More dysfunctional Ubuntu-isms

2016-11-02 Thread Michael Butash
So yet another chapter of ubuntu-isms begins in my life, trying to install on my new desktop. Step 1 defeat, their server install won't even boot with a 16.04.1 server disk. Internal cdrom or external usb cdrom, no usb thumbdrive. Then tried a 16.04.1 desktop installer for kubuntu, which

Re: NVMe SSD's

2016-10-28 Thread Michael Butash
Good to know - I was contemplating doing this with some spinners in it for bulk storage, as I have some 2tb's left over now. Peeling off some of those 512's to cache for the spinners might make them more useful so I don't have to burn space on the ssd's exclusively. How much ssd do you end up

Re: NVMe SSD's

2016-10-27 Thread Michael Butash
ks for the thoughtful post here.  I'm probably going to hail-mary and try them, and really hope I don't make a mistake here.  Worst case, normal sata disks are cheap enough I'll get a few drives to put /boot on, and everything else on the nvme's. ==Joseph++ On 10/27/2016

Re: NVMe SSD's

2016-10-27 Thread Michael Butash
I've been doing so for probably a good 7-8 years now in various capacities with single disk or raid, but been doing raid usually choosing even laptops with dual drive capabilities for the past 5-6 years. Most ssd's have died within a year, but usually only one. My desktop with Crucial C100's


2016-10-27 Thread Michael Butash
Curious if anyone has taken the plunge to play with nvme-based ssd's under linux here? Particularly around raid. Not finding a lot pertaining to them that is positive toward linux on the tubes, and I'm looking to reproduce my usual raid1+luks+lvm atop them, so feedback on doing so would be

Re: Bitlocker and Linux - Visio

2016-10-18 Thread Michael Butash
acquired them, it seems to be only going down hill since visio 2007, much as microsoft has. -mb On 10/18/2016 10:48 AM, Brian Cluff wrote: On 10/18/2016 10:08 AM, Michael Butash wrote: I'm still down to only visio I simply haven't found a suitable replacement for yet. Have you looked

Re: Bitlocker and Linux

2016-10-18 Thread Michael Butash
I've been running disk encryption with luks on my own laptops since I stopped using windoze years ago, and it can have multiple unlock key slots, both for yourself, and corporate IT.  The only real deficiency is there isn't any centralized management for it

Re: VPN Assistance

2016-10-04 Thread Michael Butash
On 10/04/2016 08:20 PM, Eric Oyen wrote: actually, there are other reasons for using an encrypted tunnel besides bit torrent. How about secure banking? or perhaps secure purchasing? mayhap even more secure email access. Yes, SSL was born as a tunnel between your client and a service provider

Re: Class action law suit, re SONY trying to "take back" the option to install Linux on [a "Fat"] Playstation 3

2016-10-04 Thread Michael Butash
Yay, I get $9 dollars back.  How much are the lawyers getting? Yes, there was a point in the lawsuit, but in the end, it was still pointless, as always it is cheaper for Sony and like to break the law than let consumers have they were originally sold.

Re: VPN Assistance

2016-10-04 Thread Michael Butash
I'll second PIA as a provider, they have egress points in most countries you'd care to egress via. I built a little ubuntu minimal vm that acts as a lan proxy gateway for the vpn, and runs a squid http proxy on it. I register the vm on a bridge in my network off my server, and it's purpose

Re: HP software now self-destructs in printers

2016-10-02 Thread Michael Butash
On 10/01/2016 05:32 PM, Vara La Fey wrote: Hey Michael, thanks for all the info. Being as I'm not ON Linux yet, I'm going to save this for when I am. Take the plunge, try a live cd, and if you don't like it, just reboot back into windoze. No harm, no foul, and you can see if the hardware

Re: HP software now self-destructs in printers

2016-10-01 Thread Michael Butash
Interesting, can't say I've ever used sound input hard-switched to output in that capacity, but seems like something that would require a driver, or at least some method of communications to change the hardware.  I doubt that's a default behavior, or at least

