Possible problems in your Debian packages

2012-06-30 Thread DDPOMail robot
This is an automated mail. These mails are sent at most twice a month.
For more information about these mails, refer to

=== geos:
= 1 Release Critical bug(s):
- #676094 
  geos: FTBFS: geos_wrap.cxx:856:18: fatal error: ruby.h: No such file or 

=== gosmore:
= 1 Release Critical bug(s):
- #652084 
  gosmore use 100% CPU and does nothing

=== gpsdrive:
= 3 Release Critical bug(s):
- #674214 
  gpsdrive-scripts: not installable in sid
- #674213 
  gpsdrive: not installable in sid
- #646446 
  gpsdrive: FTBFS: mapnik.cpp:33:15: error: 'mapnik::Image32' has not been 
= Not in testing for 234 days.

=== grass:
= No migration to testing for 29 days.

=== modestmaps-js: (you co-maintain it)
= Not in testing for 246 days.

=== netcdf:
= 1 Release Critical bug(s):
- #674805 
  libnetcdf-dev: netcdf.mod needs update for gfortran-4.7

=== python-liblas:
= 1 Release Critical bug(s):
- #639066 
  python-liblas: FTBFS: Depends on both libdap10 and libdap11

=== saga:
= 1 Release Critical bug(s):
- #665027 
  saga: FTBFS: build-dependency not installable: liblas-dev
= Not in testing for 21 days.

=== spatialite:
= 1 Release Critical bug(s):
- #664547 
  spatialite: FTBFS on some archs (test failures)
= Missing build(s) on powerpc
  This might need manual action from your side.
  See https://buildd.debian.org/status/package.php?p=spatialite
= No migration to testing for 124 days.

=== spatialite-tools:
= Not in testing for 118 days.

=== Packages with a new upstream version available:
  gdal  1.9.1  (Debian: 1.9.0-3)
  geos  3.3.5  (Debian: 3.3.3-1)
  grass  6.4.2RC3  (Debian: 6.4.2-2)
  hdf5  1.8.9  (Debian: 1.8.8-9)
  libepsilon  0.9.2  (Debian: 0.9.1-2)
  libgdal-grass  1.9.1  (Debian: 1.9.0-1)
  libgeotiff-dfsg  1.4.0  (Debian: 1.3.0+dfsg-3)
  mapserver  6.0.3  (Debian: 6.0.1-3.1)
  mkgmap  2309  (Debian: 0.0.0+svn1067-1)
  modestmaps-js  1.0.0-beta1  (Debian: 0.21.0+ds1-2)
  ncview  1.93h  (Debian: 1.93g-1)
  netcdf  4.2.0  (Debian: 1:4.1.3-6)
  osgearth  2.1RC3  (Debian: 2.0+dfsg-4)
  postgis  2.0.1  (Debian: 1.5.3-2)
  proj  4.8.0  (Debian: 4.7.0-2)
  python-liblas  1.6.0  (Debian: 1.2.1-2)
  spatialite-tools  3.1.0a  (Debian: 3.0.0-2)
  tilestache  1.36.1  (Debian: 1.31.0-1)

=== Packages with lintian errors and warnings:
- gdal (2 errors, 119 warnings)

- gosmore (0 errors, 1 warnings)

- gpsdrive (1 errors, 11 warnings)

- grass (1 errors, 568 warnings)

- hdf5 (0 errors, 131 warnings)

- libepsilon (0 errors, 6 warnings)

- libgdal-grass (2 errors, 8 warnings)

- libgeotiff-dfsg (0 errors, 13 warnings)

- mapserver (0 errors, 11 warnings)

- mkgmap (0 errors, 2 warnings)

- ncview (0 errors, 5 warnings)

- netcdf (0 errors, 12 warnings)

- osgearth (0 errors, 5 warnings)

- postgis (0 errors, 5 warnings)

- proj (1 errors, 5 warnings)

- python-libla

[DebianGIS-dev] Possible problems in your Debian packages

2010-08-01 Thread DDPOMail robot
This is an automated mail. These mails are sent at most twice a month.
For more information about these mails, refer to

=== gdal:
= 1 Release Critical bug(s):
- #579804 
  libgdal1-dev: [mipsel] gdal-config --dep-libs contains crap

=== gmt:
= 1 Release Goals bug(s):
- #581103 
  gmt: bashism in /bin/sh script
  Part of release goal: switch /bin/sh to dash

=== openjump:
= 1 Release Critical bug(s):
- #578497 
  FTBS and other issues

=== osm2pgsql:
= 1 Release Critical bug(s):
- #559604 
  osm2pgsql: Please update dependencies for PostgreSQL 8.4 (only)

=== Packages with a new upstream version according to DEHS:
  gdal  1.7.2RC3  (Debian: 1.6.3-4)
  geographiclib  1.3  (Debian: 1.2-1)
  geos  3.2.2  (Debian: 3.2.0-1)
  gmt  4.5.3  (Debian: 4.5.2-1)
  grass  6.4.0RC6  (Debian: 6.4.0~rc6+42329-1)
  hdf5  1.8.5  (Debian: 1.8.4-patch1-2)
  libgeotiff-dfsg  1.3.0  (Debian: 1.2.5-1)
  mkgmap  1665  (Debian: 0.0.0+svn1067-1)
  openjump  1.3.1  (Debian: 1.0-4)
  python-pyproj  1.8.7  (Debian: 1.8.6-3)
  qgis  1.5.0  (Debian: 1.4.0+12730-3)

