[political-research] Book reveals Bush's bouts of crying, ghostly visions

2007-09-06 Thread rosegojda
Book reveals Bush's bouts of crying, ghostly visions This is a scary book. This is the guy who told Middle East leaders that God had spoken to him and told him it was his destiny to attack and liberate Iraq ? Scary , scary stuff... As far back as 1992 - Mr. Bush insists he saw ghosts

[political-research] Re: Israel, the Neocons, Oil, Iraq and Iran

2007-09-06 Thread LeaNder
Alan? rational but risky? http://www.cyberlearning-world.com/lessons/ushistory/ww2/europeantheate\ r.htm Rational? I'd call that mad. --- In political-research@yahoogroups.com, Alan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: --- In political-research@yahoogroups.com, Sean McBride smcbride2@ wrote: Sane:

[political-research] Ron Paul: This Is A Man. Take Notes.- for your digestion and consideration FYI

2007-09-06 Thread rosegojda
Sent to you by Bond via Google Reader: _Ron Paul: This Is A Man. Take Notes._ (http://freedominourtime.blogspot.com/2007/09/ron-paul-this-is-man-take-notes.html) via _Pro Libertate_ (http://freedominourtime.blogspot.com/) by William N. Grigg on 9/5/07 Courtesy of the

[political-research] Re: Iraq, Israel, Iran (and the Greenwald article)

2007-09-06 Thread tim_howells_1000
Thanks for two great articles: Iraq, Israel, Iran http://www.commondreams.org/archive/2007/09/05/3630/ by David Bromwich, and Fred Hiatt, Michael Ledeen and the bomb Iran crazies http://www.salon.com/opinion/greenwald/2007/09/05/hiatt_ledeen/index.ht\ ml?source=rssaim=greenwald , by Glenn

[political-research] Nazi Precedents for Neoconservatism

2007-09-06 Thread Sean McBride
My opinion is that Hitler's (and the Nazis') basic premises about the world were insane at the root, and that their thought processes were distorted in every dimension of their decision-making. Hitler, like Bush, was listening to a psychotic inner voice which he confused with inexorable

Re: [political-research] Re: Iraq, Israel, Iran (and the Greenwald article)

2007-09-06 Thread Sean McBride
If Fred Hiatt didn't have a neocon big media oligarch backing him (Donald Graham, the owner of the Washington Post), Hiatt would be a big fat zero, or, at best, a laughingstock in the blogosphere. The days of the Fred Hiatts of the world will soon be coming to an end. Without being propped up

[political-research] Shocking - Now UK police are told they can use Taser guns on kids unarmed

2007-09-06 Thread rosegojda
Tasers can now be used against all potentially violent offenders even if they are unarmed and minors * The DSAC medical committee, .. which is made up of independent scientists and doctors, told the Home Office,.. that limited research suggested there was a risk children could

Re: [political-research] Re: Israel, the Neocons, Oil, Iraq and Iran

2007-09-06 Thread Sean McBride
Two points: 1. Nothing was easier to predict than that the Iraqi people would violently oppose a foreign occupation of Iraq. *ALL* peoples around the world violently oppose foreign occupations -- it's human nature. I predicted long before the Iraq War started that an American invasion of

Re: [political-research] Re: Israel, the Neocons, Oil, Iraq and Iran

2007-09-06 Thread Sean McBride
Wrong: neocon military aggression in the Mideast, conducted on behalf of Greater Israelists and Likudniks, is directly contrary to American interests. The neocons are trying to ignite a worldwide holy war between the United States and most of the key energy-producing nations of the world.

Re: [political-research] Re: Israel, the Neocons, Oil, Iraq and Iran

2007-09-06 Thread Sean McBride
Exactly, things haven't changed a bit: the traditional American power elite and the American oil industry -- a power bloc which the neocons and Israel lobby fear and hate -- have managed profitably to extract a great deal of oil from Saudi Arabia by maintaining good relations with the Saudis --

[political-research] Israeli Gatekeepers at the Washington Post

2007-09-06 Thread Sean McBride
Israeli gatekeepers at the Washington Post -- just the tip of the iceberg: 1. Charles Krauthammer 2. Dan Senor 3. Dana Milbank 4. Daniel Pipes 5. David Broder 6. Donald Graham 7. Fred Hiatt 8. Frederick Kagan 9. George Will 10. Howard Kurtz 11. Ken Adelman 12. Michael Abramowitz 13. Michael

[political-research] Neocon Ken Adelman on the Cakewalk in Iraq

2007-09-06 Thread Sean McBride
[This is the quintessential neoconservative agitprop piece in favor of the Iraq War which one should never forget. Ken Adelman is a close friend of and adviser to Dick Cheney. The Washington Post, the New York Times and other liberal mainstream media outlets bombarded Americans with this war

[political-research] Your Own Google Books Library, and More

2007-09-06 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Your Own Google Books Library, and More via Google Blogoscoped by Philipp Lenssen on 9/6/07 Google Books My Library Google has added a new feature to Google Books called My Library. Just click on the Add to my library link below book search result