Re: Landscape on Ubuntu 16.04

2016-09-18 Thread Michael Butash
Why not just add it as a separate vhost site?  Because of ssl, you can either do a san in the cert for both, or just add another ip address and bind it to that, create dns for both hostnames, and that way keep them both independent and your rules as-is per

Re: Landscape on Ubuntu 16.04

2016-09-18 Thread Michael Butash
How do you like actually using landscape?  It's been a while since looking, I noticed they now offer a 10-free client option for local servers that might be useful and get me to try it since I use ubuntu in some capacity for everything. I've looked

Re: New Dell XPS 13 Developer Edition

2016-09-17 Thread Michael Butash
-mb On 09/16/2016 09:52 PM, Stephen Partington wrote: the XPS15 however is wonderful On Fri, Sep 16, 2016 at 9:39 PM, Michael Butash <> wrote: Ohh, pretty.

New Dell XPS 13 Developer Edition

2016-09-16 Thread Michael Butash
Ohh, pretty. Shame they still leave only an anemic intel gpu in it, and no real docking station. -mb --- PLUG-discuss

Re: Home boot servers, any advice?

2016-09-09 Thread Michael Butash
Checkout a clonezilla server. I set one up years ago as a dedicated vm install I kept around for demonstration of linux power novelty. Booting it would setup dhcp on the port, tftp, all the booting files needed (using LTSP), and provide a multi-boot prompt of which linux you wanted, building

Re: 4 cores and 8 threads

2016-09-07 Thread Michael Butash
This is a common recommendation really with hpc applications, particularly when doing higher-bandwidth operations, such as networking at 10-100gb interfaces. Hyperthreading arbitrator in the kernel is like a buffer, the L1-2 cache (I think), that fills as the cpu backs up. When full, the

Re: 4 cores and 8 threads

2016-09-07 Thread Michael Butash
Agreed - the os just sees logical or physical "cores", be it hyperthreaded 2*core or not.  Hyperthreading just invokes an arbitrator in the form of a thread load-balancer and doubles the core count to the kernel in reporting outside the bios at the os level.

Re: What is this rubbish?

2016-09-04 Thread Michael Butash
Obfuscated code, apparently this is more common these days to do.  There's something that does a hash off the posted payload input that interprets the real code and functions behind it as it is read. I was reading about something like this not long ago the

Re: no moving parts

2016-09-02 Thread Michael Butash
I'd second the nas with hard drives too, I just got a synology that has been pretty cool so far. You can get an esata like Stephen said too pretty cheap with an internal pci to esata card, but what you'd really want (for performance) is one with a sas connector on it. Get yourself an

Re: MacBook

2016-08-25 Thread Michael Butash
My "key" software is generally the Kernel. One particularly nasty little side note I've found was related to my logitech wireless keyboard. At least twice now, I've run into this where I'll upgrade ubuntu's kernel, and I can't unlock my hard drives or get to a desktop as my dongle isn't

Re: MacBook

2016-08-25 Thread Michael Butash
I remember trying the static compile approach back circa 2000 with linux and slackware. After I'd learned Solaris, and why to hate it (making gnu software compile on it to not be a useless/costly linux), a buddy got me into Slackware, helping me install it, and how to compile a kernel and

Re: Fwd: MacBook

2016-08-25 Thread Michael Butash
I've gotten to the point I don't update/reboot my os until I need to. I tried to keep up with security patches, and ended up breaking my system every other week. Usually because of crappy amd video drivers, but often far more obscure things would just sort of freak out with an update. My

Re: MacBook

2016-08-24 Thread Michael Butash
I found quicken to be pretty lame for the minute I tried it with a former accountant, and found it really didn't do anything I couldn't get in Xero accounting suite, a web-based product. Far better integration as well with other apps like expensify and freshbooks. I ended up with both Xero