=== Packages with lintian errors and warnings:
- gdal (0 errors, 48 warnings)

- geographiclib (0 errors, 6 warnings)

- geos (0 errors, 3 warnings)

- gmt (0 errors, 42 warnings)

- grass (1 errors, 534 warnings)

- hdf5 (0 errors, 27 warnings)

- libgeotiff-dfsg (0 errors, 5 warnings)

- openjump (0 errors, 3 warnings)

- osm2pgsql (0 errors, 20 warnings)

- qgis (0 errors, 4 warnings)

 interesting stuff probably ends here 
We are sorry if this mail was useless for you. If you think it was
avoidable (that we can detect easily that the problems weren't
actually problems), please reply to it and let us know.

If you don't want to receive this type of mail any more, you can reply
to this mail and use one of the following commands at the beginning of
the mail:
- unsubscribe 
You will no longer receive any mail for any package. If you received
this email because you are subscribed to packages on the PTS, this
won't remove your PTS subscription.
- ignore  
You will no longer receive information about that package in those
mails. So if that package is the only one with problems, you won't
receive anything.
- ignore  
You will no longer receive information about this bug.

All commands are manually processed, but you will receive
confirmation. The commands are just here so that we know precisely
what you want.

A more detailed status of your packages is available from the DDPO.

Don't hesitate to reply to this mail if you have questions or if you
believe it can be improved. The wiki page will be updated with useful
run by Lucas Nussbaum

Pkg-grass-devel mailing list

[DebianGIS-dev] Possible problems in your Debian packages

2010-05-17 Thread DDPOMail robot
This is an automated mail. These mails are sent at most twice a month.
For more information about these mails, refer to

=== gdal:
= 1 Release Critical bug(s):
- #579804 
  libgdal1-dev: [mipsel] gdal-config --dep-libs contains crap

=== gmt:
= 1 Release Goals bug(s):
- #581103 
  gmt: bashism in /bin/sh script
  Part of release goal: switch /bin/sh to dash

=== josm-plugins:
= 1 Release Critical bug(s):
- #571140 
  josm-plugins is uninstallable
= Not in testing for 60 days.

=== mapserver:
= No migration to testing for 43 days.

=== netcdf:
= No migration to testing for 18 days.

=== openjump:
= 1 Release Critical bug(s):
- #578497 
  FTBS and other issues

=== osm2pgsql:
= 1 Release Critical bug(s):
- #559604 
  osm2pgsql: Please update dependencies for PostgreSQL 8.4 (only)

=== postgis:
= Missing build(s) on alpha mips mipsel
  This might need manual action from your side.
  See https://buildd.debian.org/status/package.php?p=postgis
= No migration to testing for 67 days.

=== Packages with a new upstream version according to DEHS:
  gdal  1.7.2  (Debian: 1.6.3-3)
  geos  3.2.2  (Debian: 3.2.0-1)
  grass  6.4.0RC6  (Debian: 6.4.0~rc6-1)
  libgeotiff-dfsg  1.3.0  (Debian: 1.2.5-1)
  mkgmap  1647  (Debian: 0.0.0+svn1067-1)
  openjump  1.3.1  (Debian: 1.0-4)
  spatialindex  src-1.5.0  (Debian: 1.4.0-1.1)

=== Packages with lintian errors and warnings:
- gdal (0 errors, 48 warnings)

- geos (0 errors, 3 warnings)

- gmt (0 errors, 42 warnings)

- grass (1 errors, 533 warnings)

- libgeotiff-dfsg (0 errors, 5 warnings)

- mapserver (1 errors, 12 warnings)

- netcdf (0 errors, 6 warnings)

- openjump (0 errors, 3 warnings)

- osm2pgsql (0 errors, 20 warnings)

- postgis (0 errors, 5 warnings)

- spatialindex (0 errors, 2 warnings)

 interesting stuff probably ends here 
We are sorry if this mail was useless for you. If you think it was
avoidable (that we can detect easily that the problems weren't
actually problems), please reply to it and let us know.

If you don't want to receive this type of mail any more, you can reply
to this mail and use one of the following commands at the beginning of
the mail:
- unsubscribe 
You will no longer receive any mail for any package. If you received
this email because you are subscribed to packages on the PTS, this
won't remove your PTS subscription.
- ignore  
You will no longer receive information about that package in those
mails. So if that package is the only one with problems, you won't
receive anything.
- ignore  
You will no longer receive information about this bug.

All commands are manually processed, but you will receive
confirmation. The commands are just here so that we know precisely
what you want.

A more detailed status of your packages is available from the DDPO.

