Re: [PHP] Re: mbstring: Japanese conversion not working for me

2002-07-09 Thread Alberto Serra


Jean-Christian Imbeault wrote:
> I tried EUC-JP and ISO-2022-JPand neither worked. Ah well ... so much 
> for a nice idea quick hack to displaying multiple charsets at once.

They should. I checked out at that and it definitely should. No 
exception for japanese mentioned anywhere.

The two parameters actually open a local exception from the

headers. And SPAN sections can be nested. At least, so the standard goes.

Besides, while checking the docs I stepped onto something really funny 
(to say the very least). I quote from

The argument to the "lang=" attribute is made up of two parts; a primary 
code and an optional subcode (separated by a "-" hyphen). The primary 
code is a two character language code.

The subcode is "understood to be a (ISO 3166) country code". However, 
W3C also gives several examples:

They also propose a method of handling such "artificial languages" as 
Elfish and Klingon. For such languages they propose the primary code of "x"

Now I hope I shall never manage a porting to a Klingon repository LOLOL

Anyway, if you do not need it for your application but just for a 
debugging procedure you can just forget about it :)



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Re: [PHP] Re: mbstring: Japanese conversion not working for me

2002-07-09 Thread Jean-Christian Imbeault

Alberto Serra wrote:

> the charset codes must be fully specified, such as
> ISO-2022-JP (the one you are using yourself)

I tried EUC-JP and ISO-2022-JPand neither worked. Ah well ... so much 
for a nice idea quick hack to displaying multiple charsets at once.


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Re: [PHP] Re: mbstring: Japanese conversion not working for me

2002-07-09 Thread Alberto Serra


 > 2 : 111??1235

language codes are
zh = chinese
ko = korean
ja = japanese

the charset codes must be fully specified, such as
ISO-2022-JP (the one you are using yourself)

otherwise it will make no sense to your browser. Usually looking at what 
you can find in your "preferences->navigator->languages" will do the 
trick (talking about Mozilla).

EUC-KR would mean korean, and so on, which is which just EUC will not 
mean anything.



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Re: [PHP] Re: mbstring: Japanese conversion not working for me

2002-07-09 Thread Jean-Christian Imbeault
I tried the following but it did not seem to do anything.

[some text here in japanese ...]

1 : 111$B$"$$$&$($*!!4A;z$R$i$,$J(B1235

[now i want to change the charset so]

2 : 111$B!"!V!"!"!"%r!"%#!"%'!#!#%(%A%5yh%a!"r&%c!"%O(B1235

(I tried EUC/EUC-JP/EUC_JP but nothing worked).


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Re: [PHP] Re: mbstring: Japanese conversion not working for me

2002-07-08 Thread Alberto Serra


> Can you explain that SPAN thing a bit more. You said to use:
>  your text 
> I can understand the charset param but what is the lang param used for?

Basically it might even be useless. But id does not harm to use it. Like 

this text uses the header charset language setting

This is russian text in KOI-8 format

This again uses your header settings

This is english text in basic format
yes, it is

This again uses your header settings

Note that SPAN will not change anything in your formatting (like tables 
and so on).

Another (and safer) way to do it, is to define classes in a CSS sheet 
and apply the to SPAN areas. So you keep a centralized control on your 
char formatting.

But if you just need it to debug output you can be happy with a direct 
charset/lan specification.



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Re: [PHP] Re: mbstring: Japanese conversion not working for me

2002-07-08 Thread Jean-Christian Imbeault

Alberto Serra wrote:

> Now THAT'S NEWS! :)

Tell me about it!

> Okay, just put the SPAN thing around your different 
> output sections and you'll be able to check both in and out on the same 
> page :)

Can you explain that SPAN thing a bit more. You said to use:

 your text 

I can understand the charset param but what is the lang param used for?


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Re: [PHP] Re: mbstring: Japanese conversion not working for me

2002-07-08 Thread Alberto Serra


Jean-Christian Imbeault wrote:
> Found my problem.There was no problem. I was trying to test my code by
> displaying the INPUT and OUTPUT in a web browser. I forgot to realize
> that my input and oupts were in different encodings.

Now THAT'S NEWS! :) Okay, just put the SPAN thing around your different 
output sections and you'll be able to check both in and out on the same 
page :)

uuuf... I feel better now :)



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