Re: MacBook

2016-08-24 Thread Michael Butash
I would tend to disagree here.  As a business owner for a few years and a full-time linux user for 10+ years, I've really not had any reason still to go back.  I do my own accounting and time management with Freshbooks/Xero, payroll with Gusto, LibreOffice for

Re: System update

2016-08-20 Thread Michael Butash
I'd recommend removing bits of the .config/$dir or .cinnamon directories for it, and logging out/back in, just rebuild your settings.  Moving around different KDE versions, I'd find it'd freak out due to some change in handling of the config files that

Re: gpu

2016-08-18 Thread Michael Butash
What sort of gpu?  Nvidia and AMD tend to be quite different. Nvidia tends to use Cuda framework, AMD uses OpenCL.  They offer some level of compatibility I think, but nothing I've particularly used outside of pure  graphic opengl for gaming and

Gadget-Lovers beware - Bluetooth locks

2016-08-09 Thread Michael Butash Look at the parent github site for the scripts. Pretty sad security seems the last thing most physical lock vendors consider now. Caveat emptor if you use one. I'm dismayed, my Danalock's made the list, but less craptastic

Re: OT: How to delete unwanted apps from Android phone?

2016-07-27 Thread Michael Butash
I've stayed a lot with Sony for the same reason, well that and they still make something smaller than 5" phone.  They're usually good about providing bootloader unlocking, though the last Z5 Compact I got was more of a pain, part of why it's still

Re: OT: How to delete unwanted apps from Android phone?

2016-07-27 Thread Michael Butash
This is why people unlock bootloaders and run 3rd party roms - regaining ownership of the device you bought. Sad you even have to. If you can root without unlocking the bootloader, even better, just use titanium backup to "freeze" them, which will remove the icon and make them inert from

Re: Holy desktops!!! Bumblebee and Optimus are now working

2016-07-24 Thread Michael Butash
You might want to try the kde neon ppa to get up to latest, I upgraded to 5.7.2 for hopefully some fixes yesterday, and I'll have to say, there are a lot of things working better now/fixed. So far my displays haven't freaked out when being unplugged, though my taskbar is still going to the

Re: Holy desktops!!! Bumblebee and Optimus are now working

2016-07-22 Thread Michael Butash
and really have not run into the other issues. And Wayland is being stubborn ad well. On Jul 22, 2016 7:39 PM, "Michael Butash" <> wrote: I bet you do - kde has some rea

Re: Holy desktops!!! Bumblebee and Optimus are now working

2016-07-22 Thread Michael Butash
I bet you do - kde has some real bastard issues with multi-monitor I've been finding. If you're on 14.04, you're mostly hozed - they didn't fix kde remembering display setups until plasma 5.x.  This alone drove me into the 16.04 adventure with plasma 5.

Re: Cox Business Internet

2016-07-13 Thread Michael Butash
All the incumbent MSO's (cable) and LEC's (ma bell) across the country are.  Cox won the first round getting SRP as a Cox customer to NOT give fiber to Google in Phoenix with backdoor negotiations, which caused Google's initial delay after fanfare. 

Re: Cox Business Internet

2016-07-12 Thread Michael Butash
Back when I worked there early 2000's and took over the network from @home, we'd begun, at times forcibly, to get the business services installers to refurb the site more than normal contractors might for "just video". Mainly if there were even borderline issues, we pushed them to clean

Re: Cox Business Internet

2016-07-04 Thread Michael Butash
Another thing to check actually, do you monitor your outbound wan port usage on your router in any way? What kind is it? More often than not, when I'd notice my bandwidth lagging, I'd check my utilization at the cable modem port, and find one of my roommates doing something on the network,

Re: Cox Business Internet

2016-07-04 Thread Michael Butash
I get no variation at my house, never have (peoria), which is consistent with what you *should* see. If not, you're either a) in a saturated area for users, or b) you have RF issues at the house. RF is variable, especially with temperatures as we see in az, and the copper tends to go bad at

