Re: Inquiry

2022-11-11 Thread Stephen R. van den Berg
David Estopa wrote:
>We have a roxen that connects correctly to a server without using ssl
>encription, but from the command line (with pike), we cannot especify the
>correct options in the optional mapping to force the Sql object to connect to
>the same server bypassing the ssl protocol or similar. There are a list of
>all supported mysql client options to use in pike well documented? Or maybe

The connection string prefix normally determines the use of SSL or not
to the database.
In case of mysql, that should be either "mysql:" or "mysqls:", for
either plain or encrypted respectively.

Re: Inquiry

2022-05-20 Thread Stephen R. van den Berg
James Latham wrote:
>Thanks for the very informative mailing list that you have created.
>Is there any way to create a distributable pike program?

You forget to specify the target platform.

>Ideally it would be all in one module.

Dropping it inside a minimal docker could be considered a universal solution
these days, I guess.

Re: Pike Mailing List

2022-05-20 Thread Stephen R. van den Berg
H William Welliver wrote:
>I think there are a lot of lurkers on the general mailing list that are more 
>active on the -devel list. My sense is that they tend to not get involved 
>unless us lowly level 1 support folk fail to solve the problem ;)

That perhaps, and some of us are caught up in work.
The past 10 months have been overwhelming, but I'm catching up again.

Re: Where have all the Pikers gone?

2022-05-20 Thread Stephen R. van den Berg
Duke Normandin wrote:
>Awesome! So it seems to me that Pike should be able to give Ruby,
>PHP, Perl, Python etc a good run for their money in the Web
>backends domain.

It does, actually.

> So what's kept it from being a strong contender?

>I'm just wondering what's wrong with ti? The docs? The community
>somehow? Poor marketing? Not noob friendly? What?

If you want to generalise (it's never good to generalise), I'd say
it is "poor marketing".  Then again even that is a very loosely defined

>I'm not trolling! I just want to get a sense of what Pike is all
>about and where its heading. TIA ...

I'm using it (very succesfully) for my own:
- Various custom data-conversion import/export scripts.
- Web backend to some websites.
- REST-API backend for some services (either high performance
  or high security; it can excel in both).
- High performance custom SMTP server implementation.
- High performance interface to PostgreSQL (yes, Pike has better
  database drivers than the standard libpq drivers that come with
- To interface to the API of various cloudservices (e.g. Google Cloudservice).