RE: Re[2]: [PHP] Max File Size

2002-12-04 Thread Roger Lewis


Thursday, December 5, 2002, 5:11:16 PM, you wrote:
RL> Jason Wong responded Wednesday, December 04, 2002 10:24 PM

RL> < On Thursday 05 December 2002 10:14, Roger Lewis wrote:
RL> < > Thanks for the suggestion.  I'll try ini_set although I'm not yet
RL> certain
RL> < > of how to use it.

RL> < As has already been pointed out, the uploads take place *before* your
RL> script
RL> < is run. The manual has table which shows what you can and cannot
RL> using
RL> < ini_set().

RL> < THE place to change it is in php.ini.

RL> < > I checked again and post_max_size is not in my php.ini, but perhaps
RL> < > should just add it.

RL> < Perhaps you should indeed. I think it defaults to 2M, so if you
RL> set it
RL> < 2MB is your limit.

RL> < > Also, I was wrong before - I do have a directive for memory_limit.
RL> is
RL> < > 8M

RL> < I think this only has effect if php was compiled with
RL> "--enable-memory-limit".

RL> < > Regardless, this doesn't explain why I can't upload a file that
RL> 2M,
RL> < > except that I don't seem to be able to reset upload_max_filesize to
RL> greater
RL> < > than 2M.

RL> < You mean you set it in php.ini and phpinfo() reports something

RL> < --
RL> < Jason Wong -> Gremlins

RL> That's what I've been trying to say, Jason.  I set upload_max_filesize
RL> php.ini to 8M, 800, or any other number, restart Apache, and the
RL> seems to be ignored.  When looking at phpinfo, upload_max_filesize is
RL> *always* 2M.
RL> Adding the directive post_max_size = 16M to my php.ini did nothing
RL> change my include_path settings ?%!?!*. (I can see in phpinfo that the
RL> default is 8M, but there is no setting in my php.ini)
RL> In reply to Tom's comment, there is no difference between master and
RL> settings; however, there are no separate settings in my php.ini either.
RL> Do you have any other thoughts on this?
RL> Regards,
RL> Roger

TR> A shot in the dark check for:

TR> file_uploads = On

TR> --
TR> regards,
TR> Tom
file_uploads = 1.
I presume this is means "on", right?


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Re[2]: [PHP] Max File Size

2002-12-04 Thread Tom Rogers

Thursday, December 5, 2002, 5:11:16 PM, you wrote:
RL> Jason Wong responded Wednesday, December 04, 2002 10:24 PM

RL> < On Thursday 05 December 2002 10:14, Roger Lewis wrote:
RL> < > Thanks for the suggestion.  I'll try ini_set although I'm not yet
RL> certain
RL> < > of how to use it.

RL> < As has already been pointed out, the uploads take place *before* your
RL> script
RL> < is run. The manual has table which shows what you can and cannot change
RL> using
RL> < ini_set().

RL> < THE place to change it is in php.ini.

RL> < > I checked again and post_max_size is not in my php.ini, but perhaps I
RL> < > should just add it.

RL> < Perhaps you should indeed. I think it defaults to 2M, so if you haven't
RL> set it
RL> < 2MB is your limit.

RL> < > Also, I was wrong before - I do have a directive for memory_limit.  It
RL> is
RL> < > 8M

RL> < I think this only has effect if php was compiled with
RL> "--enable-memory-limit".

RL> < > Regardless, this doesn't explain why I can't upload a file that exceeds
RL> 2M,
RL> < > except that I don't seem to be able to reset upload_max_filesize to
RL> greater
RL> < > than 2M.

RL> < You mean you set it in php.ini and phpinfo() reports something different?

RL> < --
RL> < Jason Wong -> Gremlins

RL> That's what I've been trying to say, Jason.  I set upload_max_filesize in
RL> php.ini to 8M, 800, or any other number, restart Apache, and the reset
RL> seems to be ignored.  When looking at phpinfo, upload_max_filesize is
RL> *always* 2M.
RL> Adding the directive post_max_size = 16M to my php.ini did nothing except
RL> change my include_path settings ?%!?!*. (I can see in phpinfo that the
RL> default is 8M, but there is no setting in my php.ini)
RL> In reply to Tom's comment, there is no difference between master and local
RL> settings; however, there are no separate settings in my php.ini either.
RL> Do you have any other thoughts on this?
RL> Regards,
RL> Roger