[political-research] Zogby Poll: 51% of Americans Want Congress to Probe Bush/Cheney Re: 9/11 Attacks

2007-09-06 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Zogby Poll: 51% of Americans Want Congress to Probe Bush/Cheney Regarding 9/11 Attacks via 911Blogger.com - Paying Attention to 9/11 Related Alternative News by GeorgeWashington on 9/6/07 911Truth.org has just released the results of its new poll

[political-research] Envisioning the Next Chapter for Electronic Books

2007-09-06 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Envisioning the Next Chapter for Electronic Books via NYT Home Page by BRAD STONE on 9/6/07 Two new offerings from Web giants this fall will test if consumers are ready to leave the paper book behind. Things you can do from here: - Visit the

[political-research] Thomas Friedman: Hooked On War

2007-09-06 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Thomas Friedman: Hooked On War via CommonDreams.org by CommonDreams on 9/6/07 Reading his Letter From Baghdad column in the New York Times on Wednesday, you'd never know that Thomas Friedman has a history of enthusiasm for war. Now he laments that

[political-research] Charlie Rose interview of Robert Novak

2007-09-06 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Charlie Rose interview of Robert Novak via Gorilla in the Room by Brian on 9/6/07 Robert Novak tells it like it is, once again. CHARLIE ROSE: Is it hard for a journalist to criticize Israel? ROBERT NOVAK: Well, you suffer if you do. I think.

[political-research] My Library at Google Books

2007-09-06 Thread Sean McBride
I'm just starting to fill up My Library at Google Books, here: http://books.google.com/books?as_list=BDVm1b7gQ2eq-w_v2m7ViGhS4w825UF_U3LdOwSq5yF8BTPBICA Feel free to share your own Google Book libraries (I'm quite curious). This feature, plus the addition of search to Google Reader, mark a

[political-research] New Israel Lobby book by Mearsheimer and Walt reviewed by NY Times

2007-09-06 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: New Israel Lobby book by Mearsheimer and Walt reviewed by NY Times via On the Contrary by Michael A. Hoffman II on 9/6/07 A Prosecutorial Brief Against the Israeli Regime and Its Supporters Editor's Note: A review by William Grimes of John J.

[political-research] The Cheney's CAFE Where everything on the menu is dripping in oil...

2007-09-06 Thread rosegojda
_Public Citizen | Auto Safety Group | Auto Safety - Cheney's CAFE_ (http://www.citizen.org/autosafety/fuelecon/articles.cfm?ID=17054) Welcome to Cheney's CAFE Where everything on the menu is dripping in oil... Learn all about the high-level meetings that plotted how to gut fuel economy

Re: [political-research] Israeli Gatekeepers in the Psychedelic Community

2007-09-06 Thread Sean McBride
I would love to see a list of white ethnic nationalists or white supremacists who are active in the contemporary American power elite (members of the CFR, Forbes billionaires, etc.). Who are they? George W. Bush is a Christian Zionist, not a Nazi. Karl Rove has no history of involvement in

Re: [political-research] Israeli Gatekeepers in the Psychedelic Community

2007-09-06 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
well, as lenni brener shows in 51 DOCUMENTS, the zionists and the nazis worked together. then as now. rove's and bush's family involvements with the nazis are well known. - Original Message - From: Sean McBride To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; political-research@yahoogroups.com

[political-research] Bin Laden plans video on 9/11

2007-09-06 Thread Captain May

[political-research] Iraq Documentary: No End in Sight - Willful? Incompetence

2007-09-06 Thread Sean McBride
Regarding the oil issue: [Excerpt] By the way, this Trotskyist website is a believer in the 'war for oil' explanation, which is undermined by the way the occupation has played out. if they wanted to seize the oil resources, it made no sense to destroy the state apparatus, the army, and the

[political-research] Former Congressional OTA Senior Staff Member Calls for New Investigation of 9/11

2007-09-06 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Former Congressional Office of Technology Assessment Senior Staff Member Calls for New Investigation of 9/11 via OpEdNews - OpEdNews.Com Progressive, Tough Liberal News and Opinion on 9/6/07 Joel S. Hirschhorn, PhD, former Senior Staff Member of the

Re: [political-research] Israeli Gatekeepers in the Psychedelic Community

2007-09-06 Thread Sean McBride
There is a major difference between being a powerful white guy and being a militant white nationalist or white supremacist. Similarly, being a powerful African-American doesn't automatically make one a militant black nationalist and being a powerful Jew doesn't automatically make one a

Re: [political-research] Israeli Gatekeepers in the Psychedelic Community

2007-09-06 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
i think katrina speaks for itself. are you saying that the bush crime family is not a white nationalist movement? perhaps it's an internationalist movement. i dont think bush and rove are going to come out and SAY they dont like the bruthas anytime soon. just thought it was interesting

[political-research] Is Bush Staging Nukes for Iran?

2007-09-06 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Is Bush Staging Nukes for Iran? via Antiwar.com Blog by Eric Garris on 9/6/07 That is the question Larry Johnson asks over at TPMCafe. Johnson is a former counter-terrorism official with the CIA and the State Department. Johnson questions the