Re: Cox Business Internet

2016-07-03 Thread Michael Butash
Residential and Business *are* the same infrastructure when it comes to Cox HFC. The only thing that differentiates a business customer from residential is the boot file pushed to the modem at boot, the speed set up/down, and ip/port access list allowed through. Of course your bill too, nice

Re: Cox Business Internet

2016-07-02 Thread Michael Butash
At one point I fought with Cox, asking how to get a secondary IP address on Residential, as they used to do this for another 5-10 a month.  Surprisingly (or not), no one could tell me.  Most of the people could barely spell IP let alone know what they were, but

Re: Cox Business Internet

2016-07-02 Thread Michael Butash
The only thing it really gets you is: 1) better support sla for on-site (bad cable, az happens) 2) slightly better port access (http/smtp) 3) routing if desired (static prefix or bgp) Otherwise, I do everything over residential service. Since they opened https for sslvpn, even less desirable

Re: Ubuntu (kde/4k)

2016-06-23 Thread Michael Butash
inverted right x axis y axis) DP-4 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) DP-5 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) Brian Cluff On 06/23/2016 12:13 AM, Michael Butash wrote: I'd love

Re: 4k tv / monitors

2016-06-23 Thread Michael Butash
System is a 4700K intel pro, 32gb of ram, x99 gigabyte mobo, and my mentioned 7970 soft-moded to a r9-280. It actually runs just dandy, memory being a big part of that. I do run out of 32gb of ram periodically when things misbehave, I've seen pulse volume control chew up 12gb with memory

Re: Ubuntu (kde/4k)

2016-06-23 Thread Michael Butash
I'd love to be wrong here, but for years nvidia imposed a limitation of only 2 monitors possible at all when I was already doing 6x wide with ati on a 5870 card.  As buggy as fglrx tended to be, it mostly worked as a desktop in ways nvidia seemingly could only

Re: 4k tv / monitors

2016-06-23 Thread Michael Butash
Likewise, much the same, I was going to go with 40", but a buddy got one of the seiki cheap 4k tv's, and it was just too small, odd to say. Standing in front of a 55" seemed too big, I ended up with the 48's that I think are just about right with 4k, and curved was nice for the desktop. I

Re: Ubuntu (kde/4k)

2016-06-23 Thread Michael Butash
Ah, I meant more gpu really. Nothing against their cpu's, but their hardware and drivers in the linux video realm leave much to be desired. Amd still lets the ATI division toward linux run like a bastard stepchild to support the hardware with proper drivers. With radeon oss drivers

Re: Ubuntu (kde/4k)

2016-06-21 Thread Michael Butash
-400 more than retail by parasites soaking them up from retail chains for profit.  Another good reason to avoid nvidia it seems. -mb On 06/19/2016 02:07 PM, Brian Cluff wrote: On 06/18/2016 09:22 PM, Michael Butash wrote: Since I

Re: Ubuntu (kde/4k)

2016-06-19 Thread Michael Butash
in recovery, it would make my life much easier, and seems they are making some improvements at least. They just abandoned plasma4 to be utterly broken for multi-monitor, hoping that's not the case here. -mb On 06/19/2016 02:07 PM, Brian Cluff wrote: On 06/18/2016 09:22 PM, Michael Butash wrote

Re: 4k tv / monitors

2016-06-19 Thread Michael Butash
More desktop really, some ergonomics. I moved from 6x old 24" 1080p displays that my neck would hurt having to look down constantly for them, and find my neck doesn't hurt now that I tend to work level set with my head with the 3x 48's. I didn't want to craft some sort of riser for all 6

Re: Ubuntu

2016-06-18 Thread Michael Butash
Check your /var/log/Xorg.0.log file, see what graphics you're running. The compositor sounds broken, and might just need a different solution (ie. changing nouveau to nvidia blob). Compositors break grandly with nouveau still, and yours sounds quite broken for some reason. I tried mint

