
From: Bretton Vine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: national ID cards
Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2001 09:20:55 +0200


Here in South Africa we are issued with an identity number at birth made up
of date of birth, a number allocation for male or female, a number for race
and another number for nationality.

For example, a white male born born on 1 October 1999 would have a number
such as: 991001 5000 08 2

The second number (4 digit) is for sex:
0001 - 4999 for females
5000 - 9999 for males

The third number (two digit) is for race

The last number for nationality,

At age 16 an ID book is issued. This ID book has a picture, a page for record
of voting, a page for endorsements, Drivers license page, Driver's license
endorsements, and space for 6 firearm licenses. In order to get your ID book
you must have your fingerprints recorded.

Recently drivers licenses were made available in credit card format as well,
but these are not accepted as proof of identity.

ID Books must be presented in so many activities.

* Opening a bank account, or a credit facility: present your ID book which is
then photocopied and the copy stored with your application.

* Hiring a movie for the first time at a video rental? Often you must leave
your ID book with the shop. (Aimed at preventing theft apparently)

* Stopped at a traffic roadblock? You must present your ID book and drivers

* Buying a plane ticket? In some places you must present your ID book as

* Going to a doctor for the first time, or to a hospital - present your ID

Copies of your ID book exist all over the place. Even if you close a credit
account or store account, they still keep the copy and application.

And yet we have one of the most progressive constitutions in the world :-/

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