Re: Emacs mode can't run pil

2018-03-03 Thread Lawrence Bottorff
 . . . yes, sessions
make perfect sense, but I thought sessions was an advanced feature for only
some of the "elite" languages, i.e., so many of the babel languages don't
support sessions. Still, I should have known to try. . .

Now, why would trying to run picolisp (org-mode or picolisp-mode) from an
Emacs started with emacsclient -c -a '' from my Gnome taskbar not work? It
gives the error in my Messages:

executing Picolisp code block...
executing Picolisp source code block
(New file)
Wrote /home/hercynian/.pil/editor
apply: Searching for program: No such file or directory, pil

and it writes `editor-orig` to ~/.pil, which I must then rm. I can only get
a REPL when I start Emacs from my command line, i.e.,

>emacs &


On Sat, Mar 3, 2018 at 9:40 AM, Thorsten Jolitz  wrote:

> Lawrence Bottorff 
> writes:
> Hi Lawrence,
> [just for the protocoll, I send you the identical answer on the
> org-mode mailing list already].
> > I'm looking at picolisp -- and wondering how it works, or better, why it
> > doesn't really work work with babel. First problem, I couldn't get any
> > form of picolisp to work in Emacs -- until I stopped starting Emacs with
> > [...]
> > I don't mean to complain or sound negative, but picolisp as is can't
> > really be included as a babel language, can it? Maybe it worked once,
> > but doesn't now?
> sometimes the bug actually sits in front of the computer, as we all know
> ;-)
> Apparently you are not aware of the 'session' concept of org source
> blocks (please refer to the org manual).
> This is nothing specific to ob-picolisp, but holds for all ob languages
> that do allow for sessions:
> ,
> | * Picolisp scr-block test
> |
> | #+BEGIN_SRC picolisp  :session pil1
> |  (setq X1 (+ 3 4))
> | #+END_SRC
> |
> | #+results:
> | : 7
> |
> |
> | #+BEGIN_SRC picolisp  :session pil1
> | (setq X2 (+ X1 1))
> | #+END_SRC
> |
> | #+results:
> | : 8
> |
> |
> | #+BEGIN_SRC picolisp  :session pil1
> | (de foo1 (X) (+ X 2))
> | #+END_SRC
> |
> | #+results:
> | : foo1
> |
> | #+BEGIN_SRC picolisp  :session pil1 :results raw
> | (setq X3 (foo1 8))
> | #+END_SRC
> |
> | #+results:
> | 10
> `
> And, with a session, you do have a related interactive repl buffer in
> Emacs called "pil1", thats reflects all evaluations of the code blocks
> in the org file, and allows for user input just like the PicoLisp repl:
> ,
> | (setq X1 (+ 3 4))
> | 'org-babel-picolisp-eoe
> | : -> 7
> | : -> org-babel-picolisp-eoe
> | : (setq X2 (+ X1 1))
> | 'org-babel-picolisp-eoe
> | -> 8
> | : -> org-babel-picolisp-eoe
> | : (de foo1 (X) (+ X 2))
> | 'org-babel-picolisp-eoe
> | -> foo1
> | : -> org-babel-picolisp-eoe
> | : (setq X3 (foo1 8))
> | 'org-babel-picolisp-eoe
> | -> 10
> | : -> org-babel-picolisp-eoe
> | :
> `
> Hope that helps
> --
> cheers,
> Thorsten
> --

Re: Emacs mode can't run pil

2018-03-03 Thread Thorsten Jolitz
Lawrence Bottorff 

Hi Lawrence,
[just for the protocoll, I send you the identical answer on the
org-mode mailing list already].