Re: Ubuntu

2016-06-18 Thread Michael Butash
What GPU?  Check Compiz/CCSM as Ted mentioned, looking under general at the resolution, gl modes, vsync, etc is often related to compositing window managers.  Multi-monitor always required manual tweaking to behave at all, if ever with compiz. I'd

Re: Multiple drives

2016-06-06 Thread Michael Butash
I'd second if the same size doing raid-1, I do this for every client I have anymore, especially when using SSD's that seem to drop like flies. I do this for laptops too when an option, I just make sure to buy laptops that can take two. More common it seems with the advent of msata or m2

ZeroTier SDN/VPN Networking Service

2016-05-17 Thread Michael Butash
Just thought I would share something really cool I've been playing with the past few days... So this is both sort of an IAAS solution for Software-Defined Networking (SDN), but is so brain-dead simple, and pretty capable for something of an overlay VPN-ish service

Home automation technology

2016-05-06 Thread Michael Butash
Not exactly a linux topic, but since most modern home (or industrial) automation/security solutions tend to be linux-based, thought I would ask here. I've been playing around with home automation for years, just wondering if anyone else does so as well. Often feels I'm going this stuff

Re: kwrite question

2016-05-04 Thread Michael Butash
I have this issue when dealing with libreoffice, as importing data for reports from various places including the web bring formatting that screws everything up. Usually I'll end up dropping copied formatted text into gedit/pluma, normalizing it as plain text there, and cutting it back out into

Re: To Tux or not to Tux (VM's)

2016-04-21 Thread Michael Butash
Far as I know, M$ OEM's are not transferable in any way, even to VM. Yet another kick in the shorts, you get the joy of paying the microsoft tax twice, and in theory paying far more than oem license costs. Having purchased time and time again laptop hardware with pre-paid windoze licenses

Re: To Tux or not to Tux (VM's)

2016-04-20 Thread Michael Butash
Find and mock the internal developers that don't know how to make standard-compliant code, usually tends to begin at least some vague awareness for those crappy windoze-only devs that are unaware of a bigger world out there now. Tough love, but friends don't let friends run IE, or force

Re: To Tux or not to Tux (VM's)

2016-04-20 Thread Michael Butash
Since microsoft seems to insist on keeping their browsers perpetually vulnerable for the government to exploit, seems sandboxing is about the only way to keep it from infecting your os. A full vm just to keep ie from infecting you though? Why not just NOT use IE? It's really not common

Re: To Tux or not to Tux (VM's)

2016-04-20 Thread Michael Butash
I've not seen this issue with it, and I've had to have windoze enumerate some pretty extensive directories of files being forced to work with various data for a customer last year for several months, or even just my music directory. It's not uncommon I'm editing files between windoze in a

Re: The Desktop is right again!

2016-04-20 Thread Michael Butash
Funny you mention this - been struggling with KDE4 and 3x monitors when NOT using the binary drivers of late. I really liked KDE, using that predominantly for the past few years on 5-6 montiors just dandy, but with amd drivers setting up the screens that worked mostly ok. I moved to 3x 4k

Re: To Tux or not to Tux (VM's)

2016-04-19 Thread Michael Butash
For a while doing work for a vendor I offloaded a build image into a vm, and just used a virtualbox as a corporate image in windoze 7, complete with all the security/spyware installed, which actually would tax the underlying host some.  Using it with virtualbox,

Re: To Tux or not to Tux (VM's)

2016-04-19 Thread Michael Butash
6 12:12 PM, Wayne D wrote: On 04/19/2016 10:15 AM, Michael Butash wrote: Use virtualbox with "seamless" mode, all the windoze apps run windowed to be less annoying overall, and you can hide the disgrace mostly of still using it. :) 1 vote each for VirtualBox and QEMU Pro

Re: To Tux or not to Tux

2016-04-19 Thread Michael Butash
actually shipped with 2x 256gb ssd's in raid-0 oddly, so one dies, it all goes poof. Weird to see that on a consumer device, but I redid it as redundant raid-1. My current dell latitude -mb On 04/19/2016 12:39 PM, Matt Graham wrote: On 2016-04-19 10:15, Michael Butash wrote: [snippage] WD

