
try to draw a "closed track" on the bottom layer surrounding the area you
don't want routes, and give the track the attribute "keepout". With this,
no route on bottom layer may cross this area. It may happen, that the
router places short traces which stay only within this area. Anyway, you
can try. You could place a fill or polygon to cover the area, and give it
the attribute "keepout", but then the router cannot place vias there also.

Mit freundlichem Gruß
Kind regards

Gisbert Auge
N.A.T. GmbH

                    Ray Mitchell                                                       
                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        An:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]                
                    hlink.net>                      Kopie:                             
                                                    Thema:  [PEDA] Creating selective 
                    08.04.2004 17:26                                                   
                    Bitte antworten an                                                 
                    "Protel EDA Forum"                                                 

I'm using Protel 99SE SP6.  I have components on the top and bottom of my
board.  In one area of the bottom I would like the autorouter to be allowed

to place both vias and traces as needed.  In another area of the bottom,
however, I would like it to be able to place vias, as needed for routing on

other layers, but I don't want it to be able to place any traces.  I've
tried specifying NOT USED in the design rules for the bottom layer but when

I do that it will not route anything anywhere.  Any thoughts on this?

Ray Mitchell
Engineer, Code 2732
SPAWAR Systems Center
San Diego, CA. 92152

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