Re: [PHP] highlighting Search Results

2002-05-06 Thread Justin French

If you want to highlight the EXACT search string, do a str_replace() on
$row["Description"], $row["ProductName"], etc etc, replacing the search
phrase with $searchSite.  Pretty simple.


$productName = str_replace($siteSearch, "$siteSearch",


But, I'm guessing the search word is possibly more than one word???  If
that's the case, you may wish to highlight each word individually:

If that's the case, split the words in $searchSite into an array, and loop
through through the array, replacing each word with word.

Something like (untested):

$row["Description"] = str_replace($word, "$word",
$row["ProductTitle"] = str_replace($word, "$word",

echo $row["ProductTitle"]."";
echo $row["Description"]."";

Although this will need further tweaking, because it's case sensitive
(searching for "dog" and "Dog" will produce different results, it doesn't
account for dog* (doggies, dogs, etc), and is perhaps a little limited in
other ways, but should get you started).

A well constructed reg exp instead of the str_replace will cover most of
this, but i'm no good at them, and str_replace is quicker, IF it's all you

Justin French

Creative Director

on 06/05/02 9:26 PM, DC ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have a mySQL database running with PHP4. I have constructed a search form
> ($searchSite) which returns results in a results page & now I want to have
> the word that was entered in the search form highlight in the results page.
> eg User enters a search for products using the word " gardening"
> Results page might return:
> "this shovel is a great gardening tool" and  "to be a expert in gardening,
> you will need"...I want the word gardening to be bold wherever
> it is displayed.
> My results page has the following code to display search results: BTW it
> works like a dream...I just want to jazz it up a bit.
> $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM products WHERE Description LIKE
> '%$searchSite%' OR Keywords LIKE '%$searchSite%' OR CatName LIKE
> '%$searchSite%' ");
> blah blah blah
> while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array($result) )  {
> echo("");
> echo(" 'Arial,Helvetica,Sans serif'>" . $row["Description"] . "");
> echo(" 'Arial,Helvetica,Sans serif'>" . $row["ProductName"] . "");
> echo(" 'Arial,Helvetica,Sans serif'>\$" . $row["RetailPrice"] . "");
> ?>
> How do I do this to highlight my search words?
> Thanks, any ideas much appreciated by this PHP newbie.
> DC

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[PHP] highlighting Search Results

2002-05-06 Thread DC

Hi all,

I have a mySQL database running with PHP4. I have constructed a search form
($searchSite) which returns results in a results page & now I want to have
the word that was entered in the search form highlight in the results page.

eg User enters a search for products using the word " gardening"

Results page might return:

"this shovel is a great gardening tool" and  "to be a expert in gardening,
you will need"...I want the word gardening to be bold wherever
it is displayed.

My results page has the following code to display search results: BTW it
works like a dream...I just want to jazz it up a bit.

echo("" . $row["Description"] . "");
echo("" . $row["ProductName"] . "");
echo("\$" . $row["RetailPrice"] . "");


How do I do this to highlight my search words?

Thanks, any ideas much appreciated by this PHP newbie.


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RE: [PHP] highlighting search results (revisited)

2001-04-18 Thread Matt Williams

Hi James

I'll paste the code I use..

$string = search string entered in the text box.
$string = str_replace(" ","%",$string);

$db->query("SELECT title,description FROM files WHERE (title LIKE
'%$string%') || (description LIKE '%$string%')");
$bg = explode("%",$string);
$title = $db->f("title");
$des = $db->f("description");
for($z=0; $z <  count($bg); $z++)
// reset the array if it's at the end
if(next($bg) == false)
$bgstring = current($bg);
$title = preg_replace("/($bgstring+)/ie", "'\\1'", $title);
$des = preg_replace ("/($bgstring+)/ie", "'\\1'", $des);
echo $title.NL;
echo $des.NL.NL;



The above code works as expectedexcept if I search for span and say

now this will highlight span in the search string found from the database
but on the second run ie. hightlighting class, it will re-highlight the
  in the span tags from the original pass.

Do you get what I mean??

preg_replace is used to keep the original case of the results as it's a case
insensitive search

I need to be able to replace only result that aren't enclosed in a class tag



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FW: RE: [PHP] highlighting search results (revisited)

2001-04-18 Thread Matt Williams

> The input from the search form is $searchtext.  The Returned
> Search data is
> $searchdata.
> $sql = "SELECT searchdata FROM table WHERE searchdata LIKE
> '%$searchtext'";
> $result = @mysql_query($sql, $connection)
> or die (mysql_error());
> $num = mysql_num_rows($result);
> $x = 0;
> if ($num == 0) {
> echo "No results";
> } else {
> while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
> $searchdata = $row['searchdata'];
> $x++;
> $searchdata = eregi_replace("$searchtext", " color=\"#FF\">$searchtext", $searchdata);
> echo "$x. $searchdata";
> }
> }
> ?>
> Make sense?  And does it help?

Hi James

Yes and no.

I've got it to do that but what if the user enters more than one word?
I need to be able to loop inside the while for each word to be able to
highlight it. I think!
The problem is if someone enters a word which is used within the
hightlighting code. ie. font in your example.
This would then hightlight this again and screw the resulting code.


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[PHP] highlighting search results (revisited)

2001-04-17 Thread Matt Williams

I am trying to write a little search script to search a mysql db.

I would like to highlight the search words for the displayed results, like
sourceforge etc...

After a little help, I have got it to hightlight when searching for one
word. The problem is if I do a search for more than one word it repeats the

here's the code I got so far

$bg = explode("%",$string);
$title = $db->f("title");
$des = $db->f("description");
for($z=0; $z <  count($bg); $z++)
if(next($bg) == false)
$bgstring = current($bg);
$title = preg_replace("/($bgstring+)/ie", "'\\1'", $title);
$des = preg_replace ("/($bgstring+)/ie", "'\\1'", $des);
echo $title.NL;
echo $des.NL.NL;

The problem is is I search for class or span it screws up the code as it
replaces the span or class in the original tag.

How could I stop this?
I know this another rex ex thing and I'm gonna get the oreilly book when I'm
next in the city but untill then it's driving me bonkers.



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