Re: Specifying mobos: was: To Tux or not to Tux

2016-04-19 Thread Michael Butash
I agree here, it is an important factor, but really only to us linux folk. Windoze people remain blissfully ignorant mostly except when dealing with the horrible bioses these days built for uefi. I think diy mobo's will remain safe, but laptops are a wildcard when dealing with non-business

Re: To Tux or not to Tux

2016-04-19 Thread Michael Butash
Last time I tried to use uefi on an asus laptop mentioned a few weeks ago in another thread, it was terribly quirky setting up the os.  At the time, the ubuntu desktop installer was highly broken in a number of ways, which sadly doesn't seem to change much, and

Re: To Tux or not to Tux

2016-04-19 Thread Michael Butash
On 04/18/2016 11:18 PM, Wayne D wrote: It's a 4 core machine and the user is not happy with the speed AND has complained of heat issues. This machine is VERY important. He makes his living using apps on this machine. Downtime must be kept to a absolute minimum. Apps are 50% Web based and

Re: Crap! HDMI... :( Help!

2016-04-14 Thread Michael Butash
So not sure how you ended up here, but I've been doing research, and finally pulled the trigger on my desktop upgrade with 3x 4k monitors that sadly all only come with hdmi ports vs. displayport natively. RE: cables, I ended up getting pretty generic, but well rated, amazon "hdmi 2.0

Re: vlc

2016-03-24 Thread Michael Butash
What window manager are you using? Anything that composites wreaks havoc on a vnc server, ubuntu/unity make vnc useless, kde sort of works, but ymmv when you're doing things like video that might render off the gpu and compositing. Try disabling the compositing as a test if so, usually some

Re: Domain Name / Hosting

2016-03-24 Thread Michael Butash
Likewise - I use them for a basic WP site for my biz, as I don't want to have to patch it every other day with new vulns announced. This is something I tend to think is easily done and/or portable to another provider a I'd like to do, but at least with this I haven't had any issues with GD,

Re: Crap! HDMI... :( Update...

2016-03-24 Thread Michael Butash
I had an employer get me a nice laptop years ago as their default was a pos, an asus ultrabook that this sounds a lot like. It was entirely wrought with issues I never could resolve trying to make ubuntu work on it from suspend issues, display glitches, gpu driver issues, efi weirdness (no

Re: Domain Name / Hosting

2016-03-23 Thread Michael Butash
For me, GD has the most compelling mail offering at the cost. Part of that is my account is still oddly screwed up from my employee account days that no one there has figured out how to remove a bunch of free services, including mail forwarders from my account in 10 years since I quit the

Re: Domain Name / Hosting

2016-03-22 Thread Michael Butash
ford it. You are right, many clients don’t need it but they want it lol. They are signing 3 year contracts on these servers also. Jason >

Re: Domain Name / Hosting

2016-03-22 Thread Michael Butash
ear contracts on these servers also. Jason On Mar 22, 2016, at 12:45 PM, Michael Butash <> wrote: That (simple/dumb customers), and most of their customer base being that really *does not need* dedicated services for what they are doing. It doesn't meet their busines

Re: Domain Name / Hosting

2016-03-22 Thread Michael Butash
That (simple/dumb customers), and most of their customer base being that really *does not need* dedicated services for what they are doing.  It doesn't meet their business model, or technology models around that business when consumer cores are still 2-4 per cpu,

Re: router recommendation

2016-02-17 Thread Michael Butash
Just look for anything that can run wrt on it. Personally, I replaced my cisco asa with a netgear r7000, dual core arm, gig of ram, usb3 ports, gig, and I'm actually quite happier with it for around $200 new (2 years ago).  I still keep my wlan

Re: How to increase the window edge/corner grabber size?

