Hello All

I have noted that some interest in dCSM (www.ionos.com) 
has been raised as a solution to problems with the management
of Protel component libraries.  

With dCSM a easily searched database of parts is referenced to 
the Protel schematic symbol and PCB libraries to enable direct 
placement of parts into the schematic.  When parts are thus 
placed a company part number and any other user defined part 
data is automatically inserted into any of the Part Text Fields 
and/or Part Fields.  dCSM has been designed to make parts easy to 
create, manage and search.

Three important points:

1. dCSM is free for up to two CONCURRENT users.
2. For the automated linking to Protel you need the 
"dCSM Protel Interface". Release of this is imminent 
(approx. 1 week).  Pricing will be available then.
3. Even without the Protel interface dCSM is useful for managing parts.

Craig Rose
Aspiring Technology Pty Ltd
(Distributor of dCSM)

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