At 06:04 PM 9/14/01 -0700, Mike Ingle wrote:

>I need to keep several mm clear around an op amp input.  On the power planes
>this is easy, as I just place a fill on the plane, and that removes the
>copper (I hope).
>I am also placing a gnd pour on the top and bottom layers.  I have found
>that a fill on the keep out layer works to keep the area clear of the
>poly-plane, but causes DRC errors.  is there a more correct way to do this?

It is better to use a clearance rule for that net. This will cause the 
copper pour to have the appropriate clearance; I think it also works with 
the negative planes, i.e., the pads for that net will have larger blow-outs 
according to the clearance -- I haven't checked this lately -- (but if you 
want to keep other inner layers clear as well you may need to do something 
on those layers such as place a fill).

If you *do* want to use a keepout, make it a layer-specific keepout, not 
the keepout layer (which affects all layers), but this is a more clumsy way 
to do the job and will not be correct by rule as will setting a clearance 
rule with net scope.

Abdulrahman Lomax
Easthampton, Massachusetts USA

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