2015-12-30 Thread Michael Butash
This is a persistent frustration of mine, trying to resize a window takes some skill and simply infuriates me at times. Sadly I couldn't find an equivalent in kde4, I saw this post and thought to go looking again... Looked around Window Behavior, Workspace Behavior, and a several others -

Re: How to increase the window edge/corner grabber size?

2015-12-30 Thread Michael Butash
, Steve Litt wrote: On Wed, 30 Dec 2015 22:45:43 -0700 sean <> wrote: On Dec 30, 2015 10:41 PM, "Michael Butash" <> wrote: This is a persistent frustration of mine, trying to resize a window takes some skill and simply infuriates

Re: How to increase the window edge/corner grabber size?

2015-12-30 Thread Michael Butash
Ah crap, that's where they hid it! Props for finding it. More than a few times I've cursed retarded defaults here... Yeah, noticed it increased the border width, but I think I'll take it in lieu of options. Thanks in any regard, sort of a random thing, but still an annoyance they don't

Re: How to block trafic on a bridge interface?

2015-12-23 Thread Michael Butash
I was curious too as usually not ever doing bridging within linux, and not to be an arse, but googling "iptables bridge filter" for you seemed to turn up interesting results first: I never knew about

Re: Sound stopped working....

2015-12-22 Thread Michael Butash
Do you even see anything with lspci or lsusb of your soundcard?  What kind of sound is it? Updating kernel breaks things I've found (newish intel z99 mobo did in earlier kernels), but unless hardware changed, shouldn't unless something just fried or you

Re: Sound stopped working....

2015-12-22 Thread Michael Butash
was going to turn my computer off for th night but  45 minutes I turned it back on and everything  was fine. now on to learning xsane! On Wed, Dec 23, 2015 at 12:07 AM, Michael Butash <mich...@butash.

Re: Interesting job . . .

2015-12-20 Thread Michael Butash
I didn't think amex hired anyone actually from the US anymore. You'd never know stepping on campus it wasn't Bangalore itself. -mb On 12/20/2015 06:55 PM, George Toft wrote: Never a dull day and every day is different. If you know the difference between a CN and a DN in LDAP, this job

Re: More H-2B visas

2015-12-18 Thread Michael Butash
So like what, .net programmers? -mb On 12/18/2015 03:26 PM, Keith Smith wrote: On 2015-12-18 13:39, David Schwartz wrote: Do you mean H-1B visas? I read H2 - non agricultural workers. I see it is low skilled workers. Sorry to post here. I thought it meant anyone except agricultural

Re: Verizon

2015-11-29 Thread Michael Butash
I use straight talk, which uses ATT or TMO networks (you choose) for 45/mo unlimited phone/data, throttle after 3gb.  I just got a tablet plan too for 20/mo 3gb data for my nexus 9.  I have no issues with coverage, other than oddly at my house I never get LTE. 

Re: Verizon

2015-11-29 Thread Michael Butash
Anything to do with Sprint scares me - they were absolutely horrid to use. That is odd, using sprint AND tmo sprint since it is cdma and tmo is gsm. Unless just staying on LTE or something that doesn't suck like the PCS spectrum... or just a backup plan to switch to gsm when (not if) sprint

Re: router questions

2015-11-08 Thread Michael Butash
Not in the modem, but likely in the router (the layer 3 ip router/nat here) itself to enable shaping to your given committed bandwidth rate (assuming it's stabe bw, this is dsl we're talking). Most people don't ever do (or understand why), but shaping is pretty important when dealing with

Re: cheap ISP for low-bandwidth use?

2015-10-28 Thread Michael Butash
CL is pretty much "as good as it gets, depending on your distance from co" vs. more stable rate=bw @ cox, seeing as you don't live in a totally crappy end of the valley with 30yr old coax. Cox has mostly replaced that sort of ancient feeders, so less of an issue these days with cable

Re: When Linux provides so many high-quality operating systems of many varieties free of...? - Quora

2015-10-26 Thread Michael Butash
My last upgrade was for a few reasons, mostly my mobo was acting up (original p65 with failing southbridge), but also wanted pci-e3.0 slots for my video that I can never seem to keep happy (my vid was 3.0 running in 2.1), more memory, and a faster proc. It never fails between gaming and just

Re: I Love florida!

