
Please help.


unheralded genius: "A clean desk is the sign of a dull mind. "
Phil Jourdan ---

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