[PHP] Very urgent!!!

2001-07-05 Thread Duy B
Dear all, Is there anybody know how to upload a file gif or jpg from a form into Oracle database? I am very keen to solve that problem. Please show me soon. Thanks you very much. Best regards, BaoDuy

[PHP] Oracle question

2001-07-09 Thread Duy B
Dear all, If i want to use id field in Oracle database, how can i do? For example, in MySQL create table test ( id int not null auto-increment primary key, ten char(10)); So that, when i insert a new row into MySQL database, id increases by 1. But in Oracle i couldn't use as that. Somebody could

[PHP] date

2001-07-19 Thread Duy B
Hi all, I have a view containing a char value. I use select to_date(thoigian,'yy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') from this view. But i can't see the time, it's only appear as "DD-MON-YY". Anybody could show me how to see the time. Thanks you in advance. Best regards, BaDu

[PHP] Programming by PHP

2001-07-24 Thread Duy B
Dear all, I have a file HTML as following: NHËP TH¤NG TIN THIÕT BÞ        STT Tªn thiÕt bÞ Sè Seri T×nh tr¹ng biÕn ®éng Ghi chó

[PHP] About PHP & Oracle

2001-08-30 Thread Duy B
Dear all, Now i have an Oracle database. I have created a table contains 43 rows for example. I use PHP to contact with my oracle. I want to write a script access my Oracle for display data into table. Each time display 9 rows. So I dont't know how to program such as "Page 1 2 3 4 Next".Can any

[PHP] Very urgent for being help!!!

2001-09-05 Thread Duy B
Dear all, Now i have an Oracle database. I have created a table contains 43 rows for example. Fields of my table are id primary key, ten char, tuoi int, diachi char. I use PHP script to contact with my oracle table and search information I need. After that display into table on my screen. Each