[protest-ro] uite ce mai primesc pe YM ;)

2005-06-15 Fir de Conversatie Codruta
Ziarist debutant, nemediatizat suficient, telegenic, par cret, viril, dornic de aventura si neprevazut caut rapitor irakian, serios, de orice sex, posesor de: Kalasnikov , locuinta proprietate personala, camera separata, baie cu apa calda, mic dejun inclus, TV, camera video digitala, patura de p

[protest-ro] Fw: [romania-economics] (BN ) Regal Shares Fall on Report of Executive Crime Probe

2005-06-15 Fir de Conversatie Codruta
Scuze ca n-am observat la timp mesajul asta :) - e din 6 iunie... Codruta From: "BOGDAN PREDA, BLOOMBERG/ NEWSROOM:" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Regal Shares Fall on Report of Executive Crime Probe (Update2) 2005-06-06 07:05 (New York) (Adds spokesman in fifth paragraph, link to Romanian mining

[protest-ro] Dezbatere Publica: "Agricultura Romana - UE"

2005-06-15 Fir de Conversatie Centrul de Informare OMG
DEZBATEREA PUBLICA Agricultura Romana fata in fata cu UE Dezbaterea va avea loc la Universitatea Stiintifica de Agronomie si Medicina Veterinara Cluj-Napoca (USAMV) in data de 22 iunie 2005 intre orele 10.00 – 13.00, in sala “A4”. Teme abordate: Agricul


2005-06-15 Fir de Conversatie Asociatia Altermedia
[Chris Kempling este inca o victima a campaniei impotriva normalitatii, dusa de Noua Ordine Mondiala. Politia Gandirii este de data aceasta din Canada - tara in care "casatoriile" intre perversi sunt pe cale de a fi legalizate definitiv de Parlament - si se numeste British Columbia College of T

[protest-ro] I got my wireless router with PC card............

2005-06-15 Fir de Conversatie Alex M.
Some good news! I went on Ebay and bought a wireless router and a PC card,so,today it finally arrived! It`s the Netgear WG 511T with the WGT 624.Any opinions on it? Now I can actually take my laptop with me in the balcony when I smoke,or late at night or whatever! Didn`t realized that since my a

Re: [protest-ro] I got my wireless router with PC card............

2005-06-15 Fir de Conversatie Uplink
Send that laptop to me, so I can check if your wireless works half a planet away too :) Alex M. wrote: > Some good news! >I went on Ebay and bought a wireless router and a PC card,so,today it >finally arrived! >It`s the Netgear WG 511T with the WGT 624.Any opinions on it? >Now I can actually t

Re: [protest-ro] I got my wireless router with PC card............

2005-06-15 Fir de Conversatie Codruta
From: "Alex M." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Now,can anyone tell me how do I find these"hot spots"I hear so much on the > net about?Just take my laptop and walk around hotels and hospitals? Cam greu - pentru ca in Romania cred ca nu sunt decat vreo 10 - dintre care vreo5 in Bucuresti (unul cred ca e la