RL> --
RL> PHP General Mailing List (
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A shot in the dark check for:

file_uploads = On


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Re[2]: [PHP] Max File Size

2002-12-04 Thread Tom Rogers

Thursday, December 5, 2002, 3:09:46 PM, you wrote:

RL> Tom Rogers responded on Wednesday, December 04, 2002 6:11 PM

RL> Hi,

RL> Thursday, December 5, 2002, 11:54:08 AM, you wrote:

RL>> Tom,
RL>> Thanks for your response.  If this is so, can you tell me how I check it
RL> out
RL>> and fix things.
RL>> Roger

TR>> Unless you have set it yourself that is probably not the reason.
TR>> Try setting it like this

TR>> upload_max_filesize = 8M

TR>> maybe there are too many digits for php to cope :)
TR>> --
TR>> regards,
TR>> Tom

RL> I tried using 8M, but no difference.  The original setting was 200, and
RL> that didn't seem to be too many digits.  I'm going to check out ini_set as
RL> suggested by David Banks and will post the outcome in due course.

RL> Thanks,

RL> Roger

ini_set is too late in the proccedings as file upload is over by the time your
script is called. Is there any difference in phpinfo() between master settings
and local settings? if not check to make sure there are not 2 upload_max_filesize
settings in the php.ini file and you are only changing the first :)


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RE: Re[2]: [PHP] Max File Size

2002-12-04 Thread Roger Lewis


Thursday, December 5, 2002, 11:00:14 AM, you wrote:
RL> On Wednesday, December 04, 2002 3:03 PM, I wrote

RL> Hi,

RL> Further to my original post, to check if my php.ini was being recognized
RL> temporarily changed some other configuration options, i.e.
RL> and include_path, and reloaded phpinfo.php.  All options, except for
RL> upload_max_filesize, were changed per my input.  Does anyone know why
RL> upload_max_filesize is not being reset?
RL> The following is from my php.ini showing upload_max_filesize = 750:
RL> ;
RL> ; Paths and Directories ;
RL> ;

RL> include_path=  ".:/home/sites/home/users/demo/phpinclude" ;
RL> "/path1:/path2"  Windows: "\path1;\path2"

RL> doc_root=   ; the
root of the php pages, used only if nonempty

RL> user_dir=   ; the
directory under which php opens the script using
RL> /~username, used only if nonempty

RL> ;upload_tmp_dir =   ; temporary directory for HTTP
RL> files (will use system default if not specified)

RL> upload_max_filesize = 750   ; 2 Meg default limit on file

RL> extension_dir   =   /usr/lib/apache/php
; directory in which the loadable
RL> extensions (modules) reside

RL> Thanks for any help on this,
RL> Roger

TR> Tom Rogers wrote, Wednesday, December 04, 2002 5:24 PM

TR>Sounds like php.ini is being overridden by a .htaccess file or httpd.conf


Thanks for your response.  If this is so, can you tell me how I check it out
and fix things.

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Re[2]: [PHP] Max File Size

2002-12-04 Thread Tom Rogers

Thursday, December 5, 2002, 11:00:14 AM, you wrote:
RL> On Wednesday, December 04, 2002 3:03 PM, I wrote

RL> Hi,

RL> Further to my original post, to check if my php.ini was being recognized I
RL> temporarily changed some other configuration options, i.e. register_globals
RL> and include_path, and reloaded phpinfo.php.  All options, except for
RL> upload_max_filesize, were changed per my input.  Does anyone know why
RL> upload_max_filesize is not being reset?
RL> The following is from my php.ini showing upload_max_filesize = 750:
RL> ;
RL> ; Paths and Directories ;
RL> ;

RL> include_path=  ".:/home/sites/home/users/demo/phpinclude" ; UNIX:
RL> "/path1:/path2"  Windows: "\path1;\path2"

RL> doc_root=   ; the root of the 
php pages, used only if nonempty

RL> user_dir=   ; the directory 
under which php opens the script using
RL> /~username, used only if nonempty

RL> ;upload_tmp_dir =   ; temporary directory for HTTP uploaded
RL> files (will use system default if not specified)

RL> upload_max_filesize = 750   ; 2 Meg default limit on file uploads

RL> extension_dir   =   /usr/lib/apache/php ; 
directory in which the loadable
RL> extensions (modules) reside

RL> Thanks for any help on this,
RL> Roger

Sounds like php.ini is being overridden by a .htaccess file or httpd.conf


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