
Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2001 22:36:59 -0700 (PDT)
From: Len Sassaman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Current Status of the Anonymous Remailer Network

Hi Declan,

I thought your Politech readers might be interested in how the remailer
network looks, just over a week after the September 11th incidents. Feel
free to pass this on.

Initial reports gave the impression that the network was weakened because
of reactions to the terrorist attacks. On Sept 11th, two remailers
(cracker and orange) went offline. According to their operators, however,
this was a result of ongoing problems with their ISPs.  Cracker did come
back online shortly thereafter. Two other remailers shifted into the less
conspicuous "middleman mode" to avoid potential abuse situations.

Overall, the remailer network has grown in the past week. At present,
there are 37 remailers operating[1]. Five of these came online in the past
week, and I know of at least three more slated to go live in the next few
days, in response to concerns that the network may lose nodes. There have
been no reported requests from law enforcement for information about
remailer users yet, however.

Commercial anonymity service provider Anonymizer is currently offering an
anonymous gateway to the FBI's tip site for people who have information
concerning the attacks[1]. Likewise, the remailer network could provide a
safe mechanism for informants to provide information to the authorities.

Also, the latest version of the Mixmaster remailer software was
released today, in anticipation of these additional new remailers[3].


[1] http://mixmaster.shinn.net/stats/mlist show the currently active
     remailers, and their reliability statistics.
[2] http://www.anonymizer.com
[3] ftp://ftp.zedz.net/pub/crypto/remailer/mixmaster/mix-2.9b31.tar.gz

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