Don't hesitate to reply to this mail if you have questions or if you
believe it can be improved. The wiki page will be updated with useful
run by Lucas Nussbaum

Pkg-grass-devel mailing list

[DebianGIS-dev] Possible problems in your Debian packages

2010-04-18 Thread DDPOMail robot
This is an automated mail. These mails are sent at most twice a month.
For more information about these mails, refer to

=== geographiclib:
= Missing build(s) on s390
  This might need manual action from your side.
  See https://buildd.debian.org/status/package.php?p=geographiclib
= Not in testing for 36 days.

=== josm-plugins:
= 1 Release Critical bug(s):
- #571140 
  josm-plugins is uninstallable
= Not in testing for 31 days.

=== libhdf4:
= 1 Release Critical bug(s):
- #569249 
  libhdf4-alt-dev: please depend on libjpeg-dev, not libjpeg62-dev

=== osm2pgsql:
= 1 Release Critical bug(s):
- #559604 
  osm2pgsql: Please update dependencies for PostgreSQL 8.4 (only)

=== postgis:
= Missing build(s) on alpha mips mipsel
  This might need manual action from your side.
  See https://buildd.debian.org/status/package.php?p=postgis
= No migration to testing for 38 days.

=== spatialite:
= 1 Release Critical bug(s):
- #577568 
  Package libspatialite2 doesn't contain library itself
= Not in testing for 51 days.

=== Packages with a new upstream version according to DEHS:
  gdal  1.7.1  (Debian: 1.6.3-3)
  geos  3.2.1  (Debian: 3.2.0-1)
  grass  6.4.0RC6  (Debian: 6.4.0~rc6-1)
  mkgmap  1632  (Debian: 0.0.0+svn1067-1)
  netcdf  4.1.1  (Debian: 3.6.3-1)
  openjump  1.3.1  (Debian: 1.0-4)
  spatialindex  src-1.5.0  (Debian: 1.4.0-1.1)

=== Packages with lintian errors and warnings:
- gdal (0 errors, 48 warnings)

- geographiclib (1 errors, 7 warnings)

- geos (0 errors, 3 warnings)

- grass (1 errors, 533 warnings)

- libhdf4 (2 errors, 25 warnings)

- netcdf (0 errors, 2 warnings)

- openjump (0 errors, 3 warnings)

- osm2pgsql (0 errors, 20 warnings)

- postgis (0 errors, 6 warnings)

- spatialindex (0 errors, 2 warnings)

- spatialite (0 errors, 6 warnings)

 interesting stuff probably ends here 
We are sorry if this mail was useless for you. If you think it was
avoidable (that we can detect easily that the problems weren't
actually problems), please reply to it and let us know.

If you don't want to receive this type of mail any more, you can reply
to this mail and use one of the following commands at the beginning of
the mail:
- unsubscribe 
You will no longer receive any mail for any package. If you received
this email because you are subscribed to packages on the PTS, this
won't remove your PTS subscription.
- ignore  
You will no longer receive information about that package in those
mails. So if that package is the only one with problems, you won't
receive anything.
- ignore  
You will no longer receive information about this bug.

All commands are manually processed, but you will receive
confirmation. The commands are just here so that we know precisely
what you want.

A more detailed status of your packages is available from the DDPO.

Don't hesitate to reply to this mail if you have questions or if you
believe it can be improved. The wiki page will be updated with useful
run by Lucas Nussbaum

Pkg-grass-devel mailing list

[DebianGIS-dev] Possible problems in your Debian packages

2010-03-23 Thread DDPOMail robot
This is an automated mail. These mails are sent at most twice a month.
For more information about these mails, refer to

=== geographiclib:
= 1 Release Critical bug(s):
- #573930 
  geographiclib: FTBFS: Constants.hpp:115: error: '::hypotl' has not  been 

=== h5utils:
= 1 Release Critical bug(s):
- #574020 
  h5utils: Please switch to octave3.2

=== josm-plugins:
= 1 Release Critical bug(s):
- #571140 
  josm-plugins is uninstallable
= Not in testing for 5 days.

=== libhdf4:
= 1 Release Critical bug(s):
- #569249 
  libhdf4-alt-dev: please depend on libjpeg-dev, not libjpeg62-dev

=== osm2pgsql:
= 1 Release Critical bug(s):
- #559604 
  osm2pgsql: Please update dependencies for PostgreSQL 8.4 (only)

=== postgis:
= Missing build(s) on alpha mips mipsel
  This might need manual action from your side.
  See https://buildd.debian.org/status/package.php?p=postgis

=== spatialite:
= 1 Release Critical bug(s):
- #567615 
  FTBFS: cannot find the library `/usr/lib/libgeos_c.la' or unhandled argument 
= Missing build(s) on alpha amd64 armel hppa i386 ia64 kfreebsd-amd64 
kfreebsd-i386 mips mipsel powerpc s390 sparc
  This might need manual action from your side.
  See https://buildd.debian.org/status/package.php?p=spatialite
= Not in testing for 25 days.