> I'm looking at picolisp -- and wondering how it works, or better, why it
> doesn't really work work with babel. First problem, I couldn't get any
> form of picolisp to work in Emacs -- until I stopped starting Emacs with
> [...]
> I don't mean to complain or sound negative, but picolisp as is can't
> really be included as a babel language, can it? Maybe it worked once,
> but doesn't now?

sometimes the bug actually sits in front of the computer, as we all know

Apparently you are not aware of the 'session' concept of org source
blocks (please refer to the org manual). 
This is nothing specific to ob-picolisp, but holds for all ob languages
that do allow for sessions:

| * Picolisp scr-block test
| #+BEGIN_SRC picolisp  :session pil1
|  (setq X1 (+ 3 4))
| #+results:
| : 7
| #+BEGIN_SRC picolisp  :session pil1
| (setq X2 (+ X1 1))
| #+results:
| : 8
| #+BEGIN_SRC picolisp  :session pil1
| (de foo1 (X) (+ X 2))
| #+results:
| : foo1
| #+BEGIN_SRC picolisp  :session pil1 :results raw
| (setq X3 (foo1 8))
| #+results:
| 10

And, with a session, you do have a related interactive repl buffer in
Emacs called "pil1", thats reflects all evaluations of the code blocks
in the org file, and allows for user input just like the PicoLisp repl:

| (setq X1 (+ 3 4))
| 'org-babel-picolisp-eoe
| : -> 7
| : -> org-babel-picolisp-eoe
| : (setq X2 (+ X1 1))
| 'org-babel-picolisp-eoe
| -> 8
| : -> org-babel-picolisp-eoe
| : (de foo1 (X) (+ X 2))
| 'org-babel-picolisp-eoe
| -> foo1
| : -> org-babel-picolisp-eoe
| : (setq X3 (foo1 8))
| 'org-babel-picolisp-eoe
| -> 10
| : -> org-babel-picolisp-eoe
| : 

Hope that helps



Re: Emacs mode can't run pil

2018-02-23 Thread Lawrence Bottorff
Nothing new; I've tried all that. Yes, *some* of the examples in work. But again, the picolisp tutorial

#+BEGIN_SRC picolisp
# call the 'MD5' function from ''

(let Str "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog's back"
  (mapcar '((B) (pad 2 (hex B)))
 (native "" "MD5"
'(B . 16) Str (length Str) '(NIL (16))


executing Picolisp code block...
executing Picolisp source code block
Wrote /tmp/babel-11969YoC/ob-input-119693pA
org-babel-execute:picolisp: End of file during parsing

and a basic thing like this:

#+name: hello
#+begin_src picolisp
(de hello (X)
   (prinl "Hello " X) )

isn't working either. It also gives

executing Picolisp code block (hello)...
executing Picolisp source code block
Wrote /tmp/babel-8702vHu/ob-input-8702Ete
org-babel-execute:picolisp: End of file during parsing

Again, picolisp-mode is working (however it doesn't like who, what, more,
etc), but org-mode not so well. I'm sure it has something to do with
org-mode babel's picolisp not  being properly integrated with
picolisp-mode. In general, I bother with Emacs org-mode because I think a
sizeable percentage of Emacs users now live inside of org-mode.

On Thu, Feb 22, 2018 at 9:44 PM, Nehal  wrote:

> As far as picolisp running in Org mode is concerned:
> ** 1. I tried the following code in org babel and they show perfect
> results as shown in given on
> *** Example 1
> #+begin_src picolisp  :results value html
>(load  "@lib/http.l" "@lib/xhtml.l" "@lib/form.l")
>(html 0 "Hello" "@lib.css" NIL
>   ( NIL "Hello World!")
>   ( "This is some text.")
>   (ht:Prin "And this is a number: " (+ 1 2 3)) )
>  #+end_src
> *** Example 2
>  #+begin_src picolisp  :results value code
>'(a (b c d) (e (f (g) (h) (i)) (j (k) (l) (m))) (n o p) q)
>  #+end_src
>  #+BEGIN_SRC picolisp
>  (a
> (b c d)
> (e
>(f (g) (h) (i))
>(j (k) (l) (m)) )
> (n o p)
> q )
>  #+END_SRC
> *** Example 3
>  #+begin_src picolisp  :results value pp
>'(a (b c d) (e (f (g) (h) (i)) (j (k) (l) (m))) (n o p) q)
>  #+end_src
>  : (a
>  :(b c d)
>  :(e
>  :   (f (g) (h) (i))
>  :   (j (k) (l) (m)) )
>  :(n o p)
>  :q )
> ** 2. Try commenting out code (/picoLisp/lib/el) in your .emacs:
> ;; In order to get the picolisp-mode working correctly you have to
> ;; add the following expressions to your .emacs and adapt them
> ;; according to your set-up:
> ;; (add-to-list 'load-path "/opt/picoLisp/lib/el")
> ;; (load "tsm.el") ;; Picolisp TransientSymbolsMarkup (*Tsm)
> ;; (autoload 'run-picolisp "inferior-picolisp")
> ;; (autoload 'picolisp-mode "picolisp" "Major mode for editing
> ;;  Picolisp." t)
> ;; pil is more modern than plmod
>   ;;   (setq picolisp-program-name "/opt/picoLisp/pil")
> ;; If you have also SLIME installed, it will suck all possible lisp
> ;; extensions up.
> ;; So in order to get the correct file-association for picolisp
> ;; files you'll have to also add this:
> ;; (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.l$" . picolisp-mode))
> ;; If you want, you can add a few hooks for convenience:
>;;  (add-hook 'picolisp-mode-hook
>  ;;(lambda ()
>;;(paredit-mode +1) ;; Loads paredit mode automatically
>  ;;  (tsm-mode) ;; Enables TSM
> ;;   (define-key picolisp-mode-map (kbd "RET") 'newline-and-indent)
> ;;   (define-key picolisp-mode-map (kbd "C-h")
> 'paredit-backward-delete) ) )
> ;; By the way, don't forget to patch your paredit.el (v21) with the
> ;;  patch provided to get a smoother editing.
> ;;(add-hook 'lisp-mode-hook (lambda () (slime-mode t)))
> ;;(add-hook 'inferior-lisp-mode-hook (lambda () (inferior-slime-mode t)))
> ;;(slime) (slime-scratch)
> And having only:
> (org-babel-do-load-languages 'org-babel-load-languages
>  '( (emacs-lisp . t)
>(gnuplot . t)
>(lisp . t)
>(picolisp . t)
>(python . t)
>(sh . t)))
> (Mainly add picolisp above) and then restart Emacs. This works perfectly
> here.
> On 2/22/18, Lawrence Bottorff  wrote:
> > I tracked it down to something totally bizarre: Starting emacs GUI (I'm
> on
> > Ubuntu + Gnome) from a task bar button with the command
> >
> > emacsclient -c -a ''
> >
> > (that's two single quotes)
> >
> > was the problem, i.e., using the emacs daemon. However, changing the task
> > bar button to
> >
> > emacs --daemon
> >
> > then ru

Re: Emacs mode can't run pil

2018-02-22 Thread Nehal
As far as picolisp running in Org mode is concerned:

** 1. I tried the following code in org babel and they show perfect
results as shown in given on

*** Example 1

#+begin_src picolisp  :results value html
   (load  "@lib/http.l" "@lib/xhtml.l" "@lib/form.l")

   (html 0 "Hello" "@lib.css" NIL
  ( NIL "Hello World!")
  ( "This is some text.")
  (ht:Prin "And this is a number: " (+ 1 2 3)) )


*** Example 2

 #+begin_src picolisp  :results value code
   '(a (b c d) (e (f (g) (h) (i)) (j (k) (l) (m))) (n o p) q)

 #+BEGIN_SRC picolisp
(b c d)
   (f (g) (h) (i))
   (j (k) (l) (m)) )
(n o p)
q )

*** Example 3

 #+begin_src picolisp  :results value pp
   '(a (b c d) (e (f (g) (h) (i)) (j (k) (l) (m))) (n o p) q)

 : (a
 :(b c d)
 :   (f (g) (h) (i))
 :   (j (k) (l) (m)) )
 :(n o p)
 :q )

** 2. Try commenting out code (/picoLisp/lib/el) in your .emacs:

;; In order to get the picolisp-mode working correctly you have to
;; add the following expressions to your .emacs and adapt them
;; according to your set-up:

;; (add-to-list 'load-path "/opt/picoLisp/lib/el")
;; (load "tsm.el") ;; Picolisp TransientSymbolsMarkup (*Tsm)
;; (autoload 'run-picolisp "inferior-picolisp")
;; (autoload 'picolisp-mode "picolisp" "Major mode for editing
;;  Picolisp." t)

;; pil is more modern than plmod
  ;;   (setq picolisp-program-name "/opt/picoLisp/pil")

;; If you have also SLIME installed, it will suck all possible lisp
;; extensions up.
;; So in order to get the correct file-association for picolisp
;; files you'll have to also add this:

;; (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.l$" . picolisp-mode))

;; If you want, you can add a few hooks for convenience:

   ;;  (add-hook 'picolisp-mode-hook
 ;;(lambda ()
   ;;(paredit-mode +1) ;; Loads paredit mode automatically
 ;;  (tsm-mode) ;; Enables TSM
;;   (define-key picolisp-mode-map (kbd "RET") 'newline-and-indent)
;;   (define-key picolisp-mode-map (kbd "C-h")
'paredit-backward-delete) ) )

;; By the way, don't forget to patch your paredit.el (v21) with the
;;  patch provided to get a smoother editing.

;;(add-hook 'lisp-mode-hook (lambda () (slime-mode t)))
;;(add-hook 'inferior-lisp-mode-hook (lambda () (inferior-slime-mode t)))
;;(slime) (slime-scratch)

And having only:

(org-babel-do-load-languages 'org-babel-load-languages
 '( (emacs-lisp . t)
   (gnuplot . t)
   (lisp . t)
   (picolisp . t)
   (python . t)
   (sh . t)))

(Mainly add picolisp above) and then restart Emacs. This works perfectly here.

On 2/22/18, Lawrence Bottorff  wrote:
> I tracked it down to something totally bizarre: Starting emacs GUI (I'm on
> Ubuntu + Gnome) from a task bar button with the command
> emacsclient -c -a ''
> (that's two single quotes)
> was the problem, i.e., using the emacs daemon. However, changing the task
> bar button to
> emacs --daemon
> then running
> emacs &
> from an open terminal "fixed" the problem. I spent hours tearing things out
> of my init diaspora, doing emacs -q, then C-x-e-ing things back in, etc. I
> have absolutely no idea why starting Emacs this way would make a
> difference. I'm saying this fixed the problem with `run-picolisp` inside of
> picolisp-mode. But still, org-mode picolisp is touchy. For example, one of
> the tutorial examples:
> (let Str "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog's back"
>   (mapcar '((B) (pad 2 (hex B)))
>  (native "" "MD5"
> '(B . 16) Str (length Str) '(NIL (16))
> runs fine in a picolisp-mode started REPL, but not in an org-mode code
> block like this:
> #+BEGIN_SRC picolisp
> # call the 'MD5' function from ''
> (let Str "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog's back"
>   (mapcar '((B) (pad 2 (hex B)))
>  (native "" "MD5"
> '(B . 16) Str (length Str) '(NIL (16))
> Running the above gives:
> executing Picolisp code block...
> executing Picolisp source code block
> Wrote /tmp/babel-26285uqi/ob-input-26285Ue1
> org-babel-execute:picolisp: End of file during parsing
> and no result. Also, some of the examples in this
>  aren't working properly, but then I'm
> guessing it's more org-mode's having changed (tables, variable in source
> block, etc.) since this was put together. Also, doing C-c C-c on an
> org-mode code block doesn't seem to 

Re: Emacs mode can't run pil

2018-02-22 Thread Lawrence Bottorff
I tracked it down to something totally bizarre: Starting emacs GUI (I'm on
Ubuntu + Gnome) from a task bar button with the command

emacsclient -c -a ''

(that's two single quotes)

was the problem, i.e., using the emacs daemon. However, changing the task
bar button to

emacs --daemon

then running

emacs &

from an open terminal "fixed" the problem. I spent hours tearing things out
of my init diaspora, doing emacs -q, then C-x-e-ing things back in, etc. I
have absolutely no idea why starting Emacs this way would make a
difference. I'm saying this fixed the problem with `run-picolisp` inside of
picolisp-mode. But still, org-mode picolisp is touchy. For example, one of
the tutorial examples:

(let Str "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog's back"
  (mapcar '((B) (pad 2 (hex B)))
 (native "" "MD5"
'(B . 16) Str (length Str) '(NIL (16))

runs fine in a picolisp-mode started REPL, but not in an org-mode code
block like this:

#+BEGIN_SRC picolisp
# call the 'MD5' function from ''
(let Str "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog's back"
  (mapcar '((B) (pad 2 (hex B)))
 (native "" "MD5"
'(B . 16) Str (length Str) '(NIL (16))

Running the above gives:

executing Picolisp code block...
executing Picolisp source code block
Wrote /tmp/babel-26285uqi/ob-input-26285Ue1
org-babel-execute:picolisp: End of file during parsing

and no result. Also, some of the examples in this
 aren't working properly, but then I'm
guessing it's more org-mode's having changed (tables, variable in source
block, etc.) since this was put together. Also, doing C-c C-c on an
org-mode code block doesn't seem to start a REPL as does, say, Racket. I'm
saying with Racket, any org-mode code block you may run immediately starts
a  Racket REPL "session" wherein, e.g., a function is then known  . . . but
this is not the case when you run a picolisp code block. I know Racket runs
in conjunction with Geiser-mode. I would think picolisp babel would run in
conjunction with picolisp-mode. . . .

 Basically, I'm concerned about org-mode more than regular
picolisp-mode+REPL because Emacs is evolving into an org-mode vehicle, AFAI
can tell. New people to picolisp who use Emacs will likely be org-moders


On Wed, Feb 21, 2018 at 9:50 PM, Nehal  wrote:

> Hi Lawrence,
> Check:
> 1. If pil is running correctly in shell from inside Emacs.
> 2. If you added Picolisp in .emacs file in
> (org-babel-do-load-languages 'org-babel-load-languages
>   '((picolisp . t)))
> On 2/21/18, Lawrence Bottorff  wrote:
> > I'm getting either
> >
> > Searching for program: No such file or directory, pil
> >
> > or
> >
> > File already exists: /home/hercynian/.pil/editor-orig
> >
> > whenever I try to do `run-picolisp` in Emacs. I've got pil correctly set
> > up:
> >
> >>which pil
> > /home/me/opt/picoLisp/pil
> >
> > and the command-line pil works fine
> >
> >>pil
> > : (version)
> > 18.2.3
> > -> (18 2 3)
> > :
> >
> > I've also spelled out to babel where pil is:
> >
> > Org Babel Picolisp Cmd: /home/me/opt/picoLisp/pil
> >
> > picolisp-mode starts up fine (using provided .el), but then it can't
> > evaluate, with similar errors above.
> >
> > L. Bottorff
> > Goshen, IN
> >
> --
> Warm Regards,
> Nehal Singhal
> --

Re: Emacs mode can't run pil

2018-02-21 Thread Nehal
Hi Lawrence,


1. If pil is running correctly in shell from inside Emacs.
2. If you added Picolisp in .emacs file in
(org-babel-do-load-languages 'org-babel-load-languages
  '((picolisp . t)))

On 2/21/18, Lawrence Bottorff  wrote:
> I'm getting either
> Searching for program: No such file or directory, pil
> or
> File already exists: /home/hercynian/.pil/editor-orig
> whenever I try to do `run-picolisp` in Emacs. I've got pil correctly set
> up:
>>which pil
> /home/me/opt/picoLisp/pil
> and the command-line pil works fine
> : (version)
> 18.2.3
> -> (18 2 3)
> :
> I've also spelled out to babel where pil is:
> Org Babel Picolisp Cmd: /home/me/opt/picoLisp/pil
> picolisp-mode starts up fine (using provided .el), but then it can't
> evaluate, with similar errors above.
> L. Bottorff
> Goshen, IN

Warm Regards,
Nehal Singhal