2015-10-23 Thread Michael Butash
Well, looking at the places, they're all boutique places that sell it I'm sure for 10 bucks a gallon, mostly as it's sunoco race gas.  They're all high-octane gases for the most part from what I saw, which most cars can't even really handle. Reason

Re: What is your system advice? Solved.

2015-10-07 Thread Michael Butash
Oh yeah - best part was dual ssd in that e7240 dell laptop for being all that and like 2lb too. I'm very fond of raid 1 with ssd's. Great little powerhouse, at least until one with a 4k display comes around. On 10/07/2015 07:03 PM, Michael Butash wrote: Before buying my dell, I looked

Re: What is your system advice? Solved.

2015-10-07 Thread Michael Butash
My current customer threw me a t440 with a dock to use internally. Decent - light, but sorely underpowered. I slaughter 8gb of ram on the t440 with win7 seemingly like nothing, and the i5 proc will haaang visio forever doing complex edits of groups of shapes for sometimes 30sec. Windoze

Re: DNS Servers

2015-10-07 Thread Michael Butash
One thing to keep in mind is the dns lookup on a host is part of the transactional process, and inclusive of total delay. I've seen everything from crappy/slow dns servers causing application latency across clusters to broken dns records causing a good 10second delay in responding to clients

Re: DNS Servers

2015-10-04 Thread Michael Butash
So I still use the same dns server in phoenix and dallas they had when they took over from @home/work, and These were old farm vips of e220 solaris boxen that served from the dark days, and remain (hopefully as not those same slowaris boxen) somewhat unhampered as so

Re: Ad Blocker for Chrome

2015-10-04 Thread Michael Butash
ScriptSafe (notscript prior, think it went defunct) and adblock for chrome. I used to run noscript and adblock edge under firefox, and still do as I had to stop using chrome|chromium for destabilizing my system and/or consuming 30gb of memory at a time under ubuntu. Even under windoze back

Re: You’re invited

2015-10-02 Thread Michael Butash
Isn't that the problem with mobiles in general right now?  I'm still using my almost 4 year old phone still, a sony z1 compact, everything else up the z5 is only marginal improvement in that time.  Seems everything has been done, but more/faster, mine's

Re: Dr Horrible DNS geekery

2015-09-27 Thread Michael Butash
Actually, most distros like ubuntu began removing traceroute in favor of mtr instead as default. Why I don't know, I'll give up 68k for the binary as it's useful still. Problem is mtr isn't very suitable for leaving the output on screen for you to cut and paste without invoking specifically,

Re: Dr Horrible DNS geekery

2015-09-27 Thread Michael Butash
Really odd if so, internally (cox) and externally (google) I seem to resolve the cox address, so wonder if his bgp advertisement is just going away somehow to go to a different place, mine again just ends in Cox's network, seemingly at the right endpoint, but not the routed

Re: Dr Horrible DNS geekery

2015-09-26 Thread Michael Butash
Looks like someone took it down, but resolves to a service provider (CariNet, Inc) hosted on cox's network now. They're just not allowing it. Interesting, yesterday it was egressing to hurricane electric, to atlantic metro's DC in NY. Something tells me someone didn't like the

Re: Dr Horrible DNS geekery

2015-09-26 Thread Michael Butash
For the replay out cox's network: # traceroute traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets 1 * * * 2 * * * 3 ( 20.267 ms 22.860 ms 22.863 ms 4 ( 22.861 ms 23.292 ms 23.294 ms 5

Re: memory usage

2015-09-21 Thread Michael Butash
I've noticed on lower-end systems, that daily cron will peg a system for a bit while that occurs. I had an ancient imac with ubuntu installed that the apt update would hang the system for like a half-hour with an old 400mhz ppc proc, consuming all cpu and memory, then swap and thus disks too.

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