=== Packages with a new upstream version according to DEHS:
  gdal  1.7.1  (Debian: 1.6.3-3)
  grass  6.4.0RC6  (Debian: 6.4.0~rc6-1)
  mapnik  0.7.1  (Debian: 0.7.0-2)
  mapserver  5.6.2  (Debian: 5.6.1-1)
  mkgmap  1607  (Debian: 0.0.0+svn1067-1)
  netcdf  4.0.1  (Debian: 3.6.3-1)
  openjump  1.3.1  (Debian: 1.0-4)
  postgis  1.5.1  (Debian: 1.5.0-1)

=== Packages with lintian errors and warnings:
- gdal (0 errors, 48 warnings)

- geographiclib (1 errors, 6 warnings)

- grass (1 errors, 533 warnings)

- h5utils (1 errors, 10 warnings)

- libhdf4 (2 errors, 25 warnings)

- mapserver (1 errors, 11 warnings)

- netcdf (0 errors, 2 warnings)

- openjump (0 errors, 3 warnings)

- osm2pgsql (0 errors, 20 warnings)

- postgis (0 errors, 5 warnings)

- spatialite (0 errors, 5 warnings)

 interesting stuff probably ends here 
We are sorry if this mail was useless for you. If you think it was
avoidable (that we can detect easily that the problems weren't
actually problems), please reply to it and let us know.

If you don't want to receive this type of mail any more, you can reply
to this mail and use one of the following commands at the beginning of
the mail:
- unsubscribe 
You will no longer receive any mail for any package. If you received
this email because you are subscribed to packages on the PTS, this
won't remove your PTS subscription.
- ignore  
You will no longer receive information about that package in those
mails. So if that package is the only one with problems, you won't
receive anything.
- ignore  
You will no longer receive information about this bug.

All commands are manually processed, but you will receive
confirmation. The commands are just here so that we know precisely
what you want.

A more detailed status of your packages is available from the DDPO.

Don't hesitate to reply to this mail if you have questions or if you
believe it can be improved. The wiki page will be updated with useful
run by Lucas Nussbaum

Pkg-grass-devel mailing list

[DebianGIS-dev] Possible problems in your Debian packages

2010-02-13 Thread DDPOMail robot
=== dans-gdal-scripts:
= Lintian: 1 error(s) and 10 warning(s)

=== grass:
= No migration to testing for 53 days.
= Lintian: 1 error(s) and 560 warning(s)

=== hdf5:
= 1 Release Critical or Release Goal bug(s):
- #569234 
  libhdf5-serial-dev: please depend on libjpeg-dev, not libjpeg62-dev

=== libgdal-grass:
= No migration to testing for 52 days.

=== libhdf4:
= 1 Release Critical or Release Goal bug(s):
- #569249 
  libhdf4-alt-dev: please depend on libjpeg-dev, not libjpeg62-dev
= Lintian: 2 error(s) and 25 warning(s)

=== osm2pgsql:
= 1 Release Critical or Release Goal bug(s):
- #559604 
  osm2pgsql: Please update dependencies for PostgreSQL 8.4 (only)

=== postgis:
= No migration to testing for 64 days.

=== qgis:
= Not in testing for 677 days.

=== spatialite:
= 1 Release Critical or Release Goal bug(s):
- #567615 
  FTBFS: cannot find the library `/usr/lib/libgeos_c.la' or unhandled argument 

=== thuban:
= 1 Release Critical or Release Goal bug(s):
- #568466 
  thuban fails to starts throwing a wxpython error

=== Packages with a new upstream version according to DEHS:
  dans-gdal-scripts  0.16  (Debian: 0.14-1)
  gdal  1.7.1RC1  (Debian: 1.6.3-3)
  gmt  4.5.2  (Debian: 4.5.1-1)
  grass  6.4.0RC5  (Debian: 6.4.0~rc5+40109-1)
  mkgmap  1568  (Debian: 0.0.0+svn1067-1)
  netcdf  4.1  (Debian: 3.6.3-1)
  openjump  1.3.1  (Debian: 1.0-4)
  postgis  1.5.0  (Debian: 1.4.0-2)

 interesting stuff probably ends here 
This is an automated mail. These mails are sent at most twice a month.
For more information about these mails, refer to

We are sorry if this mail was useless for you. If you think it was
avoidable (that we can detect easily that the problems weren't
actually problems), please reply to it and let us know.

If you don't want to receive this type of mail any more, you can reply
to this mail and use one of the following commands at the beginning of
the mail:
- unsubscribe 
You will no longer receive any mail for any package. If you received
this email because you are subscribed to packages on the PTS, this
won't remove your PTS subscription.
- ignore  
You will no longer receive information about that package in those
mails. So if that package is the only one with problems, you won't
receive anything.
- ignore  
You will no longer receive information about this bug.

All commands are manually processed, but you will receive
confirmation. The commands are just here so that we know precisely
what you want.

A more detailed status of your packages is available from the DDPO.

Don't hesitate to reply to this mail if you have questions or if you
believe it can be improved. The wiki page will be updated with useful
run by Lucas Nussbaum

Pkg-grass-devel mailing list

[DebianGIS-dev] Possible problems in your Debian packages

2010-01-12 Thread DDPOMail robot
This is an automated mail. These mails are sent twice a month.
For more information about these mails, refer to

=== dans-gdal-scripts:
= Lintian reports 1 error(s) and 10 warning(s), you should consider fixing them.

