[PHP] imap problems

2002-10-01 Thread Chris Woollard

I am getting the following  when i try to connect to an imap server with PHP
whatever i run gives this message when i try to connect to the imap
server( i.e. i try connecting with IMP and a completely different webmail

server=localhost user=cmw mailbox={localhost:143}INBOX

Warning: Couldn't open stream {localhost:143}INBOX in
/var/www/html/horde/imp/test.php on line 157

PHP is configured as follows

 './configure' 'i386-redhat-linux' '--prefix=/usr' '--exec-prefix=/usr'
'--bindir=/usr/bin' '--sbindir=/usr/sbin' '--sysconfdir=/etc'
'--datadir=/usr/share' '--includedir=/usr/include' '--libdir=/usr/lib'
'--libexecdir=/usr/libexec' '--localstatedir=/var'
'--sharedstatedir=/usr/com' '--mandir=/usr/share/man'
'--infodir=/usr/share/info' '--prefix=/usr' '--with-config-file-path=/etc'
'--enable-force-cgi-redirect' '--disable-debug' '--enable-pic'
'--disable-rpath' '--enable-inline-optimization' '--with-bz2' '--with-db3'
'--with-curl' '--with-dom=/usr' '--with-exec-dir=/usr/bin'
'--with-freetype-dir=/usr' '--with-png-dir=/usr' '--with-gd'
'--enable-gd-native-ttf' '--with-ttf' '--with-gdbm' '--with-gettext'
'--with-ncurses' '--with-gmp' '--with-iconv' '--with-jpeg-dir=/usr'
'--with-mm' '--with-openssl' '--with-png' '--with-pspell'
'--with-regex=system' '--with-xml' '--with-expat-dir=/usr' '--with-zlib'
'--with-layout=GNU' '--enable-bcmath' '--enable-debugger' '--enable-exif'
'--enable-ftp' '--enable-magic-quotes' '--enable-safe-mode'
'--enable-sockets' '--enable-sysvsem' '--enable-sysvshm'
'--enable-discard-path' '--enable-track-vars' '--enable-trans-sid'
'--enable-yp' '--enable-wddx' '--without-oci8' '--with-imap=shared'
'--with-imap-ssl' '--with-kerberos=/usr/kerberos' '--with-ldap=shared'
'--with-mysql=shared,/usr' '--with-pgsql=shared' '--with-snmp=shared,/usr'
'--with-snmp=shared' '--enable-ucd-snmp-hack' '--with-unixODBC=shared'
'--enable-memory-limit' '--enable-bcmath' '--enable-shmop'
'--enable-versioning' '--enable-calendar' '--enable-dbx' '--enable-dio'
'--enable-mbstring' '--enable-mbstr-enc-trans' '--with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs'

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[PHP] imap problems

2002-03-27 Thread Duncan


i uploaded a script, which checks my inbox for new messages by using the imap 
extension for php.
However, everything was working just fine, but now every time i try to access my 
script, i get a server not found error and the logs say:

[Wed Mar 27 21:21:13 2002] [notice] child pid 11854 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)

I tracked it down to:

$box = imap_open({.$mail_server.:110/pop3}INBOX, $mail_username, $mail_password);

Whenever any php file includes this line, it aborts and produces the above error.
Well, strange thing is, that it was working perfect a few hours ago and i didnt change 
a thing on my server till then!

Maybe anyone has an idea?

Thanks in advance,


Re: [PHP] imap problems

2002-03-27 Thread Duncan


maybe reinstall imap?
Can i simply reinstall it, or do i also have to configure php again, if i do so?



Re: [PHP] imap problems

2002-03-27 Thread gaukia 345

Hi Duncan,

Also working with IMAP because I'm writing a webmail. Haven't met this 
problem before but if I were you, I'd consider the following steps

1) Check if the IMAP daemon is running. Type nmap localhost at your shell 
to see if IMAP daemon (port 143, and it appears as imap2 on my server) is 
running. If it's not running AND you're using UWash IMAP server, type 
chkconfig imap on to run it. For Cyrus, I think the procedure is the same 
though I dare not confirm.

2) If your IMAP daemon is still not running, maybe someone who shared your 
server accidentally misconfigured some files. You can re-install IMAP 
server. I suggest using RPM instead of compiling source. Download from 
rpmfind.net. That's the easier and hassle-free way. I don't think you need 
to re-configure PHP after installing IMAP, provided the PHP-IMAP extension 
is intact since your last successful attempt.

Hope that helps.

Anyway, are you using UWash IMAP server?


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[PHP] imap problems

2002-01-19 Thread Cary Mathews

I am trying to get twiggi-gw (http://sourceforge.net/projects/twiggi/) to
run on an OpenBSD 2.9 system using Apache 1.3.22 with php 4.1.1 compiled
as a static module. Is this even possible?  I'm starting to think it is

php is configured with the --with-imap, --with-mysql, and --with-apache
options. php does not seem to have any problems with these flags.
However, when compiling apache, I got errors relating to my c-client
linker module (?) : /usr/local/lib/libc-client.so.2.1.  The actual error
message doesn't come to mind at the moment.

So I tried recompiling the imap binary; I'm using the one which comes with
pine4.44. When I configured php with --with-imap=/tmp/pine4.44, it told me
it should be --with-imap-ssl. So I changed it to
--with-imap-ssl=/tmp/pine4.44, and re-configured it. No problems with php
or apache this time. Apache and php both work wonderfully.  But when I run
the twiggi installation test, I get the following error regarding imap:

Fatal error:  Call to undefined function:  imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist() in
/usr/local/apache/htdocs/twiggi/lib/mail/php-imap.inc.php on line 873

After reading the Zend and Php.net pages regarding imap, I copied the new
libc-client.a, rfc822.h, mail.h, and linkage.h files to my include path,
and tried recompiling once more.  Again, php, apache compiled fine, but
the same error as above occured.

Why did php tell me it configured in imap functionality and then give me
this error?

Any help, additional documentation would be greatly appreciated!

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[PHP] imap problems.

2001-03-05 Thread Chris Lee

ok, here we go. imap functions seem tobe funny. I could not get php to compile with 
the latest imap, I was getting errors about xml, go figure. and 

could not not like lib/yes

go figure.

I downloaded php 4.0.5dev all compiled well, but I get strange things happening, like 
imap functions do not return errors they just timeout. some functions just dont work, 
only timeout and cause segfaults, I cant tell if there are errors or not because of 

   foreach($this-mail_headers as $pos = $val)
$this-mail_body[$pos] = imap_body($this-mail_stream, $pos);

where mail_headers is an array with all the headers pos and their value. this causes 

any idea's? I would pref not to use the dev version of php? I also noticed on 
ftp://ftp.cac.washington.edu/imap/ that the newest imap is beta, anything stable out 


 Chris Lee

 ph. 250.377.1095
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 fx. 250.554.1120