I think your idea is a very good one Phillip.  W.r.t. compacting, we just
need to remember to empty the '.ddb' recycle bin prior to doing this.  When
zipped (and I suggest this become a required rule for such an exchange
site), ddbs pack down pretty well - often to about 10% of original size and
it's a reliable way of ensuring the files are transferred error-free.

Further, I wonder if such a site might stipulate as a preference that any
posted contributions are stripped of most 'surrounding' information in the
design files that bears no relationship to the problem, or fix.  I guess
there will be exceptions for example where deleting apparently unrelated
information of any sort will cause the problem to exhibit different symptoms
or even disappear.  An added benefit of this is that I have gone through
this sort of process many times when attempting to communicate a problem to
a colleague and ended up solving it myself in this way.

Jim Parr

----- Original Message -----
From: Phillip Stevens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Multiple recipients of list proteledausers
Sent: Sunday, 4 February 2001 12:08
Subject: Re[2]: [PROTEL EDA USERS]: Suggestions for improving Protel...

> I think one thing which might be even more useful than maintaining
>  another list is some ftp space where we could all exchange example
>  files of problems,  and also a place where Protel could pick them up.
>  I've had problems in the past emailing large ddb's (didn't know at
>  the time about compacting them,  and haven't tried since to see if
>  doing this makes them small enough to email).
>  Someplace to exchange ddbs,  with different areas for the following
>  - to ask a question of the group
>  - to submit what you think is a bug
>  - to collect what the group thinks is a bug
>  This might be tied in with the suggestions list,  by providing a url link
to the example
>  problem file.
> ---Phil
> IW> On 11:15 AM 2/02/2001 +0000, Rob Malos said:
> IW> I suggest two lists - long term wish lists (for new version of the
> IW> and short term (service pack) fixes. I am happy to maintain the long
> IW> list if desired. We also need to try to list what the bugs are if
> IW> - I know this is hard but we will need to try to prioritise the list
> IW> possible and that includes bug fixes.  Problem is we do not have any
way of
> IW> tracking confirmed bugs.
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