=== gdal:
= 3 bug(s) that should be fixed soon:
- #564243 
  gdal FTBFS on i386
- #564336 
  gdal: FTBFS: cp: cannot stat 
`debian/tmp/usr/share/man/man1/gdal_rasterize.1': No such file or directory
- #562856 
  fails to install, trying to overwrite other packages files
= Lintian reports 52 warning(s), you should consider fixing them.

=== geos:
= Lintian reports 3 error(s) and 5 warning(s), you should consider fixing them.

=== gpsdrive:
= There are 4 unfixed security issue(s), please fix them.
 See http://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/source-package/gpsdrive
= Lintian reports 13 warning(s), you should consider fixing them.

=== grass:
= 1 bug(s) that should be fixed soon:
- #530092 
  grass: bashism in /bin/sh script
  Part of release goal: switch /bin/sh to dash
= No migration to testing for 22 days.
= Lintian reports 1 error(s) and 560 warning(s), you should consider fixing 

=== hdf5:
= Lintian reports 6 error(s) and 38 warning(s), you should consider fixing them.

=== libgdal-grass:
= 1 bug(s) that should be fixed soon:
- #560639 
  libgdal-grass: FTBFS: GDAL version and GDAL GRASS plugin version are not 
aligned. Please, upload a proper plugin source version..
= No migration to testing for 21 days.
= Lintian reports 2 warning(s), you should consider fixing them.

=== libhdf4:
= 1 bug(s) that should be fixed soon:
- #542522 
  libhdf4: FTBFS on GNU/kFreeBSD
  Part of release goal: kfreebsd-* as release architectures
= Missing build(s) on kfreebsd-i386,kfreebsd-amd64
  This might need manual action from your side.
  See https://buildd.debian.org/status/package.php?p=libhdf4
= Lintian reports 2 error(s) and 25 warning(s), you should consider fixing them.

=== postgis:
= No migration to testing for 33 days.
= Lintian reports 7 warning(s), you should consider fixing them.

=== Packages with a new upstream version according to DEHS:
  dans-gdal-scripts  0.16  (Debian: 0.14-1)
  gdal  1.7.0b1  (Debian: 1.6.3-1)
  geos  3.2.0  (Debian: 3.1.0-1)
  grass  6.4.0RC5  (Debian: 6.4.0~rc5+40109-1)
  hdf5  1.8.4  (Debian: 1.8.3-2.1)
  mapserver  5.6.1  (Debian: 5.6.0+final-1)
  mkgmap  1474  (Debian: 0.0.0+svn1067-1)
  openjump  1.3.1  (Debian: 1.0-4)
  postgis  1.4.1  (Debian: 1.4.0-2)

 interesting stuff probably ends here 
We are sorry if this mail was useless for you. If you think it was
avoidable (that we can detect easily that the problems weren't
actually problems), please reply to it and let us know.

If you don't want to receive this type of mail any more, you can reply
to this mail and use one of the following commands at the beginning of
the mail:
- unsubscribe 
You will no longer receive any mail for any package. If you received
this email because you are subscribed to packages on the PTS, this
won't remove your PTS subscription.
- ignore  
You will no longer receive information about that package in those
mails. So if that package is the only one with problems, you won't
receive anything.
- ignore  
You will no longer receive information about this bug.

All commands are manually processed, but you will receive
confirmation. The commands are just here so that we know precisely
what you want.

A more detailed status of your packages is available from the DDPO.

Don't hesitate to reply to this mail if you have questions or if you
believe it can be improved. The wiki page will

[DebianGIS-dev] Possible problems in your Debian packages

2009-10-28 Thread DDPOMail robot
This is an automated mail. These mails are sent twice a month.
For more information about these mails, refer to

=== geos:
= Lintian reports 3 error(s) and 3 warning(s), you should consider fixing them.

=== gpsdrive:
= There are 4 unfixed security issue(s), please fix them.
 See http://security-tracker.debian.net/tracker/source-package/gpsdrive
= Lintian reports 6 warning(s), you should consider fixing them.

=== grass:
= 1 bug(s) that should be fixed soon:
- #530092 
  grass: bashism in /bin/sh script
  Part of release goal: switch /bin/sh to dash
= Lintian reports 1 error(s) and 535 warning(s), you should consider fixing 

=== josm-plugins:
= 1 bug(s) that should be fixed soon:
- #537009 
  josm-plugins: FTBFS: The type GridLayer.HighlightCellVisitor must implement 
the inherited abstract method Visitor.visit(Changeset)
= Lintian reports 3 warning(s), you should consider fixing them.

=== mapserver:
= There are 2 unfixed security issue(s), please fix them.
 See http://security-tracker.debian.net/tracker/source-package/mapserver
= Lintian reports 20 warning(s), you should consider fixing them.

=== spatialindex:
= 1 bug(s) that should be fixed soon:
- #534600 
  spatialindex: FTBFS with GCC 4.4
  Part of release goal: support gcc 4.4 as the default compiler

=== Packages with a new upstream version according to DEHS:
  geos  3.1.1  (Debian: 3.1.0-1)
  grass  6.4.0RC5  (Debian: 6.4.0~rc5+39438-1)
  mkgmap  1311  (Debian: 0.0.0+svn1067-1)

 interesting stuff probably ends here 
We are sorry if this mail was useless for you. If you think it was
avoidable (that we can detect easily that the problems weren't
actually problems), please reply to it and let us know.

If you don't want to receive this type of mail any more, you can reply
to this mail and use one of the following commands at the beginning of
the mail:
- unsubscribe 
You will no longer receive any mail for any package. If you received
this email because you are subscribed to packages on the PTS, this
won't remove your PTS subscription.
- ignore  
You will no longer receive information about that package in those
mails. So if that package is the only one with problems, you won't
receive anything.
- ignore  
You will no longer receive information about this bug.

All commands are manually processed, but you will receive
confirmation. The commands are just here so that we know precisely
what you want.

A more detailed status of your packages is available from the DDPO.

Don't hesitate to reply to this mail if you have questions or if you
believe it can be improved. The wiki page will be updated with useful
run by Raphael Geissert

Pkg-grass-devel mailing list

[DebianGIS-dev] Possible problems in your Debian packages

2009-07-10 Thread DDPOMail robot
This is an automated mail. These mails are sent twice a month.
For more information about these mails, refer to

=== geos:
= Lintian reports 3 error(s) and 2 warning(s), you should consider fixing them.

=== gosmore:
= 1 bug(s) that should be fixed soon:
- #533372 
  gosmore map rebuild fails with "Assertion seg failed"
  Appears to affect stable, you should fix it for the next point release

=== grass:
= 2 bug(s) that should be fixed soon:
- #533738 
  grass: 6.4.0rc5 fails to create mapsets, g.region -d will break mapset WIND 
  Appears to affect stable, you should fix it for the next point release
- #530092 
  grass: bashism in /bin/sh script
  Part of release goal: switch /bin/sh to dash
= No migration to testing for 29 days.
= Lintian reports 1 error(s) and 532 warning(s), you should consider fixing 

=== Packages with a new upstream version according to DEHS:
  geos  3.1.1  (Debian: 3.1.0-1)
  grass  6.4.0RC5  (Debian: 6.4.0~rc5-1)
  mapserver  5.4.1  (Debian: 5.2.2-1)
  ogdi-dfsg  Linux-bin.3.1.0  (Debian: 3.2.0~beta2-4)
  postgis  1.5.0SVN  (Debian: 1.3.5-1)

 interesting stuff probably ends here 
We are sorry if this mail was useless for you. If you think it was
avoidable (that we can detect easily that the problems weren't
actually problems), please reply to it and let us know.

If you don't want to receive this type of mail any more, you can reply
to this mail and use one of the following commands at the beginning of
the mail:
- unsubscribe 
You will no longer receive any mail for any package. If you received
this email because you are subscribed to packages on the PTS, this
won't remove your PTS subscription.
- ignore  
You will no longer receive information about that package in those
mails. So if that package is the only one with problems, you won't
receive anything.
- ignore  
You will no longer receive information about this bug.

All commands are manually processed, but you will receive
confirmation. The commands are just here so that we know precisely
what you want.

A more detailed status of your packages is available from the DDPO.

Don't hesitate to reply to this mail if you have questions or if you
believe it can be improved. The wiki page will be updated with useful
run by Raphael Geissert

Pkg-grass-devel mailing list

[DebianGIS-dev] Possible problems in your Debian packages

2008-08-26 Thread DDPOMail robot
=== gpsdrive:
= 1 bug(s) that should be fixed for the next Debian release:
- #496436 
  The possibility of attack with the help of symlinks in some Debian packages
= No migration to testing for 27 days.

=== Packages with a new upstream version according to DEHS:
(note that lenny is frozen: do not upload those new upstream
versions to unstable unless you are sure it is the right thing to do!)
  hdf5  1.8.1  (Debian: 1.6.6-4)
  libgeotiff-dfsg  1.2.5  (Debian: 1.2.4-3)
  mapserver  5.2.0  (Debian: 5.0.3-3)
  mkgmap  659  (Debian: 0.0.0+svn630-1)
  ogdi-dfsg  Linux-bin.3.1.0  (Debian: 3.2.0~beta1-3.1)

 interesting stuff probably ends here 
This is an automated mail. These mails are sent two times per month.
For more information about these mails, refer to

We are sorry if this mail was useless for you. If you think it was
avoidable (that we can detect easily that the problems weren't
actually problems), please reply to it and let us know.

If you don't want to receive this type of mail any more, you can reply
to this mail and use one of the following commands at the beginning of
the mail:
- unsubscribe 
You will no longer receive any mail for any package. If you received
this email because you are subscribed to packages on the PTS, this
won't remove your PTS subscription.
- ignore  
You will no longer receive information about that package in those
mails. So if that package is the only one with problems, you won't
receive anything.
- ignore  
You will no longer receive information about this bug.

All commands are manually processed, but you will receive
confirmation. The commands are just here so that we know precisely
what you want.

A more detailed status of your packages is available from the DDPO.
http://qa.debian.org/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Don't hesitate to reply to this mail if you have questions. The wiki
page will be updated with useful information.
DDPOMail, run by Lucas Nussbaum

Pkg-grass-devel mailing list

[DebianGIS-dev] Possible problems in your Debian packages

2008-07-15 Thread DDPOMail robot
=== gdal:
= 1 bug(s) that should be fixed for the next Debian release:
- #489124 
  libgdal1-1.5.0_1.5.2 Segmentation fault

=== gpsdrive:
= 1 bug(s) that should be fixed for the next Debian release:
- #489603 
  gpsdrive: bashism in /bin/sh script
  Part of release goal: switch /bin/sh to dash

=== mapserver:
= No migration to testing for 27 days.

=== Packages with a new upstream version according to DEHS:
  hdf5  1.8.1  (Debian: 1.6.6-4)
  ogdi-dfsg  Linux-bin.3.1.0  (Debian: 3.2.0~beta1-3.1)

 interesting stuff probably ends here 
This is an automated mail. These mails are sent two times per month.
For more information about these mails, refer to

We are sorry if this mail was useless for you. If you think it was
avoidable (that we can detect easily that the problems weren't
actually problems), please reply to it and let us know.

If you don't want to receive this type of mail any more, you can reply
to this mail and use one of the following commands at the beginning of
the mail:
- only1permonth 
You will only receive this mail once per month, not twice.
- unsubscribe 
You will no longer receive any mail for any package. If you received
this email because you are subscribed to packages on the PTS, this
won't remove your PTS subscription.
- ignore  
You will no longer receive information about that package in those
mails. So if that package is the only one with problems, you won't
receive anything.
- ignore  
You will no longer receive information about this bug.

All commands are manually processed, but you will receive
confirmation. The commands are just here so that we know precisely
what you want.

A more detailed status of your packages is available from the DDPO.
http://qa.debian.org/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Don't hesitate to reply to this mail if you have questions. The wiki
page will be updated with useful information.
DDPOMail, run by Lucas Nussbaum

Pkg-grass-devel mailing list

[DebianGIS-dev] Possible problems in your Debian packages

2008-07-01 Thread DDPOMail robot
=== gmt:
= 1 bug(s) that should be fixed for the next Debian release:
- #488779 
  libgmt-dev: tries to overwrite file owned by gmt

=== gosmore:
= 1 bug(s) that should be fixed for the next Debian release:
- #487711 
  Gosmore package completely out of date

=== postgis:
= Not in testing for 25 days.
  If things don't change, it won't be part of lenny!

=== Packages with a new upstream version according to DEHS:
  hdf5  1.8.1  (Debian: 1.6.6-4)
  ogdi-dfsg  Linux-bin.3.1.0  (Debian: 3.2.0~beta1-3.1)

 interesting stuff probably ends here 
This is an automated mail. These mails are sent two times per month.
For more information about these mails, refer to

We are sorry if this mail was useless for you. If you think it was
avoidable (that we can detect easily that the problems weren't
actually problems), please reply to it and let us know.

If you don't want to receive this type of mail any more, you can reply
to this mail and use one of the following commands at the beginning of
the mail:
- only1permonth 
You will only receive this mail once per month, not twice.
- unsubscribe 
You will no longer receive any mail for any package. If you received
this email because you are subscribed to packages on the PTS, this
won't remove your PTS subscription.
- ignore  
You will no longer receive information about that package in those
mails. So if that package is the only one with problems, you won't
receive anything.
- ignore  
You will no longer receive information about this bug.

All commands are manually processed, but you will receive
confirmation. The commands are just here so that we know precisely
what you want.

A more detailed status of your packages is available from the DDPO.
http://qa.debian.org/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Don't hesitate to reply to this mail if you have questions. The wiki
page will be updated with useful information.
DDPOMail, run by Lucas Nussbaum

Pkg-grass-devel mailing list

[DebianGIS-dev] Possible problems in your Debian packages

2008-06-16 Thread DDPOMail robot
=== osm2pgsql:
= Missing build(s) on sparc
  This might need manual action from your side.
  See http://buildd.debian.org/pkg.cgi?pkg=osm2pgsql
= Not in testing for 65 days.
  If things don't change, it won't be part of lenny!

=== postgis:
= Missing build(s) on alpha,sparc,armel,arm,hppa
  This might need manual action from your side.
  See http://buildd.debian.org/pkg.cgi?pkg=postgis
= Not in testing for 10 days.
  If things don't change, it won't be part of lenny!

=== Packages with a new upstream version according to DEHS:
  gdal  1.5.2RC1  (Debian: 1.5.1-4)
  hdf5  1.8.0  (Debian: 1.6.6-4)
  ogdi-dfsg  Linux-bin.3.1.0  (Debian: 3.2.0~beta1-3.1)

 interesting stuff probably ends here 
This is an automated mail. These mails are sent two times per month.
For more information about these mails, refer to

We are sorry if this mail was useless for you. If you think it was
avoidable (that we can detect easily that the problems weren't
actually problems), please reply to it and let us know.

If you don't want to receive this type of mail any more, you can reply
to this mail and use one of the following commands at the beginning of
the mail:
- only1permonth 
You will only receive this mail once per month, not twice.
- unsubscribe 
You will no longer receive any mail for any package. If you received
this email because you are subscribed to packages on the PTS, this
won't remove your PTS subscription.
- ignore  
You will no longer receive information about that package in those
mails. So if that package is the only one with problems, you won't
receive anything.
- ignore  
You will no longer receive information about this bug.

All commands are manually processed, but you will receive
confirmation. The commands are just here so that we know precisely
what you want.

A more detailed status of your packages is available from the DDPO.
http://qa.debian.org/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Don't hesitate to reply to this mail if you have questions. The wiki
page will be updated with useful information.
DDPOMail, run by Lucas Nussbaum

Pkg-grass-devel mailing list

[DebianGIS-dev] Possible problems in your Debian packages

2008-06-02 Thread DDPOMail robot
=== gpsdrive:
= No migration to testing for 96 days.

=== libgdal-grass:
= 1 bug(s) that should be fixed for the next Debian release:
- #481697 
  libgdal-grass: wrong installation directory for shared libraries

=== mapserver:
= 1 bug(s) that should be fixed for the next Debian release:
- #483400 
  python-mapscript: Cannot import mapscript module into python.
= Missing build(s) on mipsel
  This might need manual action from your side.
  See http://buildd.debian.org/pkg.cgi?pkg=mapserver

=== osm2pgsql:
= Missing build(s) on sparc,armel
  This might need manual action from your side.
  See http://buildd.debian.org/pkg.cgi?pkg=osm2pgsql
= Not in testing for 51 days.
  If things don't change, it won't be part of lenny!

=== Packages with a new upstream version according to DEHS:
  gdal  1.5.2RC1  (Debian: 1.5.1-4)
  hdf5  1.8.0  (Debian: 1.6.6-4)
  ogdi-dfsg  Linux-bin.3.1.0  (Debian: 3.2.0~beta1-3.1)

 interesting stuff probably ends here 
This is an automated mail. These mails are sent monthly.
For more information about these mails, refer to

We are sorry if this mail was useless for you. If you think it was
avoidable (that we can detect easily that the problems weren't
actually problems), please reply to it and let us know.

If you don't want to receive this type of mail any more, you can reply
to this mail and use one of the following commands at the beginning of
the mail:
- unsubscribe 
You will no longer receive any mail for any package
- ignore  
You will no longer receive information about that package in those
mails. So if that package is the only one with problems, you won't
receive anything.
- ignore  
You will no longer receive information about this bug.

All commands are manually processed, but you will receive
confirmation. The commands are just here so that we know precisely
what you want.

A more detailed status of your packages is available from the DDPO.
http://qa.debian.org/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Don't hesitate to reply to this mail if you have questions. The wiki
page will be updated with useful information.
DDPOMail, run by Lucas Nussbaum

Pkg-grass-devel mailing list

[DebianGIS-dev] Possible problems in your Debian packages

2008-05-01 Thread DDPOMail robot
=== gpsdrive:
= No migration to testing for 64 days.

=== josm:
= 2 bug(s) that should be fixed for the next Debian release:
- #474632 
  josm: Should not enter testing
- #475878 
  josm: Depends: java-gcj-compat | java2-runtime, but doesn't work.
= Not in testing for 40 days.
  If things don't change, it won't be part of lenny!

=== osm2pgsql:
= Missing build(s) on sparc,armel
  This might need manual action from your side.
  See http://buildd.debian.org/pkg.cgi?pkg=osm2pgsql
= Not in testing for 19 days.
  If things don't change, it won't be part of lenny!

=== postgis:
= No migration to testing for 38 days.

=== Packages with a new upstream version according to DEHS:
  hdf5  1.8.0  (Debian: 1.6.6-4)
  ogdi-dfsg  Linux-bin.3.1.0  (Debian: 3.2.0~beta1-3.1)

 interesting stuff probably ends here 
This is an automated mail. These mails are sent monthly.
For more information about these mails, refer to

We are sorry if this mail was useless for you. If you think it was
avoidable (that we can detect easily that the problems weren't
actually problems), please reply to it and let us know.

If you don't want to receive this type of mail any more, you can reply
to this mail and use one of the following commands at the beginning of
the mail:
- unsubscribe 
You will no longer receive any mail for any package
- ignore  
You will no longer receive information about that package in those
mails. So if that package is the only one with problems, you won't
receive anything.
- ignore  
You will no longer receive information about this bug.

All commands are manually processed, but you will receive
confirmation. The commands are just here so that we know precisely
what you want.

A more detailed status of your packages is available from the DDPO.
http://qa.debian.org/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Don't hesitate to reply to this mail if you have questions. The wiki
page will be updated with useful information.
DDPOMail, run by Lucas Nussbaum

Pkg-grass-devel mailing list